一)1他是经理的儿子,但光凭这一点他是没有资格批评我们的工作的。He is the manager’ son, but that alone doesn’t qualify him to criticize our work.2Smith先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好After Mr Smith retired from teaching, Mr Smith took up photography as a hobby.3相比起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price and that one has the advantage of convenient transportation.4他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量Tt seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.5那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,以聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课Those eager students crowded into the lecture hull to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University 6正如成千上万的其他人一样,她被这件艺术品深深地迷住了She like thousands of others, is greatly fascinated by this work of art 7直到我结婚的时候,我才有钱买了自己的房子It was not until I got married that I could afford the house of my own
二)1你能拿出那天晚上不在家的证据吗Can you show the evidence that he wasn’t aat home that night 2刚才在这儿说的所有话都必须保密Whatever we said here just now must be kept a secret 3如果这次旅行的花费不超过一百元,那你把我也算上吧If the expense of this journey is not over 100 yuan , you count me in 4每天晚上上床之前,Smith先生都要巡视一下房子以确保所有的门窗都上锁了所有灯都关了Before he goes to bed every night, Mr Smith will always inspect the house to make sure all the doors and windows are locked up and all the lights are turned off 5他确实吧真相告诉你了但你就是不相信He did tell you the truth, but you just didn’t believe him 6我延误了给他回信,这使他如此担忧,他竟然乘了直达航班来看我I delayed writing him back, which worried him so much that he took a no-stop flight to see me 7当我告诉他他父亲心脏病发作被送进医院时,他看上去似乎并不在意When I told him that his father had had a heart attack and had been sent to hospital, he looked as if he didn’t car about it.8公共汽车突然刹车,一只沉重的皮包从他头顶上的行李架上落下来正好落在他的头上When the bus stopped suddenly, a heavy leather bag fell off the shelf over his head and it landed right on his head 三)1特技演员的惊险表演使得观众惊恐万分The breathtaking performance of the stuntmen left the audience panic-strickened 2由于他的健康越来越差,我想现在该是他去掉吸烟恶习的时候了I think it’s time that he got rid of his bad habit of smoking because of the weakness of his health 3当Bill 全神贯注地做他的实验时,他全然不知周围发生的事情When Bill was preoccupied with his experiments, he know nothing about what happened around him 4Tom提议用他的这张邮票换John的那本书,但是John拒绝了Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for that book of John’s but John refused
5他指控他的邻居晚上唱片放得太响了He accused his neighbour of playing the CD records loudly in the evening 6他并不是你所认为的那种笨蛋He is not such a fool as you assume him to be
四)1Linda不可能已去美国因为我昨天在街上看见他了Linda can’t have gone to the USA, for I saw her in the street yesterday 2这些国家的政府必须采取有力措施以完全控制人口增长The governments of these countries must take effective measures to completely control the growth of their population 3这对老夫妇其实申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了The old couple should have applied for several travellous checks so that they needn’t have taken so much cash with them when they travelled around the world 4他是如此著名的一位艺术家,他的画全应保存在诸如美术馆或博物馆之类的地方He is so famous an artist that all his paintings should be preserved in such place as galleries or museums 5由于缺乏经验,那个青年医生没有立即采取行动,这导致了病人的死亡Due to lack of experience, the young doctor didn’t take action immediately, which led to the death of the patient 6她想以某种方式表示一下她是多么关心他的幸福She wants to show in some way that how much she cares about him and his happiness 7总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物The president made a speech to the effect that the country would protect the wildlife 8教师应该发挥他们的想象力增加教学的艺术性Teachers should exercise their imagination and add the art to their teaching
五)1要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用To manage a school well, the headmaster plays a very important role in the administration of the school 2在家庭事务中具有最后决定权的是我母亲It is my mother who has the final say in the household affairs 3生物学特别是微生物学,从他最早的学生时代起就令他着迷Biology, microbiology in particular has been fascinating him since his earliest school day 4她有没有说什么令你感兴趣的东西Did she say anything that particularly appealed to you 5在这么复杂的情况下,没有人能揣测出谁将赢得下一次竞选Under such complicated circumstances, no one can tell who will win the next election 6这是100英镑,它够支付你所有的花费了Here is 100 pounds and it can cover all of your expenses 7工程室的工作需要智力以及经验The work of an engineer needs intelligence plus experience
六)1不管雨下得多大,昨天你也应该来机场接我们的No matter how heavily it rained, you should have come to the airport to meet us yesterday 2他越想这件事越生气The more he thought of the matter, the angrier he was 3这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉The farmer would sell these vegetable at half the price rather than let them decay 4那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道All the messages in this booklet are restricted only to the senior officers 5通常医生要求病人彻底戒烟As a role, doctors require their patients to give up smoking completely 6直到火车开走了我才赶到车站It was not until the train had left that I arrived at the station 7昨晚有20名学生发高烧病倒了,医生们现在正在忙于调查这件事,希望能找到病因Last night, 20 students were down with a high fever and the doctors are busy in looking into these case in the hope of finding the cause of the disease 8父母有权干涉他们子女的个人生活吗?Do parents have the right to interfere with their children’s private lives?
