Schindler'sListis Steven Spielberg's unexpected award-winning masterpiece-a profoundly shocking, unsparing, fact-based, three-hour long of the nightmarish Holocaust.Its re-creates a dark, frightening period during World War II, when Jews in Nazi-occupied Krakow were dispossessed of their businesses and homes.The unanimously-praised film deservedly won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director , Best Cinematography , Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Original Score , Best Editing , and Best Art Direction.It also won nominations for two of its male leads: Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor。
The film Schindler's List captures my attention at its beginning.I love this film because of
1、The loving for human’s life.Classic lines:(1)Who ever saves one life, saves the world entire.(2)This car, Goethe would have bought this car.Why do I keep the car? Ten people by that, ten people, ten more people.(3)This pin, two people.This is gold, two more people.He
would have given me two for it, at least one.He would have given me one, one more, one more person, person, Stern,for this.I could have got one more person, and I didn't, and I didn't......2 The definition of hero.The content or definition about hero is different from most ones.In most occasions, The so-called hero must save people’s lives by violence, they would be dauntless, daring to die, and forget their own lives and so on.But why cann’t save ones’ life by love rather than violence? Take Schindler for example.In the respect for life, he risked his own life in saving others.He saved Jews who were said to be the most dirty, ugly and full of greed at the cost of losing his fortune, his power and even his safety.That’s why we should pay our respect for him, he is the most brave and kind man.This is humanity’s brilliant.This world will be perfect by love, we need hero, who have not only courage but also love rather than violence, I believe firmly.This sequence also marks the celebrated appearance of the little girl in the red coat.An ingenious plot device, the character was based upon a real girl named Roma Ligocka, who unlike her film counterpart, survived the war, and wrote a memoir entitled “The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir”.Schindler spots the small girl wandering amongst the black-and-white chaos of the Krakow Ghetto, and we follow her as she retreats into a building and takes shelter under a bed.When Schindler later notices her disheveled corpse carted past him to be incinerated, he is understandably horrified, unable to understand how the soldiers could possibly destroy something so innocent.This event memorably signifies the turning-point of Schindler's attitudes towards the carnage, fuelling his desire to save as many Jews as possible。
3、Artistry:(1),Background Music , it is so moving.(Maybe you can close your eyes ,open your heart to feel the fragile life under the war and the noble love of humanity.)(2)The color of the movie’s picture is classic.Except for the bookends and two other brief shots(the little girl in a red coat and candles burning with orange flames), the entire film in-between is shot in crisp black and white.The film is marvelous for the way in which it crafts its story without contrived, manipulative Hollywood-ish flourishes In a word, during a war, people have to suffer from not only the hurt of the body but also the pain of the Spirit and soul, even lose their life.I hope that there will never be wars in the world!Every war had taken hundreds of millions of bad effects to our human.Looking back on the human society history, the main evil spring from the war.So not find any pretext to Launch a war so that every one can live a happy life.What we need is the courage Schindler had, the conscience he had and especially his humanity’s love.Who ever saves one life, saves the world entire.Please try our best to bring this world beauty and peace!
Death, Life and Humanity ——Schindler’s List Appreciation
I.Introduction This film mainly describes the Germen Nazi’s Holocaust to the Jews with the miserable atmosphere.It shows us the Krakow in Poland on the world war II being ruined by the Nazi army and tens of thousands of people were persecuted there.This film effectively wants to tell us that there is always a light in the darkness and there is always a hope when people feel despairing.None of us will vanish our conscience, soul as well as hope no wonder where we are.II.Background Between 1938 and 1945, the Jewish population was segregated and persecuted, culminating in the merciless slaughter of approximately six million Jews.Amidst all this butchery, one man decided to make a difference, famously saving the lives of more than 1100 Jews-men, women and children who would otherwise have been killed.III.The content In September, 1939, the Nazi army conquered the Poland within two weeks.The Germany Nazi’s brutal and bloody led the Jewish life to fall into the darkness.At this time, OskarSchindler came from his hometown to Krakow, wanting to become prosperous via taking business of the enamelware factory to produce the field kits and mess kits for the army.He employed Itzhak Stern, a Jews, as the accountant and deputy to take charge of the factory.In Krakow, the Jews were the cheapest workers, so Schindler’s factory just employed the Jews workers.In March 13th, 1943, the Jews in Krakow were suffering the Holocaust.Witnessing all of this, Schindler was shocked.Thus, he decided to find the commander AmonGoeth and asked him to allow to move his factory inside the wire of Commandant Amon’s camp, promising Amon that he would pay back to him enough.In this period, Schindler’s factory became the shelter of the Jews.In April, 1944, Goeth received the order to convey the Jews to the Auschwitz Camp.In order to save much more people, Schindler made a list of the Jews workers, and bribed AmonGoeth to buy his Jewish workers for saving more people.This list represented the absolute goodness and life because it saved 1100 Jews.Later, Schindler was suspected by the Nazi party for his behavior.However, he was so intelligent that he went through this hard time.What’s more, he went bankrupt at last for bribing the official.In 1945, The Nazi finally surrendered.The Jews were liberated.But Schindler had to flee.Though Schindler was guilty not to saving more Jews, people knew that he had done all he can.IV.The Figures of The Main Character As a businessman, OskarSchindler was a failure.But as a human, Schindler was successful for what he had done.At first, Schindler just focused his eyes on the wealth.“There's no way I could have known this before.But there was always something missing, in every business I tried.I can see now, it wasn't me that failed.Something was missing.Even if I'd known that it was, there's nothing I could have done about it.Because you can't creative this thing.And it makes all the difference in the world between success and failure.“ ”luck?“ ”war."
