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——在英国皇家学会的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2011年6月27日,伦敦

The Path to China's Future--Speech by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the Royal Society of Britain June 27, 2011 London


Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society, Dear Fellows, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,我应邀访问久负盛名的英国皇家学会,深感荣幸。刚才,英国皇家学会授予我“查理二世国王奖”。这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是对中国科技进步的肯定,同时也是中英两国科技界友谊与合作的象征。对此,我向你们表示衷心的感谢!

It gives me great pleasure to visit the renowned Royal Society today.I have just received the Royal Society King Charles II Medal.To me, it is not only a personal honor, but also a recognition of China's advances in science and technology.Indeed, it is a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and British science communities, and I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for awarding me the medal.英国皇家学会,是英国最高科学学术机构,也是世界上历史最悠久的科学学会。牛顿、达尔文、爱因斯坦、霍金等科学巨匠,为人类科技事业发展作出过划时代的贡献。在座的各位会员,同样以自己的杰出成就造福社会。我向你们表示崇高的敬意!

The Royal Society is the most prestigious science institution in the UK and the oldest science society in the world.It is often associated with such towering figures as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, who have made epoch-making contribution to the advancement of science and technology.I wish to also salute all the Fellows present today for your outstanding achievements in promoting human progress.担任中国总理以来,这是我第四次访问贵国。这一次和上一次时隔两年,感觉大不相同。2009年初,贵国遭受一场罕见的大雪,同时也经历着国际金融危机的煎熬。我从达沃斯到伦敦一路走来,感受到一种忧郁不安的气氛。我当时说,“信心比货币和黄金更宝贵”。如今仲夏的伦敦,人们又恢复了往日的从容和自信。我对贵国应对危机所作的努力和可喜进展,表示由衷的钦佩!

This is my fourth visit to the UK as China's premier.During this visit, I have a very different impression from my last visit two years ago, in early 2009.Back then, the UK was hit by both a rare heavy snow and the global financial crisis.Coming to London from Davos, I could sense anxiety and uneasiness in the air.I remember saying during that visit, “Confidence is more important than currency and gold.” But now back in mid-summer London, I can see that people have regained confidence.I greatly admire the UK's efforts and achievements.我要告诉朋友们的是,经过这场国际金融危机的洗礼,中国前进的步伐更加稳健了。在这里,我想说一件事。

As to my country China, it has emerged from the financial crisis stronger and is now on a steady course of growth.Let me give you an example:


You may recall that on May 12, 2008, a devastating earthquake hit southwest China.Standing on the rubbles in Wenchuan, the epicenter of the quake, I said to the Chinese and foreign journalists, “Come back in three years' time, and you will see a new Wenchuan.” Over the past three years, while fighting the global financial crisis, we have mobilized the whole country to carry out reconstruction in the earthquake areas.Last month, I visited these areas for the tenth time.I saw decent housing apartments, solid school buildings and modern hospitals, and the local people were pleased with the reconstruction.I hope you will visit Wenchuan, where you will be overwhelmed by the miraculous transformation, and you will personally experience China's vitality.对中国改革开放以来的发展变化,世界上有各种各样的解读;对未来中国的走向,人们也非常关注。我愿意借今天这个机会,谈谈我的看法。

People outside China see the development and changes in China since reform and opening-up in different ways.There is also an intense interest in China's future path.I wish to take this opportunity to address this subject.上世纪80年代初,中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平,曾提出我国现代化进程分“三步走”的战略构想。第一步,基本解决温饱问题;第二步,全面建设小康社会;第三步,到本世纪中叶,基本实现现代化,达到世界中等发达国家水平。2010年到2020年,是中国全面建设小康社会的关键阶段。“三步走”战略的核心和本质,都是坚持以人为本,增进全体中国人的福祉。沿着这条社会主义现代化道路前进,中国必将会有一个更加光明的未来。

In the early 1980s, Mr.Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China's reform and opening-up program, proposed a three-step strategy for China's modernization drive.The first step is to ensure adequate food and clothing for the people.The second step is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.The third step is to achieve modernization and reach the level of medium developed countries by the middle of this century.The current period from 2010 to 2020 is a crucial one for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Putting people's interests first and promoting the wellbeing of the entire Chinese people--this is what the three-step strategy is all about.Following this path of socialist modernization, China will embrace an even brighter future.未来的中国,将是一个经济发达、人民富裕的国家。集中精力发展经济,不断改善人民生活,始终是中国政府的第一要务。我们将坚持科学发展,着力转变经济发展方式,走绿色、低碳、可持续的发展道路。我们将扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,进一步释放城乡居民消费潜力,使消费成为拉动经济增长的根本动力。我们将更加注重改善民生,努力扩大就业,优先发展教育、卫生等公共事业,深化收入分配制度改革,增加城乡居民收入,加快建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,让各族人民共享发展成果。

Tomorrow's China will be an economically advanced country with its people enjoying prosperity.To pursue economic development and improve people's lives has always been the top priority of the Chinese government.We will stick to scientific development, work hard to shift the model of economic development and achieve green, low-carbon and sustainable development.We will expand domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, fully tap into the potential for consumption of urban and rural population, and make consumption the fundamental driver of economic growth.We will redouble efforts to improve public welfare, create jobs, and develop education, health and other social programs on a priority basis.We will deepen the reform of income distribution, increase the income of urban and rural households and speed up the establishment of a social security system covering both urban and rural residents.We will ensure that what is achieved in development will be shared by the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.中国经济的振兴和可持续发展,根本靠科技。中国政府已经制定并组织实施了国家中长期科技发展规划。我们持续增加科技投入,近五年,中央财政共投入近1000亿美元,年均增长22.7%。从今年开始实施的“十二五”规划,我们力争把研究开发投入占国内生产总值的比重从现在的1.75%提高到2.2%。同时,我们将加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业。现阶段重点培育和发展节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端设备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等产业。所有这些,都将促进当前发展并为长期发展提供有力支撑。

Science and technology hold the key to China's economic prosperity and sustainable development.The Chinese government has adopted the National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development.Government R&D investment has reached nearly 100 billion U.S.dollars in the past five years, growing at an average annual rate of 22.7 percent.Under the 12th Five-Year Plan which starts this year, R&D funding as a percentage of China's GDP will rise to 2.2 percent from the current 1.75 percent.At the same time, we will accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, with priority given to energy conservation, environmental protection, new generation of information technology, biotechnology, advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy powered automobile.These efforts will boost our development at present, and provide strong support for our development in the long run.从世界范围看,克服国际金融危机,保证经济的稳定、平衡和可持续发展,根本也要靠科技。当今世界正处于新科技革命的前夜,新技术革命和产业革命初现端倪,诸多领域正酝酿着激动人心的重大突破。这场新科技革命,必将进一步深化我们对宇宙自然和人类自身的认识,必将开辟生产力发展的新空间,创造新的社会需求,必将深刻影响人类的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式,从而从根本上改变21世纪人类社会发展进程。科技无国界。让我们共同迎接这一伟大时代的到来!

