
时间:2019-05-14 19:51:06下载本文作者:会员上传


励志英语演讲 yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!in your minds eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach.you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.you can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways ,approaching new people, and asking new questions.you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.you will never succumb to challenges of hardships.you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.after all ,you are the best, and you deserve the best!as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand.you must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear.i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!篇二:震撼心灵的50部英文励志电影


1、《8 mile 8英里》,巨星成长之路上的烦恼与困扰

2、《127 hours 127小时》,大自然的狰狞与人类的坚持不懈

3、《a beautiful mind美丽心灵》,为你,我会终身美丽

4、《a better life更好的生活》,对人生深入骨髓的感触

5、《big fish大鱼》,“坏孩子”用超现实的方式触摸真实世界

6、《billy elliot跳出我天地》,在家庭责任与个人理想之间


8、《cast away荒岛余生》,在世界尽头,他开始了旅程

9、《coach carter卡特教练》,“放牛班的严冬”

10、《dancer in the dark黑暗中的舞者》,执着信念的赞美诗

11、《eight below南极大冒险》,不要低估任何动物的求生意志

12、《everybodys fine天伦之旅》,“大家都好”背后的温情

14、《glory road光荣之路》,有王者气势的梦幻之作

15、《good will hunting心灵捕手》,让我们跟着心走

16、《gran torino老爷车》,为捍卫朋友和尊严而战

17、《gridiron gang重振球风》,摆脱心灵羁绊重获新生

18、《hotel rwanda卢旺达饭店》,一个人可以多么无私无畏

19、《i am sam我是山姆》,爱是一种能力 20、《into the wild荒野生存》,或许,世界真的在等你




24、《men of honor怒海潜将》,没有人能阻止你成为英雄

25、《million dollar baby百万美元宝贝》,不躲避疼痛,迎接它

26、《mona lisa smile蒙娜丽莎的微笑》,与传统观念抗争的女子


28、《people like us我们这样的人》,关于生命和生活的故事

29、《real steel铁甲钢拳》,饱含亲情与梦想的励志故事 30、《seabiscuit奔腾年代》,那种不服输的天性与斗志


32、《seven pounds七磅》,这个世界太需要温情与爱

33、《slumdog millionaire贫民窟的百万富翁》,史诗格局与童话气质

34、《soul surfer灵魂冲浪人》,失去臂膀依然能舞动人生

35、《step up舞出我人生》,每个人都有追逐梦想的机会

36、《the aviator飞行家》,娱乐大亨的云霄之梦

37、《the blind side弱点》,暖人心房、鼓舞人心的真实故事

38、《the fighter斗士》,超越恶俗肤浅套路的铁汉柔情

39、《the great debaters伟大辩手》,真实英雄改编世界的神力 40、《the iron lady铁娘子》,从杂货商女儿到英国首相

41、《the kings speech国王的演讲》,温暖人心的艺术作品

42、《the last samurai最后的武士》,在战斗中寻求心的宁静

43、《the pianist钢琴家》,这是一部关于希望的电影

44、《the pursuit of happyness当幸福来敲门》,我们含泪迎接

45、《the social network社交网络》,脸谱网的前世今生

46、《the terminal幸福终点站》,一种“塞翁失马”的乐观

47、《the wrestler摔角手》,努力汲取一些来自生活的力量


49、《warrior勇士》,为生命中最在乎的人和事而战 50、《win win双赢》,在困境中品味苦涩的人生篇三:英文励志电影 1.《解构企业》(the corporation)(2003)[18世纪美国法律正式通过了一个企业可以是一个个人的组织行为后,仅仅两个多世纪,美国的这个公司法居然影响了全球,你可以在中国的公司法中也看到类似的描述。这个冠之以法人的称号横行全球,世界每一个角度都受到影响。2《惊爆内幕》(the insider)(1999)

商业社会的本质是货币自由交换,只要你情我愿,似乎交换什么都可以。交易中的商业价值,交易中的定价原理,商业信誉在交易中的作用都是这个影片中活生生地展示出来的,商科学生必须要理解金钱统治人类社会的必然结果,以及这种结果具备的不可逆的特性。3.《影子大亨》(the hudsucker proxy)(1994)一部票房不怎么样、但懂商业的人却说好的影片。一个公司的老板自杀了,但其公司还蒸蒸日上,董事会的实权人物开始行动,行动的目的当然是私欲横流。公司治理、企业董事会操作实战等都是这部影片中不可多得的实战教案 4.《上班一条虫》(office space)(1999)


一个斯坦福的电脑天才毕业后被科技大亨录用后负责发展全球通信系统,之后他发现原来自己是被用作侦察商业对手以达到垄断市场的目的。此片向微软的垄断幽了一默,讲述了一个有鲜明时代和全球意义的反对金钱和高科技垄断的故事。6.《魔鬼营业员》(rogue trader)(1998)7.《败露》(disclosure)(1994)

一位踌躇满志的公司高管在一天中,不仅失去了原应属于自己的晋升机会,而且迎来了自己10年前的同居女友担任顶头上司。已有妻儿的他拒绝了女上司与他重温旧梦的要求,于是,女上司耍出种种手腕在公司中排挤他,甚至诬称他对自己性骚扰。忍无可忍的他诉诸法律,在一位精明女律师的帮助下,与公司及那位霸道的女上司展开了较量„„片中体现的办公室政治、公司群体人际关系行为准则等都是难得的职场教材。8.《门口的野蛮人》(barbarians at the gate)(1993)1988年,kkr公司收购雷诺-纳贝斯克公司是华尔街震惊全球的重大金融事件。专业人士事后分析,这桩交易是在合法基础上的骗局。因为kkr公司用的杠杆收购手法不仅不需要现金,也不需要看见现金,甚至也没有人知道钱从哪里来,整个过程根本就是个圈套。而kkr那些高层,以及交易过程中的那些华尔街人士,由于表现出了前所未有的贪婪和狡

