口语 雅思2011年新题汇总[推荐阅读]

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第一篇:口语 雅思2011年新题汇总


1、In some countries, it is possible to buy a wide variety of foods which have been transported from all over the world.To what extent to do the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks?

2、More and more measures to improve the security in the urban area have been introduced because of the increased crime.Do the benefits of the measures outweigh the drawbacks?

3、“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.” How important is it for individuals and countries to think for future rather than focusing on the present? 社会问题类

Some people think that companies and individuals, rather than governments, should pay to clean up pollution that they have caused.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 政府类

1、Some people believe that the success of a country depends on the prosperity of its economy.But others claim that it depends on the level of life of its people.What is your opinion?

2、Some people believe that in order to improve the public health the number of sports facilities should be increased.Others believe this it has little effect and other measures are needed to improve the public health.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.科技类

1、With the technology developing rapidly, machines are used widely in our lives.To what extent do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?

2、Space travel to the moon is considered as “a step of mankind.” But some people think that space travel has made little difference on people’s lives today.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


When people travel to other countries, some of them are becoming prejudiced rather than broad-minded.Why people fail to benefit from travel and how to promote the understanding of countries you visit?


some think parents need to spend time on reading or telling stories to Children, while others think Children can learn those stories through varieties of sources, such as reading books or watching TV, not read by parents.Discuss both views and give your opinion.SECTION 1

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V06108S2(3G)V30064S2 V30062S2 V30059S2 V30020S2


V100424S3 V100318S3 V100306S3 V100227S3 V09146S3 V09145S3 V09143S3

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V30037S4 V30033S4 V30018S4



2014年1月雅思口语新题——PART 1








Dictionary题是今年全新考题,但其实在我看来,它是老题learning English和book的结合,也是雅思口语考试一贯作风。题目牵扯到book dictionary VS electronic dictionary的比较让我们想起了当年的paper book和E-book的区别,大家照理套用即是。

Rain题是继去年sunshine题之后的又一个描述天气的题目,除了强调rainy day的心情变化之外,还增加了what part of China rains much ?让很多考生有一次领教地理常识的重要性,看来没事还是看看《discovery》吧!

Train题其实也是老题public transport题的细化,之前在考到travel的时候也时不时的考到过train。值得注意的是,很多高富帅白富美考生没做过火车,因此要知道做火车的好处即可,比如可以enjoy the landscape out of the window, 以及make new friends.Sunshine题不做太多解读,去年新题,详情参考我的文章《2013雅思口语总结及2014预测》

Music题:突然发现这三次考试music考题出现频率突然提高,难道是要过春节的节奏?anyway,对于会不会唱歌这个问题,烤鸭们还是好好想想,如果不会唱歌,怎么展开讲;如果会唱歌,怎么炫耀自己的歌声(当然不能在考试的时候即兴来一首,会被轰出去的)Animal题是个老题,题目本身容易回答,比如wild animal和keeping pets,但对于“can children benefit from visiting the zoo ?”来说,要注意关于学生学习和性格培养方面的词汇积累。

2014年1月雅思口语新题——PART 2

人物题: An intelligent person

A comic actor

地点题: A restaurant you like

物品题: A popular product made in your country

An old object in your family

Something you like to read

Your favorite animal

A movie you dislike

A piece of advertisement you remember well

事件题: Something you forgot to do

A time when you were very busy

A time you saved money for something special


人物题:intelligent person其实就是描述一个普通人增加了一个属性而已,只要烤鸭们在回答的时候增加突出intelligent部分即可。而至于comic actor,Elvis表示有点小意外,可能是因为年末了,考官需要点开心的事情调剂一下心情吧!anyway,此题选材很重要,我建

议选择stephen chow或者Mr.Bean,(记住这位喜剧大师的真名是Rowan Atkison)描述思路和描述famous people一样,如果你上过Elvis的课,你一定知道该怎么描述明星。

地点题:这三次考试地点题没有太大变化,这类题本身考题就不多,遇到相对多的是restaurant和old building,餐厅注意回答的条理性,比如我们可以按照location, cuisine, service等方面回答。

物品题:新题泛滥最多的一类,值得一提的是,“流行国货”a popular product made in your country,“家里老古董”an old product in your family和“烂片”a movie you dislike题都是全新题,要注意选材和语料积累,popular product除了说传统的物品,也可以说科技产品,old product比较好说的可以是old photo album和old clock,而“烂片”要秉承“没有最烂,只有更烂”,或者“成全自己,恶心别人”的吐槽心理,才能把题答好。

事件题:最让人匪夷所思的题目来了:something you forgot to do,此题需要指出的是forgot,不是forget,所以是当时忘记了,后来想起来没有做的意思。因此描述因某种原因造成失误,以至于后悔的心理过程需要烤鸭们格外注意!busy time题可以讲如何准备雅思的过程,可以参照P1的English studying和P2的another language you want to learn的语料,结合起来即可。Save money题可以参考Elvis课堂曾提到过的traveling和vehicle题,攒钱为了这两件事情,算比较特殊了。




2018年5月雅思口语新题part2 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年5月雅思口语新题part2的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!