Globally, science and technology are also crucial for overcoming the financial crisis and ensuring stable, balanced and sustainable economic development.The world is seeing the advent of a new revolution in science and technology and a new industrial revolution.Exciting breakthroughs will be made in many fields.This new revolution in science and technology will deepen our understanding of the universe, nature and ourselves as human beings.It will open up new frontiers, unleash productive forces, create new social demand and exert a profound impact on mode of production, way of life and way of thinking.The revolution in science and technology will thus bring about a fundamental change in the development of human society in the 21st century.Science and technology know no borders.Let us together embrace the arrival of this great era.未来的中国,将是一个充分实现民主法治、公平正义的国家。在人类历史上,在反对封建专制斗争中形成的民主、法治、自由、平等、人权等观念,是人类精神的一次大解放。只是不同社会、不同国家,实现的途径和形式有所不同。人民民主是社会主义的生命,没有民主就没有社会主义。真正的民主离不开自由。真正的自由离不开经济权利和政治权利的保障。坦率地说,目前中国社会还存在着贪污腐败、分配不公以及损害人民群众权益的种种弊端。解决这些问题的根本途径,是坚定不移地推进政治体制改革,建设社会主义民主法治国家。Tomorrow's China will be a country that fully achieves democracy, the rule of law, fairness and justice.The struggles against feudal autocracy in the human history gave birth to the concepts of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality and human rights.These ideas have greatly emancipated the human mind, although they may be achieved in different ways and forms in different societies and countries.People's democracy is the soul of socialism.Without democracy, there is no socialism.Without freedom, there is no real democracy.Without guarantee of economic and political rights, there is no real freedom.To be frank, corruption, unfair income distribution and other ills that harm people's rights and interests still exist in China.The best way to resolve these problems is to firmly advance the political structural reform and build socialist democracy under the rule of law.我们要尊重和保障人权,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利。我们要健全对政府权力的制约和监督机制,保证人民赋予的权力真正为人民谋福利。中国曾经是封建主义影响很深的国家,新中国成立后曾经历十年“文革”的浩劫,在开放的环境下又出现一些新的情况和问题。发扬民主,健全法制,加强对权力的有效监督,仍然是一项长期而艰巨的任务。我们要创造条件让人民监督和批评政府,使政府不敢懈怠、避免产生腐败。人民的责任感和民主精神,将带动社会的进步。人民参与社会管理和公共事务越多,推动社会进步的能量就越大。

We are committed to respecting and protecting human rights.Pursuant to the law, we protect the right of all members of society to equal participation and development.We will improve mechanisms for checking and supervising government powers so as to ensure that these powers entrusted by the people are exercised in people's interests.China was long under the influence of feudalism.After the founding of New China, the country went through the turmoil of the decade-long Cultural Revolution.Since China opened itself, some new developments and problems have occurred.To promote democracy, improve the legal system and strengthen effective oversight of power remains a long and arduous task for us.We need to create conditions for people to oversee and criticize the government to make the government live up to its responsibility and prevent corruption.With a keen sense of responsibility and democracy, people will spur social progress.The more the people participate in social management and public affairs, the greater the momentum there will be to sustain social progress.近些年来,我们在深化经济体制改革的同时,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革。在推进政府决策科学化、民主化,加强人民对政府的监督等方面,也有许多进步。例如,实行政务公开,政府预算公开,推行电子政务、听证制度和专家咨询制度等。我已连续三年在作《政府工作报告》之前,在网上同网民交流。今年春,我在新华网在线交流时,收到网民来贴40多万条,手机信息11万多条,页面访问量近3亿人次。同这些普通民众的交流,是心对心的交流,可以直接体察人民的喜怒哀乐和对政府的诉求,有利于改进政府工作。

In recent years, while deepening the economic structural reform, we have actively and steadily advanced the political structural reform.Much progress has been made in making government decision-making sound and democratic and enhancing public oversight of the government.For example, we have made government affairs and budgets more transparent and introduced such practices as e-government, public hearing and expert consulting.During the past three years, before I delivered the Report on the Work of the Government each year, I had an online dialogue with the public.During this year's dialogue with the public in spring on the website of the Xinhua News Agency, I received over 400,000 posts and more than 110,000 text messages, and the webpage was visited nearly 300 million times.I opened my heart to the people, and this direct engagement enabled me to learn about what is on their minds and what they want from the government.This helps the government improve its performance.未来的中国,将是一个更加开放包容、文明和谐的国家。一个国家、一个民族,只有开放包容,才能发展进步。唯有开放,先进和有用的东西才能进得来;唯有包容,吸收借鉴优秀文化,才能使自己充实和强大起来。

Tomorrow's China will be a more open, inclusive, culturally advanced and harmonious country.A country or a nation will grow and progress only when it is open and inclusive.Only an open country can introduce all that is advanced and useful.And only an inclusive society can enrich and strengthen itself by drawing on the strengths of fine foreign cultures.我们不仅要在经济领域、科技领域继续扩大对外开放,而且在文化建设、社会管理等领域也要大胆博采众长。中国在推进现代化过程中遇到的诸多问题,如能源问题、环境问题、贫富差距问题、司法公正问题和廉政问题等,许多发达国家都曾经遇到过。对各国的成功经验,我们要认真借鉴;对别人走过的弯路,我们不应重复;对世界面临的难题,我们要同国际社会一道来破解。

We should not only continue to open up in economic, scientific and technological fields, but also boldly learn from others in promoting cultural progress and social management.In its modernization drive, China has encountered various problems in he fields of energy, the environment, wealth distribution, judicial justice and government integrity.These are problems that many developed countries have run into before.We will learn from the successful experience of other countries while avoiding their mistakes.We will work with the rest of the international community to address common challenges facing the world.我们要创造更加良好的政治环境和更加自由的学术氛围,让人民追求真理、崇尚理性、尊重科学,探索自然的奥秘、社会的法则和人生的真谛。做学问、搞科研,尤其需要倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”。正因为有了充分的学术自由,像牛顿这样在人类历史上具有伟大影响的科学家,才能够思潮奔腾、才华迸发,敢于思考前人从未思考过的问题,敢于踏进前人从未涉足的领域。不久前,我同中国科学家交流时提出,要大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境,鼓励自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。

We should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphere in which people can pursue truth, exercise reasoning and respect science, in which the mysteries of nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life can be fully explored.The spirit of independence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies and research.It was in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like Isaac Newton, who had a profound impact on human history, were able to bring out their best, probe issues not questioned by predecessors and blaze a new trail.In my recent conversation with some Chinese scientists, I called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure, an environment that encourages free exploration of new things and stimulates academic debate.我们历来主张尊重世界文明的多样性,倡导不同文明之间的对话、交流与合作。我国已故著名社会学家费孝通先生,上世纪30年代曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院并获得博士学位,一生饱经沧桑。他在晚年提出:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,世界大同。”费老先生的这一人生感悟,生动反映了当代中国人开放包容的胸怀。

