
时间:2019-05-14 19:33:37下载本文作者:会员上传


1.What is important when considering a career change?    Further study or training Opportunities for future promotion

Personal interest

When considering a career change, there’re lots of factors to consider.First of all, you should choose a job that you’re interested in.If you don’t like your job, you won’t do it well and it may result in anther career change finally.So personal interest is very important.Another important aspect is further study or training.Further study or training can make us keep up with the latest technology and improve our skills so that we can do the work more easily and quicker.What's more, the opportunities for future promotion is also necessary.Everyone wants to get promoted.Because it means higher salary and higher position.And more opportunities encourage the staff to work harder to compete with each other.2.What is important when applying for a job in a foreign country?    Language needed


Free accommodation

When applying for a job in foreign country, there’re lots of factors to consider.First of all and most basically, you should have a knowledge of the language you need to ensure that you can communicate with others fluently.Thus, mastering one or two foreign language is necessary.Without any language problem, you can take salary into consideration.It’ll at least meet the basic needs in your daily life.And learn to manage the money so that you can save for a rainy day.At last, you’d better apply for a free accommodation as it saves lots of expenses and offers convenience for your job.3.What is important when designing a company website?    Types of information to include Different language version Layout of the website

When designing a company website, I think there are three important aspects you should pay attention to.First of all, the website should contain these basic information: the company profile, a simple introduction of the product, News and media coverage, after-sales service online service and so on.Make good use of material pictures to convey a good corporation image and enrich the page content.Second, in order to meet the needs of mainly customers, the website should be designed in different language version such as Chinese, English or other languages.Thirdly, the Layout of the website should be beautiful and reasonable, which will leave a deep impression on visitors.4.What is important when selling on line?    Good website Lower prices Fast delivery

When selling on line, there’re lots of things you should pay attention to and prepare.First of all, you need to have a good website, which contains the basic information of your products.The website should be attractive, clear to see and easy to use.To increase the sales, the products are usually sold in lower and reasonable prices.And it’s also a primary reason why more and more people like to shop on line.And then once someone orders something from your website, you need to provide a fast and reliable delivery service.Last but not least, if anything goes wrong, it’s important for you to have an excellent customer service.A good service brings good reputation.Many sellers ignore and fail to deal with this problem so that they lose some loyal customers.Taking all the things above into consideration, I believe you can finally make it.5.What is important when setting up a branch abroad?  Staff cost

  Location

Local grants

In order to make more profit, many companies choose to set up a branch abroad.But before handling an oversea trade, there are many factors to consider.First of all, you should take staff cost into consideration.As the standard of living improves at abroad, the staff cost must be raised correspondingly.Second, I think the location is also very important.A good location will always bring more customers and more consumption.So choosing a good location is beneficial to boost the sales.Thirdly, it’s better to apply for local grants so that you can do the business with guarantee and reduce the risks.6.What is important when choosing the location for a new factory?    Transport connections


Size of the factory

When choosing location for a new factory, there are many factors to consider.But I take the Transport connections the most important one.Convenient and quick means of transportation will help the factory acquire more advantage in receiving and dispatching the goods.In the long run, it will creative more profit.So we should first find out whether there is a transport connection near the target area before we decide the location.And then, you should pay attention to the cost when you choose the location.The cost is also related with the size of your factory.So choose the cost and size of the factory according to the situation of company.7.What is important when selling a new product?    Market research Good sales team advertising

When selling a new product, the first and most important thing is the market research.Through the market survey, we can know what customers really want, when they want it, what price is reasonable and any other key problems.Only after that can you produce the products and fix the price according to the market need.At the same time, you need a good sales team which is reliable.Team work is very important because many hands make light work.Advertising is also crucial, good creative campaign makes more people know your new product and gradually accept the concept you want to convey.Good advertising can yield twice the result with half the effort and make your work easier.That is my view of introducing a new product.8.What’s important when choosing a newspaper to advertise in

newspapers?    Numbers of readers Type of newspaper Cost of advertisement

There are a variety of methods to use in terms of product promotions such as putting ads on the television and newspapers.So, choosing a right newspaper to reach the sales goal seems very important.Therefore, you should choose a newspaper of popularity so that more people can see your ads.Secondly, pay attention to the type of newspaper.It seems that it is difficult to sell cosmetic to people who like watching football newspapers.Proper types of newspaper ensure the target readership.Above all, as a businessman, profit always comes first.To gain the biggest profit, you should see clearly and think over whether the advertising deserves the cost.High cost may reduce the profit in the long run.9.What is important when trying to reduce stress at work?    Being well-organized

