
时间:2019-05-13 21:26:09下载本文作者:会员上传


www.xiexiebang.com 美国西雅图留学第一年,我学会的一些小事



1.Diversity是在美国收获的最重要的礼物,这是后面要写的很多收获的基础。虽然从前就一直听到“美国是民族/多元文化的大熔炉”之类的说法,但是其 中的含义只有亲眼看到、亲身经历才能真正体会。我自己对diversity的感受和理解大概可以分为三个层面。最宏观上,了解到不同种族、国家和群体的文 化,深刻意识到我们头脑中有太多的偏见(prejudice)、刻板印象(stereotype)、过度概括(overgeneralization),并对此变得非常敏感,常常会有意识地反思和自我纠正。中观上,听到各种不同的人生故事,发现人生的可能性比自己曾经想象的还要多出很多很多,而且在美国这 个充满了奇才、怪人的地方,无论选择怎样的道路都不会被人觉得奇怪。最微观上,由于价值观的拓宽,逐渐学会与自己和解。一直以来是个对自己要求非常高的 人,总想各方面都做到“最好”,但现在觉得其实很多事情都没有正误、高下之分,只是不同的选择而已,所以慢慢地学着对自己更加宽容。

2.Critical thinking能力的提升。记得刚上大学的时候刷人人网上大家分享的文章和下面的评论,总会羡慕一些人犀利的观点,然后懊恼自己为什么想不到这样看问 题。而现在critical thinking似乎成为了一种直觉,发现自己能很快地识别一篇文章中的各种逻辑谬

www.xiexiebang.com 误,而且变得不容易被权威或者看似有理的论述说服了,敢于提出和多数人 不一样的观点,也更敢于坚持自己的想法(结果现在实习总和老板辩论lol)。得益于大三大四时打下的基础,以及这一年美国大学以讨论为主的教学方式、对逻 辑的严格要求、社会对不同思想的包容等等对critical thinking能力养成的催化,终于不觉得自己是一个“不会思考”的人了。

3.对自己学习方式的理解。对此的好奇是我选择学习learning sciences的原因之一。虽然一直都是客观上的“学霸”,但主观上总觉得自己并不很适合“学习”——抽象的理论常常不能很好地吸收,读过的书即使当时 感觉深受启发过段时间还是会忘掉。但另一方面,自己总能对经历过的事情、具体的例子记忆犹新。学了很多learning theories之后,肯定了这只是自己的学习方式而已,不擅长从书本上吸收信息完全不是不够聪明的表现。既然learning by doing/learning through experience对我来说更有效,那就顺应之,于是选择了把更多时间和精力放在实习、实践上,现在看来确实是正确的。在实践以外,和人聊天是另一种我 越来越喜欢的学习方式,一方面觉得聊天是快速了解一个领域的最有效率的方式,另一方面我对别人的成长故事总是忍不住好奇,从中可以汲取许多养分。当然,那 些匆匆读过的readings也没有白费,虽然已经忘掉了大部分(= =),但还是在潜移默化中塑造了很多认识。

4.对自己喜欢的生活方式、生活状态的理解。一直认为一定要有足够丰富的经历才能真正知道自己想要什么。这一年,体会了美国大学名不虚传的学业压力,体会了一 边上课一边做几份实习/兼职的忙碌,体会了海投和面试的紧张,体会了在科技公司全职实习的状态;有幸在费城和旧金山两个城市生活,一个是历史悠久的老城,一个是到处都是科技公司和程序员的硅谷城市,自然环境相去甚远,人民也过着风格迥异的生活;在国内的时候不怎么热衷于旅游,来了美国大概是受到work hard play hard文化的影响,一年去了10个州,看过的风景、遇到的人也极大地丰富了我的视野。目前认为自己喜欢的生活方式、生活状态是:身心健康始终是第一位; 工作与生活有良好平衡;工作一定要是自己喜欢的、能让自己不断成长的;不喜平淡、追求丰富(生活体验+精神世界)、但也不过分折腾;需要充实、一直进步的 状态;需要与人的深度connection(价值+心理+情感);需要经常亲近自然。呃感觉这个描述好空洞,但是对生活细节的偏好说起来又太多,暂且按下 不表。

5.如何知道什么样的工作是自己喜欢的。在经历中逐渐发现了适用于我自己的一些判断标准:对问题充满好奇;和人谈论时眼睛会发光;早上醒来对新的一天充满期 待;工作有干劲、几乎不拖延;工作的时候觉得充实、开心、有价值感;喜欢周围的同事和工作单位的文化;不常加班。而会不会喜欢一份工作,往往在一开始就能 知道了。以前在国内的一份工作从一开始就各方面不喜欢,但看到其他员工都充满干劲,而且领域也是我本来喜欢的,就觉得可能是自己的问题,再试试吧,但是一 直都还是很抗拒,导致整个人的状态都不好了。这一方面说明要相信自己的直觉,从面试就不喜欢的还是果断放弃为好。另一方面,别人都喜欢都觉得好、但自己不 喜欢完全没有错,喜欢一个领域也不代表要喜欢这个领域的每种

