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Tackle Climate Change Actively and Promote Sustainable Development--Speech at the EastWest Institute Seminar by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe, Head of the Mission of the P.R.China to the EU

February 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am very pleased to be at this meeting and exchange views with you.I would like to take this opportunity to make three points: first, the Copenhagen Conference was a new starting point to tackle climate change;Secondly, the international community should give adequate attention to the issue of adaptation;Thirdly, China and the EU should strengthen dialogue and cooperation on climate change.We still have fresh memories of the Copenhagen Conference which was held two months ago.Although the meeting experienced twists and turns, but thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, it ultimately obtained two important results.First, by adhering to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali road map, the conference identified clearly the direction for the negotiations in the next step;Secondly, the conference issued the Copenhagen Accord, marking new progress in terms of binding reduction by developed countries and voluntary action by developing countries.It also reached certain consensus on issues such as long-term goals, funding, technology and transparency, which laid the foundation for further strengthening international cooperation on climate change and gave political impetus to future negotiations.It is fair to say that the Copenhagen conference was a success.It produced the best result that can be achieved at this stage, which should be cherished.On tackling climate change, the road is long and tortuous.The Copenhagen Conference is not the end, but a new beginning.In recent weeks, there are nearly one hundred countries which notified the Secretariat of the Copenhagen Accord their respective emission reduction or mitigation targets.A series of important international conferences will be held in Bonn and Mexico this year.As a responsible member of the international community, China will continue to play an active and constructive role, earnestly fulfill its commitment, strengthen international cooperation, and with the Copenhagen Accord as the basis, work together with other parties for an early conclusion of the “Bali road map”, so as to promote continuous progress of the international cooperation on climate change.Recently, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao sent letters to Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and stated that China supports the Copenhagen Accord.Premier Wen reiterates that China will strive to achieve national voluntary reduction targets, that is, by 2020, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by 40% to 45% than 2005, non-fossil energy will account for about 15% of primary energy consumption, forest area will increase by 40 million hectares over 2005 and forest carbon sink by 1.3 billion cubic meters.This is a voluntary action China takes according to its own national conditions and stage of development, it is not attached to any conditions, or links to other country's emission reduction targets.It reflects the maximum efforts that the Chinese government can make.Here, I would like to highlight that China is still a developing country.It is in the critical stage of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization.We are facing an arduous task of economic development and improving people's livelihood.China's per capita GDP ranks after the world's first 100.By the UN standard, 150 million Chinese remain in poverty.Every year jobs for 12 million people need to be created, even more than the entire population of Belgium.In addition, China's coal-dominated energy mix poses special difficulties to emission reduction.Even so, the Chinese Government has always taken a responsible attitude towards the nation and mankind, and takes climate change as an important strategic task.To use a metaphor, we want mountains of gold and silver, but first of all we want mountains of trees.China will not repeat the model of “pollution first, treatment later” as it was in the history of the developed countries.China will set its own mitigation targets as compulsory targets of the national economic and social development plan and make efforts to meet our committed targets and do even more.We will unswervingly pursue sustainable development and honor our commitment by taking concrete actions.Ladies and gentlemen,Mitigation and adaptation are two integral aspects in tackling climate change.Mitigation is a relatively longer-term and challenging task, whereas adaptation is more immediate and urgent.The core of adaptation is funding.The UNFCCC explicitly stipulates the obligation on the part of developed countries to provide funding and technology to developing countries.At present, the international community has established a number of multilateral financing mechanisms, including the Least Developed Countries Fund.But frankly speaking, the international community's emphasis on adaptation is far from enough.The funds that are available and can really be put in place by the existing mechanisms are very limited, and falling far short of the actual needs and expectations from the developing countries.The international community should give more attention to adaptation.It's been wrong that we put so much emphasis on mitigation but so little on adaptation.The developed countries, in particular, should shoulder the responsibility, and in accordance with the Convention, deliver their promises to developing countries on financial and technology support.The Copenhagen Conference, having reached a preliminary consensus on the issue of funding, represented a step in the right direction.However, the Accord does not clearly specify the sources of funding in the short term or how they are going to be implemented.Neither does it stipulate the exact amount of long-term funding commitment of the countries concerned.There leaves much uncertainty.We hope that the developed countries will demonstrate political sincerity and take concrete action to fulfill its obligations, rather than evading or shifting to others their responsibilities.Ladies and gentlemen,China-EU cooperation on climate change is already a long story.As early as in 2005, the two sides established partnership on climate change.At the 12th China-EU Summit last year, the two sides decided to upgrade such partnership and strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation in the field of climate change.Following the Copenhagen Conference, the two sides plan to add an extra round of consultations on climate change which will take place in the near future.The EU possess advanced concepts and technologies in the field of energy saving and environmental protection.China has a vast market demand.The two sides should further tap the potentials for cooperation on energy and climate change, especially in the following areas:

First, energy conservation and energy efficiency.China's energy utilization efficiency is far lower than the EU and other developed countries, and China needs to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP.The second area is renewable energy.By cooperation under the Clean Development Mechanism, the EU could help China to promote renewable energy development, improve energy structure, and strengthen social environmental awareness.The third area is clean energy.For quite a long time in the future, China's energy production and consumption will continue to be dominated by coal, which present us a vast platform for technical cooperation.Ladies and Gentlemen:

The EU is the world's biggest economy, and China is the world's biggest developing country.To strengthen practical cooperation between China and the EU on climate change, and sustainable development not only serves the fundamental interests of both sides, but is also conducive to world prosperity and development.We are willing to cooperate with all communities in the EU and make unremitting efforts to cope with climate change and achieve sustainable development.Thank you!



