高二英语作文 你打算应聘英语导游

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第一篇:高二英语作文 你打算应聘英语导游

假定你是李华,今年暑假要有一批来自英国的学生到你所在学校的城市参观游览,学校需要一名英语导游,你打算应聘。请根据下列提示,给学校写一封应聘信。1.爱好英语,口语熟练; 2.性格开朗,善于与人沟通;



1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir / Madam,My name is Li Hua.I hear that there will be a group of British students coming to our school during the summer vacation.I'm writing this letter hoping to get the chance to be the guide.First of all, I'm crazy about English and spend a lot of time on it.Therefore, it is easy for me to communicate with foreigners in English.Besides, I am an open-minded girl and fond of making friends.I believe these are some good qualities that a guide needs.Above all, being a native of the city, I know a lot about its history and culture.I will be able to make the journey an unforgettable memory for the British students.If I am given the chance to be a guide, I will do everything I can to do it well.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua

第二篇:英语作文 打算

1.I will have a seven-day holiday next week.In these days, I have many things to do.First, I must finish the exercises left by teachers, Chinese, math and English.It may take me two days to finish.I plan finish them in the first and second day.And then, I will go to see my

grandparents with mom and dad.I miss them very much.So do they.I will stay there for three days.The last two days, I want to have a good rest or play with my friends.It’s my own time, so that I want to spend it with my friends.This is my plan for the holiday.What about yours?


2.The winter holiday is coming.I expect it very much, because the Spring Festival is the most important event in the holiday.First, I will relax myself.This term I work very hard, so during the holiday, I want to have fun.My families

will go back to the hometown.We will get together to celebrate the Spring Festival.I like families getting

together and organizing various activities.It’s funny and warm.Of course, study can’t be ignored.After the festival, I will spend some time on my study.There will be

exercises for the holiday.And I will do some reviews for next term.Math is my weakness, so I must work hard to improve it.This is my plan for winter holiday.寒假即将来临。我很期待它的到来,因为春节是这个假期最重要的节日。首先,我会放松一下自己。这个学期我学习很努力,所以假期期间我想玩玩。我的家人会回老家过节,我们将一起庆祝春节。我喜欢家人团聚在一起组织各种各样的活动,有趣而又温暖。当然,学习也是不容忽视的。春节过后,我会花些时间在学习上。我会完成一些寒假作业然后预习一些下学期的内容。数学是我的弱项,因此我必须努力提高它。这就是我的寒假计划。

3.With the coming of national day, I have a one week holiday.I really expect to it, because I want to have a short trip during these days.I will travel toJiuzhaiValleywith my parents for three days.I have heard that the scenery

ofJiuzhaiValleyis very beautiful in autumn andit’s the best time to travel there.Autumn is my most favorite season so

I want to enjoy the beauty of such a wonderful place.I do some preparations for this trip.For example, I search the Internet to see the travel raiders and I have known where the most attracting place is and where to live in.I am sure it will be a wonderful journey.There are only several days for the coming trip, but I have been too excited to wait.随着国庆节的到来,我有一个星期的假期。我真的很期待,因为我想要在这几天有一次短途旅行。我将和我的父母去九寨沟三天。我听说秋天的时候九寨沟的风景最美,秋天是去拿旅游最好的季节。秋天是我最喜欢的季节所以我想要去这样美丽的地方去享受美景。我为这次旅行做了一些准备。比如说,我在网上搜索了旅游导航,我知道最有吸引力的地方是哪里以及住在哪里。我确信这将是一次奇妙的旅程。还有几天旅行就要到来了,可是我已经兴奋得等不及了。

4.The new semester is coming and I want to make a plan for it.Firstly, I will work as hard as before.I really did a good job last term, so I want to keep good as well.During the summer holiday, I did some previews and I found that the courses are not very hard.Secondly, I will spend more time in reading.Reading is really good to a person,because we can learn a lot from books and broaden one’s horizon.Besides, reading can help us think more and

deeply.Finally, I will take part in exercises actively and regularly.No matter how busy I am, I will set sometime aside to build my body which is the basic of any other things.Moreover, after doing exercise, I feel so fresh and relaxed that I can put my whole heart in doing something, such as study, reading, thinking and so on.So this is the plan for the new semester and I am sure I can carry it out step by step.新学期就要到来了,我想要给它制定一个计划。首先,我会像以前一样努力学习。上个学期我的确做得很好,所以我想要继续保持。暑假期间我做了一些预习并且我发现课程不是很难。其次,我将花更多时间在阅读上面。阅读对于一个人真的很有好处因为我们可以从书本上学到很多东西以及开阔视野。再次,阅读可以帮助我们进行更深层次的思考。最后,我将积极有规律地参加锻炼。不管我有多忙,我都会抽出一些时间去健身,因为身体是其他东西中最基本的。而且,锻炼后我会感觉精神抖擞和放松,这样一来我就可以全心投入到一些事情上,比如说学习、阅读和思考等等。这就是我新学期的计划,我相信我能够一步步将之实现。

