
时间:2019-05-14 19:51:20下载本文作者:会员上传


先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲 就可以开始了。这是整个的试讲流程

开场:Hello,everyone!(good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!)I am xxx and I am very glad to have this opportunity to give my English lessons here!(It’s a great honor for me to give my lessons here!).Maybe i am not good enough ,it is an honor for me if you point out the shortcomings and make corrections.Next,please allow me to show my lessons for you!

讲课:Hi ,my dear children!(Good afternoon,boys and girls!Hello,everyone!)It is nice to meet you again in the beautiful sunshine day.Now ,let’s began our class!Let us sing the song we have learnt before.(歌曲名字)wa~~ it is very beautiful.now We have some new friends here.Who are they?ok,have a look.Open your books, and turn to page 100, look, who are they? What’s the matter with them? 教师出示一支体温表,说:This is a thermometer.If I have a fever, it will tell me.Let’s see Mike.Mike doesn’t feel well.He has a fever.指着Let’s learn的图片的Mike,教学“have a fever”。让学生看图片,教授单词和短语.the second boy was get hurt,when you get hurt ,you feel very painful,just like him!

look at the girl,she was had a cold,when you have a cold,you couldn't sto 1p coughing.what is the matter with the boy ?he looks very painful!he was had a toothach.when we have a toothach,we feel so uncomfortble,do we?

the last boy was had a headach,when you have a headach,your head feel painful,you want to have a sleep.look at the girl,what's the matter with her?she has a sore throat.when you have a sore throat,your throat will feel uncomfortable you want drink more and more water.In daily life,We are very likely to get sick,so,it is useful to learn some knowledge about those words.Ok, now,listen to the tape carfully.follow the tape and look at the cards to read the following words and sentences.ok very good, now ,who can read those words? Any volunteer?OK,lili。good ,set down please.anyone else? Ok.xiaoming.your pronunciation is correct.Set down.well,now,one ss reads one word , one by one.Do u understand? Ok.Let’s start it form this syudent.Oh,good job.Let’s play a game;there are five different cards about five different sicks in my hand.Next,all students will take part in five groups,one group will get one cards,look at the cards carefully,i will ask you some questions later.for example 2 group one get the card of Mike,i will ask you,what's the matter with Mike?you should answer: I’m sick.I have a fever.Ok,now,I will give u those cards.what's the matter with xxx.各组调换卡片继续该活动。

活动完以后,well down.The rest of the time belongs to you,you can choose one student as your partner,one ask and the other answer.In the process,try to understand it and learn it by your heart)ok,all students were done well,now,let's review the words and sentences we have learned befor......ok.today.ok,everyone has done an excellent job,i am very happy 布置作业(hey,boys and girls,time is so fast,our class is near to the end,but ,homework is impossible to avoid.After you bake to home , you must listen these words and sentences three times following the tape, u can read it to your parents,if you want, you can practice.....practice the words with your mother or father,ok?Now,class is over!goodbye~)

结束:that’s all,my lesson is over.I am very grateful for your listening,thank you ,thank you very much!(鞠躬~)3



{Good Morning, dear judgers!I am No.6, I am glad that I can have a chance to stand here, and hope you can like my lesson.Now, please allow me to start my lesson!}

Hello, Boys and Girls!How are you doing today? Yes, I am great.Thank you!I hope all of you can be happy in our English Class, and I hope you can enjoy the English trip!Ok, let’s sing a song which we have learned last week, little star, are you ready? Ok, ready go!

Twinkle twinkle little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.Oh, it is wonderful!You did a good job!

Now let’s have a short review.Last class, we learned a new topic, do you still remember? Yes, we talked about weather last class.So what is the weather like today? Who can answer my question? Any volunteer? Wow, Jack, please.Good, yes!It is sunny today, but a little cold.Because it is winter now, we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside.Sit down, please, Jack.Ok, now please look at the blackboard.Today we will learn Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag?

