
时间:2019-05-14 20:50:22下载本文作者:会员上传


we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.now i will introduce the beijing to you.beijing is a capital city of china and also a famous historical and cultural city with a long history.there are many well-known scenic sports which attract the tourists from home and abroad.the great wall, the forbidden city, temple of heaven, summer palace and the tiananmen square are worth sightseeing.now i’d like to explain tomorrow’s travel schedule to you.i hope you would enjoy it.at 8:00am, we’ll begin our fantastic trip in beijing.the first scenic spot we’ll visit is the tiananmen square, where you can watch many famous building in beijing.it has great cultural significances as a symbol because it was the site of several key events in chinese history.then we’ll visit the forbidden city, the largest garden palace in china.the forbidden city is listed by unesco and became a world heritage site in 1987.at 6:00 pm, we’ll watch beijing opera at the theater.tonight you’re going to stay in beijing kunlun hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel.since it is your first time for you to travel in beijing, you should not go out or travel alone.we’re a tour group, and every one is our family member.in case you get lost, don’t worry.i have my mobile phone on for 24 hours.my mobile telephone is ***.don’t hesitate to contact me whenever you are in need.it probably takes us 10minutes to get to the hotel.just to have a rest, i’ll let you know when we arrive at the hotel.thank you for your attention!篇二:英文导游欢迎词 good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.please sit back and relax, your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.let me introduce my team first.mr wang is our driver,he has 20years of driving under his belt, so we are in very safe hands.i always call my english name is alice,my chinese name is during you stay in our city, i will be your local guide, i will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.if you have any problems or requests,please do not hesitate to let me know.you are going to stay at the hilton hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown shenzhen, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions.as you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my phone no., the bus no.is xxx ,my phone no.isxxxx.let me repeat....there is one thing i must warn you against, you must not drink an tap water篇二:北京 教学设计 ____年级组____单元教案