Taking breaks

Attending social events

The stress at work in today's society keeps growing and a lot of people don't know how to reduce it.Here are my advices to this problem.First, you should learn to relax yourself and be well-organized.Being well-organized makes you handle the work more easily and quicker, which can yield twice the result with half the effort.At the same time, have a break if you feel tired or confused during the work.As we know, doing sports is a good way to relax.So you can go hiking, climbing the mountain, swimming and so on to release the pressure at weekends.Another way is to attend social events as much as you can.Social activities include going to parties, volunteering, going to the church.These activities help to enhance the ability of communication and enrich your leisure time.10.What is important when choosing a new receptionist ?    Experience


Communication skills

Choosing a good Receptionist is very important.Sometimes it even plays a decisive role in a business trade.Firstly, a qualified receptionist should have experience.A receptionist with experience is easier to calm down and control the situation when facing emergencies.Secondly, he or she should have a good personality.Personality charm makes others follow your steps and attach importance to your ideas.Last but not least, communication skills are also a necessary factor to consider.A receptionist with good communication skills is always a good negotiator and plays a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation.11.What is important when buying a computer equipment?    Name of the manufacturer After-sales service Cost of equipment

When buying a computer equipment, I will take the name of the manufacturer as the most important one.I think the most important part of a computer is the central processing unit, which is called CPU for short.It acts as the “brain” of our computers.So we should pay more attention to its velocity.The most famous manufacturer is Intel.And they have devoted to developing faster and better CPU.While in terms of computer tycoons, there are Apple, IBM, HP, Dell, Sony and so on.In a way, brand effect is significant when purchasing a computer equipment.What’s more, the after-service plays a certain role.Nobody will buy one without any guarantee.Last but not least, I will take the cost into consideration.A good computer is at an appropriate cost but with high quality.12.What is important when choosing packaging for a new product?    Design of packaging Materials used Cost of packaging

When choosing goods packaging for a new product, I think we need to consider three important factors: The design of packaging, the materials used and the cost of packaging.Usually, a beautiful and special design of packaging will leaves the customers a deep impression, which may affect the product sales in a way.Different products are packed in different ways.So we should choose the material according to the product.Packing materials used are also related with the cost of packing.So in order to make biggest profit, it’s better to choose a material both in good quality and low cost.The cost of packing can’t be higher than the product’s own value because it’s not worth it.Taking all these into consideration, we can finally make a right decision.


有志者 事竟成人不能没有追求。我们每个人,特别是年轻人,谁不想做个有志气,有抱负的人呢? 然而,想一帆风顺地到达成功的彼岸,多数是不可能的,况且人们一生追求的目标最后未必都能如愿实现,但是我还是相信:“有志者,事竟成”。



在我们现实生活中,不少人临渊羡鱼,而不知退而织网。有的人对学习好的人心里着实羡慕得很,而自己却不下功夫,到头来依然故我,考试时却想逮到“大个”,于是乎在考场上就来个张飞穿针 —— 大眼瞪小眼,互相传递“情报”,甚至搬书照抄。马克思在《资本论》中说过:“在科学的道路上没有平坦的大道,只有那些不畏艰难沿着崎岖小道攀登的人,最终才能到达光辉的顶点。”锲而不舍,金石可镂,崇高的理想并不在好高鹜远的幻想王国,而在脚踏实地的奋斗之中。




































































japan tankan survey shows business sentiment worsening

japan’s big manufacturers have seen a slowdown in demand for their products from key markets

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sentiment among japanese businesses worsened in the three months to december, the bank of japan’s tankan survey has indicated, underlining the

weakness in the country’s economy.the survey’s large manufacturers’ index deteriorated to minus 12, from minus three in the previous quarter.japanese manufacturers have been hurt by slowing export demand, a strong yen and subdued domestic consumption.the index plays a role in driving the central bank’s monetary policy.”we can see sentiment is worsening across the board, whether in manufacturing or services,” said hiroshi miyazaki, chief economist at shinkin asset management in tokyo.”there are not any signs that sentiment will recover quickly,” he added.stimulus boost?

the index, which measures sentiment among large manufacturers, has remained negative for five successive quarters.the latest number comes after

revised growth figures earlier this week suggested the world’s third-largest economy was in recession.continue reading the main story

start quote

if the bank of japan was leaning toward easing policy, this tankan survey will give them a nudge in that direction”

hiroshi miyazaki

shinkin asset management

japan said its economy shrank by 0.9% between july and september.at the same time, the april to june quarter was revised from 0.1% growth to show a contraction of 0.03%, making it two successive quarters of contraction, or a technical recession.a shrinking economy, slowing demand for exports and sluggish domestic consumption have all contributed to calls for policymakers to implement new

measures to help revive growth.japan has unveiled some initiatives, including a stimulus boost worth 880bn yen , announced last month, to create employment and support small businesses.however, there have been calls for the central bank to ease its policies further.analysts said given the sharp decline in sentiment, the bank may announce some measures soon.”if the bank of japan was leaning toward easing policy, this tankan survey will give them a nudge in that direction,” said mr miyazaki.日本短观调查显示商业景气恶化




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