Please look at me, there is a big picture in my hands, can you guess what is this? Yes, it is a classroom, and it is a big nice classroom.What can you see from this picture? Ruler, yes, desk, good, football, wonderful, schoolbag, great, pencil box, fantastic!Keys, very good!Yes, we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the different places.How to say it in English? Now, let’s learn a new lesson.Firstly, please look at some word cards in my hands here are 3 word cards, they are on, in, under, so can you guess what is the meaning of it? I think you got it, right? Ok, cindy, on, linda, in, Angela, under.Very good!Now, let’s look at the classroom again.Please find the schoolbag, yes, it’s here.The first conversation is : Where is my schoolbag? It is on the desk.Listen to me carefully.(repeat).Then please find the keys ,yes, they are over there.The second conversation is: Where are my keys? They are under the chair.Here, please pay attention to the different usage of is and are.We have talked about them many times before, I believe that you know them very well, right?

Next please choose one classmate as your partner and do a short conversation.One student asks, and the other one answer, do you understand? Ok, time is up.Who can come here and do the exercise.Good, lisa and david,you two please, come here!

Great, give me five, give me five, sit down please.Now, Let’s listen to the tape and fill in the blank with on in or under.Listen to the tape carefully, when you finish, please hands up.Ok, stop here.All of you did a good job.I think it is very easy for you, isn’t it? Because you are very clever!

How time flies, it is time to say goodbye.Today’s homework is make some sentences with ON, IN, UNDER, and if you can, please teach your parents or your friends about the usage of on, in, under.Ok, that is all for today, good bye, see you next time!


Good afternoon juries, it is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to take part in this interview.First I would like to make a brief introduction about myself.My name is xx.I come from xx and come of family of teacher.My grand father, my father and my brother are all teachers, so I have the gene and blood of working as a teacher.Today, due to the limitation of time and resources, I choose movie tune as the content of my trial teaching(speech), the purpose of the teaching is to let the students learn the meaning of the lyrics of movie tune and learn to appreciate movie tunes.Then what is movie tune? Movie tune is the music that is used in the movie.Do you like to see movie? What is your favorite movie or maybe movies and what is your favorite movie tune?(students’ answers).My favorite movie tune is the circle of life, which is use in the movie of the lions.The lyrics are as follow,lets take a look.The Circle of life It is the circle of life 这是一种生活观念 Now it moves us all我们被打动

Through despair and hope通过绝望和希望 Through faith and love通过信念和爱

Until we find our place on the path unwinding in the circle直到我们在这条路上找到我们的位置 The circle of life这就是生活观念 ⑴The circle of life is an idea of the philosophy of life,like how you study, how you work and how you live---how every one play as a small part in the world.⑵Despaired: despair is the feeling that you have when everything is going wrong.You think you will never get better, you are sad and down.Faith: faith is the feeling that you can count on sth.Eg: ①you have faith in God that God will bless you ② you have faith in yourself that you can make things better.⑶The four things---despair, hope, faith and love are the feelings that everybody can experience no matter what country you are in and no matter what kind of job you have.Everyone have these feelings and they going through your life in circle.⑷ then why we go through经历 these feeling? We search our place(our path)in the circle, the circle that always exists that we want to know where we belong.⑸unwinding: our path are winding(卷曲的)when we were born, but as our life go on(as we live our life)it is unwinding(打开的).That is what our life is;our life is very small when we were born.Then it opens up slowing as we live our life.⑹that is the circle of life.What interesting is that when the writer wrote this song, the first line of the song is the circle of life and then it comes back to the end of the song--he circle of life.Even the lyrics/ the song is like circle.I hope you will understand the song better now, if you want to learn how to sing the song, please chose me.



