
时间:2019-05-14 11:11:35下载本文作者:会员上传


Act 1

1The Refugees


5So Look No More For Love

7The King Of Fools

9The Foundling

11Kidnap Attempt

13The Word Phoebus

15Torn Apart

17Water Please

19Home In The Sky

21If you can see inside me

23The Shadow

25The Voluptuary

27Talk To Me Of Florence

29Where Is She

31Cast Away

33The Torture 35Phoebus If You Can Hear

37My Heart If You Will Swear

39One Bright Morning You Danced


43God You Made The World All Wrong

45Attack On Notre Dame

47My Master My Saviour

49Dance My Esmeralda

Act 1 The Age Of The Cathedrals Gringoire:

This is a tale that takes its place.In Paris fair, this year of grace.Fourteen hundred eighty two.A tale of lust and love so true.We are the artists of the time, we dream in sculpture dream in rhyme.For you we bring our world alive, so something will survive.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.Stone after stone, day after day.From year to year man had his way.Men had built with faith and love.These cathedrals rose above.We troubadours and poets sing.That love is all and everything.We promise you, all human kind.Tomorrow will be fine.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.But it is doomed the age of the cathedrals.Barbarians wait.At the gates of Paris fair.Oh let them in, these pagans and these vandals.A wise man once said.In two thousand, this world ends.In two thousand, this world ends.The Refugees Clopin and Refugees:

We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.At Paris gates we stand, ten thousand in our band.And one day soon we'll be, a million in this land.We wonder what you'll do, the day we ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the down-and-outs, here at the city gates.And all of Paris waits, to see what we're about.The world will change someday;We'll make it work someway.The day we come to stay, with you.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.The refugees.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.Asylum.Asylum.Intervention of Frollo Frollo:

Monsieur Phoebus de Chateaupers, captain of the archers of the crown.I order you to arrest, these strangers disturbing the town.Disperse now at any cost this rabble of the lost.Who come to disturb the peace, All Paris demand they cease.Phoebus:

At your order's monsignor Frollo.In god's name my men will strike a blow.We'll clear this riff raff from your sight, these beggar thieves that live by night.Phoebus:

Beautiful girl why are you here, is it from heaven you appear? Paradise must be your home, you're like no one I've ever known.Bohemienne Esmeralda:

My mother told me tales of Spain, I think that's where she longed to be.Of mountain bandits she once sang, Andalusia's memory.There in the mountains she was free, my mother, father all are gone.And I've made Paris be my home.I dream of oceans rolling on, they take my heart where I must come.Andalusia mountain home.Bohemienne.No one knows where my story begins.Bohemienne.I was born on a road that bends.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Come tomorrow, I'll wander again.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Here's my fate in the lines of my hand.When I was a child in Provence, Bare foot in the hills I danced once.But the gypsy road is so long, the roads so long.Everyday I see a new chance, maybe some road will lead from France.I will follow till I come home, Till I come home.Andalusia's streams, run through my blood, run through my daydreams.Andalusia's sky, when it calls me, I feel my heart fly.Bohemienne.No one knows where my story begins.Bohemienne.I was born on a road that bends.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Come tomorrow I'll wander again.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Here's my fate in the lines of my hand.Here's my fate in the lines of my hands.Esmeralda You See Clopin:

Esmerada you see, you're no longer a child.And this world is so wild, that you must hear me a little while.You were not yet eight years, your mother died so young.Still hearing as she died, Andalusia's song.Esmeralda:

She left me here with you, and you watched over me.Did all that you could do, to help me make it through.Clopin:

Esmeralda you see, some men can hurt you so.Esmeralda:

In the streets where I run, out there anything goes.Clopin:

Do you understand me, and the things I speak of? You are a child no more.You've reached the age of love!


I've reached the age of love.So Look No More For Love Fleur-de-Lys:

My tender years I bring here to you, like diamonds on a string all for you.Just promise anything, anything I'll believe it's true


Your heart say's it is time for us two, your eyes look into mine and I'm through.Not all the stars that shine will outdo, the diamonds they're in you.Fleur-de-Lys:

The man I've come to love, this handsome cavalier.Won't know how I can love, until I hold him near.Phoebus:

You say that I don't know, but when you look at me.Your eyes have such a glow;I know how it will be.Fleur-de-Lys: So look no more for love.Phoebus: Love is you.Fleur-de-Lys:

Love's all I am made of.Phoebus: Oh so true.Fleur-de-Lys:

The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you.Phoebus:

I'll find you in the night, when all the moonlight streams.Will cover you in light, and I will touch my dreams.Fleur-de-Lys:

And all the words you'll say, will fill my heart with fire.As night turns into day, I'll do all you desire.Phoebus & Fleur-de-Lys:

So look no more for love, love is you.Loves all I am made of, Oh so true.The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you.The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you.The day I marry you.The Feast Of Fools Gringoire: and Ensemble.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.I'll show you how to run, this noble feast of fool.I know we'll have some fun, I'll show you all the rules.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.Pick out the ugliest, amongst the faces here.The worst face is the best, the face that children fear.Of all the ones who try, the one who make us sick.From lips to nose to eye that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick The king of fools

The Feast Of Fools

The feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.Those eyes that nose so thick, that tongue that hangs and licks.The face that makes us sick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools.The ringer of the bells, that hump upon his back.That face right out of hell, Quasimodo we like.It's Esmeralda's name that makes his poor heart tick.He's twisted deaf and lame that's who we'll have to pick

The king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.Quasimodo!

