【美国总统电台演说】2010-09-18 美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲
WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called out the Republican leadership in Congress for defending the entrenched special interests and the status quo.After the Supreme Court overturned decades of law and precedent in the Citizens United decision, the administration tried to fix the new loopholes in the campaign finance system with a common sense law.This law would require public disclosure of who funds political ads and it would restrict foreign controlled corporations from spending to influence elections.But, the GOP leadership has blocked a vote on the law in the Senate in hopes that the special interests will reward them by funding attack ads against their opponents.Prepared Remarks of President
Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, September 18th, 2010
Back in January, in my State of the Union Address, I warned of the danger posed by a Supreme Court ruling called Citizens United.This decision overturned decades of law and precedent.It gave the special interests the power to spend without limit – and without public disclosure – to run ads in order to influence elections.Now, as an election approaches, it’s not just a theory.We can see for ourselves how destructive to our democracy this can become.We see it in the flood of deceptive attack ads sponsored by special interests using front groups with misleading names.We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them.Even foreign-controlled corporations seeking to influence our democracy are able to spend freely in order to swing an election toward a candidate they prefer.We’ve tried to fix this with a new law – one that would simply require that you say who you are and who’s paying for your ad.This way, voters are able to make an informed judgment about a group’s motivations.Anyone running these ads would have to stand by their claims.And foreign-controlled corporations would be restricted from spending money to influence elections, just as they were before the Supreme Court opened up this loophole.This is common sense.In fact, this is the kind of proposal that Democrats and Republicans have agreed on for decades.Yet, the Republican leaders in Congress have so far said “no.” They’ve blocked this bill from even coming up for a vote in the Senate.It’s politics at its worst.But it’s not hard to understand why.Over the past two years, we have fought back against the entrenched special interests – weakening their hold on the levers of power in Washington.We have taken a stand against the worst abuses of the financial industry and health insurance companies.We’ve rolled back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.And we’ve restored enforcement of common sense rules to protect clean air and clean water.We have refused to go along with business as usual.Now, the special interests want to take Congress back, and return to the days when lobbyists wrote the laws.And a partisan minority in Congress is hoping their defense of these special interests and the status quo will be rewarded with a flood of negative ads against their opponents.It’s a power grab, pure and simple.They’re hoping they can ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory.What is clear is that Congress has a responsibility to act.But the truth is, any law will come too late to prevent the damage that has already been done this election season.That is why, any time you see an attack ad by one of these shadowy groups, you should ask yourself, who is paying for this ad? Is it the health insurance lobby? The oil industry? The credit card companies?
But more than that, you can make sure that the tens of millions of dollars spent on misleading ads do not drown out your voice.Because no matter how many ads they run – no matter how many elections they try to buy – the power to determine the fate of this country doesn’t lie in their hands.It lies in yours.It’s up to all of us to defend that most basic American principle of a government of, by, and for the people.What’s at stake is not just an election.It’s our democracy itself.Thank you.
I’m speaking to you from the bridge of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in San Diego.This is one of the biggest ships in the Navy, and on Friday it was home to one of the most unique college basketball games I’ve ever seen.It also gave members of our military and our veterans退伍军人 a chance to unwind解开, 松开, 放松 a little bit, and on this Veterans Day, I want to take this opportunity to thank all our men and women in uniform for their service and their sacrifice.But this day isn’t just about thanking our veterans.It’s about rededicating再奉献、在致力于ourselves to serving our veterans as well as they’ve served us.And right now, that’s more important than ever.Last month, I announced that, as promised, we will end the war in Iraq by the end of the year.Many of our military families will be welcoming loved ones home for the holidays.At the same time, we’ve begun to wind down绞下,接下 the war in Afghanistan.And in the next five years, over a million servicemembers will transition back into civilian life – joining the 3 million who have already done so over the last decade.These are men and women who have served with distinction in some of the most dangerous places on the planet.But for many of them, the challenges don’t end when they take off the uniform.Today, more than 850,000 veterans remain unemployed.And too many are struggling to find a job worthy of their talents and experience.That’s not right.We ask these men and women to leave their families and their jobs and risk their lives to fight for our country.The last thing they should have to do is fight for a job when they get home.To give our veterans the opportunities they’ve earned, I’ve directed the federal government to lead by example – and already, we’ve hired 120,000 veterans.We’ve also challenged private companies to hire or train 100,000 post-9/11 veterans or their spouses 配偶 by the end of 2013.So far, many patriotic companies have answered the call, hiring more than 16,000 Americans.And yesterday, thanks to the hard work of Michelle and Dr.Jill Biden, companies announced their commitment to train or hire 125,000 more over the next two years.But we still need to do more.That’s why, as part of the American Jobs Act, I called on Congress to pass a Returning Heroes Tax Credit, which would give businesses a tax break for each unemployed veteran they hire;and a Wounded Warriors Tax Credit, which would give businesses a tax break for hiring an unemployed veteran with a disability related to their service in uniform.These proposals will go a long way towards putting our veterans back to work.And on Thursday, I was pleased to see the Senate put partisanship aside and come together to pass these tax credits.After all, standing up for our veterans isn’t a Democratic responsibility or a Republican responsibility – it’s an American responsibility.It’s one that all of us have an obligation to meet.And the House should pass this bill as soon as possible so I can sign it into law.As Commander-in-Chief, I want every veteran to know that America will always honor your service and your sacrifice – not just today, but every day.And just as you fought for us, we’re going to keep fighting for you – for more jobs, for more security, for the opportunity to keep your families strong and America competitive in the 21st century.So to all our veterans – thank you for your service.God bless you.And may God bless the United States of America.
