二、A)1-5DCBAB B)6-10 AADCA 第九课
一、1-5 BADAD 6-10 CBBBA
二、11.widely 12.throughout 13.important 14.If 15.will 16.kinds 17.written 18.useful 19.all 20.together 第十课
二、1-5 CACBA 6-10 BACCB
三、11-15 CDDDC 第十一课
一、1.travel around the world 2.the best football team in the world 3.a spuare face 4.health activities 5.less than three times a week 6.最多50个学生 7.出席晨会 8.玩一整天 9.休一天假 10.穿校服
二、11-15 BDCDB
一、1-5 DAABB 6-10 CCBCB
二、11.eyesight 12.smart 13.secret 14.true 15.want
三、16-20 DCADC 21-25 BACBA 第二课
一、1.alone 2.helpful 3.heavy 4.hand 5.kind 6.teouble 7.words 8.push 9.rest 10.both 11.tired
二、12-16 BDABB 第三课
一、1-5 ADBBA 6-10 DACBC
二、11.keeps secrets 12.the same as 13.enjoyed himself 14.learned;by himself 15.took/caught a coach
三、16.called 17.girl 18.was born 19.gave 20.cleverst 21.could 22.reading 23.his 24.something 25.swimming 第四课
一、1.√ 2.sometime改成sometimes 3.√ 4.place改成places 5.in改成at 6.√ 7.In改成During 8.most改成more 9.eat改成eating 10.pupils前加the
三、16-20 CDBDA 第五课
一、1-5 BDDAB
二、6-10 CABAC 16-20 ABBCA 第六课
一、1-5 BCADA
二、6-10 DBCBD 11-15 ACDAB
三、16.same 17.listened 18.that 19.himelf 20.give 21.good 22.leaving 23.how 24.quietil 25.instead 第七课
一、1.lent;hasn't given 2.reaches 3.did;do/was;doing 4.have forgotten 5.have;been 6.to bring 7.have;finished 8.Have;eaten 9.find;Have;seen 10.has;spoken
二、11.At the aga 12.you don't hurry;will be 13.may be 14.keep working 15.takes;much time to
三、16.In their eyes,we are always little ones and always do wrong things.17.They only want us to give them good results in the exam.18.They can talk wiyh us and we can understand each other moer and more.第十二课
一、1.If we don't protect those wild animals any more,there will be no more wild animals in the world.2.If it doesn't rain,I will go out to play football.3.If is very important for teachers to learn to encourage students.4.Millie likes sharing her happiness with her friends.5.I am going to Xiangshan with my parents to see ren maple leaves next Sunday.6.After school,I usually do after-school activities,sometines I go to the tennis court to play tennis,sometimes I go swimming in the swimming pool.7.I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.8.We all like our history teacher because he has a good sense of humour.9.What is a natural disaster? For example,the Taiwan earthquake last year killed thousangd of people.10.Our motherland is getting stronger ang stronger,more ang more beautiful.二、11-15 ABBBBD 第十三课
一、1-5 ADBCB 6-10 BDBAB
二、11-15 CABCD
三、16.but 17.ideas 18.welcomed 19.surprised 20.doesn't 21.in 22.to 23.we 24.visits 25.usually 26.or 27.friends' 28.times 29.for 30.saying 第十四课
二、1.mine 2.since 3.looking 4.animals 5.found 6.needs 7.enough 8.end 9.except 10.be put 第十五课
一、1-5 CACBA 6-10 CCBAC
二、11.his改成her 12.to改成from 13.√ 14.in改成on 15.goes改成went 16.√ 17.in改成into 18.That改成It 19.but改成and 20.kind改成kindly
三、21-25CDBBC 第十六课
一、1-5 CBDCB 6-10 BBBCB
二、11-15 CABDA
2、rained heavily
4、How long did
5、has an 快乐译译
1、More and more bierds are in danger because they do not have enough space to live.2、We hope everyone can do something to protect wildlife.3、Miss Li is one of my schools welcome students.4、People change wetlands to make space for farms.5、If you practice singing ,youll sing very well.感受体验 48感受体验
Churchill Language School, Oxford A driver English Ten months In Park Road at No.1123 英语之六 1-6 BABBBC
二、moment serious directions temperature
三、walk ,to exercise,Does,like,to visit,go ,went,will be,met,talking, to tell,left,watching 拓展研究
fell down , was snowy,were trapped,turn off,at last,said to himself,try my best,as if 创新展台
1、calmed down was trapped dark around me
2、ran in all directions
3、were in a hurry to
4、looked at each other in fear
5、tried their best to save him
6、Because of didnt eat anything 感受体验BCDDB
二、accident,calm,shaking,directions,weather like,trouble,earthquake,serious 拓展研究
1、told to keep
2、Whats like
3、a heavy rain
4、hurry to
5、Why does he 创新展台 DAECB 感受体验FFTTTF 英语之八
二、cloudy,pull,leaves,made,busiest,carefully,noisily,moves,more,advice 拓展探究
快乐译译 He will arrive at 8:00 in the morning.We wont go camping next week because well prepare the text.We should try our best those people in need.这篇八年级英语上学期寒假作业就为大家分享到这里了。祝大家春节愉快!
