二、需求分析说明书 ····································································································4 2.1系统介绍..................................................................................................................................................4 2.2系统面向的用户群体..............................................................................................................................4 2.3系统的功能性需求..................................................................................................................................4 2.4系统的非功能性需求..............................................................................................................................5 2.4.1用户界面需求...................................................................................................................................5 2.4.2软硬件环境需求...............................................................................................................................5 2.4.3软件质量需求...................................................................................................................................5
三、可行性分析报告 ····································································································5 3.1技术可行性..............................................................................................................................................5 3.2人员可能性..............................................................................................................................................5 3.3时间、设备可能性..................................................................................................................................5 3.4系统工作量..............................................................................................................................................5 3.5代码工作量..............................................................................................................................................5 3.6文档要求..................................................................................................................................................5
四、开发环境与项目规划 ·····························································································5 4.1开发环境..................................................................................................................................................5 4.2项目规划与管理......................................................................................................................................5 4.2.1开发人员安排...................................................................................................................................5 4.2.2开发进度安排...................................................................................................................................6
五、软件界面设计标准与规范 ······················································································6 5.1编写目的..................................................................................................................................................6 5.2界面设计思想..........................................................................................................................................6 5.3界面设计原则..........................................................................................................................................6 5.4界面设计样式..........................................................................................................................................6 5.5常见提示信息样式..................................................................................................................................6 5.6常见错误信息样式..................................................................................................................................7 5.7其他界面约定..........................................................................................................................................7
六、软件编码设计标准与规范 ······················································································7 6.1对象命名约定..........................................................................................................................................7 6.2常量和变量命名约定..............................................................................................................................8 6.3结构化编码约定......................................................................................................................................8 6.4数据源的约定..........................................................................................................................................9 6.5数据库访问约定......................................................................................................................................9 6.6其他约定..................................................................................................................................................9
七、数据库分析与设计·································································································10 7.1数据库环境说明.......................................................................................................................................10 7.2数据库命名标准与规范...........................................................................................................................10 7.3数据库逻辑设计.......................................................................................................................................10 7.4数据库物理设计.......................................................................................................................................10 7.4.1表、视图汇总...................................................................................................................................10 7.4.2各表、视图设计详解.......................................................................................................................11