七)1肯定会有人反对在下个月举办歌唱比赛的There is bound to be someone who will object to holding a singing contest next month 2事故发生后,John很沮丧地发现他那辆崭新的汽车已被损坏得无修复的希望了After the accident, John was discouraged to find that his brand-new car was damaged beyond hope of repair 3如果我开价,比如说100美元来买你那台旧电视,你会接受吗?If I give an offer, say, $100 to buy your old TV Set, will you accept my offer? 4除了Dick以外,Tom没有跟任何人说起他很想去当一名特技演员的事Tom didn’t tell anyone than Dick that he would like very much to be a stuntman 5这份工作从现金收益的角度来看不是很盈利的,但我正从中获取很有价值的经验This job is not very profitable in terms of cash earnings, but I’m getting valuable experience from it 6缺乏营养价值的饮食 使人保持健康A diet lacking in nutrition value will not keep a person healthy 7我当时真想朝那个演讲者脸上揍一拳,但我克制住了,我紧握双拳跑出了房间I felt an urge to beat the face of that speaker, but I kept control of myself, I ran out of the house with my hand crossed
第二篇:练习册翻译 答案 新编英语教程5 第三版
Unit One
1.在举出许多事实并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。(drive sth.home)
After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2.差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那个研究项目。(more or less)
It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3.他说的话如此微妙,我们很难理解他的真实意图。(subtle)
What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4.他的新书一针见血地审视了当代的社会问题。(squarely)
His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5.今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最新信息很关注。(be alive to)
The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6.外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。(a matter of)
It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.7.在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。(take courage)
Never lose heart in the face of a setback;take courage and deal with it squarely.8.适量的米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。(constitute)
Adequate amounts of rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet.Unit Two
I thought I had met him before, but his name just escaped me at the moment.2.阔别多年,他已经不再是我记忆中的那个纯真少年,而变成了一个老于世故的生意人。(sophisticated)
After years of separation, he was no longer the innocent lad that I had remembered;rather he had turned into a sophisticated businessman.3.“占领华尔街”运动的起因之一是美国国内日益扩大的贫富差距。(affluent)One of the motives of the “Occupy Wall Street” campaign was the ever-widening gap between the affluent and the impoverished in the U.S.4.由于这个灯塔附近有一个海军基地,外国游客不得登塔。(deny)
Foreign visitors are denied access to the light-house as there is a naval base nearby.5.吸毒几乎毫无例外地和盗窃、卖淫联系在一起。(go hand in hand)
Almost without exception, drug addiction goes hand in hand with robbery and prostitution.6.这个高尔夫俱乐部不对外开放,只为VIP会员服务。(exclusively)
This golf club is not open to the public;it serves exclusively VIP club members.7.为讨得皇帝的欢心,这几个皇妃无所不为。(vie)
In vying for the king's affection and favour, the imperial concubines resorted to every means possible.8.他小时候被狗咬过,所以对狗一直有点戒心。(wary of)
He was bitten by a dog when a child, so he has been wary of dogs ever since.Unit Three
He honked his car horn to alert the pedestrians.2.信息工程的迅速发展是人类努力作出尝试的一个突出事例。(endeavour)
The fast development of information technology is an outstanding example of human endeavour.3.Mary试图找到恰当的语言来表达她对老师的感激。(grope)
Mary groped for the appropriate words to express her indebtedness to her teacher.4.学校校长以平易的话语向年轻人传递了富有挑战性的信息。(convey)
The school principal's plain words conveyed a message of challenge to the young people.5.不要胡乱摆弄电线,要不然会引起电线短路。(tamper with)
Don't tamper with the wires, or you may cause a short circuit.6.他自以为在竞争中可以战胜任何对手,但是过分的自信使他失败了。(fail vt.)
He thought he could beat everyone at the competition, but his excessive self-confidence failed him.7.他说的话似乎简单明了,但是其中暗含的意思我们没能理解。(fathom)
What he said seemed simple and clear, but the meaning implied we could hardly fathom.8.他试图把小组漫无目的的谈话引导到一些有建设性的话题上去。(steer)
He tried to steer the group's random talk towards some constructive subjects.Unit Four
1.你能理解他那夸夸其谈的长篇大论的意义吗?(make out)
Can you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue?
2.他正在为考试结果担忧,因此根本没用心听访问教授的讲课。(not in the least)
Being worried about his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor's lecture.3.是儿童还是成人能更容易地在短期内学会一门外语的基础知识?这是一个有争议的问题。(rudiments)
Is it easier for a child or a grown-up to acquire the rudiments of a foreign language in a short period of time? This is a controversial question.4.他所说的关于短训班的事对你有吸引力吗?(appeal to)
Did what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you?
The biography of Steve Jobs inspired him to greater creative efforts in doing research.6.对西部贫困地区没有机会接受正常教育的孩子我们应该不闻不问吗?(indifferent)
Should we be indifferent to the children who are denied the opportunity of a normal education in the impoverished regions in the west?
7.校委会最近作出的决定对我们的课程设置没有什么影响。(bear on)
The decision made recently by the school board had little to bear on our curriculum.8.这条船造得很牢固,经得起任何风暴的袭击。(withstand)
The ship was so strongly built that it can withstand any storm.Unit Five
The harsh reality they could not evade dispelled all their romantic hopes for a rosy future.2.由于不可预料的天气,我们的运动会将延期到下周举行。(postpone)
Our sports meet will be postponed to next week because of the unpredictable weather.3.凡是来参观展览会的人,不论是谁都必须出示他/她的身份证。(no matter)
Every visitor to this exhibition must show his / her identity card no matter who he / she is.4.旧城中心的改造计划要得到市政府的批准。
(be subject to)
The renovation plan for the old city center is subject to the approval of the municipal government.5.一次又一次的挫折和失败并没有使他的希望破灭。(wither)
The experience of repeated setbacks and failures did not wither away his hopes.6.电子邮件传递信息又快又便利,已经在相当大的程度上替代了传统的邮递。(replace)
E-mail is so quick and convenient in sending messages that it has already replaced traditional mail service to a large extent.7.看到长城使他产生一种惊讶的感觉。(evoke)
The sight of the Great Wall evoked a sense of wonder in him.8.质量控制工具的保养是会很昂贵的。(maintenance)
The maintenance of quality-control instruments can be very costly.Unit Six
If there is anything you are not clear about the device, address your inquiry to our head office.2.在执行计划之前,我们最好把它的每一个方面考虑仔细,看看是否切实可行。(scrutinize)
