
时间:2019-05-14 10:41:35下载本文作者:会员上传




Part II Structure(15 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences.It consists of 2 sections.Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16.By the end of this year Mr.Smith ________in our company for exactly three years.A)is working

B)has worked

C)will work

D)will have worked

17.I think that the Great Wall is worth ____________hundreds of miles to visit.A)to travel




18.The new staff didn’t know how to use the system _________ I explained it to him yesterday.A)until




19._____________is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress.A)That




20.__________by the failure of the project,the manager could hardly say a word.A)To be shocked


C)Be shocked


21.The first question we now discuss is _______ early tomorrow.A)whether




22.He was attending a meeting, ________he would have come to your party yesterday.A)unless




23.Enclosed you ________an application form that you are asked to fill out.A)will find



D)are finding

24.The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing campaigns _________young adult customers.A)attract


C)to attract


25.The advertising company recently hired a designer ____________had once won a prize in a national contest.A)whose




Section B

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26.Your daughter is(luck)______enough to have large company.27.After an(introduce)______by the chairperson,we’11 go on with the day’s discussion.28.We must keep the manager(inform)___________of the advertising campaign.29.It is suggested that the president of the Union(make)_______a speech on behalf of all the workers.30.Having been badly damaged by the earthquake,the city has to be(rebuild)_______.31.She described the ancient city in detail because she(live)_________there for years.32.The new university graduate is confident of(win)________the post as the assistant to the managing director.33.Successful companies concentrate(much)_______on selling their products to their existing customers than to their new ones.34.The local economy depends(heavy)________on the goods.35.With such a short time(leave)______,it’s impossible for US to finish this complicated experiment.Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill.You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished 2 statements, numbered 36 to 40.For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.An ebook(also referred to as an electronic book,eBook,or e-book)is a digital version(版本)of a print book that you download and read.But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer.Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet.The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like.It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕上的阅读选择).Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books.You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles.If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel.Some ebooks are even interactive!Best of all,when you order an ebook,there is no waiting and no shipping charges.The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook.36.From this passage,we learn that an ebook___________.A)can be found in any library

B)can be read directly from the Internet

C)can be read by any one who has a computer

D)can be read when special software is installed

37.The Ebook Reader is used for___________.A)reading an ebook you’ve downloaded

B)turning a print book into a digital version

C)downloading an ebook from the Internet

D)copying an ebook onto a portable computer

38.From this passage,we can learn that______________.A)you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel

B)you Can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader

C)the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you

D)it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook

39.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A)An ebook is ordered in print book is.B)The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed.C)The downloading time is decided by the ebook’s size.D)There is less fun reading an ebook than a print book.40.The passage is mainly about_______________.A)a better way to download an Ebook

B)a new kind of book—the Ebooks

C)the new version of Ebooks

D)the fun of reading Ebooks

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Check-in Requirements

Passengers and their baggage must be checked in at least 45 minutes before departure for 3 domestic flights and 60 minutes for international flights.Government-issued photo identification is required for all passengers.Passengers traveling across any international boundary(边界)are responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents.Passengers may be denied boarding if travel documents are not in order.When check-in requirements are not met,a passenger may be separated from his/her bag.Frontier Airlines will gladly hold the bag in the destination baggage service office for pick-up at the passenger’s convenience.Passengers must be at the gate 20 minutes before departure for boarding.Free Baggage Allowance for Each Ticketed Passenger

Frontier Airlines,Inc.will accept,per ticketed passenger,two free checked bags not to exceed 62 inches and 50 pounds per piece—one carry—on bag and one personal item(purse,laptop,etc.).NOTE:A ticketed passenger may check one carry-on bag if it is within established limitations.All carry-on items must be put under a a shared overhead compartment(行李舱).Excessive(超重)Baggage Charges

An excess charge will be made for each piece of baggage over the free allowance and for each piece of oversized or over-weight baggage.41.An international flight passenger should check in at least____________.A)20 minutes before departure

B)30 minutes before departure

C)45 minutes before departure

D)60 minutes before departure

42.What is required of all domestic and international passengers for check-in?

A)An invitation letter.B)A company’s job offer。

C)An official photo identification.D)An official immigration permit.43.How much baggage is a ticketed passenger allowed free of charge?

A)One piece.B)Two pieces.C)Three pieces.D)Four pieces.44.What will passengers have to do if their baggage is over the free allowance?

A)To pay extra money.B)To carry it themselves.C)To ask for special permit.D)To drop the excessive item.45.This passage is probably taken from_________.A)an advertisement of an airline

B)a notice for airline passengers

C)a schedule of an international flight

D)an introduction to an airline company

Task 3

Directions: After reading the following passage, you are required to complete the outline 4 below it(No.46 to No.50).You should write your answers briefly(in no more than three words)on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Sakura Scholarships offer students the opportunity of taking part in a three-month Japanese language course in the city of Kyoto.The scholarship covers free accommodation,meals and tuition.Return air fares between their country of residence and Osaka are paid,and $l,000 pocket money is also provided.To apply for one of these Scholarships,you should write a letter of about 300 words, describing your own educational career so far,and giving reasons education would benefit from participation in the Sakura Scholarship Scheme.The closing date for application is February l,2009.Applicants who have been selected for the short list(人选名单)will receive the notice by March 31.The final selection will be made on the basis of interviews held during May.Applications are open to all students,regardless of age, sex or nationality,and are also open to people who are not currently full-time students.Please apply to Ms.Kyoto Matsumoto,Sakura Scholarship Scheme,Sakura Trading Co, 200 East Avenue, London E97PS.Sakura Scholarships

Course offered:Japanese language

Items covered:

1.accommodation,meals and-46-

2.-47-air fares


Content of application letter:

1.describing the applicant’s-49-so far

2.giving reasons for taking the course

Deadline for application:-50-

Task 4

Directions: The following is a list of airport items.After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to(与…等同)those given in Chinese in the table below.Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—assembly line

J—safety boots


K—shipping clerk


L—time card

D—explosive materials


E—fire extinguisher

N—hard hat

F—loading dock


G—machine operator

P—hand truck

H—electrical hazard

Q—safety earmuffs

I—conveyor belt







答案:51.D, 52.L,J 53.A,E 54.N,P 55.G,I

Task 5

Directions: The following is part of an introduction to life insurance.After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions(No.56 to No.60)that follow.The answers(in no more than 3 words)should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Dear Ms.Pascal,I would appreciate very much an opportunity to meet with you and demonstrate how my unique experience and education could be of particular advantage to your company’s future growth.My practice last summer at Pascal Business Systems helped me focus on my academic and career goals.My fourteen weeks with your company involved sales support activities including preparing brochures and catalogs,coordinating trade shows,providing data and information to salespeople in the field,and interacting with customers.During the past two semesters I have concentrated on developing my electronic publishing and business communication skills.I am confident that I Can improve the ways in which Pascal Business Systems provides support for field marketing representatives.This would include designing and maintaining an online catalog which could be coordinated with current inventories(库存清单).I am available for an interview at your convenience and look forward to an opportunity to discuss ways to improve operations and communications with field locations and sales.Thank you for your kind consideration.Sincerely,Lourdes Santiago

56.How long did Lourdes Santiago work at Pascal Business System?