That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools

That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.Quasimodo!The king of fools!

The King Of Fools Quasimodo:

Little girls, don't come laughing in my tracks.On this day you can't attack, Quasimodo the hunchback.The people choose, the king of fools.We celebrate today, the festival of kings.And for today they say I can have anything.Will you love me, Esmeralda? Will you love me? But I won't do, Esmeralda.I'm not for you, you look right through.The king of fools.The king of fools.The king of fools.The Sorceress Frollo:

Be aware she is not one of us.She's a bohemienne and sorceress.She's unclean she's a creature of lust.And she wanders obscene with a dark hair like fur.It is a mortal sin if you watch her.That's why we must cage her up.Where her evil won't disrupt.All the pure souls that come here to worship at Notre dame.Tonight, we'll wait for her as she goes by, and we'll take her away.We will lock her up in a tower high, and we'll teach her to pray.Our Jesus Christ will lead her on, and mother mary holy one.Quasimodo:

You know, anything you will ask I'll do, I'll do it all for you.What do you want me to do, Don't you know what you want me to do.I'll do it all for you, I'll do it all for you!

The Foundling


You who gathered me in, kept me close as your kin.You who heard me cry, abandoned to die.By those who will not stay, having brought today;A monster.You who watched while I grew, my suffering you knew.You who always stood guard, when the world was so hard.And the greatest of things, you let me be him who rings;The bells.But you who taught me so much, to speak and read and write.I never can catch sight, of your thoughts in the light.A dog obeys his master's call, whatever you say I will do it all.A dog obeys his master's call, whatever you say, I will do it all.The Doors Of Paris Gringoire:

The doors of Paris close, and in the streets the darkness grows.The night takes of her clothes, and laughs and cries and wakes all our desires.At night, the dark dreams ride on Paris heights, till dreams are satisfied.Till we have found all we require.On the bridge of dreams, A girl I saw, an angel seemed.The angel smiled, and then she disappeared, as I grew near.Through Paris streets I ran, the angel flew right through my hands.I thought of Paris night, I laughed and cried 'night, opened up my eyes'.Kidnap Attempt Phoebus:

Arrest that man, it's the hunchback of Notre dame.Hold onto him, show that monster his time has come.I am the captain here;I must keep all the streets secure.For all the citizens, and for the pretty girls like you.Please allow me to take you home, outside the city gates.The hour is getting late, for a gypsy girl to wait.Esmeralda:

Please understand, before you take me by the hand.Esmeralda, does not go with just any man.Phoebus:

Let me call on you, tomorrow when nights at the door.We'll make a rendezvous, at the cabaret Val d'amour.Esmeralda:

At the cabaret Val d'amour.Gringoire:

At the cabaret Val d'amour.Frollo:

At the cabaret Val d'amour

The Court Of The Miracles Clopin:

We are brothers forever, pain and joy we share together.For the outcasts of the earth, there's no heaven there's no hell.There's no heaven or hell.We are the ones no one sees;we are the ones who can eat, through the world as we please.The blood and the wine are always running red.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).By thieves and by whores you know the dance is led.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The blind man will see and all the cripples dance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).We're born to be hung and so we take a chance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).We are all of the same race here, the same invisible face here.For the outcasts of the world, there's no country there's no god.There's no country or god.These rags we wear are our flags, It is the shade of my skin, and it's that of your skin.The gypsies and tramps they sing the same old song.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).You know none of us, will be alive too long.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The killers and thieves all share a loving curse.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We make one mistake and then the game is up.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).Poet Gringoire, now you must be hung, you've come where you don't belong.To the most secret circle of the court of the miracles.(To the most secret circle).Gringoire:

To the most secret circle of the court of the miracles.Clopin:

Unless there's a girl, say's that she'll be your wife you've no life.I will proclaim: All the poets in France, from a rope ought to dance.(All the poets in France)


All the poets in France from a rope ought to dance.Clopin:

And you sweet Esmeralda, my belle Esmeralda.Tell me, do you want to save this poor man from his grave? If you don't wed Gringoires dead!


If I can save him, make him mine.Gringoire:

See how love comes, just in time.Esmeralda:

Although I've saved your head, I won't sleep in your bed!Clopin:

The blood and the wine are always running red.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).By thieves and by whores you know the dance is led.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)The blind man will see and all the cripples dance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We're born to be hung and so we take our chance.(At the court of the miracles, court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).The killers and thieves they sing the same old song.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).You know none of us will be alive too long.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The killers and thieves will share a loving cup.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We make one mistake and then the game is up.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).At the court of the miracles.At the court of the miracles.At the court of the miracles.The Word Phoebus Esmeralda:

Now I hope you'll tell me please, who I'm honoured to be married to.Gringoire:

Gringoire poet please be at ease.Prince of Paris streets don't you know.Esmeralda:

Prince of Paris streets, is that so?


I am not a ladies man, but if you want you can be my.Inspiration, muse to the end.Esmeralda:

You who can read and can write.I know you can show me the light.What means this name Phoebus?


Who on earth could dare to wear, a name so fine.Who has such pride?


