
时间:2019-05-14 17:59:55下载本文作者:会员上传


Mr.President and Colleagues, The UN must come of age.It must become the visible and credible expression of the globalisation of politics.The modern world insists we are dependent on each other.We work with each other or we suffer in isolation.The principles of the UN have always had a moral force.Today they receive the sharper impulse of self-interest.The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so.Failed states, as we know to our cost, fail us all.The protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade: we can do nothing without effective action together.And when we look with revulsion, as we should, at the misery of the millions who die in Africa and elsewhere through preventable famine, disease and conflict, the urgency to act is driven not just by conscience but by an inner sense that one day, if we refuse to act, we will reap a dire reward from our refusal.What's more, humanity today is confident of its common values.Give people the chance and they always vote for freedom;always prefer tolerance to prejudice, will never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism.So the challenge is clear;the values clear;the self-interest in upholding them together also clear.What must now be clear is that the UN can be the instrument of achieving the global will of the people.It must give leadership on terrorism.There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of th innocent.Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united I condemnation.The United Nations must strengthen its policy against non-proliferation;in particular, how to allow nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.The new Human Rights Council must earn the world's respect not its contempt.The United Nations Peace-building Commission must become the means of renewing nations, where war and the collapse of proper systems of government have left them ravaged and their people desolate.For the first lime at this Summit we are agreed that states do not have the right to do what they will within their own borders, but that we, in the name of humanity, have a common duty to protect people where their own governments will not.Stalking this summit, like a spectre, are the Millennium Development goals.The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future.The G8 in Scotland shows how we redeem it.I have heard people describe the outcomes of this Summit as modest, No summit requiring unanimity from 190 nations can be more than modest.But if we did what we have agreed on doubling aid, on opening up trade, on debt relief, on HI V/AIDS and malaria, on conflict prevention so that never again would the world stand by, helpless when genocide struck, our modesty would surprise.There would be more democracy, less oppression.More freedom, less terrorism.More growth, less poverty.The effect would be measured in the lives of millions of people who will never hear these speeches or read our statements.But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership;and the United Nations would live up to its name.So let us do it.



Mr.President and Colleagues, 主席先生,同志们:

The UN must come of age.It must become the visible and credible expression of the globalization of politics.The modern world insists we are dependent on each other.We work with each other or we suffer in isolation.The principles of the UN have always had a moral force.Today they receive the sharper impulse of self-interest.联合国必须成熟起来,成为政治全球化重要而可靠的代言。相互依存是当今时代的要求,各成员国若不通力合作将孤立无缘。联合国的原则始终是一种道德力量。今天,各国的自身利益又让这些原则得以巩固。

The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so.Failed states, as we know to our cost, fail us all.The protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade: we can do nothing without effective action together.七月七日,在英国发生的恐怖袭击源于一种意识形态,这种意识形态远隔重洋,在迢迢万里之外。若不达成国际共识,核扩散和生化武器问题将永远无法解决。以往的沉痛经历告诉我们,失败国家会导致我们的集体失败。如不积极合作,无论在是环境保护还是促进国际贸易方面,我们都将一事无成。

And when we look with revulsion, as we should, at the misery of the millions who die in Africa and elsewhere through preventable famine, disease and conflict, the urgency to act is driven not just by conscience but by an inner sense that one day, if we refuse to act, we will reap a dire reward from our refusal.我们应当看到,在非洲和其他地区,数以百万的人们死于可预防的饥荒、疾病和冲突,他们的苦难让我们自责、不安,采取应对行动的紧迫感不仅仅因为我们有良知,还因为我们知道如果不行动有一天终将自食恶果。

What's more, humanity today is confident of its common values.Give people the chance and they always vote for freedom;always prefer tolerance to prejudice, will never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism.So the challenge is clear;the values clear;the self-interest in upholding them together also clear.此外,今天人类对其共同的价值观充满自信。给予人民机会,他们总会选择自由,崇尚容忍,摒弃偏见,他们永远不会自愿接受人权压制和极权主义统治。所以,挑战已经明确,价值观已经明确,坚持共同价值观的自身利益也已明确。