猾的技巧,也被冠以“野蛮人”的称号1995年,巴林银行,这家全球最古老的银行之一破产了,曾经是英国贵族最为信赖的金融机构,拥有200多年优异的经营历史,却没能逃过破产的结局。令人震惊的是,这样一个惨痛的结局,却出自于一个普通的证券交易员尼克?6?1李森之手。这部出自真实案例的电影是大家学习银行业务,尤其是投资业务最好的教案。9.《抢钱世界》(other people’s money)(1991)












阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。在学校里为了躲避别的孩子的欺侮,听从一个朋友珍妮的话而开始“跑”。他跑着躲避别人的捉弄。在中学时,他为了躲避别人而跑进了一所学校的橄榄球场,就这样跑进了大学。阿甘被破格录取,并成了橄榄球巨星,受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。在大学毕业后,阿甘又应征入伍去了越南。在那里,他有了两个朋友:热衷捕虾的布巴和令人敬畏的长官邓 ·泰勒上尉。这时,珍妮已经堕落,过着放荡的生活。甘一直爱着珍妮,但珍妮却不爱他。在战争结束后,甘作为英雄受到了约翰逊总统的接见。在一次和平集会上,甘又遇见了珍妮,两人匆匆相遇又匆匆分手。在“说到就要做到”这一信条的指引下,甘最终闯出了一片属于自己的天空。在他的生活中,他结识了许多美国的名人。他告发了水门事件的窃听者,作为美国乒乓球队的一员到了中国,为中美建交立下了功劳。猫王和约翰·列侬这两位音乐巨星也是通过与他的交往而创作了许多风靡一时的歌曲。最后,甘通过捕虾成了一名企业家。为了纪念死去的布巴,他成立了布巴·甘公司,并把公司的一半股份给了布巴的母亲,自己去做一名园丁。甘经历了世界风云变幻的各个历史时期,但无论何时,无论何处,无论和谁在一起,他都依然如故,纯朴而善良。在隐居生活中,他时常思念珍妮。而这时的珍妮早已误入歧途,陷于绝望之中。终于有一天,珍妮回来了。她和甘共同生活了一段日子。在一天夜晚,珍妮投入了阿甘的怀抱,之后又在黎明悄然离去„„






第四部:《勇敢的心》 推荐指数:★★★★★


影片精髓:如标题 在威廉·华莱士还是孩子的时候,他的父亲,苏格兰的英雄马索·华莱士在与英军的斗争中牺牲了。幼小的他在父亲的好友的指导下学习文化和武术。光阴似箭,英王爱德华为巩固在苏格兰的统治,颁布法令允许英国贵族在苏格兰享有结婚少女的初夜权,以便让贵族效忠皇室。王子妃伊莎贝拉是个决断的才女,她知道这道法令会让英国贵族有意于苏格兰,但更会激起苏格兰人民的反抗。年轻的华莱士学成回到故乡,向美丽的少女梅伦求婚,愿意做一个安分守已的人。然而梅伦却被英军无理抢去,并遭杀害,华莱士终于爆发了。在广大村民高呼“英雄之后”的呼喊声中,他们揭竿而起,杀英兵宣布起义。苏格兰贵族罗伯想成为苏格兰领主,在其父布斯的教唆下,假意与华莱士联盟。华莱士杀败了前来进攻的英军,苏格兰贵族议会封他为爵士,任命他为苏格兰护国公。华莱士却发现这些苏格兰贵族考虑的只是自己的利益,丝毫不为人民和国家前途担心。爱德华为了缓和局势,派伊莎贝拉前去和谈。但由于英王根本不考虑人民的自由和平等,只想以收买华莱士为条件,和谈失败了。伊莎贝拉回去后才发觉和谈根本就是幌子,英王汇合了爱尔兰军和法军共同包围华莱士的苏格兰军队,她赶紧送信给华莱士。大军压境之下,贵族们慌作一团,华莱士领兵出战,混战一场,短兵相接中,他意外发现了罗伯竟与英王勾结,不禁倍受打击„„ 第五部:《告别昨日》 推荐指数:★★★★★





