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()is my top concern
教务处 国际文化传播学院
主题词:学科竞赛 英语演讲大赛 通知
浙江传媒学院教务处 2010年9月19日印发
—5—篇二:第18届中国日报社21世纪可口可乐杯全国英语演讲浙江赛区通知 中国日报社
中心 [2012]第21号 ★
联系人: 章文金
电话:0574—88130246 *** 传真:0574—88130240 联系地址:宁波市学府路1号浙江大学宁波理工学院南教学楼407室
第18届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛章程 中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛由中国日报社主办、二十一世纪英语教育传媒承办。自1996年创办以来,大赛作为每年5月在英国伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛,获胜者将代表中国在国际舞台上展示中国青年学子的风貌。中央电视台知名主持人刘欣、芮成钢等均曾作为大赛获胜者参加国际比赛荣获大奖。多年来,作为国内档次最高的英语学习竞赛,大赛已在北京、上海、广州、深圳等大陆主要城市及香港和澳门巡回举行,并得到国际权威英语教学和考试机构的大力支持和高度重视,英国国际英语联合会(esu)、美国世界英语教师协会(tesol)、美国教育考试服务中心(ets)、navitas英语集团、英国大使馆文化教育处等都是大赛的长期合作伙
本届赛事于2012年7月12日启动,面向全国高校本、专科在校学生举行。比赛赛区划分如下: 京津赛区(北京、天津)、川渝赛区(四川、重庆)、湖南赛区、广东赛区、福建赛区、陕西赛区、辽宁赛区、上海赛区、浙江赛区、湖北赛区、山东赛区、江苏赛区、晋冀豫赛区(河北、山西、河南)、黑吉赛区(吉林、黑龙江)、云南赛区、其他赛区(含除上述地区外的中国大陆所有其他省/直辖市/自治区)。
3、演讲主题:my view on social networking
注意事项: 1.大赛各阶段涉及的大部分即席演讲话题将来源于《21世纪英文报》,因此请参赛选手关注阅
第十八届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛组委会 2012年7月12日篇三:浙江越秀外国语学院2015年度教务处工作总结+2016年度教学工作 计划(讨论稿2016.01.08)浙江越秀外国语学院2015年度教务处工作总结(讨论稿2016.01.06)2015年是我校迎接教育部本科教学工作合格评估的一年,也是忙碌辛苦而又不平凡的一年。这一年,在学校各级领导的正确领导下,在教务处全体同志的团结协作下,紧紧围绕立德树人,提高本科人才培养质量这一根本任务,以加强专业建设、课程建设、深化教育教学改革、强化学生实践创新能力培养为工作重点,强化教学过程管理与质量监控,进一步规范教学管理,努力提高教学质量和学校教学核心竞争力。现将一年来的工作总结如下:
一、以迎接本科教学工作合格评估为中心,全力以赴做好迎评促建工作 2015年10月19日至22日,教育部本科教学工作合格评估专家组对我校进行了为期4天的实地考察。为顺利通过本课教学工作合格评估,教务处上下万众一心、众志成城、团结合作、熬更守夜、加班加点完成了42个观测点中的17个观测点材料的准备工作。
三、以社会需求为导向,不断深化改革人才培养模式 本年,教务处在分管教学的副校长领导下,全面开展了2015版本科专业人才培养方案制定工作,定稿包含23个专业,1564门课程,累计编辑12万字,并组织完成了2015版应用型本科人才培养方案外文稿翻译审核。
四、以提升人才培养质量为核心,切实加强教学内涵建设 1.专业建设:目前我校本科专业共有23个。同时,上学期申报的葡萄牙语、物流管理2个新专业本学年已顺利展开招生。2015年新增
五、以培养学生创新精神与实践能力为重点,努力构建实践教学体系 1.实验教学:为有效保障实验室有序稳定运行,更新了实验室列表,理清了镜湖和稽山两个校区实验室的情况,进一步明确了实验室负责人和职责要求;并定期对实验室进行“三期”检查,并开展两期“实验室安全卫生专项检查”与“实验室档案管理专项检查”,最大限度杜绝安全隐患和档案保存不规范等现象;还积极组织了2014年立项的市级实验教学示范中心终期汇报,已完成现场查看和前期汇报工作。2.实习实训:本学年按照往年依旧与绍兴市人力资源和社会保障局下属绍兴市现代职业技能培训学校联合为我校本科毕业班学生免费开展纺织面料设计师及多媒体作品制作员两项职业技能培训;并根据要求对我校申报的2013年、2014年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划进行了结题验收,共有21项国创项目顺利结题;今年,省厅高教处推荐15 项国家级大学生创新创业项目并正式立项,大创项目得到
六、以开展教师培训为抓手,全面提高教育教学水平 2015年,首先,梳理了“青年教师新秀护航工程”,圆满完成了为期5天的新教师入职培训工作,共计培训新入职教师110余人;篇四:比赛 奖励
三、申报程序 1.奖励申报:学生本人(或团队负责人)或竞赛组织承办单位在规定的时间内填写《浙江理工大学学生创新活动与竞赛奖励申请表》,将申请表和有关证明材料递交至各学院(或相关部门);
2.奖励初审:学院(或相关部门)对申请材料进行初审,并将初审结果报至学生处; 3.学校审定:学生处对学院(或相关部门)上报的初审结果进行审核,审核结果递交校学生工作委员会进行审定,并在全校范围内进行公示。
1.学校将发文公布奖励名单,并将文件材料存入学生个人档案; 2.同一成果只限申报一项奖励,取得多项成果的学生可申请多项奖励,且奖金兼得; 3.申报的成果有时限要求,原则上为取得成果的当学年(具体时限要求以工作通知为准),逾期不申报则视为自动放弃。
五、附则 1.学生以浙江理工大学名义获得其他课外学术科技成果或竞赛获奖,原则上由学院制定奖励办法,自行解决奖励经费。2.本办法自公布之日起施行,由学生处负责解释。篇五:浙江海洋学院优秀毕业生评选办法(讨论稿)浙江海洋学院优秀毕业生评选办法
第一章 总则
第一条 为了贯彻落实党的教育方针,激励学生奋发向上,促进学生全面发展和个性发展相结合,根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》和浙江省有关文件精神,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法的评选由两部分组成:合格部分+特长部分。合格部分为优秀毕业生参评的必要条件。若本部分不合格,不能参评优秀毕业生;特长部分则依据总得分,从高到低择优评选。
