
时间:2019-05-14 10:39:47下载本文作者:会员上传



There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!B-I-N-G-O!B-I-N-G-O!B-I-N-G-O!And bingo was his name, Oh!There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!I-N-G-O!I-N-G-O!I-N-G-O!And bingo was his name, Oh!There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!N-G-O!N-G-O!N-G-O!And bingo was his name, Oh!There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!G-O!G-O!G-O!And bingo was his name, Oh!There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!O!O!O!And bingo was his name, Oh!There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!And bingo was his name, Oh!


锐门波锐音米 敌死卡窝安四 哦咯窝乐窝 西衣兹漏矮子阿狗 吐篓子虎阿服锐 乐满洗耳必K 佛哥疼矮子乐怕死特 阔子黑死特锐为拉死特 锅底衣兹阿狗 为饿窝锐油阿

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 为哎窝油四

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 好爱窝油里五

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 洗衣兹喔里阿狗


瑞慢不瑞迷(瑞是一个男孩子的名字,瑞很慢,对瑞不迷)得瑟卡我惋惜(瑞很得瑟,很臭美,结果卡着了,她很惋惜)哦老公我的肉的(神经紧张,肌肉绷紧……)西死了哪出歌(西是歌手吧)土豆酥和脆(你说的是薯条吧……)他慢煽一席(人家瑞慢就煽人家……)否嘎登来吃的派(嘎登是一个餐馆,那里没有派……)嘎赛丝土瑞晚来(嘎赛丝土有派,瑞来晚了……)狗的死歌哦(狗死了要唱歌)哦爱我有我(汗)读有比利五诶(读书读到了比利五……)看有瑞西外诶(又看到了瑞……西不是死了吗?)狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有谁(我们怎么知道?)读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦 西死轰烈的歌(西死了还有轰烈的歌呢……)读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 谁忘出伞否太柏林带(谁忘了把伞拿出来,太柏林没有带)读有搜追文(又读到有搜追文了)西死红来带(红来带西死???)给米懒得吹(米懒得吹气球)西忘兔兔笔(忘记了自己有一支兔兔笔)啊跑跑卡丁车(网络游戏……)啊嘎来个米(又叫米干嘛?)嘎有搜索那个米顶艾斯(嘎有搜索到米把艾斯顶起来了)撒我撒撒搜柏林踹(撒尿撒不出来柏林踹她……)大肉梭有云吧否有安米(大肉梭说有云彩吧,没有安米)啊不要说伞西特来米(……)狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有我 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有谁 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦

西死轰烈的歌 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 ………………



英文歌歌词 1.Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!Wash your head.Wash your shoulders.Body body bop bop bop!Wash your tummy.Wash your bottom.Body body body body bop!Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!Touch your eyes.Touch your nose.Body body bop bop bop!Touch your mouth.Touch your ears.Body body body body bop!Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

2.Five Senses Song 歌词:

I have two eyes so I can see and a nose to smell.I have ten fingers that can touch, they do it very well.I have two ears so I can hear the birds up in the trees.I have a tongue inside my mouth to taste the food I eat.3.Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday to you, baby shark.It’s for you.It’s for you.Have fun today.“Thank you!I’m so happy!” Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.“Stop!Wait!”

Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday, shark!This is for you, baby shark.“Ouch!” Happy birthday, baby shark!3 一起唱吧:Morning, morning.Good morning!Morning, morning.Happy morning!Morning, morning.Shiny morning!Good morning!Good morning!

本周Goodmorning Song歌词:

Morning, morning.Good morning!Morning, morning.Happy morning!Morning, morning.Shiny morning!Good morning!Good morning!

When the sunny sun comes up.Morning, morning.It’s morning!With a pretty smiley face.Morning, morning.It’s morning!

The birds chirp, chirp.“Hello, wake up!” The bees buzz, buzz.“Hello, get up!” Everybody everyone says, “Hello!” Morning, morning.It’s morning!

Morning, morning.Good morning!Morning, morning.Happy morning!Morning, morning.Shiny morning!Good morning!Good morning!It’s morning!Wake up!


