
时间:2019-05-14 20:36:21下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Introduction Thank you very much.Mr.Jiao, for your kind introduction.Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!My name is Lijia, came from Harbin Engineering University.I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference.Before I start my speech, let me ask a question.Do you know what can affect the properties of foam concrete? Do you think how to reinforced the properties of foam concrete?Most of the investigations on foam concrete in the past have been confined(被限于)to neat cement paste, cement paste with partial replacement with admixtures and to cement–sand mixes.Today, my topic is about Influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete.I want to share our interesting research result on reinforced concrete frame with you.The content of this presentation is divided into 4 parts: In section 1, I will introduce what is the foam concrete.In section 2, I will talk about Parameters investigated and mix compositions.In section 3, I will give Effect of water–solids ratio on design density.And finally, I will make a conclusion.2.Body Section 1: the foam concrete Now, I will introduce the foam concrete.Pre-formed(成型的)foam concrete is manufactured(加工)by adding foam, prepared by aerating(充气)a foaming agent solution, to cement paste or cement mortar(灰

浆).The composition(合成物), physical properties(性能)and uses of foam concrete were discussed in detail(详细的)by Valore, Short and Kinniburgh, Rudnai and Taylor.Although several investigations have been conducted on the properties of foam concrete, most of them deal with cement–sand mixes, neat cement paste with or without partial replacement(局部替换)using admixtures(掺合料).Few studies report on the influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete.By using fly ash(粉煤灰)as filler(fine aggregate细骨料)instead of sand, the high volume(体积)utilization(利用)of fly ash becomes possible可能, thus providing a means of eco-nomic(经济)and safe disposal(处理)of this waste product.Comparison(比较)of strength of air-cured foam concrete made with cement-sand and cement–fly ash for masonry(砌体结构)by Durack and Weiqing show that for products of comparable density(比较密度), mixes with fly ash as fine aggregate in place of sand gave relatively higher strength.Section 2: Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions(组成成分)

So much for the foam concrete, now I will move on to Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions.As the experimental programme(实验程序)was aimed at studying the effect of the fillers on the properties like density(密度), flow behaviour(流动特性), water absorption(吸水率)and strength of foam concrete, the following mixes

were investigated by keeping the basic filler–cement ratio constant(恒定不变)at 1:1 by weight.The foam required for three densities(密度)of foam concrete viz.1000, 1250, 1500 kg/m3 were arrived at as per ASTMC 796-97.In the cement–sand–fly ash mixes 50% of the sand is replaced with fly ash and in the cement–fly ash mixes all the sand is replaced with fly ash.Section 3: Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density That bring me to Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density.I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail.As the foam is added to the wet foam concrete mix, the consistency(稠度)of the wet mix is very important to get the design density.Fig.2(a)and(b)show the variation of density ratio(密度变化率)(measured fresh density divided(分离)by design density)with water–solids ratio for mixes with different filler type for each of the design densities, viz., 1000 and 1500 kg/m3, respectively(分别地).It is observed that at lower water–solids ratios, i.e., at lower consistency, the density ratio is higher than unity(个体).The mix is too stiff(严格地)to mix properly thus causing the bubbles(气泡)to break during mixing resulting in increased density.At higher water–solids ratios there is also an increase in density ratio as higher water contents make the slurry(泥浆)too thin to hold the bubbles resulting in segregation(分离)of the foam from the mix along with segregation of the mix itself thus causing

an increase in measured density.Therefore, as shown in Fig.2(a)and(b), a density ratio of unity or nearly unity is achieved only at a particular consistency.This consistency requirement for the mix before adding foam to it can be expressed in terms of water–solids ratio.It is also observed that the water–solids ratio required to obtain a density ratio value of one, depends on the filler type.Section 4: Conclusion The conclusions drawn from this study and summarized below are applicable(合适的)to the characteristics of the materials(材料特性)used and the range of parameters(参数范围)investigated:(i)the consistency of pre-formed foam concrete mixtures(defined as the water–solids ratio for achieving the target(目标)density)mainly depends on the filler type, i.e., relatively higher for mixes with fly ash as filler compared to mixes with sand;(ii)the flow behaviour mainly depends on the foam volume and as the foam volume increases the flow decreases.For a given density, foam concrete with fly ash as filler showed relatively(相当的)higher flow values;(iii)for a given density, an increase in fly ash content of the mix results in increased strength.In comparison(比较)to cement–sand mixes, cement–fly ash mixes showed relatively higher water absorption(吸收).That’s all.Thank you!Are there any questions?

The picture on this slide is

So much for......, now I will move on to......This slide shows the calculation result

As we know, the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course, so we need to extent our probability calculation formulars.For example, suppose T={a,b}, Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it;Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it.This probability can be calculated exactly.So how to calculate it?

