THE BRONTES勃朗特三姐妹presentation演讲稿

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第一篇:THE BRONTES勃朗特三姐妹presentation演讲稿

Charlotte was born in 1816, the third of six children.In 1820 her family moved a few miles to the village of Haworth, where her father had been appointed Perpetual curate of St Michael and All Angels Church.Her mother died of cancer on 15 September 1821, leaving five daughters, Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Emily, Anne and a son Branwell to be taken care of by her sister, Elizabeth Branwell.In August 1824, Patrick Brontë sent Charlotte, Emily, Maria and Elizabeth to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire.Charlotte maintained the school's poor conditions permanently affected her health and physical development and hastened the deaths of Maria(born 1814)and Elizabeth(born 1815), who died of tuberculosis in June 1825.After the deaths of her older sisters, her father removed Charlotte and Emily from the school.Charlotte used the school as the basis for Lowood School in Jane Eyre.At home in Haworth Parsonage Charlotte acted as “the motherly friend and guardian of her younger sisters”.[citation needed] She and her surviving siblings — Branwell, Emily, and Anne – created their own literary fictional worlds and began chronicling the lives and struggles of the inhabitants of their imaginary kingdoms.Charlotte and Branwell wrote Byronic stories about their imagined country, “Angria”, and Emily and Anne wrote articles and poems about “Gondal”.The sagas they created were elaborate and convoluted(and exist in partial manuscripts)and provided them with an obsessive interest during childhood and early adolescence which prepared them for literary vocations in adulthood.Between 1831 and 1832 Charlotte continued her education at Roe Head in Mirfield, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondents, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor.In 1833 she wrote a novella, The Green Dwarf, using the name Wellesley.She returned to Roe Head as a teacher from 1835 to 1838.In 1839 she took up the first of many positions as governess to families in Yorkshire, a career she pursued until 1841.In particular, from May to July 1839 she was employed by the Sidgwick family at their summer residence, Stone Gappe, in Lothersdale, where one of her charges was John Benson Sidgwick(1835–1927), an unruly child who on one occasion threw a Bible at Charlotte, an incident which may have been the inspiration for that part of the opening chapter of Jane Eyre in which John Reed throws a book at the young Jane.Emily Brontë was born on 30 July 1818 in the village of Thornton, Yorkshire, in the North of England, to Maria Branwelland Patrick Brontë.She was the younger sister of Charlotte Brontë and the fifth of six children, though the two oldest girls, Maria and Elizabeth, died in childhood.In 1820, shortly after the birth of Emily's younger sisterAnne, the family moved eight miles away to Haworth, where Patrick was employed as perpetual curate;here the children developed their literary talents.After the death of their mother in September 1821 from cancer, when Emily was three years old, the older sistersMaria, Elizabeth and Charlotte were sent to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge, where they encountered abuse and privations later described by Charlotte in Jane Eyre.At the age of six, Emily joined her sisters at school for a brief period.When a typhoid epidemic swept the school, Maria and Elizabeth caught it.Maria, who may actually have hadtuberculosis, was sent home, where she died.Emily was subsequently removed from the school, in June 1825, along with Charlotte and Elizabeth.Elizabeth died soon after their return home.The three remaining sisters and their brother Patrick Branwell were thereafter educated at home by their father and auntElizabeth Branwell, their mother's sister.Their father, an Irish Anglican clergyman, was very strict, and during the day he would work in his office, while the children were to remain silent in a room together.Despite the lack of formal education, Emily and her siblings had access to a wide range of published material;favourites included Sir Walter Scott, Byron, Shelley, and Blackwood's Magazine.In their leisure time the children began to write fiction at home, inspired by a box of toy soldiers Branwell had received as a gift, and created a number of fantasy worlds, which were featured in stories they wrote – all 'very strange ones' according to Charlotte – and enacted about the imaginary adventures of their toy soldiers along with the Duke of Wellington and his sons, Charles and Arthur Wellesley.Little of Emily's work from this period survives, except for poems spoken by characters.When Emily was 13, she and Anne withdrew from participation in the Angria story and began a new one about Gondal, a fictional island whose myths and legends were to preoccupy the two sisters throughout their lives.With the exception of Emily's Gondal poems and Anne's lists of Gondal's characters and place-names, their writings on Gondal were not preserved.Some “diary papers” of Emily's have survived in which she describes current events in Gondal, some of which were written, others enacted with Anne.One dates from 1841, when Emily was twenty-three: another from 1845, when she was twenty-seven.At seventeen, Emily attended the Roe Head girls' school, where Charlotte was a teacher, but managed to stay only a few months before being overcome by extreme homesickness.She returned home and Anne took her place.At this time, the girls' objective was to obtain sufficient education to open a small school of their own.Emily became a teacher at Law Hill School in Halifax beginning in September 1838, when she was twenty.Her health broke under the stress of the 17-hour work day and she returned home in April 1839.Thereafter she became the stay-at-home daughter, doing most of the cooking, ironing, and cleaning and teaching Sunday school.She taught herself German out of books and practised piano.In 1842, Emily accompanied Charlotte to the Héger Pensionnat in Brussels, Belgium, where they attended the girls' academy run