八、软件体系结构设计说明书 ······················································································15 8.1系统概述..................................................................................................................................................15 8.2设计约束..................................................................................................................................................15 8.3设计策略..................................................................................................................................................15 8.4系统概要设计说明书..............................................................................................................................16 8.4.1图例说明...........................................................................................................................................16 8.4.2系统总体结构图...............................................................................................................................16 8.5系统详细设计说明书..............................................................................................................................17 8.5.1系统模块汇总...................................................................................................................................17 8.5.2系统核心模块详解...........................................................................................................................18 8.5.3系统模块详解...................................................................................................................................28
九、用户界面设计报告·································································································42 9.1界面设计规范..........................................................................................................................................42 9.2系统窗体汇总..........................................................................................................................................42 9.3主界面设计..............................................................................................................................................43 9.4子界面设计..............................................................................................................................................43 9.5界面资源设计..........................................................................................................................................44
十、软件测试分析报告·································································································44 10.1测试范围与主要内容............................................................................................................................44 10.2测试方法................................................................................................................................................44 10.3测试报告................................................................................................................................................44 10.4改进建议与措施....................................................................................................................................45
十一、软件使用说明书·································································································45 11.1软件概述.................................................................................................................................................45 11.2使用说明.................................................................................................................................................45 11.2.1系统登陆..........................................................................................................................................45 11.2.2系统退出..........................................................................................................................................46 11.2.3图书类别管理..................................................................................................................................46 11.2.4图书信息管理..................................................................................................................................48 11.2.5查询图书信息..................................................................................................................................48 11.2.6读者类别管理..................................................................................................................................49 11.2.7读者信息管理..................................................................................................................................49 11.2.8查询读者信息..................................................................................................................................50 11.2.9借书管理..........................................................................................................................................50 11.2.10还书管理........................................................................................................................................50 参考资料······················································································································51