What must now be clear is that the UN can be the instrument of achieving the global will of the people.It must give leadership on terrorism.There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of th innocent.Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united in condemnation.现在必须明确的是联合国可以成为实现世界人民意愿的途径。联合国必须在打击恐怖主义上发挥领导力。我们没有也永远不可能找到任何理由、任何借口、任何原因来接受恣意屠杀无辜平民的行为。无论发生在何地方,无论谁是主谋,我们都将共同谴责这种行为。

The United Nations must strengthen its policy against non-proliferation;in particular, how to allow nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.The new Human Rights Council must earn the world's respect not its contempt.The United Nations Peace-building Commission must become the means of renewing nations, where war and the collapse of proper systems of government have left them ravaged and their people desolate.联合国必须在核不扩散方面加强政策建设,具体来说即如何让成员国发展民用核能而非核武器。新成立的人权理事会必须争取赢得国际社会的尊重而不是受到国际社会的鄙夷。联合国建立和平委员会必须成为国家重建的工具,必须帮助那些深陷战争泥潭的国家、那些政府体系崩溃的国家、那些民不聊生的国家。

For the first time at this Summit we are agreed that states do not have the right to do what they will within their own borders, but that we, in the name of humanity, have a common duty to protect people where their own governments will not.在本次会议上,各国首次达成一致,认为成员国政府没有权利在本国疆土之内肆意妄为,每个成员国都应以全人类之名 义,承担起共同的责任,保护那些得不到自己政府保护的人民。

Stalking this summit, like a spectre, are the Millennium Development goals.The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future.The G8 in Scotland shows how we redeem it.I have heard people describe the outcomes of this Summit as modest, No summit requiring unanimity from 191 nations can be more than modest.《千年发展目标》如幽灵般围绕着本次峰会,让我们不敢懈怠。从长远来看,在消减贫困方面做出的努力将决定我们的道德地位。在苏格兰举行的G8会议展现了我们在减贫方面的具体措施。我听到有人说本次峰会的成果将非常有限,然而任何一个需要191个成员国达成一致的峰会其成果绝不是有限的。

But if we did what we have agreed on doubling aid, on opening up trade, on debt relief, on HI V/AIDS and malaria, on conflict prevention so that never again would the world stand by, helpless when genocide struck, our modesty would surprise.本次峰会已经达成多项共识:增加援助、开放贸易、减免债务、防治艾滋病和疟疾、预防冲突,如果我们在这些方面做出实质性努力,当种族灭绝发生的时候,世界将不再无助地袖手旁观,而这些有限的成果也将一鸣惊人。

There would be more democracy, less oppression.More freedom, less terrorism.More growth, less poverty.The effect would be measured in the lives of millions of people who will never hear these speeches or read our statements.如果我们付出努力,世界将会多一些民主,少一些压迫;多一些自由,少一些恐怖威胁;多一些发展,少一些贫困。我们取得的成果终将影响数百万人的生活,虽然他们不会听到我们的讲演,不会读到我们的报告。

But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership;and the United Nations would live up to its name.So we should do it.但这就是政治领导力的使命所在,联合国也终会名副其实。因此,让我们行动起来吧!

Thank you.谢谢!



