第一篇:经典光棍节介绍PPT+presentation 演讲稿
Good morning, everyone, I am very glad to be here to give my presentation today, my topic is Singles Day.2 First of all, I have two questions to ask you all, the first one did you celebrate the latest Singles’Day two weeks ago? And the second question do you know about the origin of Singles Day? According to a research, Singles Day is quite popular in china, but several of us knows the origin of Singles Day, now let me introduce more about it.3 Single Day, also called One’s Day, it’s Chinese name is guanggunjie.Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this new holiday is one especially for people who are still living the single life.I am very proud to tell you that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives.There are four versions of the origins of Singles Day, I will introduce you a widely recognized version here.According to Wikipedia, Singles' Day was initially celebrated at various universities in Nanjing during the 1990s, and originated from Nanjing University in 1993.It got the name Singles Day because the date consists of four “ones”.These college students have since graduated, and carried the university tradition into society.The Singles Day has been largely popularized in the internet era and is now a special day for all fashionable youths.4 The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner or go to KTV with your single friends, but it's important that each person pay their own way to show their independence.People also hold 'matchmaking' parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives.The day is also suitable to confess your love to your mate, it is said that it is easier to succeed on that day than other days.A creative way to celebrate the day is that for breakfast on Singles Day, singles often eat four youtiao(deep-fried dough sticks)representing the four “ones” in “11.11” and one baozi(steamed stuffed buns)representing the middle dot.5 A new way of celebration is to shopping on the internet, and I think you should be familiar with this picture, yes, it is the publicity picture of taobao,and this picture shows us the sales volume of taobao recent years, we can see from this that the electronic business website strengthen the efforts to Sales promotion and Seckilling activities year by year.The sales volume of singles day this year reaches a amazing amount of more than 300 billion yuan, and the singles day have become a festival of all the businessmen.6 And then I will show you several pictures representing Singles' Day culture, Bachelor card, Bachelor group, bachelor ticket, bachelor chopsticks, bachelor bedclothes and bachelor force, they are very interesting and they also show the Chinese youth's innovation