kobe vs lebron 科比与詹姆斯的比较 英文版

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第一篇:kobe vs lebron 科比与詹姆斯的比较 英文版

I think Lebron James is a phenomenal player.His mother Gloria deserves a special page in the biology text book for mothering such a fine specimen because James seems to add another page to Darwin's theory of evolution.The one thing that I truly could not withstand all this time is that how the NBA, David Stern, Nike, and ESPN(and that means the great John Hollinger)were so eager to place James as the best player of the sport so prematurely.I even wrote an article stating that all the external doting of James will actually hinder his growth.I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with James himself.His work ethic, his competitive attitude is built for playing the highest level.Then again people are entitled to their own opinions so I can't try to take the ice cream cone away from one kid and give to the other kid who deserves it more.Up until now, Lebron James showed plenty of great highlight reels and stats to feed their fans to back him up as the best player.He now has won two regular season MVP awards and from the looks of it, he may be able to win the next five.His fans have stubbornly argued that the ring less James easily crushes Kobe Bryant's accolades solely on regular season accomplishments and future potential alone.I've seen plenty of attempts at this website trying to place James ahead of Jordan.Scary huh?

Well here comes the crunching reality that the James fans finally cannot break away from.For 2 years in a row, James led his team through the regular season with the best record of those seasons.For 2 years in a row, he won the regular season MVP.For 2 years in a row, he entered the playoffs with home court advantage all the way.For 2 years in a row, he was widely believed as the best player in the best team with the best chances of winning a title.He has not only failed to lead the Cavaliers to a Championship both years, but didn't even make out of the east twice already.4-2 loss to the“aging, one and done”Celtics.Oh yeah the Cavaliers also had home court advantage.So what' happening to Kobe Bryant? Um, the same damn thing that's he's proven himself capable of last year.Winning as a leader of his team.So I'll point out some major factors that can blow this dumb excuse of a comparison to rest.1.Best players are complete players.When you hear“complete”it doesn't mean triple doubles or just stacking up high PER(seriously, Hollinger you could not be more myopic).Sure they are awesome achievements but we just saw James making a triple double against the Celtics in game 6 with 9 costly TOs.I'm talking about having a fully packed arsenal.When Kobe was suffering through injuries against the Thunders, he expanded his facilitating role to properly utilize his team by attracting the opposition towards him then opening his teammates for close range high accuracy passes.James puts up high assists but he usually dishes the rock through heavy traffic across long distance which the Celtics blanketed with their defense.Bryant has been a career FT shooter.James has not been truly reliable with his FT in crunch time.Bryant has Jordan's signature mid range jump shooter, albeit which he abuses too much sometimes, but nonetheless extremely skilled at along with the fade away shots.His 3 point shooting is also better than James.Because of Bryant's offensive adaptability, he can make shots far away from the paint in suffocating choke holds.This usually ends in either incredibly difficult shots made or another ball hogging miss but it is still an available option for Bryant.The Celtics tried and decently succeeded in taking the paint away from James, significantly limiting his success range for scoring.Many journalists say James should just attack the basket every single time.In other words, he's usually better at one

thing so just stick with it and abandon that other thing he's not good at.Well, Bryant's attack towards the paint is no slouch either.Sure people say he can't dunk over people anymore but he polished his inside game in a different more deadly direction.He sought out Hakeem Olajuwan and improved his post-up play with only one day tutoring session.Bryant post-upped plenty of times early this season and in the playoffs he has skillfully evaded the inside defense for easy lay ups.James muscles his way to the basket which is highly effective as well but he does not utilize his size and strength with both his feet down on the floor trying to open up more steady passes to his teammates.Here's the bottom line.Bryant has no real weaknesses.He may be slightly less efficient at certain skills but he knows how to do everything.Which is why he stayed effective with so many injuries this season and found ways to help his team win.So he may be“off”sometimes when he's not scoring in bulk but he is still making things happen.This poses a nightmare for coaches and the defending opposing team because he will switch strategy to make up for any short comings.James rarely has an off night thanks to his freakish talent and highly durable body.However if any of his major weapons does rust up for a night, his options diminish rather quickly.2.Best Players Are Closers

Since when did being the best closer and the best player become mutually exclusive? This season he made what, 6-7 game winners? That shot over Wade is one for the ages.Game winners usually comes down to jump shots than dunks or lay ups.Like I said, James's jump shot is already unreliable during the first 46 minutes.It's much harder to be accurate during the final 2 minutes.The whole world already agrees that they'll give the ball to Kobe for the last shot.If not jump shots, crunch time FTs are also crucial and we all know end of games often boil down to FT contests.James never got past 80% for his FTs for his entire career.Would you want him taking FTs at the end? Pressure situations are when the truly the best of the best will clear out all distractions and make big plays.Bryant is the best closer in the business.3.Best Players are Long Lasting Players