by Constantin Héger.They planned to perfect their French and German in anticipation of opening their school.Nine of Emily's French essays survive from this period.Héger seems to have been impressed with the strength of Emily's character, and made the following assertion: She should have been a man – a great navigator.Her powerful reason would have deduced new spheres of discovery from the knowledge of the old;and her strong imperious will would never have been daunted by opposition or difficulty, never have given way but with life.She had a head for logic, and a capability of argument unusual in a man and rarer indeed in a woman...impairing this gift was her stubborn tenacity of will which rendered her obtuse to all reasoning where her own wishes, or her own sense of right, was concerned.The two sisters were committed to their studies and by the end of the term had attained such competence in French that Madame Héger made a proposal for both to stay another half-year, even offering to dismiss the English master, according to Charlotte, so that she could take his place, while Emily was to teach music.However, the illness and death of their aunt meant that they had to return to Haworth, and though they did try to open a school at their home, they were unable to attract students to the remote area.In 1844, Emily began going through all the poems she had written, recopying them neatly into two notebooks.One was labelled “Gondal Poems”;the other was unlabelled.Scholars such as Fannie Ratchford and Derek Roper have attempted to piece together a Gondal storyline and chronology from these poems.In the autumn of 1845, Charlotte discovered the notebooks and insisted that the poems be published.Emily, furious at the invasion of her privacy, at first refused, but relented when Anne brought out her own manuscripts and revealed she had been writing poems in secret as well.In 1846, the sisters' poems were published in one volume as Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.The Brontë sisters had adopted pseudonyms for publication, preserving their initials: Charlotte was Currer Bell, Emily was Ellis Bell and Anne was Acton Bell.Charlotte wrote in the 'Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell' that their “ambiguous choice” was “dictated by a sort of conscientious scruple at assuming Christian names positively masculine, while we did not like to declare ourselves women, because...we had a vague impression that authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice”.Charlotte contributed 20 poems, and Emily and Anne each contributed 21.Although the sisters were told several months after publication that only two copies had sold, they were not discouraged(of their two readers, one was impressed enough to request their autographs).The Athenaeum reviewer praised Ellis Bell's work for its music and power, singling out his poems as the best: “Ellis possesses a fine, quaint spirit and an evident power of wing that may reach heights not here attempted”,[37] and The Critic reviewer recognized “the presence of more genius than it was supposed this utilitarian age had devoted to the loftier exercises of the intellect.”[38] Personality and character Emily Brontë remains a mysterious figure and a challenge to biographers because information about her is sparse,[39] due to her solitary and reclusive nature.[40][41] She does not seem to have made any friends outside her family.[42] Her sister Charlotte remains the primary source of information about her, although as Emily's elder sister, writing publicly about her shortly after her death, Charlotte is not a neutral witness.[43] According to Lucasta Miller, in her analysis of Brontë biographies, “Charlotte took on the role of Emily's first mythographer.”[44] In the Preface to the Second Edition of Wuthering Heights, in 1850, Charlotte wrote: My sister's disposition was not naturally gregarious;circumstances favoured and fostered her tendency to seclusion;except to go to church or take a walk on the hills, she rarely crossed the threshold of home.Though her feeling for the people round was benevolent, intercourse with them she never sought;nor, with very few exceptions, ever experienced.And yet she know them: knew their ways, their language, their family histories;she could hear of them with interest, and talk of them with detail, minute, graphic, and accurate;but WITH them, she rarely exchanged a word.[45][46] Emily's unsociability and extremely shy nature has subsequently been reported many times.[47][48][49] According to Norma Crandall, her “warm, human aspect” was “usually revealed only in her love of nature and of animals”.[50] In a similar description, Literary news(1883)states: “[Emily] loved the solemn moors, she loved all wild, free creatures and things”,[51] and critics attest that her love of the moors is manifest in Wuthering Heights.[52] Over the years, Emily's love of nature has been the subject of many anecdotes.A newspaper dated December 31, 1899, gives the folksy account that “with bird and beast [Emily] had the most intimate relations, and from her walks she often came with fledgling or young rabbit in hand, talking softly to it, quite sure, too, that it understood”.The following anecdote is also related: Once she was bitten by a dog that she saw running by in great distress, and to which she offered water.The dog was mad.She said no word to any one, but herself burned the lacerated flesh to the bone with the red hot poker, and no one knew of it until the red scar was accidentally discovered some weeks after, and sympathetic questioning brought out this story.In Queens of Literature of the Victorian Era(1886), Eva Hope summarizes Emily's character as “a peculiar mixture of timidity and Spartan-like courage”, and goes on to say, “She was painfully shy, but physically she was brave to a surprising degree.She loved few persons, but those few with a passion of self-sacrificing tenderness and devotion.To other people's failings she was understanding and forgiving, but over herself she kept a continual and most austere watch, never allowing herself to deviate for one instant from what she considered her duty.”