备注:打印文字均为宋体小四号字,文本行距为最小值0篇三:北京导游词 北京导游词-范文 [] 大家好!各位长途辛苦了。首先代表旅行社各位的到来。来到。来到首都北京参观游览。请允许我向大家做个简单的。我叫妞妞。来自于北京青年旅行社。将做为大家此次之行的。而为我们大家驾车的司机姓王,入乡随俗,在北京称司机为师傅,所以大家叫他王师傅就可以了。对我的称呼就会随意一些了,就直呼我的名字叫妞妞吧。接下来在北京的行程就由我和王师傅共同为大家服务,相信我和王师傅默契的配合,热情周到的服务,会让大家在北京渡过一个,有意义的假期,同时大家在过程中有何想法和建议,可以直接告诉我或司机师傅,也可以讲给你们的领队让他来转告我。在可能并不超出我职权范围之内的事情我一定会尽力的大家。同时也希望大家在此次之行中可以支持并配合我的导游服务。在此妞妞先前大家致敬了!机场及国门和一简介 我们大家今天所看到的机场叫做首都国际机场,坐落在顺义县天竺村附近。距市区约20公里,机场原占地8000余亩,机场候机楼面积为1.2万平方米。跑道呈南北方向,长2500米,宽80米。1958年建成并投入使用。机场始建于1956年,在1975年和1995年两次进行扩建,而我们如今使用的候机楼是在1999年9月28日投入并使用的。是为了庆祝人民共和国成立50周年而特意扩建的。而随着旅游业的发展。为了缓解首机的客流量,若干包机组在南苑机场起落。首都机场路始建于1958年,起于东北处的三元立交桥直至首都机场,全长18.7公里,路面只有7-9米宽。近年来,首都建设有了飞速发展,首都机场旅客流量迅猛增加。于是,被誉为“国门第一路”的首都机场高速公路于1992年7月2日正式开工,在1993年前投入使用。是一条全封闭,全立交的高速公路,是三元桥直至机场二号桥。而且为双辐路。三上三下双向六车道。路面总宽34.5米,大大的缩短了机场到市区的。大概约半小时就可抵达市区了。在此条大道上,没有很多的收费站。而最为显眼的一座但是大家眼前看到的这座。也是整个高速公路中最大的一座。收费站用钢金筑成,仿古建筑。钢金上绘有苏式彩绘,十分漂亮。远远看去,你一扩展开双臂表示对世界各地的朋友热烈,《》()。大家来到中国的首都-北京。穿过收费站,是京杭大运河的上游。也是唯一一条发源于北京的系,叫作温榆河。而在此高速公路两旁也种有很多的树。杨树,柏树,槐树等等。因为北京市人民政府全市人民保护,让北京一年四季都拥有绿色。一年三季要有的陪衬。使北京更加生气勃勃。更加绚丽多彩。而北京的市树是国槐和侧柏,市花是月季和菊花。因为月季,菊花以及国槐和侧柏十分适合北京的气候。北京属于大陆性季风气候,四季分明,春季风沙大,夏季水多,无酷暑但,秋季秋高气爽,降温快,冬季晴朗,干燥,寒冷少。北京城简介 北京最早被称为北京湾,在北京湾内最早的国家是燕国和蓟国。因此燕蓟古城是北京市内最早的城市。而北京市区的发祥地在宣武区广安门周围一带。随着历史的变革,北京城也发生了翻天覆地的。一座座高楼大厦拔地而起,一座座现代化的办公楼居民小区城市花园脱颖而出。使北京人也哗然惊叹。而为了迎接2008年会的到来,整个北京又有了飞的腾跃。如今的北京更加的亮丽,但在如此现代化的城市建设当中。北京仍保持着古城的文化,历史。不仅拥有历代帝王留下的文物古迹,而且北京人原来的住宅,还历历在目。是现化化的北京中一颗闪烁的明珠。古城北京最为出名的是胡同。四合院。京城小吃,卖艺,杂耍,庙会等等。胡同一词的由来,众说纷云,但最为常说的是蒙古语“井”字的音译。其实,胡同二字的确是蒙古语。经考证是“hottog”的音译,有人译成“霍多”或“忽洞”,是水井之意。因为凡居民聚集处,必有水源(井)北京地区以水井为中心,分布居民区由来已久。但在北京,宣武区叫“胡同”的地方比较少。大多数以街命名。现在宣武区大部分地域是辽金时的旧城范围,而地名沿袭至今。未受到元代蒙古语音的影响。因此元代是北京胡同的尊基时代。而胡同名字也是千姿百态。北京城 晨风轻轻吹起天安门前的薄雾,又将紫荆城的面纱一并掀起。一轮红日从东方冉冉升起,将你我的脸庞趁的那样。古老而年轻的北京城,在新世纪的曙光里,焕发着蓬勃的迷人魅力和对未来的憧憬。北京悠 久的历史,纵跨3000年。相传炎黄二帝是同父异母的兄弟,各有一半天下,皇帝行道炎帝不听,炎帝因有蚩尤相助与黄帝在诼鹿和阪泉大战,结果炎帝战败。天下合一,皇帝自立为天子,并在逐鹿建都。据载琢鹿和阪泉都是北京地区。后来黄帝的孙子在幽陵建城,“幽”成为北京地区的代称。无行当中代表北方之意。五帝之首帝喾时,北京地区为天下九州之一的冀州,到了尧时叫幽都,舜帝时叫幽州。商代灭亡之后,周武王将北京地区的两个地方“燕”和“蓟”封给了两位功臣。后来燕国吞并了蓟国统称为燕国,燕代表黑色象征着北方。燕国传位44世,历820余年。是当时各封国中历史最长的强国。唐代“安史之乱”后称此处为大都和燕京,金代中都,元代为大都正式成为全国的政治中心。明朝朱元璋南京称帝,派大将徐达功克大都城,改称北平府。靖难之役之后永乐皇帝迁都北京。从此北京才有这个响亮名字。