《八年级新寒假》参考答案 ·语文·
11.(1)鞠;颤。(2)憧憬 2.孙犁《芦花荡》《荷花淀》 3.略(要求句式整齐)4.D 5.qiáocuìlǜezhàn 6.寄托苏醒 7.这一角已变成灰烬,那一角只是血和泥。8.长白山黄河江南南海解放区 9.对解放区的热爱和向往(比喻:像恋人的柔发,不像牲口一样活。)10.江南的水田,你当年新生的禾草是那么细,那么软„„现在只有蓬蒿。11.抒发了对灾难祖国的热爱,表达了对解放区的向往。12.飞鱼飞到广州动物园 13.(1)小明晚上练习影响了邻居的休息(2)陈伯伯在夸奖自己练习刻苦 21.nǜejìncuānqiú 2.①因寒冷而哆嗦。②倾斜,歪斜。3.法雨果巴黎圣母院悲惨世界 4.(1)“他”其他人(2)“图书馆”别的地方 5.因为在刹那间我突然想起记忆中那块青色的墓碑,想起了那个把宽容给了“我”,把爱给了世界的女孩。6.“我”发现那幢公寓竟然只有四层 7.描述中表现梅里特的惊恐和疑惑即可 8.妻子这一人物性格不明显,其他人物个性鲜明。(言之成理即可)9.对犯错误的人多一点理解和宽容就是多给人一个机会(犯了错误努力改正同样也能成才)10.(1)你怎么在课堂上睡觉?(2)如:我被这优美的音乐陶醉了、我已经被《川江号子》倾倒了。(合理即可)
31.D 2.①熟→塾璧→壁聊→潦②咽→唁 3.①鲁迅《朝花夕拾》散文②佩弦《荷塘月色》《匆匆》《背影》等③杨绛钱钟书《围城》 4.C 5.周树人文学家思想家革命家豫才风筝从百草园到三味书屋 6.出生年月、籍贯、家境和异地谋生的原因 7.①没有能力支付学费②不愿做幕友或商人 8.认为新医学对日本明治维新有很多帮助 9.偶尔在电影看见一个中国人做侦探而被斩,觉得医好几个人也无用,提倡新文艺。10.我的母亲和几个别的人很希望我有经济上的帮助 11.B 12.为上下求索而艰难奋进的思想感情和爱国之情 13.言之有理即可
41.C 2.①你为了自己卫生,却忘了公共卫生。②对不起,我不小心把纸掉在了地上。3.无所事事:什么事也不干。4.①关爱子女;②善于引导、教育子女。5.不能听天由命,要用自己的双手开掘出幸运之泉。6.自己不努力,整天无所事事,却还要埋怨母亲,埋怨命运,让母亲承受这么大的精神压力。7.母亲对我说的话感到吃惊,感到迷惑不解。8.如:命运把握在每个人自己的手中。(只要所写句子扣住中心即可)9.(1)B(2)C符合要求即可。10.略 51.缔卸镶晦 2.略 3.略 4.如“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。”“举头望明月,低头思故乡。”等
61.略 2.障—嶂新—心置—制豪—毫 3.(1)“先进”后加“水平”(2)去掉“能否” 4.略 5.①客观地说明事物、阐明事理。②时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序。③简明、准确、周密。6、流程漫长,流域广大,气势雄伟 7、自然环境优越,有利于人类生存 8、C 9、不能,因为它表示所述内容来源于传说,不是确实有据的。10.妄口八舌 闲嘴淡舌 唇枪舌剑
张口结舌 笨嘴拙舌 鹦鹉学舌 11.(1)《诗经》(2)《左传》(3)《国语》(4)司马迁的《史记》(5)吴承恩的《西游记》(6)《孙子兵法》(7)《汉书》(8)刘勰的《文心雕龙》(9)沈括的《梦溪笔谈》(10)《水经注》(11)关汉卿的《窦娥冤》(12)徐宏祖的《徐霞客游记》(13)《论语》 12.黄河远上,白云一片,孤城万仞山,羌笛何须怨?杨柳春风,不度玉门关。
71.chânchóngzhuócuán壑纳伧磬 2.略 3.D 4.一个人自我评价愈高,就愈不容易做出成绩。5.“三苏”李白项羽范仲淹 6.(1)因为深,所以慢。耕得深庄稼长得好,才会有好收成。(2)生活中那些总是风风火火而却最终无所成就的人,失败之处大概就在于他们的耕耘太浅了吧。(能够谈出自己的看法即可)7、废旧物资的回收和综合利用。8、部分地区综合袋装收集,个别实行垃圾分类收集,普遍采用垃圾混合收集。9、随手乱扔现象普遍,分类收集设施不足或缺乏引导,分类运输手段不足,从事回收再利用的企业少。10、答案要求:可联系农村或城市实际,从满足当代人需求和不损害后代人需求这两方面谈谈自己的看法。11.山中山路转山崖,山客山僧山里来,山客看山山景好,山杏山桃满山开。
81.融萌翩匿第荣是复 2.茅以升《中国石拱桥》叶圣陶叶绍钧 3.比喻拟人排比 4. CBAED 5.差之千里老大徒伤悲下笔如有神焉得虎子时不再来日久见人心 6.祥子他初期是一个勤劳、有理想的人,后期随着他的希望一次又一次破灭,变成一个麻木、狡猾、好占便宜、吃喝嫖赌、自暴自弃的人。7.繁殖能力极强 8.有它存在的地方任何植物都不能生长 9.漫山遍野疯长,扫荡山林牧场,原有的植被被“排挤出局”,牛羊喜欢的草类基本消失。10.金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、擒贼擒王、趁火打劫、关门捉贼、浑水摸鱼、打草惊蛇、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、顺手牵羊等。11.七零八落丢三落四接二连三三五成群不三不四一五一十得寸进尺 12.略
91.①白居易颔联:“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。”颈联:“乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。”②柳宗元苏轼王安石③竺可桢气象学地理学④逻辑现象后果 2.B 3.①删去“通过”②删去“能否” 4.踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。5.通过研究大约100亿光年之外的一颗类星体所发出的紫外线,进而才发现了氦气。它“使天文学家估计宇宙中氦和氢的含量成为可能”。6.太空中类星体越遥远,它就越古老。天文学家观测的这颗类星体就十分遥远,所以通过它可以看到宇宙年轻时的一段时光。7.科学家对类星体所发出的光线进行研究的30多年历史。8.(1)张冠李戴(2)一丘之貉(3)见异思迁(4)饮水思源(5)自作自受(6)一暴十寒(7)风马牛不相及 9.略 101.D 2.(1)不仅仅因为也许或(2)①反映反映②反应 3.略 4.血气方刚的青年是人生的夏天,沉着稳重的中年是人生的秋天,蹒跚佝偻的老年是人生的冬天。5.林冲武松晁盖鲁智深 6.墨水弄脏了地毯;洒了一点墨水。7.一言堂一家之长一意孤行一筹莫展一曲挽歌一败涂地 8.智力9.逻辑顺序 10.两个“大约”多表示估计,因为对这些数据不可能作出精确的说明,所以只能用“大约”,体现了说明文语言的精确性。11.略 12.①柴门寒门②空门佛门③歪门邪门④窍门法门⑤热门⑥冷门⑦闭门⑧登门⑨后门⑩班门 13.讽刺当今社会里,一些人只顾着追求物质利益,在物 质追求中慢慢丧失了自己,忽视了人格的重要。