Unit 7 How much are these pants? Good morning, dear judges.I’m the No.4 candidate, applying for middle school English teacher.It’s my great honor to be interviewed here.xoday my topic is unit y, how much are these pantsz Now I’ll begin my class.Leading-in Good morning, boys and girls, it is a fine day, is it? Yes, and my friend will hold the wedding at this weekend, so I want to buy some clothes for the party, could you help me? Thank you!Look at the screen, this shop is on sale, on sale, do you know it? For example, the bag was 200 yuan last wee|, but now it’s only 100 yuan, the bag is on sale, clearz 2o, let’s have a loo|, what can we buyz Presentation 3|ay, loo| at the picture, what’s thisz 4o you |nowz {es, shoes, shoes, we will walk with shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes.How about this one? You, please, shirt? Good, pay attention to 6sh”, 6ʃ”, shirt, sit down, please.Read after me, shirt, shirt.And this onez It loo|s li|e the letter 6x”, x-shirt, very good, you wear a T-shirt, too, that’s beautiful.T-shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt.Next, wow, cool, what’s thisz Who |nowsz 2|irt, that’s right, s|irt, girls li|e it, yesz 2|irt, s|irt, and this one, you please, pants, clever} Follow me, pants, pants, pants.Near the pants, what’s itz 4on’t |nowz xhe boy is right, but in English, we say sweater, sweater, my favourite clothes is sweater, it’s soft.Well, last one, stoc|ingz 2toc|ing is long, but this is short, they’re called soc|s.2oc|s, socks.Boys, read these words loudly, clearly!Great!Girls, it turns yo now, en, loudly next time.Okay, class, finish 1a, 2minutes, go!Finish it? Last row, no.2, T-shirt, yes, g, no.3, a, no.4, d, no.5, c, next, f, next, e, h, last one, i.Nice work!Our friends are in the shop, let’s listen what they are tal|ing.1b, listen carefully and circle the things you hear, ready? What things do you circle? Socks, en, T-shirt, shoes, anymore? Pants, 微信NTCECN整理

skirt, good!So, how much is this T-shirt? Seven dollars, dollar, look, this is one dollar, American money, like yuan, 1 dollar is about 6.5 yuan, and how much is about money, understand? How much are these socks? The boy in T-shirt, yes, they’re two dollars.How much is this skirt? Okay, the girl in T-shirt.It is 5dollars.How much are these shoesz {ou, please.xhey’re 12 dollars, than| you, sit down, please.Practice & Consolidation Look at the three pictures, how much are these thing? I know it.Try to ask me using these sentences on blackboard, I will tell you plus or minus, clear? Are you ready? Okay, girls, the shorts are 100 yuan, plus, 300 yuan? Minus, 250, plus, 280, yes!Picture 2, well, boys, come on, yes, how much is this schoolbag? 125? Minus, 100 yuan? Minus, 88, yes!How clever you are!Picture 3, haha, apples, 29 yuan? Minus, 25 yuan, minus again, 20 yuan? A little difficult, I will tell you, these apples are 18.y yuan, last one, cellphone, it’s 5000 yuanz No, minus, 4000 yuan? Minus, 3500 yuan? Minus, yes, the cellphone is 2000 yuan.Class, our classroom is a shop.There are so many things, books, pencil boxes, your clothes and so on.We all now are buyers and shoppers, try to communicate with each other to label the prices, which group can know most? Now, 10 minutes, begin!Time is up!One volunteer of each group tells us your prices, group 1, wow, 6 things, wonderful!Group 2, 5 things, chalks are five yuan.Group 3, 7 things, too.I think the bag is beautiful.Group 3, clap for themselves.Summary & Homework So, class, close your books, look at these cards, read them loudly, this one, socks, next, T-shirt, next, pants, next, shoes, last one, skirt.Great!How much is this English boo|z It’s 26.8 yuan.5ow much are these candiesz xhey’re 11 yuan, here you are.Have a good weekend, see you!xhat’s my demo class, than|s for your attention.微信NTCECN整理微信NTCECN整理

