
时间:2019-05-13 21:30:41下载本文作者:会员上传



New words and expressions 生词和短语

turn n.行为,举止deserve v.应得到,值得lawyer n.律师bank


salary n.工资immediately adv.立刻at a restaurant在一家饭馆in a lawyer's office曾在一家律师事务所pays back偿还twenty pounds20英镑to my surprise令我惊奇的是pay for付钱 感叹句专项练习


1).________ difficult homework we had yesterday!2).________cute dog it is!3).________ interesting the story is!4).________ bad the weather in England is!5).________ honest boy Tom is!6).________ tasty smell the cake gave off!7).________ good time we had on the beach yesterday!8).________ exciting news you've brought us!9).________cool your new car is!10).________ scary these tigers are!


1._______ fast the boy ran!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 2._______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!A.How, how B.What, whatC.How, what D.What, how 3.________ delicious the soup is!I’d like some more.A.How B.How an C.What D.What an 4.___ fools they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an C What D.What an 5._______ foolish they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 6.___ difficult questions they are!I can’t answer them.A.How B.How an C.What D.What an 7.I miss my friend very much._____ I want to see her!A.How B.How an C.What D.What an 8._______ lovely weather we are having these days!A.How B.How an C.What D.What an 9._______ beautiful your new dress is!A.How B.How an C.What D.What an 10._______ interesting work it is to teach children!A.How B.How anC.What D.What an


1.The boy swam very fast.(同义句)_______ _______ the boy swam!2.The school trip is very exciting.(同义句)_____ ______ the school trip is!3.Hei Longjiang looks very beautiful in winter.(同义句)___ ___ Hei Longjiang looks in winter!4.It is a very useful dictionary.(同义句)_______ _______ _______ dictionary it is!_______ _______ _______ dictionary is!5.The students are listening very carefully.________ ________ the students are listening!love doing sth.喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 ike doing sth.喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth.喜欢做某事be fond of doing sth.喜欢做某事

have fun doing sth.喜欢做某be interested in doing sth.对„„感兴趣 pleased / nice /glad to do sth.很高兴做某事

learn a lot about 学很多关于 learn sth.from„从„.学到 used to do sth.过去常做某事 used to listen to music 过去常听音乐 listen to sb./sth.听某人说,听„ report sth.to sb.向某人汇报 pop/rock music流行乐 /摇滚乐 read novels 看小说

all the time 一直 know little about „知道一点有关

Let’s be friends 让我们成为朋友 in one’s spare /free time 在某人业余时间 go fishing 去钓鱼 go to the movie theater a lot常去看电影 It’s great fun.很有趣 play sports=do sports 做运动

go out 出去 go out to do sth.出去做„„go out for„为„„出去 o out for a walk出去散步 do some outdoor activities 做一些户外运动 outdoor activities 户外运动 Sounds good /great 听起来很好 need a change 须改变一下

in front of 在„„的前面(在某个范围外的前面)in the front of在„„的前部(在某个范围内的前面)teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事 teach oneself 自学

such as+一系列并列的人或物+(and so on)“例如,像” for example,+一个句子“例如” keep pets 养宠物 daily work 日常工作/生活 get well 恢复健康 take a bath =have a bath 洗澡 take sb.out for a walk 带某人出去散步 语法学习

1.I used to listen to rock music but now I collect telephone cards and paintings.(Page 53)我过去常听摇滚乐,可现在我集电话卡和画。

used to do sth.这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态(暗含的意思是现在已不复存在),只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。used to的否定形式为:used not to do或didn’t use to do。疑问句为Used you to...? 或 Did you use to...?如: 1)I used to go to school on foot.我过去步行上学。(暗含的意思是:我现在不再步行上学了。)2)Mary used to sleep late.玛莉过去总是很晚才睡觉。(暗含的意思是:玛莉现在睡觉不再那么晚了。)

3)I used to walk along the road after supper.我过去常常在晚饭后沿着这条马路散步。4)He used not to like Peking opera, but now he’s very fond of it.他过去不喜欢京剧,但现在非常喜欢。

另外,注意be used to doing sth.与used to do sth.的区别: be used to doing sth “习惯于„„,适应于„„”如: 1)He is used to working hard.他习惯于努力地工作。

2)He used to bring me roses when he came to see me.过去他来看我时,常带玫瑰花。3)I’m used to doing jogging in the morning now.我习惯于早上慢跑。be used to do sth.“某物被用来做某事”。如:

