
时间:2019-05-14 18:37:04下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1 Topic: studying abroad Advantages: 1.A student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home.2.Students abroad are always of high qualities, so studying abroad can not only increase our knowledge but also learn to well conduct ourselves.3.He can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends.4.by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home, and a profitable experience is available, too.5.They can be in touch with the western culture and broaden their horizons.As far as I'm concerned, it is not only a good chance but also one vital experience.Disadvantages: Quite a number of overseas students stay abroad disappointed as they can’t obtain what they hope for, let alone success.When they are abroad, they are helpless and have to be independent, which is quite contrary to what it is at home.For one thing, learning a foreign language is far from an easy thing at the beginning for most people.For another, a completely new environment with different customs and habits may also be a barrier to overseas students, especially to the young.An added difficulty lies with finance: it can cost a lot to study abroad.Collocations: motivated by the good humanistic environment and the thick study atmosphere.To study abroad is of some advantages indeed.studying abroad is advisable to certain degree take more factors into careful consideration.the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages

Unit 3 Topic: campus life& extracurricular activities Advantages: 1.It gives us a rich and vibrant life for its student activities.2.We are free to choose the fields we like.3.It’s a good chance for us to devote our leisure to cultivate a love.4.We have to be more independent so that we can make important decisions by ourselves and at the same time, learn to manage our daily life.5.Through these activities, students cultivate their interpersonal friendship, creativity and leadership.6.The university encouraging students to follow current trends or explore new activities.7.In this way, students not only receive a comprehensive and prestigious academic education, but also experience a balanced life, consisting of a vibrant array of student organizations and activities, leadership development opportunities, international programs and athletic competitions.You have the privilege of making good use of the resources to work towards realizing your dreams.8.All students to be open to the numerous challenges and opportunities.9.Being involved in activities allows you to take control of your experience at college and make it your own.Unit 5 Topic: leisure time Collocations: arrange your free time logically will be good for both your health and your tomorrow it's not a balance thing, because study and activities, they are complementary how to spend our leisure time is quite a big challenge The way we spend our time can not only decide the life we have now, but also show the future we are going to have.too many activities may make us too relaxed while too much learning may lead to our tiredness.Therefore, I prefer to combine them together.Being a student, study must come first, but it doesn’t mean that study is the whole thing.As the old saying goes,” All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” To get good marks, we must pay more.We should spend more time on previewing and reviewing, discussing and thinking.In the meantime, participating in clubs and sports is a wise choice, which makes our life more colorful.In fact, we can not only broaden our horizons but also improve our communication skills greatly.Unit 6 Topic: festivals& part-time jobs Collocations: there seems to be a decline of interest in our own festivals

we can celebrate western festivals, but we should not be too absorbed in western festivals for us to forget those of our own.is less appealing to youngsters We will treasure our traditional festivals for good.I think it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West, a lot of Western festivals have been gradually introduced into China and they enriched our own culture and render our life more colorful.In the mean time, for us Chinese, we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals.Viewpoints for festivals: 1.Some people comment that the festivities are meaningless.Others believe that the western festivals serve as a kind of cultural aggression.we should drive them out of our country lest they should undermine our traditional culture and system if our own distinctive culture be destroyed , then the whole nation will not exist It will cost them an arm and a leg to buy the gifts, which is especially inappropriate for the campus students the phenomenon is actually a kind of blind worship of western things.2.it helps to consolidate the relationships between friends , lovers , classmates , colleagues It contributes to alleviating the pressure of study, work, etc.The western festivals are colorful.So, Western festivals are not patents of the west We should know our own culture well We should do something to make the traditional festivals more enchanting Viewpoints for part-time jobs: 1.pick up jobs related to their major to acquire practical training and to support themselves a part-time job brings students more money and helps them to reduce their parents’ economic burdens it offers them a chance to demonstrate their ability and to apply what they have learned in school it helps them to gain some social and economic knowledge and to practice their sociable abilities, which are of great help to their future careers it enriches their school life Part-time jobs provide opportunities for students to contact society so as to know the situation of the talent market.For instance, if a student works as a part-time governess, he or she will know what kind of professionals are urgently needed by the market and this will help him to choose a future job.part-time jobs can cultivate students' sense of independence 2.too much part-time working may lose their time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation it may affect their studies if they come back with tiredness more money may bring bad effects on some of the students who spend it smoking, drinking, dressing rather than studying If they are engaged in part-time job they will be invariably distracted from their studies and as a result they can not fulfill the requirements mapped out by the State Education Commission.Viewpoints for self-help travelling: I have appreciated many amazing scenery that those travelers who follow tour groups can not.self-help travel helps me learn how to deal with people better self-help traveling gives travelers more freedom and space.College students don’t like being restricted.self-help traveling provides college students a good chance to improve their adaptability and viability the expenses in self-help traveling are controlled by travelers themselves.It is a good choice for those college students who have not much money for their disposal.Unit 9 Topic: choosing a career Collocations: Choosing the right career is regarded as a turning point in one’s life which is vital.Choosing an appropriate career is so crucial that we can’t afford to make a single mistake.make sure that you have a comprehensive and objective understanding of your aptitude as well as interest so that you will know which occupation suits you try to acquire a job that is intellectually rewarding and creative, which offer scope for your creativity and imagination and excites your curiosity you’d better consider the prospect of the job you are bound to obtain a desire career in which your talents and intelligence can be fully displayed to seek advice from the people around you

