
时间:2019-05-14 19:00:39下载本文作者:会员上传


Anyone who is watched the Steve Job’s keynote, will tell you, he is one of the most extraordinary speakers and cooperators in America.但凡看过Steve Jobs的主题演讲的人都觉得,他是全美最棒的演说家,最了不起的合作伙伴。-Who does the best job of that in the world?-这个行当里谁最牛? Well, most presenter simply convey information, Jobs inspires.多数演讲者只是简单地传达信息,乔布斯的演讲却能点燃激情。

I'm Camine Gallo.And today I'll walk you to several key techniques that Steve Jobs uses to electrify his audience, the relevants you can adopt for your very next presentation.我是卡迈恩·加洛,今天我将带领你们领略乔布斯的演讲艺术,教您如何在演讲中化腐朽为神奇。-Welcome to Mac world 2008.We got some great stuffs for you.-欢迎来到2008苹果大会 今天要给大家带来非同凡响的新产品-There's clearly something in the air today.-有没有感受到它们的“小宇宙”即将爆发? With those words Jobs open Mac Pro 2008, setting the theme for his presentation and hitting the major announcement of the day by launching the ultra thin Mac book air.Whether it's the notebook or the Iphone, Jobs unveils a single headline that set the theme.乔布斯开场的寥寥几句就揭示了大会主题 营造出了Mac book air的发布氛围。不管是发布Mac book还是iPhone 乔布斯只用简单的一句话就点明了主题——-Today Apple is going to reinvents the phone.-今天 苹果将掀起一场手机革命!Once you identify a theme, make sure it’s clear and consistent throughout the presentation.Think of a staff meeting as a presentation.So let's say your sales manager introducing a new software tool that helps your team generate track and share sales leads.You might kick off a meeting this way: Good Morning!Thanks for coming.I know you'll be really excited about this.Today we'll make it easier for you to make a quota.That's the headline: easier to make a quota.It's memorable, and it sets the direction for the rest of the meeting.It gives your audience a reason to listen.一旦你确立演讲主题,整个演讲就要清晰地围绕这个主题来展开。例如,要在员工大会上推广一款追踪销售数据的软件。你可以这样开场:早上好,感谢大家参加会议。我知道大家都很期待,让我们直奔主题:如何轻松完成工作配额。如何完成工作配额,这个主题令人印象深刻。而且接下来怎么说一目了然 相信听众会非常乐意倾听下去。

-I got four things I'd like to talk about with you today.So let's get started.Steve Jobs always provides an outline for his presentation and then verbally opens and closes each section with clear transition and between.Here's an example.-今天我有4项成果要与大家分享...演讲开始 乔布斯列出一个大纲,并明确告诉听众每个部分何时开始,何时结束。例如:

-So that's time capsule, a perfect companion to leopard.-这就是Time Capsule,完美的系统伴侣。

-And that's the first thing I wanna share with you this morning.-这是我要发布的第一款产品。

The point is, make it easy for your listeners to follow your story.Your outline will serves as guide post along the way.You also know that during his presentation Jobs uses words like “extraordinary”, “amazing” and “cool”.He is passionate, enthusiastic and it shows.为了让听众不会半路跟丢,大纲会是一个不错的选择。它就像路标指引着听众紧跟你的步伐。在乔布斯的演讲中,你还会听到这样一些词:非同凡响、华丽丽、酷毕了。这些词汇充分展现了他的兴奋与激动。-Incredible, unbelievable, awesome, extraordinary year for Apple.-对于苹果来说,这是难以想象、非同凡响的一年。

You know your audience wants to be wowed, not put to sleep.Too many people fall into this presentation mode, its stiff, its formal, it lacks possess.We, your listeners will give you a permission to have fun and be excited about your company, your product during your service.好的演讲应该振奋人心而不是催人“睡”下。枯燥、严肃、乏味的演讲放倒了一帮又一群的听众。那样的演讲我们不爱听、有趣、有激情地展现公司的产品,这才是我们需要的。

If you are not passionate about it, we are not going to be.Remember, Jobs isn’t selling hardware.He's selling an experience.If you offer numbers and statistics, make them meaningful.如果你在那玩深沉,我们观众又怎么可能会激情四射。乔布斯从头至尾都不是在兜售产品,而是推销一种体验。如果要引用数据,请赐予它意义吧。-We have sold 4 million Iphones to date.-迄今为止,我们一共售出了4百万部iPhone。

-We divide 4 million by 200 days, that's 20,000 Iphones every day on average.-用4百万除以200,意味着我们平均每天卖出了2万部iPhone。

Numbers don't mean much, unless it plays in context.Managers, connect the dots for your listeners.Recently I worked with a company that launched 12 Gigabyte memory card, 12 Gigabytes.That number doesn’t mean much to most people.So we put it in the contest.We said that's the enough memory to listen to your music while traveling to the moon and back.Now, 12 Gigabytes, mean something to me.Make numbers meaningful.数字本身没有意义,除非放入特殊的语境。要让这些数字有意义,给它们来点“比方”吧。最近我在和一个公司合作,这个公司刚刚发布了新的12G内存卡。12G啊!但是多数人不明白12G是个什么概念。所以我给这个数字包装了下,12G的存储量 足够让你听着音乐在地球和月球之间兜上一圈。看,这回12G就厉害啦。赶紧地动手包装下数据吧。

One of the most effective elements of Steve Jobs's presentation is that they are easy on the eyes.His presentations are visual and simple.乔布斯演讲的法宝就是视觉刺激。他的演讲不仅非常视觉化,而且通俗易懂。

Well, most speakers fill their slides, with = =| data, texts and charts, Jobs does just the opposite.He uses very little text, and usually one, maybe two images for his slide.大多数的演讲者喜欢在幻灯片里塞进大量的数据、文字和图表 乔布斯却不这么干。他用丰富的视觉盛宴替代繁冗的文字图表,通常每个幻灯片也只有一两张图片而已。

You see you want to paint a picture for your audience, without overwhelming them.Inspiring presentations are short on bullet points and big on visuals.If you really want your presentations to pop, treat it like a show, when ads flows, themes and transitions.Jobs includes video clips, demonstrations and guests, he also has a natural for dramatic flare.It’s very effective.For example we are introducing the MacBook Air, Jobs drew chairs by opening a manila inter office envelope, holding the laptop for everyone to see.在合适的时刻展现合适的内容,而不是连篇累牍、铺天盖地砸向听众。好的演讲通常只列出简明扼要的观点,其他的全是演示。想要演讲得出类拔萃,就把它当作一场“达人秀”:各种广告、各种主题、各种变幻...乔布斯就用到了视频剪辑、样品展示、客串嘉宾...有时还会来个出其不意。别说,倒还真挺见效。比如在发布Mac Book Air时,他打开一个大信封,默默抽出了这个新款笔记本电脑,观众们瞬间石化了。-This is the new, Mac Book Air, you can get a feel for how thin it is.-这就是最新款Mac Book Air, 知道它有多薄了吧。What is the one memorable moment of your presentation? Identify your memorable moment and build up to it.-...Climax of the show-...our friends and everyone in the world today.你演讲中最难忘的瞬间是什么?定下那一刻,然后使出浑身解数把听众引向那里。And finally, rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more.最后一条,彩排,彩排,再彩排。-Let me show you how easy that is now.-让你们见识下 操作起来有多简单

Steve Jobs makes it look easy because he spends hours rehearsing.He cannot pull off an intro presentation with a video clips and demonstrations and outside speakers without practice.The result of presentation that is perfect synchronized and looks, yes effortless.Now the average business first does not have a resource to create a Steve jobs's extraordinary ganza.But you do have time to rehearse.The greatest presenters do it, so should you.乔布斯的演示之所以看起来如此简单是因为他花了大量时间来彩排。没有反复的练习,那些视频剪辑、样品展示和客串嘉宾便都是浮云。因为反复的彩排,他才能在演讲过程中如此淡定,如此收放自如。当然很少有人生来就像乔布斯这样天赋异禀。但早起的鸟儿有虫吃的道理,你懂的,你总会有足够的时间去彩排。瞧瞧,人乔布斯还彩排呢,你为什么不呢? Oh, and one more thing.At the end of most presentations, Jobs add to the drama by saying “and one more thing…”

哦,还有一点。通常在演讲的结尾 Jobs会加上一句 最后一项...-One last thing… He gonna adds a new product, or feature, sometimes just introduces a band.-最后一项...他会继续介绍一个新产品、新特性、或是给乐队当回司仪。

It's not only the highest excitement, it also leaves your audience feel they been given an added bonus.The point is Steve Jobs approaches each presentation as an invent.A production with strong opening, product demonstrations in the middle and strong conclusion.And then yes, even a anchor, that 'one more thing…'.I wish you a dazzling presentation.这不仅仅是整个演讲的高潮,还能让观众觉得他们中了头彩。乔布斯把每一次演讲都当成产品去打造、去创新。赋予了演讲一个震撼的开场,一个高潮迭起的过程,和一个令人流连的尾声。对了 还有那句撩人的 最后一项...希望你们的演讲也能同样精彩!

第二篇:跟乔布斯(Steve Jobs)学演讲

【转】 2010《人类学习与认知》课程拓展阅读:跟乔布斯(Steve Jobs)学简报


Steve Jobs的Keynote演说时间一般约90~120分钟,和一部电影相当,但是你如果看到演说完毕后观众出场时的表情,你会发现Steve Jobs的演说,对观众内心的触动能力,不下于一部好电影。


案例研究(Case Study)的目的,是让我们从别人(公司、产品)身上,学到实务的经验,并对理论有进一步的体认。对于IT演艺圈的人来说,Apple的执行长Steve Jobs就是相当值得我们观摩学习的对象。

Steve Jobs的Keynote演说时间一般约90~120分钟,和一部电影相当,但是你如果看到演说完毕后观众出场时的表情,你会发现Steve Jobs的演说,对观众内心的触动能力,不下于一部好电影。对于研讨会来说,这相当难得。一般讲师大多没有Steve Jobs的功力,演说内容单调得让你分不清站在台上的是讲师,还是僵尸。我就曾在我的技术研讨会上,看到许多人睡得不醒人事。

综合过去观赏Steve Jobs演讲的印象,加上今年他在Macworld和WWDC的演讲,我整理出系列文章,当作IT简报的案例研究对象。讲台与灯光

不管是Macworld或 WWDC,舞台的布置几乎都一样,相当简单素雅。讲台相当 长,中间有一个很大的屏幕,屏幕后方的布帘横跨整个讲台。讲台不使用聚光灯,因为聚光灯的「综艺效果」太明显,对讲台上的人来说也太刺眼,使用 Ambient Light,光线比较柔和。灯光随时视情况调整明暗与色调,最常用的颜色是蓝色调,因为蓝色具有专业与科技的感觉,偶而会使用暖色系的红棕色。

通常讲台的一边会放置讲桌,可以让讲师放置笔记型计算机、笔记、矿泉水。由于 Steve Jobs不会死板地站在讲桌后面,所以你在Steve Jobs的讲场上看不到讲桌,而是一般高度的桌椅,上面摆设一部苹果桌上型计算机和矿泉水。当需要操作计算机以展示软件,或者需要喝水时,Steve Jobs会到此桌椅处,否则他通常站在讲台中央。

比较特别的是,桌椅位于讲台 左侧,且桌椅的角度安排,使得Steve Jobs背对舞台屏幕的正中央(而不是面对舞台屏幕的正中央),这是有目的的。这个角度,只要稍微侧身向左就可以面对观众,且由于Steve Jobs是右撇子,使用右手操作计算机鼠标,所以当他侧身向左时不会被右手臂挡住。出场前

在Steve Jobs出场前,可能会播放一小段趣味影片,当作暖身。这段影片完全符合Apple的企业文化,而且内容会和对手(微软)有关。在WWDC’07中,就播 放了一段具有Apple风格的「Mac Guy和PC Guy」影片,能引发观众一阵阵笑声,整个会场的气氛也就活络了起来。

说到影片,多年前我曾在 Borland的产品发表会上,看过一段改编自星际大战(Star Wars)的短片,其中的正义派人士都是Borland的高官,大反派黑武士由一个酷似Bill Gates的演员扮演,最后两方拿着光剑展开厮杀,黑武士败下阵来。现实世界中做不到的事,可以在影片中达成,聊以自慰。该影片的暖场效果之好,是我看过 最棒的一次。