www.xiexiebang.com 具体工作,公司文化、待遇福利、和同事的关系,甚至能不能小睡这种细节(对我很重要!),都影 响工作的幸福感。

6.Comfort zone的内与外。各种成功学都讲要跳出comfort zone才能有所突破有所成长,对此我很赞同,但是跳出comfort zone的具体策略却少被谈及。我觉得不能一次跳太远,因为强烈的不舒服会demotivate,会导致畏惧、反感,甚至心理崩溃。Push自己是必要 的,但是push的度要把握好,我自己的感觉是如果产生明显的消极情绪了,就应该停下来,或者退回去,等到心理上建设好了再继续向前开拓。在跳的过程中,可以先从相对容易的、能带给自己成就感的事情做起,正反馈有利于为以后面对更大的困难积累能量。其次,跳出comfort zone也是要选好时机的,在不同的心境和外界环境下,适时选择发展不同的能力,缘分到了的时候效率会高很多(只可意会lol)。最后一点,不是所有的事 情都要跳出comfort zone,每个人都有自己适合和不适合的领域,的确不适合的事情就没必要非得push自己(“跳出comfort zone的不舒服”和“的确不适合的不舒服”是不一样的,只可意会again),只想当做普通爱好的事情也是开心就好。这是我与自己和解、对自己更加宽容 和耐心的很重要一方面。

7.对自己语言学习的理解。来美国一年,英语说成现在这样,已经算是相当不错了。但是自己始终不满意,而且这种不自信也影响了社交,导致这一年与外国朋友的交 往深度和广度没有达到一年前的期待,反过来也限制了英语能力的进一步发展。最近似乎figure out了其中的原因。如前面所言,我十分追求与人的深度connection,而对我而言语言沟通则是建立这种connection的基础。我是一个心 思、情感非常细腻的人,所受的英语训练是analytical的,可以满足学习和工作的要求,却难以让我充分表达自己的内心。而我在这方面的中文表达能力 又相当强,形成巨大反差。三者的叠加,使得我在与外国朋友的交往中,大部分时候心理需求得不到满足,于是就没有足够的动力去加深或拓宽关系。想清了这些,我就有了努力的方向:一方面,降低对connection深度的期待,吃喝玩乐也很好嘛;另一方面,有空多看些英文演讲、故事之类,努力提高自己用英语描 述比较深刻的想法和感受的能力。

8.与外国朋友交往的收获。虽然自己觉得交往不足,但从中还是学到了很多东西。对多元文化和价值的理解自不必说,我感受很深的另一点是我遇到的很多外国朋友(尤其是美国人)特别会夸奖人、鼓励人。今年3月压力最大的时候,先后得到我的advisor、program manager和美国同学的鼓励,简直有种重新被点亮的感觉。分析为什么她们的鼓励对我有这么大能量的原因,我想一是真诚,这种真诚是从内而外表现出来 的;二是鼓励的时候有事实为论据,有说服力,能帮助人树立自信,而不像我们常说的“你一定没问题”这种空洞的表述。比如我在为实习终面焦虑的时候,我的同 学跟我说,以她的几年工作经验看,能进入终面的只有很小很小一部分,拿到终面说明老板已经很喜欢你了,本身已经是成功了。这让我安心不少。现在我也在有意 识地培养这种给予有效鼓励的能力,这需要发自内心的真诚、高超的说话技巧和自身丰富的经验储备。


9.“Soft skills are hard.” 这句话是上周manager说的,语境是我在谈我们的工作都是soft skills,不像程序员那样有硬技术。这句话是个双关语,一方面是说soft skills很难培养,另一方面是说软实力也是硬实力。我很认同。经常为自己没有硬技术而懊恼,尤其在美国这个STEM专业占大优势的地方,但逐渐发现软 实力也可以成为独特而强大的竞争力。尤其在这几个月实习的过程中,深刻感觉到出色的communication skills简直太重要了,而且不像想象中那么容易,不是人人都是好的沟通者(在我的经历中,差的沟通者占多数)。Story telling的能力也很重要,以理服人有时效果不如以情动人,一个好故事常常会产生巨大的能量。再如幽默的能力,在气氛紧张的会议中幽默一下调节气氛,把讨论以让人舒服的方式拉回正轨,是很高超的技巧,能让人开心的人总是受欢迎的。这些soft skills打磨起来需要很多时间,如果养成了,会是很大的优势,不比硬技术弱。