Describe a favorite song of yours 最喜欢的歌

You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time

How often you listen to this song

And explain why you think it is your favorite

Describe someone who is very professional.专业人士

You should say:

Who this person is

Who this person does

How you knew this person

And explain why this person is professional

Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future近期旅行计划

You should say:

Where this place is 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Who you would like to go with

What would you do there and explain why you would like to go there

Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school 学校学的有趣科目

What the subject was

What your teacher was like

How long you learned this subject

And explain it was interesting to you

Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future 未来想从事的有趣工作

You should say:

What it is

How you can find this job

What qualities it requires

And explain why it is a well-paid job and why you think you will be good at it

Describe the time when you received your first cellphone第一部手机

You should say:

When it was 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Where you were

Who gave you the cellphone

What it was like

How you felt about it

Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market.在街市购物

You should say:

When it was

Where it was

What you bought

How you felt about the shopping experience

Describe a website you like to visit 喜欢逛的网站

You should say:

When you found it

What it is about

How often you visit it

Why you like this website

Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school.中学数学课上所学的技能

You should say: 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

What the skill was

How you learned it

Who taught you

And why it was useful to you

Describe someone who is talkative 一个话唠

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person likes to talk about

How you feel about this person

Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ you changed your mind 改变计划

You should say:

When this happened

What made you change the plan

What the new plan was

And how you felt about the change

Describe an interesting animal 有趣的动物

You should say:

What it looks like 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

When you saw/knew it for the first time

Where it lives

and explain why it is interesting

Describe a building you like 喜欢的建筑物

You should say:

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it

Describe a party that you joined 参加的一个party

You should say:

When it took place

Where it was

Whose party it was

What you did there

And how you felt about the party

Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion.为特殊场合穿衣

You should say:

What the occasion was 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

What you wore

Where you bought the clothes

And what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes

Describe a popular comic actor /actress you know 一个喜剧演员

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What comedies have he/she performed

And explain why he/she is popular

Describe the sportsperson you admire 崇拜的运动员

You should say:

who is he/she

how do you know about him/her

what achievement does he/she obtain

why do you admire him/her

Describe something important that you lost 遗失的重要物品

You should say:

what is it

why it is important

how did you lose it 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

how did you do after lost it

Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven't done 朋友做过而你没有做过的事情

You should say:

what it is

when did your friend do it

and explain why you want to do it

Describe a time you spend with your friend in your childhood 童年时与朋友度过的时光

You should say:

Who is this friend

How did you know about each other

And explain why you describe this time

Describe a magazine you enjoying watching 喜欢读的杂志

You should say:

What it is

How often do you watch it

What do you learn from it

Why do you like it 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com




2018年5月雅思口语新题part1 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年5月雅思口语新题part1的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!


Teachers 老师

Do you have a favorite teacher?

Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

What kinds of teachers do you like?

Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?

Do you like strict teachers?

What's the different between young and old teachers?

Travel(space travel)太空旅行

Do you want to travel in the outer space?

What would you do if you had that opportunity?

Do you think it's necessary to see other planets?

When was the last time you went travelling?

Do you like to travel by air?

Celebrity 名人

Who is your favorite celebrity in China?

Would you want to be a celebrity in the future? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

In general, how do people become famous?

What kinds of people become famous?

Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent(or ability)?

Sports 体育

Do you like to watch sports on TV?

Do you play any sports?

Do you have a favorite sports star?

What kinds of sports are popular in China?

What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

Do you think the sports chosen by young people and old people are similar?

Punctuality 守时

How do you remind yourself to be on time?

Why are some people always late?

Do you think it is important to be punctual?

What will you do if you are waiting for someone?

Do you think people these days are as punctual as they were in the past?

Letters 信 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Do you write many letters?

Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

What do you usually write about?

Who do you usually write to?

Is it hard to think of what to write?

How do you feel when you receive a letter?

Do you think people will still write letters in the future?

Dream in our childhood 童年梦想

What was your dream when you were young?

Has it changed?

Will it change in the future?

Why did you have that dream?

Save money 省钱

Did you save money when you were young?

Have you ever given money to other children?

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Plant 植物

Do you keep plants at home?

What plant did you grow when you were young?

Do you know anything about growing a plant? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Do Chinese people send plants as gifts? 如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年5月雅思口语新题part1的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!



2018年5月雅思口语新题part1范文:Name 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年5月雅思口语新题part1范文之Name的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!

1.What’s the origin of your name?


My name is named after a famous figure who my parents really admire and they really hope that I can turn out to be exactly like her in the future.So yeah, I guess both of them agreed upon the name.How did your parents choose your name?


To be honest, I'm not sure how they chose it;I've never asked them.I suppose it was just a name that they both liked, and maybe they thought it suited me.3.Do you think your name is special?


Actually, the name [……] is fairly common in my country.You would be pretty surprised at how many girls here are named [….].But, in a sense, this name is special to me because my parents gave it to me and it will stay with me for my whole life.4.Do you like your name?

你喜欢你的名字么 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Definitely yes!It’s a simple, yet meaningful name to me.Say if you ask me whether I would like to change my name into another one, my answer would be a big no.5.What do your friends call you?


It really depends.Most of my close friends prefer to call me by my nickname, “Pup”.Meanwhile, others just use my first name.6.Did your family have a certain(nick)name that they called you when you were a child?


When I was born, I had been crying for more than 2 hours.Therefore, my parents decided to call me Crocodile, which turned out to be my nickname afterwards.It was such a funny name which still makes me embarrassed when my parents call my nickname in front of my friends.7.If you could change your name, would you?


No, I definitely wouldn't.My name is part of my identity now, and it would feel strange to suddenly change it.I don't think my friends and family would like that either.如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年5月雅思口语新题part1范文之Name的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


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