其中有些篇目可供孙子兵法作者及成书考证参考, 一同列出如下, 同道者可共赏。
篇名 中文刊名 年 期 战国时期《孙子兵法》流传述论 管子学刊 1994 01 学习的工具 知识的海洋──《孙子兵法辞典》简介 史林 1994 02
《孙子兵法》与吴越文化 文史哲 1994 01 《孙子兵法》与现代科学思维 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)1994 01
《孙子》研究的集大成之作──评《孙子兵法词典》 晋阳学刊 1994 03
《孙子》研究的集大成之作──评《孙子兵法辞典》 军事历史 1994 02
《孙子兵法》的文学成就 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)1994 02
试论《孙子兵法》在秦汉时期的流传 军事历史研究 1994 01
试论《孙子兵法》在战国时期的流传 军事历史研究 1994 02
读《孙子》的门径习韬略的通衢——《孙子兵法辞典》评介 中国图书评论 1994 01
孙子兵法指导医疗疾病的功效 管子学刊 1995 01
吴楚战争与《孙子兵法》之读解 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)1995 01
魏晋南北朝时期《孙子兵法》流传述论 军事历史研究 1995 01
《孙子兵法》修辞艺术探微 漳州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)1995 01
试析《孙子兵法》的信息观 山东图书馆季刊 1996 01
《孙子兵法》译词考释四则 管子学刊 1996 01
《孙子兵法》“而”字研究 安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)1996 03
《孙子兵法》版本源流考略 图书馆 1997 02
《孙子兵法》决策理论的科学价值 南开经济研究 1997 01
对《孙子兵法》中战国时期两个论述细节的考证——关于《孙子兵法》《九地》篇中《四五》和《用间》篇中前人未涉及内容的解释 中国人民大学学报 1997 01
吴文化与《孙子兵法》散论 苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)1997 01
198 《孙子兵法》的版本与校勘研究 南开学报(哲学社会科学版)1998 06
217 我国最早的系列军事论文及其对《孙子兵法》的启示 管子学刊 1999 01
227 《孙子兵法》以前我国军事理论一瞥 解放军外国语学院学报 1999 03
231 中国现存最古的私家著述《孙子兵法》 历史研究 1999 05
238 论《孙子兵法》对中国古代军事谋略学的构建 军事历史研究 1999 04
241 《孙子兵法》的文学成就 淮北煤师院学报(哲学社会科学版)1999 03
246 春秋时期诸子学说对《孙子兵法》的影响 周口师范高等专科学校学报 1999 01
244 《孙子兵法》的表达策略 锦州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)1999 01
245 谈谈《孙子兵法》中的统计思想及其历史借鉴 浙江统计 1999 05
261 《孙子兵法》的章法和语词训释 锦州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)2000 01
265 《孙子兵法》词义疏证十则 济南大学学报 2000 03
266 《孙子兵法》释疑三则 济南大学学报 2000 03
271 对《孙子兵法》产生时间及作者的再审视 湖湘论坛 2000 04
283 作文要“胜于无形”──孙子兵法与作文谋略例说 宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版)2000 01
287 论《孙子兵法》的“求实”特征 汉中师范学院学报 2000 05
299 《孙子兵法》考略 南华大学学报(社会科学版)2000 03
319 《孙子兵法》的文学价值 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)2001 03
325 简论《孙子兵法》在国内的流传与整理 广西右江民族师专学报 2001 02
348 《孙子兵法》问世的时代背景 武警工程学院学报 2001 01
350 《孙子兵法》语言艺术探微 九江师专学报 2001 04
365 汉简两《孙子》与《孙子兵法》研究 军事历史 2002 01
366 谈对《孙子兵法》原文的理解 军事历史 2002 01
389 孙子思维的整体性辩证性跳跃性——对《孙子兵法》文义多处重述原因的探索 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)2002 05
394 释《孙子兵法》中的“险” 浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)2002 04
392 《孙子兵法》的逆向思维及其启示 军事历史研究 2002 04
391 谈《孙子兵法》“时、势”思想的现代商业价值 北方经贸 2002 11
401 《醉翁亭记》仿效《孙子兵法》 文学遗产 2003 01
《孙子兵法》是中华民族文化的不朽之作,有着深厚的传统文化的底蕴, 《孙子兵法》是”兵学圣典”,其中涉及战争规律、政策、经济、外交、地理等多方面内容,可谓包罗万象、博大精深,其中将帅也是其中重要是主题,将帅是军队的组织者的指挥者,将帅的修养的好坏,对于军队的战斗力的强弱有着重要的作用。比如《孙子兵法》中十三篇,无篇不论将,涵盖了将帅素质各个方面。当代的大学生正处于发展的重要时期,在各方面虽然有一定的发展,但相比社会上的人来说,还是略有不足,思想还不够成熟,存在与社会脱节的现象,比如在素质问题上,处于青年时期的活跃叛逆时期,又缺乏正全面的教学。而阅读《孙子兵法》,我们可以从将帅修养中学到许多,让我们可以在自身素质的基础上得到提高。关键词:
《孙子兵法》 当代大学生
ENTERPRISE Name: Meng Jiayao Student Number: 1253450 Major: Dentistry Dentistry of Tong Ji University, 200092
As millions of Chinese undergraduates are thrown into the society every year and jobs are really hard to land in current market environment, the unemployment of college students has become a serious problem.Also, those who turn to innovative un-dertakings to obtain employment are so confused by the low rate of success.Now let’s see whether the ancient wisdom of SUN TZU can be of any help here.Key words: college students, launching an undertaking enterprise, measures to take according to SUN TZU.Body:
At the very beginning, it will be wise to analyze our strengths and weaknesses.The strengths are obvious: Firstly, we have the degree of undergraduate or Master and we are good at learning new things independently and we indeed have learned
quantities of classic or modern theories and high-level skills.Sometimes we can even lead the trends.Secondly, our imagina-tions are not confined, so novel ideas are often pouring in.Thirdly, most of us have professional skills on IT(information technology), which makes it possible for us to browse on the internet and search for a variety of information.For more, we are full of energy, confi-dence and passion.What’s more, we are free from the family’s burden since most of us are singles.On the other hand, compared to general entrepreneurs, college students have many disadvantages, too.The lack of social and work experience, especially of interpersonal and commercial net-work and not being so sensitive to current market maybe the chief problems.And the second main problem that prevents students from establishing their own business is initial money.Thirdly, col-lege students tend to be over optimistic to the market condition and undertake those impractical enterprises which are doomed to fail.What’s more, we sometimes refuse to be bothered by little profit and believe we deserve a great one.Therefore, some of us can’t afford to fail and have no psychological preparation for it.For another, the lack of the spirit of bearing hardships and the aware-ness of work hard and perseveringly had become their disadvan-tages.In addition, at present, the majority of college students are
the only one child in their family.The good family environment and the over fondness from their former generations make most stu-dents empty of rough experience, which is quite necessary in in-novative enterprises undertakings.After analyze our personality and know ourselves entirely, let’s just find something useful from SUN TZU ON THE ART OF WAR, an amazing military strategy book, a worldwide recognized the oldest military treatise from thousands of years ago.First, in the LAYING PLANS chart, Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin.Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.” So as the case the employment is to college students.We are expected by our families and the so-ciety to be recruited in high-paid jobs.In doing so can we survive on our own, realize our self-value and render our service to the de-velopment of our country at last.So we must attach great impor-tance to it, then research, analyze and inquire until we are fully prepared.Anyway, attitude is everything.Second, “ The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.” We learn that as a qualified enterprise undertaker, we need to be smart, honest, determined, courageous and also strict with ourselves.These are
the internal qualities that one must have.“Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought.The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.Thus do many calculations lead to victory and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all!It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.” Again, SUN TZU shows us the impor-tance of preparing beforehand.Before we decide to launch an en-terprise, it’s rather important to self-locate ourselves.For example, check our bank account;apply for a loan and make sure we can get enough money as enterprise funds.Prepare ourselves psycholog-ically and remind ourselves of the hardships in the first stage of pioneering work, difficulties that we might meet with before we succeed.Know clearly what we really want and what we should do to achieve it.Maybe try to participate in some innovative under-takings competition to assess whether we have the chief qualities of intelligence and ability required in the enterprise.“Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger;that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.”Said by SUN TZU in the chart of WAGING WAR.It’s well known that if you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe, then you can be successful.So, if we want to
make it big in our business field, we need to be totally motivated and inspired.And at last, our rewards will be the realization of our dreams.“The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken.Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.” After managing to start an enter-prise, cooperation with other people is inevitable.At this time, as a colleague or a leader, we must learn to bring our emotions under control, improve the smooth flow of new ideas and constructive suggestions in our working teams.“The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals.Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy.” ” If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well-disciplined;if not, its discipline will be bad.If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed, the gain will be mutual.” Similar les-sons that SUN TZU taught us to be a wonderful leader are given above.Young college students are faced with the intense competition from the general entrepreneurs, veterans in commerce, and a good number of sophisticated business elites.So it is quite vital to decide
on certain business areas where less fierce competitions exist to undertake our pioneering work.As is said by SUN TZU,” If equally matched, we can offer battle;if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy;if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.” Other words like:” If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” So we should know what fields the mar-ket provides for us and select from them what really suits us.“When in difficult country, do not encamp.In country where high roads intersect, join hands with your allies.Do not linger in dange-rously isolated positions.In hemmed-in situations, you must resort to stratagem.In desperate position, you must fight.”
A report released recently has mentioned the following areas where college grads can give it a try.“Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt;if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.”
High-tech areas.This one is suitable for those who have ho-norable academic grades and have outstanding technology edges over others.For details: software designing, webpage
making, web service, mobile game development and so on. Intelligence service areas.“We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs.We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are fa-miliar with the face of the country” And this is just the most fa-miliar one with us, for most of us have the experience of working as family teachers or internship as translators.And the fact that we can make full use of the education resources in universities and get rid of the excessive initial costs make it more popular. Franchisees field.Cooperate with other mature companies to open chain business may be another good way to lower the threshold of doing business and decrease the odds of failure.Sage SUN TZU said that “We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country—its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps.We shall be unable to turn natural advantage to account unless we make use of local guides.” So we had better choose companies which have at least five years of operating time and other ten established franchisees then evaluate them according to our own criteria.You can choose, for example, fast food industries, household
service, general school shops or digital printing shops. Online shops opening.It’s a small business but also a profitable one if the promos are successful.Most of college students are regular customs at TaoBao, DanDang or something else and often attracted by cheap and nice things like clothes, books or pocket electronic machines.So we can accumulate initial money for our further enterprises in this way.There should be also proper tactics when carrying out your project.“All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.” There being something different from the interpretations in the chart of WEAK POINTS AND STRONG, others’ successful tactics should be adopted by us if impossible in our pioneering work.But creative and diversified methods are necessary too, since “The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to handle his troops.” So the pioneering un-dertakers who thoroughly understand the advantages that accom-pany variation of tactics know how to handle their enterprises.”
“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him;not
on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.”(From the chart VARIATION IN TACTICS)That is to say, there is no use crying over failing to be blessed by the lucky gods, what is more important is to drill our-selves to achieve strong executive abilities and competence.Then there come the constant opportunities.With so many familiarities between SUN TZU’s thoughts on wars and the innovative enterprises undertakings, we can always acquire what we need in our pioneering work and gradually set up or own patterns or models in our paths to success.If I am given a chance to provide some suggestions to those brilliant undertakers that would be: Fight it till make it.Be confident, organized, hard working, brave, and active all the time.Never say die.Know your-self and figure out the market running clearly.At last, keep SUN TZU’s words in mind and be an outstanding commander or soldier in your battlefield of enterprise undertaking.Acknowledgement: The translations are extracted from Lionel Giles M.A.’s(1910)complete work as titled SUN TZU ON THE ART OF WAR.Other information is from Survey Report on the Innovative Undertakings of College Students written by Lisa Xia.
《计》篇论述的是能否进行战争的问题。孙武指出,战争是关系到国家生死存亡的大事。“道”、“天”、“地”、“将”和“法”是决定战争胜负的五项基本要素。“道”指使人民与统治者同心同德;“天”指昼夜、晴雨、寒暑等气候 时节和天命、人事、道义;“地”指土地和地势、地形的高下、险要、平坦、距离的远近,攻守进退的利弊;“将”指将帅的智谋、赏罚必信、爱抚士卒、英勇果断和军纪严明;“法”则指军队的组织编制、将吏职责的划分和管理,以及军需物资的供应、管理。孙子认为,从这五要素出发,根据国君是否贤明,将帅有无才能,“天”、“地”二方面的条件如何,法令能否贯彻实行,兵力强弱与否,军队是不是训练有素,和赏罚是否分明,可以预知战争的胜负,从而采取适当的对策和相应的行动。
《势》篇主要阐述如何造成有利的态势,来压倒对方。孙子认为,只要选择有才能的将领,充分发挥他们的才干,以自己的军事实力为基础,造成一种势不可挡的有力态势,士卒就会勇猛无比地战胜敌人。而要造成有利的态势,就必须正确组织和部署兵力,善于指挥调动军队,擅长出奇制胜,即以正兵当敌,以奇兵取胜。“奇”、“正”是相 辅相生的关系,它们的变化是无穷的。所以,要出奇制胜,就应善于因时、因地、因事制宜,根据情况的变化,改换奇正的战法。此外,要造成有利的态势,还必须善于故意向敌示弱,诱敌以利,以达到欺骗和调动敌军的目的,造成战胜敌军的有利时机。
《军争》篇论述的是如何通过机动掌握主动,先于敌人造成有利态势和取得制胜的条件。孙子认为,两军相争时,最困难的莫过于要懂得将迂曲视为径直,以不利为有利,比敌人后出动而先到达必争之地,先敌取得制胜的有利条件。孙子还指出,要先敌取得制胜的条件,必须避免轻率冒进,把握各国的动向,了解道路、地形,重视向导,善于欺骗敌人,根据情况分散或集中使用兵力,擅长指挥 军队,根据军队的土气、军心和军力,因敌而变,去夺取胜利。
班级:10会计电算化2班 姓名:谢梓微 学号:2010121405