10.对自己情绪的理解和调控。这点其实是很早以前就开始思考了,这一年对自己的了解又加深了不少,也在不断崩溃-疗愈的过程中内心变得强大了许多。这个话题我 能写一整篇,概括的话这一年的新收获大概有以下几点。一是能敏锐觉察到情绪低潮期的来临,然后用自己开发的一套办法帮助自己调节(越早干预效果越好),必 要的时候及时求助。上学期去了几次学校的心理咨询中心,虽然觉得咨询师并没有实际帮我解决什么问题(因为我在从预约到第一次去的期间已经自己把严重的问题 给解决了lol),但聊天的过程还是有所收获,他的提问帮助我更深刻地反思了自己的人格特质。二是掌握了很多情绪变化的规律。前几天读到一篇讲“决策疲 劳”的文章,深有共鸣,人在饥饿、疲劳等状态下是不宜做决定的,还有心情低落的时候,自己的感受、判断是不能相信的(一个简单粗暴的例子是“女生别在姨妈 期考虑分手”lol),也不适合思考本就迷茫的人生。这时候应该努力控制自己胡思乱想的倾向,做点轻松的事或休息。学习与自己的情绪相处真的带给我很多很 多宝贵的财富。现在微信签名的两个词都是由此而来。一个是resilience(修复力),希望自己能逐渐练就强大的适应压力和逆境的能力;一个是 empathy(共情),在理解自己的基础上更好地理解他人,帮助需要帮助的人。

11.最后是一些鸡汤„„其实每一条的背后都是自己的故事,只是略去对事件的叙述直接谈感悟就成了鸡汤,而且可能还是大家都喝腻了的鸡汤lol,但我发现听起来 容易的道理真正领悟起来可能并不容易。(1)一切都会过去,当时觉得天大的事儿日后再看可能根本不是事儿,时间会冲淡一切,也会带来成熟和淡定(来自这一 年的各种倒霉事lol)。(2)自己的适应能力可能是超出自己想象的,再艰难、再不顺,早晚都能适应的(来自来美第一个月从想要逃离到适应的过程)。(3)学会以平和的心态面对遗憾和错过,不可能每次都遇到最好的,但不是最好的也别有一番风景(来自旅行中的各种遗憾)。(4)虽然痛恨被运气捉弄、不能 完全靠努力掌握命运的感觉,但还是可以做自己能做的最好的安排,研究好各种信息、准备好后备方案,然后走一步看一步,控制自己能控制的,其他就随缘吧,不 要过分担忧还没到来的未来(来自抽签证)。(5)真的想做的事情,一定能做到(来自找实习)。

www.xiexiebang.com 下一年对自我修炼有一些期待:

1.好好打磨communication, story telling和humor的能力。2.继续努力练英语,争取早日在深度交流中不觉得费劲。3.多和不同的人聊天。



For Immediate Release May 10, 2012

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event--Seattle, WA

Paramount Theater Seattle, Washington 3:00 P.M.PDT THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Seattle!Thank you.(Applause.)Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you, Seattle!Thank you.(Applause.)Thank you so much.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you, guys.Thank you, everybody.Please, please, have a seat.Thank you.(Applause.)Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you.Thank you, guys.(Applause.)Thank you very much.It’s good to be back in Seattle.(Applause.)A few people I want to acknowledge.First of all, please give a big round of applause to Sue for that unbelievable story, the great introduction, her incredible courage.(Applause.)She is just a wonderful person.And I was saying backstage as I was listening, she’s the kind of story that you don’t read about in the papers.That’s a story I’d like to read about--(applause)--somebody overcoming so many challenges, doing the right thing.And I could not be prouder to have her introduce me.A couple of other folks that are here today that I want to acknowledge--your outstanding Governor, Chris Gregoire.(Applause.)Your outstanding Lieutenant Governor, Brad Owen is here.(Applause.)One of the best United States Senators in the country, Patty Murray is in the house.(Applause.)Former U.S.Representative and soon-to-be governor, Jay Inslee is here.(Applause.)I want to thank King County executive Dow Constantine.(Applause.)My terrific friend, former King County executive and somebody who did great work for us at HUD in Washington, Ron Sims.(Applause.)State party chair, Dwight Pelz.(Applause.)And of course, somebody who I just love and I’m just such a huge fan of because he’s a great person in addition to being a great musician, Dave Matthews.(Applause.)AUDIENCE MEMBER: I love you!THE PRESIDENT:(Laughter.)I love you, too.(Applause.)So, Seattle, I’m here not just because I need your help--although I do;you’ll hear more about that.I’m here because your country needs your help.There was a reason why so many of you worked your hearts out in 2008.And it wasn’t because you thought it would be easy.You did support a candidate named Barack Hussein Obama.The odds are rarely in your favor in that situation.(Laughter.)You didn’t need a poll to tell you that might not be a sure thing.You did not join the campaign because of me.You came together--we came together--because of a shared vision.We came together to reclaim that basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth.We came together because we believed that in America, your success shouldn’t be determined by the circumstances of your birth.If you’re willing to work hard, you should be able to find a good job.If you’re meeting your responsibilities, you should be able to own a home, maybe start a business.You should be able to give your kids the chance to do even better than you--no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter what you look like, no matter what your last name, no matter who you love.(Applause.)And so we came together.This wasn’t just about me;this was you guys making a commitment to each other to try to bring about change because our country had strayed from these basic values.We’d seen a record surplus that was squandered on tax cuts for people who didn’t need them and weren’t even asking for them.Two wars were being waged on a credit card.Wall Street speculators reaped huge profits by making bets with other people’s money.Manufacturing was leaving our shores.A shrinking number of Americans did fantastically well, but a lot more people struggled with falling incomes and rising costs and the slowest job growth in a century.So it was a house of cards, and it collapsed in the most destructive, worst crisis that we’ve seen since the Great Depression.And sometimes people forget the magnitude of it, you know? And you saw some of that I think in the video that was shown.Sometimes I forget.In the last six months of 2008, while we were campaigning, nearly 3 million of our neighbors lost their jobs;800,000 lost their jobs in the month that I took office.And it was tough.But the American people proved they were tougher.So we didn't quit.We kept going.Together we fought back.When my opponent said we should just let Detroit go bankrupt, we made a bet on American workers, on the ingenuity of American companies, and today our auto industry is back on top of the world.(Applause.)We saw manufacturers start to invest in America again, consistently adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s.Businesses got back to basics, created over 4 million jobs in the last 26 months-– more than 1 million of those in the last six months alone.(Applause.)So we’re making progress.Are we satisfied? Of course not.Too many of our friends, too many of our family are still out there looking for work.Too many homes are still underwater.Too many states are still laying off teachers and first responders.A crisis this deep didn’t happen overnight, and we understand it won’t be solved overnight.We’ve got more work to do.We know that.But here’s what else we know: That the last thing we can afford is a return to the policies that got us here in the first place.Not now.Not with so much at stake.(Applause.)We’ve come too far to abandon the changes that we fought for these past few years.We’ve got to move forward, to the future that we imagined in 2008--where everybody gets a fair shot, and everybody is doing their fair share, and everybody plays by the same rules.That’s the choice in this election.And Seattle, that’s why I’m running for a second term as President of the United States of America.(Applause.)