57.What activities was he involved in when he had his practice in the company?

A whole variety of____________________________.58.What special skills did Lourdes Santiago develop during the past two semesters?

He developed electronic publishing and_________________________

59.What could he do to help support the field marketing representatives?

By designing and maintaining__________________________

60.What is ?

Lourdes Santiago writes the letter to ask for__________________________.6 Part IV Translation--English into Chinese(25 minutes)

Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation.You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.61.For your safety,the electrical appliance can only been correctly mounted on a dry and cool base.A)你只有在干燥通风的地方操作这一台电子仪器才安稳。




62.Not only does asking questions at a meeting involve you in discussions,it is also a good way to demonstrate your professional knowledge.A)会上提问不仅能使你参与到讨论中,而且还是一种展示你专业知识的好方法。




63.People feel that the interdependence of nations,SO long talked about by statesmen,is today more than ever a reality.A)人们感到,一直都在谈论的国家的独立,今天比以往任何要。




64.The purchaser will not be responsible in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.A)卖主并非没有责任解决上述货物在包装和运输方面出现的问题。




65.The city government recognizes that citizens have certain new needs.To better meet your needs, we have made several changes in community facilities in 2009.Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service.Broadband(宽带)cable parts of the city.5,000 new books were bought for the City Library.Some new facilities at the city hospitals have been installed.Next year, we will try our best to make your life even better.答案:16-20:DBACB 21-25:ADACD

26.lucky 27.introduction 28.informed 29.make 30.rebuilt 31.had lived

32.winning 33.more 34.heavily 35.left 答案:36-40:DAACB 41-45:DCBAB 答案:46.tuition 47.return 48.pocket money 49.own educational career 50.February 1,2009 答案:51.D, 52.L,J 53.A,E 54.N,P 55.G,I 答案:56.Fourteen weeks 57.sales support activities 58.bussiness communication skills 59.an online catalog

60.an interview 答案:61-64:DABD 65:市政府意识到居民有新的需求。为了更好地满足您的需求,我们于2009年已添加了新的社区设施。西去郊区的火车站已经增加了三站;现在城市的各个角落都设有宽带网;市图书馆购进5,000本新书;市医院安装了新的医疗设备。明年我们将尽力使您的生活更美好。







说明:假设你是某公司销售助理王海,请给David Smith先生写一封回信,内容包括:




Words for reference 纸箱



wooden case


说明:假定你是陈红,根据下列内容写一封申请信。写信日期:2012年6月17日 内容:











假设您是某公司销售部经理 David Wang, 给你的客户写一封电子邮件,内容如下:





5、欢迎继续订购本公司产品。Words for reference: 原材料raw material

劳动力成本 labor cost

附上 attach 注意信函格式

2010年12月 说明:假设你是某公司的员工Susan Waters, 根据下列内容给公司人事部经理Ms.Bush 写一封辞职信。

写信日期:2010年12月19日 内容:




4、对于在工作期间所得到得指导和帮助表示感谢。Words for reference: 辞职:reign v.resignation n.注意信函格式!


说明:假设你是一个医疗设备公司的经理,你收到一家代理公司的经理Pater Smith先生的信。他想了解你公司的情况,你写信向他介绍并表示希望他能作为你公司的代理。公司简介:

公司名称:广安医疗设备有限公司 成立年份:1980年

公司总部地址:中国神州市 主要产品:医疗测试设备

雇员人数:1000名,其中120人从事研究与开发 销售市场:大部分产品销往东南亚和南美 Words for reference: medical testing equipment 医疗测试设备 headquarters 总部 engage in 从事

Southeast Asia 东南亚 agent 代理



说明:根据下面中文信息写一封询问信 发信人: Mark Zhang 收信人:Mr.Smith 发信日期:2009年12月22日 内容:

1、M ark 在最近的广交会上认识了Smith先生;

2、mark 对Smith先生所在公司展出的新款手机很感兴趣;



5、希望和对方建立长远的商务关系。Words for reference: 广交会 Guangzhou Trade Fair 规格specifications 2009年6月





4、告之联系方式。Words for reference: Travel Agency 旅行社 注意信函格式!


说明:请以王华的名义向商店经理写一封投诉信。内容如下: 投诉人:王华

投诉对象:第一百货公司 投诉商品:SQ200手机

投诉原因:不能拍照,不能收发短信,等 投诉要求:退货或更换 提出希望:及早回复

写信日期:2008年12月21日 注意信函格式!




Part I Reading Comprehension(30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school.By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation.If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.(76)For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him.He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it.He probably isn't sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries.And, if he can't make things work out right, he doesn't feel ashamed that he failed;he just tries to learn from his mistakes.An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook on life, a special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it.If you look at children, you'll see great difference between what we call “bright” children and “not-bright” children.They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence.For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life-he tries to get in touch with everything around him.(77)But, the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world;he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.1.According to this passage, intelligence is __________.A.the ability to study well

B.the ability to do well in school

C.the ability to deal with life

D.the ability to get high scores on some tests

2.In a new situation, an intelligent person__________.A.knows more about what might happen to him

B.is sure of the result he will get

C.concentrates on what to do about the situation

D.cares more about himself

3.If an intelligent person failed, he would__________.A.try not to feel ashamed

B.learn from his experiences

C.try to regret as much as possible

D.make sure what result he would get

4.Bright children and not-bright children__________.A.are two different types of children

B.are different mainly in their degree of cleverness

C.have difference only in their way of thinking

D.have different knowledge about the world

5.The author of this passage will probably continue to talk about __________.A.how to determine what intelligence is

B.how education should be found

C.how to solve practical problems

D.how an unintelligent person should be taught

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Human needs seem endless.(78)When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view.The many needs of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels.When there is money enough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.The first and most basic level of needs involves food.Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears.By the end of World War I1, these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.Then a third level appeared.It included such items as automobiles and new houses.By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied.Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the “life-enriching” level.(79)While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is.the feed in comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items.Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation.Also included here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods.Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of needs as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?

A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action.Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudice.After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.6.According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when __________

A.he has saved up enough money

B.he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter

C.he has satisfied his hunger

D.he has learned to build houses

7.It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War II, most Americans __________.A.were very rich

B.lived in poverty

C.had the good things on the first three levels

D.did not own automobiles

8.Which of the following is NOT related to “physical satisfaction”?

A.A successful career.B.A comfortable home.C.A good meal.D.A family car.9.What is the main concern of man on the fourth level?

