
时间:2019-05-14 18:59:23下载本文作者:会员上传









































*By Summing up Gists


It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus addressing you.There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us.It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into way, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance.But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts─for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their government, for the dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall itself at last free.To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when American is privileged to send her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured.God helping her, she can do no other.各位议员先生,向你们提出这样的建议,对我来说,是痛苦而沉重的责任。前方等待我们的可能是数月的严峻考验和付出。把这个伟大的和平民族引入一场空前可怕的战争中去,是一件思之令人恐惧的事情。全人类文明处于岌岌可危的关头。但是正义比和平更珍贵,我们将为心中最珍贵的事物奋战──为民主,为那些争取在自己政府中有发言地位的人的权利,为各自由民族一致赞同的自由正义统治而战。为了实现这一任务,文明可以骄傲地献出文明的生命财产,献出文明一切所有,连同我们自己在内,因为我们认识到美国人用自己的热血和力量去捍卫自己原则的时刻已经来临,正是这些原则赋予我们生命、幸福与她所珍惜的和平。愿上帝降福于美国。这是美国的惟一的出路。

In the last analysis, every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institution such as courts of justice and police.This holds for nations as well as for individuals.And the basis of trust is loyal give and take.--From Albert Einstein:“peace in the Atomic Age”



I will sum up my words as follows:

The Juvenile movement of Youth China, as I expect, is a movement for bilingual remolding of essence, is a movement for remolding spirit and material, for breaking the intellectual classes movement, for joining in the Labor Union, for small organization groups on the bases of villages, and still for enlarging the reliance.The Children of Young China, and the Juvenile movement is the movement of remolding the world.Young China's juveniles are the Youth of the world.--From Li Dazhao:“The Juvenile Movement of Youth China”




--选自李大钊《“少年中国”的“少年运动” 》


1.Travelling by bus : 1.You need to clear up your bus line and take the right direction.2.if you have carsickness, you need to take some medicine.3.When you are on the bus, you need to take care of your possession, and you need to pay attention to protect youself from thieves.2.KTV: 1.Before you go to KTV, you need to choose one that has a good reputation and an reasonable price.2.If you want not be embarrassed among the people present, you need to practise one or two songs that you are good at.3.As a viruous person, you should not throw your rubbish into the ground.3.Leisure activities on campus: 1.You should take your interest, time or even money into account while you are going to take some leisure activities on campus.2.Maybe you like to take some activities alone, at this time, you need to pay an enough attention to your security.3.If you take activities in a group, you need to learn how to put yourself into the activities in order to make these activities more enjoyful.4.Teachers: 1.To be a good teacher, you need to love this vocation at first.That is to say, no matter what your personality is, you should be kind, enthusiastic, and warm-hearted.You need to regard your every student as your own child, and make them learn to respect and love you.2.Because a teacher is responsible to educatees, he or she need to have professional subject knowledge, and he or she need to have a clear logic to express his or her thoughs clearly to the students.3.As a teacher also need to be patient, because there are some underachievers who need more help and more time to make them to keep up with others.5.Quanzhou sightseeing: 1.You can ask some actives of Quanzhou or look for some information on the internet to choose the places that are interst you, because there are some places are not worth being visited.2.You need to clear up the bus lines, the restaurants, and maybe booking a hotel in advance is needed.3.You need to take care of yourself while you are on the way to the sightseeing.4.If you have the sightseeing in the hot days, you need to carry some medicine and drinks with you.6.Roommates:(how to get along well with your roommates?)Everyone has different characters, so how to get along well with your roommates becomes a probelm.There are some ways to solve this question.1.You should learn how to tolerate others.Everyone has their own life styles.You should respect that.2.You should often take care for other roommates, that is to say that you can share sorrow and happiness with them.3.You must help each others not only in study but also in daily life.4.Peaceful environment.7.Health:(how to keep health?)

1.you need to eat right.See the boxes below for tips on eating healthy.Heart disease, some cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries can be linked to what you eat.Fiber, fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of some cancers.Calcium helps build strong bones.2.you need to take enough exercises.Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression and, possibly, colon cancer, stroke and back injury.You'll also feel better and keep your weight under control if you exercise regularly.Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but any amount is better than none.3.in order to keep health, you should have a positive mood, because emotion health is an importmant part in our whole health.4.Enough sleep.8.Food:

(how to keep youself from harmful food?)

1.You need to select healthy food.When you buy fruits, vegetables, you need to choose those that are fresh and bright-colored.Do not choose ones that have some black spots on them, because these black spots are organism that can do harm for our health.2.You need to keep your food fresh, it is good to keep food in the refrigerator, but it does not mean that you can keep your food for a long time, because once you keep it for a long time, bacteria(细菌)in the refrigerator will make food go bad.3.There is now a kind of harmful food--fast food.Many people nowadays like to go to Mcdonland and KFC to have their meals because they think it is a good way to save their time to do other things.However, fast food is taking their health away in an uncoucious way, because they will make you fatter and fatter.9.Exercise:

(make exercise really be good for you?)