图书管理系统的设计与推出是多方面原因促成的,比如学校的图书管理,日常管理工作 1 都是人工操作,历史数据很难保存和利用。而其他的小型图书馆大多如此。针对这种状况,我计划开发一个面向小型图书馆的图书管理系统,实现对人员、物流的全面管理,以帮助这些图书馆早日实现书店管理信息化。
想要全部 请加QQ:76536415 专业设计 毕业论文
Public sqltxt As String Public rno As String
'保存读者借书证号 Public bno As String
'保存读者图书编号 Public xm As String
'保存读者姓名 Public dw As String
'保存读者单位 Public rs As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
rno = Trim(Text1(0).Text)
If rno = “" Then
MsgBox ”借书证号不能为空,请输入“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Comm2.Enabled = False
sqltxt = ”select * from reader where 借书证号='“ + rno + ”'“
Set rs = exesql(sqltxt)
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”该读者未登记,不能借书“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Comm2.Enabled = False
Text2(0).Text = rs.Fields(”姓名“)
Text2(1).Text = str(rs.Fields(”借书总数“))
Text2(2).Text = str(rs.Fields(”借书总数“)rs.Fields(”已借书数“))
End If
End If
End If End Sub
Private Sub retCom_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Comm2.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'仍未增1,这样调用encomm过程时出错;若在Form_Activate()事件过程中调用adodc1.refresh进行刷新,'adodc1.recordset.recordcount值增1了,调用encomm过程时也正确,但返回本窗体时,当前行总是第一行,显然也不行,'因为用户在添加或修改后希望在datagrid1中显示当前操作的那条记录.recs = Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
flag = 1
edbook1.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
flag = 2
edbook1.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub Comm3_Click()
If MsgBox(”真的要删除[“ + Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”书名“))+ ”]吗?“, vbYesNo, ”信息提示“)= vbYes Then
recs = recs1
Call encomm
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm4_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub encomm()
If recs = 0 Then
Comm2.Enabled = False
Comm3.Enabled = False
Comm2.Enabled = True
Comm3.Enabled = True
End If End Sub
Dim cond As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
If flag = 2 Then
Text1(0).Text = edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)
Text1(1).Text = edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”过期罚款“)
Text1(2).Text = edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书总数“)
Text1(3).Text = edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书天数“)
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
If Trim(Text1(0).Text)= ”“ Or Trim(Text1(1).Text)= ”“ Or Trim(Text1(2).Text)= ”“ Or _
Trim(Text1(3).Text)= ”“ Then
MsgBox ”数据项不全,请重新设置“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
If flag = 1 Then '添加操作
If edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then '原记录个数大于0
cond = ”级别='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
If Not edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
End If
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)= Trim(Text1(0).Text)
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”过期罚款“)= Val(Trim(Text1(1).Text))
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书总数“)= Val(Trim(Text1(2).Text))
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书天数“)= Val(Trim(Text1(3).Text))
recs = recs + 1
n = edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
cond = ”级别='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst '每次从头开始查找
If Not edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()And edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition <> n Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)= Trim(Text1(0).Text)
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”过期罚款“)= Val(Trim(Text1(1).Text))
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书总数“)= Val(Trim(Text1(2).Text))
edlev.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书天数“)= Val(Trim(Text1(3).Text))
End If
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
recs = Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
flag = 1
edreader1.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
flag = 2
edreader1.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub Comm3_Click()
If MsgBox(”真的要删除[“ + Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”姓名“))+ ”]吗?“, vbYesNo, ”信息提示“)= vbYes Then
recs = recs1
Call encomm
End If End Sub Private Sub Comm4_Click()
Unload Me End Sub Private Sub encomm()
If recs = 0 Then
Comm2.Enabled = False
Comm3.Enabled = False
Comm2.Enabled = True
Comm3.Enabled = True
End If End Sub
Dim cond As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Caption = cap
If flag = 1 Then
Text1.Text = ”“
Text1.Text = edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”fn“)
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
If Trim(Text1.Text)= ”“ Then
MsgBox ”数据项不能为空,请重新设置“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
If flag = 1 Then '添加操作
If edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then '原记录个数大于0
cond = ”fn='“ + Trim(Text1.Text)+ ”'“
If Not edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
End If
edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”fn“)= Trim(Text1.Text)
recs = recs + 1
n = edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
cond = ”fn='“ + Trim(Text1.Text)+ ”'“
edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst '每次从头开始查找
If Not edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()And edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition <> n Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
