◇ 考试介绍
大学英语口语考试CET Spoken English Test简称CET——SET,它是用于测试我国大学生运用英语进行口语交际的能力的考试。如今,英语四、六级考试已经成为求职、毕业的的“必修”考试科目,随着考试制度的进一步完善,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会又推出的了大学英语口语考试——SET。
口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为A、B、C 三个等级,成绩低于C 等的不发给证书。大学英语四、六级考试口语考试能力等级标准如下:
等级 等级描述
A等 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难
B等 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际
C等 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际
D等 尚不具有英语口头交际能力
CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由2名主考和3(或4)名考生组成。
◇ 报名条件
◇ 报名时间
◇ 考试时间
◇ 考试地点
考点列表(注意:个别考点因特殊情况本次考试不接受报名,以报名系统显示为准): 省、自治区、直辖市 考点名称 考点地址
北京 清华大学 清华大学 首都师范大学 北京市
天津 南开大学 天津市
河北 河北科技大学 石家庄市
山西 太原师范学院 太原市
内蒙古 内蒙古大学 呼和浩特市
辽宁 辽宁大学 大连理工大学 沈阳市 大连市
黑龙江 哈尔滨大学 哈尔滨市 吉林 吉林大学 长春市
上海 复旦大学 上海交通大学 华东理工大学 上海大学 上海市
江苏 南京大学 东南大学 苏州大学 徐州师范大学 南京市 苏州市 徐州市
浙江 浙江大学 杭州市
安徽 中国科学技术大学 选合肥市
福建 厦门大学 厦门市
江西 南昌大学 南昌市
山东 山东大学 济南市
广东 中山大学 广州市
海南 海南大学 海口市
河南 郑州大学 郑州市
湖北 武汉大学 武汉市
湖南 湖南大学 长沙市
广西 广西师范大学 桂林市
重庆 重庆大学 重庆市
四川 四川大学 西南交通大学 成都市
贵州 贵州大学 贵阳市
云南 云南大学 昆明
陕西 西安外国语学院 西北工业大学 西安市
宁夏 宁夏大学 银川市
甘肃 兰州大学 兰州市
新疆 新疆大学 乌鲁木齐市
◇ 考试题型
部分 时间 题型 说明
Part 1 5 分钟 问答 “热身”题,包括考生自我介绍、回答问题。
Part 2 10 分钟 发言和讨论 考生准备 1 分钟后,根据所给提示作一个 1.5 分钟的发言;
小组就指定的话题讨论(约 4.5 分钟)。Part 3 5 分钟 问答 由主考进一步提问。
◇ 考试大纲
◇ 教材教辅
看视频,学口语—英语口语900句【30小时高清视频光盘】 2012年大学英语口语考试辅导
科目名称 班型 教师 课时 上课时间 价格 辅导方案
1.面授保过班 刘丹薇 全程 随报随学 980元
2.网授保过班 刘丹薇 全程 随报随学 480元
3.一对一辅导(面授/网授)刘丹薇 10 随报随学 1500元
◇ 考试介绍
◇ 报名条件
网络教育(远程教育)和成人教育(继续教育)、电大部分专业的学员在教学中心(或学习中心、函受站、教学班或申请学士学位学校)联系报名和考试; 此外,不设考点的校外学习中心的考生,须在北京参加考试; 除在校成人本科生以外,毕业不满一年的成考生也可参加考试。
◇ 考试时间
各省 2012年成人英语三级考试时间
安徽 安徽2012年成人英语三级考试时间:6月9日
湖南 湖南2012年成人英语三级考试时间:6月9日
广东 广东2012年成人英语三级考试时间:2012年6月9日上午9时-11时
宁夏 宁夏2012年成人英语三级考试时间:5月5日
河北 河北2012年上半年成人英语三级考试时间:5月13日9:00-11:00 湖北 湖北2012年成人英语三级考试时间:4月21日
黑龙江 黑龙江2012年成人英语三级考试时间:4月8日9:00-11:30 天津 天津2012年成人英语三级考试时间:3月25日9:00-11:30 吉林 吉林2012年成人英语三级考试时间:8月25日9:00-11:00 四川 四川2012年成人英语三级考试时间:3月10日9:00-11:00 甘肃 甘肃2012年成人英语三级考试时间:2012年8月下旬
山东 山东2012年成人英语三级考试时间:2012年4月22日
云南 云南2012年成人英语三级考试时间:6月9日上午9:00-11:00 江西 江西2012年成人英语三级考试时间:4月14日
新疆 新疆2012年成人英语三级考试时间:5月12日
◇ 考试费用
◇ 考试题型
◇ 考试证书
◇ 教材教辅
1.《成人英语三级历年真题与模拟题详解》 2.《成人英语三级应试技巧与专项突破》 3.《成人英语三级核心词汇20天快速突破》
科目名称 班型 教师 课时 上课时间 价格 辅导方案
1.面授保过班 王东霞 全程 随报随学 980元
王东霞 全程 随报随学 480元
3.网授精讲班【题型精讲+真题串讲】 王东霞 21.3 随报随学 180元
4.一对一辅导(面授|网授)杨建华 10 随报随学 1500元
5.面授冲刺班|远程面授班 王东霞 7 4月、10月 300元
6.面授冲刺班视频|远程面授班视频(网上学习)王东霞 7 上线后随报随学 200元
标准班 杨建华 80 随报随学 280元
VIP班 杨建华 120 随报随学 480元
必过班 杨建华 160 随报随学 680元
Wealthy and money A:Do you heard that marry someone who is high rich handsome or someone who is white rich beautiful?Why people so urly to chase the rich ? B: Modern life is built around money.As the saying gose :If you have money, you can make the ghost push the millstone for you.A:But money can't stand everything.such as health and happiness B: Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security.In addition, it is also the answer for everything.Beauty is potent, money is more potent!A:I don't agree with you ,Although money can buy almost everything but can't stand everything,even money can't stand wealth.I think wealth is something that you own and cherish.B:Like what?