Steve Jobs的暖场方式,和我们台湾大老板的暖场方式相差很多。台湾大老板的暖场方式,可能是找辣妹劲歌热舞,或亲自变装登场,扮成当时流行的电影人物,或者找来名模跳贴身交际舞。

堂堂大老板把自己搞成丑八怪或色老头,形象都毁了,还自得其乐„„学学人家Steve Jobs吧!开场白

一般在主讲人进场前,会有一 个司仪,字正腔圆地说:「让我们热烈欢迎X公司Y职位的Z 先生。」但是这种做法似乎太过死板,和Apple的形象不符,所以在Steve Jobs的Keynote上,你不会听到司仪的声音,Steve Jobs不需要别人介绍,自己直接走上舞台,这个时候,观众便很自然地鼓掌,全场欢声雷动。

当然,Steve Jobs的脸孔无人不识,所以他可以不需要司仪的介绍。如果是其它比较小牌的人上场,其实最好还是在屏幕上显示出主讲者的公司、姓名、职称,免得讲完整场之后,还没有人知道你是谁。(关于公司、姓名、职称的呈现方式,下回会有建议。)

主讲人进场后,通常会先欢迎 大家莅临会场,画面同时会切换成该会议的名称,例如: 「WWDC」或「Macworld」,可能没有背景图,或用研讨会举办地的知名地标当背景(例如:旧金山的金门大桥)。这部分,Steve Jobs通常只会以简短的一两句话带过,没有太多客套话,直接切入会议的主题。

跟Steve Jobs学简报(2)如何演出唱作俱佳的简报 展示大纲与否,有诀窍

许多主讲人习惯在演说一开 始,先列出Session内容的大纲。这是比较偏IT工程师 的作法。Steve Jobs的Keynote因为偏向产品展示与作秀性质,所以他不会在演讲一开始列出大纲,这让观众不知道他下一步会说什么、作什么,使得整个 Session的进行,能让观众惊喜连连。

要不要列演说大纲,端看你的 演说内容而定。如果你的演讲内容相当偏技术,那就采取IT 书籍第一章的作法(列出全书各章内容概要),列出大纲;如果你的演说内容技术性不高,那就学习Steve Jobs的Session、小说、电影的作法,一步步铺陈内容,先不告诉观众你要说什么,免得读者一开始就知道剧情,破坏了观赏的乐趣。演说、简报内容要「层次分明」


Steve Jobs的Keynote演说,在章与节的次序安排上,煞费苦心,所以不会让人觉得无聊。Steve Jobs擅长吊人胃口,而且会安排有趣的demo,让整个演说过程像是一篇具有丰富标点符号的文章。

在章与节的次序安排 上,Steve Jobs准备的简报很少有条列式标题,一张简报搭配一个主题,每一张简报都简单易读。我认为他的演说具有括号的层次感,不会让人忘了身在何处,这是因为 Steve Jobs不管是切换章或节时,都会使用「括号式流程」。我所说的「括号式流程」,就像是用左右括号把每个主题包围起来,让你很清楚地知道,现在进入什么主 题(感觉像是一个左括号),以及现在此主题要结束了(感觉像是一个右括号)。

举例来说,Steve Jobs的简报在进入广告影片展示的前后,都会出现一页画面,上面呈现大大的「Ad」字样;Demo前后,画面上则会出现「Demo」。广告和Demo是 属于前后一样的括号;另外一种则是前后不一样的括号,例如,在解说某产品或某特色之前,会用一页画面展示该产品或特色的摘要,此画面不仅可当右括号,也具 有「重点整理」的效果。


Steve Jobs准备一场演讲,通常需要排练4个小时,但是,为了避免讲者临时忘了内容要讲些什么,当然要编排剧本。在舞台和第一排观众之间,还是有放置屏幕,以 为重点提词之用。屏幕的高度当然不可以影响到观众的视野。为了避免眼睛一直瞄向某个位置的屏幕,Steve Jobs准备了至少3个屏幕。而且由于屏幕接近第一排观众的位置,所以看屏幕时,观众会觉得他是在看观众。

演讲进行时,一切不见得都会 照剧本进行,意外总是有可能会发生,这时候临场反应就很重要。可能发生的意外包括计算机当机、摔下舞台(像林子祥和陈奕迅那样)。在Macworld 2007时,Steve Jobs手上的遥控器忽然不管用了,Steve Jobs不会站在原地空等问题排除,他会向观众聊聊他过去的趣事,让工程师可以利用这个空档排除问题,这个意外没有造成这场表演的扣分,反倒有加分效果。穿着以简单为主,语调、肢体语言才是重点

Steve Jobs的穿著相当固定,都是中腰中直筒蓝色牛仔裤,深色上衣,脚踩休闲运动鞋。Steve Jobs可以有他自己的穿衣风格,但一般来说,讲师还是穿衬衫会比较适当,只要掌握简单整齐的原则,就不会出错。

Steve Jobs使用隐形麦克风,不需手持麦克风,而且在他右手掌心的遥控器相当轻巧,所以双手可以尽情地做出肢体语言,当他说:「I apologize」时拱手做揖;两只手做出双引号的手势表示「所谓的」;类似吹口哨的声音表示「松一口气」;双手合十表示「感谢」„„。他的肢体语言不 会让人觉得僵硬,也不会让人觉得是废话。什么是「废话肢体语言」?举例来说,有些人提到「一张纸」或「一张表格」时,会用双手食指画出方形,这就是废话肢 体语言。

在语调、速度上,Steve Jobs讲话清晰易懂,并不会因为情绪的起伏而失控越讲越快。这一点并不容易做到,反观微软CEO Steve Ballmer在兴奋时讲话速度就会变得很快。

另外,Steve Jobs讲话时使用的词汇年轻而口语化,例如,他经常用super取代very,当作修饰形容词的副词。在介绍自家产品时,则会用许多形容词──「这是我 们生产最好的音乐播放器」、「高贵的颜色」、「典雅的屏幕」、「令人叹为观止的画质」、「它的外观真是难以致信」„„。这样的表达方式,只要不要太过于夸 大,就可以为演说加分,连带感染全场情绪。跟Steve Jobs学简报(3)设计一张有Apple味道的简报

Steve Jobs的简报画面,不使用底图,以免画面杂乱;不使用单色背景,以免单调;不使用高亮度的背景,以免刺眼。他的简报使用深色渐层的背景,上深下浅,前景则使用高亮度的颜色。除非你对配色有特别的把握,否则「背景深色、前景亮色」是最保险的作法。Steve Jobs的简报页面设计有三大原则:


为了要让简报简单、清 楚,Steve Jobs在简报中大量使用icon(包括公司、产品、特色、人物,都可以icon化),完全不用Bullet Point(Bullet Point的呈现方式虽然清晰,但容易让人觉得枯燥)。而且每一张简报都相当干净,和台湾充满跑马灯、分割画面的电视新闻比起来,简直是天堂与地狱之别。

在少数需要用到子母画面的时候,Steve Jobs会将主画面放在正中央,子画面则固定在右上角。由于子母画面会让人分心,所以建议尽量少用,当观众已经意会到子画面的作用之后,就可以移除子画面。

在统计图表的使用上,Steve Jobs则只使用柱状图和圆饼图,完全不使用其它复杂的图表。


Steve Jobs简报的另一个特色是大量使用「两行式重点叙述」,这种方式类似新闻的主标题以及副标题,在第一行放一个数字或字句,并用较大的字体标示出该字句是 重点所在,第二行则以较小字体补充说明第一行字句的功能、意义、特色,这样能让字句之间出现层次感,使观众的视觉焦点集中在第一行。例如,「2.0 B/songs purchased and download」以及「> 50 %/ New to Mac in all US.Channels」,其中「2.0 B」和「> 50 %」是主标题,位于第一行,而「songs purchased and download」和「New to Mac in all US.Channels」是副标题,用1/5~1/10的字体,位于第二行。这种方式也被用来展示「同位格」或「单位」。

另外,Steve Jobs的两行式重点叙述还有以下变化,在遇到第一行的重点有多个特色需要说明时,第二行的文字可以随着演讲内容而变动(而第一行固定不变),如果有相关icon,也会跟两行式重点放在一起作搭配。


Steve Jobs的简报画面简洁,容纳的信息不多,所以重点可以被凸显出来,而且简报停留时间不长,很少会超过10秒,就算画面没有整个切换,至少在5秒内画面几 乎都会有局部性变化。反观一般的演讨会,一张简报往往填满多层次的bullet point,一张画面就可以让讲师讲解5分钟,而节省简报张数的下场,反让观众看不到简报的重点所在,而且相当枯燥死板。补充:扬善之余,别忘隐恶

上回有提过,为了要称赞自家的产品,多准备一些赞美的词汇准没错。不过,要扬善,也要会藏拙,在此补充一下,Steve Jobs也是这方面的个中老手。我分析出他藏拙的方式如下:

一、绝口不提缺点:Steve Jobs可以自傲地说出「iPhone软件设计比别人领先5年」,却对电信网络比别人落后3年的事实绝口不提。他也不会主动告诉你,由于你买iPhone 后被绑了2年合约,所以你未来2年必须为它花掉一大笔钱。对于EA的游戏要支持Mac OS X大书特书,却没提到EA的游戏是透过Cider来执行,效率会比较差,而且EA的游戏不是universal程序,当然不支持Power PC的Mac OS X。

另外,Steve Jobs会告诉你,使用Rosetta在Intel版的Mac上执行PowerPC版的Mac应用程序,「效率很好」。对于iPhone可以让开发者开发 Ajax的应用他也赞不绝口,说「是了不起的创新开发方式」,却不提这种方式开发出来的应用功能相当有限,我们真正需要的是iPhone版本的Cocoa 和Carbon API,让我们可以开发native的应用。

二、转移焦点到优点:对于产品、应用的优点部分,Steve Jobs会大肆宣扬,甚至当场「跑实验」让大家看,取得大家的信服。例如,Steve Jobs认为Safari的效率比IE好太多,所以他便当场跑实验程序,让大家都对实验结果印象深刻。

Steve Jobs近来几场Keynote演说,一开始都会花几分钟的时间,回顾过去某个时间点所提出的愿景,告诉大家Apple已经完全达到了这个目标,甚至提前 达成,并说明公司业务和技术蒸蒸日上;另外也会顺便进行消毒,对市场上的耳语辟谣,搭配一些关键数据,来提振士气。这几年苹果业务刚好蒸蒸日上,所以他喜 欢展示成绩单,不过,如果成绩单不好,他肯定不会向大家报告,免得自讨苦吃 跟Steve Jobs学简报(4)以苹果人的幽默掌握听众情绪 如果观众的回响不热烈,就不是一个成功的演讲。掌握时机,让观众有响应很重要,「笑声」和「掌声」是最直接的回应,也是对演讲者最好的心理鼓舞。

Steve Jobs是这方面的高手,下面列出许多在他keynote中常见的作法。

卖关子:Steve Jobs常常会间接地表达一件事,而不是直接讲出来,让观众自行体会更是别有一番乐趣。例如:他会先说,我们有3个掌上型装置,分别是iPod、手机、Internet装置,然后屏幕快速切换这3个icon,让大家体会到,原来这不是3个独立的产品,而是融合到一个产品中。这个时候,已经了解怎么一回事 的观众会先欢呼出来,感染其它人的情绪,接着大家都体会到原来如此。情绪的转折对心情的冲击,会比直接的情绪,具有更大更久的效果。

善用双关语:Steve Job也会事先编写一些双关语台词,例如:他在画面上显示出iTunes已经取代某公司,成为第五大音乐销售通路,画面上出现第四个通路是「Target 公司」,Steve Jobs于是说道,「you can guess who our next“target”might be?」。当然又是引发大家会心一笑。

自愚娱人:开自己的玩笑是最无伤大雅的。Steve Jobs很会开自己公司的玩笑,例如,画面上展示出很离谱的iPhone设计(具有老式电话的拨号转盘)、现场录制一段Apple的八卦消息放到Pod__cast。这些都让观众笑得乐不可支。