Where would you like to find a job after your graduation, in a big city or a small town? Can you describe your ideal job or ideal life style? A long holiday alone or with other people? Talk about your freshman year.


Wealthy and money A:Do you heard that marry someone who is high rich handsome or someone who is white rich beautiful?Why people so urly to chase the rich ? B: Modern life is built around money.As the saying gose :If you have money, you can make the ghost push the millstone for you.A:But money can't stand everything.such as health and happiness B: Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security.In addition, it is also the answer for everything.Beauty is potent, money is more potent!A:I don't agree with you ,Although money can buy almost everything but can't stand everything,even money can't stand wealth.I think wealth is something that you own and cherish.B:Like what?

A:For example,I have a lot of friends,this is my wealth.B:I have a warm family.this is to say I am wealthy too.A:Yes,money is necessary ,but money can't stand wealth.Anti-smoking/addiction A:Do you realize that the rate of the smoking is higher and higher?recently,I realized that some students aged 15 to 19 smoke in the street.B:Maybe,and I also realized that these smokers are very young.Did they addict to it? A:Year,some people may picked it up because of curiosity,or they think it looks

very cool.But once you pick it up,you would addict to it,and it will be hard for you to quit.B:I can't agree with you more ,addiction is the condition of being dependent on something.it's very horrible,because you can't stop doing it although you really want to.This is what addictions are.A:So,in order to keep away from addiction,you'd better keep away from smoking.As the saying goes:nip in the bod.B:Year,we should take some measure for it.Maybe the first thing is to tell people how harmful it is to smoke,and how danger when you addict to it.A:And don't forget to tell them that smoking is not only a waste of money but is also a danger to one's health B:And others health too A:What about then did and addict to it? B:Whether a smoker can give it up or not depends on one's will.What's more,anti-smoking group may give a hand.A:Hope they can get out of the nightmare,and live a happy life.Future career /Dream and ambitions A: What's your plan for the future? B:Do you mean my future career? A:Or your dream,ambitious,what 's your plan ? B:When I was a little girl ,I want to become a scientist, as my age goes on ,I finally found that it isn't realistic.A:year,when we were kids,our dream are almost big,we don't know how big of ourselves,when I was young ,I really want to be an engneer,Now,I realized it was a big distance for me.B:but our childhood is really happy.we do really want to do something that can make us happy.When I was a little girl,I really want to be a cake cooker.I always think cake will sweet people's moon.A:how cute we are!But now we have to face the real world.B:So I will be an accountant as the things goes,but I will try hard to be a CPA.What about you ? A:Maybe the same as you.Say in the future, which city do you prefer to work in? B: Well...I don't like big city like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, although big city means more job opportunities.maybe a city like Qingdao suit me better.What about you ? A: I would prefer work at our hometwon you know.I love my family,and I love my hometown.So I want to go back to my hometown.B:Hope you have a good job and good life.A:Thank you!Same to you!

Friendship A:hey,Jane,you seem have many friends,I just saw all the people you watch smiled to you.B:of course I have,I really cherish the friendship.I think this is my biggest wealth.what do you think about friendship ? A: I think friendship is the most beautiful things in the word.True friendship is someone who will help you when you need them ,as the saying goes :a friend in need is a friend indeed.what do you think about it ? B:I think a person can have many friends but only one or two bosom friends.A good friend,as it were,a second self.you can see a lot of things on yourself from your true friend A:year I can't agree with you more.True friend can sharing your sorrow,and

double your happy,as the saying goes ,if you tell your joy to your friend,your joy will double.B:yes ,life without friend is like life on a desert island.A:a good friend is a friend for life.B:but true friend needs communicate with heart.and you must be honest to your friend ,any emotion can't stand the lier.A:maybe this is a only way to win a true friend,if you own a true friendship ,then cherish it,because it will be a biggest wealth in your life.B:hope everyone can get happiness from friendship.Campus life