第三条 优秀毕业生的评选分为三级:省级、校级、院级。其中省级优秀毕业生在全校范围内评选,其余等级按照比例以学院为单位进行评选。
第四条 优秀毕业生的评选比例按照当年学校毕业生总数的15%进行。其中省级优秀毕业生的评选比例是:本科为本科毕业生总人数的4%,高职为高职毕业生总人数的3%,本科和高职的省级优秀毕业生评选名额各自独立使用,其余比例为校级优秀毕业生。院级优秀毕业生的评选条件及比例由各学院自行制定。
第二章 合格部分
第五条 基本内容
第三章 特长部分
第六条 特长部分由四个部分组成:科技与学科类、艺术与体育类、学习成绩类、学生干部类,各部分均按照不同内容赋分,四个部分分
第七条 科技与学科类赋分内容及标准(见附件一)
第八条 艺术与体育类赋分内容及标准(见附件二)
第九条 学习成绩类赋分内容及标准(见附件三)
第十条 学生干部类赋分内容及标准(见附件四)
第四章 附则
第十一条 本规定适用于浙江海洋学院2012年9月以后入学的本科、高职学生。
第十二条 对学校有突出贡献的学生可以不受上述条件的限制,提请校学生工作委员会讨论决定。
第十三条 本办法自公布之日起施行,其他有关规定与本办法不一致的,以本办法为准。
第十四条 本办法由学生处负责解释。
大学生英语演讲赛话题选编.时间:09-06-17 11:18:03来源:点击:11451、在遇到困难时,放弃也是正确的选择吗?
Do you think it’s proper to give up, if it just seems too hard.2、人们经常把老师比作蜡烛或园丁,你会选择那种比喻你的老师?为什么?
People usually compare teachers to candles or gardeners, which of these would you compare
your teacher to? Why ?
If you are to write to the mayor of your city about the problem that you are most concerned
about, what would you write to him?
What would you do if your parents or friends misunderstand you?
Some people complain that is difficult learning English because there isn’t English
environment.What do you think of this problem and how do you solve it?
What makes a boy Cool?
If Yao Ming was here today, what would you say to him?
Some people say the real enemy of life is ourselves.Do you agree? Why ?
What do you do or how do you cope or deal with the pressure of your campus life?
Everybody wants the dreams come true.Can you tell us how you understand the meaning
of the phrase “Dreams come true.”?
How do you prefer to communicate with your classmates, by talking on the phone, going
online or face to face? And why?
What is your favorite saying? Can you explain it?
13.Which foreign film do you like best? Please give me your reason.你最喜欢哪部外国电影?为什么?
14.Which of the four characters in the Journey to the West,Xi You Ji, would you most
like to make friend with?
15.Who do you most admire? What’s the one thing he or she said has the most influence
on you?
16、Have you ever taken part in a military training? If so, how did the military training
change you?
17.what are the characteristics for a good teacher ? Use reasons and examples to support
your response
一个好老师应该具备什么样的性格? 列举理由和事例说明.18.Environment protection is not just a governmental issue.What can you do as an
19.Suppose you are president of our university, what is your major concern at the moment?
假如你是我们学校的校长, 你目前最关心的是什么?为什么?
20.Could you make some suggestions to railway administration to solve the Spring
Festival transportation problem?
.Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary? What do you think of sports
stars earning money through commercial advertising?
2.Why do more and more people want to move to large cities? What are advantages and
disadvantages of this trend to the country’s economic development?
23.Do you think the cet-4 or cet-6 test should be cancelled? Give your reasons.大学英语四六级考试应该取消吗?为什么?