We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations and advocated dialogue, exchanges and cooperation among them.The late Mr.Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, received his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the 1930s.Having gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concluded in his late years that “The world will be a harmonious place if people appreciate their own beauty and that of others, and work together to create beauty in the world.” These thoughts best illustrate the open and inclusive mindset of China today.未来的中国,将是一个坚持和平发展、勇于担当的国家。走和平发展道路,是中国政府和人民根据时代潮流和自身利益作出的战略抉择,是中国积极参与经济全球化、最终实现现代化的必由之路。中国的和平发展,对世界不是威胁,而是机遇。中国已经成为世界经济增长的重要引擎,近五年对世界经济增长的贡献率在20%以上。自2001年中国加入世界贸易组织以来,年均进口近7500亿美元商品,为相关国家和地区创造了1400多万个就业岗位。未来5年,中国进口规模累计有望超过8万亿美元,将给世界各国带来更多商机。

Tomorrow's China will be a country committed to peaceful development and ready to shoulder its responsibilities.To pursue peaceful development is a strategic decision made by the Chinese government and people in keeping with the trend of the times and based on our own interests.Only such a pursuit will enable China to embrace economic globalization and achieve modernization.China's peaceful development is an opportunity rather than a threat to the rest of the world.China has become an engine driving global economic growth, having contributed to over 20 percent of world economic growth each year in the past five years.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has imported close to 750 billion U.S.dollars of goods every year, creating over 14 million jobs for relevant countries and regions.China's import is expected to exceed 8 trillion U.S.dollars in the next five years, and this will provide more business opportunities for other countries.21世纪应是合作的世纪,而不是冲突和争霸的世纪。中国是世界和平的坚定维护者。我们一贯主张和平解决国际争端,反对使用武力。中国将同国际社会一道,共担责任、共迎挑战,继续推动国际体系朝着更加公平、公正、包容的方向发展。

The 21st century should be a century of cooperation rather than conflict and rivalry.China is committed to upholding world peace.We have consistently called for settling international disputes by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.China will work with the rest of the international community to undertake responsibilities, meet challenges and make the international system more equitable, just and inclusive.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,建设有中国特色的社会主义,是13亿中国人民的庄严选择。中国30多年的变化,得益于改革开放;中国未来的发展,仍然要靠改革开放。改革开放,要贯穿中国现代化建设的始终。倒退没有出路,停滞也没有出路。只有坚定信心、继续前进,中国才能建设成为富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家,中国人民才能更加普遍和以更高水准过上有尊严的幸福生活。尽管前进的道路上还会有这样那样的艰难险阻,但这一历史进程不可逆转!

To build socialism with distinctive Chinese features is the solemn choice made by the 1.3 billion Chinese people.China owes the success of its transformation in the past 30-odd years to reform and opening-up.And China must deepen reform and opening-up to sustain its future development.Reform and opening-up will be carried out in the entire process of China's modernization endeavor.To stall or reverse course is not an option for China.We must move on with confidence.Only by doing so can China turn itself into a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced, modern and harmonious socialist country, and can the Chinese people enjoy a happy life with dignity in a more extensive way and at a higher level.Whatever difficulties and obstacles may lie ahead, they cannot block this historical process!

女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,英国是世界上最早实现工业化的发达国家,在高科技、高等教育、金融服务、医疗卫生、低碳经济等领域,都具有中国所需要的技术和管理经验。中国广阔的市场、丰富的人力资源和巨大的发展潜力,可以为英国经济发展提供有力的支持。中国政府积极推进大型企业、研究型大学和科研机构同英国的合作,鼓励双方高端人才的交流和合作研究。

The United Kingdom is a developed country and the first to achieve industrialization.Its advanced technologies and managerial expertise in research, higher education, financial services, public health and medical services and its development of low-carbon economy can well meet China's demand.On China's part, its vast market, abundant human resources and huge development potential can help boost UK's economic growth.The Chinese government encourages large Chinese companies, research-oriented universities and research institutions to increase cooperation with their British counterparts.It also encourages more exchange of top-level talents and joint research between our two countries.英国伟大思想家培根说过,“智者创造机会,而不是等待机会”。富有思想和智慧的中英两国人民,一定能创造更多的机会,推动两国合作迈上新的台阶!我对中英关系的明天充满信心,更充满期待!

Francis Bacon said, “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” The Chinese and British people, with vision and creativity, can certainly create more opportunities and lift our cooperation to a new level.I have every confidence in and great expectation for the future of China-UK relations.谢谢大家!Thank you.




——在英国皇家学会的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 The Path to China’s Future

--Speech by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the Royal Society of Britain

2011年6月27日,伦敦 June 27, 2011 London


Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society, Dear Fellows, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今天,我应邀访问久负盛名的英国皇家学会,深感荣幸。刚才,英国皇家学会授予我“查理二世国王奖”。这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是对中国科技进步的肯定,同时也是中英两国科技界友谊与合作的象征。对此,我向你们表示衷心的感谢!It gives me great pleasure to visit the renowned Royal Society today.I have just received the Royal Society King Charles II Medal.To me, it is not only a personal honor, but also a recognition of China’s advances in science and technology.Indeed, it is a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and British science communities, and I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for awarding me the medal.英国皇家学会,是英国最高科学学术机构,也是世界上历史最悠久的科学学会。牛顿、达尔文、爱因斯坦、霍金等科学巨匠,为人类科技事业发展作出过划时代的贡献。在座的各位会员,同样以自己的杰出成就造福社会。我向你们表示崇高的敬意!

The Royal Society is the most prestigious science institution in the UK and the oldest science society in the world.It is often associated with such towering figures as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, who have made epoch-making contribution to the advancement of science and technology.I wish to also salute all the Fellows present today for your outstanding achievements in promoting human progress.担任中国总理以来,这是我第四次访问贵国。这一次和上一次时隔两年,感觉大不相同。2009年初,贵国遭受一场罕见的大雪,同时也经历着国际金融危机的煎熬。我从达沃斯到伦敦一路走来,感受到一种忧郁不安的气氛。我当时说,“信心比货币和黄金更宝贵”。如今仲夏的伦敦,人们又恢复了往日的从容和自信。我对贵国应对危机所作的努力和可喜进展,表示由衷的钦佩!

This is my fourth visit to the UK as China’s premier.During this visit, I have a very different impression from my last visit two years ago, in early 2009.Back then, the UK was hit by both a rare heavy snow and the global financial crisis.Coming to London from Davos, I could sense anxiety and uneasiness in the air.I remember saying during that visit, “Confidence is more important than currency and gold.” But now back in mid-summer London, I can see that people have regained confidence.I greatly admire the UK’s efforts and achievements.我要告诉朋友们的是,经过这场国际金融危机的洗礼,中国前进的步伐更加稳健了。在这里,我想说一件事。

As to my country China, it has emerged from the financial crisis stronger and is now on a steady course of growth.Let me give you an example: 2008年5月12日,中国西南部发生毁灭性的特大地震。当时,我站在震中汶川的废墟上,对前来采访的中外记者说,“过三年再来,一个新的汶川会拔地而起”。三年过去了,我们一边应对国际金融危机的冲击,一边举全国之力进行灾后重建。上个月,我第十次来到震区,欣喜地看到:灾区最漂亮的是住房,最坚固的是学校,最现代的是医院,最满意的是居民。我邀请在座各位朋友,有机会到中国汶川走一走、看一看。如果你们身临其境,一定会为这里发生的奇迹感到震撼,也会从中真实地感受到中国的生机和活力。