He's the one my heart's beating for.Gringoire:

If I recall my Latin, the word Phoebus it means the sun.Esmeralda:

Phoebus, it means the sun.Shining Like The Sun Esmeralda:

He is shining like the sun, born of kings a royal one.I feel love awaken me, deep down in me too strong for me.In his hand I saw the line that told me this man is mine.This man, is mine.Fleur-de-Lys:

He is shining like the sun, but he's tough as anyone.When I'm in his soldier's arms, I want to run, but he's too warm.Close to him I feel so fine, my heart knows that he is mine.This man, is mine.Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys:

He is shining like the sun, he's my dream my only one.He'll protect me all my life, I'll be so proud to be his wife.He is shining like the sun, he's my dream my only one.He is shining like the sun, shining like the sun.Torn Apart Phoebus:

Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love;I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.One for the day, the other for the night.One just for now, the other all my life.One for always, until the end of time.The other soon will find, my love won't stay.Torn apart, I am a man in divided Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, and they'll just have to love the man I am.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, is it my fault that I'm a normal man.One's honey sweet, the other has a bite.One's heaven sent, the other rules the night.And to the one I swear my love is true.And to the other one I break the rules.Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love;I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love;I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart.Torn apart.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.Torn apart.Torn apart.Torn apart.Anarchy Frollo:

Who is that girl who dares to dance her evil dance before Notre dame?


That girl is my wife;she was given to me by the king of a tribe.Frollo:

Did you touch the girl, you creature of sin?


She never let me near.Frollo:

Don't touch her you hear.Gringoire:

Father do you recall, this word carved on the wall.Gringoire:

Do you know what this word means, this word anarchy? Frollo:

Why do you bother me, the Greek anarchy means destiny.Gringoire:

Is that Quasimodo, those men have led away? Frollo:

My poor hunchback has fallen low, lets hear what these men say.Water Please Frollo:

Hunchback cripple, you are to blame.Ringer of bells you bear the shame.Pray for his soul this child of sin.God in your mercy, take him in.Quasimodo:

Someone take pity on Quasimodo, the weight of the world brings him low.Does no one listen there, is there any water here, oh I need it so I pray you, I pray.Water please I pray.Quasimodo: Belle, belle.Belle Is The Only Word Quasimodo:

Belle, is the only word I know that suits her well.When she dances oh the stories she can tell.A free bird trying out her wings to fly away.And when I see her move I see hell to pay.She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.Frollo:

Belle, there's a demon inside her who came from hell.And he turned my eyes from god and oh, I fell.She put this heat inside me I'm ashamed to tell.Without my god inside I'm just a burning shell.The sin of eve she has in her I know so well.For want of her I know I'd give my soul to sell.Belle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skin.And does she bear the cross of all our human sin.Oh Notre dame please let me go beyond gods law.Open the door of love inside, Esmeralda.Phoebus:

Belle, Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell.She may be more pure, more pure than words can tell.But when she dances feelings come no man can quell.Beneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well.My promised one, please let me one time be untrue.Before in front of god and man I marry you.Who would be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul.To be with her I'd let the devil take me whole.Oh Fleur-de-lys I am a man who knows no law.I go to open up the rose, Esmeralda

Quasimodo, Frollo & Phoebus:

She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.Esmeralda.Home In The Sky Quasimodo:

These gargoyles my friends, watch over you.They will keep you safe, from all the harm men do.If you need a place you can come to.Ask asylum of us, we'll take care of you.Here in my home so high, the weather's always nice.Where summers pass us by, we're safe from winter's ice.Notre dame de Paris, it's my home in the sky.Where I think about why, we must live and must die.Esmeralda:

These gargoyles your friends, now they are my friends too.It's they who make me laugh, the days I can't get through.Sometimes they make me happy, they look just like you.Though your face frightens me no matter what I do.Quasimodo:

Notre dame de Paris, it is all part of me.It's my world where I'm free, where I'm happy to be.When you need a place you can come to.Ask asylum of us, we'll take care of you.Quasimodo & Esmeralda:

Here in my home so high, the weather's always nice.Where summers pass us by, we're safe from winter's ice.If you're wondering still, summer winter you'll come.(Esmeralda:

I'll come)

And my home if you will.(Esmeralda:

And your home if I will).You can call it your home.Esmeralda:

I can call it my home.Ave Maria Esmeralda:

Ave maria, please pardon me.If in your house I come stealing.Ave maria, no one ever taught me about kneeling.Ave maria, please will you keep me.From this misery madness and fools.Who rule this evil world.Ave maria, I'm a stranger and you're my last recourse.Ave maria, please can't you hear me.Please take down all these walls between us.We all should be as one.Ave maria, please watch over my life night and day.Ave maria, Oh please protect me.Please guard me and my love now I pray.Ave maria.If you can see inside me Quasimodo:

If you can see inside of me, as I can see inside them.You will know of all these men, which of them really loves you.Esmeralda you'll see, that only my love is true.Your Love Will Kill me Frollo:

I feel a wave of passion, move through my heart with such pain.I have no time for reason, so I just let passion reign.I let go so easily, on a night as warm as sin.Midnight swimmer, midnight sea I will not come back again.Your love will kill me;your love will kill me.And you will bear my curse as long as my life will be

Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.My sin and my obsession, crazy desire you bring.I know there's no salvation, I see our bodies burning.Your gypsy dreams all haunt me, I live to see your dances.Please raise your eyes and want me, please give me all the chances.Your love will kill me;your love will kill me.And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.You brought the springtime to fill, my heart in it's winter chill.I lost my strength and my will, and now my tears start to spill.I never knew such desire, just looking into your eyes.And now the soul in me cries, and now the night is on fire.Your love will kill me;your love will kill me.And you will bear my curse as long as my life will be

Your love will kill me;your love will kill me.And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.The Shadow Phoebus:

Who follows me?