Learn to sleep


People always tell me that the most accomplished people in the world get up super early, working out and having meetings.It seems right.But sometimes it’s really hard to wake up.Why? There might just be part of your genes.Geneties determine how fast or slow our internal clock runs.And as a result, how closely it and our body’s functions align with the 24-hour day.Harvard Medical School says, if your clock runs fast ,you’re more likeiy to be a morning person, and if runs slow you’re a night person.In the 2012 study, scientists found a single nucleotide on the “Period 1”gene which helps control the daily behavioral clock and correlates with wake-sleep behavior.The researches found that the nucleotide base adenine is linked to someone being a morning person, while it’s base pair guanine is linked to being a night owl.So,people with AA genotype, on average, wake up earlier than people with the GG genotype.But you can have genes that tell your body all sorts of things if you want to be a day man or fighter of the night man.We called this thing a circadian rhythm.It’s a roughly 24-hour cycle controlled by the brain that tells us when to wake up, to go to sleep, and other biological processes in between.2.Does sleeping early and getting up early really help improve sleep quality? We know that the brain emits brain waves during activity.By monitoring your brain's brainwaves scientists have discovered five stages of sleep: Stage 1 Sleep In the first stage, people are conscious.For example, when you listen to boring lectures, lectures, and meetings, you fall asleep, daydream, and even fall asleep on the spot.At this point, you get to the first stage of sleep, in which our bodies begin to relax, and our breathing and heart rate begin to drop slightly.Stage 2 Sleep During the second Stage of Sleep, some scientists believe that in a sense, the brain gradually shuts down its waking activity.At this stage, it is easy to wake up.In fact, in many studies of sleep, most people who are woken up during the second phase of sleep still think they're not asleep.Most of the classes and meetings that go to sleep are basically at this stage.Deep-sleep(第三四阶段)In the third and fourth stages of sleep, we have the lowest frequency of brain waves.During these two stages, we really fall asleep, so these stages are also known as deepsleep.Our blood pressure, breathing and heart rate dropped to the lowest point of the day after we entered the deep sleep phase.Our blood vessels begin to expand, and the blood that is stored in our organs goes into our muscles and nourishes and repairs them.In the book did not detail three phase and four stages of the different, I guess, is probably the two stages of different frequency, but it doesn't matter, we just need to know, this is sleeping.The fifth stage of sleep(REM sleep)is the most fascinating phase of the whole sleep process, and scientists have yet to figure out what the purpose of this phase is.Rapid Eye Movement(REM睡眠阶段)The fifth stage has a technical term, Rapid Eye Movement, or REM sleep stage.In the 1950 s, a man named Nathan klein terman(Nathaniel Kleitman)scientists found that when human beings in this sleep stage, their eyes at very fast speed in each direction.He also found that when people woke up from this stage, 95 percent of people said they were dreaming before they woke up.So REM sleep is also called dream sleep.It is believed that we are generally in REM sleep.It is interesting to note that at this stage, our brain wave frequency and awake, when there is no difference between the brain and the same active during the day, so that sometimes we think dreams are so real, just don't want to wake up.To understand the regularity of these five cycles during sleep, I also need to understand that the sleep stages mentioned earlier in the sleep cycle are not only performed once during a full sleep.They occur repeatedly during sleep, which we call sleep cycles.In a sleep cycle, we repeat many times from the first to the fifth.The whole cycle is very complicated, probably something like this : The sleep period mentioned earlier in the sleep cycle is not only performed once during a full sleep.They occur repeatedly during sleep, which we call sleep cycles.In a sleep cycle, we repeat many times from the first to the fifth.The whole cycle is very complicated, probably something like that.In the sleep cycle, each sleep stage alternates, such as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2,REM,2, 3, 4, 3, 2,REM,2, 3, 4, 3, 2,REM,2, 3, 4, 3, 2,REM...It takes an average of 60 to 100 minutes per cycle, but everyone is different.There are also some details: the first sleep stage is the longest, and later, the sleep phase will be shorter and shorter, and eventually fade away.The first REM sleep phase is the shortest, and the later is longer.So, the more people wake up in the middle of the night.Compared with the quality of sleep, the proportion of several stages is approximately: 5% in the first stage, 40-50% in the second stage, 12% in the third and fourth stages, and 25% in the REM stage.The importance of sleep stages proves that if we are sleep-deprived, we can feel extreme sleepiness, nausea, headaches, muscle aches, and inability to concentrate during the day.When we don't sleep regularly, our bodies pay for sleep at the expense of other sleep stages.Sleep is the first stage of sleep that our bodies need to meet as much as possible, so we rarely lack this stage of sleep.Our immune system is activated during sleep and fights disease.That's why we're so sleepy when we're sick, and doctors suggest we stay in bed as much as possible when we're sick.The importance of REM sleep stage although scientists are not clearly know what is the purpose of this phase, but research suggests that if we lack of REM sleep during the day we will meet some difficulties, such as the inability to concentrate, sometimes some sleepy.But as the previous article said, our bodies first sleep when they're sleep-deprived, so lack of REM sleep doesn't seem like a big deal.But scientists have come up with a theory that we will absorb what we learned during the day during REM sleep.For example, babies spend a considerable amount of time sleeping, and 50 percent of their time is spent in REM sleep.So my guess is that lack of sleep leads to memory loss, and it may be that there is not enough time for REM sleep to digest the content of the day and lose a lot of information.To sum up, high quality sleep is actually easy to sleep, and stay at this stage for enough time.睡眠周期早期提到的睡眠周期,不仅是在充分睡眠期间进行一次。它们在睡眠中反复出现,我们称之为睡眠周期。在睡眠周期中,我们从第一个到第五个重复多次。整个循环很复杂,大概是这样。









Good morning everyone!I„m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech!And my topic is we are young.Last week we have learned an article by Bertrand Russell.these is a sentence touched to me.“Most people ,when they are left free to fill their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing.” I fell into deeply thought because sometimes I will face this situation too.Then I thought why.why I am the most people ? Suddenly , Some words appear in my mind.“ Youth is the season of dreams of flying!” Yes , we are young!Our mind should be filled with dreams and know where is our dream , how to achieve her!But why I am not!Perhaps there is so much temptation in our life that we will be disoriented.But now I know we are young and the dreams of youth are invincible!Imagine this , if we have a dream and know where is her , how to get her.Are we still don‟t know what we should do ? So , do you have think about this problem ? Let me give you a few examples to look at how others treat their dreams.Arnold Schwarzenegger , everyone knows him.he is the one knows what he really wants.When he is a 15 years old boy , he want to be the champion of world bodybuilder.Then , He train himself five hours a day.At 20 years old, he became the youngest ever word bodybuilder champion.Then he wants to be a actor.But everyone told him it‟s impossible.they said: Are you kidding me.Hear your accent, as long as you have the strange accent, you can‟t be an actor.But he is never give up!He also spent five hours a day in actor courses, pronunciation courses ,remove accent course and so on.All the things you can imagine, he have to do.Finally, he did!he get more than $ 30 million paycheck in the film “Terminator III”, the highest in the history of the paycheck.He knows what is him realy want at every stage of his life.Now he is the governor of California.Next he may want to be the President of America.There are a lot of people can also stick to their dreams like Edison , Nobel and so on.They make their life is full of surprises and wonders.So , we are young , we have more time to create more wonders than they.We don‟t have nothing pleasant to be worth doing.Conversely ,there is too mach.So , Let‟s calm down and think about it.What is we realy want and where is our dream ? Then hold on!that‟s all , thank you very much!