You may recall that on May 12, 2008, a devastating earthquake hit southwest China.Standing on the rubbles in Wenchuan, the epicenter of the quake, I said to the Chinese and foreign journalists, “Come back in three years’ time, and you will see a new Wenchuan.” Over the past three years, while fighting the global financial crisis, we have mobilized the whole country to carry out reconstruction in the earthquake areas.Last month, I visited these areas for the tenth time.I saw decent housing apartments, solid school buildings and modern hospitals, and the local people were pleased with the reconstruction.I hope you will visit Wenchuan, where you will be overwhelmed by the miraculous transformation, and you will personally experience China’s vitality.对中国改革开放以来的发展变化,世界上有各种各样的解读;对未来中国的走向,人们也非常关注。我愿意借今天这个机会,谈谈我的看法。

People outside China see the development and changes in China since reform and opening-up in different ways.There is also an intense interest in China's future path.I wish to take this opportunity to address this subject.上世纪80年代初,中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平,曾提出我国现代化进程分“三步走”的战略构想。第一步,基本解决温饱问题;第二步,全面建设小康社会;第三步,到本世纪中叶,基本实现现代化,达到世界中等发达国家水平。2010年到2020年,是中国全面建设小康社会的关键阶段。“三步走”战略的核心和本质,都是坚持以人为本,增进全体中国人的福祉。沿着这条社会主义现代化道路前进,中国必将会有一个更加光明的未来。

In the early 1980s, Mr.Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up program, proposed a three-step strategy for China's modernization drive.The first step is to ensure adequate food and clothing for the people.The second step is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.The third step is to achieve modernization and reach the level of medium developed countries by the middle of this century.The current period from 2010 to 2020 is a crucial one for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Putting people's interests first and promoting the wellbeing of the entire Chinese people--this is what the three-step strategy is all about.Following this path of socialist modernization, China will embrace an even brighter future.未来的中国,将是一个经济发达、人民富裕的国家。集中精力发展经济,不断改善人民生活,始终是中国政府的第一要务。我们将坚持科学发展,着力转变经济发展方式,走绿色、低碳、可持续的发展道路。我们将扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,进一步释放城乡居民消费潜力,使消费成为拉动经济增长的根本动力。我们将更加注重改善民生,努力扩大就业,优先发展教育、卫生等公共事业,深化收入分配制度改革,增加城乡居民收入,加快建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,让各族人民共享发展成果。

Tomorrow’s China will be an economically advanced country with its people enjoying prosperity.To pursue economic development and improve people's lives has always been the top priority of the Chinese government.We will stick to scientific development, work hard to shift the model of economic development and achieve green, low-carbon and sustainable development.We will expand domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, fully tap into the potential for consumption of urban and rural population, and make consumption the fundamental driver of economic growth.We will redouble efforts to improve public welfare, create jobs, and develop education, health and other social programs on a priority basis.We will deepen the reform of income distribution, increase the income of urban and rural households and speed up the establishment of a social security system covering both urban and rural residents.We will ensure that what is achieved in development will be shared by the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.中国经济的振兴和可持续发展,根本靠科技。中国政府已经制定并组织实施了国家中长期科技发展规划。我们持续增加科技投入,近五年,中央财政共投入近1000亿美元,年均增长22.7%。从今年开始实施的“十二五”规划,我们力争把研究开发投入占国内生产总值的比重从现在的1.75%提高到2.2%。同时,我们将加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业。现阶段重点培育和发展节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端设备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等产业。所有这些,都将促进当前发展并为长期发展提供有力支撑。

Science and technology hold the key to China's economic prosperity and sustainable development.The Chinese government has adopted the National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development.Government R&D investment has reached nearly 100 billion U.S.dollars in the past five years, growing at an average annual rate of 22.7 percent.Under the 12th Five-Year Plan which starts this year, R&D funding as a percentage of China's GDP will rise to 2.2 percent from the current 1.75 percent.At the same time, we will accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, with priority given to energy conservation, environmental protection, new generation of information technology, biotechnology, advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy powered automobile.These efforts will boost our development at present, and provide strong support for our development in the long run.从世界范围看,克服国际金融危机,保证经济的稳定、平衡和可持续发展,根本也要靠科技。当今世界正处于新科技革命的前夜,新技术革命和产业革命初现端倪,诸多领域正酝酿着激动人心的重大突破。这场新科技革命,必将进一步深化我们对宇宙自然和人类自身的认识,必将开辟生产力发展的新空间,创造新的社会需求,必将深刻影响人类的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式,从而从根本上改变21世纪人类社会发展进程。科技无国界。让我们共同迎接这一伟大时代的到来!

Globally, science and technology are also crucial for overcoming the financial crisis and ensuring stable, balanced and sustainable economic development.The world is seeing the advent of a new revolution in science and technology and a new industrial revolution.Exciting breakthroughs will be made in many fields.This new revolution in science and technology will deepen our understanding of the universe, nature and ourselves as human beings.It will open up new frontiers, unleash productive forces, create new social demand and exert a profound impact on mode of production, way of life and way of thinking.The revolution in science and technology will thus bring about a fundamental change in the development of human society in the 21st century.Science and technology know no borders.Let us together embrace the arrival of this great era.未来的中国,将是一个充分实现民主法治、公平正义的国家。在人类历史上,在反对封建专制斗争中形成的民主、法治、自由、平等、人权等观念,是人类精神的一次大解放。只是不同社会、不同国家,实现的途径和形式有所不同。人民民主是社会主义的生命,没有民主就没有社会主义。真正的民主离不开自由。真正的自由离不开经济权利和政治权利的保障。坦率地说,目前中国社会还存在着贪污腐败、分配不公以及损害人民群众权益的种种弊端。解决这些问题的根本途径,是坚定不移地推进政治体制改革,建设社会主义民主法治国家。

Tomorrow’s China will be a country that fully achieves democracy, the rule of law, fairness and justice.The struggles against feudal autocracy in the human history gave birth to the concepts of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality and human rights.These ideas have greatly emancipated the human mind, although they may be achieved in different ways and forms in different societies and countries.People’s democracy is the soul of socialism.Without democracy, there is no socialism.Without freedom, there is no real democracy.Without guarantee of economic and political rights, there is no real freedom.To be frank, corruption, unfair income distribution and other ills that harm people's rights and interests still exist in China.The best way to resolve these problems is to firmly advance the political structural reform and build socialist democracy under the rule of law.我们要尊重和保障人权,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利。我们要健全对政府权力的制约和监督机制,保证人民赋予的权力真正为人民谋福利。中国曾经是封建主义影响很深的国家,新中国成立后曾经历十年“文革”的浩劫,在开放的环境下又出现一些新的情况和问题。发扬民主,健全法制,加强对权力的有效监督,仍然是一项长期而艰巨的任务。我们要创造条件让人民监督和批评政府,使政府不敢懈怠、避免产生腐败。人民的责任感和民主精神,将带动社会的进步。人民参与社会管理和公共事务越多,推动社会进步的能量就越大。We are committed to respecting and protecting human rights.Pursuant to the law, we protect the right of all members of society to equal participation and development.We will improve mechanisms for checking and supervising government powers so as to ensure that these powers entrusted by the people are exercised in people's interests.China was long under the influence of feudalism.After the founding of New China, the country went through the turmoil of the decade-long Cultural Revolution.Since China opened itself, some new developments and problems have occurred.To promote democracy, improve the legal system and strengthen effective oversight of power remains a long and arduous task for us.We need to create conditions for people to oversee and criticize the government to make the government live up to its responsibility and prevent corruption.With a keen sense of responsibility and democracy, people will spur social progress.The more the people participate in social management and public affairs, the greater the momentum there will be to sustain social progress.近些年来,我们在深化经济体制改革的同时,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革。在推进政府决策科学化、民主化,加强人民对政府的监督等方面,也有许多进步。例如,实行政务公开,政府预算公开,推行电子政务、听证制度和专家咨询制度等。我已连续三年在作《政府工作报告》之前,在网上同网民交流。今年春,我在新华网在线交流时,收到网民来贴40多万条,手机信息11万多条,页面访问量近3亿人次。同这些普通民众的交流,是心对心的交流,可以直接体察人民的喜怒哀乐和对政府的诉求,有利于改进政府工作。