A:For example,I have a lot of friends,this is my wealth.B:I have a warm family.this is to say I am wealthy too.A:Yes,money is necessary ,but money can't stand wealth.Anti-smoking/addiction A:Do you realize that the rate of the smoking is higher and higher?recently,I realized that some students aged 15 to 19 smoke in the street.B:Maybe,and I also realized that these smokers are very young.Did they addict to it? A:Year,some people may picked it up because of curiosity,or they think it looks
very cool.But once you pick it up,you would addict to it,and it will be hard for you to quit.B:I can't agree with you more ,addiction is the condition of being dependent on something.it's very horrible,because you can't stop doing it although you really want to.This is what addictions are.A:So,in order to keep away from addiction,you'd better keep away from smoking.As the saying goes:nip in the bod.B:Year,we should take some measure for it.Maybe the first thing is to tell people how harmful it is to smoke,and how danger when you addict to it.A:And don't forget to tell them that smoking is not only a waste of money but is also a danger to one's health B:And others health too A:What about then did and addict to it? B:Whether a smoker can give it up or not depends on one's will.What's more,anti-smoking group may give a hand.A:Hope they can get out of the nightmare,and live a happy life.Future career /Dream and ambitions A: What's your plan for the future? B:Do you mean my future career? A:Or your dream,ambitious,what 's your plan ? B:When I was a little girl ,I want to become a scientist, as my age goes on ,I finally found that it isn't realistic.A:year,when we were kids,our dream are almost big,we don't know how big of ourselves,when I was young ,I really want to be an engneer,Now,I realized it was a big distance for me.B:but our childhood is really happy.we do really want to do something that can make us happy.When I was a little girl,I really want to be a cake cooker.I always think cake will sweet people's moon.A:how cute we are!But now we have to face the real world.B:So I will be an accountant as the things goes,but I will try hard to be a CPA.What about you ? A:Maybe the same as you.Say in the future, which city do you prefer to work in? B: Well...I don't like big city like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, although big city means more job opportunities.maybe a city like Qingdao suit me better.What about you ? A: I would prefer work at our hometwon you know.I love my family,and I love my hometown.So I want to go back to my hometown.B:Hope you have a good job and good life.A:Thank you!Same to you!