Is it my shadow drained of light is it a phantom of the night.My shadow grows.His druid's hat obscures his face, a long black cape around him falls.Say who you are, show who you are.Come here to me, so I can see!Frollo:

Your conscience follows you, listen to me.For else I will see you hanged before you're through.Soldier come near!Just go from here there's more to fear than to your eyes it may appear.Phoebus:

I am a soldier sir, I serve the king.But here that does not mean, anything.And are you not a man of god? By god!

At Val D'amour Gringoire:

Upon the streets of St Denis.There is a place for you and me.And when it gets to dark to see, look for the lights, knock on the door.If you have loving on your mind.This is the place you have to find.You will be back time after time, back to the house called Val d'amour.At Val d'amour they close the door, they give you what you're looking for.No pretty words no diamond rings, but you can buy most anything.Just pay the price and love is yours, behind the doors of Val d'amour.From every corner of the world, they come to take their choice of girls.The captain's and the sailor boys, they come to find their little joys.No matter what the tongue they speak, their money talks week after week.Ladies of love my heart is sore, I am Gringoire the troubadour.I'm sick with love you have the cure behind the doors at Val d'amour.Guitars implore come one come all, come take your tour of Val d'amour.At Val d'amour they play a part, give them your money not your heart.Beneath the sheets your love will flower, it'll last the night or last an hour.Phoebus:

When sick with love I know the cure;I take a trip to Val d'amour.It takes all night, but be assured they get it right at Val d'amour.Mesdemoiselles excusez-moi, I'll wait for my Esmeralda.She read her fate here in my hand;tonight she'll make me understand.Gringoire:

Just north of Paris on the square, off Popincourt you'll find us there.The lowlifes come from everywhere, Oh nothings pure at Val d'amour.And gentlemen in courtly dress, they fall in drunk and make a mess.At Val d'amour we close the door, and give you what you're looking for.No pretty words no diamond rings, but you can buy most anything.Just pay the price and love is yours, behind the doors of Val d'amour.Behind the doors of Val d'amour.Behind the doors of Val d'amour.The Voluptuary Phoebus:

Light of delight, when everything's alright.The first man to hold you tight, and show love in all its might.May no hands other than mine, ever touch your love so fine.Dark angel of the street, hold on to me I'll show you night is sweet.Hold on to me;let me feel how your wild wings beat.Esmeralda:

We, though we're not the same, burn in a single flame.I want your love;I will risk all my life for you.Take me;take me if it is my destiny.Phoebus:

Come see, come see if it's your destiny.Esmeralda: Phoebus.Phoebus: Esmeralda!

Destiny Gringoire:

Oh destiny, you are the master of man.Oh destiny, you write our lives in the sand.Oh destiny, though we do all that we can.Oh destiny, you say if we fall or stand.Oh destiny, you hold our lives in your hand.Fleur-de-Lys, Frollo, Quasimodo, & Clopin:

Oh destiny.Oh destiny.Oh destiny.Act 2 Talk To Me Of Florence Frollo:

Talk to me of Florence, and of the renaissance.And of Bramante tell and of great Dante's hell.Gringoire:

In Florence they have found, that the world is really round.And there's a new unknown, continent to be found


They tell me ships have sailed, upon the open sea.For new ways to the East, where ever they may be.Frollo:

Luther will give the world, the true New Testament.The old world falls apart, mankind learns discontent.Gringoire:

And Gutenberg with his books will change the world again.Frollo:

In Nuremberg on his press, books pour forth, day out day in.Gringoire:

Novels poems and songs, men can read of right and wrong.Frollo & Gringoire:

New ideas come along, who knows where we belong.Gringoire:

The little things all come, with great things to descend.The little words are strong, they bring down monuments.Frollo:

The books they read in school, will kill cathedrals all.The bible kills the church, and man will make god fall.The new will kill the old.Frollo & Gringoire:

They tell me ships have sailed, upon the ocean sea.For new ways to the east, wherever they may be.Luther will give the world, the true New Testament.The old world falls apart, mankind learns discontent.The new will kill the old.The new will kill the old.The Bells Gringoire:

The bells do not play, in Notre dame today.Quasimodo hides up above, Quasimodo is sick with love.Frollo:

The bells have lost their voice, for three days by his choice.Quasimodo is sad, Quasimodo is going mad.Frollo & Gringoire: Quasimodo dies for love.Quasimodo:

The bells that I make ring;they are my loves, they love me well.I want to hear them sing, loud as they swing;my pretty bells.In thunder or hail, or in wind or in rain.Their song will never fail, singing through joy, singing through pain.Bells that ring when we're born, Bells that ring when we die.Bells that ring every day, every night, every hour.Bells that ring when we pray, Bells that ring when we cry.Bells that ring to wake us up when the sun lights the sky.For the feast of Rameaux, for the Quasimodo.For a bright Christmas day and for the day of all saints.For annunciation, for the resurrection.For St valentine day and for when Good Friday comes.Celebrations they sing, all processions they ring.The most beautiful day it is the feast of our lord.Days of years, days of kings.Easter day my bells ring.And on Pentecost day they sing with bright tongues of flame.Confirmation they sing, and communions they ring.Bells that toll for our death;Dies Irae, dies illa.For ascension they sing, for assumption they ring.Bells that bring us hosanna and sing hallelujah.The bells I hold most dear, of the beauties I have here.They are my Mary's three, all best friends to me.When my little Mary rings, when children die she sets them free.And my big Mary rings, when sailors set forth on the sea.But when my great Mary sings, when lovers exchange wedding rings.Then something in me always cries;then something in me always dies.To see their happiness, to see their tenderness.When a woman will not give me a single caress.My bells marry and blend, and take wings on the wind.In the midst of the stars up in the vaults of the sky.All these bells that I sound, Kyrie Elieson.Hosanna Allelujah Dies irae dies illa.Bells that mourn with the sad, bells that laugh with the glad.All these bells that have never not once rung out for me.The bells that I make ring;they are my loves, such joy they bring.I want to hear them sing, if Esmeralda does still live.To tell the world, that Quasimodo loves Esmeralda.Where Is She


