
时间:2019-05-14 18:17:05下载本文作者:会员上传






一、“浑天仪”与地心说——大学霸张衡一句话带来的误解近来开始为腾讯·大家专栏写作“这不科学”这个栏目,又把以前读过的一些科学史的相关书籍拿出来翻一翻,加之头二日与友人闲谈,才发现有些误解直到今天也还存在着。其中之一便跟东汉著名的大学者张衡有关。张衡,字平子,东汉南阳西鄂人,他与同时代的著名书法家崔瑗是一对好朋友。崔瑗评价他的治学态度是“敏而好学,如川之逝,不舍昼夜”,而其为人性格则是“体性温良,仁爱笃密,与世无伤”。这样看来,张衡不仅是个好学生,而且为人也堪称是谦谦君子的典范。印有张衡像的邮票 他在文学上,颇有成就。当时的文人都喜欢作赋,抒发自己情怀和政治理想,像司马相如写过的《子虚赋》,班固写过的《两都赋》,扬雄的《幽通赋》都非常的有名。张衡自己仿照班固的《两都赋》写下了《二京赋》,也仿照扬雄写过《玄思赋》。正因如此出色的文采,他被后人尊为“汉赋四大家”之一。按照如今的观点来看,张衡妥妥地可算是一个文科大学霸了,然而他的才华远不止如此,因为他还是一个理工科大学霸!他设计并制造了一系列非常有趣的机械,绝对可以算是当时的“黑科技”,可能是这些作品太过震撼,以至于留下很多“传说”。他能够制造飞翔的木鸟,“假以羽翮,腹中施机,能飞数里”,这也就是说,这种机械装上机翼和驱动装置,便能够飞出好几里地之外。在这个意义上,可以说这玩意绝不仅仅是凭借风力的风筝。他还将当时久已不见的“指南车”给制造出来。《宋书·礼志五》记载,指南车据传说是始于周公,制造出来以便使节或者军队在旷野中辨认方向所用,然而“至于秦、汉,其制无闻。后汉张衡始复创造”。可惜的是,张衡自己也没有把他的设计图流传下来,以供后人学习。故而,两晋时期的著名道士葛洪,在其作品《抱朴子·辨问》一篇中,对张衡如是评价道:“善刻削之尤巧者,则谓之木圣,故张衡、马钧于今有木圣之名焉。”由此可见,张衡在当时的人们看来,大概是鲁班再世了吧!当然,张衡制造的最为著名的一件机械大概便是浑天仪了。其实,浑天仪并不是张衡独创。在此之前,便有关于浑天仪的神话流传,传说在上古时期,尧登基为王的时候,封羲和为掌管天象的官员,而羲和则建造了一台浑天仪以便测量时日。不过,传说这台浑天仪的制造方法一直被史官们保存,秘不示人。到了汉朝初年,一些人又开始重新制作它,以考察天象和历法,之后又有人在这个装置上面增加了“黄道”的标志。一直到了张衡这里,这个装置已经发展到豪华的程度了。在《晋书·天文志》中有这样的记载:张衡制造的浑天仪“具内外规、南北极、黄赤道,列二十四气、二十八宿中外星官及日月五纬”,我们可以看到这个机械达到了相当复杂的水平。