That bring me to Recommendation Algorithms.I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail.In conclusion, we proposed a novel precedence mining model, developed

To sum up, first, I introduced the motivation and the outline of work;second, I gave the definition of precedence mining model;third, I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information;forth, I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones.Finally, I made a conclusion of our work..That’s all.Thank you!Are there any questions?


Recsplorer:Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining

1.Introduction Thank you very much, Dr.Li, for your kind introduction.Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning!I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference.Before I start my speech, let me ask a question.Do you think recomemdations from others are useful for your internet shopping? Thank you.It is obvious that recommendations play an important role in our daily consumption decisions.Today, my topic is about Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining.I want to share our interesting research result on recommendation algorithms with you.The content of this presentation is divided into 5 parts: in session 1, I will intruduce the tradictional recommendation and our new strategy;in session 2, I will give the formal definition of Precedence Mining;in session 3, I will talk about the novel recommendation algorithms;experimental result will be showed in session 4;and finally, I will make a conclusion.2.Body Session 1: Introduction The picture on this slide is an instance of recommemdation application on amazon.Recommender systems provide advice on products, movies,web pages, and many other topics, and have become popular in many sites, such as Amazon.Many systems use collaborative filtering methods.The main process of CF is organized as follow: first, identify users similar to target user;second, recommend items based on the similar users.Unfortunately, the order of consumed items is neglect.In our paper, we consider a new recommendation strategy based on precedence patterns.These patterns may encompass user preferences, encode some logical order of options and capture how interests evolve.Precedence mining model estimate the probability of user future consumption based on past behavior.And these probabilities are used to make recommendations.Through our experiment, precedence mining can significantly improve recommendation performance.Futhermore, it does not suffer from the sparsity of ratings problem and exploit patterns across all users, not just similar users.This slide demonstrates the differences between collaborative filtering and precedence mining.Suppose that the scenario is about course selection.Each quarter/semester a student chooses a course, and rates it from 1 to 5.Figure a)shows five transcripts, a transcript means a list of course.U is our target student who need recommendations.Figure b)illustrates how CF work.Assume similar users share at least two common courses and have similar rating, then u3 and u4 are similar to u, and their common course h will be a recommendation to u.Figure c)presents how precedence mining work.For this example, we consider patterns where one course follows another.Suppose patterns occour at least two transcrips are recognized as significant, then(a,d),(e,f)and(g,h)are found out.And d, h, and f are recommendation to u who has taken a, g and e.Now I will a probabilistic framework to solve the precedence mining problems.Our target user has selected course a , we want to compute the probability course x will follow, i.e., Pr[x|a].﹁howerve, what we really need to calculate is Pr[x|aX] rather than Pr[x|a].Because in our context, we are deciding if x is a good recommendation for the target user that has taken a.Thus we know that our target user’s transcript does not have x before a.For instance, the transcript no.5 will be omitted.In more common situation, our target user has taken a list of courses, T = {a,b,c,…} not

﹁just a.Thus, what really need is Pr[x|TX].The question is how to figure out this probability.I will answer it later.Session 2: Precedence Mining We consider a set D of distinct courses.We use lowercase letters(e.g., a, b, …)to refer to courses in D.A transcript T is a sequence of courses, e.g., a-> b-> c-> d.Then the definition of Top-k Recommendation Problem is as follows.Given a set transcripts over D for n users, the extra transcript T of a target user, and a desired number of recommendations k, our goal is to: 1.Assign a score score(x)(between 0 and 1)to every course x ∈ D that reflects how likely it is the target student will be interested in taking x.If x ∈ T , then score(x)= 0.2.Using the score function, select the top k courses to recommend to the target user.To compute scores, we propose to use the following statistics, where x, y ∈ D: f(x): the number of transcripts that contain x.g(x;y): the number of transcripts in which x precedes course y.This slide shows the calculation result of f(x)and g(x,y).For example, from the table, we know that f(a)is 10 and g(a,c)is 3.We propose a precedence mining model to solve the Top-k Recommendation Problem.Here are ﹁some notation: xy, which we have memtioned in session 1, refers to transcript where x occurs without a preceding y;x﹁y refers to transcript where x occurs without y following it.We use quantities f(x)and g(x,y)to compte probabilities that encode the precedence information.For instance, from formular 1 to 7.I would not tell the detail of all formulars.We just pay attention to

﹁formular 5, note that this quantity above is the same as: Pr[x﹁y |yx] which will be used to compute score(x).As we know, the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course, so we need to

﹁extent our probability calculation formulars.For example, suppose T={a,b}, Pr[xT] the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it;Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it.This probability can be calculated exactly.So how to calculate it?