.What do you think of the discount tactic in today’s market? Is discount a good or bad
25.Who should be mostly blamed for difficulties in job hunting for college
1.In recent years, the college entrance examination has undergone a series of changes.What do you think about the “Chinese Ivy League”-the alliance among key Chinese universities for autonomous enrollment(高校自主招生联盟)? Do you think it will help improve fairness and quality in selecting students for colleges? 2.The college entrance examination has experienced a series of changes in recent years.What do you think about the policy that some high school principals can directly recommend a small portion of outstanding students to elite universities like Peking University or Tsinghua University? Do you think it is a fair and effective policy to enroll students? 3.Some people believe that college education should focus on the training of specialized skills rather than general education.Classes like literature, history, philosophy or music, are away from social needs and unnecessary to be included in curriculum.What do you think of this? 4.Nowadays being a civil servant seems to be a most popular career choice for young people, including many college graduates.It is estimated that over 1 million people have signed up for the exam in 2011, while only a small number of them would finally get accepted.What do you think of the phenomenon? 5.Nowadays micro-blogging(博)seems to be a most popular form of communication among people.Some people believe that micro-blogging brings people closer by sharing and updating
information instantly, while others believe that it increases people’s excessive dependence on the Internet.What do you think? 6.Micro-blogging has become a most popular trend among young people for daily communication.Yet some people criticize that it may intrude privacy because it makes a huge
amount of personal information too easily accessible to the general public.What do you think of this? 7.Micro-blogging has become a trendy means of communication nowadays.Some people believe that government officials should be required to write micro blogs to enhance transparency of their work to the public.Do you support this idea? Why(not)? 1 8.Nowadays a number of SNS websites(社交网站)have adopted the real name system, which requires their users to reveal their identities when communicating online.Some people believe this real name system is necessary while others think it has lots of side effects.What do you think? 9.It had been discussed during the 2011 Two Sessions(两会)that the one-child policy should be loosened.Some experts believe that it shall be modified to a two-child policy for all families.Do you support the proposal? Why(not)? 10.The wide gap between the rich and the poor has been constantly discussed as a hot issue.Some people believe that rich people should be heavily taxed and shoulder more responsibilities for social development.Do you support the idea? Why(not)? 11.Bill Gates and Warren Buffet came to China late in 2010.They had invited wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs for a dinner, which triggered a heated discussion later on wealth and charity.Do you think it is the rich people’s obligation to donate money to the society? Why(not)? 12.Nowadays the “city illness” has become a thought-provoking phenomenon.Problems like traffic jam, unemployment, difficulties in getting medical treatment and education are confronting millions of urban dwellers in cities like Beijing and Shanghai.Do you think the “city illness” is a cost to pay for urbanization? In your opinion, what can you do to cure such “illness”?
13.Nowadays lots of parents are keen to send their children to different training classes to develop their potential and interests as early as possible.Some people think it’s necessary to have more intensive early education while some criticize that this would do more harm than good to the kids.Wh
at do you think? 14.Street beggars can be seen in some public places.Some of them are children.Do you think child begging should be banned? What can we do to help the child beggars? 15.Some people believe that real learning does not happen in classrooms, so we should try to get more social experiences.Do you agree? Why(not)? 16.From time to time there are videos of animal-abusing, such as cat-abusing or rabbit-abusing uploaded to the Internet.Most people believe it’s immoral to abuse little animals, and
some believe it is also illegal.Do you think animal rights should be legalized? Why(not)? 17.It seems popular to classify people of different ages into different groups, such as post-70s, post-80s or post-90s generations.Each generation is believed to have some common features or identities.What do you think of the labels attached to different generations? Share with us your opinion.18.Many governments in the 21st century are facing the big issue of aging population, together with a huge budget deficit in pension system.Some experts believe one of the best ways to ease the problem is to prolong the retirement age.However, there is a strong protest because many people don’t want to be forced to retire later.Do you think retirement age should be mandatorily prolonge
d? Why(not)? 19.The equality between men and women has been constantly discussed as a hot topic.It is believed that in order to achieve the real equality between genders, men and women should have the same retirement age.Do you support this idea? Why(not)? 20.It is believed that “Honesty is the best policy”, and honesty originates reliability.Some people criticize that our society is experiencing a serious crisis as many people are sacrificing honesty in the pursuit of economic prosperity.What do you think of it? 21.Tang Jun(唐骏)and the authenticity of his doctoral degree has become a controversial issue lately.Some people believe that Mr.Tang Jun has lost his personal credibility because of academic dishonesty, while many also argue that diploma is not an essential part of a person’s capability.What do you think of it? Please share with us your thoughts.22.Traffic jam is a common and serious problem facing most big cities in China.Some people believe that charging “congestion fee(拥堵费)” will be the most effective solution.Do you agree with it? What measures do you think should be taken to ease the problem? 23.Some people believe that it is reasonable for tourist resorts or places of interest to charge high entry fee from tourists.Other people believe tourist resources should be made more affordable t
o the general public.What do you think? 24.Do you think it is true that college students nowadays have poor anti-pressure abilities? Wh
y(not)? 25.Natural disasters happen frequently.Do you think Public Safety class should be made compulsory in schools? Please share with us your thoughts.26.Soon after the earthquake and the accident of nuclear leak in Japan, rumors came out in many places in China that salt can prevent people from nuclear radiation and its price soared immediately.What’s more, many people believed the rumors and hurried to stockpile salt, which caused temporary salt shortage in the market.What do you think of this phenomenon? 27.It is reported that Chinese parents concern most about their children’s academic studies.Many children are required to do homework, but are never asked to do housework at home.Some educators believe that the ability to do housework well is as important as the ability for homework.Do you agree? What do you think of this phenomenon? 28.“Ant Tribe(蚁族)” is a term to describe young graduates with low salary and harsh living conditions in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou.In order to pursue their dreams in big cities, some would rather have “a single bed in Beijing” than “a house back in hometown”.Do you think “Ant Tribe” should go to smaller cities or hold on to their big-city dreams? Share with us your th
oughts.29.In recent years there has been a increasing tendency for Chinese parents to send their young children to study aboard.Some educators remind that it could be risky to the young kids because of the huge pressure and cultural difference they need to adapt to in a foreign land,while others argue that studying aboard is the best way for them to learn independence.What do you think? Please shar