A:we have moved into the new student apartment building for months,so exciting!B:you are so satisfied with your dorm

A:actually,firstly the dormitory is a four-room apartment,and it has a balcory and bathroom ,Secondly,there is a short distance between our dormitory and restaurant.B:wow,how I envy you ,what do you usually do in dorm ?Is it same with the Junior high school life? A:there is a quite different change in campus life.Oh ,just studying ,singing,watching move, or playing games.but we own lots of time to do what you want to do

B:yes ,I really agree with you.I still remember we just studys for long time and spend little time on other activities when we were a junior high students.A:that's true.campus life is colorful.we can do a lot of things that we want to do ,such as part time job,join some clubs,take part in some activities,Do you often take part in these activities? B:yes ,I think we can benefit from it,for example,on the one hand,we both enjoy ourselves,and get to know a lot of friends,on the other hand, we can get a lot of experience,in a word,campus life is more useful for us to develop, A:I can't agree with you more ,hope students can cherish the wonderful life,being a happy person.


Topic6 : Students at universities often have a choice of places to live.They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community.D:Hi A:hello B:good afternoon!C :good afternoon!D:Last day my friends told me that she want to find an apartment in the community.Do you have some ideas?

A:Does she want to move out? D:Yes!

B:But, why ? living in university dormitories has many advantages.It can save time.Most of the university dormitories are in the campus or very close to campus.Therefore, it is less traffic time and no traffic jams.The students could spend those time at study or sleep.节约时间

C:Yes,I am agree with you , Besides that, it is more safety to live in university dormitories.The reason is only the university students can live in the dormitories.We can don’t worry about the safety.安全 D:in a way you are right.Personally, I would like to live in an apartment in the community.As we all know, Most of the university dormitories are not allowed students cooking, but the food in some of the university cafeteria is very terrible.Lt is a big advantages for the students who like to cook.自己做饭

A:yes.And Students can have a big room if they live in apartment.Most of the rooms in school dormitories are very tiny.If a student want a little bit bigger room, he is better live out off campus.for me, I would like to choose to live out off campus because I like bigger room, 房间大

B:yes, may be you are right ,but we will have more chances to communicate each other ,it’s good for us to Cultivation of emotion by living in dormitories.C:and it’s also good for Cultivation of spirit of collective attention, enhance the sense of solidarity.培养集体注意精神,增强团结意识。It is important for us college students.D:but it is little bit cheaper than live in university dormitories because the students can rent a two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartment and share it with friends, 便宜

A:besides ,the most important is that I do not want to have a horrible roommate.If rent an apartment out off campus, I can choice my roommate by myself or I can change the apartment if I get a horrible roommate.However, if it is the university dormitories, I could not do that.同学关系

B:however, living in dormitories Can help us to concentrate on studies, and get away from complex societies issues.C:and school can be easily participative management.便于学校管理

D:but the dormitories off the light in the night.By living outside we can review our lessons in the deep of night, also we can have an independent environment.A:yes ,we will have More free, more personal space by living outside.B:In conclusion, live in university dormitories or live out off campus both has their advantages.To choose where to live it is totally basic on the personal ideas.C:they'd rather be right, I'm in favor of the your idea.aha, it’s time to have a meal ,let’s go.




Good morning, Respected teachers.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name isxinglimiao.I come fromsanming of fujian Province.I will graduate from fuzhou university of law in July,this year.During my college years,I have made rapid and great progress in many areas,as a student,I work very hard,and obtain scholarship many times,as a League branch secretary,I work earnestly,also gain good comments from teachers and classmates,working as a member of Student Union,I strive to finish any assignment perfectly.In a word,I learned a lot in my college life.In my spare time,I like reading books ,listening tomusic,playing volleyball,communicating with friends,and so on.I also like English very much,I am fond of watching English films and listening to English songs,I have passed College English Test Band six.In the past one year I have been preparing for the postgraduate

examination.I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in East China University of Political science and Law which I have desired for a long time.Ok,that‘s all,thank you for your attention.介绍你的学校

I studied in Fuzhou University which has a history of 52 years.It has a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere.Although it is not well know,I still appreciate it,because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities.Four years’ studying there made me an independent,optimistic and strict girl.I appreciate the education my university gave me.Although it is not well know,I still appreciate it,because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities.介绍你的家乡

My hometown is yongan, a young city in Fujian Province.It is famous for its bamboo.There are great scenes here,taoyuandong,shilin,yixiantian,and so on.Each year,many people come here for tour and investment.So I believe that,with the joint efforts of every person,a better future of yongan is coming.welcomm to yongan!1


In my family,there are four members,my farther,my mother,my brother and I.My father and my mather are peasants,and they are all diligent.My brother graduated from a vestibule school.Now he is in a factory.I love my family and they love me,too.During my preparation for graduate examination,the support from my family is always my momentum.I will do my best to reply them!