In recent years, while deepening the economic structural reform, we have actively and steadily advanced the political structural reform.Much progress has been made in making government decision-making sound and democratic and enhancing public oversight of the government.For example, we have made government affairs and budgets more transparent and introduced such practices as e-government, public hearing and expert consulting.During the past three years, before I delivered the Report on the Work of the Government each year, I had an online dialogue with the public.During this year's dialogue with the public in spring on the website of the Xinhua News Agency, I received over 400,000 posts and more than 110,000 text messages, and the webpage was visited nearly 300 million times.I opened my heart to the people, and this direct engagement enabled me to learn about what is on their minds and what they want from the government.This helps the government improve its performance.未来的中国,将是一个更加开放包容、文明和谐的国家。一个国家、一个民族,只有开放包容,才能发展进步。唯有开放,先进和有用的东西才能进得来;唯有包容,吸收借鉴优秀文化,才能使自己充实和强大起来。

Tomorrow's China will be a more open, inclusive, culturally advanced and harmonious country.A country or a nation will grow and progress only when it is open and inclusive.Only an open country can introduce all that is advanced and useful.And only an inclusive society can enrich and strengthen itself by drawing on the strengths of fine foreign cultures.我们不仅要在经济领域、科技领域继续扩大对外开放,而且在文化建设、社会管理等领域也要大胆博采众长。中国在推进现代化过程中遇到的诸多问题,如能源问题、环境问题、贫富差距问题、司法公正问题和廉政问题等,许多发达国家都曾经遇到过。对各国的成功经验,我们要认真借鉴;对别人走过的弯路,我们不应重复;对世界面临的难题,我们要同国际社会一道来破解。

We should not only continue to open up in economic, scientific and technological fields, but also boldly learn from others in promoting cultural progress and social management.In its modernization drive, China has encountered various problems in the fields of energy, the environment, wealth distribution, judicial justice and government integrity.These are problems that many developed countries have run into before.We will learn from the successful experience of other countries while avoiding their mistakes.We will work with the rest of the international community to address common challenges facing the world.我们要创造更加良好的政治环境和更加自由的学术氛围,让人民追求真理、崇尚理性、尊重科学,探索自然的奥秘、社会的法则和人生的真谛。做学问、搞科研,尤其需要倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”。正因为有了充分的学术自由,像牛顿这样在人类历史上具有伟大影响的科学家,才能够思潮奔腾、才华迸发,敢于思考前人从未思考过的问题,敢于踏进前人从未涉足的领域。不久前,我同中国科学家交流时提出,要大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境,鼓励自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。

We should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphere in which people can pursue truth, exercise reasoning and respect science, in which the mysteries of nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life can be fully explored.The spirit of independence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies and research.It was in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like Isaac Newton, who had a profound impact on human history, were able to bring out their best, probe issues not questioned by predecessors and blaze a new trail.In my recent conversation with some Chinese scientists, I called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure, an environment that encourages free exploration of new things and stimulates academic debate.我们历来主张尊重世界文明的多样性,倡导不同文明之间的对话、交流与合作。我国已故著名社会学家费孝通先生,上世纪30年代曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院并获得博士学位,一生饱经沧桑。他在晚年提出:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,世界大同。”费老先生的这一人生感悟,生动反映了当代中国人开放包容的胸怀。

We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations and advocated dialogue, exchanges and cooperation among them.The late Mr.Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, received his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the 1930s.Having gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concluded in his late years that “The world will be a harmonious place if people appreciate their own beauty and that of others, and work together to create beauty in the world.” These thoughts best illustrate the open and inclusive mindset of China today.未来的中国,将是一个坚持和平发展、勇于担当的国家。走和平发展道路,是中国政府和人民根据时代潮流和自身利益作出的战略抉择,是中国积极参与经济全球化、最终实现现代化的必由之路。中国的和平发展,对世界不是威胁,而是机遇。中国已经成为世界经济增长的重要引擎,近五年对世界经济增长的贡献率在20%以上。自2001年中国加入世界贸易组织以来,年均进口近7500亿美元商品,为相关国家和地区创造了1400多万个就业岗位。未来5年,中国进口规模累计有望超过8万亿美元,将给世界各国带来更多商机。

Tomorrow's China will be a country committed to peaceful development and ready to shoulder its responsibilities.To pursue peaceful development is a strategic decision made by the Chinese government and people in keeping with the trend of the times and based on our own interests.Only such a pursuit will enable China to embrace economic globalization and achieve modernization.China's peaceful development is an opportunity rather than a threat to the rest of the world.China has become an engine driving global economic growth, having contributed to over 20 percent of world economic growth each year in the past five years.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has imported close to 750 billion U.S.dollars of goods every year, creating over 14 million jobs for relevant countries and regions.China’s import is expected to exceed 8 trillion U.S.dollars in the next five years, and this will provide more business opportunities for other countries.21世纪应是合作的世纪,而不是冲突和争霸的世纪。中国是世界和平的坚定维护者。我们一贯主张和平解决国际争端,反对使用武力。中国将同国际社会一道,共担责任、共迎挑战,继续推动国际体系朝着更加公平、公正、包容的方向发展。The 21st century should be a century of cooperation rather than conflict and rivalry.China is committed to upholding world peace.We have consistently called for settling international disputes by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.China will work with the rest of the international community to undertake responsibilities, meet challenges and make the international system more equitable, just and inclusive.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 建设有中国特色的社会主义,是13亿中国人民的庄严选择。中国30多年的变化,得益于改革开放;中国未来的发展,仍然要靠改革开放。改革开放,要贯穿中国现代化建设的始终。倒退没有出路,停滞也没有出路。只有坚定信心、继续前进,中国才能建设成为富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家,中国人民才能更加普遍和以更高水准过上有尊严的幸福生活。尽管前进的道路上还会有这样那样的艰难险阻,但这一历史进程不可逆转!

