目 录
第一章 风土人情
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二章 故事
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三章 百科小知识
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四章 人物
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五章 社会热点
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六章 心灵感悟
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七章 文娱体育
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第八章 饮食健康
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第九章 文化教育
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第十章 自然与环境
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第十一章 幽默小品
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第十二章 世界各地
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第十三章 学校、家庭、生活
第一单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第二单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第三单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第四单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第五单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第六单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第七单元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.第一章 风土人情 第一单元
Today in the USA, it is Father’s Day.Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers.Every father in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children.The gift doesn’t have to be big or expensive.It just has to be something that shows love.This gift is to let the father know how special he is and how important he is in the family.The gift may be just a simple sentence.But it is really very important.Being a father is hard today, they have to do a lot of things.And in the USA we try to let them know just how special they are.It is very important to let each father know, without him, life will be very sad.总词汇量:135 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).on the third Sunday of June 在六月的第三个周日 2).special 特别的 3).without 没有、无
Men can’t live without air.没有空气人就不能活。4).have to / has to 不得不
I have to stay at home today.今天我不得不呆在家。【阅读思考】
()1.Father’s Day is on _________.A.the third Sunday of June B.the third Saturday of June C.the third Sunday of July D.the third Saturday of July()2._________ in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children on Father’s Day.A.Some of the fathers B.Every father C.Every mother D.Every one()3.The gift __________.A.should be very big.B.should be very expensive C.shows love to the father D.is only from the children()4.Which of the following is wrong(错误的)? A.Being a father is very easy today.B.Fathers are special.C.Fathers have to do a lot of things.D.Without fathers , life will be sad.()5.Which is the best title(标题)of the passage? A.Fathers B.Gifts C.Father’s Day in the USA D.When is Father’s Day? 【答案简析】 1.A.由此句确定答案:Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers.2.B.由第一段的最后一句确定答案:Every father in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children.3.C.由这2句确定答案:The gift doesn’t have to be big or expensive.It just has to be something that shows love.4.A.由以下句子确定答案:This gift is to let the father know how special he is and how important he is in the family.Being a father is hard today, they have to do a lot of things 5.C.很明显短文是关于父亲节的主题。
Christmas is December 25th.It is the most important holiday in the USA.People like to send Christmas cards to their friends and they buy gifts for their family and friends before Christmas.Christmas Day is a day for family to get together.The family come together and sit down to have meals in the afternoon.Children are very happy on that day, and they can get many gifts.Christmas is a time for Santa Claus, stars, and singing carols(颂歌).A time for ornaments(装饰品), gifts, and twinkling(闪烁的)lights.总词汇量:103 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类似于我国过春节。1).Christmas / Christmas Day 圣诞节
2).the most important holiday 最重要的节日 3).send„to„ 把„„ 送给„„
They often send me some books.他们经常给我送些书。4).get together 聚会
5).Santa Claus / Father Christmas 圣诞老人 【对照欣赏】
1.Christmas Day is a day for family to get together.a day for„ 是„„的一天,很有用的一个结构。2.Christmas is a time for Santa Claus„.a time for„ 是„..的时间,其结构和上面a day for„相同。应该熟悉这种结构。
第二单元 A篇
In China, Chinese New Year’s Day is the Spring Festival.It comes in the second month of the year.Everyone in China likes it very much, Children help their parents do much housework.They make dumplings on that day, but there are New Year’s cakes and some other food, too.Li Hua thinks dumplings are nicer than New Year’s cakes.But Li Lei likes New Year’s cakes a lot.Chinese people eat them at home.They are very happy.(总词汇量:79 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).Spring Festival 春节
2).the second month of the year 一年中的第二个月 3).nicer 更好吃、更好看
This cake is nicer than that one.这块蛋糕比那块好吃。This picture is nicer than that one.这张画比那张漂亮。【阅读思考】
()1.Chinese New Year’s Day ________.A.comes on the first month of the year B.is the Spring Festival in China C.comes on the first day of January(一月)D.comes on the first day of February(二月)
()2._______ in China likes Spring Festival very much.A.Boys B.Girls C.Parents D.Everyone()3.Who does the housework? A.Mother B.Father C.Children D.All of the above()4.Who likes New Year’s cakes a lot?