Gringoire where has your lady gone? I never see her dance at Notre dame.Gringoire:

I don't really know where she has gone, priests and poets are not one.In women I see love;the church puts them below and my poems above.Frollo:

Where is she, your Esmeralda? The small Paris streets can't sing without her song.Gringoire:

She's alone in a tower of stone, far from those who fear all her powers unknown.Frollo:

Poet what do you say, is it this or that way? Do not use your words to play, have you seen her today? Clopin:

Where is she my Esmeralda? The kingdom I rule has lost all its splendour.Gringoire:

She is like a swallow of spring, that someone has caught and tied down the wings.Gringoire:

She is there in the prison called la-Sonte.If she can't get away that is where she will stay, until she is hung.Clopin:

You need tell me no more.Frollo, Clopin & Gringoire: Where is she your Esmeralda?

The small Paris streets can't sing without her song.She is like a swallow of spring, that someone has caught and tied down the wings.The Birds They Put In Cages Esmeralda:

Will the birds they put in cages, ever ride upon the wind? Will the children life outrages, ever learn to love again? I lived my life like a swallow;I arrived here in the springtime.All the little streets I'd follow, all the gypsy songs were mine.Where's my friend who rings the church bells? Where are you my Quasimodo? They will hang me as the light swells, you can break these bars I know.Quasimodo:

Esmeralda have you left me? Do you hide yourself away? I have counted every hour;I have missed you every day.Have you left upon a journey, with your handsome shining soldier? With no marriage taking love free, like the gypsy girl you are.Have you died out in the small streets, with no prayer to get to heaven? There's a priest who counts your heartbeat, if he comes near you must run.Esmeralda:

You remember at the street fair.Quasimodo: When they hurt me on the great wheel.Esmeralda:

When you begged I gave you water.Quasimodo:

At your feet I had to kneel.Quasimodo & Esmeralda:

On that day our friendship started, it will last as long as we live.Once together never parted, all we'll have to give we'll give.Will the birds they put in cages, ever ride upon the wind.Will the children life outrages, ever learn to love again?

Cast Away Clopin & Refugees:

Cast away, souls at bay.It's our dreams, they betray.Now they say we can't stay.Prayers we pray lost today.Put the shade of your skin.With the shade of my skin.Put the song that you sing.With the dance that I bring.Refugees, downward bound.Fill the streets of your town.Can't we make a world, to which everyone belongs? Can't we make a world, without fears without frontiers?

We're called names we are blamed.We're kept down we are shamed.In the night torture comes.Try to speak without tongues.My homeland I hold here In my heart ever near.In your land I find tears.Words that hurt things to fear.In my heart summer dies.From your grey winter skies.Can't we make a world, to which everyone belongs? Can't we make a world, without fears without frontiers?

Cast away, souls at bay.It's our dreams, they betray.Now they say we can't stay.Prayers we pray lost today.Cast away.Cast away.The Trial


Esmeralda this high court charges you, with having wounded a soldier true.Esmeralda:

If he is wounded he's living still, oh let me see him one time if the court will.Frollo:

You have seduced him with foul sorcery, stabbed him to kill him it's plain to see.Esmeralda:

It wasn't me on my soul I swear.Frollo:

But you were alone with him in his bed there.Esmeralda:

There's a priest out of hell, who followed me.Out of the night he came, can't you see.Frollo:

This girl has all these wild imaginings.She always thinks she is seeing crazy things.Esmeralda:

I think he looks a lot like you sir.Frollo:

See how the devil looks out of her eyes.She is a stranger, a sorceress;she is a pig, she is a bohemienne.Frollo:

Did you commit this crime, and do you now confess.Esmeralda:

I am the victim here, I can say no more or less.The Torture Frollo:

Torturer come, I'll ask her the question again.She's only strong because there's a devil within.Make her body feel the pain;only pain will bring the truth.Do you confess?


