
时间:2019-05-14 20:53:58下载本文作者:会员上传



精选范文:英语演讲:经典片段节选(共2篇)我有一个梦:有一天,这个国家将站起来,并实现他的信条的真正含义:我们将捍卫这些不言而喻的真理,即所有人生来平等。我有一个梦:有一天在乔治亚洲红色的山丘上,从前的奴隶的子孙们能和奴隶主的子孙们像兄弟一样坐在同一张桌旁;我有一个梦我的四个孩子有一天将生活在这样一个国度,在那里,人们不以肤色,而是以品格来评价他们。当自由的钟声响起的时候,当我们让它从每一个村庄,每一个州,每一个城市响起的时候,我们将能够加速这一天的到来。那是,上帝所有的孩子,无论黑人白人还是犹太人,异教徒。天主教徒,还是新教徒,他们都能够手挽手歌唱那古老的黑人圣歌:“终于自由了,终于自由了,感谢上帝,我们终于自由了!” help:

creed: n.信条

brotherhood : n.手足情意,兄弟关系 四.

i have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.we have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.we have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.you ask, what is our aim? i can answer in one word, it is victory.victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.let that be realized, no survival for the british empire, no survival for all that british empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.i take up my task in buoyancy and hope.i feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.i feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.” 我能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。我们所面临的将是一场极为残酷的考验,我们面临的将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。你若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来概括,那就是胜利。不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不畏惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利,不论前路再长再苦也要多去胜利,因为没有胜利纠无法生存!我们必须意识到,没有胜利就没有大英帝国,没有胜利就没有大英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就没有多少世纪以来强烈的要求和冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。此刻,我的精神振奋,满怀信心地承当起自己的人物。我确信,只要我们大家联合,我们的事业就不会挫败。此时此刻千钧一发之际,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要呼吁:“来吧,让我们群策努力,并肩迈进!” help:

grievous: adj.令人忧伤的 buoyancy: n.浮性 浮力 轻快 entitled: adj.有资格的五.my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men.finally whether you are citizens of america, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.with a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, god”s work must truly be our own.--by john f.kennedy 译文: 美国同胞们,不要问美国能为你们做些什么,应该问你们能为美国贡献些什么。全世界的同胞们,不要问美国将为你做些什么,应该问我们一同能为人类的自由做些什么。最后,无论你是美国公民还是其他国家的同胞,你们应该要求我们献出我们同样要求于你们的高度的力量和牺牲。无愧于心是我们惟一可靠的奖赏,历史是我们行动最终的裁判。这一切让我们大步向前,去引领我们所热爱的这片土地。我们祈求上帝的保佑和帮助,但我们很清楚,上帝在尘世的工作必定是我们自己的工作。--[美]约翰·肯尼迪 citizen: n.市民,公民 sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身 conscience: n.良心,道德心

六、let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.in every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and i am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.in such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties.they concern, thank god, only material things.--by franklin d.roosevelt 译文:


--[美]弗兰克林·罗斯福 unreasoning: adj.丧失理智的 unjustified: adj.毫无根据的 frankness: n.率直,坦白

七、in this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence.to express one”s feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task.that i would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done.but just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains.the canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest;it cannot be while you still live.but to live is to function, that is all there is in living.so i end with a land from a latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, i am coming.--by oliver wendell holmes 译文:

此刻,沉默是金。要在生命即将完结之时表达个人感受并非易事。但我只是想谈谈作为一名倾听者的看法。骑士们并非一到终点就立刻止步。他们继续缓步向前,倾听朋友们的欢呼。他们虽然告诉自己行程已经结束了。正如人们所说结果出来了,比赛结束了。但只要动力仍在,人生之旅就尚未结束。终点之后的慢跑并非停止不前,因为活着便不能如此。活着就要有所作为,这才是生命的真谛。最后谨以一句古拉丁格言与各位共勉:死神不止,奋斗不止。--[美]奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯 in this symposium:此刻 at this timegoal: n.目的,目标 standstill: n.停止

八、the grandest of these ideals is an unfolding american promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born.americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.and though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.through much of the last century, america”s faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea.now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along.and even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.--by george w.bush 译文:


insignificant: adj.无关紧要的、可忽略的 democracy: n.民主政治、民主主义



一. Man’s dearest possession is life.It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past;so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.人生最宝贵的是生命。生命对于人来说只有一次。一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨;也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻。在临死的时候他能够说:我的整


possession: n.财产

torturing : adj.使痛苦的


Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts, the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to , but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.幸福并不在于单纯的占有金钱,幸福还在于取得成功后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。如果这些黯淡的日子能使我们认识到,我们真正的使命不是要别人侍奉,而是要为自己和同胞们服务的话,那么,我们付出的代价是完全值得的。

stimulation: n.激励,刺激 evanescent: adj.渐渐消失的,易消散的

profit: vi.得益,利用


I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, we hold theses truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today!When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children-black men and white men , jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants-will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “free at least ,free at last.Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.”



Creed: n.信条

Brotherhood : n.手足情意,兄弟关系


I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory.Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”


Grievous: adj.令人忧伤的

Buoyancy: n.浮性 浮力 轻快 Entitled: adj.有资格的

五.My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men.Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own.--By John F.Kennedy 译文:



citizen: n.市民,公民

sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身

conscience: n.良心,道德心

六、Let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership

of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.In such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties.They concern, thank God, only material things.--By Franklin D.Roosevelt




unreasoning: adj.丧失理智的

unjustified: adj.毫无根据的 frankness: n.率直,坦白

七、In this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence.To express one's feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task.That I would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done.But just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains.The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest;it cannot be while you still live.But to live is to function, that is all there is in living.So I end with a land from a Latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, I am coming.--By Oliver Wendell Holmes [英语演讲:经典片段节选(共2篇)] 译文:


下页 余下全文篇二:英语演讲经典片段(大学生必背的演讲)英语演讲经典片段(大学生必背的演讲)


Man’s dearest possession is life.It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past;so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.人生最宝贵的是生命。生命对于人来说只有一次。一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨;也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻。在临死的时候他能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力都已经献给了世界上最壮丽的事业――为人类的解放事业而斗争!

possession: n.财产

torturing : adj.使痛苦的


Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts, the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to , but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.幸福并不在于单纯的占有金钱,幸福还在于取得成功后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。如果这些黯淡的日子能使我们认识到,我们真正的使命不是要别人侍奉,而是要为自己和同胞们服务的话,那么,我们付出的代价是完全值得的。

stimulation: n.激励,刺激

evanescent: adj.渐渐消失的,易消散的

profit: vi.得益,利用


I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory.Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”


Grievous: adj.令人忧伤的

Buoyancy: n.浮性 浮力 轻快

Entitled: adj.有资格的

五.My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men.Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge o

f our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own.--By John F.Kennedy 译文:



citizen: n.市民,公民



2篇)] sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身

conscience: n.良心,道德心

六、Let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.In such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties.They concern, thank God, only material things.--By Franklin D.Roosevelt 译文:




unreasoning: adj.丧失理智的

unjustified: adj.毫无根据的

frankness: n.率直,坦白

七、In this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence.To express one's feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task.That I would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done.But just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains.The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest;it cannot be while you still live.But to live is to function, that is all there is in living.So I end with a land from a Latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, I am coming.--By Oliver Wendell Holmes 译文: 此刻,沉默是金。要在生命即将完结之时表达个人感受并非易事。但我只是想谈谈作为一名倾听者的看法。骑士们并非一到终点就立刻止步。他们继续缓步向前,倾听朋友们的欢呼。他们虽然告诉自己行程已经结束了。正如人们所说结果出来了,比赛结束了。但只要动力仍在,人生之旅就尚未结束。终点之后的慢跑并非停止不前,因为活着便不能如此。活着就要有所作为,这才是生命的真谛。最后谨以一句古拉丁格言与各位共勉:死神不止,奋斗不止。


in this symposium:此刻

At this timegoal: n.目的,目标

standstill: n.停止

八、The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea.Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along.And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.--By George W.Bush 译文:



insignificant: adj.无关紧要的、可忽略的

democracy: n.民主政治、民主主义




Creed: n.信条

Brotherhood : n.手足情意,兄弟关系


I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory.Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”



Grievous: adj.令人忧伤的Buoyancy: n.浮性 浮力 轻快

Entitled: adj.有资格的

五.My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men.Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own.--By John F.Kennedy




citizen: n.市民,公民

sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身

conscience: n.良心,道德心

六、Let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.In such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties.They concern, thank God, only material things.--By Franklin D.Roosevelt




unreasoning: adj.丧失理智的unjustified: adj.毫无根据的frankness: n.率直,坦白

七、In this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence.To express one's feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task.That I would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done.But just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains.The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest;it cannot be while you still live.But to live is to function, that is all there is in living.So I end with a land from a Latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, I am coming.--By Oliver Wendell Holmes




in this symposium:此刻

At this timegoal: n.目的,目标

standstill: n.停止

八、The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea.Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along.And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.--By George W.Bush




insignificant: adj.无关紧要的、可忽略的democracy: n.民主政治、民主主义










On economic and monetary union, I stressed that we would be ready to move beyond thepresent position to the creation of a European monetary fund and a common communitycurrency which we have called a hard ECU.But we would not be prepared to agree to set a datefor starting the next stage of economic and monetary union before there is any agreement onwhat that stage should comprise.And I again emphasised that we would not be prepared tohave a single currency imposed upon us, nor to surrender the use of the pound sterling as ourcurrency.关于经济和货币联盟,我强调过我们需要做好准备,跨越目前的处境,来建立一个欧洲货币基金和共同的通用货币,也就是我们所说的欧洲货币单位。但在开始为下一阶段的经济和货币联盟登上舞台做好准备之前,我们并不会为这个协议的实现设定一个日期。我再次强调,我们不愿被逼使用统一货币,也不会屈服于把英镑作为我们的使用货币的做法。

It is our purpose to retain the power and influence of this House, and not to denude it of manyof the powers.I wonder what the right honourable gentleman's policy is, in view of some of thethings he said.Would he have agreed to a commitment to extend the Community's powers toother supplementary sectors of economic integrations without having any definition of what theyare? Would he? Because you would've thought he would from what he said.One of them wasthat the Commission wants to extend its powers and competence into the area of health.Wesaid no.We weren't going to agree to those since on what he says, he sounded as if he would,for the sake of agreeing, for the sake of being little sir echo, and saying, “Me too.” 我们的目的就是保留政府的权利以及影响,而不是剥夺他们的权利。鉴于刚刚你所说的事情,这位正直尊贵的绅士,我想知道你的政策是什么?在没有任何明确定义的情况下,他会同意扩大联盟的权力来补充其他行业没有的经济融合吗?他会吗?你们会认为他会说到做到。其中之一是,欧盟委员会希望将权力和能力扩展至医疗健康领域。我们不赞成,我们并不打算同意他所说的一切,他听起来似乎是会这样做,仅仅是为了一种妥协而已,或者是一种绅士的态度,所以他会说 “我也会。”

Would the he have agreed to extending qualified majority of voting within the Council, todelegating implementing powers to the Commission, to a common security policy, all without anyattempt to define or limit them? The answer is yes.He hasn't got a clue about the definition ofsome of the things he is saying, let alone securing a definition of others.在没有任何限制和定义的情况下,他会同意理事会扩大合格的多数投票来将权力委托给委员会或制定一个常见的安全政策,吗?答案是肯定的。他还搞不清楚的他所定义的一些事情,更别提关于其他的定义了。

Yes, the Commission does want to increase its powers.Yes, it is a non-elected body and I donot want the Commission to increase its powers against its House.So of course we are differing.Of course the chairman or the president of the Commission, Mr.Delors, said at a pressconference the other day that he wanted the European Parliament to be the democratic body ofthe Community, he wanted the Commission to be the executive and he wanted the Council ofMinisters to be the Senate.No.No.No.的确,委员会并不想要增加它的权利。是的,这是一个非选举产生的主体,我并不希望委员会增加权利来对抗政府。所以我们当然在改变。Delors先生作为委员会的主席或总统,在新闻发布会上说有一天他希望欧洲议会是一个民主机构,他希望委员会执行力能更强,他希望内阁会议由参议院指出,但这些都没能实现。

Or, or perhaps the Labour Party would give all those things up easily.Perhaps they would agreeto a single currency to total abolition of the pound sterling.Perhaps being totally incompetent withmonetary matters, they'd be only too delighted to hand over the full responsibility as they did tothe IMF, to a central bank.The fact is, they have no competence on money, no competenceon the economy, so, yes, the right honourable gentleman would be glad to hand it all over.Andwhat is the point in trying to get elected to Parliament only to hand over your sterling and tohand over the powers of this House to Europe? 也许工党会将所有这些事情变得很容易。也许他们会同意用一个单一货币来废除英镑。也许这完全算不上是货币问题,他们会非常高兴地将所有责任转交给中央银行。事实是,他们在货币政策上无所作为,在经济发展上同样一事无成,所以这位正直尊贵的绅士很愿意完全交出责任。那么你们在议会中获选,仅仅是为了将手中的金钱和权利移交给欧洲政府吗?

Norman Tebbit:My right honourable friend not agree that the mark of a single currency is thatall other currencies must be extinguished.And not nearly extinguished, but that the capacity ofother institutions to issue currency has to be extinguished.And that in the case of the UnitedKingdom, would involve this parliament binding its successors in a way which we have hithertoregarded as unconstitutional.Norman Tebbit: 我亲爱的朋友并不认为单一货币是其他货币必须消失的标志。或者并不是消失,而是其他部门对金钱的控制力应该消除。在英国的情况来说,应该让议会将其继承者和我们认为的非宪法行为结合起来。

This government has no intention of abolishing the pound sterling.If the hard ECU evolved intomuch much greater use, that would be a decision for future parliaments and future generations.It would be a decision which could only be taken once, and a decision which should not beapproached in this atmosphere, but only after the greatest possible consideration.I believe bothParliament and sterling have served our country and the rest of the world very well.I believe weare more stable and more influential with it, I believe it is an expression of sovereignty.ThisGovernment believe in the pound sterling.政府并不打算废除英镑。如果欧元的能力越来越强大,也许该由未来的议会和下一代来做出决定。这个决定只能做一次,但并不是现在,需要在进行过非常谨慎的思考之后。我相信议会和英镑为我们的国家以及其他国家服务得非常好。政府相信英镑。Dr.David Owen: Is it not perfectly clear that what was being attempted at Rome was a bounceand a bounce that led only one way, and that was to a single federal united states of Europe?And is it not vital that in this House, across party lines, it is possible for a prime minister to goand make it clear, if necessary, that Britain is prepared to stand alone? We don's relish it, butthat if necessary, if we are faced by the imposition, by treaty of an obligation to a singlecurrency and a situation which would prevent enlargement to Poland, Hungary andCzechoslovakia, Britain would be entitled and right to use the veto? Dr.David Owen:我们现在还不是很清楚,罗马经济是否在反弹,经济反弹又会给这个联邦制的欧洲合众国造成怎样的影响?并不是至关重要的,在这政府里,跨越党派界线,就有可能靠一个首相去弄清楚,如果有必要,英国正在准备孤军奋战?我们不喜欢它,但是,如果有必要,如果我们面临的实施,通过条约的义务统一的货币和情况来防止欧盟东扩至波兰、匈牙利和捷克斯洛伐克,英国将拥有和有权使用否决权吗?

Mr.Ron Leighton: There is no majority in the House for EMU, but is the Prime Minister awarethat I attended a conference in Italy last year at which an Italian Minister spoke to me aboutEMU? I said, “What if Mrs.Thatcher opposes it?” And ungallantly, he laughed loud and he said, “We have met Mrs.Thatcher many times-she squawks and makes a noise at the beginningbut always comes round and gives way in the end.” Now what assurances and guarantees canseek of this House today that she will not give way on this issue, as she did give way on theMadrid condition about British inflation before joining the ERM? Mr.Ron Leighton:支持货币不统一化的占多数,但是部长你还记得去年我在意大利参加会议时,意大利部长和我说的这件事吗?我当时说;“如果撒切尔夫人反对的话怎么办?”他笑的很大声,然后说,“我们见过撒切尔夫人很多次了,她总是在一开始意见很多,反对不休,但最终会妥协。”在这种情况下,什么样的担保和保证能够确保她一开始的反对不会化为最终的妥协呢?尤其是她曾在英国通货膨胀之后妥协于马德里条约加入了汇率机制。

That is what they said, Mr Speaker, when I was negotiating for a better budget deal for Britain.Twice, they and the people in the Commission and our people in the Commission and we had thepresidency of the Commission, advised me to give way.They found out differently.这是他们说的,当我曾为了英国进行更好的财务沟通时,他们以及委员会的人以及我们的人沟通之后,劝我还是妥协。但他们现在的说法完全不一样。

Mr.Tony Favell: Mr Speaker, next Wednesday, the doors of this Chamber will be closed to BlackRod as a symbol of the independence of this House.What would be the effect on theindependence of this House and the nation which elects it if the power to veto proposalsaffecting social affairs, the environment and taxation were to be removed? Mr.Tony Favell:下周三,这个房间的门将会对黑人关闭,作为政府独立的象征。那么政府的独立会有什么样的效果?投反对票的国家呢?受到影响的社会事件,环境以及税率会变吗?

Mr Speaker, I hope that, when the next election comes, people who want to come to this Housewill come to uphold its powers and its responsibilities, and not to denude the House of them.Wehave surrendered some of them to the Community.In my view we have surrendered enough.我希望,当下一届选举到来之时,人们想要进入政府的能够担当好自己的权利和责任,而不是屈服于政府中的其他人。我们已经向某些人妥协了,我认为已经足够了。

Mr.Tony Benn: And then is the Prime Minister aware that what we are really discussing is notmatter of economic management, but the whole future of the relation between this country andEurope? Are the British people when they vote in a general election to be able to change thepolicies of the government that has previously veto? And it is already a fact, as the Houseknows full well, that whatever Government is in power, our agricultural policy is now controlledfrom Brussels, our trade policy is controlled from Brussels and our industrial policy is controlledfrom Brussels and if we go into EMU, our financial policy will be controlled.It is a democraticargument, not a nationalistic argument.But now as they say this is the Prime Minister and it’d bethe member of the Government who took us into the EC without consulting the British people,having been the Prime Minister of the Government who agreed to the Single European Actwithout consulting the British people, having now agreed to the ERM without consulting the Britishpeople.We find it hard to believe that she is really intent on preserving democracy rather thangaining some political advantage from waving some national argument in the eve of a generalelection.That is why we do not trust her own judgment on the matter.Mr.Tony Benn:部长意识到我们实际上讨论的并不是经济的管理问题,而是我们国家和欧洲未来关系的走向问题。英国人民在大选当中投票能够改变政府先前的投票结果吗?这已是一个事实,政府心里也很清楚,无论政府有着什么样的权利,我们的农业政策是掌控在布鲁塞尔手里,我们的贸易政策,工业政策也是如此。如果我们加入统一汇率机制,我们的金融政策也会被控制。这是一个共和的争辩,并不是一个国家的争辩。但是他们说这是部长,政府的一员使英国人在不知情的情况下加入了欧盟,那么也可以在英国人不知情的情况下加入统一的货币机制。我们觉得很难去相信她真正的目的保留共和而不是在大选前夕从一些国家辩论中获得更多的政治优势。这也是为什么我们不相信她在这件事上将会做出合理决断的原因。

Mr Speaker, I think that I would put it just a little bit differently from the right honorableGentleman, although I recognise some of the force of some of the points that he is making.Ithink when the Delors proposals for EMU came out, the economic and monetary union, it wassaid immediately by my right hon.Friend, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer that this was notreally about monetary policy at all.It is really about a back door to a federal Europe, a federalEurope taking many many democratic powers away from democratically elected bodies to non-elected ones.I believe fervently that that is true, which is why I will have nothing to do with theirdefinition of economic and monetary union.我认为想对那位绅士提出一点点不同的意见,尽管我在某种程度上承认他说的话。我认为Delors对统一货币机制的建议来自于经济和货币协会。朋友们,这一切和货币政策毫无相关。这实际上是对联邦欧盟开后门的表现,联邦的欧盟用很多共和的手段来使得有选举机制的国家朝着无选举机制发展。这是我的想法。这也是我为什么认为他们的经济和货币联盟定义毫无意义的原因。


Good morning , ladies and Gentlemen

Today it is my great honor to be here and make a speech about my view on computer games.I would like to begin with a story.It is about my elder cousin.He is 24 now.What a great and beautiful age ,full of hope, dream , and success.But all these beautiful things are so far away him , a murderer who has been kept him in prison for two years.He used to be a top student in senior high school.But since he fell in love with computer gemes,he spent all of his time sitting in front of the screen , crazily playing those computer games day and night.As a result , his school records turned out to be a mess.What’s more , one day he had a quarrel with his partner.My cousin grabbed an cap and hit heavily on his partner’head.That was the tragedy,for both of them.So my view is strong , definite , and clear.Down with computer games!

Nowadays children are spending far too much time on computer games.They don’t realize that computer games are in fact nothing but a great waste of time , money and energy.They don’t realize how harmful the computer games are to their physical and mental growth.First of all ,many children are so much appeal to computer games that they even forget food and sleep.It is very bad for their phsical health.For example , children desert the football ground as they all sit at home around the computer plauing the games which are noisy , and will damage their eyes and ears.As a result , children cannot be physically fit and strong.Secondly , computer games distract children’s attention form their studies.They finish their homework in a hurry , or even copy their classmates’, in order to squeeze time to play games.Thirdy ,some computer games are filled with violence and sex.Children are too young to tell right from wrong.They may blindly imitate the bad behavior.Computer gamesare realy extremely harmful to their mental growth.Therefore ,down with computer games!They are just fantasy.Young people should be encouraged to do more meaningful and museums.They should be encouraged to set a real goal in life and pursue their great ideals All in all , down with computer games!.


“爱生活 爱英语”






















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