A.The more goods the better.B.The more mental satisfaction the better.C.The more “luxury” items the better.D.The more earnings the better.10.The author tends to think that the fifth level __________

A.would be little better than the fourth level

B.may be a lot more desirable than the first four

C.can be the last and most satisfying level

D.will become attainable before the government takes actions

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

We use both words and gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different ways.It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language.So does laughter or crying.There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings.Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry.This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns.Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world.(80)In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like “he went pale and begin to tremble” suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock.However, “he opened his eyes wide” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise.In Chinese “surprise” can be described in a phrase like 'they stretched out their tongues!' Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike.Even in the same culture, people differ in ability to understand and express feelings.Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on people's faces.Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do.11.According to the passage, __________.A.we can hardly understand what people's gestures mean

B.we can not often be sure what people mean when they describe their feelings in words or gestures

C.words can be better understood by older people

D.gestures can be understood by most of the people while words can not

12.People's facial expressions may be misunderstood because __________.A.people of different ages may have different understanding

B.people have different cultures

C.people of different sex may understand a gesture in a different way

D.people of different countries speak different languages

13.In the same culture, __________.A.people have different ability to understand and express feelings

B.people have the same understanding of something

C.people never fail to understand each other

D.people are equally intelligent

14.From this passage, we can conclude __________.A.words are used as frequently as gestures

B.words are often found difficult to understand

C.words and gestures are both used in expressing feelings

D.gestures are more efficiently used than words

15.The best title for this passage may be __________.A.Words and Feelings

B.Words, Gestures and Feelings

C.Gestures and Feelings

D.Culture and Understanding

Part II Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16.History is a record of mankind;different historians, __________, interpret it differently.A.therefore B.on the contrary

C.however D.consequently

17.It was not until it got dark __________ working.A.that they stopped B.when they stopped

C.did they stop D.that they didn't stop

18.Before the child went to bed, the father asked him to __________ all the toys he had taken out.A.put off B.put up

C.put away D.put out

19.Thinking that you know __________ in fact you don't is not a good idea.A.what B.that

C.when D.which

20.“__________ does Mr.Johnson go to London on business?”“At least once a month.”

A.How many B.How long

C.How often D.How

21.Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, __________, of course, made the others jealous.A.who B.what

C.that D.which

22.Evidence came up __________ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A.where B.that

C.which D.what

23.He __________ when the bus came to a sudden stop.A.was almost hurt B.was almost to hurt himself

C.was almost hurt himself D.was almost hurting himself

24.I suppose you are not serious, __________?

A.do I B.don't I

C.are you D.aren't you

25.This composition is good __________ some spelling mistakes.A.except B.besides

C.except that D.except for

26.When I say that someone is in Shanghai for good, I mean that he is there__________.A.to find a good job B.for tile time being

C.to live a happy life D.for ever

27.Rubber differs from plastics __________ it is produced naturally and not in file lab.A.at that B.in that

C.for that D.with that

28.Women all over the world are__________ equal pay for equal jobs.A.calling on B, calling about

C.calling off D.calling for

29.With the bridge __________, there was nothing for it but to swim

A.was destroyed B.destroying

B.being destroyed D.destroyed

30.Having no money but __________ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.A.not to want anyone B.wanted no one

C.not wanting anyone D.to want no one

31.The children lined up and walked out __________

A.in place B.in condition

C.in order D.in private

32.The teacher, as well as all his students, __________ by the dancer's performance.A.was impressed B.had impressed

C.impressed D.were impressed

33.__________ is well known, the key to success lies in hard work.A.As B.That

C.Which D.What

34.The doctor will not perform the operation __________ it is absolutely necessary.A.so B.if

C.for D.unless

35.Today the police can watch cars __________ on roads by radar.A.run B.to run

C.running D.to be run

36.The little boy saw the plane __________ and burst into flames.A.complete B.compel

C.crash D.clutch

37.Beijing is well __________ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall.A.known as B.known to

C.known about D.known for

38.From her conversation, I __________ that she had a large family.A.deduced B.decided

C.declared D.deceived

39.This question is too hard, it is __________ my comprehension.A.below B.beyond

C.over D.without

40.In order to buy her house she had to obtain a __________ from the bank.A.finance B.capital

C.loan D.debt

41.Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil __________only if their sulfur content is low.A.burning B.to burn

C.being burned D.to be burned

42.Space vehicles were launched into outer space __________ search of another living planet.A.to B.at

C.in D.for

43.You two have got a lot __________.A.in general B.in common

C.in all D.in any case

44.It is time to __________ fields in which they are just as capable as men.A.keep women's B.stop to keep women out

C.keep women away D.stop keeping women out of

45.Frank's lessons were too hard for him, and he soon fell __________ the rest of the class.A.behind B.down

C.off D.away from

Part III Identification(10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D.Identify the one that is not correct.Then mark tile corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.46.(It was)(in this school)(where)he had studied(for four years).A B C D

47.(Being felt)that she(had done)(something wonderful), she sat down


(to rest).D

48.Jane had(a great deal of)trouble(to concentrate on)her study


(because of)the noise in(the next)room.C D

49.The way(which)the different kinds of rock(lie on)(one another)


helps to tell the story(of long ago).D

50.We were young men(when)we(first met)in London, poor,(struggle),A B C

(full of)hope and ideas.D

51.Of the two lectures,(the first)was by far(the best one), partly


because the person who delivered(it)had(such)a pleasant voice.C D

52.(According to)our estimate, only one(out of)three company


managers(have been)trained in the(field of)management.C D

53.Today we(have made)(great achievements), but tomorrow we(shall


win)still(great victories.)


54.Lewis had to travel by bus(as)his car(had been damaged)in an


accident some days(before)and he(was failed)to get it repaired.C D

55.(Collecting)toy cars as a hobby(becomes)(increasingly)popular


during the(past)fifty years.D

Part IV Cloze(10%)

Directions: there are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage.You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.About a month ago I was present at a serious occasion I the reading of a will.I can remember one passage that particularly struck me.It ran something(56)this.”And I direct that $t0,000 be(57).to old William B, whom I have wished to help for many years,(58)always put off doing so.“ It(59)the last words of a dying man.But the story does not(60)there.When the lawyers came to(61)out the bequest(遗赠), they discovered that old William B had(62), too, and so the(63)deed was lost.I felt rather(64)about that.It seemed to me a most regrettable(65)that William should not have had his $10,000 just(66)somebody kept putting(67)giving it to him.And from(68)accounts, William could have done with the(69).But I am sure(70)there are thousands of kindly little deeds waiting to be(71)today, which are being put off”(72)later.“

George Herbert, in praise of good intentions,(73)that ”One of these days is better than(74)of these days.“ But I say that(75)is better than all.56.A.about B.for C.like D.of