Given the short span of an athlete's prime years, a player has to think in the long term when trying to build legacies.Bryant is 31 going 32.He has logged more miles than Jordan.However his fundamentals are so solid that he has yet to show big diminish in his game in spite of his more vulnerable responses to injuries.Bryant has been following Jordan's successfully proven blue print by perfecting the fade aways, footwork, and improving his post-up game during every given off-season opportunities he's gotten.He even practiced martial arts to hone his reflexes so that he could adapt more quickly during basketball games.James has picked up Bryant's defensive tenacity after the Olympics and practiced his jump shots to improve.However, his fundamentals are still visibly lacking at this point.He's 25 years old.He's young but not THAT young.5 years can go by pretty darn quickly.With 270+ lbs pounding on his knees, he will have to improve all of his weaknesses as quickly as possible before he slows down.4.Best Players are Obsessive, Egomaniacal, and Evil

The words may speak some negative air but they indeed speak great truth.Bryant knew that from the moment he entered the league, father time started eating away his opportunities for greatness and he had to be mean and unforgiving with effort and killer instinct.So he scolded Shaq for his lazy diet and conditioning.He does not smile or joke at playoff times.He privately broods and scoffs at all criticism with repugnance but uses as motivation.The very reasons that almost all haters come to hate him for has fueled him even further.Ironically, almost all competitive winners in the past whom Bryant admires(Bird, Kareem, Russell, Magic, Jordan)were never nice but stomped all over their detractors and opponents.The haters may think Bryant's ego is an alien attitude unfitting of the league but it is very much original and a long forgotten code of honor among warriors which today's naive fans and weakling young players are unaware of.The so-called competitive but friendly King James has lacked the killer instinct which he desperately needed to get past the 2nd round of the eastern conference 2 years in a row.The dancing, the phantom photo shooting, and the trick shooting perhaps made him too relaxed.Legacies are built on playoff records and ultimately beating everyone.You've seen the Magic and Jordan highlights.They're mostly or entirely playoff clips.Bryant is widely known to enter a different mode when he goes into the playoffs.Why do you think he's called the assassin? Why do you think he makes that scowl with the lower jaw? He will not allow anyone to get in his way.James somehow consistently dialed down on playoff time in spite of his impressive playoff stats.I was really sad to see James pretty much giving up during game 5 and 6 against the Celtics.Something was wrong.He definitely did not mentally prepare himself for the big stage.-Conclusion-

So there you have it.Kobe Bryant is the best player on the planet, RIGHT NOW.This was never a rivalry.This was a construction and passage of generation.Bryant and James are 7 years apart in age and experience.They play widely different styles.A comparison was impossible to begin with.Bryant has had only one true rival his whole life: Michael Jordan.He is on his way to catch up to Jordan.Bryant's ego was an innate existence that has made him focus on honing his skills and mentality towards building a legacy stamped by rings.His other accomplishments just happened during his pursuit.If James truly wishes to be the best, he needs to shift his attention elsewhere.The ego he currently posses is a more of a by product from his cronies and marketing bubbles.If he truly cared more about the rings, the free agency talks, the college recruiting acts, the no hand shaking, the camera confiscations would have been irrelevant to him.I honestly don't know why he seemed to not care during the Celtics games and in his post game speeches.He may have done it on purpose.Sure Bryant sent a message 3 years ago by refusing to shoot during a 4th quarter playoff game but he was truly surrounded by terrible teammates.The Cavaliers gave James what he wanted and he openly admitted that he's got better teammates and a great chance to win a championship.He performed better than everyone and his team proved they

could play better than anyone.James squandered the opportunity away.So to dear James fans, you have run out of ammunition.Right now Lebron James is an incomplete, best regular season MVP.John Hollinger certainly didn't waste time by diverting the blame towards the rest of the Cavaliers and I'm sure many of you will follow suit by hating on the others including Mike Brown.But c'mon really, Brown won a Coach of the Year award, James won 2 MVPs, and the team got 2 best records and armed with better players.The majority of the Eastern North America voted the Cavaliers to win it all.All James had to do, as the best player(which he isn't)was to lead them.At the same court against the same(almost the same)team in 2008, Bryant stayed on the floor and frantically attacked back until the clock ran out and his team lost by 4 times the point deficit which the Cavaliers lost this year in 2010 game 6.He knew his team was doomed but he never gave up and never surrendered.If James doesn't want to learn from the past greats then he needs to learn from Bryant.So he needs to come back and do better.These are everything Kobe Bryant has done and still continues to do.What goes on in regular season gets lost in memory.I hope you'll all understand that the best player is the one holding the championship trophy along with the FINALS MVP award after making playoff winning plays.I'm sorry that James's elbow was hurting.Bryant has been playing with one leg and nine fingers.Which is harder to do in your opinion?

At some point, this argument will resurface.Unfortunately by then, it will be more of a passing the torch act similar to 1991 when Jordan took over from Magic.If you wanted to see James become the best, this may have been the best chance.