111.huòyǎntiáoyìxīnxìe 2.①沿着②值得对③做标记④渡口⑤大旧指读书人⑥洗涤美丽而不端正。3.阡陌:(古)道路纵横交错,四通八达。(今)运输和邮电事业的总称。妻子:(古)妻与子。(今)男子的配偶,“子”是词尾,无义。无论:(古)不要说,更不必说。(今)表示条件的连词。不足:(古)不值得。(今)不够。4.古代刻在器物上警戒自己或称述功德的文字。5.(1)这间简陋的房子,好就好在主人有美好的德行。(2)孔子说:“有什么简陋的呢?” 6.全篇旨意是从孔子“君子居之,何陋之有”这句话生发出来的,以此作结,显得立意高远,无懈可击。这样引述既巧妙地照应了“惟吾德馨”一句,又显得含蓄无穷,发人深思。7.略 8.略 9.羹川甘鬼漏虑非徒臭闻孺觅
121.①wǎng②yòujī③ruò④yǔ⑤wù⑥zhǎng 2.寸个扇张支只把幅串个(本题答案不唯一)3.①虞山/王毅叔远甫/刻②自云/先世/避秦时乱,率/妻子邑人/来此绝境。③有良田/美池/桑竹之属④忘/路之远近,便/扶向路,寻/向所志。4.中间(戴着)高高的帽子、(长着)浓密胡须的人是苏东坡。那个人的眼睛正看着(茶炉),神色平静,好像在听烧茶的声音。5.《诗经》《尚书》《春秋》《大学》《中庸》《孟子》《论语》 6.(1)人不独亲其亲,不独子其子。(2)老有所终,幼有所长。(3)外户而不闭。7.说就坚持(代词)代眼睛 8.别人认为这是荒诞的,坚持要(他)给龙点上眼睛。9.言之有理即可。10.略 11.①《聊斋志异》②《三国演义》 12.略
131.sāoyúyùxīshùsùtuān 2.①越过(逃)跑②书信③阙通缺④连接延长⑤坠落⑥参与这里指欣赏 3.①荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。决眦入归鸟②感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。③安禄山史思明④略 4.《水经注》 5.略 6.(1)即使骑着骏马,驾着疾风,也不如它快。(2)空旷的山谷传来猿啼 的回声,悲哀婉转,很久很久才消失。7.C 8.略 9.戍守停止战争 10.(1)对(2)错(3)对 11.略 12.略
141.《东坡志林》子瞻东坡居士苏洵苏辙 2.略 3.①贬官②道歉③靠近在④才⑤教导 4.C 5.①我读《汉书》到现在共经过三次亲手抄录了。②东坡很惊讶,问:“这是谁写的?”客人回答是朱公所 写。6.略 7.文章的好坏与读书的勤懒、练笔的多少,有着密切联系。8.十二个属相是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。151.(1)沾湿玷污(2)蓬草相逢(3)封侯时候(4)萧条箫鼓 2.(1)晨兴/理/荒秽,带月/荷锄/归。(2)征蓬/出/汉塞,归雁/入/胡天。(3)月下/飞/天镜,云生/结/海楼。(4)莫笑/农家/腊酒/浑,丰年/留客/足/鸡豚。3.略 4.略5.A.消失B.围着C.从湖面上蒸发的水汽D.客居 6.不一样。前一个“是”作指示代词“这”;后一个“是”作判断动词。7.B 8.用这些量词不仅表现出了雪夜中景物的真
11.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.a∥b 6.1.8 7.100° 8.112° 9.AB∥CD理由如下:因为
∠ABC=120°,∠BCD=60°所以∠ABC+∠BCD=180°所以AB∥CD 10.AB∥CD两直线
平行,同位角相等,∠1+∠2=180°,同旁内角互补,两直线平行 11.①y=-x+180°;②BD⊥EC
21.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.70° 6.2 7.360° 8.70 9.m∥n内错角相等,两直线平行∠3=∠4两直线平行,同位角相等、120° 10.GM⊥HM理由如下:因为AB∥CD所以∠BGH+∠DHG=180°又因为GMHM分别是∠BGH与∠DHG的角平分线所以∠MGH=1112∠BGH,∠MHG=2∠DHG所以∠MGH+∠MHG=2(∠BGH+∠DHG)=90°所以∠M=180°-∠MGH-∠MHG=90°所以GM⊥HM 11.(1)能,理由如下:延长AP交NB于点C,因为MA∥NB所以∠A=∠ACB又因为∠APB=∠ACB+∠B所以∠APB=∠MAP+∠NBP(2)∠MAP=∠APB+∠NBP
31.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.等腰 6.2 7.70° 8.10° 9.25 10.135° 11.(1)△BCF≌△CAE理由如下:因为BF⊥CF,AC⊥BC所以∠CBF+∠BCF=,90°,∠ACE+∠BCF=90°所以∠CBF=∠ACE又因为AE⊥CF所以△BCF和△CAE中∠BFC=∠CEA=90°∠CBF=∠ACEBC=AC所以△BCF≌△CAE(2)△ADC是等腰三角形,理由如下:因为∠CBF+∠BCF=90°∠ABF+∠BDF=90°又因为∠ABF=∠BCF所以∠CBF=∠BDF因为∠BDF=∠ADE所以∠CBF=∠ADE又因为△ACE≌△CBF所以∠ACE=∠CBF所以∠ACE=∠ADE所以△ADC是等腰三角形 41.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.13或119 6.等腰 7.70°,70°,40°或70°,55°,55° 8.1 9.略 10.·137·∠A=30° 11.(1)15°(2)20°(3)∠EDC=11
∠B-∠EDC又因为AB=AC所以∠B=∠C所以∠EDC=∠BAD-∠EDC即∠EDC=1 2∠BAD
51.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.正方体或球体 6.直四棱柱或长方体 7.成 8.4,32 9.略 10.(1)
8 12(2)18(3)长方形 240cm2 11.36cm2 11.(1)直棱柱(2)侧面积为6ab,全面积为6ab +33b2 61.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.5 6.乙 7.2 8.8.4 9.(1)6 3(2)8 6 6 中位数,因为中位
数只表示所有者所捐书本的居中者,既不能反映总量,也不能反映其他人捐书情况。10.(1)40 20(2)1050(3)略
71.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.直四棱柱 6.20000 7.60° 8.64 9.m∥n理由如下:因为∠1+∠3
=90° ∠3+∠2=90° 所以∠1=∠2 所以m∥n 10.(1)①③或②③(2)已知:②③理由如下:因为∠BEO=∠CDO∠BOE=∠CODBE=CD所以△BEO≌△CDO因为∠OBE=∠OCD
△ABC是等腰三角形 11.略
81.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.40 6.14 7.50°或80° 8.18条 9.(1)14m3(2)7000m3 10.90°
91.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.> 6.≤21 3 7.3a-7≤0 8.x<
225 9.(1)x≤1(2)x≤-11 10.