1.You should take your physical consitions into a consideration to choose an exercise or some exercises that really suiful for you.Because there are some people who get hurt when they are doing exercises.For those people who have a low physical quality, they can do some jogging or walking, for those people who have a strong body, they can do different kinds of exercises that they like, but they should not get too much exercises at the same time, or they will use up their energy and get tired easily.2.You need to have a plan to do exercises, that is to say, you need to get exercises regularly.Because if you just do exercises whenever you like, you will not make your body strong.Take me for an example, i don’t like doing exercises, but for my physical education class passing, sometimes I will go to the playground.In my mind, if I have ever done exercises, my physical quality will be better.But the truth is not, I STILL have a low points in my PE couse.Therefore, perseverance is needed.3.运动前后五十分钟内不要吃饭,可以适当补充点水.10.Boyfriends/ girlfriends:

(how to find a boyfriend?)

1.(a place to find your boyfriend)You need a bit of luck to find someone good, but you can make your own luck.That simply means putting yourself in situations where you meet new people.It could be a party, an after-school club, a new hobby, the gym, a charity event, a speed-dating event or even a website.You don't have to hold up a sign saying 'I'm single'.Just be approachable and friendly and who knows what might happen.You could work on your chatting-up skills too.2.You can't expect to get it right first time, so going on dates is a good way to test people out.Most of us are in the quest for true romance, but what is the best way to judge whether he or she is your lifelong patner or not, is to know what he or she is.Therefore, dating is needed if you want to know somebody.3.You need to have enough money, especially for a male, because you need to pay the bill when you are dating, and you may buy some gifts to your boyfiend and girlfriend in memory of some days that are important for you.11.Study:(how to study English?)

1.In my view , interest is the best teacher.Learning a foreign language is also a process of learning different cultures , so once you put your heart into it , you'll find much interest.Developing interest is just the first step , afterwards you should adopt right methods that suit you best.2.You should enlarge your vocabulary.Grasping a great amount of words has much convenience to your further study.Many students have much difficulties in memorizing words, so set a goal that you must achieve everyday, and make it a routine to remember a certain amount of words.Always repeat them in your mind and sometimes write them down with your memory.Don't feel it boring, because having an acquaintance with so many words is also a pleasure.3.Then you should do some exercises if you want to be a good one.Watch American dramas, TV programmes to impreve your listening and the capability of your oral English;read some English magazines and newspaper and do some reading tasks in order to improve your reading ability.4.Be confident to talk with your friends and frofessors in English if you are not bothering them.改善合理利用学习时间,充分利用课堂时间,12.Shopping on-line:

1.When you are looking for goods on some shopping websites, you need to make clear that what you are going to buy and type your keywords on the search bar.And the shopping websites that you are visiting should be trusted, such as Taobao, Dangdang and so on.2.Once you find out the goods you want, there will be thousands of information that are concerned with your keywords, so you need to compare these information and select the best one, which requires that you should take many things to consider, such as the price, the credit of the store and customers’ reviews.3.When you want to exit the websites, you need to sigh out your account, but not just close the webpage directly, or your accout may be easily stolen by some hackers.13.Parents:

(How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?)

1.Parents should make their children aware the importance and necessity of being independent, so as to cultivate the kid’s sense of independence.2.Parents should give their children much chances to handle with their own life, to solve problems independently, and encourage them to make decisions by themselves.3.when their children are faced with difficulties and need some instructions or advices, parents should offer proper assistance.14.Other relatives:

(how to have a good relationship with your relatives?)

1.You should make clear what are the relationship between them and you, or you will be embarrassed if you do not how to greet them when they are before you.2.Keep in touch with them.Sometimes, you can go to your relatives’ house and have a good talk with them, or have a meal with them.When some important festivals are coming, such as Spring Festival, you can send a message, or call them to express your best wishes to them.3.Get along with the children of your relatives.Once you have a good relationship with their children, you may have a chance to make them come to visit your family, or they will often invite you to come to their houses.15.Pets:

1.You need to buy a healthy pet from the pet store, or when you want to raise a pet taken from your someone you know, you need to take the pet to have a physical examination in order to make sure your pet will not take a terrible disease to you.2.While you are raising your pet, you need to spend a lot of time in taking him have a shower, buying food that are agree with him, even when your pet is a dog, you need to take him for a walk, by which your pet will have a longer life.3.Take care of your pet, do not let your pet make any troubles to your family members, neighbours and anyone who come to visite your house, or it may take your some money to deal with these problems.16.Money:(how to spend money once you earn mone?)

1.You need to have a clear idea in your mind, that how much do you totally have and what are you going to do with these money? For buying someting necessary? For repaying your housing, water and electricity? Or for your parents’ pockets money?