57.A.consumed B.paid C.cost D.devoted

58.A.but B.or C.still D.and

59.A.has been B.were C.is D.was

60.A.remain B.end C.finish D.appear

61.A.find B.point C.put D.carry

62.A.died B.disappeared C.escaped D.hidden

63.A.invaluable B.identical C.good D.historic

64.A.exciting B.sorry C.faithful D.happy

65.A.matters B.dream C.task D.thing

66.A.because B.for C.as though D.till

67.A.off B.into C.in D.on

68.A.every B.some C.any D.all

69.A.payment B.money C.regrets D.expense

70.A.whether B.of C.that D.often

71.A.protected B.done C.made D.rewarded

72.A.until B.still C.too D.toward

73.A.implies B.marked C.regrets D.says

74.A.some B.any C.all D.none

75.A.Morning B.Spring C.Today D.Time

Part V Translation(20%)

Section A

Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese.These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension.You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.76.For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him.(Passage 1)

77.But, the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world;he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.(Passage 1)

78.When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view.(Passage 2)

79.While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.(Passage 2)

80.In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like ”he went pale and begin to tremble" suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock.(Passage 3)

Section B

Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese.You should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly.81.使我感到惊奇的是,他的英语说得如此的好。







Part II Structure(15 minutes)第二部分结构(15分钟)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences.It consists of 2 sections.方向:这部分是测试你的语法正确的句子的能力建设。它由2个部分组成。

Section A 第1课时

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.方向:在这一节,有10个不完整的句子。您需要完成每一个决定的最适当的词或词的4个选择标记为A,B),C和D)。这个你应该在答题纸上用中间一行标出相应的字母。

16.We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much.A)without



D)for 16。我们必须找到一个方法来降低价格________减少我们的利润太多。a)没有b)尽管c)与d)

17.She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.A)which



D)how 17。她不知道________表达自己的想法用英语清楚的公共。A)B)为什么C)什么D)如何

18.________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A)As



D)Unless 18。________天气好转,我们会在旅游业的巨大损失。a)作为b)由于c)d,除非

19.We are happy at the good news ________ Mr.Black has been awarded the Best Manager.A)that



D)whether 19。我们很高兴听到这个好消息,________布莱克先生被授予“最佳经理。A),B),C)D)是什么

20.It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time.A)will fish



D)shall finish 20。我们________任务的时间是很重要的。一)将鱼B)C)D)应完成完成完成 21.Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black?




D)its 21。请你把我的书________封面是黑色的吗?a)哪一个B)谁的C)那个,那D)(it的所有格形式)它的

22.________ in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in business negotiations.A)Having worked

B)Have been working

C)Have worked

D)Worked 22。三年来,在公司________,马克已成为商务谈判经验。A)工作过B)一直在工作。

23.Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document.A)she realized

B)did she realize

C)she did realize

D)does she realize 23。直到她到达会议室________她忘了带文件。她意识到)她意识到她意识到了)她意识到了吗?

24.John had never been abroad before, ________ he found the business trip very exciting.A)because



D)while 24。约翰从未去过国外,________他发现商务旅行非常激动人心。a)因为B)虽然c)所以d)

25.________ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A)Since



D)If 25。毕业后________一些学生能找到工作,其他人会重返学校,获得高等学位。一)由于B),C),D)如果

Section B

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.B节方向:这里有10个不完整的陈述。你应该用括号里给出的词的适当形式填空。把单词或单词写在相应的空格上。他的答案纸上。

26.Employees are not allowed(make)________ personal phone calls in the office.26。员工不可以(使)________私人电话在办公室。

27.The shop assistant priced the goods before(put)________ them on the shelf.27。店员价格的货物前(放)________在架子上。

28.The purpose of new technology is to make life(easy)________, not to make it more difficult.28。新技术的目的是使生活________(容易),而不是使它更难。

29.The proposal about the annual sales(discuss)________ at the next board meeting.29。对销售方案(讨论)在下一次董事会会议________。

30.Since we work in different sections of the company, we see each other only(occasional)________.30。因为我们在公司的不同部门工作,对方只看到我们(偶尔)________。

31.Some domestic manufacturers are busy increasing production, losing the chance to develop more(advance)________ technology.31。国内的一些厂商正忙着增加生产,失去发展的机会更多________技术(提前)

32.I shall appreciate your effort in(correct)________ this error in my bank account as soon as possible.32。感谢你在我(正确的)________这个错误在我的银行帐户尽快。

33.If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a good reason to make your(complain)________.33。如果你的邻居太吵了,然后你有一个很好的理由让你________(抱怨)。

34.30 percent of the students who(interview)________ yesterday believe they should continue with their education until they have a university degree.34。30%的学生(采访)________昨天认为他们应该继续他们的教育,直到他们有一个大学学位。

35.Measures should be taken to avoid the negative effect(bring)________ about by unfair competition.35。应采取措施避免负面影响(带来)________关于不正当竞争。答案:16-20:ADDAC


26.to make 27.putting 28.easier

29.will be discussed / is to be discussed / should be discussed

30.occasionally 31.advanced 32.correcting

33.complaint 34.were interviewed 35.brought Part III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)第三部分阅读理解(40分钟)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill.You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.指导:这部分是测试你的阅读能力。有5个任务要你去完成。你应该仔细阅读阅读材料并完成任务。当你被指示时。

Task 1 任务1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40.For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.方向:读完下面这一段,你会发现5个问题或未完成的语句,编号为36到40。对于每一个问题或陈述,有4个选择标记A,B,C)和D)。你应该做出正确的选择,并在答题纸上用中间一行标出相应的字母。

Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor.The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.互联网搜索引擎公司谷歌宣布将提供超过二千五百万美元的资金和投资来帮助穷人。该公司说,这项工作涉及使用P信息和技术来帮助人们改善他们的生活的力量。

Aleem Walji works for Google.org--the part of the company that gives money to good causes.He said the company’s first project will help identify where Aleem Walji的作品为Google.org,给钱的好公司的部分原因。他说,该公司的第一个项目将有助于确定在哪里。

infectious(传染性的)diseases are developing.In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, Google.org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.传染性疾病(传染性的)。在南洋和非洲,例如,该公司将与合作伙伴一起加强早期预警系统并采取行动对付日益严重的健康威胁aats[医][=American Association for Thoracic Surgery]美国胸外科协会

Google.org’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow.Walji says microfinance(小额信贷)is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs.Instead, he says Google.org wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth.谷歌的第二个项目将投资于帮助中小企业成长的方法。Walji说,小额信贷(小额信贷)一般较小,短期贷款,创造的就业机会较少。相反,他却YS Google.org希望发展使投资者和企业家一起创造就业机会、促进经济增长的途径。

Google.org will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year.One of these programs studies ways to make renewable(再生的)energy less costly than coal-based energy.The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.Google.org也将提供资金帮助今年早些时候宣布的两个气候变化项目。一个是研究如何使可再生能源(再生的)成本低于煤基能源。T他正在审查为增加电动汽车的使用所作的努力。

The creators of Google have promised to give Google.org about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year.Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future.谷歌的创始人已经答应给的公司利润和每年的股票总价值百分之一百分之一谷歌。Aleem Walji说,这个数量可能在未来增加[医]屈光正常; 正视眼; 眼; 实验者; 能量

36.The purpose of Google’s investments is to ________.A)help poor people

B)develop new technology

C)expand its own business

D)increase the power of information 36。谷歌投资的目的是________。a)帮助穷人b)开发新技术c)扩大自己的业务d)增加信息的力量

37.According to Aleem Walji, the company’s first project is to ________.A)set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseases

B)find out where infectious diseases develop

C)identify the causes of infectious diseases

D)cure patients of infectious diseases 37。据Aleem Walji说,该公司的第一个项目是________。一)建立一个新的系统来警告人们传染病B)找出传染病开发C)找出原因传染病d)治愈传染病患者

38.What kind of businesses will benefit from Google.org’s second project?