I love him I confess.Frollo:

You will have to die for your sin.Esmeralda:

Assassins, Assassins!Frollo:

Bohemienne, you have confessed to using magic.To prostitution, and to attacking Phoebus de Chateaupers.On the day appointed you will be led from your cell to the Place de Greve Where you will be hanged by the neck until dead.May god have mercy on your soul.I Am A Priest Frollo:

I was a happy man, until I saw her face.I hid my need away in some dark secret place.All that power of sex, I kept down and I never let go.I had only one design the truth of god and man to know.Oh, I'm a priest and I love this girl.I love with a love that destroys my world.Against the wind and the tide I could stand any shock.Straight and proud like Notre dame upon her rock.I let no woman near I suffered for gods care.In the heart of the night I saw the lightning flare.Oh, I'm a priest and I love this girl.I love, yes I love;with a love that destroys my world.Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl.Heal me with your touch or hurt me once again.Make me suffer for my sin.Just lead me onto hell and I'll deny my Christ.For hell with you is paradise.Oh, I'm a priest and I love this girl.I love, yes I love;with a love that destroys my world.Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl.This girl.Phoebus If You Can Hear Esmeralda:

Phoebus, if he's alive then it's gods will.Please tell him that I love him still.Phoebus, if you can hear please come to me.Tell them the truth and set me free.Phoebus tell them so they will let me be.Phoebus, when we went in and closed the door.I laid my knife upon the floor.Phoebus, the man in black I saw him there.He came behind you from somewhere.Phoebus, I saw my knife move through the air.Phoebus, I hope by everything above.Esmeralda does still have your love.Phoebus, the girl who danced once on the square.Who gave her life to you out there.Phoebus, each night in my dreams you appear.Please come and take me far from here.Phoebus.To Get Back To You Phoebus:

My heart was led away I knew no right from wrong.The gypsy girl had made her magic strong.I knew no night or day I lost my way back home.I would have died if I'd stayed too long.I, who hurt your heart I am not the same.I'm down on my knees I accept the blame.I've had time to heal my body and soul.Tell me what to do to get back to you.My heart was led away I knew no right from wrong.The gypsy girl wanted gold for her song.I knew no night or day I lost my way back home.But here with you I am where I belong.My heart was led away I knew no right from wrong.The gypsy girl for her sins will be hung.I've changed the night to day, I've found my way back home.Deep in my heart I've loved you all along.Please tell me what to do, to get back to you.My Heart If You Will Swear Fleur-de-Lys:

You ride so high and straight and fair.You look like you belong there.So strong and right and four square.No other man can compare Or maybe you don't really care.Just look for pleasure out there.And always get your share.Is there a heart in you somewhere?

My heart is pure my heart is rare.If you are hurt I'll be there.We'll start again from nowhere.You'll have my heart if you will swear.You'll have my heart if you will swear.That you will hang Esmeralda.I'm not a little girl now.I'll show you that I know how.I'll show you how I can be.You think that I am so pure.I tell you don't be so sure.I can be wild and free.Your words of love are hard to bear.Your promises are thin air.My heart is hard and I don't care.I'll leave you hanging out there.Unloose my belt let down my hair.Come take me if you still dare.Your love is all I want to wear.You'll have my heart if you will swear.You'll have my heart if you will swear.That you will hang Esmeralda.You'll have my heart if you will swear.You'll have my heart if you will swear.That you will hang Esmeralda.That you will hang the Zingara.Frollo's Visit To Esmeralda Frollo:

I'm your priest and I've come to prepare you to die.Esmeralda:

I'm cold, I'm weak;can't you let me go? I've done nothing to anyone.Frollo:

The clock is striking five;it means that dawn will come soon.Very soon they'll unlock that door, very soon you will be no more.Esmeralda:

Very soon I'll find happiness.Frollo:

Will you still sing when you're bound, and dance at the hanging ground?


What have I done to you that you hate me through and through? Frollo:

It is not that I hate, it is that I love you.I love!


What is it I have done, a gypsy girl alone? That love for me has come to you the priest of Notre dame.One Bright Morning You Danced Frollo:

One bright morning you danced on the square in the sun.I watched you, so entranced, my whole world came undone.Now my heart ever still rules my mind and my will.All my empty life unfilled, and now since that day.Mirrors show no sign of my face, but Satan in my place.Of me, there is no trace.Esmeralda:

Oh my love he will come, light my days like the sun.He will come take me home;my dark days will be done.Come to close evil man, you will die by these hands.No one can hate like I can, you will die where you stand.Go to hell, that's what I demand.Frollo:

Give me one hour with you;I'll be yours to command.You must choose don't you see, before day dawns above.Choose the gallows or me;choose your death or my love.Choose the grave or my bed.Frollo & Esmeralda: To be living or dead.Frollo:

If you nod yes with your head, your bonds will be shed.I'll release you, and let you go.To the ones you love so, to the devils you know.Esmeralda:

Just go away, from here just go.Free Today Quasimodo & Refugees:

Free today.Flown away.Souls at bay find a way.I've set them free today;souls at bay find a way.Free today(hear us pray).Souls at bay(find a way).Facing plague(who will pay).Seize the day(whole worlds sway)Free today(hear us pray).Souls at bay(find a way).Facing plague(who will pay).It's our day(souls that pray)


When they were locked away.I opened up the bars.Now they are free today.They're free to see the stars.(Gringoire:

Hear our prayer asylum now)

(Free today, hear us pray.Souls that may, find a way.Facing plague, who will pay? Seize the day, whole worlds sway)


Hear our prayer asylum now)

(Free today, hear us pray.Souls that may, find a way.Facing plague, who will pay.Seize the day, whole worlds sway)


Light of day, light our way.Light of day, come and stay.(Gringoire:

Hear our prayer asylum now)

(Free today, hear us pray.Souls that may, find a way.Facing plague, who will pay.Seize the day, whole worlds sway)All:

Free today.Free today.Free today.Moon Gringoire:

Moon, you who shine your light.Bright on the Paris night.See, how a man suffers all for love.Clear, solitary star.So far, when the day returns.Please hear.Up there so high the cry of the world.Please hear the cry, of a man in pain.For whom all those million stars.Don't shine like those shining eyes.He loves with a mortal love.Moon

Moon, please don't disappear.Before you have time to hear.Just hear.How cries the heart of the human beast.Please hear the cry, Quasimodo cries.He cries for his heart is full.His voice over mountains flies.So high, that I know it flies to you.Moon.See, how this man aspires.To join, his poor voice with angels.Moon, you who shine your light.For, poets as they write.See, how a man suffers all.For love.For love.This Small Whistle I Leave You Quasimodo:

You're as still afraid of me as I can see.Esmeralda:

No I hope you are my friend until the end.Quasimodo:

This small whistle I'll leave so you can call on me.Esmeralda:

Day's I'll hide from the light, but will you let me walk around at night?


