第一篇:高中英语人教版安妮日记anne’s best friend
Teaching Design for Anne’s best friend
Teaching Objectives After this lesson, Ss will be able to 1.Learn some difficult words and phrases;
2.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies, such as guessing, key words and key sentence, skimming, scanning and so on.3.Realize the importance of friends and friendship and learn more background information about World War II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties 1.Get Ss to learn the meaning and usage of difficult words and sentence;2.Get Ss to develop the reading skills and learn how to use these strategies.Teaching and Learning Methods 1.Task-based teaching method 2.Individual learning and group work 3.Analytical inductive and deductive method
Teaching Procedures Step 1.Warming-up-Sing a song 1.Sing Auld Lang Syne for students.2.Ask Ss following questions and discuss.1)What qualities do you think a good friend should have to make your friendship last forever? 2)Do you have friends with these qualities, give me the example.3)Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object?
(T: Good morning, class.Before today’s lesson, I would like to sing a song for you.ok, listen carefully, if you have heard of this song, just sing with me.….(音乐).Are you familiar with it? Ok, I will give you some hints.In Chinese, we have a song shares the same rhythm with this song.Do you know the Chinese song? David, have a try.Yes《友谊地久天长》.Actually, 《友谊地久天长》is originated from the song I sang.It is a Scotland song named Auld Lang Syne, which means that people hope their friendship could last forever.So what qualities do you think a good friend should have to make your friendship last forever? Anna, please, loyal, friendly, helpful.Ok, how about Mark? Yes, brave, wise, open-minded, selfless.Here we have got many qualities that a good friend should have, but most of them refer to a person, right? But have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object, except human beings? Do you have these kinds of friends? Chris, please.His friend is a guitar, when he felt depressed, his friend can help him relax.Thank you, how about Emma? Her best friend is her cat, because the cat is so cute and clever.Ok, today, we are going to know a special friend.Step 2.Predict the main idea Get students to try to guess what Anne’s friend was and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick look at the pictures in the passage without reading it.(T: Now, I want you to read the title “Anne’s Best Friend”(板书)and have a quick look at the pictures in the passage, can you predict what the passage is about? Lucy, please, it may talk about the Anne’s letter to her best friend.Ok, now let’s skim the passage to check her answer.After reading, I also want you to divide the passage into two parts.5minutes, go.Step3.Read for the main idea and the structure–5 mins 1.Ask Ss to find out the main idea of the passage.2.Ask Ss to divide the passage into two parts.(T: Time’s up.What is the main idea of the passage? Abby, please.The passage is mainly about Anne’s background information and one page of her diary.Wonderful.And can you divide the passage into two parts? John, please.Yes, the first two paragraphs are the first part.And the yellow part is the second part.Why do you divide them in this way? John, continue, because para1 and para2 mainly talk about the background knowledge about Anne.And the yellow part shows one page of Anne’s story.Yes, you did a good job.Now, please read part 1 to complete the information card about Anne.The information card contains the name, Nationality, address, period, reasons to hide and Anne’s best friend(板书).Please pay more attention to the words with the first letter capitalized.2 minutes, go.Step 3.Careful reading-Para1 1.Ask Ss to read part 1 carefully, and complete the information card of Anne;(T: Time’s up.So the first one, name? answer me together, Anne Frank(板书).How about the Nationality? Pay attention to the words with the first letter capitalized.Phoebe, please.Jewish(板书).Yes, how about the Address? Where did she live? Phoebe, continue.She lived in Amsterdam, in which country? Try to complete your answer.Yes, in Amsterdam in the Netherlands(板书).Next, period.When did this story happen? Tommy, please.Yes, during the World War II(板书).Move on.Reasons to hide.What will happen if Anne’s family didn’t choose to hide? Yes, they had to hide or they would be caught by German Nazis(板书).The last question, who was Anne’s best friend? Very easy, right? answer me together.Her diary,kitty(板书).Now let’s read one of Anne’s diaries together.After reading, I want you to answer me the following questions.5 minutes, go.1)Why she has grown so crazy about nature? 2)How did her feeling changed before hiding and after hiding? Try to complete the chart.)
Step 4.Careful reading-Part2 1.Ask Ss to read Part 2carefully and answer the following questions.1)Why she has grown so crazy about nature? 2)How did her feeling changed before hiding and after hiding? Try to complete the chart.3)What’s Anne’s tone from her diary?