那么这个机械是怎么运转的呢?按照书中的说法,主要是靠水力驱动,即“以漏水转之于殿上室内,星中出没与天相应”。除此之外,更为了不得的是,张衡还给这个浑天仪加装了一个自动日历功能!这个玩意叫作“瑞轮蓂荚”——其灵感源于一种传说中的植物,据说这种植物从新月至满月的阶段,每天都会生出一个荚,而在月圆之后,每天都会掉一个荚。人们通过计算它身上的荚,便可知道这月过了多少天,而张衡的这个装置便做到了“随月虚盈,依历开落”的效果。这样一台精密复杂的天文机械,背后肯定对应着一个宇宙模型。张衡自己写了一个《浑天仪注》来阐明自己这台机械的原理,以及他对宇宙的认识。书中写道:“浑天如鸡子,天体圆如弹丸,地如鸡中黄,孤居于内,天大而地小。”然而恰恰是这句话,使得一些人对“浑天说”产生了误解!浑天仪不少人认为,这段话意味着张衡已经认识到了“大地是球形的”。至于理由呢?可能他们觉得“地如鸡蛋黄”,鸡蛋黄是个球形的,那不就等于说大地也是球形的嘛?很多人会觉得中国的“浑天说”大概等于西方的“地心说”——在上个世纪的六十年代初,这个说法在国内还挺流行的。当然,这口锅全让今人背,似乎有些不公平。譬如,在《晋书·天文志》中,对张衡时代的“浑天说”有过这样的记载:“前儒旧说天地之体,状如鸟卵,天包地外,犹壳之果黄也;周旋无端,其形浑浑然,故曰浑天也。”然而,很多人想必没有看过这段话后的一句:“周天三百六十五度五百八十九分度之百四十五,半覆地上,半在地下。”请读者注意,在这段话之中,很明确地说了大地是分上下的,而在球型的“大地”上是没有“上下”的概念。现在,让我们再回到《浑天仪注》,接着往下看看张衡自己写了什么,“天表里有水,天之包地,犹壳之裹黄。天地各乘气而立,载水而浮”,而之后他还写到了,“(周天)又中分之,则丰复地上,丰绕地下,故二十八宿半现半隐”。这也就是说,在张衡的眼中,虽然大地是包裹在天空中的,但同时它也是浮于水上的!然而这也恰恰说明了,张衡的“浑天说”与西方的“亚里士多德-托勒密”体系下的“地心说”是不可能相同的——水下是没法住人的。另外还有一些比较明显的证据也可以说明,张衡头脑中的宇宙并不是“地心说”的那种系统。譬如,张衡在另外一本天文著作《灵宪》中,明确表达了他对天地形状的看法:“天体于阳,故圆以动;地体于阴,故平以静。”由此,我们基本可以肯定地说,在张衡的眼中,大地不仅不是个球,反而应当是“一大片儿地”。那么应当如何理解张衡的比喻呢?金祖孟先生曾如是评价道:“很明显,张衡的比方,只是就天和地的内外关系和大小关系而说的,并没有涉及天和地的形状的问题。因此,大地呈球形的推论,显然来源于对于张衡原话的曲解,自然是没有说服力的。”