Before we put the new plan into practice, we had better scrutinize every aspect of it to make sure that it is practicable.3.新的规章执行后,我们预期这地区的治安情况会有好转。(a change for the better)
We expect that there will be a change for the better in the security situation of this area after the new regulations are implemented.4.不要把他的话当真。他不过是开个玩笑而已。(literally)
Don't take his words literally.He's just cracking a joke.5.在农业中应用固氮作用(nitrogen fixation)的前景良好。(prospect)
The prospect of employing nitrogen fixation in agriculture is promising.6.他想发明一种不留痕迹的涂改液,但却以失败而告终。(contrive)
His attempt at contriving a correcting fluid which leaves no marks on paper ended in failure.7.那个外国人不会说汉语,他用手势表达他的要求,但是无法把意思表达出来。(get sth.across)
The foreigner who did not speak Chinese gestured to make a request, but he just couldn't get his idea across.8.他不考虑这件事多么紧迫而断然拒绝,不留一丝余地。(once and for all)
Without considering the urgency of the matter, he gave us a flat refusal, once and for all.Unit Seven
1.他怪异的行为有悖于一般的良好行为规范。(run counter to)
His peculiar behaviour runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct.2.可以肯定的是,历史上鲜有人能同时在科学和数学领域的成就比牛顿更突出。(impact)
What is certain is that few people in history have created a greater impact than Newton on the development of both science and mathematics.3.你不该嘲笑孩子的失败,应该鼓励他们再去尝试。(deride)
You are not supposed to deride children for their failures;you should encourage them to try again, instead.4.在Judy毕业典礼那天,她的叔叔婶婶以丰盛的晚餐来款待她。(sumptuous)
On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and aunt.5.对于他在公司的过往表现,没有人有什么不满。(with respect to)
With respect to his past record in the firm, no one has anything to complain about.6.他们的自由与我们的自由息息相关,我们不能单独行动。(inextricably)
Their freedom is inextricably bound to ours.We cannot act alone.7.我年迈的叔祖母不习惯使用那些市场上盛行的一次性物品。(disposable)
My aged great aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.8.他在考试中作弊被抓住后,名字马上被从应考者名单上删去。(eliminate)
His name was immediately eliminated from the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam.Unit Eight
1.他企图影射John 是肇事者,结果是徒劳的。(insinuate, futile)
His attempt at insinuating that John was the culprit turned out to be futile.2.每当没能完成期望他做的事时,他都善于临时编个借口来为自己开脱。(improvise)
He is very clever at improvising excuses each time he fails to do what is expected of him.3.他的西藏之行可以让他想参加布达拉宫的愿望如愿以偿了。(gratify)
His trip to Tibet may well gratify his desire to see the Potala.4.这家公司人力资源雄厚,足以应对其他大公司的挑战。(command)
This corporation commands distinguished human resources, rich enough to meet challenges from other big corporations.5.我认为这恐怕不是我们双方都能接受的变通办法。我们难道想不出一个更好的方案来处理这个问题?(alternative)
I don’t think that could be an acceptable alternative for both of us.Can’t we come up with a better one for this problem?
It’s harmful to indulge in whims and caprices.7.对不属于你的东西不要有非分之想。(lay one’s hands on, be entitled to)
Try not to lay your hands on anything that you are not entitled to.8.他没来参加竞赛。很可能把这件事全给忘了。(it may well be that)
He did not come to the competition.It may well be that he had forgotten all about it.Unit Nine
The outcome of the game depends not just on the skills of individual players but also on the timing of all the players of the team.2.接下来我想问的是,我们如何维持一个恒定的自我呢?(self-identity)
What I want to ask next is how we could sustain a constant self-identity.3.从迷梦中醒悟过来之后他为自己所做的蠢事感到可耻。(infatuation)
He felt ashamed of himself for the foolish things he had done when his infatuation was over.4.皮肤科医生告诫人们要小心阳光的直射,因为会有患皮肤癌的危险。(warn)
Skin doctors warn people to be careful with direct sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.5.她的头部伤得很厉害,但是她最终还是爬出了窗口。(manage to)
Her head was seriously injured, but she eventually managed to climb out of the window.6.我们该怎么做才能使我们的展览摊位比别人的更突出呢?(stand out)
How can we make our exhibit booth stand out from the others?
7.他设法冒充一名绅士,但每个人都知道他只是一个暴发户。(pass for)
He tried to pass for a gentleman, but everyone knew he was just an upstart.8.他强调说,政界人士和媒体评论员都应该在言辞上有所冷静。(rhetoric)
He stresses that both politicians and commentators in the media need to cool their rhetoric.Unit Eleven
Don’t expect to be remunerated for every little thing you do.In the long run, all the efforts you have made will be duly rewarded.2.植树造林在美化环境、丰富自然、发展国民经济方面都起着举足轻重的作用。(replenish)Planting is the most important part of creating a beautiful environment, replenishing nature and developing the national economy.3.那天是植树节。所有的志愿者都积极投入工作,种了数千棵柳树。(pitch in)
It was the Tree-planting Day.All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willow trees.4.不像他那性情温和的妹妹,他脾气急躁,并且动不动就训斥别人。(fulminate)
Unlike his sweet-tempered sister, he has a quick temper and he fulminates at people easily.5.在反腐斗争中,努力减少腐败比根除腐败更有效。(diminish)
In the fight against corruption, it is more helpful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it.6.在参加辩论之前,你必须确定你所有的论点都正确并且都有根据。(ascertain)
Before you take part in a debate, you are advised to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded.7.他们应该学会解决问题和冲突,启发灵感和批判性思考问题的方法。(resolve)
They should learn to solve problems and resolve conflicts, and to brainstorm and think critically.8.他一再催促逼迫,使我都不愿意去参加下一周的聚会了。(disincline)
All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend.Unite12 1.一份合同,一旦双方签订,不论发生什么事情都必须予以信守。(honour)A contract, once executed by and between the two parties involved, must be duly honored whatever happens.2.一场强大的风暴席卷了沿海的小村庄。(engulf)The heavy storm engulfed the small village along the coast.3.但在繁华的城市之外,还有成百上千万人仍然在贫苦中煎熬。(languish)But beyond the prosperous cities, millions of people still languish in poverty.4.我们必须全心全意为人民服务的信条仍为我们绝大多数的人民所遵守。(creed)The creed that we should severe the people whole-heartedly is still followed by the great majority of our people.5.管理不善和无效率的工作作风使得这家公司瘫痪了。(cripple)The corporation was crippled by its poor management and inefficient work style.6.事实上,他们手中并没有鞭子,而是他们的催促声的紧迫感使人觉得像是他们正在挥舞鞭子。(urgency)
They don’t really have a whip in their hands, but their nagging and sense of urgency feels like they do.7.观众热烈的掌声足以证明管弦乐队演出的成功。(evidence v.)