开个小玩笑:Steve Jobs偶而也会有恶作剧之举,例如,在展示iPhone的Google搜寻和打电话功能可以一气呵成时,他打了通电话到Starbucks,告诉对方 「外送4,000杯latte!」,接着却说「打错了!」当然,他一定有先和Starbucks知会过这件事,以降低不可预期的意外。Steve Jobs也会利用对手制造的荒谬笑点来反将对方一军。外界流传微软高官Jim Allchin曾写信给盖兹,发表对微软操作系统的不满,Steve Jobs在某次演说中就拿Allchin在信中的言论来说嘴:「如果我不是在微软上班的话,我今天就会去买一部Mac„„(I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft„„)」,并戏称,他要请西雅图(微软总部所在地)的同仁好好注意这件事。

同样的笑点,只要先弱后强的 层次搭配得当,就可以运用不只一次。例如,在展示 「iChat可以将别人的脸套上自己的嘴巴」功能时,Steve Jobs先借用美国首任总统George Washington的脸,换上聊天者自己的嘴巴。这种作法引发第一次哄堂大笑,接着当他把脸换成微软CEO Steve Ballmer,然后说出「I Love My Mac」时,再次引发笑声,这次笑果就更强烈。尽管这样的作法很容易成功,但是我建议最多以两次为限。

不过,在讽刺对手时,必须是 为了介绍自己的产品而讽刺,而不是只作人身攻击,否则就会 显得刻薄。有一个很经典的例子,Steve Jobs在介绍产品时曾宣称,「我们的MacOS X 『Basic版』129元,„„『Premium版』129元,„„『Business版』129元,„„『Enterprise版』129元,„„ Ultimate版也是129元,Ultimate版具有全部的功能,我们相信大部分的顾客会买Ultimate版。」他这么说等于间接表达出,苹果的产 品只有一个版本,只要129元,功能全部都有;但是微软的产品分成这么多版本,只要多一点功能就要跟你多收一笔钱。


上面谈的都是欢乐的情绪,偶 而必须添加一些其它的气氛转折。Steve Jobs有时候会营造感性时刻。例如,展示出他年轻时和Steve Wozinak一同创立苹果时的照片,带领大家回到过去,然后再告诉大家「我们做到了!」;有时候会邀请开发产品的幕后功臣,站起来接受群众的掌声。现场操作展示

操作展示也可以设计得相当有 趣,Steve Jobs的Demo中,常常隐藏着许多笑点。如果要展示影片,他会准备一些有趣的片段,例如:电影《School of Rock》(摇滚教室)中,Jack Black在弹吉他时,疯狂摆动身体的搞笑片段,或者挑选Disney的影片,为自家电影打广告(Steve Jobs是Disney的董事)。

有时候,操作展示需要有人配合,例如iChat的视讯聊天、iPhone的三方通话。这个时候,选择正确的人就很重要。Steve Job每次都是挑选资深VP Phil Schiller(苹果全球产品营销资深副总裁),因为Phil浑身充满喜感,真的很会搞笑。

跟Steve Jobs学简报(5)制造演说高潮,画下完美句点

邀请贵宾到场为演说增光 为了表示Apple和业界标竿型的公司紧密合作,Steve Jobs在简报时,会邀请一些CEO、CTO、创办人等级的重量级来宾上场致词,例如:雅虎的杨致远、英特尔CEO Paul Otellini,让整场演说有加分效果。

来宾出场时,简报画面会使用 「三行式介绍法」:第一行公司商标、第二行来宾名称、第三行来宾职称。来宾的到场属于点缀性质,不能喧宾夺主,每位来宾的演说大约只有两三分钟,几乎所有 人都可以不用带讲稿,直接登场。看了这么多场Steve Jobs的Keynote演讲,唯一带讲稿的例外是Cingular的CEO Stan Sigman,他不但带讲稿上场,还照着稿子念了6分钟,讲一些官腔官调的空洞话语,整个场子明显地变冷,反而成为该场演说的小小败笔。压轴好戏总在后头

看电影时,我们最期待影片的结局。看Steve Jobs的Keynote演讲也是如此,因为Steve Jobs深谙「Save the best for last」之道。观众和媒体也早就知道他的风格,所以都会待到演说最后,不会提前离席,免得错过好戏。

如何让观众知道压轴大戏要开 始了呢?当Steve Jobs用不经意的口吻说出:「对了,还有一件事(One more thing)„„」,观众就会开始兴奋叫喊,这「一件事」,可能是某个产品尚未公开的神奇功能或是邀请歌手现场演唱。这真是诡异,大家还不知道这件事是什 么事,就可以兴奋成这样。光是这一点,就让我们这些没有魅力的讲师感到佩服不已。演唱会与散场 Macworld 是大众性质的会议,其中Apple TV和iTunes娱乐事业可说是整场会议的重头戏,所以在演说最后找来歌手做现场演唱,可以说是相得益彰。Steve Jobs将演唱会安排在整个Keynote的最后,歌手平均会唱两三首歌;至于WWDC,因为属于开发者研讨会,两者性质不同,所以不会安排演唱会。


Macworld不只一次找来John Mayer登台演出,John Mayer不仅是葛莱美奖(Grammy Award)的常客、也是目前当红的创作型歌手,他的曲风是抒情民谣,所以找他来演唱相当适合。

在压轴大戏与演唱会之后,整 场Keynote就算正式落幕。当Steve Jobs宣布会议到此结束,谢谢大家的莅临时,观众席会开始响起一阵很长的掌声,之后才陆续散场。由于到场人数多达数千人,所以散场需要一些时间。这个时 候,画面上会显示苹果标志,并播放一段爵士乐。亲自体验Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs每一次的Keynote演出,都是一场精心设计的秀,牵涉到灯光、剧本编写、美术设计、演员等元素,全都是一时之选。

一般电影在剧终之后,会以跑马灯方式显示一长串的工作人员名单,相信Steve Jobs的 Keynote幕后工作人员名单,应该跟电影的工作人员规模有得比。

好的剧本和演员,可以补强内 容的不足,这一次的WWDC 07就是个典型的例子。今年WWDC除了Desktop是先前没有宣布过的技术,以及开放iPhone可以设计Ajax程序之外,其余讲题都是之前展示过 的内容,没有特别令人惊艳之处。尽管如此,Steve Jobs在这场WWDC的Keynote表演,还是博得满堂彩。

Steve Jobs已经五十几岁了,为何不找个年轻帅哥来做这场表演,非得由他亲自登场?事实上,Steve Jobs本身就是苹果文化的活icon,由他来表演,效果会最好。如果哪天他不亲自登场做Keynote表演,我可以保证隔天Apple的股价会下跌。Apple和Steve Jobs的连结程度,就是这么地深。

我相信,在你看过Steve Jobs的Keynote演讲之后,你就会明白,为何10年前被前执行长John Sculley撵走之后,Steve Jobs能够再度被请回Apple,把当时日渐式微、快要变成Applet(小苹果)的Apple公司,变成Big Apple(大苹果)。有明星魅力且擅长作秀的企业领导人并不多,我认为Steve Jobs和HP的前CEO菲奥莉娜(Carly Fiorina),就是其中的佼佼者。

或许我们能从Steve Jobs的简报中学到许多技巧,可以因此改进自己在讲台上的演出,但是我们无法像他表演得如此出色,或许我们所缺少的,是他的Star Quality吧!蔡學鏞-專職作家


第三篇:第一夫人米歇尔 奥巴马DNC2012演讲 [中英字幕]

美国第一夫人Michelle Obama在民主党全国大会DNC上的演说。米歇尔一展母仪天下风范,现场观众欢呼的欢呼,鼓掌的鼓掌,抽泣的抽泣,抹泪的抹泪,感动得一塌糊涂。

想知道女人是如何煽情的,一定要看一看美国第一夫人Michelle Obama在民主党全国大会DNC上的演说。你会学习到如何在外人面前维护丈夫的尊严,如何做一个在成功男人身后的女人,如何向众人们赞美丈夫的伟大。不想把婚姻变成坟墓的一定要学习啦。

When it comes to giving our kids the education they deserve, Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never could've attended college without financial aid.当谈到给予他们应得的教育我们的孩子,巴拉克知道像我,像你们许多人,他从不可能已经上大学没有金融援助。


believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage.信不信由你,我们刚结婚时,我们每月的学生贷款法案合并实际上是高于我们的抵押贷款。


were so young, so in love, and so in debt.我们是如此年轻,所以在爱,所以在债务。


why Barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt.这就是为什么奥已经打得很努力的去提高学生援助和压低利率,因为他希望每一个年轻人去履行自己的承诺,并且能够上大学没有堆积如山的债务。


in the end, for Barack, these issues aren't political – they're personal.所以最后,奥,这些问题不是政治——他们的个人。


Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.因为奥知道它意味着当一个家庭斗争。


knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.他知道这意味着什么,想要更多的东西对你的孩子和孙子孙女。


knows the American Dream because he's lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love.巴拉克知道美国梦,因为他的生活„和他希望这个国家的每个人都有同样的机会,无论我们是谁,或我们,或者我们看起来像,或者我们的爱。


he believes that when you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.他认为,当你努力工作,并且做得很好,走过,门口的机会„„你不要突然就关上你后面„你回顾,你给其它人一样的机会,帮助你成功。


when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character, and his convictions, and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.所以,当人们问我是否在白宫已经改变了我的丈夫,我可以诚实地说,当谈到他的性格,他的信念,他的心,巴拉克·奥巴马仍然是相同的人,我爱上了多年前。


the same man who started his career by turning down high paying jobs and instead working in struggling neighborhoods where a steel plant had shut down, fighting to rebuild those communities and get folks back to work...because for Barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives.他是同样的人,开始了他的职业生涯拒绝高薪工作,而是工作在苦苦挣扎的社区,一个钢铁厂已经关闭,努力重建那些社区,让人们重返工作岗位„„因为对于奥,成功不是你有多少钱,它是关于你的区别在人的生活。


the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew.他是同样的人,当我们的女孩第一次出生,就焦急地检查他们的婴儿床每隔几分钟以确保他们仍呼吸,骄傲地向他们展示了每个我们认识的人。


the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships.这是男人和我坐下来和我们的女孩吃饭几乎每个晚上,耐心地回答他们的问题的新闻,并策划对中学的友谊。


the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, hunched over his desk, poring over the letters people have sent him.这是我看到的那个人在那些安静的时刻深夜,弯腰驼背的他的办公桌,研读字母人送给他。


letter from the father struggling to pay his bills...from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won't cover her care...from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities.这封信由父竭力支付他的账单„„从这名妇女死于癌症的保险公司不会讨论她的护理„„从年轻的人有这么多的承诺,但一些机会。


see the concern in his eyes...and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, “You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle...it's not right.We've got to keep working to fix this.We've got so much more to do.”



see how those stories – our collection of struggles and hopes and dreams – I see how that's what drives Barack Obama every single day.我看看那些故事——我们收集的斗争,希望和梦想,我明白这是让奥巴马每一天。


I didn't think it was possible, but today, I love my husband even more than I did four years ago...even more than I did 23 years ago, when we first met.我不认为这是可能的,但是今天,我爱我的丈夫甚至比四年前我做„„甚至比我做了23年前,当我们第一次见面。


love that he's never forgotten how he started.我爱,他从未忘记他如何开始。


love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard – especially when it's hard.我的爱,我们可以相信巴拉克去做他说他要去做,即使它是很难的,特别是当它很难。


love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above...he knows that we all love our country...and he's always ready to listen to good ideas...he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.我爱,奥,没有所谓的“我们”和“他们”——他不关心你是一个民主党人,共和党人,或以上都不是„他知道我们都爱我们的国家„„他总是乐于听好想法„„他总是在寻找最好的每个见到的人。


I love that even in the toughest moments, when we're all sweating it – when we're worried that the bill won't pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise.和我爱,即使在最艰难的时刻,当我们都出汗——当我们担心该法案无法通过,似乎一切都失去了——巴拉克从不让自己分心的唠叨和噪声。


like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward...with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.就像他的祖母,他只是不停地起床和前进„„耐心和智慧,勇气和优雅。


he reminds me that we are playing a long game here...and that change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once.他提醒我,我们正在进行一场持久战这里„„和改变是困难的,改变是缓慢的,它从不发生一次。


eventually we get there, we always do.但最终我们到达那里,我们总是做的。


get there because of folks like my Dad...folks like Barack's grandmother...men and women who said to themselves, “I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will...maybe my grandchildren will.”