最棒的得分后卫 他打球 相对来说 比詹姆斯好










[身体条件] 詹姆斯和科比属于两种风格。詹姆斯的力量更足,对抗能力更强,比科比更具冲击力。科比则是柔韧性和灵巧性更好。可以说他们两人各有各的优势,所以身体条件应该是差不多的。两人平手。

[突破] 詹姆斯的身体太强壮,他速度起来之后,防守球员根本挡不住,没有人能硬碰硬地把他拉下来。科比的突破属于技术型,变向、加速再来一串假动作,目前也找不出一个人能彻底防死他。所以,他俩突破的方式不同,但效果都是一样的。两人平手。

[中投] 由于身高、力量等先天条件太强了,詹姆斯的投篮技术在小时候没有打下坚实基础,所以他的跳投姿势影响了命中率。而科比已在NBA打拼了超过十年,他知道光靠突破是不能延长运动寿命的,所以他在中投方面投入的精力要比詹姆斯多,能力也比詹姆斯强。科比胜。

[三分球] 尽管科比是目前NBA三分球单场命中纪录的保持者,但他属于那种要看手风顺不顺的三分投手,命中率并不稳定。科比和詹姆斯的三分球命中率都在33%左右。两人平手。

[罚球] 科比职业生涯罚球命中率达84%,詹姆斯只有73%。科比胜。

[关键球] 科比一直被认为是最接近乔丹的球员,他极度自负,在关键时刻只相信自己,正是这样的自信心让科比成为关键时刻最值得信赖的人。科比胜。

[防守] 科比比詹姆斯强得多,他多次入选最佳防守阵容就能说明问题。科比胜。

[大局观] 詹姆斯和科比都是非常无私的球员。詹姆斯的数据要比科比好看,但他的助攻更多的是靠自己突破进去以后把球甩出来,让空位队员跳投。骑士这帮人打了三四年,但全队还是看不出什么战术素养。科比尽管助攻数据不如詹姆斯,但他能控制比赛节奏,可以调动全队进攻,充当一名合格的组织者。本赛季,湖人的战绩比去年好很多,虽然科比场均得分少了,但其他队友的数据上来了。科比胜。这个问题可以有很多的答案告诉你。如果说是得分上,科比是近十年来最好的得分后卫,在01-02赛季,EPSN专家说科比和艾佛森是现役最强双后卫,科比得分能力强悍,进攻手段全面,突破、上篮、扣篮、抢断、三分均是他的强项,可以说没有进攻盲区。科比在05-06赛季对阵猛龙拿下81分,并在麦迪逊花园刷新乔丹的61分纪录,两次得分王称号,与奥尼尔共同拿过3连冠,虽然在05-09球队一直属于低迷,但是科比的个人得分还是很突出的!詹姆斯作为现役球员中的全能小前锋,身体强悍,进攻能力凶猛,小皇帝的称号,詹姆士在骑士的时候,可以说是自己一个人独挑大梁,来到热火和韦德、波什均可以拿下70分,而自己更是接近三双的分!如果按照技术来说,科比强过于詹姆士,1 毕竟是训练有素,科比在NBA十四载,之前又是篮球小将,自己的父亲乔、布莱恩特也是篮球运动员,而詹姆士是在大学成名,技术没有科比好!总的来说,综合进攻、防守和得分,科比现在仍是强于詹姆士!!

喜欢詹姆斯 但是现实来说




就是熏也熏出来了 这是一个给喜欢詹姆斯的球迷的一个自我安慰的理由...但主要还是天赋和技巧









[身体条件] 詹姆斯和科比属于两种风格。詹姆斯的力量更足,对抗能力更强,比科比更具冲击力。科比则是柔韧性和灵巧性更好。可以说他们两人各有各的优势,所以身体条件应该是差不多的。两人平手。

[突破] 詹姆斯的身体太强壮,他速度起来之后,防守球员根本挡不住,没有人能硬碰硬地把他拉下来。科比的突破属于技术型,变向、加速再来一串假动作,目前也找不出一个人能彻底防死他。所以,他俩突破的方式不同,但效果都是一样的。两人平手。

[中投] 由于身高、力量等先天条件太强了,詹姆斯的投篮技术在小时候没有打下坚实基础,所以他的跳投姿势影响了命中率。而科比已在NBA打拼了超过十年,他知道光靠突破是不能延长运动寿命的,所以他在中投方面投入的精力要比詹姆斯多,能力也比詹姆斯强。科比胜。

[三分球] 尽管科比是目前NBA三分球单场命中纪录的保持者,但他属于那种要看手风顺不顺的三分投手,命中率并不稳定。科比和詹姆斯的三分球命中率都在33%左右。两人平手。