二、信仰的赌博还是科学的实践?——地理大发现与地球说关于欧洲中世纪对“地球的形状”的认识,安德鲁·迪克森·怀特在他的《科学—神学论战史》中这样写道:“我们发现,某些形式的这种观念,成为了地理学研究的严重障碍。许多大胆的航海家们完全可以不畏海盗和暴风雨,但是一旦想到他们的船从一个敞开的口子里掉进地狱之中,他们就会发抖,有一种流传很广的信念认为,地狱是在大西洋的某个地方,但这个地方距离欧洲多远不得而知。水手们的这种恐怖心理是哥伦布的伟大航行的主要障碍。” 那么,这种观念到底是指的什么呢? 怀特认为,中世纪流行的宇宙观是“大地扁平的”——我们姑且称之为“地平说”——在大地的上方则是天堂;在大地的下方则是地狱。然而,他也不得不承认另外一点,即“大地是球形的”这个学说——我们姑且称之为“地球说”——仍然一直存在于欧洲中世纪时期,尽管基督教的早期很多神学家都反对它。这些反对者中就包括了卢修斯·拉克坦提乌斯(Lucius Lactantius),以及埃及的一名修道士科斯马斯·因迪克普里茨(Cosmas Indicopleustes)。然而,怀特的这个说法真的站得住脚么? 首先,与拉克坦提乌斯同一时期的神学家奥古斯丁和安布罗斯,都真心地赞成大地一个球形。尽管怀特试图在自己的书中把这二人的态度描写为“容忍”,但是不如让我们来看一段原文再下论断。奥古斯丁自己曾写过一部关于《创世记》的解释作品,名为《就字面而言,关于创世记的文章》(De Genesi ad Litteram)。其中便有这么一段文字: Cum enim totam terram adhuc aqua tegeret, nihil impediebat ut aquosa et globosa moles ex una parte faceret diem lucis praesentia, ex alia noctem lucis absentia...[虽彼时水仍覆盖整个大地,然而没有什么可以阻碍这一件事,即这整个一团如水如球之物,其一部分由于光照而为白昼,另一部分缺乏光照则为黑夜……(注:此句为笔者自译)]我们可以看到,奥古斯丁在形容大地的时候,用了一个形容词globosa, globosus——这个词正是如今英文中的globe, global等词的源头,其意为“球形的”。因此,当大地这一“球体”一部分接受光照的时候,另外一部分不是浸没在水中,而是处于光所缺乏的黑暗之中。地心说图解实际上,奥古斯丁的态度才是古代基督教神学家的普遍态度。在众多古代神学家中,只有很小的一部分人明确地反对过“地球说”。至于修道士科斯马斯·因迪克普里茨,他的看法实际上恰恰是受到了同时期的犹太教以及来自东方的“地平说”的影响,由此才成为了一名“地平说”的拥护者。另外,这位修道士的影响力也并没有怀特夸张的那么大。不过,有一件比较有趣的事情可以说一说,在中世纪认可“地平说”的人之中,鸡蛋的比喻也被用来形容天地之间的关系!这似乎是来自于东方的证据。那么,为什么古代基督教会普遍坚持“地球说”呢?这就得要感谢古希腊的自然哲学传统。基督教不完全是从自身的经典之中发展出来的“地球说”——在某种程度上,我们甚至可以说,《圣经》更像是一部“地平说”的经典。而恰恰是由于古代基督教神学家们认真学习了古希腊人的学说,才使得“地球说”在教会中得以保存,并且得以同《圣经》文本进行一番调和。如果之前有读者读过我关于伽利略和哥白尼的专栏文章,一定会知道,在神学家们主张“日心说”之前,在中世纪占据统治地位的天文学说,一直是以亚里士多德和托勒密二人的工作为基础所构建出来的“地心说”。不过,众所周知的是,无论是在“地心说”中,还是在“日心说”中,在当时的欧洲天文学家心中,大地终究是一个球,而非一片儿地…… 我也思考过,为何中国古代就没有提出“地球说”,大概是因为中国古代的人们并没有意识到“引力”的存在吧?或者说,中国古代的人们无法想象那些“头朝下”的人们应当如何生活。我们可能必须要承认,“地球说”在一定程度上是反直觉的。不过,这些问题在古希腊人看来,就不算个事儿。大概因为古希腊人对数学的宗教式痴迷,所以他们认为球形与其它形状不同——它象征了完善和谐的统一状态。因此,一切神圣的星体包括地球在内,都必然是球形的!那么,他们又是如何解释,那些生活在他们脚下的,并且“头朝下”的人们呢?正如我在之前专栏文章写过的:虽然希腊人没有“引力”的概念,但是在亚里士多德的学说中,每个物体都有自己的“份量”,而且这个“份量”越大的东西便越会趋向“中心位置”。因此,在地球外面的是“气元素”,而在地球中心的则是“土元素”——至于我们每个人,都是凭借自身的“份量”立于这个地球之上,无所谓上下。基督教一直接受的正是基于这个观念的希腊自然学说。我们可以非常肯定的是,哥伦布在进行他的伟大航行之前,早就已经了解这些学说了,并且会将之奉为圭臬。这是因为当时的教科书就是如此写的!