Good morning everyone!I„m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech!And my topic is we are young.Last week we have learned an article by Bertrand Russell.these is a sentence touched to me.“Most people ,when they are left free to fill their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing.” I fell into deeply thought because sometimes I will face this situation too.Then I thought why.why I am the most people ? Suddenly , Some words appear in my mind.“ Youth is the season of dreams of flying!” Yes , we are young!Our mind should be filled with dreams and know where is our dream , how to achieve her!But why I am not!Perhaps there is so much temptation in our life that we will be disoriented.But now I know we are young and the dreams of youth are invincible!Imagine this , if we have a dream and know where is her , how to get her.Are we still don‟t know what we should do ? So , do you have think about this problem ? Let me give you a few examples to look at how others treat their dreams.Arnold Schwarzenegger , everyone knows him.he is the one knows what he really wants.When he is a 15 years old boy , he want to be the champion of world bodybuilder.Then , He train himself five hours a day.At 20 years old, he became the youngest ever word bodybuilder champion.Then he wants to be a actor.But everyone told him it‟s impossible.they said: Are you kidding me.Hear your accent, as long as you have the strange accent, you can‟t be an

actor.But he is never give up!He also spent five hours a day in actor courses, pronunciation courses ,remove accent course and so on.All the things you can imagine, he have to do.Finally, he did!he get more than $ 30 million paycheck in the film “Terminator III”, the highest in the history of the paycheck.He knows what is him realy want at every stage of his life.Now he is the governor of California.Next he may want to be the President of America.There are a lot of people can also stick to their dreams like Edison , Nobel and so on.They make their life is full of surprises and wonders.So , we are young , we have more time to create more wonders than they.We don‟t have nothing pleasant to be worth doing.Conversely ,there is too mach.So , Let‟s calm down and think about it.What is we realy want and where is our dream ? Then hold on!that‟s all , thank you very much!


励志英语演讲 yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!in your minds eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach.you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.you can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways ,approaching new people, and asking new questions.you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.you will never succumb to challenges of hardships.you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.after all ,you are the best, and you deserve the best!as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand.you must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear.i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!篇二:英语励志演讲 85.this is dave arringdale whos actually been a longtime guest at vivians motel.这也是为什么大卫.亚玲达尔变成来薇薇安的旅馆的常客的原因。he stayed there a hundred times in the last 20 years, 他在那里呆了数百次在近20年中

and hes loyal to the property because of the relationship that vivian and her fellow employees have created with him.他对这个旅馆的忠诚来自于这层关系。薇薇安和她的同事所创造的与他的这层关系,theyve created a habitat of happiness for dave.he tells me that he can always count on vivian and the staff there to make him feel at home.他们创造了一个快乐的栖息地给大卫。他告诉我他总是可以依赖于薇薇安和那里的所有员工他们让他感受到了家的感觉。

why is it that business leaders and investors quite 为什么企业领袖、投资者 often dont see the connection between creating the intangible of employee happiness with creating the tangible of financial profits in their business? 通常看不到这层关系创造的不可触摸的员工们的快乐以及商业中的财政利润? we dont have to choose between inspired employees and sizable profits, we can have both.in fact, inspired employees quite often help make sizable profits, right? 我们并不一定要从中选择或是有受激励的员工或巨大的经济利润。我们可以同时拥有这两者事实上,受到鼓舞的员工,很多时候对获得巨大的利润很有帮助 so what the world needs now, in my opinion, is business leaders and political leaders who know what to count.所有,当今我们所需要的,我的观点是商界领袖和政界领袖,那些知道去衡量些什么的人。we count numbers.we count on people.what really counts is when we actually use our numbers to truly take into account our people.我们计算数字,我们依靠人,我们真正看重的是当我们可以用数字去真正使我们的顾客收益。i learned that from a maid in a motel and a king of a country.what can you start counting today? 我从一个汽车旅馆的女仆和一个国家的国王那里学到了这个道理。什么是你从今天开始就计算的呢? what one thing can you start counting today that actually would be meaningful in your life, whether its your work life or your business life? 有一样东西,你今天就可以开始计算会使你一生受用,不管这是为你的工作,还是为了你的生意 thank you very much.非常感谢。weve been fooled by our tool.excuse that expression.weve been fooled by our tool.gdp has been our hammer.“我们被我们的工具所愚弄。这个表述或许不恰当,我们被我们的工具所愚弄gdp就像是我们的锤子。and our nail has been a 19th-and 20th-century industrial-era model of success.我们的钉子是从19世纪到20世纪的工业时代的成功模型。and yet, 64 percent of the worlds gdp today is in that intangible industry we call service, the service industry, the industry im in.可是,当今世界百分之六十四的gdp是来自于不可见的,称之为服务业的行业服务业,我所在的行业。and only 36 percent is in the tangible industries of manufacturing and agriculture.只有百分之三十六来自于可见的行业,制造业和农业。so maybe its time that we get a bigger toolbox, right? maybe its time we get a toolbox that doesnt just count whats easily counted, 所以是时候我们换一个大一点的工具盒了,对吧。或者是时候我们事实上需要一个工具盒并不只能量那些很容易被量的,the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.在生活中具体的、可以的触摸的东西,事实上能够量度那些我们最重视的那些不可度量的东西。i guess im sort of a curious ceo.i was also a curious economics major as an undergrad.我想我是个有好奇心的ceo。我过去也只是个对充满好奇心的经济学专业本科生。