(1)>(2)>(3)>(4)>(5)>(6)= 规律:a+b≥2ab(a,b为正数)11.12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
101.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.-1
;2<x<3 6.a≥3 7.-6 8.a<x≤b 9.(1)1<x<4(2)-7 <x≤110.①y=20-2x②5<x<10
111.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.几排几座 6.-1
(,)(,)(,)(,)2 7.(7,-2)8.(-3,-2)或(7,-2)9.电视台41广场22学校53汽车站4510.(1)关于x轴对称(2)关于y轴对称 11.A(4,3)P(-4,-3)B(3,1)Q(-3,-1)C(1,2)R(-1,-2)横坐标变成相反数,纵坐标变成相反数N(-x,-y)
121.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.x≠4 6.3 7.y=12x+2 8.y=1.8x-6(x>10)9.16y=8(0<x≤3)图略3x=5y=1.2x+4.4(x>3)10.1<k<2 11.y=25
131.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.π,S,R 6.-3 7.y=x+1(答案不唯一)8.y=2x+3 9.y=242345x-5 10.(1)y=-3x+4(2)(0,-2)11.(1)25cm 30cm 2.5小时 2小时(2)y甲=-10x+25(0≤x≤2.5),y乙=-15x+30(0≤x≤2)(3)x=1
141.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.笛卡尔 6.k=-32 7.-2,2 8.8 9.x≤1 10.(1)y=-3x-5图略(2)5(3)-8≤y≤7 11.(1)96120(2)145(3)y=-x+145(x≥25)
151.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.-5≤y≤19 6.三 7.0 8.(-2,4)等腰直角y=x+2 9.1<x<4 10.(1)k=1,b=2(2)略(3)(0,2)(4)x=-2(5)x>-2 11.(1)a=3,c=5 y=3x(0≤x≤6)(2)28元y=5x-12(x>6)·138··英语· 1
一、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A
二、1.E 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D
week. 2.Becausetheythinkbasketballisdifficultforthem. 3.Herunsfor30minutes. 4.
Threetimesamonth. 5.Becauseshelikesjunkfoodandshedoesn’tliketoexercise.
四、1. 1∶00 2.2∶45 3.4∶30 4.6∶15 5.8∶00
一、1.headache 2.eyes 3.sore 4.thirsty 5.angry
二、1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.
C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B
一、1.exciting 2.listening 3.sounds 4.Babysitting 5.Tourists
二、1.A 2.C 3.B 4. D 5.B
toldmetotakesomemedicineandhaveagoodrestfortwodays.SoI’dliketoaskfortwodays sickleave. Thanksalot. Emma
一、1.sixkilometers 2.Bysubway 3.Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschoolbysubway 4.
fiveminutes 5.onfoot 6.farfrom 7.bus 8.ridemybike 9.tenminutes 10.twentymi-
二、1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A 5
一、1.D 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A
一、1.going 2.win 3.brighter 4.curlier 5.funnier
二、1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C
三、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A
一、1.teaspoons 2.butter 3.cutup 4.Pour 5.bowl
二、1.E 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A
I’mamiddleschoolstudentinBeijing,China.Iamfourteen.IstudyatBeijingMiddle School.Iamtallandthin,sobasketballandfootballaremyfavouritegames.Ihavealotoffriends
一、1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
二、1.B 2.D 3.F 4.
·139·C 5.E
三、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
一、1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A
二、1.Heistooyoungtogotoschool. 2.Sheisagreattennis
player. 3.Yesterday,LiMingwonfirstprizeinthespeechcompetition 4.Whendidyoustart
learningEnglish? 5.Heisacreativeperson/man.
三、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A
一、1.national 2.growup 3.part-timejob 4.keephealthy/fit 5.computerprogrammer
二、1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B
三、1.A 2.C 3.B
二、2.can’t 3.haveto 4.I’ll 5.don’t 6.couldI 7.do
三、1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D
一、1.e 2.b 3.f 4.d 5.a
二、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C
一、1.fifty-seven 2.kilometers 3.concert 4.necessary 5.both 6.moreoutgoing 7.serious 8.minutes 9.sending/posting 10.invitation 11.faster/quicker 12.laughing
二、1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A
一、1.creative 2.Hens 3.slices/pieces 4.leader 5.ingredients 6.born 7.deli 8.Seriously 9.Italian 10.grows
二、1.F 2.H 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.E 8.G 9.I 10.J 11.I 12.J 13.H 14.C 15.E 16.B 17.A 18.G 19.D 20.F
三、1.KFC 2.SmallPotatoRestaurant 3.MoonlightRestaurant 4.SmallPotatoRestaurant 5.Jason’ssnack6.MoonlightRestaurant15
一、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D
二、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.B
三、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A
11.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.(1)A.蒸发B.水汽输送C.降水D.地表径流E.下渗F.地下径流(2)海陆间 7.负氢 8.800