Now, my opponent in this election, Governor Romney, he's a patriotic American.He’s raised a wonderful family.He should be proud of the great personal success he's had as the CEO of a large financial firm.But I think he’s drawn the wrong lessons from those experiences.He actually believes that if CEOs and the wealthiest investors like him get rich, that the rest of us automatically do, too.(Laughter.)When a woman in Iowa shared the story of her financial struggles, he gave an answer right out of an economics textbook.He said, “Our productivity equals our income,” as if the only reason people can’t pay their bills is because they’re not productive enough.Well, that’s not what’s going on.Most of us who have spent some time talking to people understand that the problem isn’t that the American people aren’t working hard enough, aren’t productive enough-– you’ve been working harder than ever.The challenge we face right now-– the challenge we’ve faced for over a decade-– is that harder work isn’t leading to higher incomes.Bigger profits haven’t led to better jobs.What Governor Romney does not seem to get is that a healthy economy doesn’t just mean maximizing your own profits through massive layoffs or busting unions.You don’t make America stronger by shipping jobs or profits overseas.(Applause.)When you propose cutting your own taxes while raising them on 18 million families, that’s not a recipe for economic growth.And by the way, there’s nothing new about these ideas.I’m just starting to pay a little more attention to this campaign here, and--(laughter)--I keep on waiting for them to offer up something new.But it’s just the same old stuff.(Laughter.)It’s the same agenda that they have been pushing for years.It’s the same agenda that they implemented when they were last in charge of the White House--although, as Bill Clinton pointed out a few weeks ago, this time their agenda is on steroids.(Laughter.)This time they want even bigger tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.This time they want even deeper cuts to things like education and Medicare and research and technology.AUDIENCE: Booo--THE PRESIDENT: This time they want to give banks and insurance companies even more power to do as they please.AUDIENCE: Booo--THE PRESIDENT: Now, somehow they think that these same bad ideas will lead to different results than they did the last time--or they’re hoping you won’t remember what happened the last time when we tried their bad ideas.(Laughter.)Well, I’m here to say, Seattle, that we were there.We remember.We're not going back there.We're moving this country forward.(Applause.)We're moving forward.We're moving forward.(Applause.)Look, we don’t expect government to solve all our problems--and it shouldn’t try to solve all our problems.I learned from my mom that no education policy can take the place of a parent’s love and