On the roof of my Notre dame for you the stars will come.You have nothing to fear;you know I'll be near.Esmeralda:

If you see my Phoebus out there, will you let him know I'm here? Quasimodo:

Esmeralda when sleep has come, do you still see your shining sun?

God You Made The World All Wrong


God you made the world all wrong, I'm so ugly;he's so fine.I would love her my life long, but she never would be mine.Now he owns her heart and soul, without giving her a thing.And she thinks he'll make her whole, with the love she thinks he'll bring.She will lie down at his touch, and believe his lies with pride.It's his face she loves so much, she can't see what's deep inside.God you made the world all wrong, he's so rich;and I'm so poor.He will make her life a song;he will give her nothing more.God you made the world all wrong, let her have her shining knight.Beauty to the rich belongs, not to us outside the light.I am just an ugly stain that the world just wants to hide.God you gave me so much pain, were you ever on my side?

God you made the world all wrong, I have nothing;he has all.But I'll tell her all along he won't be there is she falls.He was born to silk and lace, to make love and to make war.I was born without a face;God, what did you make me for? Tell me what side god is on, those whose silver buys the host? Or those who pray to god alone, day and night, this Holy Ghost.Can this Jesus we adore save his blessing only for.Those three kings of gold and myrrh, and leave the shepherds at the door?

God you made the world so wrong, I'm so ugly;he's so fine.I will love her my life long.But she never will be mine.Live For The One I Love Esmeralda:

A million stars light, this beautiful night.This is not a night to die, let me sing and dance.Beneath the sky.I have such love to give, to give.I want a chance to live.Live for the one I love.Love, as no one has loved.Give, asking nothing in return.Free, free to find my way.Free to have my say.Free to see the day.Be, like I used to be.Like a wild bird free.With all the love in me.Live for the one I love.Love, as no one has loved.Give, asking nothing in return.Though this world tears us apart.We're still together in my heart.I want the world to hear my cry.And even if I have to die.Love will not die.Love will change the world.Live for the one I love.Love, as no one has loved.Give, asking nothing in return.I'll love, until love wears me away.I'll die, and I know my love will stay.And I know my love will stay.Attack On Notre Dame Ensemble: Asylum.Asylum.Asylum.Asylum.Asylum.Frollo:

Soldiers of the king I order you to break down that door.(Asylum)Your conscience and your soul will remain safe and whole.(Asylum)I give you the right, to transcend the right of asylum.Phoebus and soldiers:(Down with these refugees.Down with these beggar thieves.Down with them all.)(Repeatedly)

Clopin & Refugees:

We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum!


Aaarrrggghhh!(Attacks Clopin)


Esmeralda I die, oh sister do not cry For all your people here.Please listen to my prayer This country is where you've grown.This country is your own.Claim it with all your might, for me Esmeralda.Esmeralda & Refugees:

We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.(Repeated x 5 whilst Gringoire sings)


At Paris gates they stand.Ten thousand in their band.And one day soon they'll be.A million in this land.The world will change someday And things will go our way We wonder what you'll do.The day we ask of you.All:

Oh Notre Dame we come and ask of you.Asylum.Asylum!

By Royal Law


By Royal law this is way the judgement falls.Hear one and hear all.Esmeralda you will die today for making foul sorcery.As for you refugees, you are all.Deportez.Exilez.Cast away.Deportez.Exilez.Cast away.Deportez.Exilez.Cast away.(Deportez.Exilez.Cast away.)

My Master My Saviour Quasimodo:

Frollo, my master my saviour, my priest of Jesus here.You have a heart that cares.Frollo: A heart.Quasimodo:

A heart that love can heal.Frollo:

A heart that tears can chill.Quasimodo:

A heart that still can feel Frollo:

A heart that had to kill.Frollo:

Look over there!Your sweet Esmeralda!Do you recall Quasimodo, when she was dancing there down on the square? I sent her to the scaffold, don't you see? For she would not give her love to me.Quasimodo:

You have done this, you!Frollo:

On a cross like our Jesus she'll die!

Quasimodo: Nooo!Frollo:

Look over there, the hangman awaits.For the gypsies cry.Your Esmeralda, its her that will hang.When the sun starts to rise!Ha ha ha ha!

Quasimodo: Frollo!

Give her to me Quasimodo: Give her to me.Hand her to me.Leave her alone.She is my own.My Esmeralda.Don't go away.Please won't you stay?

Dance My Esmeralda Quasimodo:

When the years have all come and gone.They'll find beneath the ground.Our two bodies joined as one.Showing how we were bound.How much Quasimodo once loved.Esmeralda the gypsy girl.How he was marked by god above.Just to help him to bear his cross.Just to help him to bear his cross.Eat my body and drink my blood.Vultures of Montfaucon.So that death more than this life could.Join our two names as one.Let my poor soul just fly away.From the miseries of this earth.Let my love find the light of day.In the light of the universe.In the light of the universe.Dance my Esmeralda, sing my Esmeralda.Dance just one more time for me.You know I'll die for love of you.Dance my Esmeralda, sing my Esmeralda.Please let my poor soul fly free.It is not death to die for you.Dance my Esmeralda, sing my Esmeralda.Please come sleep here in my arms.You know I'd die for love of you.Dance my Esmeralda, sing my Esmeralda.Beyond, and beyond beyond.It is not death to die for you.Dance my Esmeralda, sing my Esmeralda.Please let my poor soul fly free.It is not death to die for you.



1.。读完了《巴黎圣母院》这部世界名著,文中的丑与美,善与恶,在我的脑海里留下了挥之不去的印象。《巴黎圣母院》是法国十九世纪著名作家维克多 · 雨果的浪漫主义长篇小说代表作,发表于 1831 年,小说描写了 15 世纪光怪陆离的巴黎生活,并透过这种描写深刻地剖析了丰富复杂的人性世界,表现了雨果的人道主义思想。

雨果在《巴黎圣母院》中用对比的手法刻画了群性格鲜明,极富有艺术感染力的人物形象,人物之间错综复杂的矛盾纠葛和悲剧命运扣人心弦,给我留下的印象最为深刻的是一组对比鲜明,令人触目惊心的人物形象吉卜赛少女爱斯梅拉达和敲钟人卡西莫多。16 岁的爱斯梅拉达美貌绝伦,纯真善良,能歌善舞,她和她那只聪明绝顶的小山羊是整部小说中给人以无限遐想的浪漫亮点,是美丽和自由的化身。但在禁欲的中世纪极端保守腐朽的教会势力的摧残下令人惋惜地陨灭了。20 岁的卡西莫多外貌其丑无比,严重的残疾使他一来到这个世界上,便遭到无情的遗弃 —— 先是亲人的遗弃,继而是整个社会的遗弃。然而外貌丑陋的卡西莫多却有着一顶纯洁美丽的心灵,他以纯真得不掺一丝杂质的爱情如同守护着珍宝一般守护着爱丝梅拉达,试图使他远离一切伤害。但在强大的社会偏见和恶势力面前,个人的力量实在是微不足道,致使强悍的卡西莫多,也只有选择殉情这一悲剧。这两个主人公存在着纠结在一起的不幸身世,外貌上的反差也无法掩盖他们共有的纯真善良的天性。

想想敲钟人卡西莫多悲惨的命运,美丽的心灵 …… 我就感到无地自容,想想自己平时总是以貌取人,就更加难过了。在我们的生活当中,大家总是瞧不起外貌丑陋,衣着寒酸,天生残疾 …… 的人,一味只知道去追求 “ 外表美 ”,从而忽略了真正的 “ 心灵美 ”。









































《 西厢记》 是中国文学史上的名著,有人将它与《红楼梦》并提。我也是这么认为的,写这篇读后感前无法下笔并不是感觉不足以动心动情,亦或是不够深刻,而是感觉满满的,那么的贴切那么唯美,只有去感知无法将它语言话,尽管如此我任然想把这心中诸多感触付之笔杆,一吐为快。



































很早就听说过卡西莫多这个最丑又最美的人,电影《巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame deParis)》好像自己很小很小的时候看过,那时候什么都不懂,这次观看,似曾相识的恍惚的画面渐渐清晰……

















































































































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    1、简述一个关于爱斯梅拉达的故事。 答:①愚人节那天,授命于克洛德的伽西莫多准备劫持爱斯梅拉达,爱斯梅拉达奋力反抗,高声呼救。国王的近卫弓箭队队长弗比斯闻讯赶到,解救了爱斯......




    读《巴黎圣母院》 《巴黎圣母院》是雨果的代表之作,也是浪漫主义文学的代表之作。用夸张、激扬的文字和曲折的故事情节来向人们展示了美与丑、善与恶的鲜明对比,在的故事最......


    电影《巴黎圣母院》观后感 1. 剧情简介及主题 剧情:《巴黎圣母院》描述的是一个美丽,浪漫但又悲惨的爱情故事。被父母遗弃的驼背卡西莫多,在一个偶然的场合被副主教克洛德·......


    《巴黎圣母院》读后感 如果世上真的有一部小说可以如此鲜明地把浪漫主义色彩融入现实世界,那么,就是《巴黎圣母院》了。 它不仅是一部悲剧,同时也是一部探讨人性的伟大著作。为......


    读有感 记得以前语文老师说过,不论多么出名的著作都离不了大悲或大喜的结局。确实如此,,作为法国大诗人雨果的著作,是一部彻彻底底的悲剧。 还记得中漂亮且善舞的吉普赛女郎爱斯......


    《巴黎圣母院》读后感 故事发生在十五世纪路易十一统治下的巴黎。巴黎圣母院副主教克洛德·费洛看中了街头卖艺的吉普寨女郎艾斯米拉达,对她产生了邪念。于是他指使教堂撞钟......


    美与丑——读《巴黎圣母院》 究竟什么是美?什么是丑?我循着雨果巨大的画笔,轻轻拨开了岁月的迷雾,穿越到了十五世纪的巴黎,进入巴黎圣母院这幅气势恢宏的画卷寻觅答案。我登上把......