edrec.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”fn“)= Trim(Text1.Text)
End If
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
If Not userlevel = ”系统管理员“ Then
menu21.Enabled = False
menu31.Enabled = False
menu41.Enabled = False
menu42.Enabled = False
End If End Sub
Private Sub menu11_Click()
borbook.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu12_Click()
retbook.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu13_Click()
End End Sub
Private Sub menu21_Click()
edbook.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu22_Click()
qubook.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu31_Click()
edreader.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu32_Click()
qureader.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu41_Click()
setuser.Show vbModal End Sub
Private Sub menu42_Click()
If MsgBox(”本功能要清除系统中所有数据,真的初始化吗?“, vbYesNo, ”确认初始化操作“)
= vbYes Then
Call deldata(”book“)Call deldata(”reader“)Call deldata(”borrow“)Call deldata(”rlevel“)
Call deldata(”depart“)
Call deldata(”press“)
Call deldata(”oper“)
MsgBox ”系统初始化完毕,下次只能以1234/1234(用户名/口令)进入本系统“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
End If End Sub
Public n As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset
txtsql = ”select * from oper where 用户名='“ & _
Trim$(Text1(0).Text)& ”'“ & ” And 口令 = '“ & Trim$(Text1(1).Text)+ ”'“
Set mrc = exesql(txtsql)
If mrc.RecordCount = 0 Then '未找到用户记录
n = n + 1
If n < 3 Then
MsgBox ”没有这个用户,继续登录“, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, ”信息提示“
Text1(0).Text = ”“
Text1(1).Text = ”“
MsgBox ”已登录失败三次,退出系统“, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, ”信息提示“
Unload Me
End If
userlevel = Trim(mrc.Fields(”级别“))
Unload Me
menu.Show '调用menu窗体
End If End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
n = 0
'n保存登录的次数 End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Call endata(KeyAscii)End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
Dim sqltxt As String
If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借否“)= ”借“ Then
no = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”图书编号“))
sqltxt = ”select * from borrow where 图书编号='“ + no + ”'“
Set rs = exesql(sqltxt)
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”该图书没有借书记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
MsgBox ”图书编号:“ + no + Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ _
名:“ + Trim(rs.Fields(”书名“))+ Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ _
”借 书 人:“ + Trim(rs.Fields(”姓名“))+ Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ _
位:“ + Trim(rs.Fields(”单位“))+ Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ _
”借书日期:“ + Format(rs.Fields(”借书日期“), ”yyyy.mm.dd“), vbOKOnly, ”查找结果“
End If
MsgBox ”该书没有外借,不能显示借书人“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub selcmd1_Click()'设置条件确定
Dim str As String
str = ”“
If Trim(Text1(0).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”图书编号='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 图书编号='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(1).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”书名='“ + Trim(Text1(1).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 书名='“ + Trim(Text1(1).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(2).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”作者='“ + Trim(Text1(2).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 作者='“ + Trim(Text1(2).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(3).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”出版社='“ + Trim(Text1(3).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 出版社='“ + Trim(Text1(3).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(4).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”借否='“ + Trim(Text1(4).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 借否='“ + Trim(Text1(4).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(5).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”定价=“ + Trim(Text1(5).Text)
str = str + ” and 定价=“ + Trim(Text1(5).Text)
End If
End If
If str <> ”“ Then
Adodc1.RecordSource = ”select * from book where “ + str
Adodc1.RecordSource = ”select * from book“
End If
If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”没有任何满足条件的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
End If
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub selcmd2_Click()'设置条件重置
Text1(0).Text = ”“
Text1(1).Text = ”“
Text1(2).Text = ”“
Text1(3).Text = ”“
Text1(4).Text = ”“
Text1(5).Text = ”“ End Sub
Private Sub encomm()'自定义子过程:判断Adodc1中是否存在记录
If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
Comm1.Enabled = False
Comm1.Enabled = True
End If End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Call endata(KeyAscii)End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
Dim strn As String
Dim sqltxt As String
no = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”借书证号“))
sqltxt = ”select * from borrow where 借书证号='“ + no + ”'“
Set rs = exesql(sqltxt)
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”该读者没有借任何图书“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
strn = ”书
名(借书日期)“ + Chr(10)+ Chr(13)
Do While Not rs.EOF()
strn = strn & Trim(rs.Fields(”书名“))& ”(“ & Format(rs.Fields(”借书日期“), ”yyyy.mm.dd“)& ”)“ + Chr(10)+ Chr(13)
MsgBox strn, vbOKOnly, ”列所借图书清单“
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub selcmd1_Click()'设置条件确定
Dim str As String
str = ”“