attention, and occasionally, getting in your face.(Laughter.)As a young man, I worked with a group of Catholic churches who taught me that no poverty program can make as much of a difference as the kindness and commitment of a caring soul.(Applause.)And Democrats, we have to remember some things.Not every regulation is smart.Not every tax dollar is spent wisely.Not every person can be helped who refuses to help themselves.We believe in individual responsibility.But that’s not an excuse to tell the vast majority of responsible, hardworking Americans--folks like Sue who've done all the right things--“you’re on your own.” That if you're--had the misfortune, like most people do, of having parents who may not be able to lend you all the money you need for college, that you may not be able to go to college.(Applause.)That even if you pay your premiums every month, you’re out of luck if an insurance company decides to drop your coverage when you need it most.(Applause.)That’s not who we are.That’s not what built this country.That's not reflective of what's best in us.We built this country together.We built railroads and highways, we built the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge--we built those things together.We sent my grandfather’s generation to college on the GI Bill-– together.We did these things not because they benefited any particular individual, any particular group;we did these things because we were building a platform for everybody to be able to succeed.We were creating the conditions for everybody to be able to succeed.These things made us all richer.They gave us all opportunity.(Applause.)They moved us all together, all forward, as one nation, and as one people.And that’s the true lesson of our past.We love the free market.We believe in rewarding entrepreneurship and risk.But when I hear my opponent and some of these folks talk as if somehow nobody had anything to do with the success of these businesses and our entrepreneurs, I have to remind them that we--we the people--invested in creating the Internet that allowed Microsoft and Google and Facebook to thrive.There's not a business in this country that's not benefiting from roads and bridges and airports--the investments we make together.Every time we've got a kid who's getting a great education in a public school and able to go to get an outstanding education at a public university, we're contributing to the possibilities of the free market succeeding.And that’s the right vision for our future.That’s the reason I'm running for President, because I believe in that vision.I believe in that vision.(Applause.)I’m running to make sure that by the end of this decade, more of our citizens hold college degrees than any other nation on Earth.I want that to happen here in America.(Applause.)I want to help our schools hire and reward the best teachers, especially in math and science.(Applause.)I want to give 2 million more Americans the chance to go to community colleges and learn the skills that local businesses are looking for right now, because that's what we need in the 21st century.(Applause.)Higher education can’t be a luxury.Education is--higher education is an imperative that every American should be able to afford--not just for young people but for mid-career folks who have to retrain, have to upgrade their skills.That’s the choice in this election.That’s why I’m running for President.I’m running to make sure that the next generation of high-tech manufacturing takes root in places like Seattle and Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Charlotte.I want to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs

and profits overseas.I want to reward companies that are creating jobs here in the United States of America.That’s the choice in this election.(Applause.)I am running so that we can keep moving forward to a future where we control our own energy.Our dependence on foreign oil is at the lowest point it's been in 16 years.(Applause.)Because of the actions we took, by the middle of the next decade our cars will average nearly 55 miles per gallon.(Applause.)Thousands of Americans have jobs because the production of renewable energy in this country has nearly doubled in just three years.So now is not the time to--(applause)--now is not the time to cut these investments to pay for $4 billion a year in giveaways to the oil companies.Now is not--now is the time to end subsidies for an industry that's just doing fine on its own.Let’s double down on clean energy that's never been more promising for our economy and for our security and for the safety of our planet.That's why I’m running, Seattle, and that's the choice in this election.(Applause.)For the first time in nine years, there are no Americans fighting in Iraq.(Applause.)Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat to this country.Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.And by 2014, the war in Afghanistan will be over.(Applause.)America is safer and it’s more respected because of the courage and selflessness of our diplomats and our intelligence officers, but most of all, because of the United States armed Forces.(Applause.)And as long as I’m Commander-in-Chief, this country will care for our veterans, and we will serve our veterans as well as they’ve served us because no one who fights for this country should have to fight for a job or a roof over their heads when they come home.(Applause.)My opponent has a different view.He said it was “tragic” to end the war in Iraq.He says he won’t set a timeline for ending the war in Afghanistan.I have set a timeline, and I intend to keep it.(Applause.)After a decade of war that’s cost us thousands of lives, that's cost us over a trillion dollars, the nation we need to build is our own.(Applause.)So we’re going to use half of what we’re no longer spending on war to pay down the deficit, and we’re going to--(applause)--we’re going to invest the rest in research and education, and repairing our roads and our bridges and our runways and our wireless networks.That's the choice in this election.(Applause.)And I’m running to pay down our debt in a way that is balanced and a way that's responsible.After inheriting a trillion-dollar deficit, I signed $2 trillion of spending cuts into law.And now I want to finish the job responsibly and properly, streamlining government, cutting more waste--there’s still more there to be had--but also reforming our tax code so that it’s simpler and fairer and it asks the wealthiest Americans to pay a little bit more.(Applause.)My opponent won’t tell us how he'd pay for his new, $5 trillion tax cut –-a tax cut that gives an average of $250,000 to every millionaire in the country.AUDIENCE Booo--THE PRESIDENT: So we may not know the details, but we know the bill for that tax cut will either be passed on to our children, or it’s going to be paid by a whole lot of ordinary Americans.And I refuse to let that happen again.(Applause.)We’re not going to pay for another millionaire’s tax cut by eliminating medical research projects into things like ovarian cancer or Alzheimer’s.I refuse to pay for another tax cut by kicking children out of Head Start programs, or asking students to pay more for college, or eliminating health insurance for millions of poor, and elderly, and disabled Americans on Medicaid.(Applause.)And as long as I’m President of the United States, I’m not going to allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher that would end the program as we know it.(Applause.)We’ll reform Medicare, not by shifting costs to seniors but by reducing the spending that isn’t making people healthier.There are ways of doing it that preserve this program that is so vital to so many people.So Seattle, that’s what’s at stake.There’s a lot at stake.On issue after issue, we can’t afford to spend the next four years going backwards.America doesn’t need to re-fight the battles we just had over Wall Street reform or health care reform.Listen to Sue.Here’s what I know: Allowing 2.5 million young people to stay on their parents’ health insurance plan--that was the right thing to do.(Applause.)Cutting prescription drug costs for seniors--right thing to do.(Applause.)We’re not going back to the days when insurance companies had unchecked power to cancel your policy, or deny you coverage, or charge women differently from men.We’re not going back.We’re going forward.(Applause.)We don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or getting rid of Planned Parenthood--(applause)--or taking away access to affordable birth control.I want women to control their own health choices.(Applause.)Just like I want my daughters to have the same economic opportunities as your sons.We’re not going to turn back the clock.(Applause.)We’re not turning back the clock.We’re not returning to the days when you could be kicked out of the United States military just because of who you are and who you love.(Applause.)We’re moving this country forward.We are moving forward to a country where every American is treated with dignity and with respect.And here in Washington you’ll have the chance to make your voice heard on the issue of making sure that everybody, regardless of sexual orientation, is treated fairly.You will have a chance to weigh in on this.(Applause.)We are a nation that treats people fairly.We’re not going backwards.We’re not going backwards.We’re going forwards.(Applause.)We’re going forward.We’re going forward, where everybody--everybody is treated with dignity and respect.We will not allow another election where multimillion-dollar donations speak louder than the voices of ordinary citizens.(Applause.)