To build socialism with distinctive Chinese features is the solemn choice made by the 1.3 billion Chinese people.China owes the success of its transformation in the past 30-odd years to reform and opening-up.And China must deepen reform and opening-up to sustain its future development.Reform and opening-up will be carried out in the entire process of China's modernization endeavor.To stall or reverse course is not an option for China.We must move on with confidence.Only by doing so can China turn itself into a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced, modern and harmonious socialist country, and can the Chinese people enjoy a happy life with dignity in a more extensive way and at a higher level.Whatever difficulties and obstacles may lie ahead, they cannot block this historical process!女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,英国是世界上最早实现工业化的发达国家,在高科技、高等教育、金融服务、医疗卫生、低碳经济等领域,都具有中国所需要的技术和管理经验。中国广阔的市场、丰富的人力资源和巨大的发展潜力,可以为英国经济发展提供有力的支持。中国政府积极推进大型企业、研究型大学和科研机构同英国的合作,鼓励双方高端人才的交流和合作研究。

The United Kingdom is a developed country and the first to achieve industrialization.Its advanced technologies and managerial expertise in research, higher education, financial services, public health and medical services and its development of low-carbon economy can well meet China's demand.On China’s part, its vast market, abundant human resources and huge development potential can help boost UK's economic growth.The Chinese government encourages large Chinese companies, research-oriented universities and research institutions to increase cooperation with their British counterparts.It also encourages more exchange of top-level talents and joint research between our two countries.英国伟大思想家培根说过,“智者创造机会,而不是等待机会”。富有思想和智慧的中英两国人民,一定能创造更多的机会,推动两国合作迈上新的台阶!我对中英关系的明天充满信心,更充满期待!Francis Bacon said, “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” The Chinese and British people, with vision and creativity, can certainly create more opportunities and lift our cooperation to a new level.I have every confidence in and great expectation for the future of China-UK relations.谢谢大家!Thank you.



中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2011年6月27日,伦敦)

The Path to China's Future

Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

At the Royal Society

London, 27 June 2011


Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society, Dear Fellows,Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今天,我应邀访问久负盛名的英国皇家学会,深感荣幸。刚才,英国皇家学会授予我“查理二世国王奖”。这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是对中国科技进步的肯定,同时也是中英两国科技界友谊与合作的象征。对此,我向你们表示衷心的感谢!

It gives me great pleasure to visit the renowned Royal Society today.I have just received the Royal Society King Charles II Medal.To me, it is not only a personal honor, but also a recognition of China's advances in science and technology.Indeed, it is a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and British science communities, and I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for awarding me the medal.英国皇家学会,是英国最高科学学术机构,也是世界上历史最悠久的科学学会。牛顿、达尔文、爱因斯坦、霍金等科学巨匠,为人类科技事业发展作出过划时代的贡献。在座的各位会员,同样以自己的杰出成就造福社会。我向你们表示崇高的敬意!

The Royal Society is the most prestigious science institution in the UK and the oldest science society in the world.It is often associated with such towering figures as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, who have made epoch-making contribution to the advancement of science and technology.I wish to also salute all the Fellows present today for your outstanding achievements in promoting human progress.担任中国总理以来,这是我第四次访问贵国。这一 次和上一次时隔两年,感觉大不相同。2009年初,贵国遭受一场罕见的大雪,同时也经历着国际金融危机的煎熬。我从达沃斯到伦敦一路走来,感受到一种忧郁 不安的气氛。我当时说,“信心比货币和黄金更宝贵”。如今仲夏的伦敦,人们又恢复了往日的从容和自信。我对贵国应对危机所作的努力和可喜进展,表示由衷的 钦佩!

This is my fourth visit to the UK as China's premier.During this visit, I have a very different impression from my last visit two years ago, in early 2009.Back then, the UK was hit by both a rare heavy snow and the global financial crisis.Coming to London from Davos, I could sense anxiety and uneasiness in the air.I remember saying during that visit, “Confidence is more important than currency and gold.” But now back in mid-summer London, I can see that people have regained confidence.I greatly admire the UK's efforts and achievements.我要告诉朋友们的是,经过这场国际金融危机的洗礼,中国前进的步伐更加稳健了。在这里,我想说一件事。

As to my country China, it has emerged from the financial crisis stronger and is now on a steady course of growth.Let me give you an example: 2008年5月12日,中国西南部发生毁灭性的 特大地震。当时,我站在震中汶川的废墟上,对前来采访的中外记者说,“过三年再来,一个新的汶川会拔地而起”。三年过去了,我们一边应对国际金融危机的冲 击,一边举全国之力进行灾后重建。上个月,我第十次来到震区,欣喜地看到:灾区最漂亮的是住房,最坚固的是学校,最现代的是医院,最满意的是居民。我邀请 在座各位朋友,有机会到中国汶川走一走、看一看。如果你们身临其境,一定会为这里发生的奇迹感到震撼,也会从中真实地感受到中国的生机和活力。

You may recall that on May 12, 2008, a devastating earthquake hit southwest China.Standing on the rubbles in Wenchuan, the epicenter of the quake, I said to the Chinese and foreign journalists, “Come back in three years' time, and you will see a new Wenchuan.” Over the past three years, while fighting the global financial crisis, we have mobilized the whole country to carry out reconstruction in the earthquake areas.Last month, I visited these areas for the tenth time.I saw decent housing apartments, solid school buildings and modern hospitals, and the local people were pleased with the reconstruction.I hope you will visit Wenchuan, where you will be overwhelmed by the miraculous transformation, and you will personally experience China's vitality.对中国改革开放以来的发展变化,世界上有各种各样的解读;对未来中国的走向,人们也非常关注。我愿意借今天这个机会,谈谈我的看法。People outside China see the development and changes in China since reform and opening-up in different ways.There is also an intense interest in China's future path.I wish to take this opportunity to address this subject.上世纪80年代初,中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平,曾提出我国现代化进程分“三步走”的战略构想。第一步,基本解决温饱问题;第二步,全面建设小康社会;第三步,到本世纪中叶,基本实现现代化,达到世 界中等发达国家水平。2010年到2020年,是中国全面建设小康社会的关键阶段。“三步走”战略的核心和本质,都是坚持以人为本,增进全体中国人的福 祉。沿着这条社会主义现代化道路前进,中国必将会有一个更加光明的未来。In the early 1980s, Mr.Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China's reform and opening-up program, proposed a three-step strategy for China's modernization drive.The first step is to ensure adequate food and clothing for the people.The second step is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.The third step is to achieve modernization and reach the level of medium developed countries by the middle of this century.The current period from 2010 to 2020 is a crucial one for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Putting people's interests first and promoting the wellbeing of the entire Chinese people-this is what the three-step strategy is all about.Following this path of socialist modernization, China will embrace an even brighter future.未来的中国,将是一个经济发达、人民富裕的国 家。集中精力发展经济,不断改善人民生活,始终是中国政府的第一要务。我们将坚持科学发展,着力转变经济发展方式,走绿色、低碳、可持续的发展道路。我们 将扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,进一步释放城乡居民消费潜力,使消费成为拉动经济增长的根本动力。我们将更加注重改善民生,努力扩大就业,优先发展教育、卫生等公共事业,深化收入分配制度改革,增加城乡居民收入,加快建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,让各族人民共享发展成果。