Unit 2 What’s the Best Time to Visit USA? Boys and girls, before class, I want to show you a video.Now, let’s have a look.What can you see? Oh, the president Obama, wonderful, the White House.Now can you guess where it is? Very good, it’s USA.Have you ever been to USA? Today, we’re going to learn something about USA.Pre-reading First of all, let’s look at the title, what can you get from the title? Yes, Mary, you said it’s about what has happened in the USA.Is she right, let’s see.I will play the tape for you, and you can try to find the places mentioned in the listening material, which belongs to USA.Now, let’s listen to the tape.Our listening is over, who can tell me the places you heard.Right, there are New York, Washington D.C., L.A., and New England.You have done a good job in the first listening, and I believe you can get more later.While-reading Now, boys and girls, I need your help.I want to travel to these places, but I don’s know when’s the best time and what the weather will be like.So, I would like you to pay more attention to the time and weather in the second listening.And this time, we will work in groups.You are divided into three groups, these two lines are group1, these are group2, and the next is group3.group1 talk about New York and Washington D.C., group2 find information about New England and Los Angeles, and group 3 tell the situation of Alaska.Now, I’ll give you five minutes to prepare.Take your time, class.Ok, lily, what’s your opinion? I see, you find that it is better to go to N.Y.in May and the weather is not too hot.Good point, let’s see other students’ results.Thank you for your advice, but based on the time and weather of these places, I still cannot make sure what things I should take.Can you do me a favor? Ok, please read the passage and you will have two minutes to prepare.Now, I want to show you some pictures connected with the things in the passage.You can tell me what you


have seen.Ready? Go!Class, what did you see? Yes, there are swimsuit, camera, umbrella, map and warm clothes.You have really good memory.Keep your good work, let’s think why should I take them? You can discuss with your partner.Ok, who wants to share your idea? Diana, you find that because people may want to swim, so we should take swimsuits.Quite right.Anything else? Yes, jack, it’s not too cold, but it may be good to take warm clothes.Class, what do you think of your classmates’ ideas? I see, all of you agree to them, yes, we should make good preparation before leaving for somewhere.Post-reading Boys and girls, I am now curious to know that if you travel to USA, what will you take.Think about it and try to make a dialogue with your partner, imagine one of you is a guider and the other to be a visitor.What’s more, to use the new structure with because, so and but.Class, three minutes has passed, what have you talked about, who want to be volunteers? You are so brave, let’s give applause to Ann and her partner Jim.Summary After your excellent performance, class, think carefully what have you got from this class? Well, yes, new words like umbrella, swimsuit.And new structure with the use of because, so.Marvelous, I see, you also realize the wonder of the world and come to be interested at the cultures of different countries, especially western countries.Homework Class, I guess that all of you are going to learn more about the countries around the world, so why not write a short passage in order to generally introduce one country as you like.Maybe you should firstly search for information on the internet and then discuss with your parents about the part you want to write, and in the next class, please show “your country” to us, ok? See you!微信NTCECN整理


Step1 Lead in(5’)

Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again.How are you ? You are fine.Just so so.I have a question for you: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Think for a while and then talk with your partner.What would you do, Jake? Great, a generous and loving boy you are.What about you, Mike? Aha, you’d like to buy a house in Beijing.I should say you have a economical mind.OK, now, we will start studying Lesson 4 What would you do? Step2 Presentation(20’)