And it’s time to stop denying citizenship to responsible young people just because they’re children of undocumented immigrants.(Applause.)This country is at its best when we harness the God-given talents of every individual;when we hear every voice;when we come together as one American family--black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled--everybody striving for the same dream.That’s what we’re fighting for.That’s why I ran for President.That's why I’m running again for President.That’s why I need your help.(Applause.)You know, Seattle, this election is actually going to be even closer than the last.And the reason for that is too many of our friends and neighbors, they're still hurting because of this crisis.And they see what’s going on in Washington, and they don't like it, and so there’s just a frustration level there that will express itself in the election.And I hear it from too many people who are wondering why they haven’t been able to get one of the jobs that have been created.Because even if jobs have been created, until you got a job, that jobs report doesn't mean much.They're wondering why their home is still underwater, or why their family hasn’t been touched by the recovery.So there’s still a lot of--a lot of work to be done.And folks are just--they get so frustrated about Washington.And as I said, the other side, they're not going to--the other side will not be offering these Americans a real answer to their questions.They’re not offering a better vision.They're not offering a new set of ideas.Everybody knows that.There’s nothing you’ve heard from them where you say, man, I didn't think of that.(Laughter.)Now, that's fresh.That's new.Maybe that will work.(Laughter.)That's not what’s going on here.What they will be doing is spending more money than we’ve ever seen before on negative ads –-ads that exploit people’s frustration for some short-term political gain.Over and over again, they’ll tell you America is down and out.America is not working.They’ll say, are you better off than you were--without mentioning that their frame of reference is before the worst crisis in our lifetime.We’ve seen this play before.And here’s the thing, the real question, the question that we have to answer, the question that will actually make a difference in your life and the lives of your children and the lives of your grandchildren-– it's not just about how we’re doing today.It’s about how we’re doing tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.Will we be better off if more Americans get a better education? Will we be better off if we reduce our dependence on foreign oil? Will we be better off if we start doing some nation-building here at home? Will we be better off if we're investing in clean energy? Will we be better off if we ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share? Will we be better off if we invest in new research and science and technology? When we look back four years from now, or 10 years from now, or 20 years from now, won’t we be better off if we have the courage to keep moving forward? AUDIENCE: Yes!

THE PRESIDENT: That’s the question in this election.(Applause.)That's the question in this election.And that outcome is entirely up to you.You’ll have to contend with even more negative ads, with more cynicism, more nastiness--sometimes just plain foolishness.(Laughter.)But if there’s one thing that we learned the last time around, one thing we learned in 2008, there is nothing more powerful than millions of voices calling for change.(Applause.)When you knock on doors;when you pick up the phone;when you talk to your friends;when you decide it’s time for change to happen, guess what? Change happens.Change comes to America.(Applause.)And that’s the spirit that we need again.If people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them it’s still about hope.You tell them it’s still about change.You tell them it’s still about ordinary people who believe that in the face of great odds, we can make a difference in the life of this country.(Applause.)Because I still believe, Seattle.I still believe.I still believe we're not as divided as our politics suggest.I still believe that we have more common ground than the pundits tell us.I believe we're not Democrats or Republicans first;I think we're Americans first.(Applause.)I still believe in you.(Applause.)I still believe in you, and that's why I’m asking you to still believe in me.(Applause.)I told you in 2008 that I wasn’t a perfect man--maybe Michelle told you.(Laughter.)And I won’t be a perfect President.But I promised back when I was running that first time that I’d always tell you what I thought, and I’d always tell you where I stood, and I’d wake up every single day fighting as hard as I know how for you.(Applause.)And Seattle, I kept that promise.I have kept that promise, and I will keep it as long as I have the honor of being your President.(Applause.)So if you’re willing to stick with me, if you’re willing to fight with me, if you’re willing to work even harder this election than the last one, I guarantee you we will move this country forward.(Applause.)We will finish what we started.I’m still fired up.I’m still ready to go.And we will show the world why it is that the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth.Thank you, everybody.God bless you.