ability.7 Why is Singles' Day so popular?I summarized four reasons, the first is that we have been grown-ups, the Children’s day no longer belongs to us so we need this festival especially for young people.The second reason, there are still too many bachelors in universities which I don’t need to explain.The third one is that The day gives people an excuse to relax themselves.The last one is that Shopping discounts and special offer appeal them so much that they can not help to shopping on the Internet.8 My presentation will come to conclusion here, and I will share several words written by myself, If you are single, please enjoy the freedom and happy days;If you are in love, please appreciate your mate, because she/he helps you say goodbye to your single life.At last, best wishes for you all to find your Mr-rights quickly and say good-bye to Singles Day next year!9 Thank you!
第二篇:经典光棍节介绍PPT+presentation 演讲稿
Good morning, everyone, I am very glad to be here to give my presentation today, my topic is Singles Day.2
First of all, I have two questions to ask you all, the first one did you celebrate the latest Singles’Day two weeks ago? And the second question do you know about the origin of Singles Day? According to a research, Singles Day is quite popular in china, but several of us knows the origin of Singles Day, now let me introduce more about it.3
Single Day, also called One’s Day, it’s Chinese name is guanggunjie.Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this new holiday is one especially for people who are still living the single life.I am very proud to tell you that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives.There are four versions of the origins of Singles Day, I will introduce you a widely recognized version here.According to Wikipedia, Singles' Day was initially celebrated at various universities in Nanjing during the 1990s, and originated from Nanjing University in 1993.It got the name Singles Day because the date consists of four “ones”.These college students have since graduated, and carried the university tradition into
society.The Singles Day has been largely popularized in the internet era and is now a special day for all fashionable youths.The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner or go to KTV with your single friends, but it's important that each person pay their own way to show their independence.People also hold 'matchmaking' parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives.The day is also suitable to confess your love to your mate, it is said that it is easier to succeed on that day than other days.A creative way to celebrate the day is that for breakfast on Singles Day, singles often eat four youtiao(deep-fried dough