i learned that economists measure everything in tangible units of production and consumption as if each of those tangible units is exactly the same.我学到了经济学衡量一切可以具体化的单位生产和消费,好像那些可以被具体化的单位是完全等同的一样。they arent the same.in fact, as leaders, what we need to learn 他们是不一样的事实上,作为领导者,我们需要了解的 is that we can influence the quality of that unit of production by creating the conditions for our employees to live their calling.是我们其实可以影响每个单位产量的质量通过从实际中创造条件给我们的员工去找到他们的价值。in vivians case, her unit of production isnt the tangible hours she works, its the intangible difference she makes during that one hour of work.从薇薇安的例子中,她的单位产量并不是可以计算的她工作的每个小时而是她所做到的那些不可触摸的区别在那一小时的工作中。(86)85 ive taken that robert kennedy quote, and ive turned it into a new balance sheet for just a moment here.我也曾经用过罗伯特肯尼迪的这句话,我也曾经把它转变成一种新的衡量收支平衡的办法。this is a collection of things that robert kennedy said in that quote.这实际上是事物的一种结合,罗伯特肯尼迪在他的gdp gdp counts everything from air pollution to the destruction of our redwoods.可以计算空气污染红木的污染 but it doesnt count the health of our children or the integrity of our public officials.as you look at these two columns here, 但它并没儿童的健康考虑在内,没把公务员的正直程度考虑在内。当你看在这两栏的时候,doesnt it make you feel like its time for us to start figuring out a new way to count, a new way to imagine whats important to us in life? 难道你不觉得这正是我们应该开始从新创造一种新的方式去衡量么一种方式去真正地想象什么才是生活中最重要的东西? certainly robert kennedy suggested at the end of the speech exactly that.he said gdp measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.诚然,罗伯特肯尼迪在他的演讲的末尾提出了完全一致的号召。他说,gdp计算了一切短暂的东西而没有包涵那些使生命变得有价值的东西哇。wow.so how do we do that? let me say one thing we can just start doing ten years from now, at least in this country.那么我们怎么办呢?在我们开始这么做之前,让我先告诉大家一件事两年前的今天,至少是在这个国家,why in the heck in america are we doing a census in 2010? were spending 10 billion dollars on the census.为什么在美国我们做了2010年的人口普查我们花了10亿美元。were asking 10 simple questions--it is simplicity.but all of those questions are tangible.在这个人口普查上面我们只是问了10个非常简单的问题。但是所有的这些问题都是可以触摸的。theyre about demographics.theyre about where you live, how many people you live with, and whether you own your home or not.他们都是关于人口统计学特征的他们是关于你在哪里居住,你和多少人一起住还有你是否拥有你所居住的房子。thats about it.were not asking meaningful metrics.were not asking important questions.were not asking anything thats intangible.也就是这些我们并不被问及有意义的度量我们并不被问及重要的问题我们没有问及任何不可见的事物。abe maslow said long ago something youve heard before, but you didnt realize it was him.he said, if the only tool you have is a hammer, 马斯洛很久以前说过的一些我们以前听说过的,但是你以前并不意识到是他说的他说,“手里拿着个锤子 everything starts to look like a nail.看什么都像是钉子。84 the reality is, in western countries, quite often we do focus on the pursuit of happiness as if happiness is something that we have to go out--事实上是,在西方国家,通常我们注重对快乐的追求 an object that were supposed to get, or maybe many objects.actually, 正如快乐是一种我们必须非常从外部才能得到的一种我们我们理应得到的东西,和很多其他的东西一样

