
时间:2019-05-14 16:49:38下载本文作者:会员上传







I have just been to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted.我刚去过白金汉宫,女王陛下要我组建新政府,我接受了。

In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern prime minister.Under David's leadership, the government stabilized the economy, reduced the budget deficit, and helped more people into work than ever before.我沿戴维·卡梅伦的足迹前行,他是一位伟大、现代的首相。在卡梅伦的领导下,政府稳定了经济,降低了财政赤字,帮助比以往更多的人找到工作。

But David's true legacy is not about the economy, but about social justice.From the introduction of same-sex marriage, to taking people on low wages out of income tax altogether.但戴维真正的遗产并非搞经济,而是社会公正。他认可同性婚姻,让低收入人群彻底免交所得税。

David Cameron has led a one nation government and it is in that spirit that I also plan to lead.Because not everybody knows this, but the full title of my party is the Conservative and Unionist Party.And that word Unionist is very important to me.It means we believe in the Union.That precious, precious bond betweenEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.卡梅伦领导了一国政府,我将本着这种精神执政。不是所有人都清楚,我所在的党的全称是保守和统一党。统一一词对我而言至关重要。这表明我相信统一,这是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰之间十分珍贵的结合。

But it means something else that is just as important.It means that we believe in a Union not just of the nations of the United Kingdom, but between all of our citizens.Every one of us, whoever we are and wherever we are from.可它还意味着同样重要的东西,它意味着我们不仅相信联合王国的统一,还相信所有公民的统一,每个人,不论我们是谁,我们从哪里来。

That means fighting against the burning injustice that if you are born poor, you will die on average nine years earlier than others.If you're black, you're treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you are white.那意味着要反对迫切的不公正。如果你出身贫穷,就比其他人少活九年;如果你是黑人,相比于白人会受到司法体系更严厉的惩罚。

If you're a white, working-class boy, you're less likely than anyone else in Britain to go to university.If you're at a state school, you're less likely to reach the top professions than if you were educated privately.如果你是白人工人阶级的男孩,在英国上大学的机会最低。如果你上国立学校,相比接受私立教育的人获得顶尖工作的机会要少。

If you are a woman, you will earn less than a man.If you suffer from mental health problems, there's not enough help to hand.If you're young, you'll find it harder than ever before to own your own home.如果你是一个妇女,你赚的比男人少。如果你有精神疾病,会缺少帮助。如果你是年轻人,会比前人更难拥有自己的住房。

But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than just fighting these injustices.可让英国成为为所有人服务这一使命不仅意味着应对这些不公。

If you're from an ordinary working-class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realize.You have the job, but you don't always have the job security.如果你来自普通工人阶级家庭,生活比政府里许多人知道的更艰难。你有工作,可往往并不稳定。

You have your own home, but you worry about paying the mortgage.You can just about manage, but you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.你有房子,可担心付不起月供。你还能凑合活,却担心生活费增加,没法把孩子送进好学校。

If you're one of those families.If you're just managing.I want to address you directly.I know you're working around the clock, I know you're doing your best, and I know that sometimes, life can be a struggle.The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of a privileged few, but by yours.如果你来自这些家庭,如果你也凑合活着,我想要直接和你说:我知道你起早贪黑,我知道你竭尽全力,我知道生活有时是一种挣扎。我领导的政府不会被一小撮特权群体的利益驱使,而会因你的利益而奔走。

We will do everything we can to give you more control over your lives.When we take the big calls, we'll think not of the powerful but you.When we pass new laws, we'll listen not to the mighty, but you.When it comes to taxes we'll prioritize not the wealthy, but you.When it comes to opportunity, we won't entrench the advantages of the fortunate few.我们将尽一切所能让你更好掌控自己的生活。我们做重大决定时,我们想的不是那些有权之人,而是你们。我们通过新法时,我们不听那些有势之人,而是你们。当收税时,我们不会优先考虑那些有钱之人,而是你们。当提供机会时,我们不会只给予那些少数幸运之人。

We will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.我们将尽一切所能帮助所有人,不论你背景如何,都让你能发挥所长。

We are living through an important moment in our country's history.Following the referendum we face a time of great national change.And I know because we're Great Britain, we will rise to the challenge.我们经历着国家历史上一个重要时刻。公投后我们面临着国家重大变革的时代。我知道因为我们是大不列颠,我们将迎接挑战。

As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold, new positive role for ourselves in the world.And we will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for every one of us.我们离开了欧盟,我们会在世界上打造一个勇敢、积极的新角色。我们要让英国成为不为少数特权阶级服务的国家,一个为每个人服务的国家。

That will be the mission of the government I lead, and together, we will build a better Britain.这是我领导政府的使命,我们一起努力,就会建成一个更美好的英国。

“Together, we will build a better Britain."




