外研社演讲大赛 演讲稿 Change the Unchangeable

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第一篇:外研社演讲大赛 演讲稿 Change the Unchangeable

Change the Unchangeable

——Through positive attitude Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Have you ever complained about your origin? Have you ever been teased about you short height? Have you ever been troubled by being in an unsatisfying circumstance? As we know, life is always full of things that are unchangeable, but does it mean that we have no alternative but to submit to them? Definitely no!What we are supposed to do is to change the unchangeable.In our life, there are inevitably lots of unchangeable obstacles for us.Although we may not be capable of changing them directly, we can change what we can do in an unchangeable situation.Disability is unchangeable, but we can change our attitude towards life.Nick Vujicic, who is a distinguished Australian motivational speaker, was born with no limbs.Confronted with this unchangeable situation, he was still optimistic and plucked up courage to love life.With enthusiasm and perseverance, he incredibly accomplished a series of things such as swimming, playing football, riding a horse and so forth.With optimism and passion, he successfully made a miracle of being a world-famous motivational speaker.Circumstances is unchangeable, but we can change our mentality towards it.I can still well remember the time when I was sent to a secondary school which had a bad reputation among people.Honestly speaking, my heart sank on hearing the news.Much unsatisfying as the circumstances was to me, I held the firm belief that studying harder than ever before would make a difference.Delightfully, having devoted myself to study during those three years, I was admitted into a key high school at last.You see, things like disability, circumstances are all unchangeable, and to some extent, they do hinder us from achieving our goals.But do not ever submit to them.Change your attitude towards them, and work hard to change what you can do to make a difference!As an American motivational speaker Brian Tracy once said,”You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” As long as we hold a positive attitude and endeavor to make a change, we will be able to change the unchangeable and make the impossible possible!

Thank you.


2012年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛 外国语学院预赛策划书







每位选手演讲的时间为3分钟,题目为“What We Cannot Afford to Lose”,要求自拟小标题。









学院选拔赛设一等奖一名、二等奖两名、三等奖三名、优秀奖若干名,均颁发奖状。得 1





Make a three-minute speech based on the video.Please give your speech a title.Huize said to Zhuangzi :“the prince of Wei gave me a seed of a large kind of gourd.I planted it, and it bore fruit as big as a five bushel measure.Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift;and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose.Certainly it was a huge thing, but I had no use for it and so broke it up.” “It was rather you did not know how to use large things!Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a float of it, and float about over river and lake? And you complain of its being too flat for holding things!I fear your mind is stuffy inside.”


Together, We Make A Better World

Hi, everyone.My name is ×××, you can call me Zoey.I am honored to be here to give you a speech.The topic for my speech today is “Together We Make A Better World”.I’d like to talk about why we are supposed to work together to make a better world.In the second part I will talk about how to make a better world from my perspective.When asked who can make the world better, it’s understandable to think, “I’m only one person;what can I really do?” However, if every person thinks that, nothing will be achieved.The world consists of individuals.Joint efforts only can drive the world forward and make a better world.That is the reason why we all are expected to join together and be involved in daily deeds.Next, I want to talk about how to make a better world from my perspective.1)Firstly, we should be always ready to help a stranger in difficulty.When we shop in a supermarket, we can give a hand to those carrying heavy goods by holding the door for them.When taking a bus, we can give our seat to those in need.Last year I applied to work as a volunteer for a month, helping passengers with their check-in in Nanjing Lu Kou International Airport.Whenever I find passengers who could not find where the check-in counter was, didn’t know how to check luggage or came across something urgent, I was always glad to give a hand to them.Sometimes even a word of my comfort could make the passengers feel less anxious.I firmly believe that one good turn deserves another.When I am in trouble one day, there must be someone who can pull me out.Thus a better world could be expected.2)Secondly, we college students should volunteer to tutor kids in need of help in learning.Since I am a college student, the most direct and efficient way to better the world is to tutor kids who need help in learning.Last summer vacation I was sent to work as a volunteer tutor in Tang Zhuang Village, Qing Pu District, Huai An.Kids there can’t turn to parents for help in academic learning after class as most of their parents have left for cities and worked there.They stay away from home and can give their children little help in learning.We were warmly welcomed by them and spent a whole month together.I taught them English, Math and some other subjects.In the break time, we sang songs together, danced together and laughed together.We came to know each other and developed a close friendship.In a word, we can not only struggle for a better world on our part, but also encourage people around to join us.Only when we all are involved can we expect a better and better world.Let’s join together!Thank you!





201011003305 11号

A Word That Has Changed the World---Faith Has Changed the World Good evening, ladies and gentlemen: Today, my topic is that faith is the word that has changed the world.Faith does make a difference to our life。

“Faith is what Edison had when he looked for the material of perseverance filament “, “Faith is what Helen Keller had when she helped thousands of disabled people find confidence”, “And faith is what chairman MAO had when he literated China and helped people to start their pursuit of a new life.”

Because of faith, Yuan longping created the hybrid rice that saving many people’s lives.Because of faith,Beethoven insisted of composing when his ears can’t hear ,finally made world-famous destiny symphony.Because of faith, Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time ,which shocked the world.In 2008, the 5.12 earthquake in Sichuan province has triggered a series of unexpected crises and even faith crisis among us.Every Chinese were heart-broken ,but we never lose the faith that we must help them to rebuild their houses.Now many people have their new life.As the perverb goes, “If a person has enough faith, he will create miracles” That is to say, throughout our lives we are going to encounter many difficulties ,some of us may give up, but if we firmly believed that always the sun after the storm , no one can be successful with the casual ,we will have the faith to continue.In our university, students majoring in National Defence choose to devote their golden years to safe-guarding our mother land.They have interpreted faith with their own dynamic youth.So, my dear friends, life without faith is just like music without melody, and world without color.We are who we choose to be.It is faith that will remove our fear about future.Let faith light up all our young dreams.In total, you know the significance of faith.whatever, like fish needs water, bird needs sky, flower needs sunshine, we need faith, which has changed the world.Thank you

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