Let it go《冰雪奇缘》主题曲

The snow glows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seen

A kingdom of isolation

And it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see

Be the good girl you always have to be

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know

Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go

Turn away and slam the door

I don't care what they're going to say

Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do

To test the limits and break through

No right, no wrong, no rules for me

I'm free

Let it go, let it go

I am one with the wind and sky

Let it go, let it go

You'll never see me cry

Here I stand and here I'll stay

Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the groundMy soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past Let it go, let it go

And I'll rise like the break of dawn

Let it go, let it go

That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand in the light of day

Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?-Kristen Bell Do you want to build a snowman?

Come on let’s go and play!

I never see you anymore,come out the door,it’s like you’ve gone away

We used to be best buddies

and now we’re not, I wish you would tell me why Do you want to build a snowman?

It doesn’t have to be a snowman

Okay, bye

Do you want to build a snowman?

Or ride our bike around the halls?

I think some company is overdue,I started talking to, the pictures on the walls Hang in there, Joan!

It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by…

Please I know you’re in there,people are asking where you’ve been They say ‘have courage,and I’m trying to,I’m right out here for you, just let me in We only have each other,it’s just you and me, what are we gonna do? Do you want to build a snowman?


The day you went away Well I wonder could it be ? 哦,我想知道,这是真的吗?

When I was dreaming about you baby.当我梦到你的时候

You were dreaming of me.你的梦中也有我吗

Call me crazy.有人说我疯狂

Call me blind.有人说我盲目

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.已经过去了这么长时候还如此的全心是多么蠢

Did I lose my love to someone better.我该将属于我的爱给她吗

And does she love you like I do.她会像我那样爱你吗

I do,you know I really really do.是的,你知道我真的真的很爱你

Well hey.是的

So much I need to say.我多么想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过

For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

I remember date & time.我记得那一天那一刻

September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine.九月的一个星期天九点二十五分二十秒

In the doorway with your case.在你离开的门前

No longer shouting at each other.我们不再争吵

There were tears on our faces.泪水挂在我们的脸上

And we were letting go of something special.我们因为特殊的事而分手

Something we'll never have again.那些事在我们之间再也不会发生了

I know,I guess I really really know.我明白,我想我真的真的明白了

Well hey.是的

So much I need to say.我多么想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过

For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Did I lose my love to someone better.我该将属于我的爱给她吗

And does she love you like I do.她会像我那样爱你吗

I do,you know I really really do.是的,你知道我真的真的很爱你

Well hey.是的 So much I need to say.我多么想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过

For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone? 为什么直到失去我们才明白究竟发生了什么?

How could I carry on? 我该怎样继续?

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say.我不得不说我是多么地想念你。

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

You Raise Me Up

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;灵魂伴随着失落的心变得如此厌倦;

When troubles come and my heart burdened be;心灵承受着烦恼带来的困惑;

Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,然而我却一直守侯在寂静的夜空,Until you come and sit awhile with me.直到你降临于我身旁的那一颗。

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠;

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒了我,让我得以遨游于大海之深

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的肩膀,让我变得如此坚强

You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我,让我得意重生!

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠;

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒了我,让我得以遨游于大海之深

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的肩膀,让我变得如此坚强

You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我,让我得意重生!

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠;

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒了我,让我得以遨游于大海之深

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的肩膀,让我变得如此坚强

You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我,让我得意重生!

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠;

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒了我,让我得以遨游于大海之深

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的肩膀,让我变得如此坚强

You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我,让我得意重生!

You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我,让我得意重生!

take me to your heart(中英对照版)

歌手:Michael Learns to Rock 专辑:Take Me To Your Heart

take me to your heart

hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中

trying to forget but i won't let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去

looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道

listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳

so many people 这么多的人

all around the world 在世界上

tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到

someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩

take me to your heart将我留存心间

take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴

give me your hand before i'm old给我你的手,在我老去之前

show me what love is 问情为何物

-haven't got a clue 在我们彼此离开前

show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演

they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久

we're only here today 我们也能此时相守

love is now or never 现在或者永不回头

bring me far away 请带我一起远走

take me to your heart请爱我吧

take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴

give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀

show me what love is 问情为何物-be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路

it's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单

standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠

looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天

i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起

but they don't really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情

don't need too much talking 不需要繁琐的言语

without saying anything 甚至可以一语不发

all i need is someone 我仅仅需要

who makes me wanna sing 一个能让我欢乐而歌的人



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