Look at 1b, I will play the record for you, please listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them.Let’s start.OK, who can tell me your answer.Aha, Lily,please.Do you agree with her? Great, she is right.Now, look at 1c and tell me what 1c is talking about? Are you familiar with it? Great, we have talk about it at the beginning.You know the word million? Well a million is 1,000,000.We often say a million dollars or millions of dollars.Million is just like hundred and thousand in use.Pay attention to the pronunciations of medical and research, medical research.OK,guys, now, based on the conversation and take reference to the listening material, you are asked to make conversations with your partner.I will play the record again, please try to take down the important message as it would be helpful in the later process.OK, now, please start your task.Stop, here, you guys really have a imaginary mind.Now, I will play Part2 for you, you are asked to finish 2a and 2b.Let us start.Who can tell me the answer of 2a.OK, Luke, please.Do you agree with him? Great, he is right.What about 2b? Can you tell me the answer together? Good job.Now,let’s focus on the grammar.What would you do if you had a million dollars? I’d give it to the charity.Then, look at the next sentence: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.How to ask? Anyone , who want to have a try? Great, Rose.Very good, Rose said “what would you wear if had been invited to give a presentation?” Good question.What about the last sentence: If I were you, I’d take a small presents.Nike, could you design a question for this answer? Good, sit down please.Nike said “what would you do if you are invited to a friend’s birthday party?” Now, look at 2c,could you help Larry to solve her worries? Discuss with your partner with the sentence we have just learned about the solutions.I will give you five minutes.OK, time is up.You have such a heated discussion, you must have got many solutions.Well, what I want to point out is that “what if”, what if has the same meaning as what would you do if···.Not hard to understand, right?

Step3 Practice(7’)

Boys and girls, now we have learned the main words and sentence patterns of this part, how much have you got? Let’s do practice.First, finish 3a in three minutes.Time is up.Tell me the answer together.Great!Now, I have a competition game for 微信NTCECN整理

you.I will put you into three groups.Each group we need two actors and one judge.The actors to act according to the situations in 3a and the judges to give grades for their performance, clear? OK, let us welcome group one.which group got the highest mark? Congratulations to the second group!Step 4 Consolidation(8’)

Let’s come to another activity.You guys in team 1 and team 2 please write your problems you meet currently.You can write no more than three.Dot forget your name.I will give you three minutes.Now, please hand in your problems.OK, all the problems are here, now, each of the others are asked to choose a note from here.Then, you should find the master of the note and then give him suggestions, clear? OK, stop here.Please go back to seats.Do you enjoy it? Step 5 Summary(3’)OK, now, we have learned the main content of Part A.How much have you got? Can you make a summary? Yes, we have learned some new words: million,medical,research,tie,worry,what if.Anything else?Exactly.We also learn the sentence pattern of What would you do if···,If I were you, I’d···

what is important is that we should learn to think from multiple perspectives.Step 5 Homework(2’)

In the end, I have to say you have homework to do.Think about the problems you meet now and try to solve them.If you meet some difficulty, you can ask your parents, your teachers or classmates for help.微信NTCECN整理


各位评委老师,大家好!我是应聘初中英语的三号考生,今天我要试讲的八年级下册第 五单元第一课时If you go to the party, you will have a great time!!(板书题目)。

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a great time!!Period 1 Teaching Goals:

1、知识目标(knowledge goals):能正确运用if引导的条件状语从句;

2、技能目标(skillgoals):能用if引导的条件状语从句作出假设,用will谈论结 果,提高学生口语表达能力;

3、情感态度与价值观:本课时围绕Party展开话题,贴近学生生活,符合他们热爱 休闲的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动;

Important and difficult points: ①一般将来时will / be going to结构; ② If引导的条件状语从句;

Teaching contents: Section A 1a;1b;1c;2a;2b;2c,grammar focus.Teaching procedures: Step 1: Greeting---Good morning, boys and girls / class.(Good morning, Miss XX.)---Nice to see you.(Nice to see you, too.)---How are you today?(Fine, thanks.And you?)---I’mlfijelnmm.lSinldmwj, please.(Thank you!)Step 2: Warming up and Leading in Today, we will learn the new lesson—Ujinl5lIflymulkmlnmlnhelparny,lymu’lllhavelkreanlnime.Nmw,llenluolejjmylajlEjkliohlomjklnmkenher.llllIflymularelhappyllllOK,llen’olfmllmwlin.lGrean!Now, are you happy?--Yes.If I am happy, I will smile.If you are happy, what will you do?