many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice, and longing, and steadfast love...because time and again, they swallowed their fears and doubts and did what was hard.所以我们中的许多人今晚站在这里,因为他们的牺牲,渴望和坚定的爱„„因为一次又一次,他们吞下他们的恐惧和怀疑和做了什么是困难的。


today, when the challenges we face start to seem overwhelming – or even impossible – let us never forget that doing the impossible is the history of this nation...it's who we are as Americans...it's how this country was built.所以今天,当我们所面临的挑战开始似乎势不可挡——甚至不可能——让我们永远不要忘记做不可能的事是这个国家的历史„这就是我们作为美国人„这是这个国家如何建造。


if our parents and grandparents could toil and struggle for us...if they could raise beams of steel to the sky, send a man to the moon, and connect the world with the touch of a button...then surely we can keep on sacrificing and building for our own kids and grandkids.如果我们的父母和祖父母可能辛劳和争取我们„如果他们能提高梁的钢铁天空,把一个人送上月球,并连接世界的触摸一个按钮„„然后我们当然可以继续牺牲和建筑为我们的孩子和孙子孙女。


if so many brave men and women could wear our country's uniform and sacrifice their lives for our most fundamental rights...then surely we can do our part as citizens of this great democracy to exercise those rights...surely, we can get to the polls and make our voices heard on Election Day.如果这么多勇敢的男人和女人可以穿我们国家的统一和牺牲自己的生命为我们最基本的权利„„那么当然,我们可以做我们的部分作为这个伟大的民主国家的公民行使这些权利„„当然,我们可以去投票,让我们的声音在选举日。


farmers and blacksmiths could win independence from an empire...if immigrants could leave behind everything they knew for a better life on our shores...if women could be dragged to jail for seeking the vote...if a generation could defeat a depression, and define greatness for all time...if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream...and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love...then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream.如果农民和铁匠能赢得独立于一个帝国„„如果移民可以留下一切他们知道对一个更好的生活在我们的海岸„„如果女性可能拖到监狱来寻求投票„„如果一个代能够击败一个抑郁,并定义所有时间„„伟大如果一个年轻的牧师可能把我们提升到山顶和他的公义的梦想„„如果骄傲的美国人可以自己是谁,勇敢地站在祭坛上,与他们的爱„„当然,我们一定可以给这个国家的每个人都有公平的机会在那伟大的美国梦。


in the end, more than anything else, that is the story of this country – the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle.因为在最后,而不是别的,这是这个国家的故事,这个故事的坚定的希望建立在自强不息斗争。


is what has made my story, and Barack's story, and so many other American stories possible.这就是使我的故事,和奥的故事,和很多其他美国故事可能的。


I say all of this tonight not just as First Lady...and not just as a wife.和我说所有这些今晚不仅仅是第一夫人„„而不仅仅是作为一个妻子。


see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still “mom-in-chief.”



daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.我的女儿还心脏的我的心和我世界的中心。


today, I have none of those worries from four years ago about whether Barack and I were doing what's best for our girls.但今天,我没有从四年前这些担心是否奥和我做的最适合我们的女孩。


today, I know from experience that if I truly want to leave a better world for my daughters, and all our sons and daughters...if we want to give all our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise...if we want to give them that sense of limitless possibility – that belief that here in America, there is always something better out there if you're willing to work for it...then we must work like never before...and we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward...my husband, our President, President Barack Obama.因为今天的经验告诉我,如果我真的想离开一个更好的世界,我的女儿,和所有我们的儿子和女儿„„如果我们想给所有我们的孩子一个基金会为了他们的梦想和机遇值得他们的承诺„如果我们想给他们拥有无限可能性的感觉,相信在美国,总会有更好的东西,如果你愿意为它工作„„然后我们必须工作从未像„„而且我们必须再次团结起来,站在一起的人,我们可以信任继续向前移动这个伟大的国家„„我的丈夫,我们的总统,巴拉克·奥巴马总统。


you, God bless you, and God bless America.谢谢,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。

When it comes to giving our kids the education they deserve, Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never could've attended college without financial aid.And believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage.We were so young, so in love, and so in debt.That's why Barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt.So in the end, for Barack, these issues aren't political – they're personal.Because Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love.And he believes that when you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.So when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character, and his convictions, and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.He's the same man who started his career by turning down high paying jobs and instead working in struggling neighborhoods where a steel plant had shut down, fighting to rebuild those communities and get folks back to work...because for Barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives.He's the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew.That's the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships.That's the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, hunched over his desk, poring over the letters people have sent him.The letter from the father struggling to pay his bills...from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won't cover her care...from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities.I see the concern in his eyes...and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, “You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle...it's not right.We've got to keep working to fix this.We've got so much more to do.”

I see how those stories – our collection of struggles and hopes and dreams – I see how that's what drives Barack Obama every single day.And I didn't think it was possible, but today, I love my husband even more than I did four years ago...even more than I did 23 years ago, when we first met.I love that he's never forgotten how he started.I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard – especially when it's hard.I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above...he knows that we all love our country...and he's always ready to listen to good ideas...he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.And I love that even in the toughest moments, when we're all sweating it – when we're worried that the bill won't pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise.Just like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward...with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.And he reminds me that we are playing a long game here...and that change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once.But eventually we get there, we always do.We get there because of folks like my Dad...folks like Barack's grandmother...men and women who said to themselves, “I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will...maybe my grandchildren will.”

So many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice, and longing, and steadfast love...because time and again, they swallowed their fears and doubts and did what was hard.So today, when the challenges we face start to seem overwhelming – or even impossible – let us never forget that doing the impossible is the history of this nation...it's who we are as Americans...it's how this country was built.And if our parents and grandparents could toil and struggle for us...if they could raise beams of steel to the sky, send a man to the moon, and connect the world with the touch of a button...then surely we can keep on sacrificing and building for our own kids and grandkids.And if so many brave men and women could wear our country's uniform and sacrifice their lives for our most fundamental rights...then surely we can do our part as citizens of this great democracy to exercise those rights...surely, we can get to the polls and make our voices heard on Election Day.If farmers and blacksmiths could win independence from an empire...if immigrants could leave behind everything they knew for a better life on our shores...if women could be dragged to jail for seeking the vote...if a generation could defeat a depression, and define greatness for all time...if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream...and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love...then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream.Because in the end, more than anything else, that is the story of this country – the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle.That is what has made my story, and Barack's story, and so many other American stories possible.And I say all of this tonight not just as First Lady...and not just as a wife.You see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still “mom-in-chief.”

My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.But today, I have none of those worries from four years ago about whether Barack and I were doing what's best for our girls.Because today, I know from experience that if I truly want to leave a better world for my daughters, and all our sons and daughters...if we want to give all our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise...if we want to give them that sense of limitless possibility – that belief that here in America, there is always something better out there if you're willing to work for it...then we must work like never before...and we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward...my husband, our President, President Barack Obama.Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.



ED是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology, entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。TED是社会各界精英交流的盛会,它鼓励各种创新思想的展示、碰撞。TED创始于1984年,现在由Chris Anderson创立的非营利机构种子基金会主办。

大会邀请世界上的思想领袖与实干家来分享他们最热衷从事的事业,美国前总统比尔·克林顿、世界首富比尔·盖茨、维珍品牌创始人理查德·布兰森、国际设计大师菲利普·斯达克以及U2乐队主唱Bono 都曾经担任过演讲嘉宾。参加者们称赞它为“ 超级大脑SPA”和“未来四日游。2001 年,克里斯·安德森创立的种子基金会几经周折,从温曼手中买下TED。“我记得杰夫·贝索斯(注:亚马逊创始人)跟我说过,‘TED 大会是一个非常了不起的聚会,你要把它搞糟了都不是很容易的事。’所以我给自己一个称号:‘TED 大会的守护人’。”在安德森的看护下,TED 成长为一个超越会议性质的世界品牌。

本页面视频为专辑示范视频,本专辑更多视频演讲请点击视频下面的节目列表观看。将此教程分享到:2分类综合资料标签: 设计, 技术, 娱乐, TED, TED演讲, TED中文字幕收藏此教程 同专题视频TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--11岁小学生谈论自己如何为iOS开发软件TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--Aimee.Mullins和她的十二双腿TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--一个广告人的领悟TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--一种更宽容、更温和的成功哲学TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--下定的目标可别告诉别人(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--世界英语热TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--为什么世界需要维基泄密网TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--为什么我们会快乐和不快乐TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--为什么要储存数以十亿计的种子TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--了解中国的崛起TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--人们为什么会喜欢买彩票?TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--人类想象力图书馆TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--人际关系的潜在影响(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--伟大创新的诞生TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--伟大的领袖如何激励行动(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--传奇大师的魔术催眠秀TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--你现在和猪一起生活着TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--保持听力的八个步骤TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--倾听twitter用户的心声TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--做生活的高手TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--做生活的高手(下)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--健康取决于你居住的地方TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--关于最近气候变化的警告TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--关于维基百科诞生的演讲TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--内向的力量TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--净水装置救生瓶TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--劉若瑀:行腳、修行、自我覺醒TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--包益民:重新定义设计师TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--四轴机器人编队、合作、弹奏、三维建模TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--大度人生之启发TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--大脑如何学会看TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--天才少女小提琴家技精TED大会TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--天才鹦鹉逗乐无极限TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--如人类一般不理性的猴子经济TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--如何解读别人的心思TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--对抗贪污的新方法TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--对最新气候的趋势发出的警告TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--将OLPC带到哥伦比亚TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--工作万岁 不分贵贱TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--希勒尔库伯曼谈成年人的乐高TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--建设绿色环保的未来TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--性高潮的秘密TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--成功是趟持续的旅程TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--成年人能从孩子那里学到什么(邹奇奇)(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--我们为什么快乐(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--我得到过的最好礼物(让你感动)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--改变世界的照片(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--放风筝迎来新净能源时代TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--教育扼杀创意TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--数学课程必须改头换面TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--未来不再遥远TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--未来网络5000天TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--本世纪最大的不公平TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--杨澜:中国的新一代TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--每颗花粉都有一个故事TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--比尔盖茨TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--泡妞妙招:找个更丑的同伴陪你(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--活出人生的极致(斯蒂芬乔布斯)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--混沌与和谐之音TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--爱就像上膛的手枪TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--犯错的价值TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--用视频与不公平斗争TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--电影级数字化头像的秘密TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--當脑中的概念交配起來TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--癌症战争新政策TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--看美**亲怎样回答孩子是怎样来到这个世界上的?(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--示范无线电力传输TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--究竟Youtube 如何看待影音版权问题TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--穿着翼装滑翔TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--第六感官技术的惊异潜力TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--第六感装置演示TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--给你一个更健康的时间观TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--网游改变世界TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--致男人的宣言TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--艾滋病毒与流感TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--艾瑟_本德演示人类外骨骼TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--英国首相卡梅伦:谈下一代的政府TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--解恒益智游戏之美TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--許芳宜:不怕和世界不一樣TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--让人快乐的好设计TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--记忆与经验的争斗之谜TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--谈简单生活TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--谈跑步TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--资深外教:不要执意要求英语TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--走向简单的本质TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--转变心态的珠峰旅游TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--选择的艺术(推荐)TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--选择越多 困惑越多TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--避免气候危机TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--阿凡达之前一个好奇的男孩TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--阿拉伯世界流行文化TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--陶喆: 放下才能获得更多TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--霍金 我们的宇宙如何开始TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--顶尖设计师与你讲述人生TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)--颠覆爵士乐TED名人演讲集锦(中英字幕)(持续更新„„)


Desperate Housewives 第一季 08:Guilty



-PAUL: Look, I just want to move this place fast.just: 只是 want to: 想要


-EDIE: I'll call you tomorrow.我明天给你打电话

-PAUL: Edie, wait.Eide,等等

-PAUL: That’s why it’s so incomprehensible to me that Edie Brit would try to destroy us.incomprehensible:难以理解的 try to: 设法 destroy: 破坏

我真不理解Edie Britt要毁了我们

-MR.SHAW: For five grand she’s hurt.For ten grand she’s gone.grand: 一千美元 hurt: 受伤 gone: 离去的,死了的 5千块,她会受伤 10千块,她就死了

-NARRATOR: Some neighbors are hired to help...neighbor: 邻居 hire: 雇佣


-LYNETTE: You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning?