The success of the performance by the orchestra was evidenced by the warm applause from the audience.8.生物学家开始对遗传学有了一个更好的理解。(on the threshold of)Biochemists are on the threshold of a better understanding of genetic engineering.
Unit 1
Every time he rerurned home from work at midnight,he would tiptoe upstairs ,trying not to disturb his neighbours.2.为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour,Mr.Green lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage to the house.4.要不是她的朋友时常鼓励她,帮助她,她将一事无成。
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friend ,she couldn’t have accomplished anything..5.几天前他还对这项计划嗤之以鼻,可是他现在却以高涨的热情去努力落实这项计划,这真是令人难以理解的转变。
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project ,but now he is working hard with zest for its realization.what a battling change!
Judging from her autobiography,she always had mixed feelings for that pianist.7.她在大厅里候机时与两名美国旅行者攀谈起来,谈到了很多有趣的跨文化方面的问题。
Whiling wating in the lounge for the flight ,he struck up a conversation with two American travellers and touched on many interesting corss-cultural issues.8.这些女孩子都害怕晚上单身一人值夜班。These girls all dread working alone on night duty.9.我不在乎加班工作,我在乎的是在周末尽是做一些无意义的琐碎杂务。
I don’t mind working overtime.what I do mind is working on those insignificant trivial things during the weekend.10.事实上没有人要求他们在开学的第一天去干什么。当他们看到教室里乱七八糟时,便自发地打扫了起来。Actually nobody asked them to do anything on the first day of school.When they saw the classroom in such a mess,however ,they cleaned it spontaneously.Unit2
An unknown disease affected his brain so badly that he lost his memory completely.2.聚集在法院外进行抗议的人群并没有对这个太平洋岛国的法官和陪审团产生任何影响。
The protesting crowds outside the courthouse had no effect at all on the judges and the jury of this Pacific island country.3.一个做了亏心事的人听的哦啊每一响声都如同惊弓之鸟。A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.4.她温柔的声音和慈祥的笑容使屋子里的每个人都感到轻松自在。
Her soft voice and gracious smile put everyone in the room at ease.5.只有当你很好地掌握了各种语体之后才能在各种场合恰如其分地用英语进行表达。
Not until you have a good command of a scale of styles can you speak English appropriately in different situations.6.对现代经济学的一知半解是导致他经营失败的原因之一。
His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he failed in his business.7.信赖的总经理很不习惯公司里同事们称呼他的方式。
The new general manager did not feel very comfortable with the way he was addressed by his colleagues in the company.8.无论他作何种努力来改变其在公众心目中的形象,都无济于事。
No matter how hard he had tried ,his efforts to improve his image in the mind of the public proved to be ineffective.9.指挥官从没有想到他的士兵会无视他的命令。
It was the last thing that occurred to the commander that his souldiers would defy his orders.10.作文课的老师认为这些话是陈词滥调,可是它们对学生却又很大的吸引力。
Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but cliches,they appeal very much to the students.Unit 3
1.这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。Holding out his work-gnarled hands,the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.2.小女孩显然受伤不轻。她哭了好几个小时,现在仍在呻吟。
The little girl is apparently badly injured.She’s been crying for hours and she’s still moaning.3.当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同走上讲台时,整个大厅顿时爆发出一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。
As the Nopel Prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman ,the whole hall rocked with cheers and clapping.4.舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。
When the dance party was in full swing ,music and songs swriled all aroud the ballroom.5.不知是何原因,许多大学生又表现出对中国传统戏剧如京剧和越剧的浓厚兴趣。
For reasons that are not quite undersood ,there has been a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama,such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera,among the college students.6.由于人们成群结队地涌向街头去观看一年一度的节日庆典游行,市中心的交通一度被中断了。
The traffic downtown was held up for a while because croeds of people swarmed into the streets to watch the annual holiday parade.7.当这个小伙子看到心碎了的父母亲时,他为自己给家庭带来这么多麻烦而深感愧疚,他跪在8.她们的面前祈求宽恕。When he say his heart-broken parents,the young man felt so ashamed of himself for causing so much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged their forgiveness.8.看到了久别了的儿子下了船,老人激动不已,可出乎意料的是,小伙子却视而不见转身就走。
He was very excited at the sight of his son ,whom he had not met for a long time ,getting off the ship.But it was quite out of expectation that his son pretended not to see him ,and turning his back to his father ,the young man walked off right away.9.这两个邻国结束了长达十年的战争,签署了合约。自那时起,两国的经济交往和双边贸易得到迅猛发展。The two neighbouring countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace agreement.From them on ,their economic exchange and bilateral trade developed by leaps and bounds.10.当这位诺贝尔物理奖获得者出现在师生面前,全场一片欢腾。她的演讲不时被震耳欲聋的掌声所打断。As soon as the winner of Nobel Prize of physics appeared before the faculty and students ,the hall broke into a sea of cheers.And his speech was punctuated by deafening clapping.Unit 4
You are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively in the course while writing.2.依作者所见,阅读一本好书的最有效的方法之一是在阅读时动手评注。
According to the author ,one of the most effective ways to read a good book is by writing between the lines while reading.3.他全神贯注地投入在一项克隆实验工作上,根本没有察觉到我进入实验室。
He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experimets that he wasn’t aware of my entering the laboratory at all.4.我不认为幸福在于获取自己所需,我认为性欲在于为社会尽责任。
I don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need ,I believe happiness consists in doing what you can for socity.5.气压,氧气和温度是宇航员在月球上赖以生存的基本条件。
Air pressure ,oxygen and temperature are among the conditions indispensable to the survival of the astronauts on the moon.6.从某种意义上说,研究生也属于科研人员。