Tomorrow's China will be an economically advanced country with its people enjoying prosperity.To pursue economic development and improve people's lives has always been the top priority of the Chinese government.We will stick to scientific development, work hard to shift the model of economic development and achieve green, low-carbon and sustainable development.We will expand domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, fully tap into the potential for consumption of urban and rural population, and make consumption the fundamental driver of economic growth.We will redouble efforts to improve public welfare, create jobs, and develop education, health and other social programs on a priority basis.We will deepen the reform of income distribution, increase the income of urban and rural households and speed up the establishment of a social security system covering both urban and rural residents.We will ensure that what is achieved in development will be shared by the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.中国经济的振兴和可持续发展,根本靠科技。中国 政府已经制定并组织实施了国家中长期科技发展规划。我们持续增加科技投入,近五年,中央财政共投入近1000亿美元,年均增长22.7%。从今年开始实施 的“十二五”规划,我们力争把研究开发投入占国内生产总值的比重从现在的1.75%提高到2.2%。同时,我们将加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业。现阶段重 点培育和发展节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端设备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等产业。所有这些,都将促进当前发展并为长期发展提供有力支撑。

Science and technology hold the key to China's economic prosperity and sustainable development.The Chinese government has adopted the National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development.Government R&D investment has reached nearly US$100 billion in the past five years, growing at an average annual rate of 22.7%.Under the 12th Five-Year Plan which starts this year, R&D funding as a percentage of China's GDP will rise to 2.2% from the current 1.75%.At the same time, we will accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, with priority given to energy conservation, environmental protection, new generation of information technology, biotechnology, advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy powered automobile.These efforts will boost our development at present, and provide strong support for our development in the long run.从世界范围看,克服国际金融危机,保证经济的稳 定、平衡和可持续发展,根本也要靠科技。当今世界正处于新科技革命的前夜,新技术革命和产业革命初现端倪,诸多领域正酝酿着激动人心的重大突破。这场新科 技革命,必将进一步深化我们对宇宙自然和人类自身的认识,必将开辟生产力发展的新空间,创造新的社会需求,必将深刻影响人类的生产方式、生活方式和思维方 式,从而从根本上改变21世纪人类社会发展进程。科技无国界。让我们共同迎接这一伟大时代的到来!

Globally, science and technology are also crucial for overcoming the financial crisis and ensuring stable, balanced and sustainable economic development.The world is seeing the advent of a new revolution in science and technology and a new industrial revolution.Exciting breakthroughs will be made in many fields.This new revolution in science and technology will deepen our understanding of the universe, nature and ourselves as human beings.It will open up new frontiers, unleash productive forces, create new social demand and exert a profound impact on mode of production, way of life and way of thinking.The revolution in science and technology will thus bring about a fundamental change in the development of human society in the 21st century.Science and technology know no borders.Let us together embrace the arrival of this great era.未来的中国,将是一个充分实现民主法治、公平正 义的国家。在人类历史上,在反对封建专制斗争中形成的民主、法治、自由、平等、人权等观念,是人类精神的一次大解放。只是不同社会、不同国家,实现的途径 和形式有所不同。人民民主是社会主义的生命,没有民主就没有社会主义。真正的民主离不开自由。真正的自由离不开经济权利和政治权利的保障。坦率地说,目前 中国社会还存在着贪污腐败、分配不公以及损害人民群众权益的种种弊端。解决这些问题的根本途径,是坚定不移地推进政治体制改革,建设社会主义民主法治国 家。

Tomorrow's China will be a country that fully achieves democracy, the rule of law, fairness and justice.The struggles against feudal autocracy in the human history gave birth to the concepts of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality and human rights.These ideas have greatly emancipated the human mind, although they may be achieved in different ways and forms in different societies and countries.People's democracy is the soul of socialism.Without democracy, there is no socialism.Without freedom, there is no real democracy.Without guarantee of economic and political rights, there is no real freedom.To be frank, corruption, unfair income distribution and other ills that harm people's rights and interests still exist in China.The best way to resolve these problems is to firmly advance the political structural reform and build socialist democracy under the rule of law.我们要尊重和保障人权,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利。我们要健全对政府权力的制约和监督机制,保证人民赋予的权力真正为人民谋福利。中国曾经是封建主义影响很深的国家,新中国成立后 曾经历十年“文革”的浩劫,在开放的环境下又出现一些新的情况和问题。发扬民主,健全法制,加强对权力的有效监督,仍然是一项长期而艰巨的任务。我们要创 造条件让人民监督和批评政府,使政府不敢懈怠、避免产生腐败。人民的责任感和民主精神,将带动社会的进步。人民参与社会管理和公共事务越多,推动社会进步 的能量就越大。

We are committed to respecting and protecting human rights.Pursuant to the law, we protect the right of all members of society to equal participation and development.We will improve mechanisms for checking and supervising government powers so as to ensure that these powers entrusted by the people are exercised in people's interests.China was long under the influence of feudalism.After the founding of New China, the country went through the turmoil of the decade-long Cultural Revolution.Since China opened itself, some new developments and problems have occurred.To promote democracy, improve the legal system and strengthen effective oversight of power remains a long and arduous task for us.We need to create conditions for people to oversee and criticize the government to make the government live up to its responsibility and prevent corruption.With a keen sense of responsibility and democracy, people will spur social progress.The more the people participate in social management and public affairs, the greater the momentum there will be to sustain social progress.近些年来,我们在深化经济体制改革的同时,积极 稳妥地推进政治体制改革。在推进政府决策科学化、民主化,加强人民对政府的监督等方面,也有许多进步。例如,实行政务公开,政府预算公开,推行电子政务、听证制度和专家咨询制度等。我已连续三年在作《政府工作报告》之前,在网上同网民交流。今年春,我在新华网在线交流时,收到网民来贴40多万条,手机信息 11万多条,页面访问量近3亿人次。同这些普通民众的交流,是心对心的交流,可以直接体察人民的喜怒哀乐和对政府的诉求,有利于改进政府工作。In recent years, while deepening the economic structural reform, we have actively and steadily advanced the political structural reform.Much progress has been made in making government decision-making sound and democratic and enhancing public oversight of the government.For example, we have made government affairs and budgets more transparent and introduced such practices as e-government, public hearing and expert consulting.During the past three years, before I delivered the Report on the Work of the Government each year, I had an online dialogue with the public.During this year's dialogue with the public in spring on the website of the Xinhua News Agency, I received over 400,000 posts and more than 110,000 text messages, and the webpage was visited nearly 300 million times.I opened my heart to the people, and this direct engagement enabled me to learn about what is on their minds and what they want from the government.This helps the government improve its performance.未来的中国,将是一个更加开放包容、文明和谐的国家。一个国家、一个民族,只有开放包容,才能发展进步。唯有开放,先进和有用的东西才能进得来;唯有包容,吸收借鉴优秀文化,才能使自己充实和强大起来。

Tomorrow's China will be a more open, inclusive, culturally advanced and harmonious country.A country or a nation will grow and progress only when it is open and inclusive.Only an open country can introduce all that is advanced and useful.And only an inclusive society can enrich and strengthen itself by drawing on the strengths of fine foreign cultures.我们不仅要在经济领域、科技领域继续扩大对外开 放,而且在文化建设、社会管理等领域也要大胆博采众长。中国在推进现代化过程中遇到的诸多问题,如能源问题、环境问题、贫富差距问题、司法公正问题和廉政 问题等,许多发达国家都曾经遇到过。对各国的成功经验,我们要认真借鉴;对别人走过的弯路,我们不应重复;对世界面临的难题,我们要同国际社会一道来破 解。