Session 3: Recommendation Algorithms Let’s review session 2.The main goal of the recommendation algorithms is to calculate the score(x), and then select the top k courses based on these scores.Traditional recommendation algorithms compute a recommendation score for a course x in D only based on its frequency of occurence.It does not take into account the courses taken by the target user.Our recommendation algorithms called SingleMC conquer the shortcoming of the traditional ones.It computes the score(x)using the formular 5.The detail is as follows: a student with a transcrip T of taken courses, for the course y ∈ T, if y and x appear together in transcripts satisfies the

﹁threshold θ, then compute the Pr[x﹁y |yx], reflecting the likelihood the student will take course x

﹁and ignoring the effect of the other courses in T;finally the maximum of Pr[x﹁y |yx] is choosen as the score(x).Here is the calculation formular of score(x)of SignleMC.For example, with the higer score, d will be recommended.Another new recommendation algorithm named Joint Probabilities algorithm, JointP for short, is proposed.Unlike SingleMC, JointP takes into account the complete set of courses in a transcript.In formular 12, we cannot compute its quantity exactly, Remember this problem we have mentioned.Our solution is to use approximations.This slide is about the first approximating formular.And this the second approximating formular.The system is courseRand, and data set for experiment contains 7,500 transcripts.This slide shows the new recommendation algoritms with black color and the traditional ones with blue color.The chart on this slide indicates our new recommendation algorithms beat the traditional ones in precision, because the former ones exploit patterns across all users, while the latter ones just use the similar users.The chart on this slide points out our new recommendation algorithms also beat the traditional ones in coverage for the same reason.Session 5: Conclusion and Summary In conclusion, we proposed a novel precedence mining model, developed a probabilistic framework for making recommendations and implemented a suite of recommendation algorithms that use the precedence information.Experimental result shows that our new algorithms perform better than the traditional ones, and our recommendation system can be easily generalized to other scenarios, such as purchases of books, DVDs and electronic equitment.To sum up, first, I introduced the motivation and the outline of work;second, I gave the definition of precedence mining model;third, I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information;forth, I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones.Finally, I made a conclusion of our work..That’s all.Thank you!Are there any questions?


Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of

alkali-activated slag concrete''''

Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality.“Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete” I would like to thank Professor Cui ,for inviting me to deliver this“Freeze-thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete”.Theplentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated concrete.The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on in concrete was studied by experiment.,I shall explore a possible agenda for analysis to enable understanding of the alkali-activated slag concrete.“new green binding material—alkali-activated cement”the introduction of Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete.Now let's look at the ppt In recent years, there are plentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated cement, it can be prepared by wastes containing kaolinite(原文introduction第一句)The binding materials with three-dimensional network structure are yield by shrinking and polymerization reaction.With the arriving of low carbon economy time, international governments attach more importance to energy saving, emission reducing and cycled economics.(原文第二段)a genuine low carbon cement.(ppt第3页)–I'd like to talk is the materialswe can see clear that the Slag used in this study was metallurgy blast furnace slag, was supplied by Jiangxi Building Materials Plant, PR China, its specific surface is 410 m2/kg.chemical compositions of slag are listed in.(ppt第4页)

NaOH and Na2SiO3 sodium silicate multiplex solution was used as alkali activator, module of sodium silicate is 3.34.Sand with fineness modulus of 2.78 was used as fine aggregate.Limestone were used as crushed rock aggregate(5–20 mm:20–40 mm = 45:55).(引用原文Materials第二段结论)Mix proportion and specimen preparation ,.Mix proportion and specimen preparation.Mix proportion, workability and compressive strength at 28 d of ASC are listed in.It was prepared by a single decubital axis compellent beater with content of 60 L.the samples were demoulded and cured

under scheduled regimes.Thirty samples were tested for freeze–thaw cycle tests.Table 1.Mix proportion, workability and strength of ASC(引用原文第二部分第二小点)(ppt第5页)The Freeze–thaw resistance was tested according to ASTM C666 and GB/T 50082-2009 “Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete”.Six samples of each batch were tested, the average value of 6 samples was served as the finial freeze–thaw resistance.Mass and dynamic elasticity modulus were tested once after an interval of 25 times cycles, maximal cycle times(when relative dynamic elasticity modulus was 60% and percentage of mass loss was 5% at lowest)can denote freeze–thaw resistance of ASC.TDR-16V computer controlled concrete fast freeze–thaw cycle testing machine and DT-10W dynamic elasticity modulus testing machine were used to conduct the tests.(原文2.3 /ppt第6页)

–thaw resistance mechanism of ASC 2.Freeze–thaw resistance durability of ASC(ppt 第7页)