in fact, if you look in the dictionary, many dictionaries define pursuit as to chase with hostility.而事实上,如果你查查字典看一下的话,许多字典把这种追求定义为“带着敌意的追逐”。do we pursue happiness with hostility? good question.but back to bhutan.我们是带着对抗的情绪追求快乐的么?问的好。再回到不丹。bhutans bordered on its north and south by 38 percent of the worlds population.实际上,在不丹南边和北边的边境生存着这个世界百分之38的人口。could this little country, like a startup in a mature industry, be the spark plug that influences a 21st century of middle-class in china and india? 这个小国在一个成熟的工业社会中刚刚起步,就放出万丈光芒,影响了整个二十一世纪的中国和印度的中产阶级? bhutans created the ultimate export, a new global currency of well-being, 不丹实际上创造了一种终极的输出,一种新的全球通用的福祉。and there are 40 countries around the world today that are studying their own gnh.这个世界上有40个国家正在研究他们自己的gnh。you may have heard, this last fall nicolas sarkozy in france announcing the results of an 18-month study by two nobel economists, 你也许听过,去年的秋天法国的尼古拉·萨科齐,宣布了获得了诺贝尔奖的经济学家一项18个月研究的研究结果,focusing on happiness and wellness in france.sarkozy suggested that world leaders should stop myopically focusing on gdp and consider a new index, 这项研究关注于法国的快乐和幸福。萨科奇提出世界的领导人应该停止目光短浅地只关注gdp关注一种新的指数,what some french are calling a joie de vivre index.i like it.co-branding opportunities.法国人称之为“幸福指数”我喜欢这个提法。一个品牌合作的机会。just three days ago, three days ago here at ted, we had a simulcast of david cameron, potentially the next prime minister of the uk, 就在三天前,在我来的ted的三天前,我们和大卫.喀麦隆有一个同时联播节目,他可能是下任英国首相,quoting one of my favorite speeches of all-time, 引用了一个我最爱的一句演讲,robert kennedys poetic speech from 1968 when he suggested that were myopically focused on the wrong thing and that gdp is a misplaced metric.罗伯特肯尼迪在1968年的诗歌演讲当时他提出我们只把目光放在那些错误的事情上gdp是一个错位的度量标准。so it suggests that the momentum is shifting.这预示着动机发生了转变。83 we create the conditions for happiness to occur.in other words, we create a habitat of happiness.我们创造那些让快乐能够存在的条件。也就是说,我们创造了快乐的栖息地。” wow, thats interesting.he said that they have a science behind that art, and theyve actually created four essential pillars, 哇,这真是有趣。而且他说他们在这种艺术的背后有一种科学他们实际上创造了四个重要的支柱,nine key indicators and 72 different metrics that help them to measure their gnh.one of those key indicators is: 9个核心指标和72个不同的度量标准这些能够帮助测量gnh。实际上,其中一个核心指标是 how do the bhutanese feel about how they spend their time each day? its a good question.如何让不丹人感觉到他们是如何度过他们的每一天的呢?这是一个不错的问题。how do you feel about how you spend your time each day? time is one of the scarcest resources in the modern world.如何感觉你的每一天是如何度过的呢?在现代社会社会中,时间是一种最稀缺的资源。and yet, of course, that little intangible piece of data doesnt factor into our gdp calculations.可是,诚然这微小的不可见的数据并不影响我们对gdp的计算。as i spent my week up in the himalayas, i started to imagine what i call an emotional equation.所以当我把时间花在喜马拉雅山脉的时候,我开始想象我所谓的一种情感方程式。and it focuses on something i read long ago from a guy named rabbi hyman schachtel.how many know him? anybody? 这是很久以前我从拉比.海曼.斯佳特尔读到的。有多少人知道他?有人知道么? 1954, he wrote a book called the real enjoyment of living, and he suggested that happiness is not about having what you want;在1954年,他写过一本书,叫做《生活的真正乐趣》他提出快乐并不在于得到你所想要的。instead, its about wanting what you have.or in other words, i think the bhutanese believe happiness equals wanting what you have--而在于你想往你所拥有的。也就是说,我认为不丹人相信快乐等同于想往你所拥有的东西 imagine gratitude--divided by having what you want--gratification.想象一下感恩分割成拥有你所想要的东西满足感。the bhutanese arent on some aspirational treadmill, constantly focused on what they dont have.不丹人的志趣不至于一些有抱负但枯燥无趣的工作上持续关注与那些他们没有的事物。their religion, their isolation, their deep respect for their culture 他们的宗教,他们的与世隔离,and now the principles of their gnh movement all have fostered a sense of gratitude about what they do have.他们深深的对自己文化的尊重以及现在gnh运动的原则,这所有的一切都培养了一种对他们所拥有的感恩的情结。how many of us here, as tedsters in the audience, spend more of our time in the bottom half of this equation, in the denominator? 我们之中有多少人,作为ted的拥护者,把更多的时间花在这个方程式的底端,分母上呢? we are a bottom-heavy culture in more ways than one.我们总是一种底端受重文化所逼迫在很多方面都是如此。82 why dont we care more about gross national happiness? now, in essence, the king was asking us to consider an alternative definition of success, 为什么我们不多关注一下一个国家国民的快乐呢?”现在,从本质上来说,这位国王是在让我们去考虑对成功的另外一种定义这是就是gnh, most world leaders didnt take notice, and those that did thought this was just buddhist economics.这个世界上的多少领导者对此并不关心那些有考虑过这些的人认为这些只是“佛教经济学” but the king was serious.this was a notable moment, because this was the first time a world leader in almost 200 years had suggested that intangible of happiness--但是那位国王是认真的这其实是一个值得关注的时刻,因为这是近两百年来第一次有一个世界的领导者提出这种不可见的快乐 that leader 200 years ago, thomas jefferson with the declaration of independence--——再次提出,200年前汤马斯.杰佛逊在他的独立宣言中 200 years later, this king was suggesting that intangible of happiness is something that we should measure, 200年之后这位国王提出了这种无形的快乐是我们应该衡量的,and its something we should actually value as government officials.也是作为政府领导人真正应该重视的。for the next three dozen years as king, this king actually started measuring and managing around happiness in bhutan--在接下来他当国王的36年中,这位国王甚至开始衡量和管理不丹的快乐。including, just recently, taking his country from being an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy with no bloodshed, no coup.也包括最近,把这个国家从一个完全的君主专政政体转变为了一个君主立宪政体没有流血,没有屠杀。bhutan, for those of you who dont know it, is the newest democracy in the world, just two years ago.不丹,对那些不了解这个国家的人来说是一个新型的民主政体,仅仅始于两年前。so as i spent time with leaders in the gnh movement, i got to really understand what theyre doing.所以当我与这些提倡国民幸福总值运动的领袖们交流,我才逐渐明白他们在做些什么。and i got to spend some time with the prime minister.over dinner, i asked him an impertinent question.当我与这位总理相处时,在一次晚饭时,我问了他一个毫不相干的问题。i asked him, how can you create and measure something which evaporates--in other words, happiness? 我问他,”你是怎样创造和度量一些空泛易蒸发的东西,换句话来说,快乐?