A)large enterprises

B)cross-national companies

C)foreign-funded corporations

D)small and medium-sized businesses 38。什么样的企业将受益于谷歌的第二个项目?a)大型企业B(跨国公司C)外商投资企业D)中小企业

39.From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Google’s money is also invested to help ________.A)start more research programs

B)make more advanced electric cars

C)develop renewable and coal-based energy

D)conduct studies related to climate changes 39。从第四段,我们了解到,谷歌的资金投入也是帮助________。A)开始更多的研究计划B)制造更先进的电动汽车C)发展可再生能源和煤基能源D)能源与气候变化有关的行为的研究

40.From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by Google.org come from ________.A)Google’s profits and stock value

B)some international IT companies

C)the company’s own interests

D)local commercial banks 40。从最后一段我们知道,Google.org的投资来自________。一)谷歌的利润和股票价值B)一些国际IT公司C)公司自身利益D)禄商业银行等

Task 2 任务二

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.方向:此任务与任务1相同。5个问题或未完成的语句编号为41到45。

Your boss holds your future prospects in his hands.Some bosses are hard to get along with.Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people.Of course, not all bosses are like that.你的老板认为你的前途掌握在手中。有些老板很难相处。一些优秀的资格,但却不会与人打交道。当然,并不是所有的老板ES是这样的。

The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder.Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do.He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development.你和老板的关系可能是决定你晋升职业生涯的一个主要因素。你的老板不仅是你的领导,而且是最有能力帮助你完成工作的人。你的工作是做支付。他能告诉你公司的方向,会影响你的职业发展。

Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives.He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management.But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? 你的老板也需要你尽最大努力去完成他的目标。他需要您的反馈,以便向高层管理层提供切合实际和有用的报告。但这是怎么做到的?帮助你与你的上司建立一个有意义的工作关系?

The key is communication.Learn and understand his goals and priorities(优先的事).Observe and understand your boss’s work style.If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask!Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully.And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.关键是沟通。学习和了解他的目标和优先事项(优先的事)。观察并理解上司的工作风格。如果他不清楚自己的期望,问!同样,索取铁反馈和接受批评的优雅。如果他明白你不认为你的工作只是为了填补9至5之间的时间,他可能会更愿意帮助你。

In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style.总之,与你的老板相处需要了解他的好恶,学会与他的个性和管理风格一起工作。

41.The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.A)bosses are hard to deal with

B)bosses have good character

C)bosses determine your career future

D)bosses must have similar personality 41。第一段的主要意思是,________。a)老板是很难对付的老板人品好的B)老板性格好C)的老板决定你的职业前途D)老板必须有相似的个性

42.In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder”(Line 2)means ________.A)going to work abroad

B)changing jobs frequently

C)being promoted in position

D)pursuing an advanced degree 42。在第二段,“起来的职业阶梯”(2行)意味着________。A)到国外工作(b)频繁更换工作c(职位晋升d)攻读高级学位。

43.In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will ________.A)do your best in your work

B)show your management skills

C)get along with your colleagues

D)write reports to upper management 43。为了实现自己的目标,你的老板希望你会________。a)你在工作中做最好的自己)B显示你的管理能力C)与同事相处D)写报告上R管理

44.The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is ________.A)high expectations

B)quick feedback

C)frequent criticism

D)effective communication 44。建立与老板的良好工作关系的最重要的因素是________。a高期望b)快速反馈C)频繁批评D有效沟通

45.The best title for the passage might be ________.A)How to Take Care Of Your Boss.B)How to Get Along with Your Boss

C)How to Accept Your Boss’s Criticism

D)How to Accomplish Your Boss’s Objective 45。这篇文章最好的标题可能是________。(a)如何照顾你的老板。B)如何与上司相处C)如何接受上司的批评D)如何完成你的老板的目标客观的 答案:36-40:ABDDA 41-45:CCADB Task 3 任务三

Directions: The following is an announcement.After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it(No.46 to No.50).You should write your answers briefly(in no more than three words)on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.说明如下:公告如下。看完后,你需要完成以下大纲它(46至50号)。你应该简短地写出你的答案(不超过三个字)。在答题纸上相应地写在答题纸上。

We welcome you aboard the Eastern Flight and will do our best to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable.我们欢迎您搭乘东方飞行并将尽力使你的旅途愉快。

For your safety and convenience 为了您的安全和方便

To begin the trip, we would like to draw your attention to some safety-related details.These are also explained on the instruction card in the seat pocket in front of you.Seat belts must remain fastened while the “Fasten seatbelts” sign is on.It is advisable to keep them fastened at all times while seated.All flights are non-smoking.The use of mobile telephones is now allowed when the airplane is on the ground.During the flight the use of CD and DVD players is not allowed.为了开始这次旅行,我们想提请您注意一些与安全有关的细节。这些也解释在您的座位口袋前面的指示卡。安全带必须保持快速。要在“系好安全带”的标志是。最好在就座时随时系好它们。所有航班都禁烟。移动电话的使用现在时允许飞机E在地上。在飞行过程中,不允许使用CD和DVD播放机。

For your entertainment 为您提供娱乐

To help you enjoy your trip, we provide a range of newspapers.On our MD-11 and Boeing aircraft, we provide music and video programs.On Airbus A 321/320/319, short videos are shown.为了帮助您享受旅途,我们提供了一系列的报纸。我们的MD-11和波音飞机,我们提供的音乐和视频节目。在空中客车321/320 / 319,短视频显示。

Meals and drinks 膳食和饮料

During most flights we serve you a tasty meal and drinks.Beer, wine and other drinks are served free of charge.Coffee, tea and juice are served free of charge on all domestic(国内的)flights.On domestic flights leaving before nine and on all flights to Northern China, a snack is served.在大多数航班上,我们为您提供可口的饭菜和饮料。免费供应啤酒、葡萄酒和其他饮料。咖啡是免费的,在国内所有的茶和果汁(国内的)航班。在穹顶TiC航班离开前九和所有在中国北部地区的航班,快餐服务。