At this time, what I had seen was the callousness of the capitalists.Only if the wealth can attract them.They don’t care the war, the death and the humanity.But the change of Schindler later makes the audiences have a great esteem for his bravery.He transformed his factory into the heaven, making the Jews feel that if they could become one of the member of the list, they were capable of avoiding the persecution, When Schindler saw that a train was sending the women and the children to the Camp, he saved them back and shouting “They are essential”.This scene displayed the humanity of Schindler.As for him, everyone was essential.This words was more than a protection to the possession of a capitalist, it was the respect to the life.And later, he refused to produce the qualifying weapons for the German Nazi on purpose.So he had never produced any death.At this time, he was no longer the evil one before.After the Germany declared thesurrender, Schindler repented of what he had done.Schindler’s nation was fail, but the Jews that he always wanted to save were survived.His misery was not for the failure but for the guilty and ashamed feelings to the Jews, for the guilty of not saving more people, for the shameful behavior of his nation.This is OskarSchindler, a hero who had saved thousands of Jews.His bravery, goodness, intelligence as well as justice touch the whole world.2 V.The Moving Plots “I'm a member of the Nazi party.I'm a munitions manufacturer.I'm a profiteer of slave labor.I'm a criminal.And midnight you will be free and I'll be hunted.I shall remain with you until 5 minutes after midnight.After which time, I hope you will forgive me.I have to flee.”
Before he fled, the Jewish worker presented him a ring with the sentence of “It's Hebrew, from the Talmud”, which meant whoever saves one life,saves the world entire.But Schindler was guilty for his fleshpots, saying that “I could have got more, I could have…but I didn’t…”.Ultimately, Schindler had already rescued 1100 Jews, an unbelievable miracle.However, he was still ashamed and uneasy of that he had been living in a luxurious surroundings and wasted too much money so that he could not save more.He was ashamed of his nation’s crime to the Jews.At the end of the film, the surviving Schindler’s Jews stood on the horizon hand in hand, and the tableau changed from black and white to colorful, which give me the feelings of thatthe dawn comes again.Thesetwo plots left me a very deep impression