[罚球] 科比职业生涯罚球命中率达84%,詹姆斯只有73%。科比胜。

[关键球] 科比一直被认为是最接近乔丹的球员,他极度自负,在关键时刻只相信自己,正是这样的自信心让科比成为关键时刻最值得信赖的人。科比胜。

[防守] 科比比詹姆斯强得多,他多次入选最佳防守阵容就能说明问题。科比胜。

[大局观] 詹姆斯和科比都是非常无私的球员。詹姆斯的数据要比科比好看,但他的助攻更多的是靠自己突破进去以后把球甩出来,让空位队员跳投。骑士这帮人打了三四年,但全队还是看不出什么战术素养。科比尽管助攻数据不如詹姆斯,但他能控制比赛节奏,可以调动全队进攻,充当一名合格的组织者。本赛季,湖人的战绩比去年好很多,虽然科比场均得分少了,但其他队友的数据上来了。科比胜。这个问题可以有很多的答案告诉你。如果说是得分上,科比是近十年来最好的得分后卫,在01-02赛季,EPSN专家说科比和艾佛森是现役最强双后卫,科比得分能力强悍,进攻手段全面,突破、上篮、扣篮、抢断、三分均是他的强项,可以说没有进攻盲区。科比在05-06赛季对阵猛龙拿下81分,并在麦迪逊花园刷新乔丹的61分纪录,两次得分王称号,与奥尼尔共同拿过3连冠,虽然在05-09球队一直属于低迷,但是科比的个人得分还是很突出的!詹姆斯作为现役球员中的全能小前锋,身体强悍,进攻能力凶猛,小皇帝的称号,詹姆士在骑士的时候,可以说是自己一个人独挑大梁,来到热火和韦德、波什均可以拿下70分,而自己更是接近三双的分!如果按照技术来说,科比强过于詹姆士,毕竟是训练有素,科比在NBA十四载,之前又是篮球小将,自己的父亲乔、布莱恩特也是篮球运动员,而詹姆士是在大学成名,技术没有科比好!总的来说,综合进攻、防守和得分,科比现在仍是强于詹姆士!!一个是技术型的,一个是力量型的,但技术不是特别好,我认为篮球就应该是技术的,不然就没意思啦。

不能单纯的所谁更厉害,因为二人的位置和身体条件不同,科比打球飘逸,靠的是个人的经验遇良好的节奏,是个伟大的得分手与关键先生,詹姆斯打球劲爆靠的是逆天的身体素质,速度,力量,弹跳的结合,是个全能战士。从成就方面来说,年长的科比取得的成就比年轻的詹姆斯要大,但詹姆斯的未来与成就,就让我们拭目以待吧 科比:巅峰期应该是06开始到现在,本来可以更早,但是由于性侵犯事件让他跌入低谷,06年他是奥胖离开单飞后的最厉害的一年,场均得分35+,后来连续两届得分王吧,这两年他突投结合,身材肌肉暴涨,后来08年他恢复精瘦型的,由于年龄增大他突破减少,但是他的中远投已经炉火纯青,当下联盟无人可及。







总的来说,科比是属于彪分和压阵的球员,詹姆斯更全能,更能带动全队的攻防 硬要说谁更厉害,好吧,科比的5冠秒杀詹姆斯,只能这样比了





Introduce of KOBE

Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you.Then today I'd like to talk something about my idol----Kobe Bryant.When I was 12 years old , I begin love basketball.The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.At that time Kobe became my favourite player.Although I am a girl ,I stil love the basketball ,still love Kobe.Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you:

Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association(NBA)who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school.And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league.As the most fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan.He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006.The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight.In 2008,He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接NBA,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领湖人队重回巅峰。

It is known to all of us

Kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.There are no short cuts to hard work.Success is a by product of that。


Kobe said “No matter what , just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve.”(无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。)

Kobe Bryant's story and experience tells us several reason :

1.Believe in yourself when no one else does.当别人不相信自己的时候也要自己相信自己

2.Seize the opportunity when it comes up..当机会来临的时候要把握住它

3.Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.你的家人也将永远在那里守候着你,所以要为他们而奋斗。

4.Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.要知道团队的重要性,不熬忽视队友的才能

5.People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.努力做自己不要成为第二个别人,人们爱的是原版的自己

6.Work your butt off.努力工作

These are several reasons wo can learn from him.OK , after kobe’s hard working, let’s talk about kobe’s family next.In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer.Bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album.At that time, Laine was still a senior at Marina High School.Then the two began dating and were engaged in May 2000.Due to the media, she finished high school through independent study.According to Vanessa's cousin Laila Laine, there was no prenuptial agreement.Vanessa said Kobe “loved her too much for one”.1999年11月,21岁的科比遇到了作为一个幕后舞者的瓦妮莎,当时她只有17岁。当时科比在工作室做他的音乐专辑。而当时瓦妮莎只是一个在2000年5月刚进加州亨廷顿海滩marina高中六个月的学生,然后他们开始了约会。但是由于媒体的压力,他最终通过自学完成了学业。据瓦妮莎的表姐Laila Laine说他们之间没有婚前协议。瓦妮莎却说:没有人会比科比更爱她。

They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California.The Bryants' first child, a daughter named Natalia Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003.In the Fall of 2005 the Bryants announced that they were expecting their second child.Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006.Interestingly, Gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate Shaquille O'Neal's daughter Me'arah Sanaa, who was born in Florida.他们于2001年4月18日在加州丹纳岬举行了婚礼。科比的第一个孩子是个名叫 纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特,出生于2003年一月19号。在2005年底的时候,科比说他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。在2006年5月1号,他们的小女儿吉娜·布莱恩特 出生了。而有趣的是,吉娜比科比的前队友奥尼尔的女儿Me'arah Sanaa,早出生6分钟。

Kobe is a basketball player , also a hunsband and father.let’s Let us bless his family and career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.OK , thank you for listening , that's all.











Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you.Then today I'd like to talk something about my idol----Kobe Bryant.When I was 10 years old , I begin love basketball.The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.At that time Kobe became my favourite player.Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you.Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association(NBA)who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school.And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league.As the most fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan.He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006.The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight.In 2008,He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.It is known to all of us Kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.There are no short cuts to hard work.Success is a by product of that。

Kobe said “No matter what , just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve.”

