A Smile is A Gift That Anyone Can Give It costs nothing, but saves much.It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.It happens in a flash, and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.None is so rich that he can get along without it;none so poor that he is not enriched by it.It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business, and is the countersign of friends.It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sick, and nature's best antidote for trouble.It cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen, for it is no earthly good to anyone until it is given away.If you meet someone too burdened with grief or worry to smile, just give him one of yours.For nobody needs a smile so much as he who has none left to give.微笑不需要花费你一分钱,但却能带来很多。它使那些得到它的人富有,却不会使付出它的人贫穷。它发生在一瞬间,但它的记忆有时却是永恒的。如果人们可以没有微笑,那么,无论拥有什么都会觉得贫穷。如果人们无法因此而丰富,那么就没有什么比这更贫穷了。微笑为家庭到来欢笑,为工作增添善意,是友谊的象征。它是缓解疲劳的良药,是征服气馁的日光,是治疗疾病的阳光,是自然界中战胜困难的灵丹妙药。它不能买,不能借,也不能偷,因为在它被给予他人之前是毫无用处的。如果你遇见某人被悲伤和焦虑压得喘不过气来,只要给他一个微笑就行。因为当一个人无法再给予微笑的时候,他比任何时候都需要微笑!
Nothing succeeds lacks confidence.When you are truly and justifiably confident, it radiates from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like a magnet.It's important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it under any circumstances, because if you believe you can, then you really will.The belief keeps you searching for answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.Confidence is more than an attitude.It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there.It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility, rather than just letting life happen.One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant.Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity, while confidence comes from strength and integrity.Confidence is not just believing you can do it.Confidence is knowing you can do it.Know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you want,and live your life with confidence.Anything can be achieved through focused, determined effort and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis.Live your priorities.Live with your goals and your plan of action.Live each moment with your priorities in mind.Act with your own purpose, and you will have the life you want.信心成就一切,当你真正自信时,它就像灿烂的阳光一样从你身上散发出来,就像磁铁一样将成功吸引到你身上。相信自己非常重要。要相信自己无论在任何情况下都会成功。因为如果你相信你能做到,那么你就真的会做到。这种信念促使你不断的去寻找答案,而不断的探索就意味着你很快就会找到答案。信心不只是一种态度,它来源于你确切地知道自己要去干什么并且确切地知道怎么去干。它来源于正直和自信地去行动。它来源于强烈的目标感。它来源于强烈地勇于承担责任的许诺,而不是让生命放任自流。培养自信的一种方法是去做你害怕做的事情,并将它做成功。信心是富有同情心和善解人意的。它一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕和缺乏安全感才产生的,而信心则出于坚强的决心和诚实正直。信心并不是仅仅认为你可能会成功,而是确信你一定能成功。确信你有能力实现自己的愿望,并充满信心的生活着。如果你足够专心、坚决和自信,那么任何事都能做成。如果生活不像你预想的那样,你有力量去改变它,并且你必须一步一步的去实现这些改变。铭记你生命中最重要的事情。有目标并且有计划的去生活。为你的目标而奋斗,你就会拥有自己想要的生活。
这是今年十一月份,上六年级的儿子帮邻居刚上一年级的小妹妹写的“微笑与奥运”英语演讲稿,虽然看上去写得还比较稚嫩,但这是孩子创作的第一篇英语演讲稿,符合了奥运精神----重在参与!也是作为我生日的最好礼物.Smile in Beijing 2008 Olympic
I will be eight years old when 2008 Olympic being held in Beijing.First,I should economy paper and save water.Second,I should work hard for my lessons try to practice my English.The most important is smile for all the people in Beijing 2008 Olympic.Because it can remain the impression very well for the foreigners in Beijing 2008 Olympic.
There is a kindness called smileGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!Today I’d like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an English teacher.I remember, five years ago, when I stood at the teacher’s desk for the first time, maybe because I was too young, maybe because I was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, didn’t behave themselves at all.I felt ashamed and helpless.In order to save my face, I just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little.I thought sooner or later, they would listen to me.Yes, I could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange.No, they were not listening to me.It was too quiet.The breathless silence urged me to consider the way I was teaching.Then 1 August 2003, I got the chance to study the New Course of English.Until then could I realized that it was my frozen eyes that make the students flinch, it was my stiff face that trod out the enthusiasm in the children’s hearts.How to stimulate my class and show my warmth, so that they can enjoy their study in English? I had a deep thought.It’s smile.There is a kindness called smile.It is the most beautiful language in the world.It can make distance no distance.“Just awake the students with a smiling face!”I said to myself.The next day, when I stood on the stage with a smiling face, when I asked the questions with a smile, when I encouraged the children in a friendly way, the students were just shocked!But I could find there was more happiness and excitement in their eyes!Gradually, they got used to it, and participated in my teaching.As I predicted, that class became a lovely one.I was moved, and said“Thank you for listening, boys and girls!”In the following days, I keep on working even harder.I prepare my lessons carefully.I use Flash, pictures, riddles, and interesting stories to make great efforts to help the students to learn more.But I will never forget one thing: smile, give them a smile, to give them strength, to let them feel happy, to make them confident.The children do enjoy the English lesson now, when they tell me the answers in great excitement, I can feel their gladness, and my smile is more sincerely than ever!There is kindness called smile.From the children’s yearning eyes, I understand, it is smile that makes my students and I get closer, it is smile that fills the kindness to my English class, it is smile that shapes me popular English teacher finally.That’s all.Thank you very much!