21.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.等于等于 7.瓶口截面小,液体深度增大,液体压强也增大。瓶口面积小,压力不变,压强增大。8.3∶4 9.略 10.(1)①④⑤(2)①②③或①②④(3)①③④
31.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.溶解过滤蒸发 7.约26.5%约26.5% 8.(1)随着温度的升高,a物质的溶解度上升明显。(2)在60°C时,a、b两种物质的溶解度相等饱和溶液。9.100克·
41.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.①防止对太阳辐射的吸收,影响测量结果。②朝南开,以防止观察时仪器受到阳光的照射。
51.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.锋复杂 8.水气湿度计干球毛发 9.大低大陆海洋西北 10.略 11.略 12.C
61.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.bbdfd
71.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.阳光水分 6.(1)光并未影响生长素的分解和生长素的向下运输。(2)胚芽鞘被玻璃片分隔成两半,不影响生长素向下运输和琼脂块中收集的生长素数量。(3)单侧光照射促进生长素向背光侧转移。(4)单侧光照射下,向光侧的生长素向背光侧转移,而不是向光侧的生长素被分解。81.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.神经元树突细胞体轴突 8.感受器传入神经神经中枢传出神经效应器 9.(1)胰岛素(2)血糖下降胰岛素
91.A 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.(1)内脏(2)肌肉与皮肤(3)略
101.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.①图略②温度改变时调节铅笔芯两端电压不变③铅笔芯的电阻随温度升高而减小 7.(1)可能与苹果的甜度有关(2)苹果的导电性与其甜度有关与完整性能无关 8.正确
111.B 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.略 7.略 8.(1)导体的电阻是否与温度有关(2)略(3)应提供一段 电阻丝和加热用的酒精灯
121.AC 2.C 3.B 4.B 5、①I=0.24A②补充条件 I=1A 求电源电压 U=50V 6.低7.导体短路 8.绝缘体在条件改变(温度升高)后变成导体②断路 9.(1)I=0.24A(2)I=1A电源电压U=50V 10.略 11.略
11.C 2.C 3.C 4.古埃及,古巴比伦;金字塔是古代埃及国王的陵墓,在今天的开罗一带,大约有80座。其中,最大的是胡夫的金字塔。埃及金字塔被后人称为古代世界七大奇迹之一,现在除金字塔依然屹立之外,其余均已毁坏。空中花园是古巴比伦劳动人民智慧的结晶,被后人称为古代世界七大奇迹之一,虽然已不复存在,但作为古代的建筑奇观,仍被传诵至今。
21.D 2.B 3.A 4.(1)反映了商朝奴隶被殉葬的事实。(2)展示了当时奴隶的悲惨命运,他们的生命安全、地位毫无保障。
31.A 2.C 3.D 4.埃及的金字塔、太阳历、木乃伊的制作;古巴比伦的空中花园、太阴历、星期制度;古印度的阿拉伯数字等。吃苦耐劳、坚持不懈、团结协作、创造探索精神等。41.D 2.C 3.A 4.略(言之有理即可)
51.C 2.B 3.D 4.印度 佛教 因为佛教的基本教义是宣传“众生平等”,反对婆罗门的等级制度;只要忍耐顺从,修行就能到达极乐世界等。这极大地满足了印度广大民众那种痛恨等级制度和渴求平等的心理需求,有了对来世充满希望的精神寄托,佛教对他们有很大的吸引力。此外,印度统治阶级认为佛教完全可以成为自己维护统治秩序的工具,所以也大力支持和宣传佛教。因此,佛教影响很大。61.D 2.A 3.C 4.(1)反映当时古希腊人勤于思考、自由论辩的情景。(2)会被他们的那种辩论的氛围所吸引。参加这种活动有利于提高自己的胆量、思辨能力;更多地了解、关注国家大事等。
71.B 2.C 3.C 4.因为在古希腊和古罗马的古典文化中,自然科学、文学、戏剧、历史、罗马法、建筑等方面的成就,对西方文化影响深远。古希腊、罗马的政治制度对后来西方政治制度也产生了较重要的影响。81.C 2.C 3.A 4.不赞成。在中世纪的欧洲庄园内,有着森严的等级界限。其中庄园主过着优越的生
活。而农奴则不同,从主人那里领取一小块土地耕种,维持生活,还要向主人缴纳租税,承担各种杂役。他们缺少人身自由,结婚也要获得主人的允许,由于生活极端贫困,往往很少有人活过40岁。91.B 2.B 3.B 4.如提高个人修养,言行要合乎社会规范、视人如己、互助友爱;作为领导者应该关心和爱护百姓、政府要以“德礼”治理国家、要重视百姓的利益;治理国家离不开法律;要全面辩证地看问题。
101.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.李白 杜甫 白居易 诗 略
11.B 2.D 3.A 4.(1)漫画不能够说明电话那头的儿子对妈妈的孝心。因为他没有做到尊重父母、热爱父母、回报父母。(2)从老妈妈接到电话后那惊讶与忧郁的眼神中可以看出,她的心情一定很伤心。假如是我,在母亲节来临之际,打电话祝妈妈节日快乐,不要太劳累了,注意自己的身体,并说明自己一定听妈妈的话,好好学习来回报妈妈的养育之恩。
21.D 2.A 3.A 4.答案开放。(基本要求:符合主题,提出的行动具有可行性)31.B 2.A 3.A 4.A.为我喝彩B.真心安慰C.积极鼓励D劝我振作
41.A 2.C 3.C 4.A.真诚地与老师进行沟通,消除误解。B.向老师表示感谢。C.以恰当的方式表示感恩之情。D.认真听讲,同时关心老师身体健康。E.虚心接受。51.C 2.A 3.C 4.答案开放。(基本要求:符合主题)
61.B 2.B 3.D 4.(1)是一种新型的虚拟的沟通工具,便于人们远距离的交流,但利用不好也可能产生负面效应。(2)不能再沉溺于虚拟的网络,上网要适度。5.A.禁止未成年人入内,屏蔽不良信息。B.开展抵制不良网络信息教育。C.开展家庭教育。D.提高安全上网意识,自觉抵制不良信息。
71.CD 2.A 3.A 4.发生冲突 不能相互理解B.和睦相处 相互理解
81.B 2.D 3.D 4.(1)天堂里的人互相帮助,相互合作;地狱里的人只顾自己。(2)人与人要互相帮助,帮助别人也就是帮助自己,我们要善于和乐于帮助别人,体会帮助别人的快乐。在人与人的交往中需要合作,要善于和乐于与别人合作。
91.A 2.D 3.A 4.错误。①宽容是一种美德;②宽容是一种境界;③宽容并不意味着是非不分,爱憎不明,要在坚持原则同时,讲究理解和证明的策略。
101.C 2.B 3.D 4.答案开放。(基本要求:①指出这是一种错误行为;②指明属于职业道德的缺失;③说明其危害性。)
阻遏(e)仄(ze)歪 转弯抹(mo)角(都是第四声)
3.C 4.B 5.B
二、1.毛岸英与高参谋为了人民,查找部队方位,最后牺牲在了办公室中 2.身为伟人,能不顾自己性命一心为人民着想很让我感动。
三、趣味语文:瞒天过海 围魏救赵 偷梁换柱 以逸待劳 趁火打劫 声东击西 10(1)百 十
(3)千 三
(4)八 百 五 十 第二单元
一、1.xu huang chen chuang jie liao chai tui ling 2.渴 悚 霹雳 藉 滞 唏嘘 躁 唁 呵斥
3.C 4.D 5.B
二 1.我打喷嚏时.和母亲开玩笑;每当我写作时母亲总看着我.看久了便叫我出去走走.表达了我对母亲的无比思念和爱之情.2.自述的特点,读完后很感动,感觉母爱很伟大 三 9.1 说出来让大家开心开心在放弃之前放弃努力 四 背诵积累
客 亲
前 后
生 死
祸 福 第三单元
一 cang zi xiao zhou xun zhang
榭 镂 帷 凿 壑 伦
B D 二 5.轻捷与潇洒 悲忿而苍凉
6.《中国石拱桥》的语言精炼、准确;本文语言典雅、舒和。三 8.BCAD 9.陋室 黄鹤楼 岳阳楼 承天寺
一 ni xi lan
bo yin yan
咎 绮 藩 褶 衍 翩
A C D 二 6.仿生手
8.列数字 科学准确的说明了我国肢体残疾的人数之多,突出了仿生手的作用之大。三 10.二 三 四 五
11.(1)落晖(2)落日(3)夕日(4)日暮(5)落日(6)夕阳(7)斜阳 第五单元
一 1.yan xie tiao yan zhuan du
2.(1)阡陌:田间小路(2)扶: 沿;顺着
3.B 4.C
读了贾平凹先生的《饮者》后,我有了新的认识 有礼、可敬可叹可爱 是文人
2、凉州词 王翰
3、只见那男的左手一瓶白酒右手一瓶红酒,走路摇摇晃晃的,眼珠子在眼眶里不停的打转,嘴还一边说着:“美酒!好喝!好喝...好喝哈哈哈哈!”醉汉的步伐完全 跟不上拍子,“碰”不料,那醉汉一头撞在了树上.“哎呀!痛,痛好,痛好....”嘴还不停的说着.突然,他停了下来,笑了笑,手一松,伴着酒瓶的碎声醉汉一头栽在了地上
四 田家 渝州 江南 东城 第六单元
1.sù tuān gě qiú xī shù