Kobe is a basketball player , also a spiritual belief.let’s bless his career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.OK , thank you for listening , that's all.科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接NBA,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领如果没有疯狂的训练,并且多年来完善自己的技能,科比不可能抓住这一成功。刻苦的训练时没有捷径的,成功只是努力得来的一个产物。



Last week that brother has talked about basketball, but I still want to talk about it.After all, I love it.Today I will introduce KOBE BRYANT for you.And now let’s begin.Today’s introdunction may not be very comprehensive , But there will be a focus on Kobe’s character.First I will give a brief introdunction on KOBE.Kobe Bryant is one of the world’s best basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of NBA.And he got so much achievement , so I won’t introduce it to you one by one, you can feel it in the PPT.Then I’d like to introduce his unique character.There are about three features in his characters.The first must be hard-working.(勤奋)And let me tell you a story first.when a reporter asked Bryant why so successful, Bryant asked back: 'Do you know Los Angeles morning of four o'clock looks like? 'reporters, shaking his head,' I know that every day in Los Angeles like four o'clock.'Bryant said.And he started it from high school.His success is completely out of his hard-working, and when most people are still asleep, he has appeared Lakers training room.The second is perseverance.He has amazing endurance on pain.The doctor surprised KOBE‘s perseverance :He has amazing endurance on

pain.(队医惊讶科比坚韧程度 他对疼痛有着惊人的忍耐力)——The coach said: he is the most toughest people I have ever seen(教练说:他是我见过最坚韧的人)

——Opponent:I can't forget KOBE’s perseverance.He was hurt but he still shoot the ball in the basket.The last is aggressive.(好胜心)He said : I don't want to be Michael Jordan, I just want to be Kobe Bryant.The second is the number one loser.He has almost abnormal desire for successful.The worse you think he is,the better he will be.He enjoys the pleasure of revenge on those who looks down upon him.He never accepted failure,he could do anything to chase for perfection, just because he is KOBE.And you will understand him , because he is virgo(处女座).The last part is the influence on myself.I don't know why I like basketball so much even I am not so strong.When running hard on the court, I want do it better just to prove that I am not so bad than you think.Somebody has to win,so why not be me------KOBE



Classmate: hello!The Black Mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes, why do I take this name? Because I once entered the stadium, I'm deadly, like the black mamba.So there I can make fun of, but once I entered the stadium, I would like to change a person, be absorbed in the court.I am 35 years old, is

reached after the half occupation career, like this is it is quite common for the wounded.Once injured, you feel the world stopped, whether injured knee, shoulder injury etc..I know a lot of people so that the entire occupation career is ruined, and some people even unable to get up after a fall, can't even return.When that moment, I will look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Kobe, what would you do? If you experience this pain will you? ”You know that every time I see someone injured, I met a lot of people do not come back after the injury, I looked at myself in the mirror to oneself said,“ is it right? Should quit? Is it right? Should stop playing? ”I don't know myself can also return.I'm here to tell you, I want to completely recovered and returned to the stadium.But I wouldn't bet on it, because a lot of the time I also have doubt, but I think, this is to meet the challenges of significance.To seize every opportunity, to all the witnesses to prove yourself, that you can meet the challenge.To those who say you can never succeed, you will fail to prove, this is my opinion.If someone says to you of the injury, to be unable to get up after a fall, for me, if somebody this injury may quit, but Kobe can't.People say that you can not, I would say, you so that you may exit.So I must prove to them, especially to those who support me, love of my fans, I must win, to win the pain, will be able to return.In order to let all of the doubters think again, what will become impossible possible.The

importance of these scars embodied in this, these scars is my growth transition of.As a player, I was born with a passion is to succeed, want to win.At the same time is also the most difficult thing in life is the most important thing.As a player, go up to meet the greatest challenge to the stadium, I think the biggest challenge is to get the people to become as one, constantly, constantly victory, this is the biggest challenge of team sports, this is also my passion.For me, the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge, but never fear challenges is very important.But more important is to keep curiosity about things, such as how to play better, how to improve skills, how to learn from them.Actually I have been looking for me from the aspects of motivation factors, not just from Michael Jordan, from the magician Erwin Johnson, also from Michael Jackson, Beethoven, Da Vinci, Bruce Lee, these great people gave me encouragement, let me go, so this is the black mamba's spirit.Does not mean that you should continue to attack others, but you must never stop the pace of progress.Life is a continuous learning knowledge has no limit., so

it is very important.Do you want to continue learning, learning, learning, and others, understanding, learning, and not think you know everything.Only in this way, you can become a better person, your skills in order to further

improve the.Finally, there will be a byproduct, become a champion, a better myself.For me this is the black mamba's spirit, at the root of my spirit.So if I can pass on the spirit to all of you, whatever you want to do, to become a

basketball player, a writer or host, no matter what you dream, you must adhere to dream, learn from the successful experience and knowledge of the former body, successful people from all walks of life, their body there are some features that make them successful, talent showing itself, this is just what I want to transfer to the positive energy you.