--IflIlamlhappy,lIlwilllwanchlTV/lplaylcmmpunerlkameo/dajce/oijklalomjk…l--No, If I am sad, I will cry.If you are sad, what will you do?--If I am sad, I will go hiking / go shopping / kmlnmlnhelzmml/lkmlowimmijk…

OK,lnhiolnime,llen’olreadlnhem.lReadylGm!l(可以通过 Flash cards游戏来缓解课堂气氛,使 课堂更加活跃。)Step3: Presentation ①Wow, can you guess?(充满神秘感)Whan’olnhiolijlmylhajd?llllDajkldajkldajkldajk… Lmmk,lwhan’olnhio?lYeah,lnheylarelmmjey.lMm…IflIlhavelmuchlmmjeyl(拿实物), I will buy a big house.If you have much money, what will you do? Buylcarl/lbuyliphmjel/lkmlohmppijk/lbuylmmnherl/lnravellarmujdlnhelwmrldl… ②OK, another thing.Can you guess again? Here is a picture.Lomk,lin’olalparny.This Sunday our school will organize a party.There are some people in it.If you go to the party, what will you do?(eg.IflIlkmlnmlnhelparny,lI’lllhavelalkreanlnime/oijklommelomjko/dajce/playlkameo/eanlomme food...)Good job.Step4: Practice ① Point out the picture, and then ask Ss to read the statements and responses in the first picture.② Talk about other pictures, and ask the Ss to predict the consequences.③ OK, this time pls open your book and turn to page 34.1a look at the pictures.Then match nhelonanemejnolwinhlreopmjoeolbelmw.lOk,llen’oldmlommeldicnanimjlexercioe.④ Page 34 1b Play the tape and get Ss to check their answers to activity 1a.(Do you find the answers? Who can tell me your answers?)Talk about the answers together.⑤ Page 34 1c Ask two Ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c;In pairs, get Ss to talk about what happened in the pictures;Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.⑥ Page 35 2a&2b Read the instructions.Make sure the students know what to do;Play the recording, Ss listen and write down their answers;

Correct the answers.⑦ Page 35 2c Ask two students to read the sample dialogue;In pairs, get the students to 微信NTCECN整理

role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend;Ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class.⑧ Page 35 Grammar Focus 1.Review the grammar focus.Ask Ss to say the statements and respondents.2.Ask Ss to work in small groups.Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.3.Ask some groups to share their sentences with the class.Step5: Homework 1.Have Ss write their sentences on their exercise books.2.write an article If ymulhavellmnolmflmmjey,lymulwilll… 板书: Ok!So much for today,class is over,Goodbye.微信NTCECN整理

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? Good morning, dear judges.I’m the No.6 candidate applying for Middle School English

teacher.My title is: What should I do? Now I’ll begin my presentation.Warming up/Lead-in Good afternoon, my friends!How are you today? I am happy to hear that.What did you do at the weekend? Is there any volunteer who wants to share with us? Okay, Lily!Thank you!Lily said that she flew a beautiful kite with her father.And how about you, Jason? Interesting!Jason said that he went hiking with his friends.Wow!It seems that most of you spent a very colorful weekend at home or at outdoors.So, I believe that you will be more energetic in studying.Why not starting our today’s lesson? At the very beginning, you will hear a record.When you are listening, you should write down some places, okay? Now, are you ready? Let’s start!Time’s up!Now, please tell me the places you hear from the conversations.Just put your hands up and then tell your answer!The most, the winner!All right, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen.Any else? Actually, we still have library, Barber shop.Well done!You are good listener.Presentation I will write the places down on the blackboard.“Bathroom, bedroom, library, kitchen, barber shop”