In a certain sense ,postgraduate students are also researchers.7.他宁愿把所观察到的东西,无论大事小事,都用笔记下来,也不愿用脑记,因为他相信这么一句话,“好记性不如烂笔头。
He would rather set down what he has obseved,important or trival ,in his notebook than commit it to his memory ,because he believes in the remark that “The worst pen is better than the best memory”.8.学生原本指望他会解释锐利观察和逻辑思维为何是科学研究必不可少的品质,但是他的一番讲话不仅没有使人明白,倒反而使人更糊涂了。
He was suppose to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking were indispensable qualities to research work ,but his talk was more confusing than clarifying.9.根据他所提出来的外语学习的理论,一个人在精神松弛的状态下学习英语要比在精神集中的状态下学习英语更有效。
According to his theory of foreign language learning ,one can better learn English in a state of relaxation than in a state of concentration.10.计划和列提纲只是写作的前奏曲,一篇论文的撰写还需要经过初稿,修改,编审等环节。
Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing.Drafting ,revising and editing are necessary steps required of thsis wrting.Unit 6
Being a famous actor ,he actually does not have an easy time of it.He must constantly improve his acting to meet new challenges.2.校报上宣布,国际劳动节的夜晚将举行盛大校友晚会。
As was announced in the universary newspaper ,a grand alumni party will be held on the evening of the International Labour Day.3.激动地孩子们度过了一个未眠之夜,于次日前便拂晓前便起身去海边,满怀希望能见到日出。
After a sleepless night ,the excited children got up before dawn the next day and headed for the sea in the hope that they could see the sunrise.4.这名心理学教授退休后不甘闲逸,开始从事儿童教育游戏的开发工作。
Agter retirement ,the psychology professor,unwilling to live an inactive life ,took to developing educational games for children.5.越来越多的国家通过了严禁任何人在国境线内任意猎取野生动物的法律。
An increasing number of countries have passed the law which forbids anyone to hunt wildlife at will on the territory of their countries.6.看到这些孩子熟练地在因特网上搜去信息,我便想起了我的孩提时代。那是我不知道电脑除了文字处理之外还能做什么。
The sight of the children’s skiilful serch for information on the Internet brought o my mind my own childhood.At that time I had no idea of what else a computer could do besides word processing.7.我不知道在动物世界里是否总是弱肉强食。
I don’t know if it is always the case in the animal world that stronger animals prey upon the weaker ones.8.许多人对他们所居住的城市里雨后春笋地冒出摩天大楼而深感自豪,他们还误以为摩天大楼是现代化的同义词呢。
Many people are very proud of the skyscrapers that have mushroomed in their cities ,with the mistake idea that skyscrapers are the synonym of modernization.9.我不认为这是一起偶然时间。从车子被撞的样子来看,这肯定是蓄意谋杀。
I don’t think it was an accident ,Judging from the way the car was hit ,it was definitely a deliberate murder.10.掌握好体操技巧需要多年的训练,掌握好英语技能也是如此。
The mastery of gymnastic skills requires years of training.The same is true with the mastery of English skills.Unit 7
They had been waiting in anguish until the news came that the police had rescued their kidnapped daughter.2.情绪激动的老人打开儿子从海外寄来的信,他越想控制住发抖的双手,他们发抖的越厉害。
The emotional old man opened the letter his son sent him from overseas.The harder he tried to control his trembling hands ,the more trembling they became.3.虽然他们从狼的口中救出了那头羊,但看到羊全身痛苦地抽搐着,他们感到很难受。
They saved the sheep form the grip of the wolf ,but it hurt them very badly to see the wounded sheep writing in pain.4.他一步不停地跑向火车站,到那里时已经气喘吁吁,满头大汗。
He ran all the way to the railway station without stopping and when he arrived there,he was out of breath with sweat trickling down his cheeks.5.一场突如其来的瓢泼大雨使路人仓皇逃向路边的商店避雨。
A studden dowmpour sent the pedestrians scurrying for shelter in the stores along the streets.6.看到受伤的水牛在狮子的围攻中痛苦地挣扎,猎人出于怜悯开枪将它打死。
Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions ,the hunter shot it dead out of pity.7.尽管实验一次次的失败,他们的热情非但没有消失,反而更加高涨。
Althouth their experiments failed again and again ,their enthusiasm ,instead of ebbing away ,was rising.8.他们从未料到新的合作者竟然是个无耻之徒。当再次相见时,他们的怨气和他的鄙视油然而生。It never occurred to them that their new parner was such a mean person.A swelling feeling of rage and contempt rose in them when they met again.9.尽管他做了最好的准备,但一想到将在拳击场上面对那个世界冠军,便不寒而栗。
Although he was well prepared ,he felt an involuntary chill on his back at the thought of fighting in the boxing ring with the world champion.10当大夫告诉他这只是一次小手术,时间不会超过一个小时时,他脸上露出了将信将疑的神色。When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation that would take no more than an hour ,there was an incredulous look on his face.Unit 8
1.我连汽车都不会开,更不用说飞机了。I can’t drive a car ,let alone fly an airplane.2.北极居住着各族人民。与北极显然不同的是,南极却没有永久性的居民,因为那里的气候不利于人类生存。
The Artic is populated with people of different nationalities ,The Antarctic ,in contrast ,has no premanent residents because the climate there is unfavourable to human survival.3.虽然她在接受心脏手术后自我感觉正常,但是医生却坚持认为她应该隔天去医院检查一次。
Although she felt like a normal person after the heart surgery ,the doctor insisted that she should go to the hospital for examination every other day.4.挂不得他们一场一场地输球,他们已好久没有训练了。
Small wonder they lost the games time and again ,they had been out of training for quite some time.5.我总觉得相当数量的董事会成员会强烈反对我们的改革计划。
I am inclined to think that there will be strong opposition to our reform plan among quite a few board members.6.公司上上下下都认为新来的总经理目光远大,足智多谋,富有竞争意识。
The employees of the company at all levels think of their new manger as farsighted ,resourceful and highly competitive.7.我们不能姑息任何人的有害社会秩序的行为,不管他是谁,不管他来自何处。
No matter who he is or where he is from ,we cannot tolerate anyone’s behaviour that is jnjurious to social order.8.所有那些声称见过神秘野人的人都肯定地认为,野人最显著的特征是巨大的身材。
Those who claimed to have set eyes on the musterious savage in the forst all affirmed that the most distinctive feature of the savage was its huge size.9.关于小岛上饮用水的质量问题,据登岛探险家的报道,岛上的水有一种甘甜清新的味道。
As regards the quality of the drinking water on that small island ,the explorers who set foot on the island reported that it was sweet ,pleasant and refreshing.10.从经济收益方面来考虑,出版学术专著的主要问题在于这类书记的销量较少,平均每次印刷的数量只有数百本而已。