e with us your opinion.30.Drunk-driving has been a serious social problem for some years, which has caused many accidents.According to the new traffic regulations released recently, drunk drivers will have their licenses withdrawn and will have to undertake criminal responsibilities as punishment.What do you think of the new regulations? Please share with us your opinion.31.The housing price in many cities has been soaring in recent years.This puts huge pressure on many young people who dream to have their own apartments so as to settle down in big cities.Do you think young men in their late 20’s or early 30’s should strive for buying an apartment befor
e establishing a family? Why? 32.In recent years the housing price has been soaring.This puts huge pressure on many young men who would like to buy an apartment before getting married.What’s more, it’s a tough reality that many girls and their families insist on housing as a precondition of marriage, and that they would not favor a husband or son-in-law without the financial capability of buying a house.What do yo
u think of this social phenomenon? 33.Nowadays, TV dating programs are getting increasingly popular and many people believe it is a good platform for young people to try their luck at relationships.However, people also criticiz 4 e the TV dating is just showbiz entertainment, a product of fast-paced materialized society that distorts the value of true love.What do you think? 34.Nowadays the increasingly high cost of living and the fierce competition in the job market seem to have a big impact on college students’ value system.A survey in Guangzhou shows that 59.2% of the college girls are willing to marry the Affluent Second Generation.Many people believe that it is more practical for young girls to find a good husband rather than a good job.What do you thi
nk of this phenomenon? 35.The May Day Golden Week has been cancelled since 2008, while the National Day Golden Week has been retained.There’s a proposal to cancel the National Day Golden Week, meanwhile to prolong the Spring Festival holiday from the current 7 days to 15 days.Do you support this idea? W
hy(not)? 36.The news about famous stars or celebrities has been constantly catching public attention.Some people blame paparazzi or showbiz journalists for intruding celebrities’ privacy, while others believe celebrities don’t actually have privacy rights because of the nature of being public figures.Do you think celebrities have the same degree of privacy rights as common people? Why(not)? 37.Nowadays the competition in job market has become more and more fierce.It seems that most college graduates prefer to stay in more developed urban areas rather than go to remote rural areas.The majority of people prefer to be white-collar workers or civil servants than manual workers.What is your opinion towards this tendency of career choice among college graduates? Please sha
re with us your value of employment.38.Nowadays as the choice of employment becomes more diversified, some college graduates choose manual labor such as being a porter or a factory worker rather than white-collar jobs.Some people encourage this diversity while others criticize that it’s a serious problem that college students are not capable of finding a more decent job fitting for their degree of education.What do you thin
k? 39.Nowadays employment is a big challenge facing lots of college graduates.A survey of job market shows that lacking in communication skills and professional skills is on top of the problems of fresh graduates in the field of work.What do you think college students should do to fully prepare themselves for the transition to the world of work? Please share with us your opinion.5 40.What do you think of the famous words that “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” by Eleanor Roosevelt? 41.As English education has been made compulsory in the majority of universities, some people believe that traditional Chinese culture or language shall be included in university curriculum as well.Just like College English class, Confucius Studies should also be made compulsory for college students.Do you agree with this proposal? Why(not)? 42.With the rapid speed of globalization, the world has been changing from separated nations into one big village.Some people say globalization diversifies the world culture while some believe it will ultimately lead to the domination of western cultures, especially American culture.What do you think of it? Please share with us your opinion.43.The new marriage law revised in late 2010 gives full support in women’s right of abortion in marriage.In other words, women, rather than their husbands, have the say for whether to keep or abort the fetus(胎儿)when facing a decision.Do you think the paternal right(father’s right of the fetus)in marriage should also be protected by law? Why(not)? 44.It is worldwide known that Wikileaks(维基解密)revealed thousands of confidential documents concerning the 9.11 attack in the history of American diplomacy.This has triggered a heated discussion on the role of media.Some people believe that Wikileaks has no right to reveal the national secret;while others believe that it is the freedom of media to publish whatever has been found.What do you think of it? Please share with us your opinion.45.Fast food is popular as its convenience fits for today’s fast-paced society.However, some people believe that because of its unhealthy nature, fast food should be heavily taxed to discourage its consumption.Other people believe that eating fast food is just a personal choice.Do you think fast fo
od should be heavily taxed? Why(not)? 46.The safety of genetically modified food has been a controversial issue in recent years.Some people believe that China should not permit the production and sale of genetically modified rice.What do you think about this? Please share with us your opinion.47.It is said that to achieve the equality between men and women, a most important approach is to make women’s voice heard in social discourse.Some people believe that national legislative bodies should reserve at least 50% of delegate seats for women.Do you agree with this proposal? Shar
e with us your opinion.48.Some people believe that keeping wild animals in the zoo is a serious violation of animal rights.Others believe that the zoo is a place to keep man and animal closer and to better protect the anim
als.What do you think? Why(not)? 49.Advertisement is everywhere in today’s commercialized society.Some people believe it brings more good by informing people about various choices of products while others believe it brings more harm by creating excessive need for shopping.Do you think advertisement is a curse or a blessi
ng? Please give your reasons.50.Because of the major role teachers play in students’ education, some believed that one effective approach to motivate teachers to do a better job is to relate their pay to students’ performance.D
o you agree with this idea? Why(not)? 51.The Olympic Games is among the biggest and the most important international events in the world.Some people believe that it should be updated by adding new sporting events from different cultures-like taijiquan(太极)from China.Other people believe that sport events should not be culture-specific so as to provide a fair platform for all athletes from around the world.What do you think about this? Please share with us your opinion.52.It seems common that Olympic champions in China can be enrolled in famous universities to reward their achievement in the sports field.Some people believe it’s a fair measure to provide the champions chances of education while others believe it’s unfair to other candidates for higher education.Do you think the preferential enrollment policy for Olympic champions should be cancelle