当时全欧洲通用的课本,乃是由在巴黎大学任教的“萨科霍波斯科的约翰尼斯”(Johannes de Sacrobosco)所写的《论世界之星球》(De Sphaera Mundi)——你仅仅从名字上看,便知道这肯定是一本关于“地球说”的作品。怀特在自己的书中甚至还想引证但丁的作品《神曲》,来说明当时的人们多么恐惧于大海航行中遇到的来自“下方”的地狱。然而这只能愈加说明,在中世纪时期“地球说”才是普遍流行的看法。这是因为就连但丁都将“地球说”视为常识,并且他甚至还认为整个南半球为大海所覆盖——在海中间有个小岛,那里面便是“炼狱”(Purgatory)的所在。虽然哥伦布最后发现的不是真正的中国和印度,但是不得不承认的是,他与他的支持者们可从来没有认为过大地是平的……

三、“地球说”引入中国——利玛窦与“西学东渐” 我们其实不必苛责中国古人没有发现“地球说”,也不必刻意认为中国古人已经发现了“地球说”。实际上,在当时整个世界中,除了希腊人这群奇葩之外,基本上所有人都没有意识到大地可能是个球!如果没有勇敢地接纳希腊哲学的智慧,基督教恐怕一时半会也难以接受“地球说”。也许有人会说,日食或者月食的时候,中国古人在看到太阳或者月亮上的大地影子,应该能够认识到大地是球形的。然而事情并非如此,中国古人认为,无论日食或者月食,那是主要是因为阴气在侵袭阳气。更形象一点儿地说,那道阴影倒更像是在清水中滴下一滴墨汁所达成的晕染效果,而非光所照不到的物体影子。那么,中国古人最早可能于何时接触到欧洲的“地球说”呢?笔者料想最早可能是在宋元时期。不得不承认的是,在中世纪的时候,通过百年翻译运动,穆斯林也早早地接受了“地球说”。当时掌管“智慧宫”的著名波斯学者阿勒·花喇子密(Al-khwarizmi),就已经为托勒密所写的天文学著作《大全》(Almagest)一书做过注释和摘要了。其后,随着其后蒙古人崛起和征服,一些伊斯兰教的国家被击败和收服,同时穆斯林的学术成果也被蒙古帝国所吸收进来。因此在宋元交战之时,“地球说”颇有可能在此时进入了中国地区,不过似乎没有留下什么过多的痕迹。等到“地球说”正式进入中国的时候,就应该已经到了明末清初之时了,这也要归功于“西学东渐”的第一人利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)。利玛窦,号西泰,意大利的天主教耶稣会士,于明万历年间来华。至于他在中国的经历,大家想必早都应该十分熟悉了,故而在此略过不表。利玛窦像 当利玛窦初入中国之时,恰逢日食发生,当时钦天监准确地报出了日食发生的时间,因此他对中国的天文学成就表示惊奇。然而渐渐地作为一个外人,在观察过一段时间之后,利玛窦对中国此时的天文学发生了质疑。对此,他写下了这样一些札记: “他们没有一个人知道地球吸引着有重量的物体,或引力把物体引向地球。他们不知道大地整个表面大都居住着人。或者人们可以住在地球相反的两面而不会跌下去;有些事情他们可以相信, 但有些事情他们许多人却难以想象。” 当然,如果利玛窦冷眼旁观,他断然也不会对中国的天文学做出任何贡献。实际上,利玛窦一直在为当时的中国绘制第一幅《山海舆地图》,并且他在旁边还做了中文的注解。地与海本是圆形,而合为一球,居天球之中,诚如鸡子黄在清内。有谓地为方者,乃语其定而不移之性,非语其形体也…… 在这段话中,我们可以看到利玛窦巧妙地引入了“前儒旧说”来为己证,然而他又将之与“地球说”进行了一番巧妙的调和——他引用了“鸡蛋喻”,然而这次却用来论证大地的形状;又引用了“天圆地方”的说法,却做了一番寓意性的解释。他所作的解释,正好与中国古代天文学传统相互颠倒了,但是他却帮助当时的中国人认识到了欧洲的天文学传统。日后,在利玛窦的士大夫朋友们的帮助之下,《山海舆地图》又被复刻了很多版本,使得更多的人了解到了“地球说”。虽然彼时也有些士大夫认为中国自古已经有了“地球说”,但是却没法否认欧洲“地球说”所拥有数学上的优势,因为欧几里德的《几何原本》也是由利玛窦等人带来的。总之,李约瑟博士(Joseph Needham)在其书《中国的科学与文明》中认为,利玛窦等耶稣会士的来到对中国天文学的一个重大贡献。在这个意义上,中国的天文学家们才开始逐步摆脱了所谓的“浑盖之争”,更多地思考起“地球说”。(本文原标题:《从浑天说至地球说——张衡、哥伦布与利玛窦》)
