★ 由留学生填写的大学入学申请表

★ 由留学生签字的MIEC的信息表(Information Sheet)

★ 两份盖有大学官方印鉴的中英文成绩单及学位证书


★ TOEFL成绩单复印件及转成绩申请(最好高于500分)

★ GRE,GMAT成绩单复印件及转成绩申请(根据大学要求,有些大学不需提供)★ 银行资信证明,最好高于15,000美元

★ 个人简历(Resume)

★ 个人陈述(Personal Statement)

★ 以学校或单位抬头信笺撰写的三份老师或领导推荐信

★ 照片一张(护照相片),如有可能,另附生活照一张。







七、如学生的F-1签证未获批准,学生必须将注明经济资助的 I-20表,录取通知书及相关材料的原件退还,同时要求申请者递交放弃该大学入学资格和经济资助资格的声明书,将退还学生服务费用。如果学生未能在开学前3日内交还I-20表和入学通知书原件,视为学生已获得签证,将不再退还任何费用。


1.GA(Graduate Assistantship)指研究生助学金。




I 20表的概况

I-20 是美国学校发给外国学生用来申请签证好进入美国的通行证; 上面载明了持 该表学生就读的学校、系所、准予合法在 美国居留的期限,及应提出财力证明的金额等 重要事项。收到I-20後,应注意以下几点:

(1)仔细地查对表上姓名、出生年月日及所申请学校科系 等是否正确,如有不符,立刻要求学校补发一份,并将 错误说明清楚,再予退回。

(2)如果同时收到好几个学校的I-20,考虑选择后,应退回 其他不去就读学校的I-20,并附上一封信,表示谢意和 遗憾,说不定将来还有可能再回到其中的学校攻读学位。

(3)在接到一所学校来的奖学金后,不需急于答复,因为可 能会有更多更好的学校给予奖学金。到四月上、中旬再 决定去哪一所学校,然后再把别的学校回绝掉。

(4)对於I-20上所列有关你个人的学位目标、应到校报到期 限、预定毕业年限、学费、奖学金等重要资料要特别留意(5)记得要影印一份I-20放在身边,I-20正本在拿到学生签证 时会被放在一份密封的信封内,不得私自拆封,所以最好留一份影本。

在收到I-20的同时,校方也会寄来许多有关学校设备、宿舍申请、或社团 介绍等各种资料。其中最重要的就是宿舍申请一项,住校与否,有许多该考 虑的因素(请叁阅有关住宿一文),不过,最首要的,就是弄清楚宿舍种类、租金、是否男女同楼、伙食情形 等重要资料,再按自己个性、经济、酌情考 量。一旦决定後,千万要在申请截止日期前寄到,并附上应缴的申请费或保证 金,如此,才能顺利申请到合意的宿舍。当然,如果有特殊请求,或自己健康 所需,比方必须住在一楼,或不愿靠近宿舍大门等任何意见,都要在申请时说 明清楚,可避免以後有问题要求更换宿舍时许多麻烦;申请表上所有讯息也要 阅读清楚之後再签名,尤其是保证金、申请费能否退回或有没有任何责任,都 要事先了解清楚。

5月-6月 如果到5月份你还没有接到奖学金,不用着急。和学校继续保持联系。大约有三分之一的奖学金是在5月和6月发下来的。拿到I20后要做的事情(以清华大学本科生为例)


2.4月底前去系人事科填写“清华大学毕业班学生出国留学不参加就业申请表”1式二份, 签字盖章;去校毕业分配办公室(工字厅西院)盖章并收走出份,交¥50手续费。

3.去校出国科(工字厅西北院)领“清华大学学生自费留学偿还培养费登记表”1式3 份,“自费留学/因私出境申请表”1份。


5.去高教局领:“具有大学专科和大学专科以上学历人员出国自费留学申请表” “具有大学专科和大学专科以上学历人员出国自费留学审核表” “在校生自费出国留学学历证明” “北京地区大专以上学历人员自费出国留学咨询手册” 交¥136.请认真阅读说明,按要求填好以上各表,并贴照片。户口所在地填“清华 大学”,派出所填“中关村”。