If Trim(Text1(0).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”借书证号='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 借书证号='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(1).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”姓名='“ + Trim(Text1(1).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 姓名='“ + Trim(Text1(1).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(2).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”单位='“ + Trim(Text1(2).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 单位='“ + Trim(Text1(2).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(3).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”级别='“ + Trim(Text1(3).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 级别='“ + Trim(Text1(3).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If Trim(Text1(4).Text)<> ”“ Then
If str = ”“ Then
str = ”性别='“ + Trim(Text1(4).Text)+ ”'“
str = str + ” and 性别='“ + Trim(Text1(4).Text)+ ”'“
End If
End If
If str <> ”“ Then
Adodc1.RecordSource = ”select * from reader where “ + str
Adodc1.RecordSource = ”select * from reader“
End If
If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”没有任何满足条件的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
End If
Call encomm End Sub
Private Sub selcmd2_Click()'设置条件重置
Text1(0).Text = ”“
Text1(1).Text = ”“
Text1(2).Text = ”“
Text1(3).Text = ”“
Text1(4).Text = ”“ End Sub
Private Sub encomm()'自定义子过程:判断Adodc1中是否存在记录
If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
Comm1.Enabled = False
Comm1.Enabled = True
End If End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Call endata(KeyAscii)End Sub
Public rno As String Public bno As String
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
bno = Trim(Text1.Text)
If bno <> ”“ Then
Dim sqltxt As String
sqltxt = ”select * from borrow where 图书编号='“ + bno + ”'“
Set brs = exesql(sqltxt)
If brs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ”该书不是从本图书馆所借的,不能归还!“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
If Trim(brs.Fields(”借书证号“))<> rno Then
If rno <> ”“ Then
dstr = ”罚款单“ + Chr(10)+ Chr(13)
dstr = dstr & ”姓名:“ & Trim(Text2(1).Text)+ ”(“ + rno + ”)罚款总额:“ & str(Text2(4).Text)& ”元“
MsgBox dstr, vbOKOnly, ”列罚款单“
End If
rno = Trim(brs.Fields(”借书证号“))
sqltxt = ”select * from book where 图书编号='“ + bno + ”'“ '处理图书记录
Set bs = exesql(sqltxt)
bs.Fields(”借否“)= ”否“
sqltxt = ”select * from reader where 借书证号='“ + rno + ”'“ '处理读者记录
Set rs = exesql(sqltxt)
rs.Fields(”已借书数“)= rs.Fields(”已借书数“)rs.Fields(”已借书数“)
Call encomm
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm4_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub encomm()
If recs = 0 Then
Comm2.Enabled = False
Comm3.Enabled = False
Comm2.Enabled = True
Comm3.Enabled = True
End If End Sub
Dim cond As String
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys ”{TAB}“
End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
If flag = 2 Then
Text1(0).Text = setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”用户名“)
Text1(1).Text = setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”口令“)
Combo1.Text = setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)
End If End Sub
Private Sub Comm1_Click()
If Trim(Text1(0).Text)= ”“ Or Trim(Text1(1).Text)= ”“ Or Trim(Combo1.Text)= ”“ Then
MsgBox ”数据项不全,请重新设置“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
If flag = 1 Then '添加操作
If setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then '原记录个数大于0
cond = ”级别='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
If Not setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
Exit Sub
End If
End If
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”用户名“)= Trim(Text1(0).Text)
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”口令“)= Val(Trim(Text1(1).Text))
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)= Trim(Combo1.Text)
recs = recs + 1
n = setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
cond = ”级别='“ + Trim(Text1(0).Text)+ ”'“
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst '每次从头开始查找
If Not setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF()And setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition <> n Then
MsgBox ”存在完全相同的记录“, vbOKOnly, ”信息提示“
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”用户名“)= Trim(Text1(0).Text)
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”口令“)= Val(Trim(Text1(1).Text))
setuser.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(”级别“)= Trim(Combo1.Text)
End If
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Comm2_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Call endata(KeyAscii)End Sub
Public userlevel As String '保存用户级别
Public flag As Integer
Public tna As String
'保存表名:用于调用edrec1窗体 Public cap As String
'保存标题名:用于调用edrec1窗体 Public recs As Integer
Sub main()
pass.Show vbModal End Sub
Public Function exesql(ByVal sql As String)As ADODB.Recordset
sql = Trim$(sql)
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
conn.ConnectionString = ”DSN=Library;UID=sa;PWD=;“
Set rst.ActiveConnection = conn
rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rst.Open sql
Set exesql = rst
Set rst = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing End Function
Public Sub deldata(ByVal tn As String)删除指定表中所有记录,对于oper表添加一个系统用户
Dim sql As String
sql = ”delete “ & Trim$(tn)
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = ”DSN=Library;UID=sa;PWD=;“
conn.Execute sql
If Trim(tn)= ”oper“ Then
sql = ”insert oper values('1234','1234','系统管理员')“
conn.Execute sql
End If
conn.Close End Sub Public Sub endata(Keyasc As Integer)
If Keyasc = 13 Then
SendKeys ”{TAB}" '将回车键转换成Tab键
End If End Sub