be supposed to:应该,被期望 pull off: 胜利完成 formal: 正式的 warning: 前兆


-TOM: I don't know.我不知道

-NARRATOR: Some help themselves。。


-JOHN: I hate that she's always watching us.watch:看,注视


-NARRATOR: Some just couldn’t stop


-MAMA SOLIS: Smile, Gabrielle.微笑,Gabrielle

-NARRATOR: And one...didn’t stop in time.in time: 及时


-BREE: Oh Andrew.I need your help, honey.哦,亲爱的,Andrew,我需要你的帮忙

-ANDREW: Mama.妈妈

-NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner.widely: 广泛的,普遍的 sinner: 罪人

有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人,Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do.guilt: 内疚 over: 关于


-NARRATOR: But Bree Van de Kamp did.但是Bree Van De Kamp就觉得。

In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guilty.in face: 其实,事实上

spend: 花费时间


-NARRATOR: As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A’s.get : 得到 straight: 直的,整齐的 A: 成绩等级的最高级


As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base.teenager: 十几岁的青少年 second base: 【棒球】2垒


As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards

newlywed: 新婚的人 take: 花费时间 get out : 作出,完成成了个新娘的时候,她又为花三个星期弄感谢卡而愧疚。

she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit.transgressions: 犯罪 compare with: 与…比较 sin: 罪,罪孽

be about to: 刚要,即将

commit: 犯(错误)


-DANIELLE: Couldn't we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident?

go to the police: 报警 accident: 意外事件


-REX: This wasn't some simple DUI.some: 某个 DUI:duo的复数, <意> 二重唱, 艺人的一对。

这可不是什么简单的二重唱啊.Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the scene of the crime.scene: 现场 crime: 犯罪


That makes it a hit and run.hit and run: 闯了祸逃走的所以才逃的啊

-ANDREW: Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up.maybe: 可能,也许 until: 直到

statute of limitations: 法定时效 up: 被控告的,上法庭的或许我应该去加拿大,你知道,得到法定时效实行之后。

-DANIELLE: Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose hunting for seven years?

be going to: 将要 hunt for: 搜寻 foot: 支付 bill: 账单 foot the bill: 负担费用,付账

moose: [动] 驼鹿(产于北美的一种大鹿)


-REX: If Carlos’ mother dies, there is no statute of limitations.statute of limitations: 法定时效


-DANIELLE: Right.Because then it’s murder.murder: 谋杀


-ANDREW: Shut up!

shut up: 住口


-DANIELLE: You shut up!


-ANDREW: How could it be murder, it was an accident!

accident: 意外事件


-BREE: We have to get rid of the car.But we can't sell it.have to: 必须 get rid of: 摆脱 sell: 出售, 卖


The police might find it, and there could be DNA.DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸


We take the car to a bad part of town.We'll leave the keys in the ignition and the doors part: 部分 ignition:(汽车引擎)的发火装置 unlocked: 未锁的,开着的我们得把车弄到城里最坏的地方,我们把钥匙插在上面门也不要锁。

If the police don't find it, we'll get the insurance money,insurance: 保险


and if they do, it wasn't in our possession.Anyone could have hit Mrs.Solis.possession: 拥有 hit: 撞


-ANDREW: That sounds good!



-REX: Bree, are you sure?


-BREE: Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail.I won't allow that.spend: 度过 rest: 其余 jail: 监狱 allow: 允许


-NARRATOR: Bree knew what she was about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she would worry about her guilt tomorrow.be about to: 将要,正打算 sinner: 罪人 worry about: 担心 guilt: 对罪行有责任


-BREE: Well everybody should, uh, go wash up.We're having pancakes for breakfast.wash up: 洗餐具 pancake: 薄烤饼


-NARRATOR: Not since my own suicide had violence intruded upon the serenity of life on Wisteria Lane in such a conspicuous fashion.suicide: 自杀 violence: 暴力 intruded upon: 打扰

serenity:平静 conspicuous: 显著的 fashion: 方式


And needless to say, my friends attacked the problem head on.needless to say: 不必说 attack: 动手处理(某事)

head on: 迎面地


Lynette brought the broom.Susan brought the trash bags.And Bree brought the industrial strength solvent.broom: 扫帚 trash: 垃圾,废物 industrial: 工业的strength: 强度,浓度 solvent: 溶媒, 溶剂


-LYNETTE: Woo.That stuff is strong!

stuff: 原料, 材料, 素材资料


-BREE: It has to be, I don't want Gabrielle and Carlos coming home to this ugly reminder in front of their house.ugly: 丑陋的,难看的 reminder: 暗示,提醒

in front of: 在...前面


-LYNETTE: So, has anyone been over there?

over there: 那里


-SUSAN: Julie and I went over this morning.go over: 检查,查看


-BREE: How is Juanita doing?


-SUSAN: She’s been in a coma ever since she came out of ER.coma: 昏迷 ever since: 从那时到现在come out of: 从...出来 ER: emergency room 急診室


Nobody knows when or even if she'll wake up.wake up: 醒来 even: 甚至


-LYNETTE: This is awful.Carlos must be just devastated.awful: 可怕的,威严的, <口>极度的,糟糕的 devastate: 毁坏


-SUSAN: I hope she wakes soon.Maybe she can tell us who was driving that car.wake: 苏醒 maybe: 可能,也许


-BREE: We can only hope.我们只能希望了。

-LYNETTE: Slow down, you jerk, this is a residential neighborhood.slow down: 使慢下来 jerk:性情古怪的人 residential: 住宅的,与居住有关的 neighborhood: 附近,邻近


-SUSAN: Wow, that’s quite a pitching arm you've got there.quite: 十分,相当 pitching: 远投,扔出


-LYNETTE: It pisses me off.I've got four kids, you know.piss off: 使生气


I was up all night reading statistics online.be up: 起床 statistic: 统计量 online: 联机,在线式


One out of every four traffic accidents happens on residential streets.traffic accident : 交通事故 residential: 住宅的每4个交通事故都有一个发生在居住区的街道上。

I hope whoever hit Juanita gets put away for life.whoever: 任何人,无论谁 get: 使得

put away: 放弃, 抛弃;把...收起;放好【这里指把…关进监狱】


-BREE: don't you think that’s a little bit extreme?

a little: 少许 bit: 有点 extreme: 极端的


-LYNETTE: An innocent woman gets hit by a car and the driver just takes off? I don't think it’s extreme.innocent: 清白的,无罪的 takes off: 逃跑 extreme: 极端


-GABRIELLE: You should go home and get some rest, eat something.rest: 休息


You have a ton of messages from work--Tanaka called;said it was urgent.a ton of : 大量,许多 message: 留言 urgent: 急迫的,紧急的你有一吨的工作留言,Tanaka打来的,说是紧急的事。

Carlos, I can stay here with your mother.stay with: 陪伴


-CARLOS: I need to be here if she wakes up.wake up: 醒来


-GABRIELLE: You can't go on like this.You have to take care of yourself.go on: 继续下去 have to: 不得不 take care of: 照顾


-CARLOS: And what if she dies? People slip into comas all the time and never come out.slip into: 陷入,渐渐养成 comas: 昏迷 all the time: 一直 come out: 苏醒


-GABRIELLE: Don't say that!We need to stay positive.stay: 继续,保持 positive: 肯定的,积极的别说那个了,我们要有积极的心态。

-JOHN: Mr.and Mrs.Solis?




-JOHN: Is it okay if I come in?

come in: 进来


-CARLOS: Of course.当然可以。

-JOHN: Mr.Solis, I'm so sorry this happened.我对发生的事感到抱歉。

-CARLOS: It means a lot that you came.mean: 意味着 a lot: 许多


-CARLOS: Look, I think I'm gonna to go down to the chapel and pray.gonna=going to: 将要 go down to: 下到 chapel: 小礼拜堂,礼拜 pray: 祈祷


You want to come?


-GABRIELLE: Um, no, I think I will stay here with mama.um:(表示迟疑)嗯


-JOHN: Is it all right if I come?


-CARLOS: Of course, we need all the prayers we can get.prayer: 祈祷


-NURSE: Mrs.Solis, it’s time for her sponge bath.it’s time for: 到时间该...sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴


-GABRIELLE: Come again?


-NURSE: Sometimes family members prefer to administer sponge baths themselves.sometimes: 有时 family member: 家属 prefer to do: 较喜欢,宁愿

administer: 管理,给予 sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴


-GABRIELLE: I think I'll pass.pass: 越过


-EDIE: Martha.Where’s your purse?

purse: 钱包


-MARTHA: Over there, why?

over there: 那里


-MARTHA: What are you doing?“


-EDIE: I am taking back the $40 that you stole out of my purse.take back: 收回 steal: 偷 out of: 从...里面 purse: 钱包


-MARTHA: Edie!


-EDIE: We both know you did it, now hand it over!

hand over: 交出,交给


-MARTHA: I have taken nothing from your purse,我没在你钱包里拿任何东西。

and if you're missing money, I'd ask one of those strange men you parade through here at all hours.miss: 丢失 parade:(使)列队行进;招摇而行 at all hours: 随时


-EDIE: I am not going to apologize for having a healthy sex life!

be going to: 将要 apologize for: 为...道歉 sex life: 性生活


-MARTHA: Healthy? I'm going to have to burn every sheet you've touched.have to: 不得不 sheet: 被单,被褥 touch: 碰触

健康? 我要把你碰过的所有床单都烧了。

-EDIE: I want my money.我要我的钱。

-MARTHA: And I want those non-fat peach yogurts.nonfat: 脱脂的 yogurt:(=yoghurt)酸奶酪, 酵母乳


They didn'tjust walk out of that fridge by themselves.walk out of: 从...走出来

fridge: 电冰箱


-EDIE: Well you can deduct it from the $40 that you're going to give me, now!

deduct from: 从...扣除


-MARTHA: You're my best friend, why would I steal from you?

steal from: 从...偷, 窃取


-EDIE: It’s no secret that you've been having financial problems.secret: 秘密 financial: 财政的,金融的你有经济问题不是秘密。

I hear you bitching on the phone to your bank.bitch: 发牢骚 on the phone: 在接电话


-MARTHA: That’s it!I can put up with your debauchery and your food theft, but I will not

tolerate spying.I want you out.put up with: 忍受,容忍 debauchery: 放荡,游荡 theft: 偷窃 tolerate: 忍受,容忍

spy: 暗中监视


-EDIE: You don't mean that.你不是真的吧。

-MARTHA: Yes I do.I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my sister for a few days.visit: 拜访


I want you gone by the time I get back.by the time: 到...时候为止 get back: 回来


-EDIE: I'll do one better.I will leave today.我会做个更好的,我今天就走。

-LYNETTE: I hope this works.work: 起作用


My sleep cycle is totally out of whack.cycle: 循环 out of whack: [美、口]紊乱


I'm up all night, I'm dozing off during the day.be up: 起床【这里是说自己一直醒着】 doze off: 打瞌睡


-DR.CHANG: Trust me, this will do the trick.trust: 相信

do the trick: 获得成功

相信我,这会有帮助的In fact, you should be feeling more relaxed already.in fact: 事实上 relaxed: 轻松的,不拘束的 already: 已经


-LYNETTE: You know, you're right.你知道,你是对的。

-LYNETTE: Boys, I can hear you out there.男孩们,我可以听见你们在外面。

Now be quiet.Just sit there and color.quiet: 安静 color: 涂颜色于,着色【这里指画画】


-DR.CHANG: Now is not a good time to be moving.a good time: 一段美好时光


-LYNETTE: Oh, yeah.Sorry.是啊,对不起。

-DR.CHANG: Just block everything out, and let it go.block out: 封闭 let go: 放开


Imagine that you're in a forest

imagine: 想象,设想 forest: 森林,林木


There’s a babbling brook nearby, and the wind is just coming through the trees...babbling: 婴儿发出的咿哑声 brook: 小溪 nearby: 附近地 come through: 穿过


-PARKER: Mommy.妈妈。

-LYNETTE: Parker!I don't know--ow!--what you think that you're doing, but put that back

where it belongs!

ow: 哦 put back: 放回原处 belong: 属于


-LYNETTE: I'm sorry.You were saying something about wind?