7.偿还培养费: 1).系人事科在“清华大学学生自费留学偿还培养费登记表”上签字盖章;




8.校财务处(古月堂西院)还培养费,五年一共¥12500,在相应栏签字盖章,并 收走一张表,得到一张收据和一张“偿还培养费证明”。

9.系办公室请系里主管人事的(副)系主任签字盖章: “自费出国留学/因私出境申请表” “具有大学专科和大学专科以上学历人员出国自费留学申请表” “具有大学专科和大学专科以上学历人员出国自费留学审核表”

10.复印:“偿还培养费证明”2份;培养费收据1份;“清华大学毕业班学生出国留 学不参加就业申请表”2份。

(F-1, M-1 签证)


美国移民法为赴美留学人员提供了两种非移民签证类别。“F” 签证发放给赴美进行学术学习的留学生,而“M” 签证则发放给进行非学术或职业学习的留学生。要获得学生签证,申请人必须首先申请一所美国学校并被其接收。当您被接收后,学校会为您签发一份I-20或I-20M表格。您前来申请签证时必须出示该表格。虽然签证申请人可以在任何一个美国驻外领事办公室申请签证,但在非永久居住地以外的地方申请签证将很难证明其具有获得签证的资格。申请赴美留学签证的申请人必须首先证明自己有能力在美国做全日制学生。申请人还必须证明其进入美国并短暂停留的唯一目的是在已建立的学术机构完成学业。



1.有效护照:如果您的护照将在距您预计抵美日期的六个月内过期、或已损坏、或护照上已无空白的签证签发页, 请在前来面谈之前先申请一本新护照。


3.签证申请费收据原件 您可以在中信实业银行在中国的任何分行支付签证申请费943元人民币。请注意申请费一旦支付即无法退款,即便申请人被拒签或放弃申请。申请人必须在递交签证申请时出示申请费收据原件两联。只有符合A-1, A-2, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, C-3, NATO和美国政府赞助的签证申请人可以免交申请费。请点击查看更多有关签证申请费的信息。

4.填写完毕的DS-156 非移民签证申请表(所有非移民签证申请人均须填写)




除上述必备材料外, 某些类别的签证还需要附加一些支持性文件。您准备好这些材料了吗? 请注意下列文件并非毫无遗漏,在面谈时出示下列文件也并不能保证您得到签证。


SEVIS费收据:大多数J, F 和 M 类签证的申请人现在必须支付 SEVIS 费用。请访问学生签证或交流访问学者签证页面查询具体规定和付款方式并在前来面谈时携带电子版收据或I-797收据原件。欲知如何交纳SEVIS费,请点击这里。








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当然你还要注意你所想申请的大学 自己有没有列出的特别条件

尽早索要申请材料,为提参加早录取创造条件。提前录取是美国大学招生工作中一项特别的类别。一般提 前录取的申请截至日期是在 10 月或 11 月,有时更早。

撰写申请文章。虽然申请文章一般限于 1000 字以内,但是一篇出色的申请文章通常会经过反反复复十次甚至是几十次的修改润色。不是一个月就能完成的。而初期的构思过程更是费 尽心思才能以情动人。所以一定要趁早动手。


选择推荐人,联系推荐信。和你的推荐人面对面进行一次全面而深入的沟通,让他们了解你的个性,为人,想法,理想,以及你对他们的期望。让他们认识到他们的帮助对你实现梦想 的重要性。留给他们充裕的时间来写出让你闪光的推荐信。



3,决定是否要在特定大学的早期决定和早期申请计划之下申请入学。那类计划需要学生提早提出申请,通常是在10月到12月之间,不过好处是通常在1月时就能知 道大学是否接受入学。若学生决定提出早期申请,应以自己最想读的大学为目标。

很多早期决定的计划具有法律约束力,一旦有关大学接受了学生的入学申请,学生 就得入学。




















一、在办理和申请过程中可能会遇到的困难 :














1. 首先要正确估计自己的专业背景能力,根据自己的实际情况选择合适的学校。

2. 了解所选学校的教学、科研水平及专业设置情况是否与自己所学专业和所从事的研究相近,从而避免因专业不对口带来的诸多麻烦。

3. 解学校的入学要求、录取标准、竞争情况及申请的截止日期等,客观地估计自己是否符合该校的录取标准及条件,有无较强的竞争力等。美国的许多大学对外国学生入学都有具体的要求,要注意各校的不同要求。例如有些学校要求专项


4. 了解学校的各种费用及经济资助情况,即您的经济情况是否能够支付您在该校的学习、生活费用。同时,还要注意申请经济资助的条件和要求,以衡量自己的实力。如果没有全奖,对许多中国学生而言,录取也是没有意义的。

5. 还要注意学校所在地的气候、风俗习惯等自己能否适应。





























7.个人陈述(PS)或学习计划:多数学校要求学生写至少一篇PS(Personal Statement)。





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