A.Li Lei B.Li Hua C.Li Hua and Li Lei D.All the people()5.What’s the Chinese for Spring Festival?
A.元旦 B.春节 C.春季 D.节日 【答案简析】
1.B.由短文的前2句确定答案:In China, Chinese New Year’s Day is the Spring Festival.It comes in the second month of the year.2.D.由此句确定答案:Everyone in China likes it very much.3.D.由此句判断是全家一起做家务:Children help their parents do much housework.4.A.由此句确定答案:But Li Lei likes New Year’s cakes a lot.5.B.由短文信息猜测Spring Festival是春节。
Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer(提供)thanks, of family gatherings(相聚)and holiday meals.A time of turkeys and pumpkin pie.A time for Indian corn, holiday parades(游行)and giant balloons(气球).Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.In many parts of the world a day is set(规定)to give thanks.The date and customs(风俗)may be different from country to country, but the desire(愿望)to take time to reflect on life's blessings(祝福)remains(持续)the same.In the United States, It is a time for family, food, and marks the unofficial(非法定的)beginning to the winter holiday season.总词汇量:140 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
每年十一月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节在美国文化中,是相当重要的一个传统节日,重要性大概仅次于圣诞节。每年到了这个时候,街上处处可见游行庆祝的人潮和大大的充气汽球,十分的热闹!而感恩节的由来,主要是沿袭早期清教徒移民,丰收后感谢上帝的庆典活动而来。火鸡、玉米和番瓜正是感恩节的代表食物。1).Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 2).turkeys 火鸡
3).pumpkin pie 南瓜饼 4).celebrate 庆祝
How will you celebrate your birthday? 你将怎么庆祝你的生日?
5).in many parts of the world 在世界上的很多地方 【对照欣赏】
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.In many parts of the world a day is set(规定)to give thanks.The date and customs(风俗)may be different from country to country.以上三句建议熟悉,是应该背诵的句子。
第三单元 A篇
In many English homes, people eat four meals a day, breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat porridge, eggs, or bread.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one clock in the afternoon.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about half past seven.First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.But not all English people like that.Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and all these meals are very simple(简单).(总词汇量:127 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).at any time from seven to nine 从7点到9点的任何时间 2).after that 之后
3).not all English people 不是所有的英国人 【阅读思考】
()1.Many English people have ______ meals a day.A.two B.three C.four D.I don’t know()2.They have breakfast ________.A.at seven B.at seven thirty C.at nine D.at any time from seven to nine.()3.Tea time is __________.A.in the afternoon B.in the morning C.at noon D.in the evening
()4.What do they have for dinner? A.Meat or fish with vegetables B.Porridge C.Soup D.A and C()5.Which is the main idea of the passage? A.What do English people eat? B.Meals C.A big dinner D.English meals 【答案简析】 1.C.由短文第一句确定答案:In many English homes, people eat four meals a day.2.D.由此句确定答案:People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.3.A.由此句确定答案:Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon.4.D.由此句确定答案:First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables.5.D.整篇短文是在谈论英国人一天里的几顿饭的情况,中心不是谈论他们吃什么。
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls(来临)on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month(太阴月), usually in October in Gregorian calendar(阳历).People in different places follow(遵循)different customs, but all show their love and longing(渴望)for a better life.Today people will enjoy(欣赏)the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.The moon looks very round, big and bright on the 15th day of each lunar month.People selected(选择)the August 15 to celebrate because it is a season(季节)when crops(庄稼)and fruits are all ripe(成熟)and weather pleasant(舒适的).On the Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members or friends meet outside, putting food on tables and looking up at the sky while talking about life.What a happy moment it is!(总词汇量:168 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 2).lunar month 太阴月(约29.5日)3).customs 风俗
4).moment 片刻、瞬间 【对照欣赏】
1.But all show their love and longing(渴望)for a better life.show their love 表达他们的爱 long for 渴望
2.What a happy moment it is!感叹句,多幸福的时刻!