sticks)representing the four “ones” in “11.11” and one baozi(steamed stuffed buns)representing the middle dot.A new way of celebration is to shopping on the internet, and I think you should be familiar with this picture, yes, it is the publicity picture of taobao,and this picture shows us the sales volume of taobao recent years, we can see from this that the electronic business website strengthen the efforts to Sales promotion and Seckilling activities year by year.The sales volume of singles day this year reaches a amazing amount of more than 300 billion yuan, and the singles day have become a festival of all the businessmen.6
And then I will show you several pictures representing Singles' Day culture, Bachelor card, Bachelor group, bachelor ticket, bachelor chopsticks, bachelor bedclothes and bachelor force, they are very interesting and they also show the Chinese youth's innovation ability.7
Why is Singles' Day so popular?I summarized four reasons, the first is that we have been grown-ups, the Children’s day no longer belongs to us so we need this festival especially for young people.The second reason, there are still too many bachelors in universities which I don’t need to explain.The third one is that The day gives people an excuse to relax themselves.The last one is that Shopping discounts and special offer appeal them so much that they can not help to shopping on the Internet.8
My presentation will come to conclusion here, and I will share several words written by myself, If you are single, please enjoy the freedom and happy days;If you are in love, please appreciate your mate, because she/he helps you say goodbye to your single life.At last, best wishes for you all to find your Mr-rights quickly and say good-bye to Singles Day next year!
Thank you!
因为这一天的日子有着象征性的四个长的像棍子一样的1,大学生毕业了,把 这个传统带到了社会上,光棍节就这样成了时尚青年们的一个特殊节日,到了这一天有的人喝闷酒,有的人则是表决心,有的人成群结队的参加给种活
又和我们生活联系起来 把 我们现在一年一度的光棍节又联系在一起,仅仅在双十一这一天淘宝成交额就达到191亿,这已经打破了网购零售记录了,我不的不说这是个奇迹,我们在这,我也做了一个小调查 在我的朋友中随便问了问
战,而是新商业模式与传统商业模式之间的大战。马云先生还说,“双十一” “让所有制造业贸易商们知道,今天形势变了。” 视采访时表示,即将到来的天猫“
马云认为,以电商为代表的新商业生态系统对于传统商业生态系统将会开展一次革命性的颠覆,“就像狮子吃掉森林里的羊,这是生态的规律,游戏已经开始,就像电话机、传真机会取代大批信件一样,这是必然趋势。新经济模式已经有点狮子的味道。” 营销渠道也变了
户,又是线上购物的直接进入窗口。数字标牌对广告营销的影响力还在于其具有打动顾客的能力,传递的促销信息旨在影响顾客的最终购买决策。191亿的销售神迹创造了电商促销的历史记录,也酝酿着一场大的变革。未来随着商业生态的变革,作为服务广告营销的传播载体,数字标牌也将迎来新的变革,更加凸显其传媒价值。让我们拭目以待,共同见篇二:“光棍节”的由来(英语演讲稿)!good morning,ms wong,good morning fellas.please excuse me that i can not go to the class.anyway, i brought my lecture here.ladies and gentlemen,today i would like to talk about the singles day.singles day falls on every november 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life.i was a bit surprised when i googled ’singles day’ on the internet, to find that china is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives.to find out more about this celebration, read on。