Eastern Flight Service

Safety and convenience

1)Seat belts: remain-46-while the “Fasten seatbelts” sign is on

2)Smoking: not allowed on board

3)Mobile phones: used only when the airplane is-47-

4)CD and DVD: not allowed to play-48-东方飞行服务的安全性和便利性1)安全带:保持-46-在“系好安全带”的标志是2)吸烟:不允许对板3)手机:只有飞机在使用47—4)CD和DVD:不允许播放-48—

Entertainment provided


2)music and-49-on MD-11 and Boeing aircraft

Meals and drinks on board

1)meals served on most flights

2)coffee, tea and juice served free of charge

3)a snack served on all flights to-50-娱乐提供1)报纸2)音乐-49-MD-11和波音飞机餐和饮料上1)在大多数航班2服务餐咖啡、茶和果汁)提供免费3)小吃飞往50航班—

答案:46.fastened 47.on the ground 48.during the flight

49.video programs 50.Northern China

Task 4 任务 4

Directions: The following is a list of terms related to Security.After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to(与…等同)those given in Chinese in the table below.Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.说明:以下是与安全相关的术语列表。读完之后,你需要找到的物品相当于(与…等同)这些在下面的表中给出。那你应该P在答题纸上括号内对应的字母编号为51到55。

A-----------------air traffic control system 航空交通管制系统

B-----------------armed police [法] 武装警察

C-----------------crime prevention 犯罪预防

D-----------------entry requirement 入境要求

E-----------------international criminal police organization 国际刑警组织

F-----------------level of security 安全防护水平

G-----------------picket line 哨兵线

H-----------------police station 警察局

I-----------------patrolling vehicle 巡逻车

J-----------------safety precaution measure 安全预防措施

K-----------------safety control device 安全控制装置

L-----------------security command center 保安指挥中心

M-----------------security service 国家安全机构

N-----------------security control center 安全控制中心

O-----------------security personnel [法] 治安保卫人员

P-----------------valid documents 有效证明文件

Q-----------------security monitoring and control 安全监测与控制







答案:51.A, J 52.I, B 53.E, P 54.D, O 55.F, Q

Task 5 任务 5

Directions: The following is a business letter.After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions(No.56 to No.60)that follow.The answers(in no more than 3 words)should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.说明:以下是一封商务信函。看完后,你应该简要回答5个问题(56到60号),遵循。答案(不超过3字)应写在答题纸上对应的数字之后。

Dear Mr.Smith,I am pleased to offer you the position of after-sales manager at our company starting on 16 June, 2009.I propose that the terms of employment will be those in the attached draft individual employment agreement.亲爱的史米斯先生,我很高兴向你提供我们公司从2009 6月16日开始的售后经理职位。我建议雇用条款将在附件的草图入手Idual就业协议。

Please note that you are entitled to discuss this offer and to seek advice on the attached proposed agreement with your family, a union, a lawyer, or someone else you trust.If you want some information on your employment rights, you can also contact the Employment Service Office or visit our website.请注意,你有权讨论这一提议,并向你的家人、工会、律师或其他你信任的人征求建议。如果你想要一些信息关于你的就业权利,你也可以联系就业服务办公室或访问我们的网站。

Also, if you disagree with, or do not understand or wish to clarify anything in this offer, please ring me to discuss any issue you wish to raise.另外,如果你不同意,或不理解或澄清该提供什么,请打电话给我讨论任何问题你想提。

If you are happy with the proposed terms and wish to accept this offer of employment, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return it to me by 1 June, 2009.In the event I have not heard from you by that date, this offer will be automatically withdrawn on that date.如果你对所提议的条件满意,并希望接受这份工作,请在这封信的副本上签字,并在2009 6月1日前把它还给我。万一我没有听到F在此日期之前,此报盘将于当日自动撤回。

I look forward to working with you.我期待着与您合作。

Yours sincerely, 你真诚的,John Brown 约翰布朗

56.What job position is offered to Mr.Smith in the letter?

___________________________________________________________.57.From whom may Mr.Smith seek advice about the proposed agreement?

His family, a union, _____________________, or someone else he trusts.58.How can Mr.Smith get information about employment rights?

By contacting the ___________________________ or visiting its website.59.When should Mr.Smith return the signed duplicate copy of this letter?

By _______________________________________________________.60.What will happen if the duplicate copy of the letter is not returned by the deadline?

This offer will be ___________________________________ on that date.答案:56.(The)after-sales manager 57.a lawyer 58.Employment Service Office

59.1 June, 2009 60.(automatically)withdrawn Part IV Translation--English into Chinese(25 minutes)第四部分翻译,英文翻译成中文(25分钟)

Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation.You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.方向:这部分,编号为61至65,是测试你的能力,把英语翻译成中文。在每个句子的编号为61到64,你会读到四个选择建议的翻译等。你应该选择最好的翻译,并在你的答题纸上标上相应的字母。和段落编号65,写下你的翻译在相应空间的翻译Tion/成分表。

61.If either party wants to renew the contract, it should submit a written notice to the other party three months prior to the expiration of the contract.A)如果任何一方希望撤销合约,必须将撤销的理由在三个月内通知对方。




62.There is no sign that the world economic crisis will lessen in the next few months, although a certain degree of recovery is in sight.A)尽管没有人认为未来几个月内世界经济危机会消失,但是在一定程度上的复苏是肯定的。




63.Most of the issues concerning personnel managementhave been solved satisfactorily;only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.A)多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。




64.Only in this way can Chinese enterprises improve their competitiveness and avoid being defeated by their foreign rivals after China’s entry into the WTO.A)只有这个方法才能帮助中国企业去参加竞争,避免在加入世贸组织后被其外国对手所击败。




65.Thank you, Mr.Black.It’s a great honor to be appointed as Overseas Sales Manager.To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise to me.I’d like to think it’s mainly the contribution of the whole team.I’d like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their support and hard work.Due to their efforts, we’ve started some overseas projects successfully.Looking to the future, I’d still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though I’ll be working at the management level.答案:61-64:DCAB





1006)A 卷 试卷一


一、将校名、姓名、学校代号、准考证号和试卷代号分别填写在答题纸、试 卷二(含填充式听写和作文纸)上。看清试卷一封面上的试卷代号,你现 在做的是 A卷,须在答题纸试卷代号栏相应字母A上划线。划错或不划 均判为零分,责任由考生自负。


三·多项选择题的答案一定要做在答题纸上,每题仅限一个答案,多选作答错 处理。选定答案后,用2B浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。其 正确方法是:[A][B][C][D]。使用其他符号者不给分。划线的浓度一定要 盖过字母底色。

四·如果要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规 定重新答题。



一、试卷二 和答题纸放在桌上,一律不得带走。待监考人员收完所有试卷后考生方可 离开考场。

Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A)He will be at the office on Monday.B)He will be at the office On Tuesday.C)He will not be at the office at all this week.D)He will be there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.2.A)She is a nurse.B)She is a writer.C)She is a guide.D)She is a teacher.3.A)21.B)22.C)24.D)25.4.A)In a post office