and hes a very wise man, and he said, listen, bhutans goal is not to create happiness.“他是充满智慧的人,他回答说:“佛祖的目的并不是去创造快乐。81 so as leaders, we understand that intangibles are important, but we dont have a clue how to measure them.所以我们作为领袖,我们明白无形资产的重要性,但是如何实际的去衡量它们,我们没有什么头绪。so heres another einstein quote: not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.在此我想引用爱因斯坦的一句话:不是所有有价值的都能被计算,并且,不是所有能计算的都有价值。i hate to argue with einstein, but if that which is most valuable in our life and our business actually cant be counted or valued, 我并不想与爱因斯坦争论,但是如果那些在我们生命和商业中最有价值的实际上并不能被计数或估价,arent we going to spend our lives just mired in measuring the mundane? 我们是否要让我们的一生深陷于衡量那些平淡和不重要的事情呢? it was that sort of heady question about what counts that led me to take my ceo hat off for a week and fly off to the himalayan peaks.正是这类关于什么才有价值的难题使我撇下ceo的身份在一星期内飞向喜马拉雅山脉的顶端。i flew off to a place thats been shrouded in mystery for centuries, a place some folks call shangri-la.我飞向了一个几个世纪以来一直充满了无限迷团的地方,一个叫做香格里拉的地方。i went to bhutan.the teenage king of bhutan was also a curious man, but this was back in 1972, 我去了不丹那个年轻的国王也是个有好奇心的人,但这要回到1972年,when he ascended to the throne two days after his father passed away.at age 17, 他在他父亲去世两天后登上国王的宝座。在他17 岁的时,he started asking the kinds of questions that youd expect of someone with a beginners mind.他开始问这样一些问题:一些你也许认为幼稚的问题。on a trip through india, early in his reign as king, he was asked by an indian journalist about the bhutanese gdp, the size of the bhutanese gdp.在去印度的旅途中,在他称帝的早期,他被一个印度记者问到关于不丹的gdp,不丹gdp的大小的问题。the king responded in a fashion that actually has transformed us four decades later.he said the following, he said: 这位国王的回答方式在四十年之后的今天仍然让我们受益匪浅。他这样说: why are we so obsessed and focused with gross domestic product? “我们为什么要如此痴迷于国内生产总值呢? 80 so we started asking ourselves: what kind of less obvious metrics could we use to actually evaluate our employees sense of meaning, 因此我们开始自问:什么样的不明显的衡量标准能被我们用来评估我们的雇员的归属感,or our customers sense of emotional connection with us? 或我们的客户与我们公司的情感维系程度? and do they feel like they believe in it, can they actually influence it, 他们是否对此表示认同,他们能否确实的影响到它,and do they feel that their work actually has an impact on it? we started asking our customers, 他们能否感到他们的工作能够实实在在地实现着为这些目标。我们开始问我们的客户,did they feel an emotional connection with us, in one of seven different kinds of ways.问他们是否感觉到与我们之间的情感联系,七种不同情感联系方式之一。miraculously, as we asked these questions and started giving attention higher up the pyramid, what we found is we created more loyalty.出乎意料的是,当我们问这些问题,并开始关注我们的金字塔顶端的更高层次需求时,我们发现我们我们拥有了更多的忠诚。our customer loyalty skyrocketed.our employee turnover dropped to one-third of the industry average, 我们客户的忠诚度暴涨。我们的员工离职率降至酒店行业平均职工流动率的三分之一。as i went out and started spending time with other leaders out there and asking them how they were getting through that time, 现在,我走出来,花时间与其他领导者交流问他们是如何度过这个困难时期的时候,what they told me over and over again was that they just manage what they can measure.他们一次又一次的告诉我他们只是管理那些他们可以衡量的东西,what we can measure is that tangible stuff at the bottom of the pyramid.they didnt even see the intangible stuff higher up the pyramid.而那些位于金字塔底部可以衡量的有形的东西。他们甚至不看金字塔中更高层的那些无形的东西。so i started asking myself the question: how can we get leaders to start valuing the intangible? 所以我开始问自己:如何我们才能让领导者开始重视无形的的东西? if were taught as leaders to just manage what we can measure, and all we can measure is the tangible in life, 如果领导者们只是被教育去管理那些可以衡量的,并且所有我们所能衡量的是生命中有形的东西,were missing a whole lot of things at the top of the pyramid.我们就失去了位于金字塔顶部的整个部分。so i went out and studied a bunch of things, and i found a survey 所以我又去学习一些事情。我发现在一份报告,that showed that 94 percent of business leaders worldwide believe that the intangibles are important in their business, 其中显示世界上百分之九十四的商业领袖相信无形资产对于他们企业至关重要,things like intellectual property, their corporate culture, their brand loyalty, 例如知识产权、企业文化、品牌忠诚度等。and yet,only five percent of those same leaders actually had a means of measuring the intangibles in their business.然而这些领袖中只有5%的人有办法衡量这些在企业中的无形资产.79 i took one psychology class in college, and i learned about this guy, abraham maslow, as many of us are familiar with his hierarchy of needs.我在大学里上过一门心理学的课程,正如你们很多人一样,我从亚伯拉罕.马斯洛那儿学到了“需求层次理论”。but as i sat there for four hours, the full afternoon, reading maslow, i recognized something that is true of most leaders.我在那里坐了篇三:励志英语演讲 your room;listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit[spirit]精神, and see if you can sense the freshness气味清新地 in the air.yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally完全 unprecedented[?npres?,dent?d]前所未有的 level!in your mind’s eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend打算 to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions位