Good morning,everyone.It’s my pleasure to introduce my hometown,especially as the first to eat crab [kræb].Have you ever heard of the tower [ˈtauə]? Yes, it’s Yellow Crane [krein] Tower.(Chinese: 黄鹤楼).It is a famous and historic [hisˈtɔrik] tower, and built in the year 223 AD.The tower is the landmark in Hubei province [ˈprɔvins].Yes, I come from Hubei.At first, I will give an overview [ˈəʊvəˌvju:] of Hubei.Hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [ləʊˈkeɪtɪd] in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with Wuhan as the provincial [prəˈvɪnʃəl] capital[ ˈkæpitl], and Qichun as my birthplace.Hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [ˈpri:fektʃuə]-level city, and 102 counties.It is well known as “a thoroughfare [ˈθɜ:rəʊˌfeə] of 9 provinces(Chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway.Hubei is the birthplace for Chu culture.Chu culture is a highly developed and unique [ju:ˈni:k] style regional culture in south china from the eastern Zhou period to the end of the Qin dynasty [ˈdainəsti].it reaches a fairly high level in many aspects [ˈæspekt] like bronze [brɔnz] casting, handicraft [ˈhændi:ˌkræft] industry, porcelain [ˈpɔ:slin], music, literature [ˈlitəritʃə] and painting, and so on.Hubei, known as”the province with a thousand lakes”and “the land of fish and rice”, is one of the major areas in China to produce rice, cotton, oil and fish.With its solid [ˈsɔlid] industrial foundations, Hubei has a system of modern industry.Its main industries includes electricity, metallurgy [ˈmetlˌɜ:dʒi:], machinery, electronic [ɪlɛkˈtrɑnɪk] information, and so on.The economy of Hubei province is in rapid development in recent years, and will obtain new opportunities [ˌɔpəˈtju:niti] in future..Higher education level of Hubei province is in the front of whole country, the number of college students is 1.3 million, of which more than 1.05 million in wuhan.When you come to a new city, maybe you are most concerned about the local [ˈləukəl] diet, so I focused on catering [ˈkeɪtərɪŋ] culture.Hubei cuisine [kwɪˈzi:n] composed[kəmˈpəuz] of three kinds of local dishes from Wuhan, Jingzhou and Huangzhou.Hot-and-dry noodles is the best choice for breakfast in Wuhan.Wuchang fish, that is produced in the vicinity [viˈsiniti] of Wuchang, as early as 1,700 years ago in the Three Kingdoms period, has been well known in north-south river.Chairman Mao Zedong said, “Having had water in Changsha, now I am having fish in Wuchang”.The famous poem was published, so Wuchang fish is even more famous in world.At last, I will give an introduction about my birthplace.Qichun County(Chinese: 蕲春县)is a county of Huanggang, Hubei.Qichun County is the birthplace of famous herbalist [ˈhɜ:bəlɪst] Li Shizhen, who was born and lived in Qizhou town, on the southern edge of the County, alongside the Yangtze River.In turn, Qichun is a major center of the herbal industry in China.Four local specialties [ˈspeʃəlti:] of Qichun are Ay Tsao, bamboo, turtle [ˈtə:tl] and snake, and they are called The four treasures in Qichun.They have good medicinal [mɪˈdɪsənəl] value in traditional Chinese medicine.All of the above is my hometown.Thank you for your attention.