导游大赛决赛演讲稿 李大为


在来天津近一年的时间里,我几乎把天津城游遍了,有些地方还不止一次游玩。在此期间,我深深地被天津这座美丽的滨海城市所吸引,流连于她的繁荣进步与开放胸怀。从1404年建卫到如今,天津为华北地区乃至整个中国都作出了不可磨灭的贡献。尤其是近代以来,她更是见证了中华从觉醒到崛起的伟大征程:从中国第一所近代大学——北洋大学堂的成立,到中国第一条自行设计施工的最长铁路——津唐铁路的通车;从中国第一家近代银行——天津官银号的创办,到中国第一架民航客机的顺利升 空??无不闪耀着这座城市的无限光芒。回望历史,立足当下。天津,作为中国北方仅亚于北京的第二大城市,环渤海地区的经济航母,中国北方最大的沿海开放城市,中国经济的又一新增长极,正在书写跨越发展的宏伟篇章,开创高歌猛进的盛世辉煌,奏响大展宏图的慷慨嘹亮??天津再也不是当年那个门户洞开,列强环伺的“国中之国“了。而是今天这个眉扬气吐,雄踞东方的国际化大都市,振臂一呼,世界瞩目?? 天津同时又是中国历史文化名城,中国首批优秀旅游城市。文化底蕴深厚,名胜古迹繁多。您可以领略三盘暮雨的雄奇壮美,欣赏津门故里的艺苑不凡,畅享天津之眼的温柔浪漫,尽览海河两岸的繁华无限。而我今天最想和诸位分享的还是天津欢乐谷,并以此作为她盛大开业的一份小小献礼。

天津欢乐谷是中国首家四季欢乐主题公园,位于天津东丽湖度假区,地理位置得天独厚。她总占地面积35万平方米,总投资27亿元人民币。在这里,您可以游玩亚洲唯一的elloco过山车——“愤怒的小鸟”和亚洲首座穿越海底世界的水磁过山车——“极速鲨吻”等累计中国,亚洲乃至世界之最12款项目和其他数不清的别具特色的游乐设施。保证您在此体会到奇幻旅行的乐趣,异国探险的激情和视听盛宴的震撼。首先,这是一只亚洲最愤怒的小鸟。高空之上120度急速俯冲,180度倾斜转弯。风驰电掣,心悬一线。刹那间高空与地面瞬间转换,呼吸与心跳突然加速。这一秒的快感无法言表?? 这里是懒人河。她是一条长261米宽4米的室内漂流河。河水清澈见底,两岸繁花似锦。坐上梦幻笩船,置身漂流奇观。您还将穿越沿途大型绚丽水族箱,近距离观赏美妙水底世界。这份难得的温馨与自由正是置身城市中的您所缺少的。



现在,我们来感受雷神之锤吧。“神锤一动,雷鸣电闪,施云布雨,顷刻倾盆。她造型端庄不失时尚,大气不失典雅。旋转,滑行与失重。您!准备好了吗? 这便是我眼中的欢乐谷,其实她远比我描述的有趣。在这里,你还能欣赏到大型歌舞剧、魔幻剧、4d影院和《津武英雄》表演。深刻体会什么是不虚此行。
















唯我独尊 寿 恐龙 迎客松等佳作都显示出了了中国第一位泰斗雕刻大家的风采







































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我们每一个人都有家,也都爱自己的家,可是你是否知道我们有一个共同的家呢?——那就是我们的地球!地球就是我们共同的“家”,而且是一个很美丽的家,那有蓝天有白云,有绿树有红花,百鸟争鸣,多么美好的一切啊,可是我们有没有想过怎样去保护地球? 2003年10月15日航天员杨利伟和家人通电话时激动地说,“我——看到我们美丽的家了”,这来自太空的声音,感动了多少中国人、多少外国人呀。