B)She is a writer

C)She is a guide

D)She is a teacher 5.A)$60



D)$16 6.A)They are friends.B)They are classmates.C)They are colleagues.D)They are twins.7.A)The man agrees to take pictures for his son.B)The man agrees to buy a camera for his son.C)The man doesn’t agree to take pictures for his son.D)The man doesn’t agree to buy a camera for his son.8.A)Traffic signs.B)Traffic jam.C)Traffic lights

D)Traffic accidents.9.A)The woman will have her blood tested before the first class.B)The woman will miss the first class for her blood test.C)The woman will be late for the blood test.D)The woman won’t attend her classes.10.A)He is the tallest boy in the class.B)He is an easy-going boy in the class.C)He is the most intelligent boy in the class.D)He is the most handsome boy in the class.Section B 11.A)In 1994.B)In 1995.C)In 1996.D)In 2000.12.A)In Shanghai.B)In Chengdu.C)In Beijing.D)In a foreign country.Part II Vocabulary and Structure 13.Susan is not at the meeting.She has been absent ______ our meetings for several times.A)at



D)from 14.She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, ______ in Europe.A)specially



D)particularly 15.Three criminals escaped from prison yesterday afternoon.It was a long time ______ the guards discovered what had happened.A)When



D)until 16.English is not the ______language for almost half of our overseas visitors.A)natural



D)original 17.The government should take ______measures to prevent and control the flu outbreak.A)expensive



D)negative 18.In Britain today women ______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A)make up

B)build up

C)stand for

D)conform to 19.Many firms give away small quantities of their products as ______so that people can try them before buying.A)examples



D)exhibits 20.He promised that he would take my proposal into ______.A)thought



D)account 21.The policeman ______ the facts again and again, but couldn’t piece them together.A)went over

B)went after

C)went on

D)went with 22.It is said that the sudden change in weather ______ many people’s health.A)has effected

B)has caused

C)has affected

D)has committed 23.After six months of non-stop work, a new medicine is reported to have been turned out to ______ the flu.A)remove



D)recover 24.I hadn’t seen him for years, but I ______ his voice on the telephone.A)realized



D)recognized 25.There is a risk in this method: the rope ______ break, causing the box to fall and be damaged.A)might

B)might not


D)should not 26.Lucy did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her English test.A)to be prepared

B)being prepared


D)to prepare 27.If we ______ timely changes to the plan, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A)did not make

B)had not make

C)shall not make D)would not make 28.______ she is expecting is to find someone to manage the restaurant because she is over sixty.A)which



D)that 29.A downtown hotel may charge ______ a hotel in the suburb.A)twice as much as

B)twice more than

C)as twice as D)more than twice 30.The local government warned the citizens ______ water directly from the tap unless it is boiled.A)not to drink

B)to not drink

C)not drinking

D)do not drink 31.______ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.A)To believe



D)Believed Part III Reading Comprehension Passage One

Milan has prohibited the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in an effort to curb binge-drinking(遏制狂欢饮酒).Parents of children under the age of 16 caught drinking wine or spirits will be liable to heavy fines of up to 500 Euros($700).A third of 11-year-olds in the city have alcohol related problems.In a country where for centuries wine has been part of local culture the prohibition has come as a shock.But the authorities are deeply concerned about the increase in consumption of alcohol by children as young as 11 in the country’s industrial and financial capital.So as an experiment, supplying alcohol-either wine or spirits-to youths under the age of 16 in bars, restaurants and liquor stores will be prohibited.Heavy fines will be imposed on the parents of offending children and on shopkeepers or bar owners who serve them.A national law prohibiting the sale of alcohol to under-16s is only loosely enforced(执行), as Italian families are used to sometimes giving young children a teaspoon of wine as a family party treat.In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.There has been a storm of protest by bar owners who refuse to act as alcohol police for young people.But more Italian have realized that their old easy-going attitudes towards consumption of alcohol will have to change.33.Which of the following is prohibited in Milan? A)Selling wine and spirits to Italian people.B)Drinking wine or spirits.C)Drinking of alcohol by young teenagers.D)Binge-drinking in Milan 34.Who will be liable to heavy fines of up to 500 Euros? A)Parents of young teenagers caught drinking wine or spirits.B)Children under the age of 16 drinking wine or spirits.C)11-year olds who have alcohol related problems

D)Parents of 11-year-olds having alcohol related problems.35.The word “authorities” in paragraph 5 most probably means ______.A)the government

B)alcohol police

C)local reporter

D)alcohol experts 36.According to the passage, Milan______.A)is the only city trying to curb binge-drinking.B)is the country’s industrial and financial capital.C)prohibits the sale of alcohol in bars or restaurants.D)prohibits the sale of alcohol, either wine or spirits.37.The difficulty in enforcing a national law to prohibit the sale of alcohol to young teenagers mainly comes from ______.A)young teenagers

B)Italian tradition

C)protests of bar owners

D)parents of teenagers Passage Two

Although you may think that bottled water is a safer option than tap, two new reports show that the store-bought stuff is actually less regulated(监管)than the water you get out of your tap almost for free.The food and Drug Administration(FDA)has little authority to regulate bottled brands, according to a U.S.Congressional report released recently.While municipal water utilities are required to provide public reports of test results, bottled-water makers are not.So although you may pay a pretty penny for bottled water, that doen’t mean it’s any better than come out of your tap.In fact, it could be worse and you’d never know it.The new research is backed by a report from the Environmental Working Group.The nonprofit organization surveyed the labels and Web sites of nearly 200 popular bottled-water brands and found that less than 2 percent disclosed thee important facts that can affect safety: the water’s source, purification methods, and chemical pullutants in each bottle.Reaching for the most popular bottled brands isn’t necessarily a solution.In fact, the EWG report says that some of the best-known brand are the least likely to report where the water comes from and what it contains.38.Compared with bottled water, tap water ______.A)contains more pollutants

B)has safer water source C)is more strictly regulated

D)is actually less regulated 39.Which of the following is true about bottled water? A)Bottled brands provide test results publicly.B)Most brands of bottled water are regularly tested.C)Purification methods are reliable and adequate.D)Bottled water might contain more pollutants.40.The focus of the survey by the EWG is on ______.A)The labels and Web sites of bottled-water brands

B)the environment of the source of bottled water C)the important facts related to the safety of water D)the purification methods to process water 41.It may be concluded from this passage that ______.A)the FDA has no right to regulate bottled water B)people spend much money on bottled water only for safer water

C)most popular bottled brands are found better than less-known ones.D)Bottled water from stores is not necessarily cleaner than tap water 42.The author’s attitude towards bottled water tends to be ______.A)positive