每年的11月11日是“光棍节”。节如其名,这个新鲜的节日是专门为那些还过着单身生活的人们设立的。我在google上搜索一下,惊讶地发现中国是世界上唯一一个专门为光棍们设立节日的国家。来一起了解一下这个节日吧~ singles day originated in a betting节日起源 an old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives.none of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting.they just sat around all day and played mahjong。
university culture 大学传统
光棍节最先在90年代的江苏南京各大高校兴起。之所以叫“光棍节”是因为这一天的日子有四个光棍一样的“1”。大学生们毕业了,把这个传统带到了社会上,光棍节就成了时尚青年们的一个特殊节日。the main way to celebrate singles day is to have dinner with your single friends, but it’s important that each person pay their own way to show their independence.people also hold ’blind date’ parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives。
主流的庆祝方式就是和光棍朋友们一起搓一顿,而且一定要实行aa制。为了脱离单身,人们也会举办相亲会,介绍单身男女认识。creative celebration 新奇庆祝 for breakfast on singles day, singles often eat four youtiao(deep-fried dough sticks)representing the four ones in 11.11and one baozi(steamed stuffed buns)representing the middledot。
光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根有条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。many singles also choose to say goodbye to their single lives on this day.many attend ’blind date’ parties and many people choose to marry on this day.in addition to meaning ’single’ the four’ones’ of the date can also mean ’only one’ as in ’the only one for me.’ some people will use this date and this meaning to tell their special someone that they are the only ’one’ in their heart。
许多单身的朋友会在这天选择跟单身生活说再见。很多人参加到相亲派对中,还有很多人选择在这天结婚。四个“1”除了表示单身之外,还可以表示“唯一的”,意为“属于我的唯一的ta”。一些人用这个充满含义的日子告诉他们的爱人“你是我心中的唯一!”篇三:2012光棍节经典语录大全 2012光棍节经典语录大全
1 1 1,光棍节,我们宿舍4个人的组合,兄弟们在1起,从不寂寞,光混节快乐。唉!我也是光棍啊!光棍美女?? 本人是卖早点的,今天早起特意推出4根油条加1个鸡蛋的“光棍节套餐”,结果在这条街引起惊动,1直卖到现在还有人来光顾。
当光棍真好!还能有节过,羡慕!刚从学校毕业就恢复单身了!刚工作,被那些办公室的女士玩得团团转,现在的职业女性怎么这样?!比母老虎更凶!比狐狸更狡猾!我生活在水深火热中,还是继续光棍吧 告诉你1些术语:1月1日是小光棍节,1月11日和11月1日是中光棍节,11月11日是大光棍节。男光棍叫“光光”,女光棍叫“明明”,成了对的就叫“双双”。光棍节的吉祥物是4根油条加1个鸡蛋,摆在1起,就是11·11。最近网络上的朋友都在讨论阴历阳历11月11重合的可能性?? 光棍节明明是给美女们1次好的选婿的机会嘛!想想,优秀男人平时都忙着工作,直到光棍节这天才感到郁闷,跑出来坐坐。这对美女们来说是个好机会啊!1年只有1次啊!走过路过不能错过啊!(怎么在这儿宣传了半天还没人来挑我?)光棍节也就算了,偏偏又赶上自己的生日,想想那凄凉的场景,自己花钱买个蛋糕(微型,儿童用,价值2元人民币),深夜时分1个人默默地喝点酒,世界上最悲惨的生活莫过于此?? 光棍乐,光棍乐,1个人吃饱,全家不饿。光棍苦,光棍苦,已是2十5,衣服破了没人补。
今天是光棍节,单身的我好痛苦,今天我终于鼓起勇气,对你说,我我喜欢?你?你的美女!今天是光棍节,普天同庆,4海欢腾,脱离了组织的你,正在温柔的水深火热之中,还记? 今天是光棍节,我实在不想再当光棍了,嫁给我吧,你不嫁给我的话,我就??嫁给你!今天晚上night,我要找到 1个漂亮美女,对她说“不”!你已怀抱娇妻,手牵爱子,我却依旧孤独伤心地独唱单身情歌,劝慰劝慰我,请我吃饭吧。
年年月月花类似,岁岁年年??人相同——还是1个人?? 收到1个短信:“光棍节到了,小鸟恋爱了,蚂蚁同居了,苍蝇怀孕了,蚊子流产了,蝴蝶离婚了,毛毛虫改嫁了,青蛙也生孩子了,你还等什么? 网络上的朋友都是光棍,天下的美女就没人要了!持续住!我本人不吸烟,但是特别喜欢zippo,不是因为别的,单身男人都应该有个这样的火机放在周围,这样寂寞的时候才会听到清脆的声音,有时候闻1下烧过的汽油味儿,似乎在告诉你——单身汉,买了我就像娶了老婆,花钱不多,图个快乐!我的生日正好是11月11日,我家门牌号11号,我中学在 11班,大学是11号,宿舍是1011室,上班后在11楼工作,怪不得现在都没有女朋友,郁闷?? 现在虽然不是光棍,但老是“已婚青年享受未婚待遇”。