同学们,你们看,碧绿的大海里,鱼儿在自由自在地遨游;你们听,蔚蓝的天空下,鸟儿在欢快地鸣唱……哦!这个世界最生机盎然的就是生命!正是这一条条鲜活的生命啊,让我们的整个地球也鲜活起来。我一直喜欢那一首歌:《在我生命中的每一天》,歌中唱道:“ 看时光飞逝/我祈祷明天/ ……每当那熟悉的旋律响起,我就感到生命的可贵。


同学们,让我们吸取生活中教训,珍爱生命中的每一天。看时光飞逝,我祈祷明天,愿我们每个小小的梦想,都 能够慢慢地实现!从现在开始,从我们做起:不要因贪玩,而是去了宝贵的生命,健康成长,让生命之花永远绽放!


The tour will take 4-6 hours.The route is as follows:

Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity-in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building-a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples-in front of the o Jade Ripples-in front of the Yiyunguan(Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate of the Long Corridor-strolling along the Long Corridor-visiting an exhibition of cultural relics-in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds-inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds-atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense-inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest –outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street-atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street-on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat-in front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.

(Out side the east gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the Summer palace.(After the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter)I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.The construction of the Summer palace first started in 1750.At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories.The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong.With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.After 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony to China` s scientific and technological achievements.In 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan(Garden of perfection and Brightness)by Angol-French allied forces.In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer palace).Characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the Summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.This is the main entrance to the Summer palace-the East Gate On top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means “Garden of Nurtured Harmony” , whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu.The gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother.All others used the side doors.(Inside the East Gate)

the Summer palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three-fourths consists of a lake and rivers.This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest.The layout of the Summer palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas.Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters.Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters.The annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty.This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity.Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters.The gigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in Jiangsu province and placed here to decorated the garden.On the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as Qilin or Xuanni.It was said to the one of the nine sons of Dragon King.A point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of a ox, and is covered with a unique skin.IT was considered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity.This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.It was built in 1750 , and was known as the Hall of Industrious Government.Emperor Qianlong ruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be named after them.After the rebuilding of the Summer palace, the hall was renamed, suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives.The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched.In the middle of the hall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs.In the background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons.On either side of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, two column-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burner assuming the form of Luduan, a mythological animal which was suppose to have the power to prevent fire.The small chambers on eight side were where the Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi rested and met officials on formal occasions.On the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues of dragon and phoenixes which served as incense burners on major occasions.They are hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs.Also on the veranda are Tai ping(peace)bronze water vats made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.As a precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winter to keep the water in them from freezing.(At the entrance of Garden of Virtuous Harmony)

we are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Beijing Opera performances.IT mainly consists of the Dressing House, The Grand Theater Building and the Hall of pleasure smiles.The grand Theater Building known as the “Cradle of Beijing Opera” was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated.On September 10, 1984, the Garden of Virtuous Harmony opened its doors to visitors.There are also 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.The staff here put up court dresses of Qing Dynasty in order to give the visitor a more vivid impression.(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