As far as the business porfits are concerned ,the main drawback of the publicationof academic treatises is that they usually do not smell well ,with ad average number of only several hundred copied for each printing.Unit 9
I really doubt if the treated drinking water will truly provide sufficient minerals that are essential to human health.2.灿烂雅文化是如何从地球上突然消失的?这始终是一个难解之谜。
As to how the splendid Maya Culture disapprared all of a sudden from the earth ,it remains a mustery hard to solve.3.当弄清楚是一只大老鼠导致传动系统中断运动时,我们都松了一口气。不久传送系统便恢复了正常运转。When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of the transmission system ,we all felt relieved.soon the system was brought to its norml operation.4.当他得知他因年事已高而不能参加这次航天旅行时,他几乎陷入绝望。为了参加这次梦寐以求的旅行,他足足准备了三年。
He was almost driven to despair when he learned that he was considered too old to take part in the space voyage.He had spend three years preparing for this long-dreamed-of trip.5.由于该地区唯一的交通工具是毛驴,这次旅行简直是一场灾难。我们大部分时间都是在驴背上颠簸。大家几乎被炎热的天气和飞扬的尘土所窒息。
The trip turned out to be a disaster ,for the only means of transport available in that area were donkeys.We spend most of our time joggling on the backs of these animals ,almost stifled by the heat and swirling dust.6.他不是一个很受学生欢迎的教授,因为他在讲课时总是走题和拖堂。
He was not a very popular professor among the students because he would invariably wander off his topic during the course of his lecture and drag the class into the time for break.7.这个大收藏家声称,他的收藏品里有几幅价值连城的画,没有人买得起。
The prominent collector declared that his collection included some invaluable paintings that no one could afford to buy.8.为了挽救被蝎子所叮的小孩的生命,村民们想方设法减缓毒素产生的作用。
To save the life of the little boy stung by a scorpion ,the villagers used all the means and ways available to reduce the effect of poisoning.9.这座城市举办的一年一度的冰雕节吸引了来自全国的各类人士。
The annnual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.10.由于战争和自然灾害,一些国家陷入极度贫困中。联合国的一名官员强调,正因为如此,发达国家应承担责任,为发展中国家的经济发展做出新的贡献。
Some countries were reduced to extreme poverty brought forth by war and natural disastes ,For that matter ,a U.N.official insisted that developed countries should take their responsibility to make new contributions to the economic development of the developing countries.
第四篇:新编英语教程 第三版 练习册1 翻译句子
This book covers nearly all the important topics on language teaching.2.如果你来电话时我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信。
If I am not available when you call me,please leave a message with my secretary.3.只有高级官员才能接触到这些机密档案。
Only high-ranking officials have access to these confidential files.4.看见火车轰隆隆地向他开来,他立刻的反应就是跳离铁轨,但双腿却不听使唤。
When he saw the train roaring towards him,his immediate response was to jump off the rail,but his legs refused to move.5.他这么聪明,而且又用功,毫无疑问,他将来会成功的。He is so clever and he works hard.No doubt he will be successful in the future.6.当着两个证人的面,他在遗嘱上签了自己的名字。He signed his name on his will in the presence of two witnesses.第一册
At the press conference,the government spokesman answered journalists' questions with promptness and courtesy.2.教育应当使一个人变得丰富而不是富有。Education is supposed to make one rich, not wealthy.3.他因为遵从父亲的愿望才读了法学院.He went to law school out of respect for his father's wishes.4.种子随风飘荡,也不知飞向何方。
The seeds drift about at the mercy of wind.Nobody knows where they are going.5.他多才多艺,懂多门外语。
Her knowledge of foreign language is among her many accomplishments.6.一对新来的大熊猫将在香港海洋公园首次与游客见面.A pair of new-comer pandas will make their first public appearance in Hong Kong's Ocean Park.1.利用这种方法,衣服可以织成各种各样的形状。第一册
Various shapes can also be woven into a garment using this method.2.来自俄罗斯和德国的领导人在波兰纪念了第二次世界大战爆发70周年.Leaders from Russia and Germany marked the 70th anniversary of the start of World War II in Poland.3.立法在反对歧视方面应该扮演怎样的角色?
What should be the role of legislation in efforts to combat discrimination? 4.大概是恶劣的天气使,飞机误点了。
Presumably the bad weather has delayed the plane.5.他发现他妻子和他不是同时有空。
He found that his wife's free time does not coincide with his.6.她从阅读英文小说中获得了极大的乐趣。She derives great pleasure from reading English novels.1.警察想知道那个刚才给它打电话的男人是不是他们正在搜寻的嫌 第一册
The police wanted to find out whether the man who telephoned her just now was the suspect they were seek after.2.上海的交通问题相当严重,世界上的其他大城市也都这样。Traffic in Shanghai is quite a serious problem.The same is true of other big cities in the world.3.今年我们有这么多的工作要做,不得不取消假期。
We have so much work to do this year that we will have to do without a holiday.4.他不给学生任何发言的机会。He denied his students a chance to speak.5.日语和汉语的语法在许多方面是不同的。
Chinese grammar differs from Japanese grammar in many aspects.6.有些学生在设法消磨时间,而另一些学生却总是觉得时间紧迫。Some students are trying to kill time whereas others feel pressed for time.1.杰克昨天非常忙,否则他一定会到火车站去接你。第一册
Jack was very busy yesterday, otherwise he would have gone to meet you at the station.2.要不是医生及时治疗,我会终身残疾。
If it hadn't been for the doctor's timely treatment, I would be disabled for life.3.这块土地专门用于修建儿童游乐设施。
This land is devoted to building recreation facilities for the children.4.这位负责的医生总是密切注意患者的病情变化。
The responsible doctor is often on the watch for the change in the patients' condition.5.所有12岁以下的小学生都可以参加这个竞赛。The competition is open to all pupils under the age of twelve.6.爱尔兰驻华大使说:“爱尔兰和中国建立外交关系以来,文化交流与合作一直都是两国关系的重要组成部分。” “Culture exchange and cooperation have been the heart of the Sino-Irish relationship since the establishment of diplomatic relation,” said the Ambassador of Ireland to China.1.他们两个昨晚不在事故现场,因为我在酒吧里看到他们了。第一册
Neither of them was on the site of the accident last night,because I saw them in the bar.2.怀特先生有一个非常大的农场,农场里养着20匹马和15头奶牛。Mr.White has a very big farm in which he feeds 20 horses and 15 cows.3.谁能想得到所有这些傻事都是你做的呢?