(T: Time’s up.So let’s come to our first question.What does “crazy” mean? Do you know? Kiki,please.No? it’s fine.It means that someone is eager for sth, long for sth.So can you find the answer? Yes, because she hasn’t been able to be outdoors for so long, it means that she had been kept indoors for a very long time, so she so eager, so crazy about the outside world.How about the second question? Can you find a key sentence that mark the Anne’s feeling is going to change.“That’s changed since I came here.” So can you find out her felling about nature before hiding? Before hiding, what did the nature like in Anne’s mind? “a deep sky, the song of the birds, moonlights and flowers(板书)”.At that time, how she felt? “could never have kept me spellbound(板书).” According to the discourse, can you guess what does “spellbound” mean? Ok, I will give you some hints.Spellbound means focus on something happily, delightly for some time.So can you use your own words to explain this sentence? Tina, please.Yes, at that time, the beautiful nature could never make Anne feel excited.She just took it for granted.Very good, sit down, please.However, after hiding, her felling has changed a lot.Can you find the two examples that show Anne’s feeling towards nature? Joy, the first example, please.Can you tell me the main idea of it? Yes, the first example tells us that one evening, Anne got a chance to have a good look at the moon(板书), but she didn’t dare(板书)to open the window.So, why she didin’t dare to open the window? Joy, do you know the answer? Yes, she was afraid that she would be caught if she opened the window.How about another example? What is it about? Lily, please.Yes, five months ago, Anne could see the moon face to face.What did the nature like at this time? What are they? They are “dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds(板书).” And how Anne felt now? “held me entirely in their power”.Entirely here means totally, and in their power here means in their control, so facing with the nature’s power, Anne felt frightened or excited(板书)? Frightened? Why do you think so? Because he thinks that the nature’s power is too strong.Ok, any other ideas? Excited.Why do you think so? Because the following sentence said “ it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face….”,Anne must be very happy to see it.Yes, just suppose you are Anne, and you have kept in a place for a year and a half, you can not look at the beautiful nature any more.And last time, you have a chance to look at the moon by yourself, but you didn’t dare to open the window.And this time ,you have got another chance to see the moon by yourself, how do you felt if you are Anne? Frightened? Or excited? Excited, right.Exactly.Ok, after looking at the moon face to face, why did Anne no longer looking at nature out of the window? Cathy, please.Yes, because she thought that nature is the one thing that really must be experienced.She was not willing to see the nature through dirty curtains, she wanted to feel the beautiful nature, to experience the nature as she used to, right? Since we have read the whole passage, can you find Anne’s tone from her diary? Abby, please.Yes, sad.Where did you get it? Yes, last paragraph said, sadly…no pleasure…from the words, we can fell that she was so eager for the outside world, for the freedom, but she has to hide and she didn’t know the way out.So she is sad and hopeless.Step 5.Retell and Group Discussion
1.Ask Ss to retell the changing of Anne’s felling according to the chart on the blackboard.2.Group Discussion Suppose that you are going through tough days, what will you do to overcome the difficulties ?
(T: Now we have known how Anne changed her feelings.So can you retell the changing of Anne’s felling according to the chart here? 3minutes for you to prepare, Go.Ok, Time’s up.Ok, Jim, please, you have made a very clear statement, I appreciate that.Ok, now, suppose that you are going through tough days, what will you do to overcome the difficulties? Discuss in a group of four and I will invite some groups to share your ideas.Go.Time’s up.Which group wants to have a try? Ivy, please.She will travel with some of her friends to make herself relax.Ok, That’s a good idea.How about Jack? He will ask for the help of his parents and friends.It’s a good way.When Anne was going through tough days, it was her diary that accompanied her, her diary listened to her, be with her whenever happy or sorrow, maybe this is the true meaning of friendship.Just as the song said, “Dear friend you’re never alone, though there’re hurts, pains, still there are roads, still there is me.Step 6.Homework 1.Search for more information about Anne on line, and read the book Annie’s Diary.2.Suppose the diary to be your true friend and write a diary to share your opinions on what is friendship.(T: Homework for today: first, search for more information about Anne from the library or on the Internet, and read the book Anne’s Diary and feel Anne emotions.Second, regard the diary as your true friend and write a diary to share your opinions on what is friendship.So much for today, thank you, goodbye class.)
上海市呼玛中学魏鸿颖 教学目标:
教学环节 教师活动预设 学生活动预设 设计意图 预习
3,朗读课文,扫清字词障碍 课前对文本相关的背景知识尤其是小作者不幸的人生遭遇的了解将有助于课堂教学的顺利进行。
导入新课 一位美丽少女在残暴的集中营悄然死去,一本在黑暗中写成的日记却永远流传下来。她的希望、她的勇气和她的温柔的悲伤,永远打动着全世界青少年和他们父母的心。(板书课题)
整体感知 你对安妮产生了怎样的情感?说说你的理由。1,浏览课文,思考,以旁批的形式写在书上。
2,交流。在初读课文的基础上整体感知,把握文章大意和情感基调 品读警句
(五,六,七,八则)读(五——八则)思考:在第六则日记中,安妮说“可是我快乐。而且立志永远快乐”她快乐吗? 学生交流: 可从以下句子去体味: 1,“我生来快乐,我爱人,我天性信任人,而且希望人人也快乐。” 2,“我想,春天已经在我心里。我感觉到春天在苏醒,我在我真个身体和灵魂里感觉到它。” 3,“必须好好活下去,当记者,因为这是我的志向!” 4,“我要有用,或者带给所有人喜悦,即使我不认识的人。”„
深化拓展 在读课文,想一想安妮快乐的源泉是什么? 讨论交流:安妮的快乐来自于她对自由的渴望,对生活的热爱,对理想的执着。鼓励学生走近安妮的内心世界,学习她面对逆境不屈服的坚韧性格。布置作业
编制:张光伟 审定: 时间:2010-12
窒()息 呆滞()笼罩()霎()时 肆虐()..... 荒谬()跛脚()揪紧()惊吓()引擎().....2.解释下列词语。
蜕变: 沮丧:
匮乏: 安详:
雀跃: 芸芸众生: 3.课文中使用了大量的比喻,试分析其好处。
——题记 1942年—1944年,这是一段多么黑暗的日子呀!特别是对于犹太人来说,更是一场空前绝后的灾难。战争与种族灭绝的阴云布满了天空,盖世太保的铁爪伸向每一个无辜的犹太人,在历史上上演了一场惨绝人寰的浩劫。安妮是位犹太少女,她原本幸福的生活就这样破碎了。1942年7月,由于压迫犹太人的风声紧急,他们家和另外四名犹太人到她父亲公司的“密室”躲藏。
(3)指导: 战争的烟云太厚重了,可以看出在战争面前普通人的弱小和无奈。