this building is 21 meters in height and 17 meters in width and features three tiers of tilted eaves and stages.All of the stages are connected to a raise ,and a winch is installed at the top.A well and 5 ponds were sunk under the ground stage.There are trapdoors in the ceiling for fairies to descend, as well as on the floor for demons to surface.The underground passages also served as a means of improving resonance and making the performers` voices more audible.Of the three main theater building of the Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and the largest.The other two are Changyin(Fluent Voice)pavilion in Chengde, an imperial summer resort.The building played a major part in fostering the birth and development of Beijing opera: since the completion of the Grand Theater Building, many performances were held in it in honor of the Empress Dowager Cixi.(A lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall of Jade Ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall of Benevolent and longevity.It appears that there` s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake.This is a application of a specific style of Chinese gardening.Not far away in the lake there is a islet.It is filled with peach and weeping willow trees and serves as a ideal place to appreciate the scenery.The pavilion on the islet is called Zhichun(Understanding Spring)pavilion and is chardcterized by four-edged, multiple eaved roofs.(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwelling is the Hall of jade Ripples.It was first used by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs.IT was also where Emperor Guangxu of the late Qing dynasty was kept under house arrest.This hall is a hallmark of the Reform Movement of 1898, Emperor Guanxu was Empress Dowager Cixi` s nephew.After Emperor Tongzhi died, Empress Dowager Cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her wielding of power behind the scenes.When Emperor Guanxu was 19 years old ,Empress Dowager Cixi relinquished power to him but continued to exert considerable influence.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the corn principles of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see..Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see.(In front of Yiyunguan(Chamber of Mortal Beings)

this was where Empress and empress dowager of China` s feudal system.However, Emperor Guanxu was not the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.The last in the line was Emperor puyi, who ascended the throne in 1908 at the age of three, too young to be married.In 1912, he was forced to abdicate.During the short reign of Emperor puyi.Empress Longyu handled state affairs on his behalf in the name of Empress Dowager.In 1911, a revolution led by Dr.Sun Yat-sun succeeded, and the year after, Empress Longyu announced the abdication of the last emperor of China.(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

the aged empress Dowager Cixi was so fond of the Summer palace that she decided to live here from April through October of every year.This group of buildings served as her residence.This group of courtyard dwellings consists of a forecourt and a backyard with annex courts on each side.The whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting.With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hall of Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient.No wonder one of Empress Dowager Cixi` s pleasure boat.On the pier there is a tall lantern post.Flanking the staircase leading to the main entrance of the hall, there are bronze cranes, deer and vases, symbolizing universal peace.The interior layout is the same as the imperial court, with throne, a large table and incense burners placed in the middle.At mealtime, eunuchs-in –waiting would make a gigantic table out of this table and Empress Dowager Cixi would dine on 128 courses.Because of this more than 1,800 tales of silver would be spent each month on meals.On the east side of the Living Room is the Cloak Room.The bedroom in on its west.In front of the yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate of the Long Corridor

The famed Long Corridor is ahead.Facing Kunming lake and in the foreground of Longevity Hill, the Long Corridor stretches from Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate to Shizhang(Stony Old Man)pavilion.IT is 728 meters in length and consist of 273 sections and connects four octagonal pavilions.In 1990 ,it was listed in Guinness Book of World Records.(In the front of the Tower of Buddhist Incense)

An octagonal structure with three storeys and quadruple eaves, the Tower of Buddhist Incense is the very center of the Summer palace, and is one of the masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture.The tower is 41 meters in height, and is buttressed by 8 solid pillars made of lignumvitae logs.With its complex structure, ingenious layout, towering terrace and convincing grandeur, the Tower of Buddhist Incense was artfully set out by the imperial gardens and beautiful scenery surrounding it.The Tower overlooks Kunming Lake and other picturesque spots within an area of tens of kilometers.On the west side of the Tower stands Baoyunge(precious Cloud pavilion).IT is made of bronze and is7.5 meters in height and 270 tons in weight.It resembles its wooden counterparts in every detail.It is one of the largest and most exquisite bronze pavilions still on existence in China.Lamas prayed here during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in honor of the monarchs and their families.At the turn of the century 10 bronze windows were spirited abroad.In 1992 an American company bought the windows and returned them intact to China.(On a hilltop leading from the back door of Tower of Buddhist Incense)

Now we can see the long and snaking Western Causeway and a shorter dike that divides Kunming Lake into three areas that contain South Lake Island, Seaweed-viewing Island and circle city island.The three island represent three mountain in ancient Chinese mythology, i.e.penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou.This peculiar method of incorporating a lake a three mountains within a single garden was a brainchild of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, bearing testimony to feudal monarchs` s longing for longevity.As the legend goes many heavenly elixirs grew on the three mythical islands.Using artificial building techniques, the ancient Chinese built this masterpiece based on the myth to make the mythical on appear to be accessible to humans.(Inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest)