Please read after me carefully!Okay, I will play the radio again, but this time you have to finish another different task.Open your book and turn to page 18, part 1a.You should match the statements with the people in the picture.Understand? Great!Let’s listen to the tape!All right, the tape is over.Now, it is your turn to finish these 6 questions.Okay, I believe you have finished.Just tell me your answer!Great, you are very clever!Okay, then, let’s move to the part 1b.Last term, we learnt present progressive tense.As we all know, the structure of present progressive tense is: is/are + doing.If you want to describe something that happened during a period of time in the past, we can use the structure: was/were + doing.Just 微信NTCECN整理

change is/are into was/were.It is easy, isn’t it? Okay, after knowing this structure, let’s come back to part 1b.Please finish this exercise, okay? Time’s up!Let’s check the answer.Great!I think you have grasped this knowledge.Practice Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Relaxing visiting spending camping babysitting 1.Mary is________ her little sister.2.My sister is________ time with Aunt,Helen.3.Frank is_______ his grandmother.4.My parents are_______ at home.5.And I’m going________.Consolidation Okay, guys.After finishing these 5 multiple choice exercise, please turn back to part 1c.We should make conversations according to the pattern in the book!A: What was he doing when the UFO arrived? B: He was sleeping late when it arrived.Okay, now it is your time!I will divide all of you into 6 groups.Each group has to present your conversations after a short discussion.Time’s up!Now, please show your conversations one by one.Summary All right!Finally, let’s check what we have learnt today.This time, I would like you to summarize.Okay, how about Jean, Michael and Robert? Please do a summary one by one.First, please Jean.….Okay, today’s lesson, we learn 4 new words.They are: bedroom, bathroom, library, barber shop.And we also some basic ideas about past progressive tense.Next lesson, we will go closer to it.So, please do revision after school/ Homework Okay, lastly, please finish page 32-33 of the exercise book after school.Let’s call it a day, good-bye!


This is my presentation, thank you for your listening!微信NTCECN整理

Unit 12 345678 95::498;t4 9<=>8 <=n;9 ?8=;in@

教学设计 主要内容:

1.Pair work: think of something you really wanted and worked hard for.Then discuss questions 1-4 with your partners.2.Find out one detail for each of these main ideas.3.Match the words and expressions with their meanings and make sentences with the words and expressions.4.Read the article and decide if these sentences are true or false, and correct the false sentences.教学过程:

Step 1诗歌欣赏,小组讨论生活经历及体会 I love my family.Mummy, Daddy and me.We love one another, We’re a happy family.… …

T: We love our family.Who love you most in your family? Ss: our parents.T: we know in the world, it’s parents who love us most and it’s invaluable.Can we share your parents’ love? Can you tell how your parents love you?

Ss:… ….微信NTCECN整理

Step 2快速阅读,找出故事发展的结局和主要情节

1.T: read the passage “parent helps child”.It’s about Westley More.With his mother’s help,Westley has changed a lot.What’s the result? Ss:… ….2.T: read the article and decide if these sentences are true or false.Correct the false sentences.(Students read the passage quickly and finish the exercises.And then check the answers together.)Step 3仔细阅读,整理文章信息

T: please read the passage carefully and fill in the form.Main idea

Detail Students read the passage and fill in the blanks.T: who wants to us your work? Okay, let’s have a careful look.Main idea Westley was a bad boy.His mother did a lot for him.Detail

He got into trouble at school.His mother bought him books, and took them to music concerts and talks.T: well done.Congratulations!Step 4讨论妈妈在电话中对 Westley说的话,神话主体

T: let’s discuss the following question: in paragraph 2, “they let Westley call his mother for five minutes.After that the bad boy would never be the same.” Plesase guess: what did his mother say? S:…


T: any other volunteers? T: wonderful!I’m so moved.Step 5:homework 1.Write a short passage about: A description of what you did and what the difficulties were;Who helped you and how did they help you? How did you feel at the end? What did you learn from this experience? 2.Make a nice card to your parents and write the words which you would like to say to them most? 教学案例评价:

本课的教学设计,在教学理念上以学生发展为本,关注学生的个体差异,通过“阅 读、质疑、点拨”的教学形式培养学生的问题意识和创新思维,促使学生在广阔的空间中 主动地探求知识,获得感悟。

学生将乐斗过程中碰到的问题及老师布置的阅读任务在小组内通过合作探究解疑。通 过提问、思考、回答、分析,学生不仅可以领悟文章深邃凝重的思想,而且通过动脑、动 口的思想交锋,在探索知识的过程中,变被动接受为主动探索。

本课教学设计体现了“以人为本,学以致用”的人本主义教育思想,教师能够从学生 的生活实际和人性发展需要出发,创造性地对教材内容进行大胆的重新整合,使课堂教学 内容更加科学化和生活化。



Parent helps child.Westley Moore was a fifteen-year-old American boy.Five minutes changed his life.Before then, he was just another kid going down a dead-end road.His father had died.His mother worked three jobs to pay for her three children's education.She really wanted them to succeed.Yet Wesley was a bad boy.Studying did not interest him.He got into trouble at school and with the police.Luckily, his mother never gave up trying to help.She bought him books about sports to read.Her children's school work had a special place in the home.She took the family to music concerts and talks on interesting subjects.But Westley still kept slipping.Sometimes he didn't go to school and his mother didn't know where he was.So she sent him to a military school.Students wore army uniforms and lived like soldiers.Of course, he didn't like it.He ran away a lot.He finally told the school he wanted to leave.They let Westley call his mother for five minutes.After that the bad boy would never be the same.“It was exactly what I needed,” he said.“My mother helped me understand the many sacrifices she had made for me.I realized she was living her life for her children.She said that even though my father wasn't there, he was looking down at me and wanted to be proud.That's when I changed.I wanted to do better.”

Soon Westley became the top student at school and later studied at a good university.He did so well that he has been invited to study at Oxford University, one of the best universities in the world and a very high honor for any student.Why did he change from a bad boy to an honor student? It wasn't luck.His friends and family say this is a story of how parents can change young people in trouble.They should not give up on their children.Instead, parents should try different ways to help them.They should let their children know different people and ideas.It is important to get children interested in reading.A child also needs to feel good about himself or herself.“There are a lot of things that move a kid in the right or wrong direction.Parents who are there for their children are very important,” Westley said.


Unit 2 WHAT’S THE MATTER, MIKE? Good morning, everyone.I’m No.X.I’m glad to have a chance to stand here.Today I will teach Unit 2 the first period from PEP primary English for students in Grade Six.Shall we start?

Hello, boys and girls.I’m unhappy because I have a cold.[cough., sneeze] Can you sing an English song for me to cheer me up? Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are Thank you.I’m better now.ok, let’s begin our lesson.Do you remember why I’m unhappy? Yes, because I have a cold.Can you guess the meaning of have a cold? Yes, it means 感冒.Ok, read after me.Now I feel sick.Maybe I have a fever.Do you know have a fever? Yeah, you are so clever, it means 发烧.ok, read after me

Do you know other problems? Please turn to page 16 and look at the pictures.Say some problems you see.You can speak in Chinese.Have a headache 头疼

have a toothache 牙痛 Have a sore throat 咽喉痛


疼 Ok, read after me.Can you? You did a good job, so we can play a game.“low voice and high voice” Wonderful, now let’s try to listen to others’ problems.Turn to page 17, listen and number.Ok, let’s check the answers.Can you talk the problems as them? Now let’s learn how to talk the problems.A: How do you feel? B: I feel sick.A: what’s the matter? B: My throat is sore.My nose hurts.Boys and girls, read after me.Ok, now it’s your time to be doctor try to ask others’ problems.Time flies, and you did a good job in this class.Let’s review what we have learned.New words and phrases: New conversation: At last.Homework is to recite the problems we learned.Can you? I believe in you.You are so clever.Ok, class is over.This is my teaching for unit 2.thank you for listening.



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