PM Tony Blair Addresses TO United Nations

United Nations Headquarters New York, New York September 14, 2005

Mr.President and Colleagues,The UN must come of age.It must become the visible and credible expression of the globalisation of politics.The modern world insists we are dependent on each other.We work with each other or we suffer in isolation.The principles of the UN have always had a moral force.Today they receive the sharper impulse of self-interest.The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so.Failed states, as we know to our cost, fail us all.The protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade: we can do nothing without effective action together.And when we look with revulsion, as we should, at the misery of the millions who die in Africa and elsewhere through preventable famine, disease and conflict, the urgency to act is driven not just by conscience but by an inner sense that one day, if we refuse to act, we will reap a dire reward from our refusal.What's more, humanity today is confident of its common values.Give people the chance and they always vote for freedom;always prefer tolerance to prejudice, will never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism.So the challenge is clear;the values clear;the self-interest in upholding them together also clear.What must now be clear is that the UN can be the instrument of achieving the global will of the people.It must give leadership on terrorism.There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of th innocent.Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united I condemnation.The United Nations must strengthen its policy against non-proliferation;in particular, how to allow nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.The new Human Rights Council must earn the world's respect not its contempt.The United Nations Peace-building Commission must become the means of renewing nations, where war and the collapse of proper systems of government have left them ravaged and their people desolate.For the first lime at this Summit we are agreed that states do not have the right to do what they will within their own borders, but that we, in the name of humanity, have a common duty to protect people where their own governments will not.Stalking this summit, like a spectre, are the Millennium Development goals.The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future.The G8 in Scotland shows how we redeem it.I have heard people describe the outcomes of this Summit as modest, No summit requiring unanimity from 190 nations can be more than modest.But if we did what we have agreed on doubling aid, on opening up trade, on debt relief, on HI V/AIDS and malaria, on conflict prevention so that never again would the world stand by, helpless when genocide struck, our modesty would surprise.There would be more democracy, less oppression.More freedom, less terrorism.More growth, less poverty.The effect would be measured in the lives of millions of people who will never hear these speeches or read our statements.But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership;and the United Nations would live up to its name.So let us do it.



Canadian PM Paul Martin Addresses TO United Nations

United Nations Headquarters New York, New York September 14, 2005

PM Paul Martin:

The international response to the devastation wrought by hurricane Katrina reminds us once again that there are connections between people that have nothing to do with a common language, race or creed, and everything to do with the most fundamental considerations: of what it means to be a human being, what it means to be a person with rights, needs and responsibilities toward others.Indeed, this is one world.“In Larger Freedom” makes the case eloquently: security, development, and human rights, the three pillars of human freedom, are not abstract concepts.They are responsibilities we, and every UN agency, every member country, must take seriously.If the United Nations is to work, we know what we have to do, and we also know we are not doing nearly well enough.Canada cannot conceive of a world succeeding without the United Nations.But, make no mistake the UN needs reform.I want to talk today about security, development, and human rights within the context of that need for reform.Security represents the protection of life and thus is the basis for everything else we do.That is why our discussions of Security Council reform are so important.And why there has long been an argument that the Security Council should be more representative.We agree.But we believe it is even more important that the Council be effective.Too often, Permanent Members have used the veto—real or threatened—to prevent effective action.Too often, we have debated the finer points of language while innocent people continue to die.Darfur is only the latest example.Clearly, we need expanded guidelines for Security Council action to make clear our responsibility to act decisively to prevent humanity's attack on humanity.The “Responsibility to Protect” is one such guideline.It seeks rules to protect the innocent against appalling assaults on their life and dignity.It does not bless unilateral action.To the contrary, it stands for clear, multilaterally-agreed criteria on what the international community should do when civilians are at risk.It is a powerful norm of international behaviour.And this week, we have taken a very important step to that end.We are proud that R2P has Canadian lineage, that it is now a principle for all the world.That being said, our collective responsibility does not end there.I would have hoped that we could have agreed now to make the new peace building commission operational.Building the peace is a huge undertaking and, to do it well, we need to bring order out of chaos.Which leads me to the second pillar, economic development.The record is far from brilliant.After decades of effort, money and development only go together if donor and recipient countries take their responsibilities to heart.This is a lesson that needs to be embraced.Donor nations must do more, and we have begun to do so, by increasing our development assistance budgets and accelerating the pace of disbursements, as well as forgiving old debts.More consistent policies are needed, however.How can we talk about development as we chase poor farmers from their land because of their inability to compete on their own agricultural export markets, which are oversubsidized by rich countries!What good comes from lamenting the lot of the poor while seeking to sell as many weapons as possible to as many developing nations as possible? How can we preach the virtues of free trade while preventing market access to least developed countries? Developing countries must do more as well.True development will not take place until local populations have the confidence to invest their own energy and resources into making a better future for themselves.They will only get this confidence when they see their governments investing in areas that make a tangible difference to their lives—not disproportionate military expenditures but investments in health, in education, in good governance, and in creating an environment that frees up the entrepreneurial spirit that exists in all our countries.We need to see the world through the eyes of the people we are trying to help.When we can meet benchmarks that matter to them, then and only then will we build the foundations to sustain development for the long haul.How many more infants have been vaccinated this year compared to last? How many more children can read and write? How secure is a family's title to their land? How many small businesses have survived for three years or more? Let me turn now to the UN's third pillar: Respect for human rights.Our reform efforts on security and development will ultimately fail unless they are grounded in respect for individuals: 1)Respect for their rights, 2)Respect for their cultures, traditions and beliefs.3)Respect for their opinions dissenting or not.Respect for human rights is the living heart of democracy, the key to unlocking the potential of every person to contribute to their own welfare and to the prosperity and security of their communities.The UN's Commission on Human Rights has a serious credibility problem.Its membership, its increasing politicization and its overall lack of effectiveness at tackling human rights violations around the world have overwhelmed its achievements.We need a standing body at a higher level in the UN system, commensurate with the importance of human rights.That is why we support the proposal for an effective Human Rights Council.I cannot disguise our profound disappointment that we were not able to agree at this Summit on all of the elements required to make it operational.Canada will not cease to promote actively, bringing a standing council into being, with credible membership criteria.In the meantime, we welcome the universal endorsement of the work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour and our collective decision to double the resources available to her office.I have talked about the three pillars-security, development and human rights.Each poses its own unique challenges, but there is also one common element that runs through all three if the UN is to work well, and it is this: we need new and innovative approaches to global challenges in which every country contributes and every country shares in the benefits.One striking example is climate change.This November, Canada will host the UN Conference on Climate Change, and our goal for this conference is clear: climate change is real, and the world must recognize it;human activity is a defining cause, and the world must act on it.Our mandate in Montreal will be two-fold: first the Kyoto parties have started their work and need to build on it by making continued progress on their existing commitments, second we will initiate discussions to achieve a truly global and inclusive regime to achieve deep and genuine reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.Mr.President, As the Secretary-General has observed, the United Nations is at a crossroads.In order to achieve lasting and effective reform, it must thoroughly reform its administration—its management methods—and introduce verification mechanisms with more clout.Such reform is crucial.We want to work with other member nations and the Secretary-General to obtain this general assembly's endorsement of a set of reforms to meet the demands of the 21st century.In conclusion, the status Quo and too often empty rhetoric must make way here for a new and pragmatic multilateralism measured by concrete results, not simply by promises.Our citizens want security, based on international law.They want opportunity, based on more effective aid.They want empowerment, based on respect for human rights.And they want a clean environment.These are not utopian dreams.They are among the most urgent challenges we face.We are national leaders.In today's world, however, we cannot serve our own countries well unless we rise above narrow national interests.If we fail to act responsibly on the world stage, we will fail our own people at home.It is one world.That simple statement finds its most profound expression here, in our hopes for the United Nations.We face difficult decisions but, with courage and vision, we can build a United Nations for the future, a United Nations that serves all the world's people because that is the best way to serve every single one of us.Thank you.



央视国际 2003年07月28日 11:11















布莱尔先生,早上好,欢迎你到清华大学来。谢谢你的演说,我的名字是陆娅楠,我来自新闻传播学院。现在当我们想到英国,我们会想起伊拉克战争,会想到凯利的悲剧,我很不情愿提到这些。到目前为止,还没有足够的证据能证明伊拉克有大规模杀伤性武器。你觉 得这个时期,是不是你政治生涯中最严峻的时候?你是怎么想的?你对发动战争有没有后悔过?谢谢。





























































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