地球是圆的英语作文.txt每天早上起床都要看一遍“福布斯”富翁排行榜,如果上面没有我的名字,我就去上班。谈钱不伤感情,谈感情最他妈伤钱。我诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包。Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

The moon origin mystery: for lunar origins, scientists put forward three kinds of theories: capture said, homology and earth divided them all defective, said, but the Apollo would help proof, which seem least likely theory is the best theory.Some scientists think, the moon is with earth in 46 billion years ago, from a group of cosmic dust generator.Another theory is that the moon is the earth's “children”, is perhaps the Pacific “dig” out.However Apollo moon exploration results show that the earth and the moon the composition of the difference is very big, some scientists have proposed another hypothesis, namely “captured”.They think that the moon is accidentally broke into gravitational field, and be locked in the present orbit.However, it is theoretically explain the process mechanism, is extremely difficult.Therefore, the above three theory all difficult to hold water.As robin hallam especially by dr said: “to explain the moon does not exist, than to explain the moon exist easier.”

The moon age riddle: what is amazing is that the rock samples from the moon back, via analysis found that about 99 percent age than earth 90% oldest rocks more older.Armstrong in “quiet sea” after landing picked up the first piece of rock's age is 36 billion years old.Some other rock age 4.3 billion years old, 4.6 billion years old and 45 billion years old — — it almost and earth and solar system itself, the earth is as old as the oldest rocks is 37 billion years old.In 1973, the world symposium on the moon was a age determination for 53 billion years old of moon rocks.Is more surprising is that these ancient rocks are collected from scientists believe to be the youngest area on the moon.In light of the evidence, some scientists propose that the moon on earth formed before long was established in interstellar space formed.The lunar soil years older than rock greater mystery: the moon ancient rock has made scientists helpless, however, and these rocks, compared to the surrounding soil rock is young.According to the analysis, soil age at least 10 years than rock.At first glance, sounds, this is impossible because scientists think these soils are rock after smashing formation.But, determination of rock and soil chemical composition, the scientists found that, after the soil and rock is irrelevant, seem to come from elsewhere.When a massive object when the moon, the moon hit send hollow balls like voice mystery: in Apollo exploration process, abandoned the rockets third quarter thrusters will boom the bump on the surface of the moon.According to NASA document records, “each such noise, sounds like a big the sound of the bell”.When the moon landing in color special personnel black plains, they found on the surface of the moon drilling very difficult.Soil sample by analysis found that, which contains a large number of rare earth metal titanium(it was used in the supersonic jet and spacecraft on);Others, such as zirconium, hard metal iridium, beryllium content is also very rich.This makes scientists puzzled, because these metal only in high temperature — — about 45 degrees Fahrenheit, will and surrounding rock as a whole.Stainless iron mystery: lunar surface rock sample still contain among them pure iron granules, scientists think they are not from meteorites.The former Soviet union and American scientists has found a more strange phenomenon: these pure iron granules on earth put seven years is not rust.In the scientific world, didn't rusty pure iron is unheard of.The moon radioactive mystery: the moon in thickness of eight miles surface is radioactive, this also is a astonishing phenomenon.When “Apollo 15th” astronauts using temperature timing, they found reading extraordinarily high, which suggests that Italy plain nearby heat flux indeed temperature is very high.A scientist exclaimed, “oh god, this land will soon melted!The moon's core must be more hot.” However, is it surprising is that month heart temperature is not high.The heat from the surface of the moon of radioactive substances emit, but these radioactive substances(uranium and plutonium, thallium)and where do you come from? If they are from the heart, so how could they on to the surface of the moon?