-DR.CHANG: I was just creating a soothing image.creat: 创造【这里是在描述一个虚拟的环境】

soothing: 抚慰的,使人宽心的 image: 画面


-LYNETTE: Oh, for the love of God!

for the love of: 为了...起见


-LYNETTE: Knock it off, you little monsters.knock it off: 停止 monster: 怪物


-DR.CHANG: Mrs.Scavo, please lie down.we need to finish this.lie down: 躺下 finish: 完成Scavo夫人,请躺下我们必须完成它。

-LYNETTE: Look, I'm on my last nerves, so I'm going to level with you.nerve: 胆量, 勇气 level with: 对...说实话


I've screwed up my entire system by taking my kids’ ADD medication.screw up: 把...搞糟

system: 系统,体系 take: 吃,喝,服

ADD:Attention Deficit Disorder(注意力缺陷障碍,又称多动症)medication :药


Yeah, that’s right, you heard me.对,你听见。

I plan to stop, but right now I need to sleep, and I need more than a few, crappy, needles, so whattya got?

plan to: 计划,打算 right now: 现在 more than: 不只是

crappy: <俚>蹩脚的,没价值的 needle: 针 whattya: what do you


-DR.CHANG: I'm not licensed to write prescriptions.be licensed to: 授权给 prescription: 处方, 药方


-LYNETTE: I know you're not.我知道你没。

-DR.CHANG: This will put you right to sleep.put right: 使恢复正常


It’s a very powerful herbal remedy.powerful: 强大的,有力的 herbal: 草药的 remedy: 药物


Now promise me you're going to use it judiciously?

promise: 承诺 be going to: 将要 judicious: 明智的现在,答应我你会理智的用它。

-LYNETTE: Sure.Whatever.whatever: 无论什么,不管什么


-SUSAN: Knock, knock!

knock: 敲门声【这里Susan是为了幽默,而模仿敲门的声音】


-MIKE: Hey!Come on in!

come on in: 进来吧!(这是比come in更随和友好的说法)


-SUSAN: You're a mess.mess: 混乱,脏乱


-MIKE: Ah, yeah, I'm tearing out these leaky pipes in the upstairs bathroom.tear out: 撕下, 扯下 leaky pipe: 渗漏管 upstairs: 楼上的 bathroom: 浴室,盥洗室


Wall to wall rotten wood.rotten: 腐烂的墙和墙之间的腐烂的木头。

-SUSAN: Sounds like a job.So, Julie said that you came by before?

sound like: 听起来像 come by: 来串门,来访


-MIKE: Um..Yeah.Uh...yeah, I was thinking about driving up to the Girmany vineyard

tomorrow for this wine tasting, and, um..um:(表示迟疑)嗯 uh=huh: 嗯 think about: 想,考虑

drive up to: 开往 vineyard: 葡萄园 wine : 葡萄酒,酒 tasting : 尝味,品尝

恩...我本来在想明天开到Germani Vineyard去参加品酒,..而且...-SUSAN: What time do you want me to be ready?

ready: 有准备的你想让我什么时候准备好?

-MIKE: How about six?

how about : 怎么样


-SUSAN: Six is good.6点很好。

-MIKE: All right.I thought maybe afterwards, we could have a little dinner, maybe some dancing.maybe: 可能

afterwards: 然后,后来地 dinner: 正餐,宴会 dancing : 舞蹈


-SUSAN: Sounds great.Um, you do know that it’s like a two-hour drive up there.sounds: 听起来 dirve up: 驱车来到


And isn't that kind of late to be coming back?

that: 那么 kind of: 有点 come back: 回来


-MIKE: I thought if, you know, worse came to worse, we could grab a room...grab: 找,抓住,夺得 worse came to worse : 【这里可理解为再坏也不会有多坏】


-SUSAN: Oh? Like a hotel room?

hotel: 旅馆

哦? 宾馆吗?

-MIKE: Yeah, as a last resort

resort: 手段 last resort: 最后的补救方法


-SUSAN: Of course, of course, yes.So, maybe we should make reservations, you know, just in case.of course : 当然 reservation:(旅馆房间等)预定,预约 in case : 以防万一


-MIKE: Yeah, I found some hotels online.Let me get a printout.online: 联机,在线 printout: 打印


-SUSAN: Hey, Bongo, come here.You want a treat?

come here: 来这里 treat: 宴请, 款待, 请客


Hey Mike, where do you keep the dog biscuits? dog biscuit: 喂狗的硬饼干


-MIKE: I'm sorry, what?


-SUSAN: Oh, never mind!We'll just find them ourselves.never mind: 没关系, 不用担心


We'll go find them ourselves.我们正要去找它们

-MIKE: I'm sorry Susan.I couldn't hear you.What did you say?


-SUSAN: Nothing.It’s not important.没什么,不重要。

-MIKE: It’s my tile guy.Here, see what looks good.tile: 瓦片, 瓷砖 guy: 家伙, 人


-MIKE: Hey Phil.嘿,Phil。

Um, no.No.Tomorrow morning I'm making a lumber run.um:(表示迟疑)嗯 lumber: <美>木材 run: 运转【这里指工作】


It’s no good.Uh, no, I'll be gone tomorrow night, too.那不好,哦,不,我明晚也要走。

-SUSAN: I could let him in.let in: 让...进入


-MIKE: No, that’s okay.不,可以了,谢谢。

-SUSAN: No, it’s fine, just give me the key.不,没事!只要把钥匙给我就行了。

I'll be around all day.around: 在周围


-MIKE: All right.Thanks.Phil, I'll give the key to my neighbor.Phil,all right : 好, 良好 neighbor : <美> 邻居, 邻国


She'll be here to let you in.她会在这让你进来的。

-NARRATOR: Like every city, Fairview had a neighborhood that was less than desirable.neighborhood: 地区 desirable: 合意的像每个城市一样,Fairview也有个不是很令人满意的地方。

It was an accepted fact: anyone who lingered there after midnight was usually up to no good.accepted: 一般承认的, 公认的 linger: 逗留, 闲荡 midnight: 午夜

up to: 相当于,胜任 no good:【这里省略了men】


Rex and Bree Van de Kamp were no exception.exception: 例外

Rex和Bree Van De Kamp也不例外

-REX: You really think this is gonna work?

gonna=going to: 将要 work: 起作用


-BREE: This is the most impoverished neighborhood in the city.impoverished: 穷困的 neighborhood: 地区


Trust me, somebody will steal the car.trust: 相信 steal: 偷窃


-REX: How can you be so sure?


-BREE: Because I have faith in the poor.have faith in: 相信, 信任


-PAUL: She’s so beautiful.I shot this last year on her birthday.shot: 拍摄


How you going to do it?


-MR.SHAW: I made contact with her at a bar.make contact with: 和...接触 bar : 酒吧


She thinks I'm a real estate developer.real estate: 房地产 developer: 开发者


-PAUL: Is she going to suffer?

suffer: 受痛苦, 受损害


-MR.SHAW: No.Edie Britt will disappear, and you'll go back to your life.disappear: 消失,不见 go back to: 回去

Edie Britt会消失的,而你也会回到你原来的生活。

-PAUL: Before you do it, do you think you should ask her why she sent this note to my wife?

sent : send的过去式和过去分词 note : 留言条


-MR.SHAW: You can't think like that, Mr.Young.You can't give in to your curiosity.like that: 那样地 give in to: 屈服于 curiosity: 好奇心


Curiosity leads to guilt.lead to: 导致,引起 guilt: 内疚


Guilt leads to talking.愧疚让我们说话。

You still have questions?


-MR.SHAW: I want to be clear about something.be clear abou: 明白


When I walk away with this cash, it’s done.No refunds.No buyer's remorse.walk away with: 顺手拿走 cash : 钱 done : 完成了的【这里指把钱用光】

refund:退款 buyer: 买家 remorse: 懊悔,自责


-PAUL: I get it.get: 理解,明白


-MR.SHAW: We won't talk again so I'll ask one more time: are you sure you want this?


-PAUL: My wife is dead because of Edie Britt.because of : 因为

我妻子因为Edie Britt而死。

I absolutely want this.absolutely: 完全地,绝对地


-REX: You've been awfully quiet.awfully: 非常,很,十分 quiet: 安静的你一直安静的可怕。

-BREE: I had just been...thinking about the kids.think about : 想


They sure grew up quickly, didn't they?

sure: 的确,当然 grow up: 长大 quickly: 很快地


-REX: They sure did.他们当然了。

-BREE: I remember telling them when they were babies that they weren't allowed to get any bigger because they were so adorable.remember doing sth.: 记得做过...allow sb.to : 允许某人做...adorable: 可爱的我记得当他们还是小孩的时候,我告诉他们,他们是不会长大一点的。

And we were so happy.因为他们是那么可爱。

-REX: Yeah, well...是啊。

-BREE: They sure didn't turn out like we expected them to.turn out: 培养出 expect: 期待


-REX: No, they didn't.没,他们没有。

-BREE: We could have been better parents.我们可以是更好的父母。

-REX: We weren't that bad.that: 那么


-BREE: We still have so much to teach them.For starters,have to: 必须 starter: 开端

我们还有很多要教他们的。作为开始,we need to get across to Andrew the enormity of what he’s done.get across to: 使被理解 enormity: 极恶


-REX: I don't-I suppose we could punish them.suppose: 假设,猜想 punish: 惩罚,处罚


-BREE: All right, then what’s the appropriate punishment for a child who drives over a


appropriate: 适于,合乎 punishment: 惩罚,处罚 drive over: 开车从...碾过


-REX: I...I don't know.我,我不知道。

-BREE: You know, no matter how the kids turn out, I still love them.no matter: 不管


-REX: Of course, you do.当然了你会的。

-BREE: But I'll never forgive them for growing up so quickly.forgive sb.for: 原谅某人做了某事 grow up : 长大, 成人


-REX: Hey, look.嘿,看。

-SUSAN: And then I opened the cabinet and there was all this money in it.cabinet: 橱


I mean, there was wads of it.wad:(文件、钞票等的)(一)卷


-JULIE: That’s why you're freaking out? A few stacks of cash? Come on.”

freak out: 反常,发狂,失去理智 stack: 大量,一大堆 come on: 拜托


-SUSAN: Well what? Realistically, I've known this guy a few weeks.realistically: 实际地 guy: 家伙, 人


I mean, he could be a hit man for the mob!

mob:(集合词)暴徒 hit man: 职业杀手


-JULIE: If you really think that, why are going on a trip with him?

go on a trip: 旅行


-SUSAN: I never get out of the house.get out of: 离开


-JULIE: Mom, if you really need something to freak out about,freak: 奇异的,反常的妈,如果你真的需要一些可能反常的东西,just remember that you're going to spend the night with Mike in a hotel.be going to: 将要 spend the night with: 在...家过夜


No man has seen you naked in years, except your doctor.naked: 裸体的, 无遮盖的 except: 除了


-SUSAN: Yeah, and he retired.I try not to take that personally.retire: 退休 try to: 尝试 take: 产生预期效果 personally: 亲自

是啊,而他退休了,我试着不让那变成私人的-JULIE: You look old in that.in: 穿着


-SUSAN: Maybe I am being silly, but going to a hotel with a man is a big deal to me.maybe: 可能,也许 silly: 愚蠢的,无聊的 a big deal: 大事情


What if Mike is hiding something?

hide: 隐瞒


-JULIE: Like what?