2.There are some people who do not know where his money are spent, which causes them become poor at the end of month.We can say that these people have a low ability to manage their money, especially there are some girls can not control themselves to buy everything they want, no matter how expensive the goods are.Therefore, it is very important for such people to record the things that you buy and make them be a monthly list.And when you have been doing this, you may find that your money are spent in a reasonable and clear way, and you will not longer to be confused where your money was costed.3.If you needn’t spend your money right now, please save your money in the bank, or just take them to the stock market, charity organization, or make them be your pricipal(本金)to start your own business.17.Party-time job:

1.When you are going to find a part-time job, especially when you are hunting the job on the internet, you need to open your eyes in order to avoid some people cheat you.2.You need to have talked about everything that you need to know with your boss,--the salary, the work time, and the problem about housing and food.When you are unsatisfied with the conditions, you need to negotiate with him.3.When your boss will not give your salary, you need to find a legal way to protect your own rights, but do not have a fight to your boss, because it will make you be into the jail or be punished by the police.18.Final exams: 1.You need to prepare that about a month before your final exam, considering you are usually wasting time during the whole semester.Even, you need to stay up all night to prepare it.2.When you are in the exam, do not be anxious when you meet some difficulties, instead, you just need to keep yourself calm and neglect the hard one or ones, choose the easy ones.3.After you have the exam, do not put yourself to check the answers with your classmates, or you will lose your confidence easily after you know some mistakes you made.19.Student street:

(how to have a good time with your friends in the student street?)

1.You can take them to have a taste in different snack stand.There are many kinds of delicious food, such as wonton(馄饨),dumplings, and hot and sour noodles.Also, you can take your friends to a peaceful restaurant to have a big meal.2.Summer day is hot for you, so you may get thirsty easily.Take your friends to a milk tea shop, and have a cup of icy drink, sitting in the store, talking about any topics you are interested.3.When night is coming, it is a good choice to go shopping in the different cloth shops and boutiques(精品店).You can just try on any cloth you like, and give some advices to your friend while they want to buy a cloth.20.Video games:

(how to make vedio games?)---i have a dream to creat a vedio game when i know many males are fond of playing Dota, because it will make me have a good chance to earn an amount of money.1.Plan first.Ask yourself a few questions not directly related to the game before you even start working: Is it going to be a short or long term project? Is it going to be done with a budget? Are you going to do this yourself or with a team? Is it going to be a small, casual game or a complicated one? What software will be used to create it?

2.Think of a game to create.Keep brainstorming concepts of your intended game and refine them until you have a very specific game you are happy with.Once you have a clear idea of what you want to create, move on to more detailed ideas such as plot, characters, controls, and other elements.3.Get the software needed to make your dream game.Now that you've got a definite idea of what you want to create, you'll want to evaluate how skillful you are at coding and design.As a saying goes, “Practice Makes Perfect!”, so after you finish the video games, practice as much as you can, therefore, you can get better and better at making games.21.Cell phones:(there are some explorations of cell phones, how to protect you from such accidents?)----keep your battery safe.1.Make sure your battery is the original one.Do not put battery that are produced by different hanset makers in your cell phone, because the batteries that come from different brands of cell phone have their characteristics that will make a terrible interaction and cause the cell phone explore.2.Make your cell phone battery be in a cool situation as possible as you can.For example, don't talk on your mobile phones for a long time, esp while it’s charging, and put cell phone in the bag in summer days, but do not put it in your pockets of jeans.3.Do not spend a long time in calling, or using a bluetooth earphone when you are in the phone is a good chice to protect youself from overheat of cell phone.


Good morning , ladies and Gentlemen

Today it is my great honor to be here and make a speech about my view on computer games.I would like to begin with a story.It is about my elder cousin.He is 24 now.What a great and beautiful age ,full of hope, dream , and success.But all these beautiful things are so far away him , a murderer who has been kept him in prison for two years.He used to be a top student in senior high school.But since he fell in love with computer gemes,he spent all of his time sitting in front of the screen , crazily playing those computer games day and night.As a result , his school records turned out to be a mess.What’s more , one day he had a quarrel with his partner.My cousin grabbed an cap and hit heavily on his partner’head.That was the tragedy,for both of them.So my view is strong , definite , and clear.Down with computer games!

Nowadays children are spending far too much time on computer games.They don’t realize that computer games are in fact nothing but a great waste of time , money and energy.They don’t realize how harmful the computer games are to their physical and mental growth.First of all ,many children are so much appeal to computer games that they even forget food and sleep.It is very bad for their phsical health.For example , children desert the football ground as they all sit at home around the computer plauing the games which are noisy , and will damage their eyes and ears.As a result , children cannot be physically fit and strong.Secondly , computer games distract children’s attention form their studies.They finish their homework in a hurry , or even copy their classmates’, in order to squeeze time to play games.Thirdy ,some computer games are filled with violence and sex.Children are too young to tell right from wrong.They may blindly imitate the bad behavior.Computer gamesare realy extremely harmful to their mental growth.Therefore ,down with computer games!They are just fantasy.Young people should be encouraged to do more meaningful and museums.They should be encouraged to set a real goal in life and pursue their great ideals All in all , down with computer games!.


“爱生活 爱英语”






















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