1)Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来生产纸张。

2)Computers can be used to do a lot of work now.如今电脑可用来做许多事。3.He doesn’t mind whether they’re good or not.(Page 59)他并不介意它们是否是好的。

此句为以whether引导的宾语从句。whether...or not“不论是否„„”。如:


一、What,What a, How, How,What an,What, What a, What, How, How



三、1.How fast

2.How exciting

3.How beautiful

4.What a useful, How useful the

5.How carefully What a funny time to eat breakfast!吃早饭多么有趣啊!感叹句巧解:感叹句要看后面,即看形容词后的东东,1)若形容词后紧跟可数名词单数,就用what a/an;是不可数名词或可数名词复数,只用what。2)若形容词后后紧跟a/an/the/my/your/this/that/Tom’s等等乱七八糟的东西,想都不用想,直接用how就OK了。如:

例句1:What a good

boy he is!他是个多么好的男孩啊!





boys they are!他们是多么好的男孩啊!/




weather it is!多么冷的天气啊!/


例句4:How good

the boy is!这男孩多好啊!/


★★★若没有形容词,而出现副词或是句子,直接用how.例:How well he plays the guitar!他吉他弹得多好啊!

/ 副词(what不可以修饰副词,看到副词直接用how)

How time flies!

How fast Liu Xiang runs 打油诗一首: 感叹句往后看 形容词后是名单

就用what a或what an 形后若是不可数或名复数 只用what就可以 形容词后乱糟糟 只写how就OK了



1.一般的,比较级加-er,最高级加-est;如:small-smaller-smallest;short-shorter-shortest 2.重读闭音节—“辅-元-辅”结构,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er 或-est;如: big→bigger→biggest;hot→hotter→hottest wet red thin fat 3.以不发音e结尾的,比较级加-r,最高级加-st;如: large→larger→largest;nice→nicer→nicest 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est;如: easy→easier→easiest;heavy→heavier→heaviest 5.多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most;如:

beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful;different→more different→most different 6.不规则变化----必须熟记: 如:good→better→best;bad/ill→worse→worst;little→less→least;many/much→more→most;old→ older/elder→ oldest/eldest;far→ further/farther→ furthest/farthest.几种特殊情况少数单音节词前面加 more-, most-构成比较级和最高级

tired----more tired , most tired fond-----more fond , most fond glad-----more glad , most glad bored----more bored , most bored pleased----more pleased , most pleased 三下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级有两种形式

more cruel , most cruel strict----stricter , strictest / more strict , most strict often-----oftener , oftenest / more often , most often friendly------friendlier , friendliest / more friendly , most friendly clever-----cleverer, cleverest / more clever , most clever 四 下列形容词和副词没有比较级和最高级(即表示”最高程度”或”绝对状态”的形容词和副词没有比较级和最高级)empty , wrong , perfect , B:形容词比较级的用法 序号






I am two years older than my little sister.



Penny is the taller of the two girls.

表示“越来越„” 或‘越„就越„’


more and more + 多音节词 the+比较级„, the+比较级

In spring the days are getting longer and longer. Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.The more you practice using English,the better you’ll learn it.可以用much,far,even,a bit,a little,a lot等修饰比较级表示程度,但不能用very修饰

Tom is a little taller than Mike.


In summer, the weather in JN is much hotter than that in QD. The pants in this shop are a lot better than those in that shop.C:形容词和副词最高级的用法


“主语+系动词+the+形容词最高级+of短语/in短语” eg.She is the youngest of the three. “ A+谓语动词+(the)+最高级+of短语/in短语” .Linda draws(the)most carefully in her class. 1.规则

tall ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍slow ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ small ﹍﹍ ﹍ fast ﹍﹍﹍﹍smart ﹍﹍﹍﹍ few ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ nice ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ fine ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ large ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ late ﹍﹍

﹍﹍ brave ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ pretty ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ easy ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ funny ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍happy ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ lazy ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ heavy ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ dirty ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ slim ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ hot ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ big ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍

thin ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ beautiful ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍ interesting ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍ important ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍ dangerous ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍

expensive ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍ polite ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍careful ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ 不规则 bad/badly/ill ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ little ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍

many/much ﹍﹍ ﹍﹍ old ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍far ﹍﹍﹍﹍ ﹍﹍﹍﹍ 2.用法。(比较事物)▲比较两者

不同① 一件事情和另外一件事情不同be different from

西蒙的校服和约翰的校服不同。_________________________________ ② 两者表示一方比另一方更。。用“比较级+than„” A friend is easier lost than found.______________________ 这个箱子比那个箱子重。__________________________ 他的头发比我长。_____________________________ 齐肩发让lucy看上去更漂亮了。__________________________

你为什么不早点来呢?___________________________ 你觉得看电视比看书有趣么?_________________________ 他的哥哥比他大两岁。_________________________ ② 当比较两件事物的多少时,我们可以用“more„than”来表示“比。更多”, “fewer„than”或“less..than”来表示“比。更少”。

米莉的花比艾米多。______________________ 米莉的钱比艾米少。_________________________ 丹尼尔的CD比汤姆的少。________________________________ 西蒙的橘子汁比桑迪的少。_______________________________ ▲ ①比较三者或三者以上时,若表示其中一者“最。”,用“ the +形容词最高级+ of/in” 改错: simmon is the taller of the three.She ran _____of all the runners.(fast)他是我们班最好的学生。_______________________ 今天是我一生中最快乐的一天。___________________________ 注意:当主语和比较对象是同一类别时,用介词of;反之用in.He is the tallest boy in his class.He is the tallest boy of the three(boys).改错: the girl is the youngest in the three.试用形容词比较级时候的注意点:

★ much, a little, a lot, far, even, any, still 等可修饰比较级,表示程度,而very, rather, quite 不能。The experiment was ____ easier than we had expected.A.more B.much more C.much D.more much I feel even ______ now.A.bad B.well C.worse D.worst 改错: he is very stronger than I.★ 在进行比较是要避免主语与自身进行比较。如:

China is larger than any country in Asia.×(因为any country in Asia 中包括china 本身)China is larger than any other country in Asia.√(other把China 本身给除开了。)★ 在进行比较是,要注意比较的对象是否一致。如:

His computer is newer than _______.A.mine B.your C.him D.her 形容词比较级的一些特殊用法。

The „.., the„.,the +比较级,the +比较级,越。。越。。越快越好。

___________________________________________ “越来越。。”比较级+比较级,或 More and more + adj.北京变得越来越漂亮啦。

___________________________________________ 冬天来了,天气变的越来越冷了。

___________________________________________ 最高级: The + 最高级 My +最高级

One of +the + adj.最高级+ n.复数

He is one of my ________(close)friends.初中语法B-比较级和最高级练习(2011-02-10 12:51:25)

转载 标签: 杂谈


1.long _________ _________ 2.short _________ _________ 3.big _________ _________ 4.early _________ _________ 5.nice _________ _________ 6.fat _________ _________ 7.strong _________ _________ 8.clean _________ _________ 9.busy _________ _________ 10.thin _________ _________ 11.tall _________ _________ 12.late _________ _________ 13.hot _________ _________ 14.happy _________ _________ 15.delicious ________________ ________________ 16.beautiful ________________ ________________ 17.interesting ________________ ________________ 18.important ________________ ________________ 19.popular ________________ ________________ 20.expensive ________________ ________________ 21.careful ________________ ________________ 22.good _________ _________ 23.many _________ _________ 24.old _________ _________ 25.bad _________ _________ 二.用括号内单词的正确形式填空

1.Bob is _________(young)than Fred.2.Elva is not as ___________(tall)as Lily.3.Tom looks _______(fat)than before.4.Which is _________(heavy), a hen or a chicken? 5.--How _________(tall)is Sally?--She' s 1.55 metres ________(tall).What about Lucy?--She' s only 1.40 metres ______(tall).She is much _______(short)than Sally.She is also the _______(short)girl in the class.6.He is ______(bad)at learning maths.He is much _______(bad)at Chinese and he is the _________(bad)at English.7.Annie says Sally is the ________(kind)person in the world.8.He is one of the_________(friendly)people in the class, I think.9.A dictionary is much _________(expensive)than a story-book.10.An orange ia a little ______(big)than an apple, but much ________(small)than a watermelon.11.Miss Chen is __________ _________than Mr.Wang.(popular)12.The basketball _______ ________ ________ the baseball.(big)13.Question A _______ ________ _________ ________ Question B.(important)14.A rose ________ ________ __________ ________ a weed(野草).(beautiful)15.Toronto(多伦多)is _____ ______ city in Canada.(large)16.Playing computer games is ______ _____ _____ of all the activities.(interesting).17.The Nile(尼羅河)is ______ ________river in the world.(long)18.Taking a taxi is ______ _______ way to get to the airport.(easy)19.Test 1 is _____ _______ _________of all the tests.(difficult)

20.He is ________than any other boy in the class.(clever)21.She is_______ than all the other students.(young)22.Where is the ________bus-stop?(near)23.She is ______ ______ girl in the classroom.(tall)27.Tom drives much ________ ________than John.(careful)28.The white flower is ________(beautiful).The yellow flower is ______ _______(beautiful)than the white flower.The red flower is the _____ ______ of the three.三、选择题

1.She is ________ than ________.A.busier / us B.busier / we C.more busy / us D.more busy / we 2.Jane is ________ than Betty.A.less taller B.less tallest C.less tall D.not as tall 3.China is ________ country in the world.A.the third largest B.the largest third C.the third large D.a third largest 4.-Which is ____ season in Beijing?

-I think it's autumn.A.good B.better C.best D.the best 5.-Which is__________ , the sun, the moon or the earth?

--Of course, the moon is.A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest 6.The air in Beijing is getting much _____ now than a few years ago.A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest D.the cleanest 7.Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _____ than before.A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest 8.I study English as_______as my brother.A.hard B.harder C.hardest 9.Which is _____ , a bicycle or a computer? A.expensive B.more expensive C.the most expensive 10.The Yellow River is one of ______rivers in China.A long B longer C the longest 11.She is the second _______student in our class.A.tall B.taller C.tallest


()1.He is thiner than his brother.____________ A B C D()2.The pen is the more expensive of all the pens.A B C D _____________()3.This story is interestinger than that one.A B C D _____________()4.Her English is gooder than I._______________ A B C D()5.He is the stronger in the class.___________________ A B C D()6.Benny was most excited in the class._______________

第二篇:初中英语感叹句练习及其 答案

感叹句 由what 或How 来引导

(一)How 修饰形容词或者句子

1.How interesting the movie is!2.How funny he is!3.How handsome the boy is!4.How nice the weather is!

5.How time flies!6.How I miss you!(二)What


What a/ What an 修饰可数名词

a/an 是由修饰名词的形容词决定 What delicious food it is!

What lovely animals they are!What a cool boy he is!

What an exciting movie I have seen!练习(感叹句攻略,去掉主谓,确定修饰的词为形容词还是名词

形容词或句子用how 名词确定用what 在判断名词是可数名词还是不可数名词

可数名词用what a 或者what an

a/an是由修饰名词的形容词觉得)填入适当的词完成下列感叹句(How/ What/ What a/ an)。

1).__What_ difficult homework we had yesterday!2)._____ What a___cute dog it is!3).___How_____ interesting the story is!

4).___How___ bad the weather is!5)._____ What an___ honest boy Tom is!

6).___ What __ tasty smell the cake gave off!7)._ What a__ good time we had on the beach yesterday!8).____ What ____ exciting news you've brought us!9).___How_____cool your new car is!

10).____How____ scary these tigers are!11.___ What ___ a pretty girl she is!

12.____How____ quickly the boy is running!1 3.__ What ____ kind teachers they are!

14.____How____ clever the baby is!15.__How____ I miss my hometown!6.___How___ happy I am!17.____ What a____ sad child he is!8.____ What __ hot water it is!19._____How___ hard they study!

20.__ What an ____ able young man he is!21.Look!___How____fast the boy is running!

22.____ What a ___cold day it was yesterday!23.____How___heavy the box is!I can’t carry it

24.__ What an_____interesting story he told us!25.__How_____nice the moon cakes are!

26.____ What ___bad weather!

27._What______clever children all of you are!

28.___ What ____important news that is!29.___How____time flies!

20.____ What ___beautiful flowers you bought me!选择题

1._____C__ fine the weather is!

A.What a



D.How a

2._____D________ exciting film we saw yesterday!A.What a

B.How a

C.How an

D.What an 3.____B___ great fun they had!A.What a



D.How a 4.__B___ heavy rain it was!

A.What a



D.How a 5.____A_______ fun place to go Shanghai is!

A.What a



D.How a 6.___A___ happy life the old live!A.What a



D.How a 7.________B____ nice fish they cooked!

A.What a



D.How a 8._______C__ blue the sky is!

A.What a



D.How a 9.______C______ dangerous the animals are!

A.What a



D.How a

10._A___ good time we are having!

A.What a



D.What an 11.__A_____ fast the boy ran!

A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 12.__A____ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!A.How, how B.What, what C.How, what D.What, how 13.____A____ delicious the soup is!I’d like some more.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 14.____C___ fools they were!

They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 15.___A____ foolish they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 16.___C____ difficult questions they are!I can’t answer them.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 17.I miss my friend very much.___A____ I want to see her!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 18.__C_____ lovely weather we are having these days!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 19.___A____ beautiful your new dress is!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 20.___C____ interesting work it is!

A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an



____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

一、将下列句子改为感叹句.1.It’s very cold today.____________________________________________________ 2.It’s a nice dress.____________________________________________________

3.Those are lovely animals.____________________________________________________ 4.The man drives very carefully.____________________________________________________ 5.It’s bad weather.____________________________________________________ 6.He cooks very delicious food.____________________________________________________ 7.They had a good time last Sunday.____________________________________________________ 8.The girl comes to school so early.____________________________________________________ 9.He told me important news.____________________________________________________ 10.We have a very happy family.____________________________________________________ 11.Mrs.Li found her handbag luckily.____________________________________________________ 12.The plane flies quite quickly.____________________________________________________ 13.She is a very careful student.____________________________________________________ 14.This is an easy problem.____________________________________________________ 15.Your mother looks very young.____________________________________________________ 16.The music sounds nice.____________________________________________________ 17.That is hard work.____________________________________________________ 18.Her son is very naughty.____________________________________________________ 19.He has a useful dictionary.____________________________________________________ 20.Li Ping jumps very high.____________________________________________________

二、用What , What a , What an , How 填空. 1._____________ hot the weather is!11._____________good weather!Why not go out 2._____________hard her father works!for a walk!3._____________long way it is from Guangdong 12._____________nice the garden is!to Paris!13._____________difficult work he did!4._____________fine day it was yesterday!14._____________broken the house looks!5._____________beautiful your voice is!15._____________ happy life we have!6._____________interesting picture-books!16._____________well my deskmate swims!7._____________lovely baby!17._____________helpful girl she is!8._____________strong wind!18._____________delicious mooncakes!9._____________ sad new he told us!19._____________dangerous the tigers are!10._____________happy she was last weekend!20._____________tired you look!


1.How cold it is today!____________________________________________________ 2.How nice the dress is!____________________________________________________ 3.What lovely animals those are!____________________________________________________ 4.How bad the weather is!____________________________________________________ 5.What delicious food he cooks!____________________________________________________ 6.What important news he told me!____________________________________________________ 7.What a happy family we have!____________________________________________________ 8.How luckily Mrs.Li found her handbag!____________________________________________________ 9.What a careful student she is!____________________________________________________ 10.What an easy problem this is!____________________________________________________ 11.How nice the music sounds!____________________________________________________ 12.How hard the work is!____________________________________________________ 13.How naughty her son is!____________________________________________________ 14.What a useful dictionary he has!____________________________________________________ 15.How beautiful this sweater looks!____________________________________________________ 16.What expensive pens those are!____________________________________________________ 17.How good this book is!____________________________________________________ 18.How interesting this photo is!____________________________________________________ 19.What a kind man he is!____________________________________________________ 20.How warm Spring is!____________________________________________________ 21.What an exciting movie it is!____________________________________________________ 22.How difficult these questions are!____________________________________________________ 23.What lovely presents they are!____________________________________________________


____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.那些油画太贵了!

____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3.多丑的娃娃啊!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.她的头发真长啊!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5.他是多么懒惰的人啊!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6.这是一部多么有趣的电影啊!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7.这些问题真难!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8.多可爱的孩子们啊!

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 9.那个老太太走路真慢!




I.选择题 _________clever girl she is!

A What a

B What

C How a

D how 2 __________interesting story it is!

A What an

B What a

C How an

D How 3 _______ clever children they are!

A What

B What a

C How a

D How 4 ____________flowers they are!

A What beautiful

B What a beautiful

C How beautiful

D How a beautiful 5 ___________ it is today!

A How cold

B What cold

C How a cold

D What a cold 6 ___________bad the weather is!

A How

B What

C What a

D How a 7 ______________good news it is!

A How

B What a

C How a

D What 8 _____________the sunshine is!

A What a bright

B How a bright

C How bright

D what bright 9 ___________ he writes.A How good

B How well

C What good

D What well 10 ____________ Tom runs!

A What fast boy

B What fast

C How fast

D How a fast 11.which is true?

A How tall the buildings are!

B What tall the buildings are!

C How tall buildings they are!

D what a tall buildings they are!12.__________ it is raining!

A How heavily

B What heavy

C How heavy 13.____ delicious the dish is!



C.What a 14.____ an interesting subject it is!