Who could have supposed that it was you who did all these silly things? 4.回到家后,他得知女儿刚刚订婚了。
He returned home to learn that his daughter had just become engaged.5.他们想要登到山顶,但徒劳地尝试了几次之后,还是被迫退回了营地。
After a number of vain attempts to climb to the top of the mountain they were forced to return to the camp.6.毫无疑问,在当时主动提出与敌军谈判是一个不可宽恕的错误。Undoubtedly, offering to negotiate with the enemy at that time was an inexcusable blunder.1.这一事故并不是在星期一下午三点发生的,而是在星期三下午四 第一册
It wasn't at three on Monday afternoon that this accident happened,but at four on Wednesday afternoon.2.我早就忘记我们上次见面争吵了些什么。
I have long since forgotten what we quarreled about when we last met.3.我们打算在本星期五把这项工作完成,除非有意料之外的事情发生。
We are going to finish the task this Friday unless something unexpected happens.4.如果我的讲话中有什么错误,请随时打断并纠正我。
If there is anything wrong in my talk, please don't hesitate to stop me and put me right.5.除了折磨和威胁,他们再没有其他的办法让这名青年说出真相。
They had no other means of getting the truth out of the young man but by torturing and threatening.6.他们试图找出这些问题的答案的努力白费了。
They failed in their attempt to find the answers to these questions.1.两个人在大兴安岭猎捕野生动物时碰巧被抓了。第一册
It so happened that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxing'anling.2.你举止竟然如此粗鲁,真丢人!
It was just shameful that you should have behaved so rudely.3.经验告诉我们,要使我们的商品适合每一个海外市场的特殊需求。Experience has taught us to tailor our merchandise to the special needs of each overseas market.4.当前需要更多的土地种粮食,只能抽出较少的土地用于放牧。Nowadays more land is needed to grow food and less can be spared to graze cattle.5.劳动者该得食,不劳动者该挨饿。
Those who work deserved to eat, those who do not work deserve to starve.6.语言是文化的一部分,也是一个种族的重要象征与代表。Language is an integral part of culture and the symbol of a race.1.棋盘上的黑白方格相间排列。第一册
The black and white squares on a chessboard are arranged alternately.2.越来越多的人对环境继续遭受污染感到不安。
More and more people are concerned about the continuing pollution of the environment.3.她过度劳累,正在伤害自己的健康。She is endangering her health by overwork.4.他为我省去了记下所有那些名字和地址的麻烦。
He saved me the trouble of having to note down all those names and addresses.5.由于违反安全规范,那栋楼塌了。
The building collapsed as a result of safety violation.6.他宁愿听别人的话,他不愿自己多说。He would rather listen to others than talk himself.1.如果这个伟大的作曲家现在还活着,他必将会创作出更多美妙的作 第一册
If the great composer was still alive, he would surely compose many more wonderful works 2.如果你在这座城市里迷了路,最好向警察求助。
If you lose your way in the city, you'd better ask the police for help.3.他过于自信了。事实上,他还没有他所自认为的一半那样能干。He is overconfident.Actually he is not half as capable as he thinks of himself.4.作为外国人,他无法与当地人进行交流。
Being a foreigner, he had no way of communicating with local people.5.使用新的教学法后,教师们发现学生在课堂上更积极主动了。With the use of the new teaching method, teachers have found that students have become more motivated and active in class.6.他真够幸运,能够及时赶到车站,坐上了回家的末班车。He was lucky enough to get to the bus stop on time to catch the last bus home.1.要在这么短的时间内,募集到3亿资金实在是非她能力所及的。第一册
It is really a task beyond her powers to raise 0.3 billion yuan within such a short time.2.随着地球越来越暖,越来越多的人开始意识到环保的重要性。As the world is becoming warmer and warmer, an increasing number of people have become aware of the importance of environment protection.3.每个人都在关注目前的这场金融危机,看其如何发展。
Everybody is concerned with the current financial crisis, wondering how it will work out.4.他已经下定决心戒烟了,但是每当看到朋友们在抽烟,他就很想抽烟。
He has made up his mind to give up smoking, but whenever he sees his friends smoking, he feels an urge to smoke.5.他被公司派往美国负责公司驻美办事处的成立工作。
He was assigned by the company to set up a representative office in America.6.这是一个很大的项目,牵涉到许多部门。It is a very large project involving many departments.1.他从上小学开始就梦想着以后能上一所有声望的大学。第一册
He has been dreaming of entering a prestigious university since he was in primary school.2.如果你不喜欢我所说的,你能否想出点什么呢?