good afternoon,everyone.he is my favorite you know the chinese meaning of ‘vae’?he does not look handsome at all.sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented.his was born on 14th march,in 1986.he graduated from anhui medical university.attention,he is a doctor.isn’t it amazing that xusong turns to be a famous musian finally? roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。)star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱)sad lyrics,sad melody,vae’s interpretation(艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad.vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.he is my idol.his perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.篇二:英语presentation演讲稿

before i start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;.yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: to be good netizens.nowadays we have stepped in a totally new age, in which we mainly receive the information from the internet.and we can see,the netizen population is growing fast the last 2000 it was just several millions of netizens in china but now, ten years later, we have more than 50 million.this number increased so fast that we have no time for preparing, so this lead to the situation that i show you before.and why that situation is so bad, let’s look at this picture.we can see, besides the large number, we have another problem: most of the netizens are young people;in other words, the next generation.such a bad internet environment can really influence their future, which means: influence our nation’s future.and although there is many benefits, we should first know whether our movement helps(even if just help a tiny little.)these are four big events which we netizens make many contributions: the event of south china tiger, the 2008 olympic, the train event, and the event of extracting bile from live bears.with our effort, a lot more people know these four events and that really helped to force the government to deal with it more we now know a good harmonious environment is important and we do can take actions to help create why do we move right now.and these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go.篇三:presentation演讲稿 at first, i will give an overview [???v??vju:] of hubei.hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and qichun as my birthplace.hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?]-level city, and 102 is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9 provinces(chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway.hubei is the birthplace for chu culture.chu culture is a highly developed and unique [ju:?ni:k] style regional culture in south china from the eastern zhou period to the end of the qin dynasty [?dain?sti].it reaches a fairly high level in many aspects [??spekt] like bronze [br?nz] casting, handicraft [?h?ndi:?kr?ft] industry, porcelain [?p?:slin], music, literature [?lit?rit??] and painting, and so on.hubei, known as”the province with a thousand lakes”and “the land of fish and rice”, is one of the major areas in china to produce rice, cotton, oil and fish.with its solid [?s?lid] industrial foundations, hubei has a system of modern industry.its main industries includes electricity, metallurgy [?metl??:d?i:], machinery, electronic [?l?k?trɑn?k] information, and so on.the economy of hubei province is in rapid development in recent years, and will obtain new opportunities [??p??tju:niti] in future..higher education level of hubei province is in the front of whole country, the number of college students is 1.3 million, of which more than 1.05 million in wuhan.wuchang fish, that is produced in the vicinity [vi?siniti] of wuchang, as early as 1,700 years ago in the three kingdoms period, has been well known in north-south river.chairman mao zedong said, having had water in changsha, now i am having fish in wuchang.the famous poem was published, so wuchang fish is even more famous in last, i will give an introduction about my birthplace.qichun county(chinese: 蕲春县)is a county of huanggang, hubei.qichun county is the birthplace of famous herbalist [?h?:b?l?st] li shizhen, who was born and lived in qizhou town, on the southern edge of the county, alongside the yangtze turn, qichun is a major center of the herbal industry in china.four local specialties [?spe??lti:] of qichun are ay tsao, bamboo, turtle [?t?:tl] and snake, and they are called the four treasures in qichun.they have good medicinal [m??d?s?n?l] value in traditional chinese medicine.all of the above is my hometown.thank you for your attention.篇四:presentation.smile演讲ppt 篇五:英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句


“good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“


“let me introduce myself.i’m ulrike huber, manager’s assistant...”

“i am a consultant to...”


“the subject of today’s presentation is...”

“i’ll give you an overview of...”

“today i want to update you on...”


“let me first give you a brief overview.” “i’ll start off by explaining..., then focus on...” “i’ll be talking about...first, then move on to...”