Kobe is a kind of spirit!Like playing basketball, like watching Kobe play basketball I was watching Kobe the ball up, look from the 2000 basketball, still very profound impression now marks the first goal to see is Kobe's basket drift dunk, I was shocked, then like the sun smiles and superb skills of Kobe.When Kobe was wearing the number eight shirt, keep hair, is the first of three consecutive periods, occupation career began to enter the superstar period, dunk, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, steals, defense, under the basket, three points, the superb skills, can fly at buckle, said Peter pan.Later Kobe experienced three consecutive championships, has experienced a Lakers dynasty began to collapse, a person to assume the entire team, experienced a short time, now a person to establish new Lakers dynasty, to a new peak, I always looked at Kebideng their peak.The All-Star twelve times in a row, two consecutive scoring, the best defensive player lineup, the MVP regular season, All-Star MVP, MVP in the playoffs, the best player in ten years, the Olympic Games champion, the best player in ten years and the amazing single field eighty-one points, all honor Kobe got all, this is his own efforts, but also the world for his approval.Kobe can achieve such a high achievement, in his efforts, Kobe's talent is general, but is through do not stop exercise, that almost masochistic training, let him continue to improve, continue to progress, as the star he, still is that the first to enter the training field, the last to leave, training the largest amount of people, the annual Kobe are constantly in progress, this is we all love to Kobe, this is a kind of spirit.Kobe young and wild and intractable before, and Jordan singled out, with a slam dunk to show themselves, this ten years, Kobe experienced too much, accusations, lawsuit ridden, suspicion, Kobe did not explain, he used his own actions tell a man he is changing, now Kobe, mature, to tear up the opponent with a jumper, time has changed the character of Kobe, and the only variable is not unlimited desire to win and unremitting efforts!There is a spirit called Kobe, this spirit is unlimited desire for victory!There is a spirit called Kobe, this spirit is the unremitting efforts to win!There is a spirit called Kobe, this spirit is the responsibility!There is a spirit called Kobe, this spirit is at a critical moment dare to stand up and take!There is a spirit called Kobe, is never explained, with their own actions to prove their!There is a spirit called Kobe, this spirit is lonely!There is a spirit called Kobe, this is the spirit of struggle!For all people who love Kobe congratulated boss fifth crown!Ladies and gentlemen ,thanks for raising your attention.Today I’ll give you a speech named “global citizenship begins at home”.Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant left Friday night's game with a leg injury that could be a ruptured Achilles tendon.Bryant will have an MRI on Saturday to determine the exact nature of the injury.Bryant reacted with disappointement on social media.On his Facebook page he posted a lengthy update:

“This is such BS!All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times!The frustration is unbearable.The anger is rage.Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense.Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that??

”I have NO CLUE.Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was.Maybe this is how my book ends.Maybe Father Time has defeated me.“

Later he added that called the injury the first step in a new challenge.”One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence.Today is NOT that day,“ he wrote.The post received more than 136,000 likes.If the injury turns out to be a ruptured Achilles, it could have long-term effects for Bryant and the Lakers.That injury could take up to a year to heal, according to Will Carroll, sports injuries lead writer for Bleacher Report.Bryant has previously said that next season could be his last in the NBA.This is the 16th season in the league for the 34-year-old.According to a tweet from the Lakers, Bryant could tell what the injury was before seeing a doctor.”I was just hoping it wasn't what I thought it was," Bryant said, according to the tweet.The Lakers have two games left in the regular season, both at home.They face the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday and the Houston Rockets on Wednesday.The team, after beating the Golden State Warriors 118-116 last night, is one game ahead of the Utah Jazz for the final spot in the NBA's Western Conference playoffs.洛杉矶湖人正在为季后赛席位激战时,球队却在12日遭受当头棒喝。在对阵金州勇士的比赛中,科比-布莱恩特在比赛即将结束时脚跟腱受伤,不得不退出比赛。


而一向坚强的飞侠在听到这样的检查消息时,也忍不住落泪。从科比自己的反应来看,他也是认定跟腱撕裂,赛后记者曾询问飞侠,“你确信那是跟腱撕裂么?” 而科比的回到是“似的,那个动作我做了很多次,但它就那么发生了,感觉突然裂开了,就是种怪事吧。” 从科比两眼泛出的泪光来看,对于这样的结果,坚强的飞侠也有些难以接受。而赛后科比更衣柜前的双拐,更是对这次受伤的严重性下了定论。





号码: 24(以前为8号)

位置: 得分后卫


国籍: 美国

生日: 1978年8月23日

身高: 2,01米

体重: 98 公斤













“去攻击他们,那就是我脑子里所有的想法,在四节比赛中我给对手制造问题,给他们增添麻烦,让他们不知道什么地方换防,但是每当我一发现人群中露出缝隙和破绽时,我就会发动进攻。” 英文:

Early life Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant.His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, moved to Italy, where his father began playing professional basketball.He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian.At an early age, he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan.Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player.In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United States.A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition.While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA.Early NBA career 1996 Draft Even before he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996, the 17-year-old Bryant had made a lasting impression on then-Lakers general manager Jerry West, who immediately foresaw the potential in Bryant's basketball talent during pre-draft workouts.West stated that Bryant's workout was one of the best he had ever witnessed.West continued his quest to return the Lakers to championship status and startled spectators by offering and completing the trade for starting center Vlade Divac to the Hornets for Bryant.Growing pains During his first season with the Lakers, he mostly came off the bench behind guards Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel.Bryant played limited minutes initially but this changed as the season continued.He earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan-favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest.In Bryant's second season(1997-98), he received more playing time and began showing more of his abilities as a talented young guard.He was the runner-up for the NBA's Sixth Man of the Year Award, and through fan voting, he also became the youngest NBA All-Star starter.While his statistics were impressive for his age, he was still a young guard who lacked the experience to complement Shaquille O'Neal and significantly help the team contend for a championship.Championship years However, Bryant's fortunes would soon change when Phil Jackson became coach for the Los Angeles Lakers.After years of steady improvement, Bryant had become one of the premier shooting guards in the league, a fact that was evidenced by his annual presence in the league's All-NBA, All-Star, and All-Defensive teams.The Los Angeles Lakers became perennial championship contenders under Bryant and O'Neal, who formed an outstanding center-guard combination.Their success gave the Lakers three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002.End of a dynasty In the 2002-03 NBA season, Bryant averaged 30 points per game and embarked on a historic scoring run, posting 40 or more points per game in nine consecutive games while averaging 40.6 in the entire month of February.In addition, he averaged 6.9 rebounds, 5.9 assists, and 2.2 steals per game, all career highs up to that point.For the first time in his career Bryant was voted on to both--All-NBA and All-Defensive 1st teams.After finishing 50-32 in the regular season, the Lakers floundered in the playoffs and lost in the Western Conference Semifinals to the eventual NBA champion San Antonio Spurs in six games.In the following 2003-04 NBA season, the Lakers were able to acquire legends Karl Malone and Gary Payton to make another push at the NBA Championship.With a starting lineup of four potential Hall of Fame players in Shaquille O'Neal, Malone, Payton, and Bryant, the Lakers were able to reach the NBA Finals.In the Finals, they were eliminated by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games.In that series, Bryant averaged 22.6 points per game, shooting 35.1% from the field, and 4.4 assists per game.Conflicts and turmoil

Bryant, following his arrest in 2003In 2003, Bryant's reputation was tainted by criminal charges, in which Katelyn Faber, a young woman from Colorado, accused Bryant of sexual assault.With his image badly tarnished, the public's perception of Bryant plummeted, and his endorsement contracts with McDonald's, Nutella, and Ferrero SpA were terminated.Sales figures from NBA merchandisers indicated that sales of replicas of Bryant's jersey fell far off of their previous highs.Even before being arrested for rape, Bryant was known to publicly feud with his teammates, including Shaquille O'Neal, Samaki Walker and Karl Malone.In an isolated incident, he allegedly punched teammate Walker in the face outside of the team bus.[citation needed] In 2004, a dispute between Bryant and former teammate Malone became public prior to Malone's expected re-signing with the Lakers.Bryant claimed Malone had made inappropriate comments to Bryant's wife.Malone claimed the comments were in jest and that Bryant was overreacting [1].In the subsequent months, rather than re-join Bryant and the Lakers, Malone turned his attention to the possibility of joining another team, but ultimately decided to retire.Unquestioned leader When O'Neal was traded, Bryant became the Lakers' unquestioned leader of the team going into the 2004-2005 season.As it turned out, however, his first season without O'Neal would prove to be a very rocky one.With his reputation badly damaged from all that had happened over the previous year, Bryant was closely scrutinized and criticized during the season.A particularly damaging salvo came from Phil Jackson in The Last Season: A Team in Search of Its Soul.The book detailed the events of the Lakers' tumultuous 2003-04 season and has a number criticisms of Bryant.In the book Jackson also calls Bryant “uncoachable.”

Then, midway through the season, Rudy Tomjanovich suddenly resigned as Lakers coach, citing the recurrence of health problems and exhaustion.Without “Rudy T,” stewardship of the remainder of the Lakers' season fell to career assistant coach Frank Hamblen.Despite the fact that Bryant was the league's second leading scorer at 27.6 points per game, the Lakers floundered and missed the playoffs for the first time in over a decade.This year signified a drop in Bryant's overall status in the NBA by not making the NBA All-Defensive Team and being demoted to All-NBA Third Team.2005-06 season The 2005-06 NBA season would mark a crossroads in Bryant's basketball career.Despite past differences with Bryant, Phil Jackson returned to coach the Lakers.Bryant endorsed the move, and by all appearances, the two men worked together well the second time around, leading the Lakers back into the NBA Playoffs.Bryant also resolved his conflict with former teammate Shaquille O'Neal.The team posted a 45-37 record, an eleven-game improvement over the previous season, and the entire squad seemed to be clicking.In the first round of the playoffs, the Lakers played well enough(3-1 series lead)to come within a game of eliminating the second-seeded Phoenix Suns before finally falling short.Even with Kobe Bryant's remarkable game winning shot in Game 4, the Lakers broke down, falling to the Suns in Game 7.In the following offseason, Bryant had knee surgery, preventing him from participating in the 2006 FIBA World Championship tournament.Accomplishments In many ways the team's improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Bryant which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career:

On December 20, Bryant scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks.Entering the fourth quarter Bryant had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-second shot clock.On January 22, Bryant scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors.In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain's legendary 100-point game in 1962.Also in January, Bryant became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games.For the month of January, Bryant averaged 43.4 per game, the eighth highest single month scoring average in NBA history, and highest for any player other than Chamberlain.By the end of the season, Bryant had also set Lakers single-season franchise records for the most 40-point games(27)and most points scored(2,832), among others.Bryant won the league's scoring title for the first time, posting the highest scoring average(35.4)since Michael Jordan's 37.1 average in 1986-87.Bryant finished in fourth-place in the voting for the 2006 NBA Most Valuable Player Award, but also received 22 first place votes — second only to winner Steve Nash, and by far the highest number of first-place votes Bryant had ever received in his career.Other notable events When the Lakers faced the Miami Heat on January 16, 2006, Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal made headlines by engaging in handshakes and hugs before the game, signifying the end of the feud that had festered between the two players since O'Neal's acrimonious departure from Los Angeles.A month later, at the 2006 NBA All-Star Game, the two laughed and joked together on several occasions.Bryant's jersey.Late in the season, it was reported that Bryant would change his jersey number from #8 to #24 at the start of the 2006-07 NBA season.#24 was Bryant's first high school number, before he switched to #33.[3] After the Lakers' season ended, Bryant said on TNT that he wanted #24 as a rookie, but it was unavailable, as was #33, retired with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.He said the switch to 24 signified the start of the second half of his career.Bryant took number 8 after his favorite Italian league player, Mike D'Antoni.The Lakers guard grew up watching D'Antoni as a star point guard in the Italian league, where his father, “Jelly Bean” Bryant, also played.[4]

Player profile Bryant is a shooting guard who is also capable of playing small forward.As of 2006, he is considered one of the premier players in the NBA, being elected into the All-NBA Teams en bloc from 1999 on an featuring eight NBA All-Star call-ups.Bryant was a vital part of the three most recent Lakers' championships.He is a prolific scorer, averaging 23.9 points per game for his career, and also scores 4.5 assists, 5.1 rebounds and 1.5 steals per game.The 1997 NBA Slam Dunk Champion Bryant is capable of both dunking on opposing big men or scoring with his fadeaway jump shot, able to hit the shot from mid-range to long three pointers(.335 from beyond the arc).His versatility was especially showcased in the 2005-2006 NBA season, where Bryant averaged 35.4 points per game to secure the first NBA scoring title of his career, including his 81-point game and his 62 points in 3 quarters-game.In addition, Bryant also maintains a reputation for clutch performances in games, able to rise to the challenge and hit the difficult shot.On his own half of the hardwood, Bryant plays tenacious defense.He has made the All-NBA Defensive Team a total of 6 times, and has established himself as one of the best perimeter defenders of his generation.A controversial side of his game is his tendancy to show the behaviour of a ball hog: in his record-setting season, he racked up 2173 shot attempts in 80 games(avg.27.1).However, fans and experts widely agree that Bryant is one of the best two-guards of his generation.Private life In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on the Tha Eastsidaz music video[5] “ G'd Up ”(In the video Vanessa is in the convertible in a silver bikini).Bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album, which was never released.The two began dating and were engaged just six months later in May 2000,[6] all while Laine was still a senior at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California.Due to the media, she finished high school through independent study.[7] According to Vanessa's cousin Laila Laine, there was no prenuptial agreement.Vanessa said Kobe “loved her too much for one”.[8].They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California.There were only about 12 guests at the wedding.Neither Bryant's parents, his two sisters, longtime advisor and agent Arn Tellem, nor Bryant's Laker teammates attended.Bryant's parents were opposed to the marriage for a number of reasons.Reportedly Bryant's parents had problems with him marrying so young, especially to a woman who wasn't African-American[9].This disagreement resulted in an estrangement period of over two years, during which Kobe Bryant did not have any contact with his parents.The Bryants' first child, a daughter named Natalia Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003.The birth of Natalia influenced Bryant to reconcile his differences with his parents.Vanessa Bryant suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy in the Spring of 2005.In the Fall of 2005 the Bryants announced that they were expecting their second child.Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006.Interestingly, Gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate Shaquille O'Neal's daughter Me'arah Sanaa, who was born in Florida.[10] 参考资料:http://。.blog.163.com/blog/static/***4946484

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    kobe 写科比的英文作文

    The Hero in My Mind “The most successful person in the world is not the talented person, but the person who can stand loneliness.” the sentence is a hit on th......


    詹姆斯与大仙桃读后感(一)二(6)班 高然我最喜欢《詹姆斯与大仙桃》这本书,下面我给大家讲一讲这个故事。故事讲的是一个叫詹姆斯的小男孩和两个很坏的姨妈住在一起,她们是大头钉和......

    詹姆斯再夺冠广告收入大增 每年将超科比千万

    .cn 詹姆斯再夺冠广告收入大增 每年将超科比千万 詹皇的广告收益逐年大增 腾讯体育讯 北京时间6月30日,《太阳哨兵报》消息,詹姆斯第二冠到手之后,他的广告收入将会增加多少?据......

    詹姆斯科比谁是最牛 ESPN史无前例八大技术PK[合集五篇]

    詹姆斯科比谁是最牛 ESPN史无前例八大技术PK 每当克利夫兰骑士遇到洛杉矶湖人,那个老生常谈的问题肯定又会被重新提及:科比和勒布朗,谁更优秀? 要回答这个问题可真难,从数据来看......