D)particular Passage Three

China will pay dearly if it does not act now to build up an old-age social security system(社保体系),as its population aged 80 or above will hit 83 million by 2050, a population expert, Ma Li, has warned.China formally became an aged society in 2000, when the population aged 60 or above accounted for 10 percent of its 1.3 billion people.With an annual growth rate of 3.7 percent, china’s population aged 80 or above will reach 22 million by 2020, and 83 million by 2050, according to Ma, a deputy(代表)to the 11th National People’s Congress(NPC).In contrast to developed countries, China entered the aged society while it is still a developing country.“China is not yet ready for the aged society.It does not havea complete old-age social security system.There are not enough resources.Fiscal support is scarce.And the risk is ever rising,” said Ma.The lawmaker said China must act now to set up an old-age social security system that covers both rural and urban population.Such a system should be based on the care of the old people by their families, backed-up by community-level services networks and with old folks homes as a supplement, he said.Ma also stressed that China has the capacity to do that, as its economic structures and level of urbanization are well beyond the stage at which developed countries began to establish old-age social security systems for their rural populations.43.According to the population expert, it is the time for China to ______.A)pay the price for its 83 million aged people

B)keep its aged population from growing too fast C)look at its own problems as an aged society D)begin building an old-age social security system 44.The phrase “accounted for” in paragraph 2 can be replaced by ______.A)constituted

B)explained C)caused

D)produced 45.According to Ma, China has entered the aged society but has not ______.A)investigated the situation of the ageing population

B)built a complete old-age social security system C)noticed the risk of its growing population D)set up any social organization for the issue 46.In Paragraph 6 Ma is mentioned as a “lawmaker” because he ______.A)is a member of NPC

B)is a population expert C)works for a law office

D)cares about social security 47.Which of the following should play the main role in the old-age social security system? A)The community-level services networks.B)The rural and urban old folks homes.C)The family members of the aged people.D)The rural and urban communities.Passage Four

Paul Newman was not only a movie star.He was also politically active, and fought for liberal causes.In 1968, he helped the Democratic Party presidential candidate in election.Newman protested the Vietnam War in front of the American Embassy in London.He expressed great pride that he was named on President Ricard Nixon’s list of enemies.Paul Newman also worked on social issues important to him.In 1978, his twenty-eight year old son Scott died after taking too much drugs and alcohol.In response, Newman created the Scott Newman Center to help educate children and families on preventing drug abuse(吸毒).In the 1980s, Newman decided to start selling a salad dressing(沙拉酱)he had created and given to many friends as gifts.The “Newman’s Own” company he started with his friends A.E.Hotchner became a huge success selling different food products.Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.One of these is the Wall Gang Camp, started by Paul Newman in 1988.Its aim is to provide a free summer camp experience to children with cancer and other serious diseases.There are now camps in the United States and several other countries.Newman said that he started the organization as a way to honor the role that luck has played in his life.He said that the camps are a way to help children who are unfairly affected by luck’s cruelly.48.Most of this passage is about Paul Newman’s ______.A)movie caeer

B)business success C)political activities

D)social work 49.Paul Newman created the Scott Newman Center to ______.A)promote his new products

B)help prevent drug abuse C)assist young people financially

D)provide drugs to poor families 50.Newman’s Own was a company that ______.A)did business in various food products

B)was founded by a friend of Newman’s C)was started by Paul Newman alone

D)passed out salad dressing as gifts 51.The Wall Gang Camp was supported with______.A)profits from the summer camps

B)donation from social organizations C)donation from Newman’s Own

D)profits obtained from the movies 52.Newman started the Wall Gang Camp for children who _______.A)suffered from family violence

B)were not treated in hospitals C)were visiting in the U.S.D)suffered from serious diseases Part IV Translation from English into Chinese(10%)T1.(Lines 1-2, Paragraph 9, Passage 1)In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.A)在过去几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至宁愿给孩子们喝葡萄酒而不是喝常受污染的水。B)过了几个世纪,意大利的孩子们有时甚至以喝葡萄酒代替常常是受过污染了的水。C)过了几个世纪,常常是因为污染的原因,意大利孩子有时会饮用加了葡萄酒的水。D)在过去几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至给孩子们葡萄酒喝以代替常常是被污染了的水。E)过了几个世纪,在水经常被污染的情况下,意大利孩子有时会喝加了葡萄酒的水。T2.(Lines 1-3, Paragraph 5, Passage 2)In fact, the EWG report says that some of the best-known brands are the least likely to report where the water comes from and what it contains.A)EWG的报告发现,一些最知名的品牌瓶装水其实无法说明水的出处和水的含量。B)EWG的报告人阵述的事实仅仅来自于那些销量最佳的品牌瓶装水的的产品说明书。

C)事实上,EWG的报告说一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能表明其水源和水中所含物质。D)实际上,EWG的报告认为,某些最知名的品牌瓶装水也有某种可能表明水源和水质。E)EWG报告的事实表明一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能表明其水源和水中所含物质。T3.(Lines 1-2, Paragraph 3, Passage 3)With an annual growth rate of 3.7 percent, China’s population aged 80 or above will reach 22 million by 2020.A)3.7%中国人口已达80高龄,每年还有2020多人加入到这支二千二百万的高龄队伍中。B)按其3.7%的年增长率,中国80岁以上(含80岁)的人口在2020年将达到二千二百万。C)因中国人口增长率达到了3.7%,其中年龄达到80岁的人在2020年将超过二千二百万。D)按其3.7%的年增长率计算,80岁或80岁以上的中国人口即将在2020年超过二千二百万。E)达80高龄的中国人口每增加3.7%就有2020多人加入到这支二千二百万的高龄队伍中。T4.(Lines 3-5, Paragraph 3, Passage 4)Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.A)长期以来,超过两亿五千万美元的公司利润被捐给了公益事业和组织。B)数年以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入被捐给了社会的团体以及个人。C)很久以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入都投入到了公共慈善事业上面。D)年夏一年,公司把多达两千五百万的收入全都投入到社会福利事业。E)多年以来,公司将超过两亿五千万美元的盈利捐给了公共事业和组织。

T5.The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.A)公共汽车司机有一种独特的方法,人们只要乘车一小时左右就能感到快乐。B)公共汽车司机有自己的驾驶风格,在乘车的头一个小时左右去发现它倒也有趣。C)公共汽车司机有一种特殊的方法,开车后一小时左右就开始与乘客开玩笑。D)公共汽车司机有自己的开车风格,有趣的是乘车一小时左右就能够表现出来。E)公共汽车司机各自有各自的高招,能够在开车的第一时间就让人感到愉快。Key to SCET3-A(0806)Part I Listening Comprehension(15%)

D D C B B-12 B D

S1.sitting S2.replied S3.costs S4.offered S5.grave

S6.cancelled Part II Vocabulary and Structure(20%)--17 C B A A D--22 A C B A C--27 C C B D D--32 A C A A B Part III Reading Comprehension(40%)

33--37 B A A C D

38--42 A C A B D

43--47 C D D B D

48--52 B B C A D Part IV.Translation from English into Chinese(10%)





T5.B 本答案仅供参考



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