英文邀请信范本(salutation), i would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___(days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___(date).this visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___ division’s work on(subject of meetings, workshop, discussions, or research).we will provide you with workspace and other work-related support as needed.we understand that you will arrange funding for the remainder of your expenses.if you have any questions about the visit, please contact ___ at(tel.)___ or by email ___.if you have questions about these requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the individual mentioned above.any questions regarding your immigration status should be addressed to mr.____ from ____.示用例句: i’d like to begin by telling you that was the background...let’s move on to...if you look at this diagram, you can see...that brings me sum up then,...i’d like to conclude by saying...thank you very much for your attention.if you have any questions, i’ll be happy to answer them now.despite our pressing need for delivery and a lot of troubles caused to your loading work, at the last minute the ____(product’s name)has been dispatched successfully.we appreciate so much your intense devotion to work and the firm stance of bearing clients’ interest in mind and will understand if you 催货款的邮件 dear mr.smith, with eyes open widely, we regret not have seen your payment yet.we presume you must have once again overlooked your outstanding account with us.we for the last time request your immediate payment for ____(amount)before ____(date).please think it over if it is worthwhile for you to spend additional money and extra time if missing the time again!洽谈单价 the price for 33 euro has increased to 33.5 euro, packing charge and freight remaining unchanged.we thank you for your understanding and look forward to having a good cooperation with you.开发信 we are marching with big steps towards the best time of the year: christmas with surprises and the new year’s eve with candle lights and sweet cookies.wish you enjoy the preparation time and gifts of the celebration!在商务信函中常用的提醒付款句式举例: we wish to call your attention to the enclosed account which is now past due.we shall appreciate your prompt remittance.兹随函附上逾期账单,提醒注意。如蒙迅速支付甚为感激。please consider this letter as a friendly reminder.谨以此函向贵方做出友好的支付提醒。although we have sent you many reminders before, you have not reimbursed our bill of __(date)until today.尽管多次提醒您付款,您至今对我们__(日期)的账单仍未履行付款义务。please recall the payment dated __(date).我们提醒您__(日期)付款。we would like to call your special attention to our bill.我们想提请贵方特别注意我公司的帐单。

客户满意度是我们衡量服务的标准.customers’ satisfactions are the standard of our service.我们老板重视质过于量,还看重顾客满意度。our boss emphasizes quality over quantity and customer satisfaction.国际业务部从各方面完善自我,以提高客户满意度。international business department seeks for improvement wherever we can in order to serve our customers to their entire satisfaction.将客户满意率从80%提升至85%.increased the rate of customer satisfaction from 80% to 85%.销售业绩和客户满意度是工作衡量的重要指标。this job will be measured by sales performance and customer satisfaction level.我们提供100%顾客满意服务。we offer 100% customer satisfaction services.我们的成功取决于客户是否满意。our success depends on customer satisfaction.因资金紧张我们不得不放弃原方案。we have to give up our project for shortage of funds.the point is that we are short of funds.问题是我们短缺资金。our funds are running low.我们的资金越来越少。

现在我们公司的资金相当紧张。disease in the running of the economy in china, which intensified the financial strain of enterprises and made many enterprises hard to continue their production and operation.企业相互拖欠货款,应收帐款居高不下,已成为我国经济运行中的一大顽症,加剧了企业资金紧张的局面,也使不少企业生产经营难以为继。


Good afternoon,everyone.Turn on the QQ music chart,the first is always JAY,and the followed is VAE,a spotless(一尘不染的)clean boy and have the name of his photo,light smile.People can’t imagine that this is a boy who has high popularity in the Internet.He is my favorite singer---Vae.Do you know the Chinese meaning of ‘Vae’?He does not look handsome at all.Sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented.His was born on 14th March,in 1986.He graduated from AnHui Medical University.Attention,he is a doctor.Isn’t it amazing that XuSong turns to be a famous musianfinally?

So far he realeased four albums.And I would like to point out that the albums are his own independence,including the lyricsist,composer,arranger,singing,production and cover designing.Roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。)Star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱)Sad lyrics,sad melody,Vae’s interpretation(艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad.Except for the intelligence of music,Vae also is good at writing.During his student’s ages,more than 20 articles were published by《萌芽》、《少年文艺》.He once wrote a composition《把伤痕当酒窝》which was used in JiangSu province as a College Entrance Examination question.Also,he play computer very well.He won the first of ‘xunfei’ in 2001 cup national webpage designing match in Anhui.Vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.He is my idol.His perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.



-Hello, everyone.So, just let’s start our topic now.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you something about ‘smile’ here.Over the next ten minutes, you are going to hear about something that will change the way your live your life.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-In fact, I am going to examine these topics in the following order.Let’s look at the screen please.[点课件,直到四个小标题全部出现]

This is the whole structure of my presentation.======== Ok, let’s start from the chapter1.[点小标题一的超链接,直到大小黑色标题出现。]

As you see, here I’ll show you some pictures and everyone here please think of the feelings of them.========

Ababy with her father on the beach, smiling.Alittle girl with her lovely toy bear, smiling.Afarmer in the harvest season, smiling.An old grandmother with her little grandson in the Spring Festival, smiling.Ok, Let’s look at this question.If we ourselves fill in the blank, what should be included?