当地时间13日,特蕾莎·梅在唐宁街10号发表就职演讲,正式接任英国首相,成为英国史上第二位女首相。在演讲中她称,脱欧使英国面临着重大改变,但她相信英国将“迎难而上”,她的使命是“建设一个更美好的英国”。Statement from the New Prime Minister Theresa MayI have just been to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted.我刚去过白金汉宫,女王陛下要我组建新政府,我接受了。

In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern prime minister.Under David's leadership, the government stabilized the economy, reduced the budget deficit, and helped more people into work than ever before.我沿戴维·卡梅伦的足迹前行,他是一位伟大、现代的首相。在卡梅伦的领导下,政府稳定了经济,降低了财政赤字,帮助比以往更多的人找到工作。

But David's true legacy is not about the economy, but about social justice.From the introduction of same-sex marriage, to taking people on low wages out of income tax altogether.但戴维真正的遗产并非搞经济,而是社会公正。他认可同性婚姻,让低收入人群彻底免交所得税。

David Cameron has led a one nation government and it is in that spirit that I also plan to lead.Because not everybody knows this, but the full title of my party is the Conservative and Unionist Party.And that word Unionist is very important to me.It means we believe in the Union.That precious, precious bond betweenEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.卡梅伦领导了一国政府,我将本着这种精神执政。不是所有人都清楚,我所在的党的全称是保守和统一党。统一一词对我而言至关重要。这表明我相信统一,这是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰之间十分珍贵的结合。

But it means something else that is just as important.It means that we believe in a Union not just of the nations of the United Kingdom, but between all of our citizens.Every one of us, whoever we are and wherever we are from.可它还意味着同样重要的东西,它意味着我们不仅相信联合王国的统一,还相信所有公民的统一,每个人,不论我们是谁,我们从哪里来。That means fighting against the burning injustice that if you are born poor, you will die on average nine years earlier than others.If you're black, you're treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you are white.那意味着要反对迫切的不公正。如果你出身贫穷,就比其他人少活九年;如果你是黑人,相比于白人会受到司法体系更严厉的惩罚。If you're a white, working-class boy, you're less likely than anyone else in Britain to go to university.If you're at a state school, you're less likely to reach the top professions than if you were educated privately.如果你是白人工人阶级的男孩,在英国上大学的机会最低。如果你上国立学校,相比接受私立教育的人获得顶尖工作的机会要少。If you are a woman, you will earn less than a man.If you suffer from mental health problems, there's not enough help to hand.If you're young, you'll find it harder than ever before to own your own home.如果你是一个妇女,你赚的比男人少。如果你有精神疾病,会缺少帮助。如果你是年轻人,会比前人更难拥有自己的住房。But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than just fighting these injustices.可让英国成为为所有人服务这一使命不仅意味着应对这些不公。If you're from an ordinary working-class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realize.You have the job, but you don't always have the job security.如果你来自普通工人阶级家庭,生活比政府里许多人知道的更艰难。你有工作,可往往并不稳定。You have your own home, but you worry about paying the mortgage.You can just about manage, but you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.你有房子,可担心付不起月供。你还能凑合活,却担心生活费增加,没法把孩子送进好学校。If you're one of those families.If you're just managing.I want to address you directly.I know you're working around the clock, I know you're doing your best, and I know that sometimes, life can be a struggle.The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of a privileged few, but by yours.如果你来自这些家庭,如果你也凑合活着,我想要直接和你说:我知道你起早贪黑,我知道你竭尽全力,我知道生活有时是一种挣扎。我领导的政府不会被一小撮特权群体的利益驱使,而会因你的利益而奔走。We will do everything we can to give you more control over your lives.When we take the big calls, we'll think not of the powerful but you.When we pass new laws, we'll listen not to the mighty, but you.When it comes to taxes we'll prioritize not the wealthy, but you.When it comes to opportunity, we won't entrench the advantages of the fortunate few.我们将尽一切所能让你更好掌控自己的生活。我们做重大决定时,我们想的不是那些有权之人,而是你们。我们通过新法时,我们不听那些有势之人,而是你们。当收税时,我们不会优先考虑那些有钱之人,而是你们。当提供机会时,我们不会只给予那些少数幸运之人。We will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.我们将尽一切所能帮助所有人,不论你背景如何,都让你能发挥所长。

We are living through an important moment in our country's history.Following the referendum we face a time of great national change.And I know because we're Great Britain, we will rise to the challenge.我们经历着国家历史上一个重要时刻。公投后我们面临着国家重大变革的时代。我知道因为我们是大不列颠,我们将迎接挑战。As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold, new positive role for ourselves in the world.And we will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for every one of us.我们离开了欧盟,我们会在世界上打造一个勇敢、积极的新角色。我们要让英国成为不为少数特权阶级服务的国家,一个为每个人服务的国家。That will be the mission of the government I lead, and together, we will build a better Britain.这是我领导政府的使命,我们一起努力,就会建成一个更美好的英国。扫一扫关注译客传说 ,边学外语边涨姿势>.扫一扫 下载译客传说客户端翻译、阅读、探寻多语世界的乐趣



HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。


On behalf of the whole country I'd like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service。


In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and pressing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform。


For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly。针对这些因素,我计划在保守党和自由民主党之间建立一个合适而充分的联盟。我相信,这是为我们国家能提供强大、稳定、良好和合宜的政府的正确途径,而且我们非常需要。

Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today。


I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。

我之所以从政是因为我热爱这个国家。我认为最好的时代近在眼前并且我深信公共服务。我认为服务我们的国家,此刻需要面对真正的挑战,直面困难,作出艰难的决定,并领导人民克服这些困难,这样我们就能共同迈向美好的明天。One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system.Yes, that’s about cleaning up expenses;yes, that’s about reforming parliament;and yes, it’s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。


But I believe it’s also something else.It’s about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its own.Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。但是我相信还有其他方面。就是要诚实地表现政府可能达到的业绩。真正的变革不是仅靠政府之力就能完成的。真正的变革需要所有人齐心协力、众志成城,需要我们每个人履行自己的职责,为自己,为家庭,为社会,也为其他人。

And I want to help build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don’t just ask ‘what are my entitlements?’ but ‘what are my responsibilities?’.One where we don’t just ask ‘what am I just owed?’ but more ‘what can I give?’.And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can’t, we will always help。


I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country.We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead。


Above all, it will be a government that will be built on some clear values – values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility。


I want us to build an economy that rewards work, I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities, and I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again。


This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs, based on those values – rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country。


Those are the things that I care about, those are the things that this government will now start work on doing。

这些就是我关心的事情,这些事情也正是我们的政府即刻开始要处理的。Thank you。





人力资源管理3班23号 撒切尔夫人,一位杰出的女人,从小小的杂货店家庭的女儿,到考上牛津大学,从保守党的以为教育委员到领袖,从保守党领袖,到英国第一位女首相,任期长达11年。放眼当今世界,至今没有女人可以超越她。









HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。


Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。


On behalf of the whole country I‘d like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service。


In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and pressing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform。


For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly。


Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today。

尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)和我都是希望撇开党派差异、为公益事业、为国家利益而努力的领导人。我认为,这是打造我们所需要的强大政府的最佳途径,是打造今天我们需要的果断的政府的最佳途径。

I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。


One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system.Yes, that‘s about cleaning up expenses;yes, that‘s about reforming parliament;and yes, it‘s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。


But I believe it‘s also something else.It‘s about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its own.Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。


And I want to help try and build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don‘t just ask ‗what are my entitlements?‘ but ‗what are my responsibilities?‘.One where we don‘t just ask ‗what am I just owed?‘ but more ‗what can I give?‘.And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can‘t, we will always help。


I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country.We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead。


Above all, it will be a government that will be built on some clear values – values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility。


I want us to build an economy that rewards work, I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities, and I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again。


This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs, based on those values – rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country。


Those are the things that I care about, those are the things that this government will now start work on doing。


Thank you。



AS YOU know, the general election left no party able to command a majority in the House of Commons。


I said I would do all that I could to ensure a strong, stable and principled government was formed, able to tackle Britain‘s economic and political challenges effectively。


My constitutional duty is to make sure that a government can be formed following last Thursday‘s general election。


I have informed the Queen‘s private secretary that it‘s my intention to tender my resignation to the Queen。


In the event that the Queen accepts, I shall advise her to invite the leader of the opposition to form a government.I wish the next prime minister well as he makes the important choices for the future。


Only those who have held the office of prime minister can understand the full weight of its responsibilities and its great capacity for good.I have been privileged to learn much about the very best in human nature, and a fair amount too about its frailties, including my own。


Above all, it was a privilege to serve.And, yes, I loved the job, not for its prestige, its title and its ceremony, which I do not love at all.No, I loved thisjob for its potential, to make this country I love fairer, more tolerant, more green, more democratic, more prosperous and more just – truly a greater Britain。


In the face of many challenges in a few short years, challenges up to and including the global financial meltdown, I have always strived to serve, to do my best in the interests of Britain, its values and its people。


And let me add one thing also。


I will always admire the courage I have seen in our armed forces.And now that the political season is over, let me stress that having shaken their hands and looked into their eyes, our troops represent all that is best in our country, and I will never forget all those who have died in honour and whose families today live in grief。


My resignation as leader of the Labour party will take effect immediately.In this hour I want to thank all my colleagues, ministers, members of parliament.And I want to thank above all my staff who have been friends as well as brilliant servants of the country。


Above all, I want to thank Sarah for her unwavering support, as well as her love, and for her own service to our country。


I thank my sons John and Fraser for the love and joy they bring to our lives。


And as I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first, as a husband and father。


Thank you and goodbye。



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