We should not only continue to open up in economic, scientific and technological fields, but also boldly learn from others in promoting cultural progress and social management.In its modernization drive, China has encountered various problems in the fields of energy, the environment, wealth distribution, judicial justice and government integrity.These are problems that many developed countries have run into before.We will learn from the successful experience of other countries while avoiding their mistakes.We will work with the rest of the international community to address common challenges facing the world.我们要创造更加良好的政治环境和更加自由的学术 氛围,让人民追求真理、崇尚理性、尊重科学,探索自然的奥秘、社会的法则和人生的真谛。做学问、搞科研,尤其需要倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”。正因为 有了充分的学术自由,像牛顿这样在人类历史上具有伟大影响的科学家,才能够思潮奔腾、才华迸发,敢于思考前人从未思考过的问题,敢于踏进前人从未涉足的领 域。不久前,我同中国科学家交流时提出,要大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境,鼓励自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。

We should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphere in which people can pursue truth, exercise reasoning and respect science, in which the mysteries of nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life can be fully explored.The spirit of independence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies and research.It was in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like Isaac Newton, who had a profound impact on human history, were able to bring out their best, probe issues not questioned by predecessors and blaze a new trail.In my recent conversation with some Chinese scientists, I called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure, an environment that encourages free exploration of new things and stimulates academic debate.我们历来主张尊重世界文明的多样性,倡导不同文 明之间的对话、交流与合作。我国已故著名社会学家费孝通先生,上世纪30年代曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院并获得博士学位,一生饱经沧桑。他在晚年提出:“各 美其美,美人之美,美美与共,世界大同。”费老先生的这一人生感悟,生动反映了当代中国人开放包容的胸怀。

We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations and advocated dialogue, exchanges and cooperation among them.The late Mr.Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, received his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the 1930s.Having gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concluded in his late years that “The world will be a harmonious place if people appreciate their own beauty and that of others, and work together to create beauty in the world.” These thoughts best illustrate the open and inclusive mindset of China today.未来的中国,将是一个坚持和平发展、勇于担当的 国家。走和平发展道路,是中国政府和人民根据时代潮流和自身利益作出的战略抉择,是中国积极参与经济全球化、最终实现现代化的必由之路。中国的和平发展,对世界不是威胁,而是机遇。中国已经成为世界经济增长的重要引擎,近五年对世界经济增长的贡献率在20%以上。自2001年中国加入世界贸易组织以来,年 均进口近7500亿美元商品,为相关国家和地区创造了1400多万个就业岗位。未来5年,中国进口规模累计有望超过8万亿美元,将给世界各国带来更多商 机。Tomorrow's China will be a country committed to peaceful development and ready to shoulder its responsibilities.To pursue peaceful development is a strategic decision made by the Chinese government and people in keeping with the trend of the times and based on our own interests.Only such a pursuit will enable China to embrace economic globalization and achieve modernization.China's peaceful development is an opportunity rather than a threat to the rest of the world.China has become an engine driving global economic growth, having contributed to over 20% of world economic growth each year in the past five years.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has imported close to US$750 billion of goods every year, creating over 14 million jobs for relevant countries and regions.China's import is expected to exceed US$8 trillion in the next five years, and this will provide more business opportunities for other countries.21世纪应是合作的世纪,而不是冲突和争霸的世纪。中国是世界和平的坚定维护者。我们一贯主张和平解决国际争端,反对使用武力。中国将同国际社会一道,共担责任、共迎挑战,继续推动国际体系朝着更加公平、公正、包容的方向发展。

The 21st century should be a century of cooperation rather than conflict and rivalry.China is committed to upholding world peace.We have consistently called for settling international disputes by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.China will work with the rest of the international community to undertake responsibilities, meet challenges and make the international system more equitable, just and inclusive.女士们、先生们:

建设有中国特色的社会主义,是13亿中国人民的 庄严选择。中国30多年的变化,得益于改革开放;中国未来的发展,仍然要靠改革开放。改革开放,要贯穿中国现代化建设的始终。倒退没有出路,停滞也没有出 路。只有坚定信心、继续前进,中国才能建设成为富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家,中国人民才能更加普遍和以更高水准过上有尊严的幸福生活。尽 管前进的道路上还会有这样那样的艰难险阻,但这一历史进程不可逆转!

Ladies and Gentlemen, To build socialism with distinctive Chinese features is the solemn choice made by the 1.3 billion Chinese people.China owes the success of its transformation in the past 30-odd years to reform and opening-up.And China must deepen reform and opening-up to sustain its future development.Reform and opening-up will be carried out in the entire process of China's modernization endeavor.To stall or reverse course is not an option for China.We must move on with confidence.Only by doing so can China turn itself into a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced, modern and harmonious socialist country, and can the Chinese people enjoy a happy life with dignity in a more extensive way and at a higher level.Whatever difficulties and obstacles may lie ahead, they cannot block this historical process!


英国是世界上最早实现工业化的发达国家,在高科 技、高等教育、金融服务、医疗卫生、低碳经济等领域,都具有中国所需要的技术和管理经验。中国广阔的市场、丰富的人力资源和巨大的发展潜力,可以为英国经 济发展提供有力的支持。中国政府积极推进大型企业、研究型大学和科研机构同英国的合作,鼓励双方高端人才的交流和合作研究。Ladies and Gentlemen, The United Kingdom is a developed country and the first to achieve industrialization.Its advanced technologies and managerial expertise in research, higher education, financial services, public health and medical services and its development of low-carbon economy can well meet China's demand.On China's part, its vast market, abundant human resources and huge development potential can help boost UK's economic growth.The Chinese government encourages large Chinese companies, research-oriented universities and research institutions to increase cooperation with their British counterparts.It also encourages more exchanges of top-level talents and joint research between our two countries.英国伟大思想家培根说过,“智者创造机会,而不是等待机会”。富有思想和智慧的中英两国人民,一定能创造更多的机会,推动两国合作迈上新的台阶!我对中英关系的明天充满信心,更充满期待!


Francis Bacon said, “A wise man will make more opportunities, than he finds.” The Chinese and British people, with vision and creativity, can certainly create more opportunities and lift our cooperation to a new level.I have every confidence in and great expectation for the future of China-UK relations.Thank you.






























温家宝在巴基斯坦议会的演讲(全文)2010-12-20 07:09:00 来源: 中国新闻网(北京)跟贴 2 条手机看新闻





尊敬的吉拉尼总理,尊敬的奈克主席,尊敬的米尔扎议长,女士们,先生们: 萨莱姆,阿来贡,帕伊!(兄弟们好!)应邀在巴基斯坦议会这个庄严的殿堂发表演讲,我深感荣幸。首先,我代表中国政府和13亿中国人民,向兄弟的巴基斯坦人民致以最亲切的问候和最美好的祝愿!向长期以来致力于中巴友好的各界朋友表示衷心感谢和崇高敬意!



















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