
时间:2019-05-14 18:14:57下载本文作者:会员上传


1.What’s the weather like today ?

It’s cold today.2.How many people are there in your family?

There are 4 people.4.There are 4 people in my family.3.How many fingers do you have?

10.I have 10 fingers.4.How many toes do you have ?

10.I have 10 fingers.5.How many ears do you have?

2.I have 2 ears.6.What’s your father’s job? Where are you from?

My father is a teacher.I am from tongye.7.How old are you? I’m 9 years old.8.Do you feel cold now?

No, I don’t.9.Can you sing an English song?

Yes.10.Do you have a pet? What’s its name? No.Yes, its name is paopao.11.Can you name some colors? Yes.Red, yellow, blue, green, pink… 12.What’s your favorite food?

My favorite food is chicken.13.What’s your favorite fruit?

My favorite fruit is apple.14.Do you have an English name? Yes, my English name is … 15.How do you spell your English name? N-i-c-h-o-l-e, Nichole.16.How do you spell?

17.What are you wearing today? I’m wearing a ski jacket, blue pans and black shoes.18.What color are your shoes?

Blue.They are blue.19.Is that your new coat? Yes, it is.20.Who is your best friend?

Li Ming.My best friend is Li Ming.21.What do you like to eat on your birthday?

Birthday cake.Noodles.Dumplings.22.What time do you usually get up?

At 6 a.m.23.What time do you usually go to bed?

At 9 p.m.24.What time do you usually go to school?

At 7 a.m.25.What time do you usually finish your school?

At 4 a.m.26.Is your hair long or short?

My hair is long.My hair is short.27.Is your mom’s hair curly or straight? Curly.Straight.28.Can you ride a bike?

Yes, I can.29.What color is your bike? It is white.30.Is your bike big or small? It is big.It is small.31.Can you run fast?

Yes, I can.32.What(farm)animals do you know? Pigs, ducks, chicken, cows.33.Can a cow fly? No, it can’t.34.How many legs does a turtle have? Four legs.35.Is an elephant big or small?

It is big.36.What do you have for breakfast? Bread, eggs, soup.37.Do you drink milk every day? Yes.38.When is your birthday?

It’s on May 1st.39.Is there a clock in your bedroom?

Yes, there is.40.What does your mother look like? She is beautiful.41.Does your mother like cooking?

Yes, she does.42.Does your dad like driving?

Yes, he does.43.What time does your father usually come home?

At 7 p.m.44.Who helps with your homework?

My mother.45.Who reads stories for you before bed?

My mother.46.Who cooks for you?

My mother.47.Does your father like reading?

Yes, he does.48.Where do you live ?

In Tongye.I live in Tongye.49.Which day do you like best in a week?

Saturday.50.How many ants and uncles do you have?

I have 1ant and 2 uncles.51.What do you like doing?

I like reading books.52.What do you like to play with?

I like to play with dolls/balls.53.Who do you love best in your family? My mother and my father.My mother.54.What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English.55.What’s your favorite day? Why?

Saturday.Because I have no classes on Saturday.56.What’s your favorite place?

My home.57.How do you go to school? 58.How many students are there in your class? 59.How many boys are there in your class? 60.How many girls are there in your class? 61.How many teachers do you have? 62.How many friends do you have?



1.What's your name? 2.How old are you? 3.How are you? 4.Do you like your school? 5.Do you like your teacher? 6.What can you do?

7.Can you jump like a rabbit? Do it, please.8.Can you sing an English song? 9.What animal can fly? 10.What animal can swim? 11.Do you like birthday cake? 12.What colour is the apple? 13.Do you have a big family?

14.How many people are there in your family? 15.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 16.Do you have a dog at home?

17.Do you like your family? 18.Do you like going to the zoo? 19.Do you often visit your grandparents? 20.What color do you like best? 21.What fruit do you like? 22.Do you like peaches? 23.What fruit do you like best?

24.Do you often go shopping with your mum? 25.What fruit do you want ? 26.Can you play football? 27.Do you like playing soccer? 28.Can you play the piano?

29.What time do you get up everyday? 30.Do you go to school by bus?

31.Do you like to have breakfast in the morning? 32.What do you eat for breakfast? 33.Do you drink milk every day? 34.Do you like running? 35.Do you wear a skirt/T-shirt in summer? 36.How much is your skirt/T-shirt? 37.Do you have a bike?