2.飞奔的马 动词,连接 消散 坠落 只 几乎 用水淋洗 强迫 3.D 4.C 5.B
6.王子猷住在山阴县。有一夜下大雪,他一觉醒来,打开房门,叫家人拿酒来喝。眺望四方,一片皎洁,于是起身徘徊,朗诵左思的《招隐》诗。忽然想起戴安道,当时戴安道住在剡县,他立即连夜坐小船到戴家去。船行了一夜才到,到了戴家门口,没有进去,就原路返回。别人问他什么原因,王子猷说:―我本是趁着一时兴致去的,兴致没有了就回来,为什么一定要见到戴安道呢?‖ 7.一醒就要酒;眺望四方,一片皎洁,于是起身徘徊,朗诵《招隐》;忽然想起戴安道就立即连夜坐小船前往;到了之后没了兴致就原路返回。
11.元旦 春节 元宵 儿童
12.雁雁雁燕燕 数学:
1.C 2.D 3.十三分之六十 4.13 5.连接BD 36c㎡ 6.C 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.130 5.24 1.D 2.C 3.±根号五 4.2倍根号2 5.0
三、1.2倍根号2 2.根号三 3.14+4倍根号3 4.6 1.A 2.B 3.7.5 4.60° P22平移与旋转 一:AB 二:7.5 60 P23 6.(2)解:∵正△ABC ∴AB=BC 又∵△ABD由△ABC旋转 ∴△ABD≌△ABC ∴AB=BC=AD=DC ∴四边形ABCD为菱形 P25 1.A 2.C 3.12 4.2<a<10 5.4倍根号二 +2;根号二 +1 6.在◇ABCD中
AC平分∠BAD ∴∠BAC=60°÷2=30°
∵CE⊥AC ∴∠ACE=90°
∴四边形ADCE是梯形 又∵∠BAD=∠E
7.画平行四边形对角线的交点O,点O和圆心所在的直线即为所画 P33
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.66 5.28 6.75×10-80×9=30分 P21
1.D 2.B
4.2倍根号4 5.1
根号3 P30 1 AB 3 B 4 C 5.0/0(3,2)7 拉伸 8 4
31页 DBC
32页 BC 2 未知数-2 3 33页 DBA 18 24.5 34页 CDAB 60° 35页 ADB 50° 36页大于 六 175楼 P31 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 X=0.5 Y=-1 X=-3 Y=0 5 X=800 Y=500 P27.1.A 2.B 3.A 4.5.7 6.(1)A(1,4)B(-2,3)C(-3,0)D(3,0)(2)S四边形ABCD=(1×3÷2)×2+4+3×3 =3+4+9 =16 p26 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.4 5.3 6.5 7.8 8.25;根号二百三十一;13;17倍根号二百三十一 9.(1)3(2)0(3)12-2倍根号六(4)-14倍根号二 P28 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 1.5.6
2.3 5(1.5,0)(0,-3)增大 7(2)X:(-1.5,0)
(3)2.5(4)1.5(5)X为负数时 Y大于0 X为整数或0时,Y小于0
4.(1)(2)(5)(6)(2)5.(3分之2,0)(-3,0)增大 面积不知道对不对 6.(0,6)
一次函数(2)1.2.AD 3.-3
4.一二四象限 5.Y=2X+b
(2)1.2元每千克(3)50千克 P27 1.C 2.B 3.A
4.北偏西50°的500米处 5.7
6.(1)A(1,4)B(-2,3)C(-3,0)D(3,0)(2)8 P29 1 A 2 D 3-3 4 1.2.3 5 Y=2x+6 6 甲跑的快 1.5秒/米 7 10元 1.2元/千克 50千克
P53 ACBD 增大 100% 降水
P55 压力不变时,受力面积减小,压强增大。BBCCBD 受力面积 压强 490 增大 水的密度不变时,越深,水内部压强越大P571.B 2.A A 暖 40 高压 冷锋 晴朗干燥 甲乙 A
P59-60 1-4 BBAD 三.难溶 乳浊 水资源污染、海洋生物大量死亡 P61 BBCCD
P63-64 CCDB 非条件反射 无关 条件 睫状肌 脊髓 大脑皮层 小脑 P65 BD
P661.①水果导电性与它的酸性有关 ②水果导电性与它本身的质量无关 2.乙 避雷针 躲入建筑物内或就地蹲下
英语 happy1 一
what a melody(悦耳)song it is!what a fast boy he is!what a heavy girl she is!what a beautiful school it is!what a good boy he is!what a beatific(幸福)boy he is!二
is cleaned were taken is maken was showed are inviten wasn't gave was slolen;was found 三 turtle tiger japan Mexico tiger
sierra leone
better best havier heaviset more most older oldest bigger biggest more expensive most expensive more smart most smart better known best known more badly most badly less leas more carefully most carefully fewer fewest more slowy most slowy thinner thinnest more healthy most healthy more easily most easily hotter hoyyest oftener oftenest farer farest larger largest
p43 动词 过去式 过去分词 be was been
cook cooked cooked know knew known swim swan swam get got got
teach tought taught leave left left fell felt felt
smell smelt smelt drive drove driven run ran run
think thought thought keep kept kept buy bought bought begin began began do did done cost cost cost find found found throw threw throw stand stood stood speak spoke spoken come came come give gave given hear heard heard send sent sent hurt hurt hurt see saw seen steal stole stolen take took taken sleep slept slept sit sat sat meet met met
bring brought brought fly flew flown wake woke waken choose chose chosen lose lost lost read read read rise rose risen
wear wore worn
plan to do 计划做某事 He planned on taking his vacation in July.hope to do 希望做某事 We hope to see you soon.agree to do 同意做某事 No results found for agree to do.refuse to do 拒绝做某事 She asked him for a loan, but he refused.finish doing 完成某事(后面就不打某事..到时记得自己加上哈)Have you finished reading that magazine? enjoy dong 擅长....I enjoyed reading these books very much.practise doing 练习...I practise my swing.suggest doing 建议..I suggest our going to the park on Sunday admit doing.承认...I admitted breaking the window.deny doing否认...He denied having seen these watches before.arrange for 安排...I’ve arranged for a taxi.offer to do 提供They offered to help me like/love+doing喜欢..She likes playing the piano hate to do 遗憾...He hated to have quarrelled with her.hate to do 讨厌 He hated to have quarrelled with her.remember to do 记住去做某事 Do you remember her telephone number?