Setting a garden within a larger garden has been one of China traditional architectural styles.The Garden of Harmonious Interest serves as a fine example of this.This Garden was built under the order of Emperor Qianlong and modeled after the Jichang Garden(Garden of Ease of Mind)at the foot of Mount Huishan, Jiansu province.IT was renamed by his son Emperor Jiaqing in 1811.The existing Garden was rebuilt by Emperor or Guangxu.Empress Dowager Cixi used to go fishing here.The Garden features 10 waterfront platforms, pavilions and halls as well as hundreds of galleries

With all of its structures facing the lake and pools, the Garden of Harmonious Interest is basically a garden of waterscape.Spanning the vast expanse of the lake and pools are five bridges, each quite different from the others.The most famous of them is the bridge known as “Knowing –the Fishing-bridge.” IT is said that more than 2,500 years ago during the Warring States period, two philosophere named Zhuang Zi had an interesting argument by the side of a pond.Zhang said, ”Fish swim to and fro in the water.What happy fish!”

Hui asked , ”You are not a fish.How do you know they are happy? ”

Zhuang replied, “You are not me.How do you know I don’t know? ”

Hui signed, “I am not you ,therefore, I don’t know you.And you are not a fish ,so how

do you know that fish are happy? ”

Zhang said, “you ask me how I know fish are happy, why do you keeping me the same question?”

Although The Garden of Harmonious Interest was designed after Jichang Garden, it not only absorbed the original designs, but exceeded it.(Outside the south entrance to Suzhou Shopping Street)

Now lets have a look at longevity Hill.On the back slope of the Hill stands a group of architectures.The centerpiece of structures there are known as the Four Continents and are dedicated to Buddhism.This group was laid out and arranged in accordance with Buddhist cosmology.Aside from a main shrine and structures embodying the Four Continents, there are eight towers representing Minor Continents.The shrine is surrounded by four Lamaist pagodas and between the major and minor continents, there two platforms representing the sun and the moon.(Boating on Kunmin Lake)

we are now going to enjoy the lakeside scenery from a pleasure boat.As a main part of the Summer palace, Kunming Lake covers an area of 220 hectares, or three fourths of the combined space of this summer resort.This natural lake is more than 3500 years old.This lake was originally called Wengshan Lake.In 1749 Emperor Qianlong ordered the construction of Qingyi Garden, the predecessor of the Summer palace.Involving nearly 10,000 laborers, the lake was expanded and turned into a peach-shaped reservoir, the first of its kind for Beijing.From 1990 to 1991, the Beijing Municipal Government ordered the first dredging of the lake in 240 years.Involving 200,000 men and hundreds of dredgers and other tools, a total of 625,600 cubic meters of sludge was dredged and 205 bombs dropped by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War were removed.The summer palace set a precedent for sightseeing by boat.There used to be a large imperial flotilla, of which the “Kunming Merry Dragon” was the most famous.It was destroyed by the Anglo-French allied forces in 1860.To make the tour of the Summer palace a more pleasant one, a large pleasure boat “Tai He ”(Supreme Harmony)was built.This double –decked boat is 37.09 meters long,8,59 meters wide and 10.49 meters high.It can travel at a speed of 9 kilometer per hour.Small pleasure boats are also available to tourist.Another major spot of interest on the Western causeway is Jingming(Bright View)Hall.Both its front and rear face the lake.This structure also features three two-storeyed halls of varying heights.Our tour is drawing to a close as we approach the shore.Today we only visited the major scenic areas of the Summer palace.I have left other spot of interest for your next visit.I will show you out through the East Gate.I hope you enjoyed today` s tour.Thank you.Good-bye and good luck.



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