Could you please come up with something if you don't like what i said ? 3.地方政府未料到这个事件会引起全国范围的关注。
The local government didn't expect that the incident would arouse nationwide interest.4.他很明显地意识到她的拒绝虽然礼貌,但非常坚决。He obviously realized that her turndown was polite but very firm.5.这家新公司正留意招募有才能,有热情,对市场营销感兴趣的年轻人。
The new company is looking to recruit talented and is enthusiastic young people who are interested in marketing.6.一个能使发生车祸的机会降到最低的有效措施就是教育人们遵守一切交通规则。
An effective measure to minimize the dangers of driving is to teach people to obey all the traffic rules.1.为了奖励他的忠诚和努力,公司给他提供了一个出国学习的机会。第一册
In repayment for his loyalty and hard work, the company offered him an opportunity to study abroad.2.我要感谢我的父母,没有他们始终如一的支持,我是无论如何坚持不下去的。
My gratitude goes to my parents, without whose unfailing support I could never have carried on.3.委员会处理完紧急事务后出会抽出时间来研究你的建议。The committee will get around to your proposal after they have dealt with urgent business.4.正是由于医务人员的全力以赴,他才很快从伤病中恢复过来。It was thanks to the dedication of medical staff that he recovered from his injuries soon.5.在金融危机时期,消费者往往倾向于选择低价位的商品。In times of financial crisis, consumers tend to opt for low-priced goods.6.尽管深得选民拥戴,他还是被迫离开了市长的职位。
He was forced to step down as mayor despite his popularity with the voters.1.该公司开始专营无线电器材,现在已决定扩展到计算机了。第一册
The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers.2.他越坚持自己是无辜的,人们似乎越怀疑他。
The more he insisted on his innocence, the more people seem to suspect him.3.这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉。The farmer sold the vegetables at half price rather than allow them to rot.4.那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道。
All the information in that booklet is restricted to high-ranking military officers.5.一般来说,为了你的身体健康,医生会要求你戒烟戒酒。As a rule, for the sake of your health, doctors will require you to give up smoking and drinking.6.他和律师谈过后才签署了合同。
It was not until he talked to his lawyer that he signed the contract.1.只要我们不灰心,就会找到克服这个困难的办法。第一册
As long as we don't lose heart, we will find a way to overcome the difficulty.2.不管你多么害怕,你必须在外表上保持平静。
However frightened you may be, you must remain outwardly calm.3.他们将从学生那里收集到的意见附在这个报告之后。They attached the opinions collected from students to this report.4.我们请求他立即辞去总理职务。
We requested that he immediately resign his office as prime minister.5.与他已有的邮票相比,这些新邮票并不很令人感兴趣或有价值。Compared with what he had already had, these new stamps were not very interesting or valuable.6.人的军队服役促使这个害羞的小青年变成了一个真正的男子汉。Two years' military service helped to make a real man of this shy boy.15
1.His peculiar behavior runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct.2.What is certain is that few people in history have created a greater impact than Newton on the development of both science and mathematics.3.You are not supposed to deride children for their failures;you should encourage them to try again.4.On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and aunt.5.With respect to his past record in the firm, no one has anything to complain about.6.Their freedom is inextricably bound to ours, so we cannot act alone.7.My aged great-aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.8.His name was immediately eliminated from the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam
1.His attempt at insinuating that John was the culprit turned out to be futile.2.He is very clever at improvising excuses each time he fail to do what is expected of him.3.His trip to Tibet will gratify his desire to see the Potala Palace 4.This corporation commands distinguished human resources, rich enough to meet challenges from other big corporations.5.I don't think that could be an acceptable alternative for both of us.Can't we come up with a better one for this problem? 6.It is harmful to indulge in daydreaming and caprice 7.Try not to lay your hands on anything that you are not entitled to
8.He did not come to the competition.It may well be that he had forgotten all about it
1.The result of the game depends not just on the skills of individual player but also by the timing of all the players of team
2.The next question I want to ask is how we can sustain a constant self-identity? 3.He felt ashamed of himself for the foolish things he had done when his infatuation was over.4.Skin doctors warn people to be careful with direct sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.5.Her head was seriously injured, but she eventually managed to climb out of the window.6.How can we make our exhibit booth stand out from the others? 7.He tried to pass for a gentleman, but everyone knows he is a parvenu.8.He emphasizes that both politicians and commentators in the media need to be calm in their rhetoric
1.Conventions differs from tradition in that the former is a recognized code of conduct of the society, while the latter indicates the customary ways of thinking and behaving which are passed down from the past to the present.2.The doctrines of Confucius and Mencius held sway over the society of China in a long period.3.His illegible handwriting is unintelligible to anyone but himself.4.We have to take action based on the premise that the worst situation can happen.5.Before children learn how to speak and understand the oral language, they master the ability to differentiate things by comparing the difference of the visual appearance.6.A predominant feature of botanic garden is its extensive area.7.Do you believe that human beings evolved from the simian? 8.Teachers are incumbent not only to pass impart knowledge but also to teach students the moral rule.1.Don't expect to be remunerated for doing every small thing.In the long run, all the efforts that you have made will be rewarded.2.Afforestation plays an important role in beautifying the environment, replenishing nature and developing the national economy.3.That day was Arbor Day.All the volunteers pitched in the work and planted thousands of willows.4.Unlike his mild sister, he is hot tempered and fulminates at others easily.5.In the fight against anti-corruption, it is effective to diminish corruption than to eliminate it.6.Before you take part in a debate, you must ascertain that all your arguments are correct and well-grounded.7.They should learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, enlighten inspiration and think critically.8.His constant urge disinclines me towards going to the party of next weekend.1.A contract once signed by two parties must be hnoured no matter what happen.2.A strong storm engulfed the small villages along the coast.3.But, out of the prosperous cities , millions of people still languish in poverty.4.The creed that we should serve the people whole-heartedly is still abided by most of people.5.Mismanagement and inefficient work style crippled this company.6.In fact, there is no whip in there hand I, but their nagging and sense of urgency make people feel that they are waving their whips.7.The successful performance of orchestra was evidenced by warm appliance from audiences.8.Biochemists are on the threshold of a better understanding of genetics.可出2 你试3 在她4 我品7 每脱10他尝了11这战12我题13总的14 从耻19皮险20我呢22习式25孔会26我动28早力29植广30你吗31 植用34那树35在效37在据38一守41一村42我循44管了45事子46观功47生解48
b比机17不人36不报33 d对满5对想25但熬43 j接呢18教范32 t他范1他动6他去8他的9他忘了16她口21他户23他静24他懂27 他法39他会了40