Results of fast freeze–thaw cycle tests of ASC are listed in Table 3.As can be seen:(1)With the increase of freeze–thaw cycle times, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of ASC are descending slowly, this shows excellent ductility, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of A1–A5 are all about 90% at 300 times cycle(ppt第8页)(2)It is improper to set mass loss of ASC as the evaluation index of freeze–thaw destroy, because mass loss of A1–A5 vary indistinctively in the progress of freeze–thaw, it cannot reflect the destroy degree of concrete exactly, thus it is improper to use it to test and evaluate the freeze–thaw damage of ASC(which is shown in Fig.1).(ppt第9页)

The first is ASC used industrial waste – slag as raw materials, and it had excellent freeze–thaw resistance with frost-resisting grade of F300 at lowest, relative dynamic elasticity modulus were about 90% after 300 times freeze–thaw cycles, it also had little mass loss, surface freeze–thaw damage layers were very thin, which can effectively restrain freeze–thaw damage of concrete from worsening.(ppt第10页)The second is Different from freeze–thaw cycle damage models of PC, dynamic elasticity modulus attenuation models were superior to accumulative freeze–thaw damage models, and power function models were superior to exponential function models with better precision and relativity.(ppt第10页)

Thank you very much for the privilege of presenting this paper











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主持人:王×会议出席人:朱××会议中提问者两人:董×、赵××休会中途与嘉宾交谈两人:张×、唐×× 会议结束提问者:余×、龚× 主持人王×:Ladies and Gentleman: May I have your attention please? Our conference will begin in a few minutes.All the presenters are requested to be seated.Let me introduce myself,i am wang yuan from SCNU,it’s a privilege for me to chair this session.Once the ceremony has started,you are refrained from taking pictures, using flashbulbs or leaving your seats.3Q.Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time of wonderful June, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together.Academic Seminars of CAS are organized by the Bureau of Personnel and Education of CAS, and held by the CAS research institutes.Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming.We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.For this conference, we are following the agenda here.The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of psychological education、moral education,basic education and higher education, application education fields.And it to be separated into two parts, to begin with, we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums.And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here.Firstl,i’d like to introduce our first presenter,Professor Jan.She is the author of “cooperation and competition”.for the past six years,JAN has been honored many awards--a Pulitzer Prize winner, a national Medal of the economy and a National book award and so on.Now, please join me in welcoming our guest speaker today---JAN.,whose topic is “cooperation can improve our competitive”.发言人朱××:

Good morning!Mr.Chairman, your excellencies , fellow colleagues ,Ladies and Gentlemen!Firstly, i would like to thank zhuxiaoli for her gracious introduction.I am very glad to have this opportunity of sharing with you our view on cooperation.My topic of today is“ cooperation can improve our competitive ”.As we all know, competition is a common phenomenon in our society.It occurs in almost every field of our life, such as playing games, doing our study, hunting for jobs.As I stand in here with other Participants ,it’s also a fierce competition.Working hard at something and competing against others can inspire us to push ourselves further than we otherwise might.In other words, competition is required to prompt us to excel and to help us reach our fullest potential.Last of all, competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social backgrounds.We can say, in this sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.However, as the wave of globalization has come and the development of society, we face more competitions from the outside world.Are we going to face the challenge all by ourselves alone? The answer is clear,Human beings are social beings and no one can exist alone in the society.If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others.You cannot play single-handed and win.You’ll always have to cooperate with your partners, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top.From cooperation, you build up trust and understanding, which does good to your future.And also it’s said that we get together to do something larger than one single person, that is to say ,cooperation can turn a small business into a big and strong one.You see,after the cooperation with IBM.Lenovo could challenge the Dell computer company as the world NO.2 PC maker, BenQ and SIMENS mobile, Sony and Ericssons, the two groups of companies are collaborating together to win more market.Everyday, there are over 10 thousand companies annexed because of the crucial competition,but there are collaborating together in order to acquire more competitive ability.From a whole nation’s aspect, all the nations should take the national interest as a common goal.Take China and India for example.India, along with Japan, is a main rival of China in Asia.For the history’s sake, India and China have already competed with each other for a long period of time.With the globalization’s steps getting faster, both China and India realize the importance of cooperation.Now they have already started collaborating in the field of IT and mineral exploitation, and the two countries have benefited a lot.As American previous president Bill Clinton ever said:“There are no forever friends nor rivals, but interest.”So, if situation changes, competition also could turn into cooperation.To sum up, competition and cooperation prevail throughout the world.We should, however, take advantage of the competition as a chance to promote the cooperation and finally be the winner in the competition.we should seek cooperation boardly to improve our competitive.That’s of my speech..Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.主持人王×:3Q, Dr.Jan.I think all the participants present here this morning will agree with me that your presentation is very informative and enlightening.Now, do anybody have some questions?



张×: 唐×: 朱×: 主持人王×:时间到了,大家安静就座。现在有请朱××给大家做一个总结。朱××:总结几句就可以 主持人:还有什么问题吗? 提问者3号龚×:(想个问题)提问者4号余×:




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