-SUSAN: I don't know.我不知道。

-JULIE: That’s Dad.I gotta go.gotta(=have got to): 必须


Now, listen to me.No more freaking out.I need this weekend to go well.listen to: 听...说话 freak out: 反常,失去控制 go: 变得


-SUSAN: Why do you care so much?

care: 担心


-JULIE: Because I'm gonna have a husband of my own someday, and I really don't want you living with us.gonna:<美> 将要(=going to)someday: 某天 live with: 与...一起住


-BREE: Are the lady fingers okay?

finger: 手指


-GABRIELLE: Oh, they're terrific.We just appreciate you all stopping by.terrific: 令人恐怖的 appreciate: 感激 stop by: 顺便访问


-BREE: We just want you to know how much we care.care: 担心


-REX: So, have the police come up with any leads?

come up with: 提出 lead: 线索


-GABRIELLE: Not really.They'll be able to determine the make and model of the car,determine: 决定, 确定 be able to: 能,会 make: 构造 model: 车型号

不一定,他们可以决定车的构造和车型,but without any eye witnesses, no one seems very optimistic.witness: [律]证人,目击者 seem: 好像,仿佛 optimistic: 乐观的但是没有目击者就很不乐观了。

-BREE: Well, more importantly, is there any good news about Juanita?

importantly: 重要地


-GABRIELLE: No change.All we can do is wait and hope for the best.hope for the best: 抱乐观的态度,从好的方面着想


-DANIELLE: We put her on our prayer list at church.prayer: 祈祷 list: 名单 church.: 教堂


-GABRIELLE: Oh, that’s very sweet, Danielle, thank you.哦,那太贴心了,Danielle,谢谢。

-CARLOS: It must really help during times like these--having kids.have: 所有,持有


-REX: Yeah, they're a blessing.blessing: 祝福


-CARLOS: Children make everything worthwhile.You guys are the future.Legacy.worthwhile: 值得做的 legacy: 遗赠(物), 遗产(祖先传下来)


-ANDREW: Thanks.谢谢。

-CARLOS: After we're all dead, you'll be the only ones left to carry on.carry on: 继续开展,坚持


Gabrielle and I are about to start a family.be about to : 将要, 正打算


-REX: Oh, hey, that--that’s great.哦,嘿!那,那很好啊。

-BREE: Well, when did you decide this?

decide: 决定


-GABRIELLE: It’s a fairly recent development.fairly: 完全地 recent:近来的 是最近的一个重大发展。

-BREE: I see.see: 明白,理解


-GABRIELLE: We'll talk about this later.talk about : 谈论 later: 较晚地


-CARLOS: Face it.We're shallow people.face : 面对 shallow: 浅薄的面对它,我们是浅薄的人。

I mean, can our lives have any meaning if all we ever do is buy stuff?

meaning: 意义 ever: 不断,总是 stuff: 东西

如果我们只会买东西,生命还有意义吗 ?

-GABRIELLE: That depends on what we buy.depend on: 依赖


-CARLOS: I want a child.我想要个孩子。

-GABRIELLE: In case you've forgotten, before we got married, we made a deal.in case:万一

get married: 结婚 deal:交易


No kids.没有小孩

-CARLOS: Yeah, well, deals were meant to be renegotiated.be meant to: 有意要,打算 renegotiate: 重新谈判


-GABRIELLE: Well, we're not negotiating my uterus.negotiate: 谈判 uterus: [解]子宫


-BREE: We should probably be going.probably: 可能,也许


-REX: Yeah.是的,恩...-BREE: Thank you so much.非常感谢。

-DANIELLE: That was weird.weird: 怪异的,神秘的那很怪。

-BREE: I feel awful for Carlos.awful: 可怕的,糟糕的我觉得Carlos可怕。

That talk about children was obviously coming from his grief.obviously: 明显地 come from: 来自 grief:.悲痛,忧伤


-ANDREW: Whatever.I'm off the hook.whatever: 无论如何 off the hook : 摆脱困境,脱身


-NARRATOR: A weary Lynette drank her potent tea in hopes of finally finding the sleep that had eluded her.weary: 疲倦的 potent: 威力大的,效力大的 in hopes of: 希望着 finally: 最后,终于

elude: 躲避


Unfortunately for Lynette, there would be no rest for the weary.unfortunately: 不幸地 rest: 休息


-LYNETTE: Go to hell.go to hell: 完蛋,毁灭


-LYNETTE: Go to hell.Go to hell.Go to hell.Go to hell.Go to hell.去死吧去死吧去死吧去死吧去死吧。

-SCOUT MOTHER: Sorry we're late, Kenny Lipman couldn't find his handkerchief.Come on guys!

handkerchief: 手帕 come on: 赶紧,快点

对不起我们迟了,Kenny Litman找不着他的手帕.快来啊。

-LYNETTE: The scout meeting is today?

scout: 侦察

Lori Jean,侦察会议是今天?

-PARKER: Mommy!


-LYNETTE: What? Oh...right!Okay, boys.什么?哦,恩,好的,男孩们。

This knot is called the bowline.It is a remarkably useful knot.knot:(绳等的)结 bowline: 帆脚索 remarkably: 非常地,显著地


Now, pick up your ropes.pick up: 拿起 rope: 绳


Okay.First we cross this end over here,cross: 交叉 end: 尾部 over here: 这里


and then we make a loop,loop : 环

然后我们打个环,and then another loop,再是另一个,and then you sort of pull it through, I'm guessing,sort of: 有几分地 pull through: 渡过难关【这里指学会】

然后你们差不多就会了,我想,and then, ready? Yank it taut.ready: 准备好的 yank: 猛拉 taut :(绳子)拉紧的然后你们就可以--准备好了? 猛地拉紧。

-TWIN: Mommy, that doesn't look like the picture.look like : 像..., 似...,妈,这跟图上的不太像。

-LYNETTE: You're never going to be a sailor, what do you care?

sailor: 海员,水手 care: 担心,关心


Okay everybody, let’s just take a break!

break: 休息,暂停


-LYNETTE: Thanks!


-PHIL: Okay, it’s all up there.Can I get a signature?

up: 在上面 signature: 签名,署名


-SUSAN: Oh, of course.Oh,当然。

-PHIL: Thank you very much.非常感谢。

-SUSAN: Here you go.Have a nice weekend.给你,祝你有个愉快的周末。

-PHIL: You too, lady.你也是,小姐。

Hey ma'am, you still here? I forgot to give you a receipt!Ma'am?

ma'am: 夫人,女士 forget: 忘记 receipt: 收条,收据


-SUSAN: Hello!I need help, I'm up here, I'm trapped in the floor, hello?!

up: 在上面 trap: 使陷入,困入

女士?你好? 我需要帮助,我在楼上。我被困在楼梯里了,喂!

-SUSAN: If you came in here to judge me, you can just leave!

come in: 进来 judge: 审理,审判


-SUSAN: Wait!Wait!No!Wait, don't, don't go!Wait, I have an idea.等等,别,别走。我有个主意。

Here!Here!Here!Here, grab the towel, Bongo!Come on, grab the other end!

grab: 抓住 towel: 手巾,毛巾 come on: 随后跟上,过来

the other: 另一个【两个中的一个】


Come on, boy!That’s it!Get the other end!Come on, Bongo!

come on: 加油 get: 抓住 end: 末尾端


Pull the other end!Come on, Bongo!

pull: 拉


What are you doing? Bongo, over here!


-SUSAN: Bongo? Oh, oh!don't do that!Bongo!

Bongo?哦哦,别那样!哦,Bongo!-NARRATOR: While Susan was hopelessly stuck, Gabrielle was moving to confront the

issue of her young lover’s restless conscience.hopelessly: 无望地,绝望地 stuck: 不能动的,被卡住的 confront: 使面临

issue: 问题 lover: 情人 restless: 不平静的,不安宁的 conscience:良心,道德心

当Susan还是那样没有希望的样子时Gabrielle到了面临她的年轻情人的不安的良心的时候...-JOHN: Nobody’s home.没有人在家。

-GABRIELLE: I know, I've been watching.I came to talk to you.talk to sb.: 跟...谈话


-NARRATOR: Although she would need to be discrete.although: 虽然 discrete: 小心谨慎的虽然她需要小心谨慎。

-GABRIELLE: Keep working!What were you thinking, showing up at the hospital?

keep: 继续,保持 show up: 露出,露面


-JOHN: I had to see if she was okay.我必须知道她是不是还好。

-GABRIELLE: You need to keep a low profile right now.low profile: 低姿态,低调的姿态 right now : 立刻


-JOHN: Look, you and I are finished.From now on, I'm sticking with Danielle.finish: 完成 from now on : 从现在开始 stick with : 坚持做(某事)


-GABRIELLE: Why would you say that?


-JOHN: I hate myself for what we did!Okay? I can't sleep at night!I've got to make a clean break.break: 休息


-GABRIELLE: We weren't driving the car.We didn't chase Juanita into the street!

chase: 追赶


-JOHN: Well, she wouldn't have been there if we weren't having an affair.have an affair: 通奸


-GABRIELLE: Oh, for God’s sakes, between you and Carlos!Listen to me carefully, you

didn't do anything wrong.for God’s sakes: 看在上帝的份上

for one’s sake: 看在...份上,为了...listen to: 听...说话 carefully : 仔细地


-JOHN: That’s not what Father Crowley thinks.Crowley神父不是那样认为的。



-JOHN: I went to confession

confession: 坦白,忏悔


-GABRIELLE: Have you lost your mind? What did you tell him?

lost one’s mind : 失去理智


-JOHN: Everything.所有的事。

-GABRIELLE: Including in the alley? Behind the truck stop?

including: 包括 alley : 小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径

truck: 卡车 stop: 停车站


-JOHN: Everything.一切。

-GABRIELLE: Damn you!

damn: 该死的哦,去你的。

-SUSAN: What is wrong with you? Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now!Stupid dog.fire truck: 救火车 by now: 到如今 stupid: 愚蠢的你哪儿出毛病了?现在Lassie这会有个救火车你这个笨狗。

-SUSAN: Good boy, Bongo!Run, Bongo, run, go get help!


-SUSAN: Ooooeeewww.xiexiebang.coma.Surely that arouses some kind of emotion!

put: 使处于某种状态 coma: 昏迷 surely: 想必 arouse: 唤起,引起 emotion: 感情


-ANDREW: Yeah, well, it doesn't.Now if you'll excuse me...excuse: 准许...离去;让...走开


-BREE: No, I won't, not until you tell me.until: 直到


-ANDREW: Why do you care?

care: 担心


-BREE: Because I need to know that you're not a monster!

monster: 怪物,妖怪


-ANDREW: You want to know how I feel?


-BREE: Yeah.是。

-ANDREW: Okay, here it goes.I feel bad that she got hurt.feel bad: 不舒服 bad: 糟糕的好的,现在开始我觉得难过她受伤了。

But I also feel bad that my car got dinged because somebody didn't have enough sense to look both ways before she crossed the street.get: 使得 dinge: [俚]黑人;肮脏 sense: 意识,判断力 both : 两边都 cross: 穿过

但是我还觉得我的车被污染了,因为有些人对他们过马路时,没有向两边看的足够的意识。And I also feel bad that now I'm gonna have to ride my bike to school.gonna=going to: 将要 have to: 不得不 ride: 骑,乘


-BREE: Andrew, you almost killed another human being.almost: 几乎,差不多 human being: 人类


-ANDREW: She’s an old lady.Okay? She’s lived her life.她是个老女人,好不好? 她有自己的生活。

I have my whole life ahead of me, and now it might be screwed up!

ahead of : 在...前面 screw up: 把...搞糟


That’s what you should be worried about!

be worried about : 为...忧虑,烦恼的那就是你需要担心的!

-BREE: What I'm worried about, Andrew, is that you don't seem to have a soul.seem: 好像 soul: 良心


Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police!

reason: 理由


-ANDREW: Because I'm your son.That would make you the monster.因为我是你儿子那就是让你有个魔鬼的原因。

-MIKE: Hey, buddy!

buddy: 好朋友,伙伴;搭挡


-MIKE: Susan, is that you?


-SUSAN: Mike? I'm upstairs.Sorta.upstairs: 楼上 sorta: 有几分,可以说是

Mike? 我在楼上...差不多。

-MIKE: Hang on, I'll be right up.hang on: 等候 right: 马上,立即


-MIKE: What happened?


-SUSAN: Well, you see, this bird, um, flew in your bathroom window, and, I, tried to save it, but, uh, it died.um:(表示迟疑)嗯 flew:fly的过去式 bathroom: 浴室, 盥洗室 try to: 尝试


-MIKE: I don't think that’s what happened.我不认为是那样发生的。

-SUSAN: I don't think so, either.either:(否定句中)也


-MIKE: Come on...come on: 随后跟上

来,-SUSAN: Thank you, oh, you have no idea what that was like...谢谢。你不知道那像什么。

-MIKE: You went through my cabinets.go through: 审查,搜查 cabinet: 橱子


-SUSAN: What? Oh, I can explain.explain: 解释, 说明


-MIKE: Get out of my house.get out of: 从...出去


-SUSAN: Mike...Mike

-MIKE: Get out!


-EDIE: Hello there!


-MR.SHAW: Good afternoon.下午好!