Dry on the moon is large hydrosphere mystery: the first few times that the moon, the moon is a dry celestial bodies.A scientist had assert that it than the gobi desert dry 100 million times.Apollo missions of the first few times are not on the surface of the moon found any water trace.But “Apollo 15th” scientists has detected the surface of the moon is one place 100 square miles of water gas.Scientists red face argue that this is the American astronaut waste in the moon two small tank leakage causes.But such small tank can produce such a large hydrosphere? Of course this is not astronauts — — it directly spray urine to the moon in the sky.It seems that these moisture from the moon internal.The surface of the moon is glass shape puzzle: Apollo astronauts discovered many places, the surface of the moon is covered with glass shape material, which suggests that the surface of the moon appears to be burning fiery fireball.As one scientist has pointed out, “the moon with glass.” Expert analysis proof, this layer of glass of substance is not huge meteoritic impact generated, some scientists believe that, this is the explosion of the sun — — some miniature nova state — — consequences.The moon of the magnetic field mystery: early detection and studies show that the moon, but almost no magnetic field of moon rocks analysis has proved it had strong magnetic field.This phenomenon makes scientists dumbfounded Paul jester doctor declared: “here is very strange magnetic quite beyond our expectation.” If the moon had magnetic field, it should have an iron core, but of reliable evidence shows that the moon may not have such a core, And the moon will not possible from other objects(such as earth)obtain magnetic field, because if it is indeed the case, then it must be very close from earth, then it will be gravity ripped to pieces.The moon internal mysterious “material aggregation point” mystery: 1968, flying around the moon, the moon probe the first to show the below the surface exist “material gathered structures”.When the spacecraft flying over these structures over, due to their great gravity, shuttle flight will slightly below the prescribed orbit, but when the ship leave these structures clouds, it will speeding slightly, it clearly shows that the material gathered structure exists, and their great quality.Scientists think, these structures is like a bull 's-eye, by heavy elements constitute, hidden in the surface of the moon “hai” below.As one scientist has said: “it seems that who also don't know how to deal with them.” 分享给你的朋友吧: 人人网 新浪微博 开心网 MSN QQ空间


8回答时间:2010-11-22 20:05 | 我来评论


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

The moon origin mystery: for lunar origins, scientists put forward three kinds of theories: capture said, homology and earth divided them all defective, said, but the Apollo would help proof, which seem least likely theory is the best theory.Some scientists think, the moon is with earth in 46 billion years ago, from a group of cosmic dust generator.Another theory is that the moon is the earth's “children”, is perhaps the Pacific “dig” out.However Apollo moon exploration results show that the earth and the moon the composition of the difference is very big, some scientists have proposed another hypothesis, namely “captured”.They think that the moon is accidentally broke into gravitational field, and be locked in the present orbit.However, it is theoretically explain the process mechanism, is extremely difficult.Therefore, the above three theory all difficult to hold water.As robin hallam especially by dr said: “to explain the moon does not exist, than to explain the moon exist easier.”