等到我结婚摆喜酒那天,就把我老公的前女友单独弄一桌,然后我挨个敬酒,谢谢你们用最美丽的年华陪伴了他最空虚的童年。他现在长大了,终于知道分清好坏了,知道需要什么样的女人了?? 不是我们男人意志低,而是你们女人穿的太少了。
然后b华丽的回答:“怎么没有,只不过人家后来改名了,叫做射手座。” 上大学的时候,厕所是那种老式的一排坑位,而且没有门。有一天晚上厕所灯坏了,自己找了个坑位,蹲下去的时候,一只手有力的托住了臀部,一个低沉的声音响 起:有人!哥一直强调做人要低调,可你们却不断给我掌声和尖叫丶
第一天,小白兔去河边钓鱼,什么也没钓到,回家了。第二天,小白兔又去河边钓鱼,还是什么也没钓到,回家了。第三天,小白兔刚到河边,一条大鱼从河里跳出来,冲着小白兔大叫: 你tmd要是再敢用胡箩卜当鱼饵,我就扁死你·!
光棍节活动主持词 a:各位光棍们、各位即将告别光棍的光棍们、各位已经过期的光棍们、各位已经过期的光棍但又将成为光棍的光棍们、无论男光棍还是女光棍们
合:大家晚上好 b:欢迎大家来到vtt动感俱乐部举办的相约光棍节活动现场、请允许我们向光临活动现场的社会各界朋友,及晓晴姐的粉丝们,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢.!c:我是主持人b:我是主持人a:我是主持人-------主持人 b:本山大爷有个小问题上了春晚,今晚把他的问题借来了考考大家1+1+1+1,谁知道等于几???
c、我知道,我知道„„就等于今天---一年中仅有的四个一的日子。就组成了今天这个另类的节日11月11日光棍节。b、太棒了,你太聪明了。非常荣幸的,今晚这个光棍节将有我们两个光棍和一个已经过期的光棍陪大家一起过节。a今夜,是节日的喜悦和欢乐让我们相聚在一起、今夜,是热情的缘聚和友情让我们相逢在一起、今夜秋高气爽、大地回春、我们的心儿像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋。今夜,我们欢聚一堂、载歌载舞、今夜,我们激情满怀、心潮澎湃!b:单身可贵,单身无罪。我们是光棍,鄙视平庸的光棍;我们是光棍,热爱生活的光棍、我们是光棍,向往爱情的光棍;我们是光棍,想洗心革面的光棍。c:女光棍的脸红了、男光棍的心飞了、其实啊我们时常想高呼:我再不要做光棍、我们时常想呐喊,我命中的他,请你快点出现吧!因为我们正走在追求伟大爱情的道路上。a:各位,现在请看向你两侧,如果你的左右两侧是异性光棍,祝福你们,一见倾心.一见钟情、一心一意、b:同时祝在场的所有人成双成对,好事成双,比翼双飞。b:真诚的友谊来自不断的介绍,既然有缘今天在此相聚,珍惜彼此从介绍自我开始。接下来我们就先认识一下在场的每一位。来先从这边开始好吧。顺便介绍一下自己过了几个光棍节了,有什么感言都随心的说一下。c:通过一场简短的介绍和光棍感言,我看大家都熟络了不少,我看说的不如唱的好,musia,让我们一起走上台来唱响今天光棍节联欢晚会的主题曲---《单身情歌》 b:哇,看大家唱的都很起劲,看来音乐底子都不错啊。c:是啊,你这个发现还真说着了,下面我们就安排了这样一个游戏,叫做—单身男女对歌大pk!a:是吗?那太好了,我想大家憋着劲,还没唱够呢,游戏规则是什么? b:为了今天所到的单身男女增加交流的机会,促进了解,在这场游戏之中,我们邀请在场的全体男女都来参与这个游戏。
结束语:a:有些人从光棍走向了非光棍,有些人从非光棍走向了光棍,不管是孤单中的单节棍还是幸福中的双截棍,甚至是还在纠结中的三截棍 c:昨天,让动感俱乐部用笑声为你留下美丽的回忆。今天,让动感俱乐部用真诚伴你告别宿醉明天,让动感俱乐部用祝福与你一路同行。
女:亲爱的新朋友老朋友们,我是xx。合:大家晚上好!男:我们是光棍,鄙视平庸的光棍;我们是光棍,热爱生活的光棍。女:我们是光棍,向往爱情的光棍;我们是光棍,想洗心革面的光棍。男:凭栏处,唯我一人品尝着孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流的苍茫。女:孤独中,唯我一人感受着“念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下”的雄壮。男:我们时常想高呼:我再不要做光棍— 女:我们时常想呐喊,我命中的他,请你快点出现吧!男:11加一个拳头再加11,就等于今天---一个一年中仅有的四个一的日子。就组成了今天这个另类的节日11月11日光棍节。
女:是啊,四根油条中间一个鸡蛋就是今天这个光棍节,唉?建军,据我了解这个光棍节不只一个,由1衍生出的层出不穷还挺多,你看啊,1月1日叫小光棍节,1月11日和11月1日叫中光棍节,而今天11月11日叫大光棍节。你知道咱们今天过的这个光棍节的由来吗? 男:据我所知“光棍节”,既非“土节”又非“洋节”,乃于上世纪九十年代初诞生于南京高校,是校园趣味文化的代表产品之一。随着一批批学子告别校园,近两年“光棍节”的气氛,竟然渐渐向社会弥散,如今,也已经成为南京年轻人的一个特别日子。网络社区上,有关“光棍节”聚会的消息渐渐增多,虽然主体活动依旧是饭局,但强调“aa制”似乎成为这个节日个性独立、彼此尊重的一个标志。
女:xx,当你说到这,我忽然想来个就近采访,我问你--你害怕孤独吗? 男:------(说内心的话)女:从你的一席话中我总结了两点:一,人们都害怕孤独。二,人们大部分都不喜欢单身。
男:是啊,光棍节”的热闹聚会是都市年轻人渴望爱情的一种炽烈表达。女:好。那首先咱们第一个节目就让我们一起请出由xxx为我们带来的群口搞怪诗歌秀《一个光棍的自白》。看他们到底能不能说出我们光棍的真实感受!有请!男:我们是不是再用热烈的掌声来感谢他们带给我们的共鸣呢? 女:哈哈,看来xx颇有同感啊!男:是啊,有的人是从光棍走向非光棍,又从非光棍走向了光棍。女:而有的人年年月月花相似,岁岁年年??人相同——还是一个人??,反正都还是光棍啦!男:光棍不可怕,光棍不可耻,因为我们走在追求伟大爱情的道路上。女:或许对于我们今后人生中漫长的婚姻生活,光棍生活还是颇值得回忆的。
女:通过一场简短的介绍和光棍感言,我看大家都熟络了不少,我看说的不如唱的好,music,让我们一起走上台来唱响今天光棍节联欢晚会的主题曲---《单身情歌》 男:偌然,我看大家唱的都很起劲,看来音乐底子都不错啊。
XX年11月11日 星期五