d? Why(not)? 53.The definition of success differs from person to person.Some consider economic success as the key to label a successful person, while some link it to the capability to overcome challenges throughout their life.How do you define success in your life? 54.Every year there are numerous experiments in the medical field to develop medicines for the benefits of human beings.Do you think it is morally right or acceptable to use non-human animals for experiments? Please share with us your opinion.55.Nowadays it’s popular for big corporations to sponsor influential regional or international sports event.Some people believe that companies selling tobacco or alcoholic drinks should not sponsor any sport match for the negative impact the advertisement may bring to society, especially to teenagers.Do you agree with this? Please share with us your thoughts.56.The pursuit of beauty is an ever-lasting topic for women both in ancient and modern society.Many admire models or stars for their perfect face or figure, and are willing to change their appearance through cosmetic surgery.Yet many people criticize cosmetic surgery for distorting the true value of beauty with high medical risks.What do you think? 57.Beauty contests are popular worldwide, receiving both compliments and criticism.Supporters think that they provide women platforms to display their beauty while critics say they degrade women to be the objectives of entertainment.Do you think beauty contests degrade women? Why(no
t)? 58.It is supported by some college students that P.E.class should be made selective, instead of being compulsory in college curriculum.Students should have the right to choose whether to take the course of physical education or not depending on their interests.Do you also support this proposa
l? Why(not)? 59.It is supported by some people that university principals should be elected by faculty and students rather than being appointed.Do you support this proposal? Why(not)? 60.Do you agree that in developing countries where social resources are relatively limited, the economic development is more important than environmental protection? Why(not)? 61.Age discrimination, judging people based on their ages, seems to exist widely in our society.For example, companies usually prefer employees aging from mid 20’s to mid 40’s.Some people take this as natural while others criticize it as discrimination.What do you think of this phenomenon? 62.In recent years, there’s a popular trend to interpret the classic Chinese literature works into modern TV series, such as the latest version of A Dream of Red Mansions(《红楼梦》)released in the fall of 2010.Many audiences criticize it as an unfaithful interpretation of the original work that may distort the understanding of traditional Chinese masterpieces, especially among teenagers and younger audiences.Do you agree with the criticism? Why(not)? 63.Do you think violent sports like boxing or bullfighting should be banned? Why(not)? 64.As men and women are equally treated in modern society, and women have had many more opportunities compared with the situation in the past, many people say that “Lady First” is an out-dated courtesy or virtue.Do you agree? Why(not)? 65.The magician program of goldfish “training” in the 2011 Spring Festival Gala(春晚)has triggered much controversy afterward.Some people protest that the use of animal in entertainment progr ams is abusive and hence immoral, while others think it shows a close relationship between man and animal and should not be blamed.Do you think the use of animals in entertainment is immoral? S
hare with us your opinion.英语演讲比赛即兴演讲题目范围2011
1.As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.2.To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.3.Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.4.Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.5.Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive.Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.6.A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.7.Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people.Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.8.Claim: In any field-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years.Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.9.In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.10.Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.11.People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.12.Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.13.Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.14.A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.15.Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.16.Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise.Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.17.Formal educations tend to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.18.The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.19.Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.20.Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study.Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.21.Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.22.Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.23.Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.24.The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.25.Governments should offer college and university education free of charge to all students.26 The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions.The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.The best way to teach-whether as an educator, employer, or parent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance.31 Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.32 College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.33 As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.34 In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.35 Educational institutions should dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.36 Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.37 Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.38 It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.39 College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.40 Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students.Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying.41 The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.42 Students should always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.43 The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.44 Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.45 Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.46 Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.47 Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them.48 Educators should teach facts only after their students have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts.49 Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.11
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.51 Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.52 The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.53 If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.54 In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.55 In order for any work of art-for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.56 Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.57 The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.58 Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline;students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.59 Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.60 Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.61 People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.62 Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.63 There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts-especially at a great cost in money and jobs-to save endangered animal or plant species.64 The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.65 Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.66 People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it.67 Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being.Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.68 Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit.Others believe that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.69 Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed.70 Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.71 Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.72 Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.73 Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.74 Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.75 In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.76 We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.77 The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.78 People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole.79 Claim: The best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint.Reason: Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea.80 Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.81 All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.82 Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.83 Teachers' salaries should be based on the academic performance of their students.84 It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.85 Some people believe that in order to thrive, a society must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.Others believe that the well-being of a society can only be measured by the general welfare of all its people.86 Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will of the people they serve.Others believe that officials should base their decisions on their own judgment.87 Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.88 Claim: Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.Reason: It is inappropriate-and, perhaps, even cruel-to use public resources to fund the arts when people's basic needs are not being met.89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.90 Educators should take students' interests into account when planning the content of the courses they teach.91 The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time.92 Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate.93 Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image.94 The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens.95 All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.96 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.97 Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.98 Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.99 People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.100 Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.101 Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.102 Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.103 The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things.104 To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.105 Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.106 In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.107 To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.108 Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.109 Some people believe that scientific discoveries have given us a much better understanding of the world around us.Others believe that science has revealed to us that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized.110 Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.111 In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years.112 Requiring university students to take a variety of courses outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated.113 Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.114 Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.115 Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.116 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.117 It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are generated and preserved.118 We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.119 When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings.120 Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation must be the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.Reason: Great achievements by a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of that nation's people.121 Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by looking at the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.Others argue that the surest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, the general welfare of all its people.122 The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.123 The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.124 All college and university students would benefit from spending at least one semester studying in a foreign country.125 Some people claim that a nation's government should preserve its wilderness areas in their natural state.Others argue that these areas should be developed for potential economic gain.126 In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.127 The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general well-being of all its people.128 Some people argue that successful leaders in government, industry, or other fields must be highly competitive.Other people claim that in order to be successful, a leader must be willing and able to cooperate with others.129 College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.130 Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate.Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.131 Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application.Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.132 Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction.Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.133 Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.Reason: The world today is significantly more complex than it was even in the relatively recent past.134 Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.Reason: We are not able to make connections between current events and past events until we have some distance from both.135 Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.136 Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.137 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.138 Some people believe that competition for high grades motivates students to excel in the classroom.Others believe that such competition seriously limits the quality of real learning.139 Claim: Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts.Reason: Politicians and other government experts are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.140 Some people believe that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.Others believe that universities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields.141 It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere to them.142 Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students.Reason: College students-like people in general-prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions.143 No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field.144 True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one sets for oneself.145 The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of that nation's greatness than are the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.146 The best test of an argument is the argument's ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint.147 The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens.148 Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state.149 In any field-business, politics, education, government-those in power should be required to step down after five years.即兴演讲(impromptu speech),顾名思义,就是指临场的、毫无准备的演讲。在前面所提到的两大比赛中,即兴演讲所占时间为1~3分钟,分值所占比重为30%~40%,在比赛中的地位十分重要。如果参赛选手想要取得优秀的成绩,那么就一定要在该部分取得高分。即兴演讲对于使用母语演讲的人来说都非常困难,更何况是使用非母语演讲的选手?这部分非常具有挑战性,主要考察选手多方面能力:思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。思维能力是指选手在毫无准备的情况下对某一问题的分析能力,对问题理解的深度和宽度等;逻辑能力主要指选手是否有全局观,是否能合理搭筑整个演讲的框架,所阐述观点的层次性是否清晰;而语言能力则是指选手即席用英语进行交流沟通的能力,可检验选手的英语语言熟练度和准确度如何。那么如何应对即兴演讲呢?
内容 在讨论即兴演讲的内容之前,先了解几个在近几年大赛即兴演讲中出现的题目。
Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests
Do you think university education should be more open-minded?
Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?
Which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend?
If you were one representative of Peoples Congress, what advice would you give the government?