第四篇:VB 图书管理系统 毕业设计 外文翻译
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Visual Basic 语言与算法
1991年,美国微软公司推出了Visual Basic(可简称VB),目前的最新版本是VB 2008 Beta2(VB9)中文版。
Visual 意即可视的、可见的,指的是开发像windows操作系统的图形用户界面(Graphic User Interface,GUI)的方法,它不需要编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,只要把预先建立好的对象拖放到屏幕上相应的位置即可。
Basic 实际上是一个短语的缩写,这个短语就是 Beginners all_purpose symbolic instruction code,其中文意思为“初始者通用符号指令代码语言”。Visual Basic有学习版、专业版和企业版三种版本,以满足不同的开发需要。学习版适用于普通学习者及大多数使用Visual Basic开发一般Windows应用程序的人员,但是;专业版适用于计算机专业开发人员,包括了学习版的全部内容功能以及Internet控件开发工具之类的高级特性;企业版除包含专业版全部的内容外,还有自动化构件管理器等工具,使得专业编程人员能够开发功能强大的组骨子里分布式应用程序。
Visual Basic
第1节Visual Basic的概述
Microsoft Visual Basic(简称VB)是在Windows操作平台下设计应用程序的最速度、最简捷的工具之一。不论是初学者还是专业开发人员,VB都为他们提供了一整套的工具,可以轻松方便的开发应用程序。因此,VB一直被作为大多数电脑初学者的首选入门编程语言。
“Visual”指的是采用可视化的开发图形用户界面(GUI)的方法,一般不需要编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,而只要把需要的控件拖放到屏幕上的相应位置即可方便图形设计图形用户界面;“Basic”指的是 BASIC语言,因为VB是在原有的BAISC语言的基础上发展起来的。
VB是 Microsoft的一种通用程序设计语言,它包括在 Microsoft Excel、Microsoft Access等众多Windows应用软件中的VBA都使用VB语言,以供用户进行二次开发;目前制作网页使用较多的VBScript脚本语言也是VB的子集。
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利用VB的数据访问特性用户可以对包括 Microsoft SQL Server和其他企业数据库在内的大部分数据库格式创建数据库和前端应用程序,以及可调整的服务端部件。利用ActiveX(TM)技术,VB可使用 Microsoft Word字处理器、Microsoft Excel电子数据表极其他Windows应用程序提供的功能,甚至可直接使用由VB专业版或企业版创建的应用程序和对象。
VB提供了学习版,专业版和企业版,用以满足不同的开发需求。学习版使编程人员很容易地开发Windows和Windows NT的应用程序。专业版为专业编程人员提供了功能完备的开发工具,专业版中包含了学习版的所有功能。企业版允许专业人员以小组的形式来创建强大的分布式应用程序。它包括专业版的所有的特性。所以可以根据不同的需要来选择不同的版本。
Visual Basic 集成开发环境
第3节Visual Basic语言简介
Basic是最常被用来做入门使用的高级语言。它的全名是 Beginner’s All-purpose Sumbolic Instruction Code,简称为 BASIC。顾名思义,Basic就是一种专为初学者设计的语言,因其易学易懂,所以身受欢迎。早期的Basic语言都是属于解译式的,因此可以一行一行地执行,所以它可以立刻看到执行的结果,对初学者来说这是很方便的设计。不过它也因此没有结构化的概念,在程序的维护及管理上比起其他语言困难许多。不过在后期的Basic则改正了以上的缺点(如 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 4 页
Quick Basic),使得它也可以用来开发较大型的程序。
第4节用Visual Basic开发应用程序
1. 创建应用程序界面
2. 设计界面上各个对象的属性
3. 编程对象响应的程序代码
界面仅仅决定了程序的外观,设计完界面后就要通过“代码编辑器” 窗口来添加代码,实现一些在接受外界信息后作出响应、信息处理等任务,添加代码,实现一些在接受外界信息后作出的响应、信息处理等任务,添加代码如图的代码编辑窗口所示
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4. 保存工程
5. 行和调试程序
为了使程序可以脱离VB环境,通过“文件”菜单中的“生成工程1.exe”命令来生成可执行程序(.exe文件),此后即可直接执行该文件。在生成可+执行程序后,再通过安装向导将所有相关文件打包,就可以作为一个软件产品在windows 9x/2000 环境下安装后独立运行
VB的数据库编程方面按其难易程度可分为三类(由易到难);●使用数据库控制项和绑定控制项 ●使用数据库对象变量进行编程 ●直接调用ODBC2.0API 在使用VB进行数据库编程时,通常,会首先选择三种基本方法之一来进行数据库应用程序的方案设计, 现在就将以上三种设计方法的适应范围及其优缺点进行一个比较。使用数据库控制项和绑定控制项 1.1优点
它是三种方法中编码量最小的 不必了解CDBC2.0API的细节
允许使用标准的和第三方厂商制订的控制项 简化了错误处理
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不能存取快照对象(snapshop)对象或表格对象(都属于记录集对象)不能存取数据库集合,比如表定义(TableDefs)字段(Fieds),索引(Indexes)及查询定义(QueryDefs)只能存取部分ODBC2.0管理函数 不能进行真正的事务处理 有限的错误诊断功能 1.3应用
对中小规模的数据库表(通常少于一千条记录)只进行简章的浏览操作 基本SQL查询所对应的结果集长度有限(通常结果集的记录数小于一百, 这些记录从一个或两个长度有限的表中检索出来)应用程序的数据输入/输出项较少(通常只涉及一个或两个长度有限的表、并且表中的字段数在10个左右且不具有关系完整性限制 使用数据库对象变量进行编程 2.1 优点
可以控制多种记录集类型:Dynaset、Snapshop及Table记录集合对象 可以存取存储过程和查询动作
可以存取数据库集合对象,例如TableDefs、Fields、Indexes及QueryDefs 具有真正的事务处理能力 , 包括启动事务(Begintrans)、提交事务(CommitTrans)及回滚事务(Rollback)2.2 缺点
比使用数据控制项的方法编码量较大 只能进行间接的错误处理和错误恢复 对每个数据库操作没有细粒度的控制
对结果集和包含结果集的内丰资源的操作受到限制 同直接使用ODBC2.0API函数的方法相比性能较低 2.3 应用
应用程序需要在执行期间动态地建立表、字段及索引.学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 7 页
应用程序涉及同步更新几张表(但在逻辑上保持一致性)的复杂事务 应用程序使用结果集而不是Dynaset的窗体(FORMS),例如Snapshots或Tables,这里是设计要考虑的关键
应用程序需要执行一些额外的操作和对结果集的查询后处理, 尤其是需要很高的数据格式化显示
应用程序需要在执行期间“显示”数据库的基本结构 应用程序需要使用复杂的多码索引方式来检索或更新记录 3 直接调用ODBC2.0API 3.1 优点
对结果集游标提供了更多的控制,并且提供了更多的游标类型和执行动作 能够确定ODBC驱动程序及SQL的一致性级别 可以更好地控制Windows的执行调度及资源利用
其他方面同其他方法差不多,因此这种方法很可能具有最好的性能 3.2 缺点
在网络上Visual Basic运行期间库的错误处理缺乏安全性,因此代码运行期间出现的错误所造成的后果会非常严重
3.3 应用
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应用程序使用超大规模数据库,例如数据库表可能包含几万或几十万条记录 计算机系统中的任何软件,都是由大大小小的各种软件组成部分构成,各自按照特定的算法来实现,算法的好坏直接决定所实现软件性能的优劣。用什么方法来设计算法,所设计算法需要什么样的资源,需要多少运行时间、多少存储空间,如何判定一个算法的好坏,在实现一个软件时,都是必须予以解决的。计算机系统中的操作系统、语言编译系统、数据库管理系统以及各种各样的计算机应用系统中的软件,都必须用一个个具体的算法来实现。因此,算法设计与分析是计算机科学与技术的一个核心问题。
① 设计算法。算法设计工作是不可能完全自动化的,应学习了解已经被实践证明是有用的一些基本的算法设计方法,这些基本的设计方法不仅适用于计算机科学,而且适用于电气工程、运筹学等领域。
② 表示算法。描述算法的方法有多种形式,例如自然语言和算法语言,各自有适用的环境和特点。
④ 分析算法。算法分析是对一个算法需要多少计算时间和存储空间作定量的分析。分析算法可以预测这一算法适合在什么样的环境中有效地运行,对解决同一问题的不同算法的有效性作出比较。
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⑤ 验证算法。用计算机语言描述的算法是否可计算、有效合理,须对程序进行测试,测试程序的工作由调试和作时空分布图组成。
① 确定性。算法的每一种运算必须有确定的意义,该种运算应执行何种动作应无二义性,目的明确。
② 能行性。要求算法中有待实现的运算都是基本的,每种运算至少在原理上能由人用纸和笔在有限的时间内完成。
③ 输入。一个算法有0个或多个输入,在算法运算开始之前给出算法所需数据的初值,这些输入取自特定的对象集合。
④ 输出。作为算法运算的结果,一个算法产生一个或多个输出,输出是同输入有某种特定关系的量。
⑤ 有穷性。一个算法总是在执行了有穷步的运算后终止,即该算法是可达的。满足前四个特性的一组规则不能称为算法,只能称为计算过程,操作系统是计算过程的一个例子,操作系统用来管理计算机资源,控制作业的运行,没有作业运行时,计算过程并不停止,而是处于等待状态。
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原文: 出处:
Visual Basic language and arithmetic The United States launched the Microsoft Visual Basic(may be referred to VB), is the latest version of the current VB 2008 Beta2(VB9)Chinese version.Visual meaning the visual, visible, referring to the development of operating systems like windows graphical user interface(Graphic User Interface, GUI)method, it does not need to prepare a large number code to describe the appearance of the interface elements and location, as long as the pre-The establishment of good drag and drop objects on the screen corresponding to the location.Basic is actually an abbreviation of the phrase;this phrase is Beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code, the Chinese meaning “to the initial directive GM symbol code language.”
Visual Basic learning, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition versions to meet the different needs of the development.Study and apply to the ordinary version of the majority of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but;professional version for computer professional development of staff, including the study of functional version of the full content control and Internet development tools such as advanced features ,Enterprise contain not only all the professional version of the content, there are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications.Visual Basic
Section 1 the summary of Visual Basic
Microsoft Visual Basic,(abbreviate VB)as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform.No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it can be relaxed and convenient.So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner.学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 11 页
“ Visual” mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface(GUI), need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,;“ Basic” means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development;Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part.Utilize ActiveX(TM)technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft, Word of Microsoft, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target that edition establish directly.The procedure that users established finally is a real.EXE file , can issue freely.VB offer study edition, the specialty edition and enterprise edition, use to satisfied with different development demands.Study edition make programming personnel develop Windows and Windows application program of NT very easily.The specialty edition has offered the developing instrument with complete function to programming personnel of the specialty, Include studying all functions of edition in the specialty edition.Enterprise edition allow the professional personnel to establish strong distributed application program in the form of group.It includes all characteristics of the specialty edition.So can choose different editions according to different needs.Section 2 integrated development environments
Integrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 12 页
engineering management device window, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window body overall arrangement, etc.of designing etc..Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc..In VB, the application program calls the project too.When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.Visual Basic Integrated development environment
VB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program.One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally.The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote.System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Section 3 Visual Basic language brief introductions
Basic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most.Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC.As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular.Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner.But it have concept of structure either, one that is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems.But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above(such as Quick Basic), make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure.VB has stipulated the form of sentences and function.Grammar:
The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]
Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence.All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish a 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 13 页
certain specific function the procedure.Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in“ code editing machine” generally.“ editing machine of code” is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there are many easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In“ code editing machine” code that window written.“Editing machine of code” window
Section 4 develop the application program with Visual Basic
Use VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows: Establish application program interface
The interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset.with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish.Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2.Design by each attributes of target in interface
Demand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name, size of targeted.according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code.Have the targets respond programming by procedure code
3.Respond procedure code of programming target
Interface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through“ code editing machine” soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc.after accepting external message, Add 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 14 页
code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task, As editor's window of code pursued shows add codes
“code editing machine” window
4.Keep project
One VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called.Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time.For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded and being called.Frm sum.In the window body of foxfire.At the time of opening a project(file), this project relevant files load at the same time.5.Operate and debugged by procedure
Operate the procedure thoroughpin operate“ selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug” within operate“ menus too.6.Can produce by executive program
For make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through” file“" producing project 1.exe” of menu but executive program(eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this.In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product.In computer system's any software, is by the every large or small each kind of software constituent constitution, defers to the specific algorithm to realize respectively, the algorithm quality direct decision realizes the software performance fit and unfit quality.Designs the algorithm with any method, what resources designs the algorithm to need, requires how many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve.In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, the database management system as well as in various computer application system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize.Therefore, the algorithm design and 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 15 页
the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question.The algorithm is the problem-solving step, we may define the algorithm Cheng Jie a determination class question the random one special method.In the computer science, the algorithm needs to use the computer algorithmic language to describe, the algorithm represents with the computer solves a kind of question precisely, the effective method.The algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question;Second, programming technical question.Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship.The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specific type question a series of operations, is to the problem solving plan accurate and the complete description.Formulates an algorithm, generally must pass through stages and so on design, confirmation, analysis, code, test, debugging, time.To algorithm study including five aspect contents: ① Design algorithm.The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some basic algorithm design method, these basic design method was not only suitable for the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;② Expresses the algorithm.The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the characteristic respectively;③Confirms the algorithm.The algorithm confirmed the goal is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity.The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, constitutes the computer program, the computer program moves on the computer, obtains the algorithm operation result;④ Parsing algorithm.The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis.The parsing 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 16 页
algorithm may forecast that what environment this algorithm does suit in moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity to make the comparison;⑤ Confirmation algorithm.With machine language description algorithm whether can calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed.But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes: ① Determinism.Algorithm each kind of operation must have the determination significance, this kind of operation should carry out what kind of movement should not to have the ambiguity, the goal is clear;② Effectiveness.Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③ Input.An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④ Output.Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤ Has poor.An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach.Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status.The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, the complexity is an important basis.The algorithm complex degree with moves computer resources how many which this algorithm 学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 17 页
needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher;Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower.The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which and the stored routine and the data need, the algorithm complexity has division time complexity and the spatial complexity.The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space depositing description algorithm the procedure and the algorithm need, the computer completes the operation task to require certain time.The procedure which writes according to the different algorithm places when on the computer operates, needs the time and the space are different, the algorithm complexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation.The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point.Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs, the complex low algorithm is as far as possible when designs algorithm considered.Moreover, when the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow.Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.
第五篇:图书管理系统 项目开发计划书
1.1 编写目的1.2 背景
1.3 定义
1.4 参考资料
2.1 工作内容
2.2 主要参加人员
2.3 产品及成果
2.4 验收标准
2.5 本计划的审核者与批准者
3.1 工作任务的分解与人员的分工
3.2 预算
3.3 关键问题
4.1 计算机系统支持
4.2 需要用户承担的工作
1.1 编写目的项目开发的目的是为了对问题进行研究,以最小的代价在最短的时间内确定问题是否可解。
1.2 背景
1.3 定义
403 图书管理系统是用户寻找书籍的理想平台,此系统能更为简单、方便提供借书的朋友使用。
1.4 参考文献
2.1 工作内容
2.2 主要参加人员
2.3 产品及成果
2.3.1 程序
图书管理系统程序包和SQL Server数据库
2.3.2 文档
2.4 验收标准
2.6 本计划的审核者与批准者
3.1 工作任务的分解与人员的分工
项目开发计划书 XXX
3.2 预算
3.3 关键问题
4.1 计算机系统支持
4.2 需要用户承担的工作