生活,像一幅多姿多彩的图画,当你从 中捕捉到那一缕最纯洁、最和谐的色彩时,你是否意识到它就是一种微笑?一种最纯 真、最友善、最美丽的微笑。
流逝的时光冲不淡记忆,这微笑使我 备感亲切。那是一个阳光明媚的早晨,我 去帮妈妈买早餐。当我把早餐装好,从口 袋里想拿出钱来时,却摸了个空。这时,我 才想起钱放在家里的茶几上没有拿来。我 的心紧张起来,要是卖早餐的人知道我没 有钱,她会怎么处置呢?是把早餐抢回去 还是骂我一顿呢?如果我直接告诉她我没 带钱来,等下一次再还给她,她会相信我 吗?我该怎么办呀?正在我不知如何是好 的时候,老板娘似乎看出了我的心思,对我 说:“小妹妹,是没带钱吗?”我红着脸点了 点头。“没关系,下次再还也可以嘛。”“但 是„„”还没等我说完,她便抢着说:“什么但是呀,你经常光顾我的店,这一顿就算我 请你的吧!"我的心里顿时涌出一股感激之 情,“谢谢”两个字不由得从嘴里吐出。老 板娘望着我微微一笑,本来就小的眼睛此 时眯成了一条缝,在阳光下显得那么慈祥。
一个善良慈祥的微笑令我难以忘怀,一颗爱心融人了我的心里.一个夏日的午后,我乘坐2路公共汽 车到奶奶家去玩。车上挤满了人,我费了 好大劲儿才挤上去。因为是夏天,车上的 各种味道混在一起,令人越发作呕。我身 边的一位老奶奶脸色很差,看起来十分不 舒服,只可惜我也没能找到座位,不然我一 定让给她。我多希望能有一位好心人让座 给这位老奶奶啊!这时,一个童稚的声音 从我身后传来:“老奶奶,我把位子让给你 坐吧.”我回过头一看,原来是一个看起来 七八岁的小姑娘.还没等老奶奶推辞,她 便把老奶奶扶到了自己的座位上。老奶奶 只好坐了上去.她对着小女孩笑了笑,小 女孩也笑了笑,小嘴一抿,脸上露出两个浅 浅的酒窝,粉红色的面孔顿时变得微红,大 大的眼睛眨了眨,显得越发可爱了。
一个纯真美丽的微笑留在我的记忆 中,也让我看到了一颗闪光的童心。微笑 意味着理解与友善,微笑意味着真诚的爱.这微笑难道不是生活中的真、善、美的结晶 吗?这微笑难道不就是编织社会和谐的快 乐音符,沟通人与人心灵之间的真诚纽 带吗?
good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
today i’d like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an english teacher.i remember, five years ago, when i stood at the teacher’s desk for the first time, maybe because i was too young, maybe because i was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, didn’t behave themselves at all.i felt ashamed and helpless.in order to save my face, i just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little.i thought sooner or later, they would listen to me.yes, i could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange.no, they were not listening to me.it was too quiet.the breathless silence urged me to consider the way i was teaching.then 1 august XX, i got the chance to study the new course of english.until then could i realized that it was my frozen eyes that make the students flinch, it was my stiff face that trod out the enthusiasm in the children’s hearts.how to stimulate my class and show my warmth, so that they can enjoy their study in english? i had a deep thought.it’s smile.there is a kindness called smile.it is the most beautiful language in the world.it can make distance no distance.“just awake the students with a smiling face!”i said to myself.the next day, when i stood on the stage with a smiling face, when i asked the questions with a smile, when i encouraged the children in a friendly way, the students were just shocked!but i could find there was more happiness and excitement in their eyes!gradually, they got used to it, and participated in my teaching.as i predicted, that class became a lovely one.i was moved, and said“thank you for listening, boys and girls!”
in the following days, i keep on working even harder.i prepare my lessons carefully.i use flash, pictures, riddles, and interesting stories to make great
efforts to help the students to learn more.but i will never forget one thing: smile, give them a smile, to give them strength, to let them feel happy, to make them confident.the children do enjoy the english lesson now, when they tell me the answers in great excitement, i can feel their gladness, and my smile is more sincerely than ever!
there is kindness called smile.from the children’s yearning eyes, i understand, it is smile that makes my students and i get closer, it is smile that fills the kindness to my english class, it is smile that shapes me popular english teacher finally.that’s all.thank you very much!