题目还有很多,这里就不一一列举了。通过这几个题目,大致可以看出即兴演讲的题目涉及方方面面,从经济、政治、教育、文化、人生到国际问题,包罗万象。这也是即兴演讲具有极强挑战性的原因之一。题目的范围之大之广对参赛选手提出了很高的要求。要求演讲者平时养成读书看报的习惯,关注周围发生的焦点问题和国际时事,积累各个领域的素材,以便谈论起某一个话题时言之有物,有的放矢;要求演讲者平时养成思考的习惯,多 18 听不同的声音,从不同角度看问题,看问题有想法、有深度。这些都是赛前的准备工作,应多积累、丰富自己的知识内容,强化自己的观点。
正如前面讨论过的那样,论据的类型最基本可分为三种:实例、统计数字以及引用别人的言语。对于即兴演讲来说,现场能够找到恰当的统计数字是非常困难的。因此在即兴演讲时,引用别人的言语和用实例来证明是最常见的两种方式。那么应该选择哪种类型的例子来做论据呢?在比赛现场上进行即兴演讲时,最切实可行的、最容易做到的就是用自己或自己周围发生的例子来说明你的观点,信手拈来,不用绞尽脑汁,演讲起来最自如,最自信;这样做无形之中也强化了自己的可信度,比较容易打动听众。如在“21世纪(爱立信杯”2003年第8届全国英语演讲比赛中获得第二名的南京大学学生王媛在即兴演讲中是这样说的,“If indeed I had a chance to choose for my life again, I think the time setting I would choose is in the late 1970s and the early 1980s.That was when the Chinese government began to adopt the policy of reform and openness.And the place setting I would choose is in some places in the western part of China.Why? Let me share with you my reasons.Well, when I firstly saw this, err, heard this topic, I think it reminded me of an experience a few years ago.I still clearly remember that, uhh, at that time, some fellow students and I went to visit a primary school in a very poor village and we were working as tutors there.There, all the classrooms were in a very old building and many windows and doors were broken, so, when it was raining, all the children had to move to a corner in order not to get wet.Inside the classroom, five to six children were sharing one desk normally shared by two and many of the desks and chairs were broken, too.And immediately after we began to teach them English, it became very clear to us that many of these students were very diligent and were very willing to work hard.But later on, as we talked among ourselves, we got to know that they, many of them, could not finish their schooling just because of poverty.I think that this experience enabled us to see that we belong to a few group of, a group of few people that are fortunately enough to receive a college education.”
所选择的支持材料要为你的中心观点或主题服务,不能偏离这一点,不能跑题。记得一个学生在参加比赛时,抽到的即兴演讲题目是,“中国成为世界贸易组织的成员对于我们国家有什么主要影响?”她在演讲中讲了一个很长的故事,一个年轻人在海边拾贝壳,碰到了一个老人,以及和这个老人之间展开的对话。这个故事占了整个演讲的三分之二,然后很牵强地把这个故事和她抽到的题目联系在一起。尽管她的故事叙述得很流利,但在整个即兴演讲结束后,听众仍然不知她对这个问题的回答是什么?很显然,演讲者在赛前准备了几个 故事,准备在即兴演讲时使用。的确,在赛前要做充分的准备,准备各个领域的数据、例子、权威专家的话等,做好充分的调研,以便在比赛中游刃有余。但切记你所选择的支持材料一定要与主题相关,为主题服务,能够帮助听众更加深入地了解你的观点,决不能哗众取宠。不切题的即兴演讲绝不会得高分。(2)演讲的支持材料要贴近听众。
演讲的支持材料最好是听众熟悉的,贴近听众,不仅有利于听众理解、接受和吸收你的信息,而且容易产生共鸣。笔者作为辅导教师参加过多次的全国英语演讲比赛,在比赛中发现了一个很奇怪的现象。有很多学生举例子或引用别人的话时,往往愿意用国外的例子或国外名人说的话来支持他们的论点。学生也许有些许担心,“如果用土生土长的例子,外国评委可能会不知道,不了解背景,会影响他们对整个演讲的评判。”然而在一次比赛中,一位来自美国的演讲专家在做点评时说到,“不用担心我们会不了解,或听不懂。问题是作为一个外国人,我们在这里希望听到有关你们国家的人、事、思想、文化,而不是我们国家的名人如林肯、克林顿,他们说了什么,干了什么。”他一语道破了问题的关键,演讲者所说的要和你的听众拉近距离,讲一些本地发生的事情,发生的事情对听众产生了什么样的影响,用当地的文化、理念来解释你的观点,这样更容易在听众中产生共鸣。但并不是说就一定不能用国外的例子或观点。要全方位地选择论据,选择恰当的材料为你的观点服务。在“21世纪(澳门之星杯”2006年第11届全国英语演讲比赛中复旦大学的胡懿在即兴演讲(Should laws be fixed or flexible?)中是这样说的,“Well, actually, very accidentally this morning, when we were sort of ”imprisoned“ in that preparing room, actually we had a fierce debate over law.And now I would like to share some of my thoughts with you on whether we should adopt flexible laws or fixed laws.Well, first of all, I admit that there are some cases of injustice in our society.For example, last year there was a famous case of Wang Bingyu, which aroused a great controversy in society.Actually Wang Bingyu was a migrant worker, who failed for several times to get his payment from his boss.And obviously that boss treated him very badly.He didn’t send him to hospital when he was ill, and he didn’t treat him with very good food and also made him make, do extra work without any extra money.And out of a rage, Wang killed several of the, several people in charge, out of a great rage.And that case aroused a great controversy in society.Actually when I read the story, I did show some sympathy for that guy, because I think it was the fault of the boss in the first place.It was him that didn’t pay him the payment that he deserved.So I feel sympathetic for him.”