Well, thank you very much for the wonderful introduction.Thank you, Secretary General, Mr.President, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen:

I have come to feel great affection for the peoples of the world because they've always been so

welcoming to me—if it is as a bodybuilding champion, or as a movie star, private citizen, or as the

governor of the great state of California.And you, their delegates, have also made me feel very

welcome here this morning.So I want to thank you for this great honor for having me here.www.xiexiebang.com

I also want to thank my wife and my partner and the First Lady of California, Maria Shriver, for

being here today with me.Give her a big hand—right over there she is.Now, I've been asked—I've been asked to talk to you today about what is happening in California.What are we doing about climate change? Well, ladies and gentlemen, something remarkable is

beginning to stir—something revolutionary, something historic and transformative.Let me give you some background.California already leads the nation in information technology.We lead the nation in nanotechnology,in biotechnology, and in medical technology.We generate one of every four U.S.patents, and we

attract almost half of all U.S.venture capital.And according to The Economist magazine, California

is also home to three of the top six universities in the world.And in addition to all of this, California

is the seventh largest economy in the world.Now I do not mention these things to just simply boast or brag.I'm mentioning it because

California is a very powerful state, a very powerful place.And when do something, it has

consequences.And here is what we are doing.California is mobilizing—technologically, financially, and politically—to fight global climate

change.Now we're not doing this alone.While California is leading in the U.S., we are building on

the work of the European countries who have led the way up until now and have done extraordinary

work.England has already met its Kyoto goals.Germany has pioneered solar.The EU has led with

its trading system.And the list goes on and on.But California, because of its unique position, is on the cutting edge of what is to come.And what

is coming will benefit the countries and peoples represented in this chamber.Last year in California,we enacted greenhouse gas emission standards that were beyond anyone else's dreams.We enacted

the world’s first low carbon fuel standards.Now do I believe that California’s standards will solve global warming? Of course not.What we’re

doing is changing the dynamic, preparing the way and encouraging the future.The aerospace

industry built the modern economy of Southern California.The computer industry and the internet

built the economy of the Silicon Valley.And now green, clean technology—along with

biotech—will take California to the next level.Right now, in California, the brightest scientists from around the world and the smartest venture

capitalists are racing to find new energy technologies and the solution to global warming.It is a

race that is fueled by billions and billions of dollars.Last year alone, California received more than

1.1 billion dollars in clean tech investment.And this amount is expected to grow by 20 to 30%

annually for the next ten years.More venture capital is being invested in clean tech than in

telecommunications.Now I have been to those labs and research parks.I have talked with the

scientists and to the venture capitalists.I have seen their ambition.And let me tell you, I would not

www.xiexiebang.com bet against it.So what does all this mean for the nations in this chamber? Well the cell phone, which started as a

tool for the rich, is now widespread in the developing world.The price has dropped dramatically,and therefore it can be afforded by almost everyone.And the same thing will happen with

environmental technologies.And it is in the developed world's best interests to help the poor

nations finance these advancements.When it comes to the environment, the technologies are changing; the economics are changing; and

the urgency's changing.So the question today is this: Are the nations of the world ready are to

change? I believe that California will do great things, amazing things, but we need the world to do great things, too.The time has come to stop looking back at the Kyoto protocol.The time has come to stop looking

back in blame or suspicion.The consequences of global climate change are so pressing—that it

doesn’t matter who was responsible for the past.What matters is who is answerable for the future.And that means all of us.The rich nations and the poor nations have different responsibilities, but one responsibility we all

have—and that is action.Action, action, action.The current stalemate between the developed and

the developing worlds must be broken.It is time to come together in a new international agreement

that can be embraced by rich and poor nations alike.California is moving the United States beyond

debate and doubt to action.So I urge this body to push its members to action also.Ladies and gentlemen, in closing, let me just say this: Do not lose hope.I do not believe that doom

and gloom and disaster are the only outcomes.Humanity is smart, and nature is amazingly regenerative.I believe that we can renew the climate of this planet.I believe this 100 percent.So I

pledge to you, the members of the United Nations, that we in California will work with all our heart to this end for which we all long.Thank you very much.Thank you.




























伴随着春秋战国时代的社会大转型的,是思想观念的大转型,也就是雅斯贝尔斯(K.T.Jaspers)所说的“轴心时期”(Axial Period)[2]。这个时期,诸子百家兴起。



法家商鞅的愚民政策 商鞅战国时期政治家、改革家、思想家,法家代表人物,卫国人,卫国国君的后裔,姬姓公孙氏,故又称卫鞅、公孙鞅。后因在河西之战中立功获封商于十五邑,号为商君,故称之为商鞅。





















(儒家学说)后来变成一个体系,成了士大夫背后一个组织力量,并充分地表达了他们的利益、思想和理想。……儒家学说被用作保护士大夫阶级利益的工具,其做法之巧妙(姑且不说不诚实),迄今为止欺骗了不少学者。” 士大夫集团与儒学之间的利益连系,使得透过尊儒达到意识形态控制的目的得到更大的助力,更易收效。















一、这是哲学家陆九渊的一句话,很有气魄: 六经皆我注脚。




























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