演讲稿 12国际班[样例5]

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第一篇:演讲稿 12国际班

12临床国际班 张瑞祺

Learn To Walk Before You Can Run Learn to walk before you can run, Learn to talk before you can debate, Learn to glide low before you can fly high, Learn to get balance in the water before you can swim in it.Even the God spent six days to create the world, so your success can not be achieved in one step.Just like all of our peers, we are in the age of dreaming, we are just arriving the entrance of this splendid wonderful world.We have many goals to achieve, many dreams to aspire.We wish our dreams can come true immediately.But the reality is cruel, gradually we find that the world is not as good as we once thought, and the dreams we once consider should be achieved easily, are not that easily to be done.Even some of us start to doubt whether their initial objectives are worthy to chase and begin to complain about the world.However, have we ever thought about this question seriously.It is the world too cruel, or it is just because we are less mature, less capable than we thought, to deserve our dreams.The answer is obvious, It is our fault but not the world’s.We are so eager to success.We are expecting to run on the condition that we don’t even know how to walk.This thought is so ridiculous.As we all know, every success, even the smallest one, can not be finished in only one simple step.If a person can not do skillful walk, how can we wish to run fast and swiftly?

For example, It would have been impossible for Michael Jordan to win the NBA champion for six time the before practicing fundamental basketball skills every day.It would have also been impossible for Tagore to write such glorious poetry before learning basic writing skills.They can not reap the fruitful achievement without paying a great many of time on the basal things.I guess all of you have learned a lot from the two examples.That is, to be a great runner, you must learn how to walk well first.To be a winner in your life, useful preparation is needed.Sometimes maybe we are so anxious to get success that we ignore the way towards it.If we don’t do the basal things well , the result is that we pay double time but only receive half result.So next time when you want to run, make sure you can walk well.


Learn to walk before we can run

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen

The topic I talk about today is: learn to walk before we can run.Everyone knows when we were young, we learned to crawl before we learned to walk, and finally we learned run.It’s a process which must be learned step by step.In fact, everything in our life is just like the same.No one can attain the highest level in one step.Once Edison said: genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.So what we have to keep in mind is that hard-work is the only way to the success.In our life, there are so many people who always look for a shortcut to fortune, and as a result there are oil, milk powder and steamed bread of poor quality which harmed so many people.From this we can see that, there is still something which we have to develop in a slid and steady manner, even though today is a rapidly-developing society.In a word, we are supposed to finish our dream with our feet always on the ground.Each brick of a building is of great importance and drops of water outwear the stone.As we know the way to success is very long and it need patience.Learn to walk before we can run, the process of fighting is sometimes more important than the result, and in the process we will make progress little by little, grow up day by day.I believe on the way before learning to run, walk will also teach us a lot.When we are doing a job, we always hope to complete it in one day.However, we cannot finish it without each step in reality.There is an old small story: a man who is hungry goes to buy some cake.But he doesn’t feel enough until he eat the eighth one.So he thinks about that why don’t I just eat the last one then a piece of cake will be ok.Is that a joke? Well, sometimes we all do like that: hope to run before we can wak.So learn to walk before first, and try to make every step, every detail well done.Only in this way, can we run fast and steady.In those past days, there are so many great people who achieved a lot.Almost everyone could see their success.But in my opinion what indispensable in their success is their “learning walk days”.So don’t forget to learn to walk before you can run,and you will make it.That’s all, thanks for listening.曾雪琴



12国际班 罗丹虹

Learn to walk before you can run Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Today I’m going to talk about “learn to walk before you can run”.At first, I want to ask you a question: “Can you run before you can walk?” Maybe someone will say, nearly everyone in fame and fortune, who had the fortune overnight, ask for the moon are constant with them, so, why not?You are right, but these are only for some people.Almost all of us are ordinary at the beginning of our lives, we can not reach the sky in a single bound, just like a little baby, his mother won’t teach him how to run firstly.Thus, when you start doing something, you have to learn to walk!Maybe somebody will ask, with the development of our society, the advance of science and technology, how can you make sure that you can keep up with the pace of the world if you do not run from the start? Obviously, from the start, you have nothing, you do not obtain basic knowledge about these.Therefore, learning to walk is the basic step.Furthermore, learning to walk, this sentence, is only the awareness that you want to meet a goal, learning how to walk is vital in your next action.For study, for work, and for everything you desire to do well, don’t think that you can take it all in one big bite, just keep putting one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, be patient with them, and you will find that you can understand something better.In addition, I always believe that diligence is fundamental to success, persistence is also 12国际班 罗丹虹 important in the process.As a saying that goes “A huge tree that fills one's arms grows from a tiny seedling;a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth;a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”.That’s all, thank you!

















当时,我们都沉默了。突然间,我想起XX的一句话,“当你回首往事的时候,不为默默无闻而担忧。。。” 那一刻,我开始自问,那我的理想是什么呢?于是,我踏上了自己的寻灯之路。








Learn to walk before you can run

Good afternoon, dear teachers and fellow students.l’m very glad to be here and it’s really my honor to give a speech here about learning to walk before you can run.As the popular goes: learn to walk before you can run.I quite agree with it.As is known to all , we need to learn walking to running.Just as a baby , he must first learn to walk before he can run, all he will fall.This is the law of nature.As a matter of fact , all things follow the rule of it, we should study step by step.Learned the simple, we have some firm basis to learn the difficulties.In my opinion ,no things have a shortcut.If we have to find , it will only produce poor results.Which leads into the palace of life is the only way to feet on the ground.If there’s no collection and sorting of LiShizhen year after year, how can he have the birth of compendium of materia medica;Without CaoXueqin ten years’ peruse,add or delete several times,how to have a monumental work came out of the dream of red mansions.When you learn little after the accumulation in the path of life ,in the face of difficulties can be solved.As time passes, when meet problems we can leap over.And then you can get twice the result with half the effort.Laozi ever said that: a huge tree grows from a tiny seeding;Nine of the units from the soil base “Learn to walk before you can run.” also tells us that everything should start from the foundation to the superstructure.From small beginning come great things.Meanwhile, we can’t jump to success.We can see that building with an unsteady foundation is easy to topple down when faced with a threat just as the saying: Basic not firm, shaking.So let’s do from the new beginning ,on the road to success.That’ all thank you!

Frank 袁铨

International Class

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