在前面谈过选择题目或角度时应遵循的一些具体原则,如:题目和角度一定是你有切身感触的;应该具有创造性,是听众感兴趣的;应该具体;应真实而有意义;所选择的观 点或角度一定能经得起推敲和琢磨,是全面的。除了这些基本原则外,在比赛过程中处理即兴演讲时,还应该特别强调两点:切题和严谨。(1)切题
切题最重要。一般而言,选手拿到的题目都是以问题的形式出现的。你需要表明在这个问题上的立场和观点,决不可以含糊其词,态度闪烁不定,站在中间,既谈好处又谈弊端。如果坚持这样,那么评委和听众就会认为你是在逃避,你的观点不明确,态度不明朗,那也就很难胜出。这点在CCTV杯演讲比赛中尤其重要,因为即兴演讲是为以后的辩论做准备。例如在2005年CCTV杯演讲比赛中,一位学生抽到的题目是, “Who should be the focus of investment in sports, the general population or potential Olympic champions?”当时他的回答是不偏不倚的,很显然二者都应该被照顾到,给予资金的扶持。但问题是,在这种情况下,他必须要做出选择,而不能徘徊于两者之间。否则,评委和听众就会怀疑你的态度和出发点,演讲效果自然也就大打折扣。(2)观点的严谨性
观点不能偏激,一定要严谨。这里的严谨有以下几层意思。* 观点本身能够站得住脚,有充足的材料可以说明论证。
* 表达观点的语言本身要严谨,准确,尽量避免绝对化的字眼,如 “never, every, all, nothing, nobody“等,这些绝对化判断太容易遭到攻击。
* 观点需要限制和修饰。要用发展性的眼光来处理你的观点。以上面那个题目来为例,如果既有大量资金扶持运动员又能让普通群众受益,那是最好的,但这是一种理想的画面。现实往往和理想有一段距离,现阶段没有足够的资金平衡二者的利益,答案又是什么呢?你可以有自己的看法和答案,但一定要有充足的论据支持。请注意:刚才我使用了现阶段三个字。这就意味着是用发展的眼光来看到问题,不仅要看到事物的现阶段,也要看到将来发展的方向——也就是期望得到的理想状态,即两类人群都会受益。
* 承认你的观点有修正和完善的余地。你的观点可能只是你目前认识的一个方面,或者是现阶段你的一种想法,它仍然有完善的余地
The impromptu speech is unexpected and thus delivered without preparation.Some impromptu speeches are special occasion or courtesy speeches such as welcomes, Introductions and acknowledgments。.As this style of speech usually takes you by surprise, it is important to think clearly, analyze the situation quickly and speak briefly and to the point.As you talk, use the following order of presentation:
Clearly indicate the reason for the speech
Say why it is important to the organization or audience(你从即兴演讲开始就要直入主题,少说废话)
Conclude with some of the characteristics of the individual or organization receiving the recognition.A successful formula used by many speakers for an impromptu speech is the PREP formula P stands for main point(第一步先明确观点,你同意还是不同意,支持是否;典型句型有:I don't agree with the topic(重复题目)比如2006年清华大学曹峰的即兴演讲就是这样开始的)
R stands for the reason(推理自己观点的正确性,环环相扣)
E stands for the example(举例,举例是要求具体实例,不能假如问句,即使有问句,也是修辞的需要;你的例子必须通俗易懂,里面不能有生词,如果有,要解释这个生词,然后再继续你的例子)
P stands for restating the main point(首尾呼应,重新阐述自己的观点)
A speaker following this formula would start with the main point and then state the reason for talking to that point-for example, a long-standing commitment to an environment issue: State the reason clearly.Follow with an example to illustrate the main point, to draw the picture and involve the audience.Examples that add interest may come from your own experience, a friend's experience or a past experience common to the group.(你在论证环节中的例子必须让观众听懂,不能有生词;如果有引用页要采取下列模板:
Benjamin Franklin人名+American inventor and politician人的背景+once said)
Alternatively, you may use statistics or a relevant quotation.Conclude by restating the main point in different words.This reinforces the main point and gives strength and continuity to the delivery.As you follow this formula, both speaker and audience reach the main point quickly.22
1.How to behave when applying for a job?2.I am proud of being Chinese3.Happy is he who is content
4.How to make our campus life more meaningful?5.No imagination,no invention6.What is happiness?7.Knowledge is power
8.The importance of being creative9.All roads lead to Rome10.Knowledge and ability11.Loyalty
12.My views on chatting on the Internet13.The importance of reading intensively14.Failure is the mother of success 15.The positive effects of computers 16.Quantity and quality
17.Be the master of your own fate18.The negative effects of computers19.Opportunity is never lost20.One is never too old to learn21.Help to protect the environment 22.Never say that you can't
23.How to carry out the quality education?24.What the world will look like in ten years?25.How can you achieve pure friendship?
Vigor vigour glamour 27.Is world peace possible?
28.How can we preserve our traditional culture?29.In face of success
30.How can we protect wildlife?31.What will WTO bring us?
32.How can we overcome the gap between the rich and the poor?33.Rome was not built in a day
34.United we stand,divided we fall35.Money can not buy everything36.Actions speak louder than words
37.What would you do with three wishes?38.Experience is the best teacher39.English as a global language
40.A friend in need is a friend indeed41.Is the spoken English test necessary?42.Health and wealth
43.Where there's a will there is a way44.No Pains,no gains45.Haste makes waste46.Practice makes perfect
47.Responsibilities college students should undertake48.What do I study for?
49.The value of moral education
50.The importance of reading extensively 要求: