
时间:2019-05-13 21:48:39下载本文作者:会员上传



Some people believe that the country would benefit a lot from more young people entering into university;however, others think that the large number of people receiving college education only leads to graduate unemployment.Discuss both views and give your opinion.一些人认为,有很高比例的年轻人能上大学让国家收益巨大,而另一些人认为,这样只会导致毕业即失业。讨论两种观点并给出你的观点。

STEP1 明确论点


STEP2 举例论证

明确论点之后就用实例来进行举例,雅思作文举例的一个误区是考生要么就太空泛,要么就太具体,其实,一个明确的论点+适当论证就可以啦~ 为什么不能要太多大学生?


2)人太多——学校的课程设置不合理——学习内容和社会脱轨造成失业 3)重视分数而不重视能力——比如没有交流能力——造成工作困难 烤鸭们如果能够在拿到考题的前几分钟这样进行一个逻辑梳理,那么论据说起来就不会很苍白啦~还记得环球君和大家分享过的,思考要全面吗?我们提了不少反方论点,但是别忘了要肯定正方+提出解决建议哦~ 1)大学生人数增加——社会基本素质显著提升【肯定】


STEP3 用词丰满

配合自己的观点,将一些高分词组/力所能及的高级词汇列举出来,便于自己在写作中顺利使用。注意很多其他topic的词组在雅思作文中同样适用~ 人太多:too many people/ a large population/ densely populated/ overpopulated/ overcrowded 比较:compared with/ in comparison to/ in contrast 迎合:cater for/ adjust to

STEP4 请输入标题注意语法与衔接

语法与衔接这些小细节一定要注意,否则容易失分,我们现在来看一段例子,帮助大家理解 On the other hand, it cannot be ignored that many graduates may be trapped in a situation where they cannot secure employment when they finish their academic programs.Sometimes, when students are too engaged in studying at university, they may neglect some necessary skills.For example, some students who perform so well may not be proficient in communication, which leads to that they cannot effectively respond to their potential employers when hunting a job.Thus, it is also understandable that some employers refuse so-called elites from universities since they may not know some basic skills, such as communicative skills.在这一段,先说


2)如果太专注学习而不重视能力可能找不到工作 3)举例说明,没有交流技能,被公司拒绝

这样的一个段落,有论点,有论据,有例证,就会显得丰满自然,字数也能顺利达到!for example:在句子里for example作为插入语出现,增加句子的多样性。

and thus:是一种非常正式的用法,相当于therefore,但比therefore更难理解和使用。首先thus连接的前后两句话主语一致,然后前后两句话存在着因果的关系。比如说: The parents have no money, so they can’t buy a car.The parents have no money, and thus can’t buy a car.今天的雅思作文干货就到这里啦~知道了这些方法,还要赶快练起来才行!还可以来参加我们的雅思秋季班,名师讲解更清晰,进步更快哦!



1.The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________.Consequently, ______________.2.No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are many reason for it.3.Its an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________.4.The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society.5.A great number of solutions are being offered.Some people suggest that ______________.Others argue that ______________.6.Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.7.However, ______________ may cause some problems.First, it is ______________.Second, ______________.Finally, _____________修改文章_.So, it is clear that ______________ has its advantages and disadvantages.8.Although ______________ has a great advantage of ______________, it cant compete with ______________ in ______________.9.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but ______________ suffers from the disadvantages that ______________.10.The advantages of ______________ are much greater that those of ______________.For instance, ______________.11.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but it also suffers from the disadvantages that ______________.



Sentence 1 Background(general statement)Sentence 2 Rephrase the topic(thesis statement)Sentence 3 personal opinion or brief description of main body 如何写背景句


Some people who have been successful in the society don’t attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned from their university.Do you agree or disagree?

People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement.The importance of theoretical knowledge to one’s success is a matter for debate.例题2.The advertising is discouraging people from being different individuals and makes people to be or seem to be the same.Do you agree or disagree?

The influence of advertising on our buying behaviours is a subject matter.In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the influence of advertising on our buying behaviors.如何改写题目 1.不要抄袭题目 2.句子不要过长

例题1.Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training? Sentence1 The treatment of criminals has been open to debate in recent years.Sentence2.1)加上常用句型:There is much controversy over whether to send criminals to jails or to let them receive education or job training.2)改变句子成分的顺序:Some people think that to send criminals to jails is better than to let them receive education or job training.3)改变句子成分:Some people think that imprisonment is better than education or job training in treating criminals.例题2.Police in Britain do not carry guns.Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but some suggest that it would reduce violence in society.Discuss those two views.Sentence 1.In some countries, such as Britain, it is a convention that police do not carry guns.Sentence 2.1)加常用句型:There is a perception that it will make citizens unprotected, while a counter-argument is that it would reduce violence in society.2)改变句子成分的顺序:Some people think that citizens would be unprotected, while some suggest that violence could be reduced.3)改变句子成分:Some people think that it fails to protect citizens while some suggest that it would minimize violence in society.如何写第三句话:



例题1.Children in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think that’s a waste of time.Discuss both views and give your opinion.Sentence 1 International news represents one of the main sources of information from which we discover what is happening around the world.Sentence 2 However, when it comes to including it in the curriculum at secondary school, there is an ongoing debate.Sentence 3 1)阐明立场法

支持:My personal view is that studying international news is of benefits to students.反对:I am not convinced that it is necessary.2)不明确表示自己支持哪一方面,而是指明文章会讨论一个事物的两个方面 There are some points in both sides.例题2.Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and use up the world’s resources.Do you agree or disagree Sentence 1 There is little room for doubt about the convenience brought by air travel.Sentence 2 However, when it comes to its impact on the environment, no conclusion has been arrived at.Sentence 3 1)表明立场

支持:As far as I know, its benefits are far more overt than its down sides.反对:My personal view is that its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.2)不标明立场

This essay will compare and contrast its benefits and downsides.问题类题目的开头段

例题1.What are the causes and solutions of the problem of the scarcity of water resource?

Sentence 1 Water shortage is one of the most challenging issues to address in many countries.Sentence 2.(不要说有人争议水资源缺乏的问题,而是直接关注它的原因)There are some factors leading to this problem.Sentence 3(说清楚文章要讨论的内容)Some of the most factors will be discussed below, followed by some responsible solutions.例题2.There is a gap between living in the city and living in the countryside.What are the reasons in your country and how can the difference be reduced?


Topic sentence(one sentence only): highlight the central point of this paragraph, serve to support an argument.Supporting sentences: sentences for the extension, explanation and justification of the topic sentence(3 sentences if the main body is composed of 3 paragraphs, and 4to 5 sentences if 2paragraphs)

例题1 Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects? A 社会类题目





B 教育类题目





经济角度: 广告宣传产品,促进消费,推动经济




1.One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.2.Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.3.Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.支持句的写法

Explanation: 解释和说明中心句的意思或原因

Extension: 将中心句或将解释中心句的句子拓展一下,阐述它的影响 Example:

在需要的时候,举例说明,有助于更加形象地描述事情 Sorting:

当一个中心句有几个分论点支持时,可以将论点分类说明 Contrasting: 描述相反的情形,在无法落笔的时候特别有用。

1.1.One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.1)Common knowledge is that advertising refers to presenting information, relating to a product or service by a variety of media, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, brochures and so forth.2)With the presence of advertising, a consumer is able to acquire the latest information in the market, such as properties of a product or service, and thereby make a wiser buying decision.3)By contrast, without advertising, a consumer is at the risk of purchasing, a product that fails to meet all of his or her needs, because of lack of knowledge of better alternatives in the market.2.Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.1)As said before, advertising is responsible to introduce a product, but in reality, it does more than that.2)Advertising describes a product in such an impressive way and with adding so many visual appeals that it always succeeds in attracting the eye of the audience and driving them into a final purchase.3)Besides, advertising reminds intended customers of their existing needs or creates fresh needs, keeping them aware that only by purchasing a product can their needs be met.4)By these two approaches, advertising encourages spending and contributes to economic development.3.Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.1)It is a shared convention in the advertising industry that some properties of a product are highlighted while the others are simplified.2)A product, when prompted well, will be highly desired by many, as customers are misguided to ignore the products’ downsides.3)It accounts for why many shoppers regret their buying decisions before long, observing that what they have brought is not what they actually need or fails to live up to their expectations.4)Cosmetics and dietary supplements are among those standard examples, costing individual buyers a lot but not achieving desirable outcomes.如何写结论段

1.重新总结主体部分讨论过的要点 2.重新阐述你的立场和观点


In conclusion, advertising plays an essential role in society, not only making consumers well-informed buyers but also fostering economic development.However, consumers should beware of the misleading nature of advertising.注意事项:

1.不要用不熟悉的词 2.避免过度使用从句 3.少用名言 4.杜绝中国谚语

5.少用第一或第二人称 6.避免口语化的词语

7.尽量避免使用问号和感叹号 8.不要用所写 9.不要用比喻






















学校应该教孩子如何竞争而不是合作AD;有人提倡在家通过远程教育学习,有人则支持去学校和老师一起学习DG;读书比看电视更能培养想象力和语言能力AD;有人认为不同能力的孩子应该放在一起教,其他人则认为特别优秀的孩子应该单独教DG;孩子应该在家和父母住而不是住在学校AD;现代游戏比传统游戏更能培养孩子的各方面能力AD;死记硬背教育模式的利弊LB;有人认为家庭对孩子的影响很大,其他人则认为家以外的因素(如老师,同龄人等)影响更大DG;计算机/电视机/互联网对孩子成长的利弊LB;随着电脑科技用于教育,老师的作用不再重要AD;有人认为的孩子的成长由天性决定,其他人则认为后天培养更重要DG;有人认为学校应该只教文化课(academic subjects), 像艺术和体育这样的科目就没用AD;有人认为学生应该小组学习,其他人则支持独自学习DG;大学应该走自己的路,不必去在意用人单位需要什么AD;有人认为应该把国际新闻纳入学校课程,其他人觉得这是浪费时间DG;出国留学的利弊LB;










有人认为应该制定法律来约束工人的上班时间AD;有人支持始终在一家公司干同样的工作,其他人则支持频繁的更换工作DG;人们开始干多个工作的原因和应对未来就业形势的建议RS;出国工作的利弊LB;临时工作的利弊LB;有人认为年轻人不适合担任政府的重要职位AD;年轻人失业的原因和解决方案RS;有人认为为了给年轻人更多机会,应该鼓励人们早点退休AD;有人喜欢自己创业(self-employed), 有人则喜欢去给别人打工DG;科技让老板而不是员工收益AD;工作满足感的因素有哪些,是否能指望所有人都能实现工作满足感(job satisfaction)BT;如今很多雇主在招聘员工的时候把学历看的比生活阅历和个人品质更重要,为什么,好事还是坏事R.LB;有人认为年轻人应该上大学,其他人则认为他们应该去做汽车修理工或建筑工一类的工作来满足社会需求DG;






















雅思大作文模板|雅思大作文写作模板 很多考雅思的同学都很想知道一些雅思作文模板|,雅思考试有大作文和小作文,这里先重点讲讲雅思大作文,当然也会提供给烤鸭们一些雅思大作文模板.英语作文写作讲究的是形式与内容的高度统一和协调,中国的雅思学生在写文章的时候中文理由一大堆,却苦于不知如何表达,要想在短期内有所突破,唯一的方法就是去模仿范文中比较好的句式和模板,据为己用,然后进行修改和整理最后才能是自己的东西。才能拥有属于自己的雅思大作文写作模板.因此,模仿这一关一定要过,而且要理解后再模仿,不能生搬硬套,否则就要闹出很多笑话,或者干脆生搬硬套,那是肯定不行的.作文模板痕迹太明显,考官不会给好分数的. 下面给大家一些雅思大作文模板|雅思大作文写作模板,希望烤鸭们能理解后变化运用. 雅思大作文模板

In the contemporary society, … sparked spirited debate.It is evidently reasonable for some to believe that …(On the one hand, in some areas, some people hold the idea that …)The first point with respect to this is that ….There is ample(充足的)evidence suggesting that…,which means that… Furthermore, it is manifest(明白的、明显的)that… Obviously,… Last but not least,… There is no doubt that,…

By contrast, some others may claim that…(On the other hand, in other fields, others mountain that)Admittedly,….As far as I am concerned, this view may be based on the consideration that ….Nevertheless, I would say this does not sound very convincing(有说服力的)since….It is generally arguable that…., which suggests that….To sum up, due to the above-mentioned reasons, we may safely reach the conclusion that …..Additionally, I would suggest that it seems highly wise and imperative for …to ………, which I believe is soundly based on the above reasoning I have presented.(As a matter of fact, this issue is a complex and controversial one.Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds.;therefore, there is no universal answer to this question.As far as I know, in some areas, some people believe that…, on the other hand, in other fields, others mountain that….)这是另外一种开头方式。。下面这个模板基本上没怎么变,因为出现的频率很低,所以我就用十天作文里的模板,稍微同义转换了一下,没什么含金量,而且模板痕迹很重

Report 类 模板In present-day society, the human society is progressing at staggering rate on various fronts.Nevertheless, in the meantime, many problems have been brought about, a conspicuous one of which is … This situation has triggered intense attention.In this essay, I will investigate some possible causes of this phenomenon and then propose some solutions.It is manifest that the causes of … are multiple.In the first place, … For instance … In the second place, … Specifically … Thirdly … It seems that …

On the basis of the above reasoning, the solutions to this problem should also be manifold.Firstly, … For example, … Then, … Indeed, … Above all, … Research has proved that …To sum up, several factors contribute to … I would assert that we should take measures including … , … and … to solve this worrisome situation.参考的雅思大作文模板首句参考的雅思大作文模板首句参考的雅思大作文模板首句参考的雅思大作文模板首句::::雅思大作文模板|雅思大作文写作模板

1.The debate these days draws our attention about whether

2.It goes without saying that is no avoiding the fact thatThere has been a long-term dispute over whetherhave found their popularity and acceptance among citizens.in my country have become the focus of public concern.7.Even three-year-old children know about severe problems broughtby in cities around the world.8.It wasn’t untilthat

9.is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen’s concern around the globe.10.When economy is running on the right way for a relatively long period, and commercialization is sweeping across the world, the issue ofhas been mentioned and emphasized in our society more frequently than ever before.11.It is not uncommon these days to

12.there is a belief that

13.It is reported that

14.Over the last half century, the pace of change inhas increased beyond our wildest expectations.参考的雅思大作文模板中间段

第二段首句第二段首句第二段首句第二段首句,Convincing arguments can be made thatUndeniably,Indisputably,5.On the one hand, it is arguable that

6.There is no denying that

7.True,8.It is true that

9.It is evident that

10.It is apparent that

11.It is obvious that

12.It is clear that

13.It is manifest that

14.Clearly,15.There is no doubt that

16.It goes without saying that

次句,For a start,To begin with,To start with,For one thing,第三句第四句第五句第六句第七句,Finally, Last but not least,More importantly,Above all,Additionally,Second,In the second place,Then,Moreover,Further,Furthermore,Besides,For another Therefore,Hence,Thus,As a consequence,As a result,Consequently,Specifically,More exactly,More precisely,It has been calculated thatIt has been speculated thatIn other words,As a matter of fact,It seems thatIn fact,......




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