38.Is there a desk in your bedroom? 39.Is the desk in front of your bed? 40.Is there a picture in your bedroom?

41.Is there a computer in your bedroom? Where is it? 42.What can you play? 43.Can you play the guitar? 44.What can your friends do? 45.What color is your schoolbag? 46.What do you have in your schoolbag?

47.Do you have a pencil-case in your bag? 48.Can you tell me your telephone number? 49.Do you go to the park on Saturday? 50.How many colors are there in a rainbow? 51.Do you have a pet? Do you love your pet? 52.Do you like swimming? 53.Can you count from 1 to 20? 54.Do you often go to the farm?

55.What animals can you see on the farm ? 56.What animals can you see in the zoo? 57.What is your favorite animal?

58.How many children are there in your classroom?

59.Is there a TV in your classroom?

60.How many students are there in your classroom?

61.Is your school very big or small? 62.How many teachers in your school? 63.Who is your English teacher? 64.What vegetable do you like best? 65.Do you like pizza? 66.Do you like to eat English food? 67.What do you want to eat at KFC? 68.Do you have any good friends?

69.What do you usually do with your friends?

70.Who is your best friend?

71.How old is he/she? 72.Are you in the same class?

73.What day is it today?

74.Do you like Monday or Sunday? 75.What do you do on Monday?

76.What do you do on Sunday? 77.How's the weather today?

78.Do you like sunny days or rainy days?

79.What can you do in sunny days?

80.Do you often help your mother? 81.What can you do? 82.Do you like spring? Why? 83.Do you like winter?

84.Can you make a snowman? 85.Do you like English? Why? 86.Do you like doing homework? Why? 87.Do you know Children's Day? 88.What do you do on Children's Day? 89.Do you like English? 90.Do you like cats?

第三篇:希望之星 小高组问题



1.Who is your father? 2.What does your mother do? 3.Which animal has a long tail? 4.Which animal do you like? A mouse or a horse? 5.How many legs do you have? 6.What do you like doing? 7.Please touch your nose.8.Which fruit is yellow? 9.What color do you like best? 10.How many feet do you have? 11.Which animal can swim in the river 12.Which is less, five or six? ? 13.What color is your shirt? 14.How do you say 星期一in English? 15.Touch your left eye.16.What is a panda like? 17.Which animal has a short tail? 18.What color is your sweater? 19.What time do you go to bed?

20.where will you go when you are sleeping? 21.How many arms do you have? 22.Where is your face? 23.What can you do with your mouth? 24.What color is your dress? 25.Can you sing a song for me? 26.Which season is warm? 27.What do you like to eat? 28.What sport do you like? 29.What do you do on Sunday? 30.How many people are there in your family? 31.How many eyes does the monkey have? 32.Where can you see fish? 33.Where are your eyes? 34.Where can you see animals? 35.How many ears do you have? 36.Where can you buy hamburgers? 37.What is on your head? 38.Which season is cold? 39.What color are your trousers? 40.Where can you swim? 41.Which animal do you like more? A cat or a dog?

42.Which season do you like? 43.What animals dont have legs? 44.What day after Monday? 45.What fruit is red? 46.What day is tomorrow? 47.Which is your favorite animal? 48.Who are your parents? 49.What lesson do you like? 50.Who was in the hospital? 51.What are you eating? 52.Where can you buy chocolate? 53.How many eyes does your snowman have? 54.How many hands do you have? 55.What do you have for breakfast? 56.What do you like in Winter? 57.Which sport do you like in winter? 58.How many mouths do you have? 59.What do you like? 60.Who is cleverer? 61.What is your father? 62.What can you see in spring?









宝宝上场后需要用英文告诉评委老师要描述的对象。然后宝宝有1分钟的时间去模仿1个明星(歌星、影星、潮流人物等)。举例说明,如果宝宝上台之后模仿的是Michael Jackson。那么宝宝上台需要用英文告诉评委老师他要模仿Michael Jackson,然后开始1分钟的模仿。如果模仿中需要运用语言,则可以根据模仿的对象来选择是英文还是中文。模仿结束后,宝宝有1分钟的时间用英文回答评委的提问。






































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