Friendship A:hey,Jane,you seem have many friends,I just saw all the people you watch smiled to you.B:of course I have,I really cherish the friendship.I think this is my biggest wealth.what do you think about friendship ? A: I think friendship is the most beautiful things in the word.True friendship is someone who will help you when you need them ,as the saying goes :a friend in need is a friend indeed.what do you think about it ? B:I think a person can have many friends but only one or two bosom friends.A good friend,as it were,a second self.you can see a lot of things on yourself from your true friend A:year I can't agree with you more.True friend can sharing your sorrow,and
double your happy,as the saying goes ,if you tell your joy to your friend,your joy will double.B:yes ,life without friend is like life on a desert island.A:a good friend is a friend for life.B:but true friend needs communicate with heart.and you must be honest to your friend ,any emotion can't stand the lier.A:maybe this is a only way to win a true friend,if you own a true friendship ,then cherish it,because it will be a biggest wealth in your life.B:hope everyone can get happiness from friendship.Campus life
A:we have moved into the new student apartment building for months,so exciting!B:you are so satisfied with your dorm
A:actually,firstly the dormitory is a four-room apartment,and it has a balcory and bathroom ,Secondly,there is a short distance between our dormitory and restaurant.B:wow,how I envy you ,what do you usually do in dorm ?Is it same with the Junior high school life? A:there is a quite different change in campus life.Oh ,just studying ,singing,watching move, or playing games.but we own lots of time to do what you want to do
B:yes ,I really agree with you.I still remember we just studys for long time and spend little time on other activities when we were a junior high students.A:that's true.campus life is colorful.we can do a lot of things that we want to do ,such as part time job,join some clubs,take part in some activities,Do you often take part in these activities? B:yes ,I think we can benefit from it,for example,on the one hand,we both enjoy ourselves,and get to know a lot of friends,on the other hand, we can get a lot of experience,in a word,campus life is more useful for us to develop, A:I can't agree with you more ,hope students can cherish the wonderful life,being a happy person.
Topic6 : Students at universities often have a choice of places to live.They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community.D:Hi A:hello B:good afternoon!C :good afternoon!D:Last day my friends told me that she want to find an apartment in the community.Do you have some ideas?
A:Does she want to move out? D:Yes!
B:But, why ? living in university dormitories has many advantages.It can save time.Most of the university dormitories are in the campus or very close to campus.Therefore, it is less traffic time and no traffic jams.The students could spend those time at study or sleep.节约时间
C:Yes,I am agree with you , Besides that, it is more safety to live in university dormitories.The reason is only the university students can live in the dormitories.We can don’t worry about the safety.安全 D:in a way you are right.Personally, I would like to live in an apartment in the community.As we all know, Most of the university dormitories are not allowed students cooking, but the food in some of the university cafeteria is very terrible.Lt is a big advantages for the students who like to cook.自己做饭
A:yes.And Students can have a big room if they live in apartment.Most of the rooms in school dormitories are very tiny.If a student want a little bit bigger room, he is better live out off campus.for me, I would like to choose to live out off campus because I like bigger room, 房间大
B:yes, may be you are right ,but we will have more chances to communicate each other ,it’s good for us to Cultivation of emotion by living in dormitories.C:and it’s also good for Cultivation of spirit of collective attention, enhance the sense of solidarity.培养集体注意精神,增强团结意识。It is important for us college students.D:but it is little bit cheaper than live in university dormitories because the students can rent a two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartment and share it with friends, 便宜
A:besides ,the most important is that I do not want to have a horrible roommate.If rent an apartment out off campus, I can choice my roommate by myself or I can change the apartment if I get a horrible roommate.However, if it is the university dormitories, I could not do that.同学关系
B:however, living in dormitories Can help us to concentrate on studies, and get away from complex societies issues.C:and school can be easily participative management.便于学校管理
D:but the dormitories off the light in the night.By living outside we can review our lessons in the deep of night, also we can have an independent environment.A:yes ,we will have More free, more personal space by living outside.B:In conclusion, live in university dormitories or live out off campus both has their advantages.To choose where to live it is totally basic on the personal ideas.C:they'd rather be right, I'm in favor of the your idea.aha, it’s time to have a meal ,let’s go.