remember doing 记得做过某事 I remember telling you about it once.forget to do 忘记去做某事 I forgot posting the letter.forget doing 忘记做过某事 Don't forget to post the letter.P50
Early to bed Get up early to exercise every day To eat less fatty food and more milk.Do not eat too many sweet can cause obesity.In the case of hot weather drink plenty of water.Can not drink beverages,drink plenty of water.In the winter changes according to the right to add their own clothes to not cath a cold The eyes will not watch TV much,so choose the appropriate time watching TV.Playing games in not good for mental and physical,we need to less play.经过一番努力 45页,I feel interested because i have a dog
I feel relaxed because i finished my homework I feel pleased because i will go to travel I feel bored because i losed my phone I feel worried because i losed my phone I feel annoied because someone stole my wallet I feel frighten because i am alone at home I feel disappoint because i lost the game 左边
2.before you travel,you need to take enough money
3、....(一样).,you need to check local material 4...........,you need to bring clothes 右边
2.you need the local language
3.at the airport,remember not to look around 46页
英语书第二页的B1部分,按照顺序抄 英语P51.二
use early lives idea be
himself built worked hoped until P49-50
(二)only During energy more boys Drinking
Exercising /Exercise least relaxed pay
(一)1.use shopping bags 2.throw rubbish 3.ride bikes 4.save water 5.plant trees P41
(二)interested exciteing relaxing bore
pleased P47
一: Liquid solid gas
二: The earth The universe P48 shadow can change according to the sun.In the morning and at nightfall,it is long.In the middle of the day,it is short and dack.How interesting my shadow is.P44 1.Water is the surce of life, without food,we can live for several weeks, but there's no water ,we a few days later would die dehdration.We body more than two thirds of the part is water.2.Don't stay qpen , and left to turn off the tap.Wash your hands with water to boil small points.Face and brush your teeth to avoid using washbasin and caps.P44
1.Why is.....Water who is the fountain of life.No food, we can live several weeks, but no water, we die, we body two-thirds is water。
1.Why is.....Water who is the fountain of life.No food, we can live several weeks, but no water, we die, we body two-thirds is water。
2.How to.....Don't stay open faucet, people walk away to remember to turn off the tap.Wash your hands with water, try to open a small dot, face and brush your teeth can use basin.P44 1.Water who is the fountain of life.No food, we can live several weeks, but no water, we die, we body two-thirds is water。
rain water ice hail water vapor fog
Don't stay open faucet, people walk away to remember to turn off the tap.Wash your hands with water, try to open a small dot, face and brush your teeth can use basin.P44
1.Why is.....Water who is the fountain of life.No food, we can live several weeks, but no water, we die, we body two-thirds is water。
2.How to.....Don't stay open faucet, people walk away to remember to turn off the tap.Wash your hands with water, try to open a small dot, face and brush your teeth can use basin.3.How to protect...Have good habit, conveniently closed without faucet, don't litter and reduce factory sewage disposal.P44
1.Why is.....Water who is the fountain of life.No food, we can live several weeks, but no water, we die, we body two-thirds is water。2.How to.....Don't stay open faucet, people walk away to remember to turn off the tap.Wash your hands with water, try to open a small dot, face and brush your teeth can use basin.3.How to protect...Have good habit, conveniently closed without faucet, don't litter and reduce factory sewage disposal.历史 P73(2)
尼罗河定期泛滥--发达的农业---村落的形成---手工业....----尼罗河两岸的小国....---初步统一的古埃及国家----地跨...历史P74: 二.1.(1)图一,古埃及--象形文字,金字塔,太阳历(2)图二,古印度---佛教,阿拉伯数字
佛教是三大佛教最早创立的,宣扬―众生平等‖公元前后,传入中国 3.<汉莫拉比法典> 反映奴隶主拥有至高无上的地位 历史P75 2.1.图一 象形文字 图二 楔形文字 图三 甲骨文 2.生活中动物的形状、自然现象 3.说明人类走向了文明 3.尼罗河 BC3500 两河 BC3500 印度河 恒河 BC2500 长江、黄河 BC2070(2)促进农作物生长、土地肥沃、适合人类居住 历史P77: 2.穆--麦---信 耶--巴--忍 释-古印-佛...3.基督 佛
伊斯兰 4.(1)石制柱廓
(2)都是拱劵式结构 历史P81 筒车、清明上河图、交子、金刚经 3.书上127页
(2)战国、三国、元朝、清朝 4.儒家-孔子 道—老
墨家—墨子 法家-韩 兵家—孙子 筒车—唐 秧—宋
丝绸之路—汉 大运河—隋
文—汉文帝 贞观---唐太宗
开元盛世—唐玄宗 光武中兴—光武帝 辽—契丹 西夏—党项 金---女真 元—蒙古(3)
礼乐—周朝 郡县----秦朝 三省六部 –隋 行省—元
历史P83(1)两宋时期 三国两晋南北朝 五代十国
(2)秦朝---嬴政 隋朝--杨坚 元朝--铁木真 2.①张骞,大月氏,联络大月氏,共同夹击匈奴历史P84: 长安,两次
玄奘、印度(天竺)、求取佛经精义 P85
1-5 BCBBC 6-10 BCDAA
11-15 CDBCB 16-20 ABBCC 21-25 AACDA
26-30 AADBA 31-35 AACCA
36-40 DCACC 41-45 ABAAC 46-50 BDADA
51-55 CCABA 56-60 DCCCD 61-65 CDBCC 66-70 BBCDB 71-75 ACBDA
76-80 A A/D CAD 81-85 DDABA
86-90 ABBCD
1.true 2.secret 3.the tallest 4.interesting 5.worse 6.us 7.winner 8.herself 9.going10.the most beautiful 11.took 12.caught 13.will try 14.travelled 15.will have16.are playing 17.to save 18.to keep 19.happened fell 20.was playing 21.to be 22.telling 23.took 24.laugh 25.making 26.have , not eat 27.do 28.doesn’t rain 29.says30.telling 31.laugh 32.to eat 33.didn’t feel 34.comes35.will leave 36.rains 37.swimming38.not climb 39.are playing 40.humour 41.friendly 42.less 43.the best 44.heavier45.the most beautiful46.thinner47.singer 48.careless 49.helpful 50.buildings 51.interesting;interested52.goldfish53.mice54.slowly 55.worried 56.matches 57.danger 58.careless 59.helpful 60.friendly 61.our 62.better63.hearing64.difference65.mixed66.twice67.less 68.worse 69.tasty70.popular71.myself72.the most interesting 73.length 74.much 75.travels 76.to win 77.practicing playing78.drove 79.chatting 80.Taking 81.are having 82.to get 83.not to watch 84.more beautiful 85.taller 86.cheaper87.more88.heavier89.sing 90.playing 91.them 92.carefully 93.Don’t give;more 94.hunt 95.weighed 96.saying 97.play 98.gets 99.impossible 100.to look after 101.the most expensive 102.uncomfortable 103.brushes;teeth;twice 104.noise;noisy;noisily 105.weighs;weight 106.memories 107.ask;advice 108.diving;dangerous;swimming 109.minutes 110.good;well 111.died 112.to fly 113.living 114.born 115.moved 116.slowly 117.Hunters 118.to protect 119.was cooking;arrived 120.invitation 121.dangerous;danger 122.beginning 123.mainly 124.sadly 125.making 126.shines 127.quietly 128.importance 129.easily 130.northern 131.will bring 132.inviting 133.to choose 134.caught 135.burning 136.protected 137.didn’t catch 138.natural 139.including 140.harvesting 141.sleepy 142.sudden 143.foggy 144.piles 145.blowing 146.to read 147.covered 148.rain 149.sudden 150.will drop 151.to close 152.Luckily 153.sleepy 154.rang 155.brightly;sunny 156.worse 157.natural 158.to eat 159.not to study 160.angrily