置 you aspire渴望 to reach.you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.you can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate激情的 and you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions.you will live every single day of your life with absolute完全的 passion激情, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.you will never succumb屈从 to challenges of hardships.you will never waver动摇 in your pursuit追捕 of excellence.after all,you are the best, and you deserve应得 the best!as your friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand.you must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear.i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!篇四:英语演讲ppt good morning everyone!i?m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech!and my topic is we are young.last week we have learned an article by bertrand russell.these is a sentence touched to me.“most people ,when they are left free to fill their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing.” i fell into deeply thought because sometimes i will face this situation too.then i thought why.why i am the most people ? suddenly , some words appear in my mind.“ youth is the season of dreams of flying!” yes , we are young!our mind should be filled with dreams and know where is our dream , how to achieve her!but why i am not!perhaps there is so much temptation in our life that we will be disoriented.but now i know we are young and the dreams of youth are invincible!imagine this , if we have a dream and know where is her , how to get her.are we still don?t know what we should do ? so , do you have think about this problem ? let me give you a few examples to look at how others treat their dreams.arnold schwarzenegger , everyone knows him.he is the one knows what he really wants.when he is a 15 years old boy , he want to be the champion of world bodybuilder.then , he train himself five hours a day.at 20 years old, he became the youngest ever word bodybuilder champion.then he wants to be a actor.but everyone told him it?s impossible.they said: are you kidding me.hear your accent, as long as you have the strange accent, you can?t be an actor.but he is never give up!he also spent five hours a day in actor courses, pronunciation courses ,remove accent course and so on.all the things you can imagine, he have to do.finally, he did!he get more than $ 30 million paycheck in the film terminator iii, the highest in the history of the paycheck.he knows what is him realy want at every stage of his life.now he is the governor of california.next he may want to be the president of america.there are a lot of people can also stick to their dreams like edison , nobel and so on.they make their life is full of surprises and wonders.so , we are young , we have more time to create more wonders than they.we don?t have nothing pleasant to be worth doing.conversely ,there is too mach.so , let?s calm down and think about it.what is we realy want and where is our dream ? then hold on!that?s all , thank you very much!篇五:英语演讲ppt模板

英语演讲ppt模板-学说英语是一种艺术 learning to speak english is an art ladies and gentlemen: i thank you for being here.i’m going to get straight to the point.all traditional learning methods are futile.most college graduates still can’t speak fluent english.this proves english students aren’t learning.some people seem to speak english well.children think these people speak great english because they don’t know the difference.americans think these people speak great english because they are non-native english speakers anyway.各位女士,各位先生:

感谢大家来到这里。我要直接讲重点。所有传统的学习方法都没有用。大部分大学毕业生仍然无法说出流利的英语。这证明学生学习英语,学了等于没学,学了没用。有些人英语好像说得很好。中国人认为这些人很会说英语,因为他们听不出好坏。美国人认为这些人很会说英语,因为英语反正不是他们的母语。don’t think you can learn english by hanging around americans.don’t think you can master english by going abroad.why? because what you learn is vague and limited.you pick up a little here today.you pick up a little there tomorrow.you end up saying almost the same thing every day.english is like an ocean.there is no limit to what you can learn.you cannot learn aimlessly.不要以为和美国人在一起就可以学到英语。不要以为出国,就可以把英语学好。为什么呢?因为你所学的都是模糊和有限的。今天你在这里学一点。明天你在那里学一点。最后你每天老是说那几句同样的话。英语像一片汪洋大海。你可以学的范围无限大。你漫无目的地学习。you should learn to speak first.make speaking english your number one priority.once you start to speak, the rest will be easy.learning to speak english is not a big deal.it’s not that difficult.it’s no more than a speaking technique.it’s just like children learning to speak.they mimic their mothers’ voices.when they’re alone, they speak to themselves.你应该先学说。将说英语列为你的第一个优先考虑的事。一旦你开始说,其他剩下的就容易了。学习说英语不是什么了不起的事。没有那么困难。只不过是一种说话的技巧而已。这就像小孩子说话一样。他们模仿妈妈的声音。当他们独处时,他们会自言自语。we started off the wrong way right from the beginning.we don’t need to analyze sentences.children don’t need to learn how to write.they don’t need to learn k.k.phonetics.they don’t even need to learn the abcs before they can speak english.all you have to do is listen to the cd and follow it.learn through intense repetition.speak to yourself from dawn to dusk.我们从一开始方法就错了。我们不需要学习语法。我们不需要分析句子。小孩子不必学怎么写。他们不必学kk音标。在他们会说英语之前,他们甚至不必学abc。你只要听cd,然后跟着念。经过努力不断重复学习。从早到晚自言自语。with this method, you’ll enjoy speaking english.you’ll discover it’s lots of fun.you’ll enjoy interacting.you’ll look forward to meeting people.breaking the ice will be a piece of cake.you’ll feel english is an art.you’ll speak like an artist.your words will be like paint on canvas.用这种方法,你会喜欢说英语。你会发现,说英语充满乐趣。说英语会成为你热爱的事情。你会喜欢与人互动。你会期待认识别人。打破沉默将会变得很容易。你会觉得,英语是一门艺术。你会说得像艺术家一样。你说的话将非常有色彩、有生命。one breath english is the best way.it’s a great shortcut.the results speak for themselves.you have to try.you owe it to yourself.it will be the best decision you ever made.thank you all for listening!good luck to everyone here.“一口气英语”是最佳的方法。这是非常好的捷径。学习效果非常清楚。你一定要试试。你一定要做。这将是你做过的最好你决定。感谢大家的聆听!祝在座各位好运。现在,欢迎大家提出问题。



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