because it demonstrates me the niceness of human and our world.It represents the brilliance of human nature, the hope and the justice.VI.Conclusion In the film “Schindler’s list”, Mr.Schindler’s rescue act,Jews tenacious,optimistic,intelligent and so beautiful natures,the brutal Nazi officer is still vivid.However, I think that the reason why this film is so moved is not theconsummate and vivid performance, but the influence that it appeals to our human’s conscience.Bibliography [1]豆瓣电影 [2]百度文库
Whoever saves one life,saves the world entire."救人一命就等于救全世界“
—The Talmud
对这样一部无论主题或艺术性都登峰造极的影片妄加评述,实在是很需要一点勇气的。关于《辛德勒的名单》的大小闪光点被提及的最多的就是那个红衣女孩,无奈色盲色弱如我者茫然而淡定地飘过,还回头再调出视频仔细端详,仍一无所获…然后就是那个被枪毙的女大学生… 我看完电影后立马回想出的画面的有:地下室“爱情”,“烟灰”和割喉礼那一段,墓碑前那个露出安然笑容的女人——辛德勒夫人。丹卡和亚当手牵手。钢琴和枪声,黑夜中闪光的窗户。“淋浴”时的肆意大笑。Good bye Jews.God bless you.。辛德勒的“浇水”,“You are so cruel.”.各种行李——德国式的严谨。开头的寂静和擦火柴的声音。烛光与牧歌,象征着希望和信仰。医院里的安乐死。…… ……
辛德勒对待犹太人态度转变的成功展示,很大程度上源于“不同的看,以及看的不同使素材转向另一面,是人物变得不一样”。在影片前半段,从之前挑选秘书、为斯特恩留下独臂老人而生气、对来访朴素的女子视而不见等细节中,我们看到辛德勒浪子和奸商的嘴脸。同时,我们也看到了惨绝人寰的场景,如独臂老人被枪决。然而此时的辛德勒只是在高高在上的办公室里听到枪响,冷静而略带愤恨地说:“I lost a worker.I expect to be compensated.”影片避免了他对这一事件更丰富的感知,这时的辛德勒仍然是唯利是图的商人形象。在转折性的“山顶俯视”画面中,辛德勒才第一次(之前他要么沉溺于歌舞升平,要么在家尽享床第之欢)目睹犹太人被大肆屠杀的惨状。我们都通过他的目光“俯瞰”,并觉察了镜头特写下辛德勒神情的凝然骤变,并随着他的眼睛捕捉到逃窜的人群中一抹亮丽的“红色”。等到这抹红色再次出现,我们又一次跟着辛德勒注视她的目光,随着污秽不堪的推尸车远去……这时的辛德勒和我们一样,被这唯一的彩色的消逝震撼了,他不仅怀着良不安、愤怒和无奈的情绪,而是确定下了拯救受害者的决心。在这两个关键场景及之间的多数场景,导演都是尽可能多地以辛德勒为“聚焦者”,使得他的心理转变清晰而悄然地在我们面前,态度的转变才得以顺理成章。这一转变在以显示辛德勒作为“不完美的英雄”的可能性。
我印象最深刻的是葛斯向海伦表白一段。面对心爱的姑娘,他竟大改往日的暴戾猖狂,他冷漠深邃的眼神掺杂着难得的温柔,又显得很是窘迫……镜头不停地将镜头切换到辛德勒在宴会上的场面:他以高贵而绅士的姿态注视着妖娆多姿的歌女——阴暗的地下室里回响着优雅的歌声,葛斯深情地注视着颤抖的女仆,伸出无所适从的手,撩动她潮湿的头发……歌女妩媚地将手伸向(同一个角度)辛德勒,捧起他的头献上甜蜜的吻——葛斯猛然间醒悟,轻声咒骂一句“ bitch”,瞬间变回恐怖的面貌,残暴地将海伦掷倒在地……犹太区的小伙子和姑娘按传统的礼俗举行婚礼,军官舞会上的男女开始亲吻……在阴暗的地下室里,美好的爱情却演变成丧心病狂的残暴与触目惊心的鲜血。这些场景的精妙设计与穿插堪称完美。在叙述策略上,导演有意安排了很多辛德勒与葛斯的相似与对立。如辛德勒与葛斯都有“主人式”、“殖民者式”意味的俯视,导演正是用对偶的策略展示出好的与邪恶的在邪恶一面的范围内作为两种可能性的平行发展。尤为出彩的还有关于power的定义纠正:趁着酒醉,辛德勒隐射地指出葛斯拥有的只是justice(制裁——他用了个相对有“正义感”的词),而“Power is when we have every justification to kill and we don’t.Pardon is power.”酒醒后的葛斯似乎真的受到影响,一连饶恕了几个犹太人,他指着镜子说I pardon you.的刹那,我们仿佛觉得镜子中的人才是他本身,镜子前的是辛德勒的化身。
最后,关于大屠杀的电影大都运用普遍的悲剧作为背景,或通过个人证实的方式以一种柔弱的感情来表现人为灾难的恐怖。影片最感人处是片尾,当德国宣布投降,辛德勒在自己工厂里向工人们告别时的情景。"It says whoever saves one life saves the world。"此是希伯来圣经中的一句:"它说,拯救一个人,就是拯救了整个世界。"这一句话是那些为辛德勒所庇护的所有犹太人的一句肺腑之言。他们以自己最神圣的经文中的一句来赞颂他,一个德国人,一个纳粹人。他们对他只有无尽的感激,没有丝毫的民族仇恨。他们知道他与别的纳粹党徒不一样。他有着仁慈的心,他有怜悯,有同情。在他散尽家财援救了1100多犹太人后,还在为自己未能再多救几个人而感到痛心。当他在大雪中远去时,他已被所有犹太人铭记于心。