5.At the beginning of this term, I made a plan for my study.Now, I find that I carry it out well in the past month.I

was poor in Chinese and English last semester.Therefore, I put the two subjects in the priority and I spent much time on them.Happily, I made progress in the two subjects this semester.Besides, math and physics is not so hard for me, but I must do many exercises to improve my knowledge.Half of an hour for each is necessary and I have always been doing so.The other subjects are easy for me.As long as I carefully listen to the teacher in the class and do some reviews, I can do well in them.While, it does not mean that I attach no importance to them.I make plan for my study to ensure the efficiency of my study.开学之初,我给我的的学习制定了一个计划。现在,我发现在过去的一个月我能够很好的实行。上个学期我的语文和英语很差,因此我把这两个科目作为我的首要任务并花很多时间在上面。很高兴的是,这学期我这两科取得了进步。此外,数学和物理对我来说不是很难,但是我必须多做练习来增加我的知识。每个科目花上半个小时是有必要的,我一直都是这样做的。其他的科目对我来说很容桂。只要我课堂上认真听课,课后复习我就能够把它们做好。但是,这也不意味着我不重视它们。我给我的学习制定计划以保证我的学习效率。


1、Can you take on this job?


2、this job is not in Beijing.are you willing to work other places?这个工作不在北京,你愿意去别的地方工作吗?

3、this job offers you 5000 yuan a month plus room.这个工作月薪5000元,包括住房。

4、when will you start to work if you are employed?


5、hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.我希望有一个提升的工作机会。

6、I can start to work whenever it is convenient for you.只要您方便,我随时都可以工作。

7、I'd like to be a foreign exchange settlement clerk.我想做外汇结算员。

8、I am hunting for a job of higher wages.我正在找一个薪金高的工作。

9、what qualities do you think an advertising planner should have? 您认为广告策划人员应当具备什么素质?

10、I think an advertising planner should haveactive thoughts ,create talent ,and be sensitive to the changes in market.我认为广告策划人员应当思维活跃,富于创新,而且要对市场变化反应灵敏。

11、tell me what special features a stewardess should have?


12、well ,a stewardess should be friendly,courteous , patient and treats passengers kindly and polity ,only in this way will passengers feel welcomed and relaxed during the flight.“空姐”应当友善、有礼貌、有耐心。只有这样,乘客才能感到自己是受欢迎的,并在飞行中感到轻松、愉快。

13、what are the qualifications for being a nurse?


14、well ,first of all ,it should be responsibility ,then skill, patience,quietness and so on.首先是责任其次是技术、耐心、安静等。









in the next period will be my master lead the horse around with our beautiful Shandong, during this tour you can the hearts to us, first to our hearts is assured that the drivers on the master it, because our instructors have many years of driving experience drivers seat of his car can be fast and stable, another heart is happy on to me Well, maybe I'm not the best guide, but I will come with the most sincere heart to serve you.If you have any views on the way in tourism or requests please come to me and horse master will make every effort to serve you, your satisfaction is my greatest wish, and we come together from all over the country because of affinity.times fly so quickly and your visit to shanxi province is drawing a close before we part ,I would like to say a few words.first I thanks everybody everybody in the group has been very co-operative ,friendly ,understanding andpunctual.as your tour

guide ,I was much appreciated

china is a developing country ,and tourism is a new born thing ,the problems you have met on the trip were know to everyone , the point is that we should treasure our friendship and experience.however this is the beginning of our friendship we believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the future ,parting is such sweet sorrow , happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,and happy to meet again.Welcome come to shanxi province again

Bon voyage!






二、停车场同样的车可能会较多,请大家不要上错了车!记住我们的车牌号甘k88888,三,一定注意安全 不仅是人身安全还有财物安全,四,这两天我们会住在龙海宾馆,大家住的是双标房,大家可以自由组合,大家拿到房卡后不要着急休息,检查一下东西是否齐全,如果缺什么可以打电话到总台,服务员会给你送上来。五,等会我会给每个人发一个有我们旅行社标志的帽子,请大家随时戴上,这样不容易走失。那我就讲这么多,请大家不要嫌我啰嗦,最后,预祝大家此行游的开心、玩的尽兴!谢谢!

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