Next week, the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act.It’s a bill that will put more people to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans.And it will provide our economy with the jolt that it really needs right now
This is not the time for the usual games or political gridlock交通全面大堵塞,拥塞停滞 in Washington.The challenges facing financial markets around the world could have very real effects on our own economy at a time when it’s already fragile虚弱的, 脆弱的;经不起折腾的.But this jobs bill can help guard against another downturn here in America.This isn’t just my belief.This is what independent economists have said.Not just politicians.Not just people in my administration.Independent experts who do this for a living have said that this jobs bill will have a significant effect for our economy and middle-class families all across America.But if we don’t act, the opposite will be true – there will be fewer jobs and weaker growth.So any Senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill needs to explain why they would oppose something that we know would improve our economic situation.If the Republicans in Congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it.Because one of the same independent economists who looked at our plan just said that their ideas, quote, wouldn’t “mean much for the economy in the near term.”
If their plan doesn’t measure up, the American people deserve to know what it is that Republicans in Congress don’t like about this jobs plan.You hear a lot of our Republican friends say that one of the most important things we can do is cut taxes.Well, they should love this plan.The American Jobs Act would cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America.And if you’re a small business owner that hires new workers, raises wages, or hires a veteran经验丰富的人;老兵, you get an additional tax cut.Right now, hundreds of thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers have been laid off because of state budget cuts.This jobs bill will put a lot of these men and women back to work.Right now, there are millions of laid-off被解雇的 construction workers who could be repairing our bridges and roads and modernizing our schools.Why wouldn’t we want to put these men and women to work rebuilding America?
The proposals in this bill are steps we have to take if we want to build an economy that lasts;if we want to be able to compete with other countries for jobs that restore a sense of security for the middle-class.But we also have to rein驾驭,严格控制 in our deficit and start living within our means, which is why this jobs bill is paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.Some see this as class warfare.I see it as a simple choice.We can either keep taxes exactly as they are for millionaires and billionaires, or we can ask them to pay at least the same rate as a plumber 管子工,水暖工 or a bus driver.And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job.We can either fight to protect their tax cuts, or we can cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America.But we can’t afford to do both.It’s that simple.There are too many people hurting in this country for us to simply do nothing.The economy is too fragile for us to let politics get in the way of action.The people who represent you in Washington have a responsibility to do what’s best for you – not what’s best for their party or what’s going to help them win an election that’s more than a year away.So I need you to keep making your voices heard in Washington.I need you to remind these folks who they work for.And I need you to tell your Senators to do the right thing by passing this jobs bill right away.Thank you.