Ⅰ1.drives;to 2.look out of 3.twice a week 4.near the end of 5.to keep healthy 6.brought in 7.in hospital 8.were having driving lessons 9.have three weeks off 10.has a good voice
Ⅱ1.places of interest 2.not any more 3.in front of 4.feel sick 5.got off 6.on the Interenet 7.by underground 8.join in 9.to keep fit 10.will arrive
Ⅲ 1.Unluckily 2.will take place 3.by himself 4.to keep fit 5.are different from 6.to teach herself 7.to bring in 8.believe 9.taking some photos 10.take the underground
Ⅳ 1.made a mistake 2.stands for 3.to pay someone to fix it 4.spelling the words wrong 5.filled with 6.is crazy about 7.attends lessons 8.Not only;but also 9.on the other side of 10.No problem
Ⅴ 1.look after himself 2.not;any more 3.on your own 4.for the first time 5.in danger 6.keeps crying 7.loos like 8.is made from 9.took away 10.in the future
Ⅵ 1.a bit 2.is covered in 3.will turn more cloudy 4.from morning till night 5.the rest 6.looks sleepy 7.in the thirties 8.a bit of 9.had a high fever 10.is full of
Ⅶ 1.washed away 2.was snowy 3 were trapped 4.turn off 5.at last 6.said to himself 7.will try my best 8.impossible 9.fell down 10.in fear
Ⅷ1.lost their lives 2.came down 3.crash into 4.find their way out 5.A moment of 6.thousands of 7.as soon as possible 8.won’t;at all
Ⅱ 1-5 CBCAB Ⅲ 1-5 ACCBB Ⅳ 1.inventions 2.printing 3.telephone 4.toilet 5.Waste 6.Illnesses 7.clean 8.autumn 9.glasses 10.forty-five/45
1.grows up 2.make friends with 3.some more 4.care about 5.crashed into 6.trust;tell lies 7.often slimes;says a bad word about 8.tells funny jokes;makes me laugh 9.also helpful;ready to;any time 10.tell them everything;keep it secret 11.gives his seat;in need 12.is;like;watching 13.On;ends earlier 14.more quickly;other students;the most quickly 15.the secrets to 16.finish;by yourselves 17.learn to how to 18.cost;is;each person 19.to go to;by underground 20.a beautiful flat with 21.football team needs 22.what the teacheres are talking about 23.have a good time 24.as big as 25.couldn’t believe my eyes 26.Near the end of each term 27.agreeing to wait for me 28.cheer for 29.so many places of interest 30.wait to get off 31.cut;into small pieces 32.tidy;right away 33.spent;putting up 34.shouldn’t be crazy about playing 35.had better 36.stand for 37.is putting up 38.make mistakes 39.not only;but also 40.broke down 41.cut out 42.instead of working 43.baby pandas weighed;at birth 44.make laws to protect 45.with;open 46.don’t act;be no pandas left 47.Sadly;wolves;fewer;fewer 48.never kill for fun 49.get lost;to go back 50.to take action 51.Because of the heavy snow 52.pity;fur;any more 53.writing report about;in danger 54.to get sick 55.move around slowly;daytime 56.In the beginning 57.As a result 58.not only;but alse 59.not;any more 60.live on 61.take action to protect wildlife right away 62.face serious problems 63.wolves are dangerous to people 64.lost their lives 65.live alone 66.They may become dishes on the table any time 67.have pity on 68.to count describe 69.speak more slowly;clearly 70.become a member of 71.all year round;while;for a short stay 72.heard someone singing 73.singers;make beautiful sounds 74.writers;include birds;poems 75.part of our lives 76.make more space for 77.provide;for 78.provides an important living area for giant pandas;79.will lead to less and less 80.in order to 81.are facing many problems 82.turn brown 83.the best time to ski 84.cover her face with a scarf 85.are busy harvesting crops 86.were kicking the ball 87.How’s the weather;88.flying a kite 89.was covered with 90.Bring me 91.fell into piles upon the ground 92.drop to 93.stay above zero;dropped below zero 94.with nothing on 95.fly far away to find 96.throw snowballs at each other 97.make snowmen 98.playing outside in winter 99.the perfect time to play football outside 100.go swimming and eat ice cream 101.flood washed;away 102.hurried;bricks and stones 103.broke down 104.went through;frightened 105.was doing;to go home early 106.crashed;both;died 107.in all directions 108.saying to himself 109.tried their best to save him 110.Because of;had nothing to eat 111.was a lot of traffic;hit last night 112.More than 200 people lost their lives in that earthquake 113.They told themselves to calm down since they were still alive 114.caught fire 115.are busying clearing the snow from the streets 116.forgot to bring 117.looked at each other in fear
(五)8B Unit 2 Travelling Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 【当堂巩固】
1.Is there anything special 2.I have been to 3.are going;going to 4.be helpful to 5.is in Australian 6.is from the story 7.I am excited
(六)8B Unit
Reading I 【当堂巩固】
一、1.travelling 2.speed 3.magic 4.pie 5.cartoon 6.rode;riding
二、1.chased;stopping taking photos 2.best time of the day 3.bought;moved at high speed 4.have great fun 5.a pair of for
(七)8B Unit 2 Reading 2 重点短语:
1.move at high speed 2.hurry to 3.take photos 4.on the way 5.such as.6.a couple of 7.At the end of 8.enjoy oneself 9 later in the afternoon 10.cannot stop doing sth
11.My parents and I have been in Hongkong for two days.12.It was the best time of the day.13.I’m sure you will love them.14.I know you have gone to Hainan Step 2.Language points: 1.left, How long has 2.has been, has gone 3.have a fantastic time 4.at high speed, at a/ the speed of.ride,rode 5.excited,exciting, exciting 6.hurry to move away the bricks 7.on the way,on the way such as 9.can’t stop laughing 10.a couple of 11.are sure 12.at the end of
1.End 2.couple 3.magic 4.fantastic 5.speed
1.in a hurry 2.at the end of
3.am sure to play 4.will not stop to learn 5.such as
(八)8B Unit 2 Travelling
Grammar 【当堂巩固】
一、用have gone to / have been to / have been in 填空。
1.Have been to
2.have been to
3.have been in
4.has gone to
5.have been in ,have gone to
6.have gone to
(1)has kept , for one year
(2)has kept,since yesterday
(3)has been, since three days ago
(4)has been married since last month