-EDIE: Ooh, well isn't this just as pretty as a picture book!

pretty: 漂亮 picture book: 图画书


-MR.SHAW: Well, the plan is to put in a small condo.plan: 计划 put in: 做,履行【这里指盖房子】 condo: 公寓


-EDIE: You want to make some money, or you want to pussyfoot around?

make money: 挣钱 pussyfoot: 轻轻地走


-MR.SHAW: What do you suggest? suggest: 建议,提议


-EDIE: I'm thinking strip mall.I've run some numbers.strip: 狭长的一块 mall: 林荫路


-MR.SHAW: Nice stationary.stationary: 信纸


-EDIE: Oh, it’s stolen.steal: 偷


-MR.SHAW: What do you mean?


-EDIE: After my house burned down, I was staying with this neighbor, Martha Huber.burn down: 烧为平地 stay with: 与...一起住 neighbor: 邻居

在我的房子被烧掉之后,我就和邻居Martha Huber住。

That is, until the old troll threw me out.until: 直到 troll: 鱼 threw: throw的过去式 throw out: 赶走


Anyway, I'd steal her stuff, she'd steal mine.Circle of life.anyway: 无论如何 stuff: 东西 circle: 循环


-MR.SHAW: So this paper is hers


-EDIE: Oh, God, yes.哦,上帝,是啊。

-LYNETTE: No, Tom, you can't do this to me.Because, I need you at home.不,Tom,你不能这样对我因为我需要你在家。

Boys, stop it, I am on the phone.on the phone: [口]在打电话


Well, yeah, I realize it’s not your fault that the meeting got postponed,realize: 意识到 fault: 过错,缺点 get: 使得 postponed: 延期,缓办

好啊,是,我想,会议延期不是你的错,but you promised you'd be back tonight.I, I, I gotta go.The kids are...Yeah,promise: 允诺,答应 be back: 回来,放回 tonight : 今晚 gotta(=have got to): 必须

但是你答应过今晚回来的我我要挂了,孩子们...I know...you're sorry, just, will you try to get back as soon as you can? Okay, bye.try to: 尝试做...get back: 回来 as soon as you can: 尽可能地快


-LYNETTE: Boys, would you please, please, stop it.Really, really, mommy’s got a headache.Okay? Just, uh...headache: 头痛 just: 只是 uh=huh: 嗯

孩子们,可不可以,停止啊!好的好的,妈妈头疼,好吗? 只要,恩。

-LYNETTE: Turn that damn thing off.damn: 该死的 turn off: 关掉


-MIKE: What?


-SUSAN: I just came over to say I'm sorry, and I'll pay for all the damage.come over: 过来 pay for: 赔偿 damage : 损害, 伤害


-MIKE: don't worry about it.worry about : 担心

别担心..-SUSAN: Well, so, in your mind, is the date off?

date: 约会 in one's mind: 想着 off: 取消


-MIKE: Well, you snooped around my house, and went through my stuff.snoop around: 巡视 go through: 审查


Uh, yeah, in my book, that’s pretty much a deal breaker.uh=huh: 嗯 pretty much: 几乎

deal breaker: 煞风景,顽疾;交易破坏者


-SUSAN: Hold on a minute, now.I started snooping around because I found all that money by accident.hold on : 等等

snoop around : 巡视 by accident:偶然


And, and then, I found a gun.Are you a drug dealer or something?

drug: 毒品 dealer: 经销商,商人


-MIKE: Is that what you think?


-SUSAN: Well, I wouldn't know because you never let me in.let in: 允许进入


You know, there’s this whole part of your life that you keep completely walled off.whole: 整个的 completely: 十分,完全地

wall off: 用墙把...隔开


-MIKE: I have a gun for protection, I keep cash for emergencies.protection: 保护 cash: 现金 emergencies:紧急需要


I'm a good guy, Susan, and you should know that.guy: 家伙,伙计,人


I'm, I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you.obligate: 有责任的 share with: 与...分享 detail: 细节,详情


-SUSAN: Well, every little detail is one thing.每个小细节都是一件事啊。

You know, weird creepy secrets, that’s another.weird: 怪异的 creepy: 令人毛骨悚然的你知道,很奇怪,小秘密,那是另外一种。

-MIKE: You know what, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me.want to: 想要 trust :信任


-SUSAN: Well, maybe we shouldn't be dating.maybe: 可能,也许 date: 约会


-MIKE: Maybe we shouldn't.可能我们是不应该。

-SUSAN: Do you mean that?


-MIKE: Yeah.是的。

-SUSAN: Well, I hope that, your, you know, little secret keeps you warm at night because you're throwing something really great away to protect it!

throw sth.away: 把某物扔掉 protect : 保护


-LYNETTE: Oh, Susan, you gotta take my kids for a while.gotta(=have got to): 必须 take: 照看 for a while : 暂时


-SUSAN: Lynette, it’s just, this really isn't the time...Lynette,现在真不是时候。

-LYNETTE: No, no, I'm sorry, I can't do this.It’s just too much.不,不,对不起,但我做不了那只是,只是太多了。

Boys, you stay with your aunt Susan.stay with: 和...在一起


-SUSAN: Lynette!You know, when are you coming back? Lynette!Lynette!

come back: 回来

Lynette,你知道,你什么时候回来吗? Lynette?!Lynette?!

-BREE: There’s Lynette’s car, she’s gotta be close.close: 关着的那是Lynette的车,她被关在里面了。

-SUSAN: I hope the kids aren't too much for Danielle to handle.handle: 处理, 操作


-BREE: She'll be fine.What do you think’s happening with Lynette?


-SUSAN: I don't know, but I'm scared.Something’s very, very wrong.scared: 吓得要命


-BREE: Lynette? Honey?


-SUSAN: Are you okay?


-GABRIELLE: Father, I'm so glad you could come and pray for mama.Please, sit, sit.pray for: 为...祈祷


-FATHER CROWELY: Thank you, Gabrielle.谢谢你,Gabrielle

-GABRIELLE: Listen, since you're here, there’s something I've always wondered about.since: 自从...以来 wonder about 想知道


That whole thing about priests not being allowed to repeat what they hear in confessions, is that a hard rule, or just a general guideline?

priest: 牧师 allow: 允许 repeat: 重复,反复 confession: 忏悔,招供 hard: 困难的 general : 总体的 guildline: 指南


-FATHER CROWELY: Rest assured, everyone’s secrets are safe.rest assured: 放心


-GABRIELLE: That’s good to hear.听到这个太好了。

-FATHER CROWELY: I'll keep yours, too, if you want to talk.我也会保守你的,如果你要说的话。

-GABRIELLE: No, me? No, no.Confession is not really my thing.confession: 供认,承认,招供

哦,我? 不,不忏悔真的不是我的事。

-FATHER CROWELY: That’s a shame.shame: 羞耻


-GABRIELLE: Okay.You can stop condemning me with your eyes.condemn: 谴责


Right now.I know you know, about the affair.right now: 现在 affair: 事务,事件


But you know nothing about my life.但是你对我的生活一无所知。

Look, it’s not even an issue anymore.John and I are finished.even: 甚至 issue: 事 not…anymore: 再也不 finish: 结束


-FATHER CROWELY: Gabrielle, the church is pretty clear on this.church : 教堂

pretty: 相当的Gabrielle, 教堂是很纯洁的If you commit a mortal sin, and you die without repenting, you go to hell.commit a sin: 犯罪 mortal : 致命的repent: 后悔,悔改 go to hell: 下地狱


-GABRIELLE: Well, aren't you just a ball of fun.a ball of: 一团 fun: 有趣


So, if I confess, it'll clean the slate, right?

confess: 承认 clean the slate : 了结往事,免除义务 slate: 石板


-FATHER CROWELY: Well not only that.If you want God’s forgiveness, you have to be truly sorry, and you have to promise not to commit the sin again

.forgiveness: 宽恕 have to: 必须 truly: 真正地

promise: 允诺,答应 commit: 犯罪 sin: 罪过


-GABRIELLE: So what happens if I repent, later, like, say, when I'm 75?

repent: 忏悔,悔悟

如果我忏悔的晚些会怎么样? 像是,我75岁的时候说。

-FATHER CROWELY: I wouldn't recommend waiting.What if you die before then?

recommend: 建议


-GABRIELLE: Well, let’s say I don't die.I do yoga, I eat well.yoga: 瑜珈,瑜珈术


If I wait, does my repenting still count?

repent: 忏悔,悔悟 count: 有效


-FATHER CROWELY: If you mean it, yes.如果你真的想,是的。

-GABRIELLE: Thank you, Father Crowley.You have been a tremendous comfort.tremendous: 极大的 comfort : 安慰者


Um, I will let you do your thing.um:(表示迟疑)嗯


-FATHER CROWELY: Gabrielle, you know, we are all responsible for the choices we make.be responsible for: 为...负责 choice: 选择


Don't you want to be a good person?


-GABRIELLE: What I want is to be happy.我想做的只是快乐。

-FATHER CROWELY: That’s the answer of a selfish child.selfish: 自私的那是个自私小孩的答案。

-GABRIELLE: I know.我知道。

-LYNETTE: Then I started taking the pills because they gave me energy,take: 吃 pill: 药片 energy: 能量

然后我要开始吃药因为它给我能量,but then I couldn't sleep at night, and I was getting so tired in the daytime.get: 变得

tired: 疲倦 daytime: 白天,日间


And, it totally messed me up.totally: 完全地,整全地 mess up: 搞糟


I love my kids so much.I'm so sorry they have me as a mother.我很爱我的孩子,我很抱歉他们有我这样一个母亲。

-BREE: Lynette, you're a great mother.Lynette, 你是个伟大的母亲.-LYNETTE: No, I'm not.I can't do it.I'm so tired of feeling like a failure.It’s so humiliating.be tire of :厌烦 feel like: 有...的感觉 failure: 失败者 humiliating: 羞辱性的不,我不是,我做不到,我不想再有作为一个失败者的感觉,那是很羞耻的。

-SUSAN: No, it’s not!So you got addicted to your kids' ADD medication.It happens.addict to: 沉溺于...ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder(注意力缺陷障碍,又称多动症)medication : 药物治疗,药物处理,药物


-BREE: You've got four kids.That’s a lot of stress.Honey, you need some help.stress: 压力 honey: 亲爱的你有4个孩子,那是很大的压力。亲爱的,你只是需要一些帮助。

-LYNETTE: That’s what’s so humiliating.Other moms don't need help.humiliating: 羞辱性的那就是很羞耻的,别的母亲不需要帮助。

Other moms make it look so easy.All I do is complain.complain: 抱怨


-SUSAN: That’s just not true.When, when Julie was a baby, I, I was out of my mind almost every day.out of one's mind: 精神不正常,发狂 almost: 几乎


-BREE: I used to get so upset when Andrew and Danielle were little.I used their nap times to cry.used to: 过去常常 upset: 不安 nap: 小睡


-LYNETTE: Why didn't you ever tell me this?


-BREE: Oh, baby.Nobody likes to admit that they can't handle the pressure.admit: 承认 handle: 处理 pressure: 压力


-SUSAN: I think it's just that we think that it’s easier to keep it all in.keep in: 隐瞒


-LYNETTE: Well, we shouldn't.We should tell each other this stuff.stuff: 事情,东西


-SUSAN: It helps, huh?

huh: 嘿(表示疑问、惊讶或异议)


-LYNETTE: Yeah, it really does.是的,真的有。

-PAUL: So it was Martha Huber all along.all along : 自始自终, 一直

所以Martha Huber一直一个人。

-MR.SHAW: Seems so.Edie didn't move in with Huber until after your wife received the blackmail note.seem: 好像 move in: 搬进 not...until: 直到...才 blackmail: 敲诈,勒索 note: 纸条


-PAUL: Thank God.We almost killed an innocent woman.almost: 差不多,几乎 innocent: 无辜的天啊,我们几乎杀了一个无辜的女人。

-MR.SHAW: Like I said, I don't do refunds, but if you'd like, I'm willing to pay Mrs.Huber a visit.refund: 退款 be willing to: 乐于,愿意 pay a visit: 进行访问


-PAUL: No.Just keep the money.This whole thing's been tearing me up.whole: 整个的 tear up: 撕碎


The nightmares, the guilt.This isn't what Mary Alice would've wanted.nightmare: 梦魇,恶梦 guilt: 内疚

噩梦,自责。这不是Mary Alice真的要的。

-MR.SHAW: What would she have wanted?


-PAUL: Answers.答案。

-PAUL: Hello, Mrs.Huber.你好,Huber夫人。

-MARTHA: Paul.Paul。

-PAUL: Let me give you a hand.give sb.a hand: 帮助某人




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