【……】or what?

-As far as I am concerned, smiling just means a kind of warmth.It sends us light in the darkness and brings us warm sunlight on a cold winter day.Smiles can break the ice.Smiles are like rainbows.Rainy days end and the sky is beautiful again.-Of course , everyone may have your own answer.I believe you can find it in our everyday life.========-Ok, let’s come into the next part.Part 2,Do u know.Here I would like to tell

you something about ‘smile’ that you may feel so surprised.======== ·Laughing reduces stress and strengthens the immune system.In other words, “laughter is the best medicine.”

·Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes increases heart rate, and can burn up to 240 calories.·Humour improves communication, creativity and overall performance in the workplace.The ability to appreciate humour, the ability to laugh and make other people laugh, actually has physiological effects on the body that cause people to become more bonded.·Smiling reduces the fat and cholesterol build-up in the coronary arteries.·Not only Cartoons but also smile can help children cope with painful

procedures, such as needles or visits to the dentist.======== OK,so much for this part.let’s continue.Part 3.celebrity well-known saying.Here are some famous sentences about smile.let’s have a look and try to remember some.If you are interested in it, just make a note.========

And this one, yes, it’s my Shaw, one of the most famous dramatist in the England.I hope you can get some power of smile and courage.======== SO, it’s time for the final part, part 4.Whenever.·During our journey if people sit at a distance freely talk with smile, suddenly our loneness cut down.·Every time we open the door and see the neighbor’s smiling face, we will devote ourselves to working more positively.·We make telephone to our relatives with a smile even though they cannot see our smile, there is no doubt that our voice has already sent love signal.·What makes us deliver speeches without nervousness in public and gain success is the audience’ big smile.·When we confronted with tough tasks, co-workers’ smile means support and encouragement, from which we can easily get confidence and energy to overcome difficulties.· The smile between lovers are quite sweet, everyone pass them by, can feel the happiness and is deeply affected.·When we get knowledge from book, work or other experience, we grow up gradually,showing a mature smile.·with no doubt ,families who are always by our side can bring us the biggest smile!!


So, what are you thinking of after seeing these pictures..?

In fact,Smiles show love and friendship.Teachers' smiles encourage us.Mothers' smiles warm us.Friends' smiles make us feel closer.We welcome smiles from others.And we should give others our smiles too.No one is

richer than a man who often smiles at others.If a man doesn't smile at you, just smile at him.Smiles help you forget your sadness.Life is a long road.Why not cover it with smiles?

================================= In conclusion, I hope all of you here have found this useful and would like to see you live with smile every day.That’s all, thank u.If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

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    英语 presentation 演讲稿

    -Hello, everyone. So, just let’s start our topic now. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you something about ‘smile’ here. Over the next ten min......


    Before I start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;.Yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: To be good netizens. Nowadays we have stepped in a tot......

    My Presentation(英文演讲稿)

    My presentation is about PPT. I think making a good PPT is a difficult work for us. I hope my presentation can help you. What do you think is the most importan......

    english presentation 英语演讲稿

    The mobile phone Hello every one! I’m very glad to give a presentation for you. My topic is The Mobile Phone. If you have any question, we can have a discuss a......


    2015感恩奉献演讲稿 第1篇:感恩奉献演讲稿鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让它高耸;我感恩,很多很多人...... 我感恩我的父......


    别装若无其事 别装冭过逞强 别装自命不凡我要的幸福╮ 我要的美好╮ 我要的温馨╮ s1ng 丶夏兮 s1ng 丶夏末 s1ng 丶夏天〆﹏夏沫〆﹏夏尛 〆﹏夏茹 KiSs↗吖头KiSs↗幺妹KiSs......


    三姐妹朋友圈说说4篇 三姐妹朋友圈说说1,是姐妹淘之间永不过时的话题,我们乐此不疲。2.把心跳交给脸红把你交给我。3.不管你多美或多丑,我都依然爱你,皮囊会骗人,但我们的......

    关于global warming的presentation演讲稿

    First of all, thank you very much, Prof. Liu, for the opportunity you give us. It is a very great pleasure indeed for us to make a conference report on the stag......