The moon age riddle: what is amazing is that the rock samples from the moon back, via analysis found that about 99 percent age than earth 90% oldest rocks more older.Armstrong in “quiet sea” after landing picked up the first piece of rock's age is 36 billion years old.Some other rock age 4.3 billion years old, 4.6 billion years old and 45 billion years old — — it almost and earth and solar system itself, the earth is as old as the oldest rocks is 37 billion years old.In 1973, the world symposium on the moon was a age determination for 53 billion years old of moon rocks.Is more surprising is that these ancient rocks are collected from scientists believe to be the youngest area on the moon.In light of the evidence, some scientists propose that the moon on earth formed before long was established in interstellar space formed.The lunar soil years older than rock greater mystery: the moon ancient rock has made scientists helpless, however, and these rocks, compared to the surrounding soil rock is young.According to the analysis, soil age at least 10 years than rock.At first glance, sounds, this is impossible because scientists think these soils are rock after smashing formation.But, determination of rock and soil chemical composition, the scientists found that, after the soil and rock is irrelevant, seem to come from elsewhere.When a massive object when the moon, the moon hit send hollow balls like voice mystery: in Apollo exploration process, abandoned the rockets third quarter thrusters will boom the bump on the surface of the moon.According to NASA document records, “each such noise, sounds like a big the sound of the bell”.When the moon landing in color special personnel black plains, they found on the surface of the moon drilling very difficult.Soil sample by analysis found that, which contains a large number of rare earth metal titanium(it was used in the supersonic jet and spacecraft on);Others, such as zirconium, hard metal iridium, beryllium content is also very rich.This makes scientists puzzled, because these metal only in high temperature — — about 45 degrees Fahrenheit, will and surrounding rock as a whole.Stainless iron mystery: lunar surface rock sample still contain among them pure iron granules, scientists think they are not from meteorites.The former Soviet union and American scientists has found a more strange phenomenon: these pure iron granules on earth put seven years is not rust.In the scientific world, didn't rusty pure iron is unheard of.The moon radioactive mystery: the moon in thickness of eight miles surface is radioactive, this also is a astonishing phenomenon.When “Apollo 15th” astronauts using temperature timing, they found reading extraordinarily high, which suggests that Italy plain nearby heat flux indeed temperature is very high.A scientist exclaimed, “oh god, this land will soon melted!The moon's core must be more hot.” However, is it surprising is that month heart temperature is not high.The heat from the surface of the moon of radioactive substances emit, but these radioactive substances(uranium and plutonium, thallium)and where do you come from? If they are from the heart, so how could they on to the surface of the moon?

Dry on the moon is large hydrosphere mystery: the first few times that the moon, the moon is a dry celestial bodies.A scientist had assert that it than the gobi desert dry 100 million times.Apollo missions of the first few times are not on the surface of the moon found any water trace.But “Apollo 15th” scientists has detected the surface of the moon is one place 100 square miles of water gas.Scientists red face argue that this is the American astronaut waste in the moon two small tank leakage causes.But such small tank can produce such a large hydrosphere? Of course this is not astronauts — — it directly spray urine to the moon in the sky.It seems that these moisture from the moon internal.The surface of the moon is glass shape puzzle: Apollo astronauts discovered many places, the surface of the moon is covered with glass shape material, which suggests that the surface of the moon appears to be burning fiery fireball.As one scientist has pointed out, “the moon with glass.” Expert analysis proof, this layer of glass of substance is not huge meteoritic impact generated, some scientists believe that, this is the explosion of the sun — — some miniature nova state — — consequences.The moon of the magnetic field mystery: early detection and studies show that the moon, but almost no magnetic field of moon rocks analysis has proved it had strong magnetic field.This phenomenon makes scientists dumbfounded Paul jester doctor declared: “here is very strange magnetic quite beyond our expectation.” If the moon had magnetic field, it should have an iron core, but of reliable evidence shows that the moon may not have such a core, And the moon will not possible from other objects(such as earth)obtain magnetic field, because if it is indeed the case, then it must be very close from earth, then it will be gravity ripped to pieces.The moon internal mysterious “material aggregation point” mystery: 1968, flying around the moon, the moon probe the first to show the below the surface exist “material gathered structures”.When the spacecraft flying over these structures over, due to their great gravity, shuttle flight will slightly below the prescribed orbit, but when the ship leave these structures clouds, it will speeding slightly, it clearly shows that the material gathered structure exists, and their great quality.Scientists think, these structures is like a bull 's-eye, by heavy elements constitute, hidden in the surface of the moon “hai” below.As one scientist has said: “it seems that who also don't know how to deal with them.” 分享给你的朋友吧: 人人网 新浪微博 开心网 MSN QQ空间


8回答时间:2010-11-22 20:05 | 我来评论

























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