First of all,I like studying.I want to contuine my study.Second,I think law is a very abstruse subject.Merely for four years

learning,I find it hard to master them ,let alone study them in-deapth.so I need postgraduate study to promote myself.Because the kownledge I have owned can’t meet my needs.Third , I love the feeling in the university.It is full of youthful spirit.And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere.And the most important,it‘s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.That‘s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.为什么报考华东政法大学

While ,this is my dream.When in senior high school,I wanted to study in East China University of Political science and Law,but my college entrance examination mark is inadeaqute.At that time,I had made a decision to study hard to get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in it.为什么选择经济法?

While,I am interested in economic law.In my undergraduate course,I got high marks on it.It let me know how the market is running.Finally,I want to talk about a very practical problem.If you study economic

law ,you can work in company,law office or court easier than other law.In fact, ecomomic is a hot topic in our country.读研期间的计划

If luckily I got the chance tostudy economic law in East China University of Political science and Law ,I will concentrate on the study and research in this field.If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.人口过多问题

Nothing in today’s world is as big a problem as that of population.People begin to worry about the support capacity of the earth.And there might be only standing room for each person in the future.What does the population growth mean? It means greater and greater consumption and greater pressure for the earth.If more people are added to the world population without our being alert or taking any action, we would have only standing room by the end of the 21st

century.Each government and the UN should see that population of each country and each city stops growing for the next fifty years.对上海的印象

Shanghai is China`s most comprehensive industrial and commercial city, ranking the first in population and population density.As a tourist city, it attracts travelers from both home and abroad by its commercial activity rather than scenic beauty.Coming to shanghai,it broaden myhorizon.Ilike to study in here,it’s my dream.上海世博会Shanghai Expo/ The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010 Shanghai Expo was hold from May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010.During that time,I was preparing for graduate examination,so I didn’t visit it.But,I have knew lots of it from the media.There is no doubt the Chinese people present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution.In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues.朋友

As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert.A friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp.For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness.It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause.兴趣爱好

In my spare time,I like reading books ,listening tomusic,playing volleyball,communicating with friends,and so on.I also like English very much,I am fond of watching English films and listening to English songs.职业发展

I prefer to be a lawyer in my hometown.while,becoming a judge or

counselor-at-law is ok to me.Anyway,I think I can find my favorite job in the future,because I adapt quicklyto new environment.自己交学费还是打工赚钱

While ,I don’t like to ask my old parents for money.I come from a small village,my family don’t have high income.so I want to support myself.I will study hard to gain scholarship.If possible,I will do part-jobs.日本地震

.March 11th is an ordinary day in 2011,it is in this day that shocking earthquake happened in japan.The earthquake destroyed nearly

everything in Gongchengprovince.It was terrible.We can't describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died.But ,fortunately ,love is around all over the world.With the help of the such a large love ,japanese people will over come the damage of the earthquake and face their beautiful future!



I think the ideal life should be happy and comfortable, had a full and happy every day, don't have to worry about food and clothing live line, to do what you want to do and do, create their own value of life.例如,可以抽出时间看自己想看的书,见自己相见的人和去自己想去的地方。

For example, you can take time out to see oneself want to see of book, saw that they meet each other and to the places they want to go.工作对于一个人非常重要,因为工作是一个人实现价值和满足基本需求的需要。

Work is important for a person, because the work is a person value and meet the needs of the basic requirements.对于处理工作与休闲的关系,我认为工作时应该认真工作,提高工作效率,休闲时应该尽情享受,体验生活的乐趣。

To deal with the relationship between work and leisure, I think work should work in earnest, improve work efficiency, should enjoy leisure, experience the fun of life.白领应该是受过高等教育,工作能力强,衣食无忧的人,不喜欢,因为白领的生活方式不健康,比如:吃饭很快,不吃早餐,过度饮用咖啡

White-collar workers should be trained in higher education, work ability, desultory person, don't like it, because of the white-collar lifestyle is not healthy, such as: eat quickly, don't eat breakfast, excessive drinking coffee



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