【美国总统电台演说】2011-08-06 This week, Congress reached an agreement that’s going to allow us to make some progress in reducing our nation’s budget deficit.And through this compromise, both parties are going to have to work together on a larger plan to get our nation’s finances in order.That’s important.We’ve got to make sure that Washington lives within its means, just like families do.In the long term, the health of our economy depends on it.But in the short term, our urgent mission has to be getting this economy growing faster and creating more jobs.That’s what’s on people’s minds;that’s what matters to families in this country.And the fact is, this has been a tumultuous year for the economy.We’ve weathered the Arab Spring’s effect on oil and gas prices.The Japanese earthquake and tsunami’s effect on supply chains.The economic situation in Europe.And in Washington, there was a contentious debate over our nation’s budget that nearly dragged our country into financial crisis.So our job right now has to be doing whatever we can to help folks find work;to help create the climate where a business can put up that job listing;where incomes are rising again for people.We’ve got to rebuild this economy and the sense of security that middle class families've felt slipping away for years.And while deficit reduction has to be part of our economic strategy, it’s not the only thing we have to do.We need Democrats and Republicans to work together to help grow this economy.We’ve got to put politics aside to get some things done.That’s what the American people expect of us.And there are a number of steps that Congress can take right away, when they return in September.We need to extend tax cuts for working and middle class families so you have more money in your paychecks next year.That would help millions of people to make ends meet.And that extra money for expenses means businesses will have more customers, and will be in a better position to hire.Yesterday, I proposed a new tax credit for companies that hire veterans who are looking for work after serving their country.We’ve got a lot of honorable and skilled people returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and companies that could benefit from their abilities.Let’s put them together.We need to make sure that millions of workers who are still pounding the pavement looking for jobs are not denied unemployment benefits to carry them through hard times.We’ve got to cut the red tape that stops too many inventors and entrepreneurs from quickly turning new ideas in the thriving businesses – which holds back our whole economy.It’s time Congress finally passed a set of trade deals that would help displaced workers looking for new jobs, and that would allow our businesses to sell more products in countries in Asia and South America – products stamped with three words: Made in America.And we ought to give more opportunities to all those construction workers who lost their jobs when the housing boom went bust.We could put them to work right now, by giving loans to companies that want to repair our roads and bridges and airports, helping to rebuild America.Those are a few commonsense steps that would help the economy.And these are ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans in the past.So I’m going to keep calling on both parties in Congress to put aside their differences and send these bills to my desk so I can sign them right away.After all, both parties share power.Both parties share responsibility for our progress.Moving our economy and our country forward is not a Democratic or a Republican responsibility;it is our responsibility as Americans.That’s the spirit we need in Washington right now.That’s how we’ll get this economy growing faster and reach a brighter day.Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend.
As you can see, I brought a few things with me for this week’s video.A padlock挂锁.A pair of boots.A candle.And a pair of socks.No, we’re not having a yard sale旧货出售.And these products may not appear to have much in common.But they’re united by three proud words: “Made in America.” They’re manufactured by American workers, in American factories, and shipped to customers here and around the world.The companies that make these products are part of a hopeful trend: they’re bringing jobs back from overseas.You’ve heard of outsourcing – well, this is insourcing.And in this make or break moment for the middle class and those working to get into the middle class, that’s exactly the kind of commitment to country that we need.This week, I invited executives from businesses that are insourcing jobs to a forum at the White House.These are CEOs who take pride in hiring people here in America, not just because it’s increasingly the right thing to do for their bottom line, but also because it’s the right thing to do for their workers and for our communities and our country.I told those CEOs what I’ll tell any business leader: ask yourself what you can do to bring more jobs back to the country that made your success possible.And I’ll make sure you’ve got a government that does everything in its power to help you succeed.That’s why, in the next few weeks, I will put forward new tax proposals that reward companies that choose to do the right thing by bringing jobs home and investing in America – and eliminate tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas.It’s also why on Friday, I called on Congress to help me make government work better for you.Right now, we have a 21st century economy, but we’ve still got a government organized for the 20th century.Over the years, the needs of Americans have changed, but our government has not.In fact, it’s gotten even more complex.And that has to change.That’s why I asked Congress to reinstate the authority that past presidents have had to streamline and reform the Executive Branch.This is the same sort of authority that every business owner has to make sure that his or her company keeps pace with the times.It’s the same authority that presidents had for over 50 years – up until Ronald Reagan.And let me be clear: I will only use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government.These changes will make it easier for small business owners to get the loans and support they need to sell their products around the world.For example, instead of forcing small business owners to navigate the six departments and agencies in the federal government that focus on business and trade, we’ll have one department.One place where entrepreneurs can go from the day they come up with an idea and need a patent, to the day they start building a warehouse, to the day they’re ready to ship their products overseas.And in the meantime, we’re creating a new website – BusinessUSA – that will serve as a one-stop shop with information for businesses small and large that want to start selling their stuff around the world.This means that more small business owners will see their hard work pay off.More companies will be able to hire new workers.And we’ll be able to rebuild an economy that’s not known for paper profits or financial speculation, but for making and selling products like these.Products “Made in America.”
Thank you, and have a great weekend.