C.What 15._________ wonderful time we have had.A.How

B.How a


D.What a


1.The fried fish tastes delicious.

________ ________ the fried fish tastes!

2.New York is beautiful.

________ ________ New York is!

3.It is a useful book.________ ________ ________ book it is!4.That's an interesting film.

________ ________ interesting film that is!

5.The babies are playing happily.

________ ________ the babies are playing!

III.把下列的句子改为感叹句。(答案不唯一)⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.B: ___________________________ ⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man.B: ___________________________ ⒊ A: The cat is happy.B: ___________________________ 4.A: He is lucky.B: ___________________________ 5.A: The dolphin is playing happily.B: ___________________________ 2


一、选择题(答案在下面)⒈ ____ delicious the dish is!A.What B.How

C.What a ⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing!A.What a


C.How a

⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is!A.What


C.What an

⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday!A.What

B.What a


⒌ ____ careless a boy you are!A.How

B.What a


1)用How或What填空,完成感叹句。1._______________ a nice flower it is!2._______________ fast the tiger runs!3._______________ clever the children are!

4._______________ happily they live!

5.________________ a good time we had yesterday!

6.________________ fun it is to play football!

7.________________ an exciting news!8.________________ friendly the girl is!

9.________________ a friendly girl she is!

10.________________ slowly the woman walks!


1.The children are reading carefully.__________________________________

2.The film is very interesting.______________________________________

3.She works very hard.______________________________________

4.We saw a wonderful film last evening.______________________________________

5.The ships moves slowly.________________________________________

3)同义句改写。1.How delicious the food is!

____________ _________________ food it is!

2.What good news it is!__________ _____________ the news is!

3.He shouted angrily at the boy.___________ _____________ he shouted at the boy!

4.How boring the film is!___________________________ it is!

5.How lovely the children are!_______

二、将正确的感叹词圈起来。1.(What,How)a big classroom!2.(What,How)a nice dress it is!3.(What,How)sweet these candies are!4.(What,How)lovely the rabbits are!5.(What,How)nice you are!

6.(What,How)a good time they are having!7.(What,How)interesting books they are!8.(What,How)old the girl looks!9.(What,How)a lovely day!10.(What,How)good news it is!

三、选择what或how来完成下列感叹句。1._________(What, How)a beautiful picture!2._________(What, How)lovely the baby is!3._________(What, How)delicious soup!4._________(What, How)hard they are studying!5._________(What, How)fine weather it is!6._________(What, How)beautiful flowers they are!7._________(What, How)nice she is!

四、用What或How填空.1._____ fine weather today is!2._____ tall she is!3._____ big the garden is!4._____ beautiful flowers they are!5._____ a good boy he is!6._____ a nice girl she is!7._____ short the pencil is!8._____ beautiful pictures they are!9._____ a big park it is!10._____ sweet these apples are!11._____ a tall building!

五、用what、how填空,使句意完整。1._______ a clever boy he is!2._______ a fine day(it is)today!

3.______ delicious the mooncakes(月饼)are!4._______ nice girls they are!5._______ expensive this bike is!6.______ a good book it is!7._____ small these dogs are!

8.______ bright(明亮的)rooms they are!9.______ clever(聪明的)the monkey is!

六、把下列句子转换为感叹句。1.That is a lovely animal.(用what引导)2.The car runs fast.(用how引导)3.His father is tall.(用how引导)4.The boy is clever.(用how引导)

七、将下列句子改为感叹句。1.Mary speaks fast.2.It’s a long story.3.She is a pretty girl.4.It’s a clean classroom.5.She sings well.6.The ice cream is so delicious.7.My mother is nice.8.John goes to school very early.9.These are very beautiful flowers.10.The watch is small.八、选择填空。

()1._______ lovely girl she is!


B.What a


()2._______ fast Tom runs!


B.What a


()3._______ tall tree it is!


B.What a


()4._______ interesting books they are!


B.How a


()5._______ beautiful the flowers are!


B.How a


()6._______ high he jumps!


B.How a


()7._______ fine weather it is!


B.How a


()8._________ sunny day!Let’s go boating.A.How

B.How a

C.What a

()9._____ clean the classroom is!




D.How a

D.How a

D.How a D.What a

D.What a

D.What a

D.What a



()10._____ beautiful day it is!



C.What a

D.How a()11.________ thick ice!Let’s go skating, shall we?



C.How a

D.What a()12._____________bad weather it is!



C.How a

D.What a



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