第四单元 A篇
Homes and families: Many British(英国的)people live in houses, not flats(公寓), most houses have gardens.Daily life: Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon.Most people don’t go home for lunch, they have a quick meal.School life: Children start school at about nine a.m, and finish at about three thirty p.m.Most children have lunch at school.All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen.Shops: Most shops open at about nine a.m and close at about six p.m.Usually, they don’t close for lunch.总词汇量:122 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).British 大不列颠的, 英国的, 英国人 British people 英国人 2).daily life 日常生活 3).a quick meal 快餐 【阅读思考】
()1.Many English people live in ________.A.flats B.gardens C.parks D.houses()2.Most office workers _______.A.start work at eight in the morning
B.have lunch at home C.finish work at about five or six D.have a quick meal in the evening()3.________ open at nine a.m.A.Every shop B.Many shops C.Most shops D.All the shops()4.Which of the following is right? A.Children start school at about nine a.m.B.Children finish school at five thirty p.m.C.Children go to school when they are five years old.D.Children leave school when they are sixteen.()5.Which is the best title(标题)of the passage? A.Schools in England B.Life in England C.Families in England D.Shops in England 【答案简析】 1.D.由此句确定答案:Many British people live in houses, not flats, most houses have gardens.2.C.由daily life 一段中的信息来确定答案。
3.C.由此句确定答案:Most shops open at about nine a.m and close at about six p.m.4.A.根据School life短文中的信息,只有A符合原文。B, C, D都和原文有出入。5.B.短文讲述了homes and families, daily life, school life, shops这四方面的信息,所以主题应该是有关英国生活。
When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left.Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy.Traffic is the most dangerous then.When you go by bus in England, you have to be very careful, too.Always remember the traffic moves on the left.So you must be careful.Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.(总词汇量:101 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).traffic 交通 2).cross 穿过
Don’t cross the street now.现在不要穿越马路。3).come back from work 下班回家 4).the most dangerous 最危险的 5).remember 记住
You must look to the right first and then the left.Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.以上两句建议做到熟记。
第五单元 A篇
American people like to say “Thank you” when other people help them or say something kind to them.People of many countries do so, too.It's a very good habit(习惯)。
You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.“Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use.When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past(越过)you and doesn't want to hit(撞到)you.It's not polite to break(打断)others when they are talking.If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin to talk.You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽)or make any noise before others.Let's all learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”
(总词汇量:177 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).not only„ but also„ 不但„„而且„„
She is not only our teacher but also our friend.她不但是我们的老师而且是我们的朋友。
2).It's not polite to do„ 做„„很没礼貌 原文中:It's not polite to break others when they are talking.当别人说话时打断别人是不礼貌的。3).make noise 制造噪音
Don’t make any noise!不要制造任何噪音了!【阅读思考】
()1.When someone says something kind to you, you should say _________.A.Thank you B.Sorry C.Excuse me D.Don’t do say that()2.When do we use “Thank you” ?
A.When someone says you do your work well.B.When someone passes you the salt on the table.C.When someone says your city is very beautiful.D.All of the above.()3.“Thank you” is needed between _______.A.friends B.parents and children C.brothers and sisters D.all of the above()4.When do we use “Excuse me”?
A.When someone says you buy a nice thing.B.When you want to cough before others.C.When you want to walk past the others.D.B and C()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.Saying “Thank you” is a good habit.B.“Thank you” is only used between friends.C.If you want to walk past someone, you should say “Excuse me”.D.People of many countries like to say “Thank you”.【答案简析】
1.A.由此句确定答案:American people like to say “Thank you” when other people help them or say something kind to them.2.D.由以下信息确定答案:You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.3.D.由此句确定答案:“Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.4.D.由以下信息确定答案;“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use.When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you and doesn't want to hit you.You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽)or make any noise before others.5.B.选项B与原文此句有出入:“Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.B篇
Spring is a time for new life.Flowers begin to bloom(盛开)after the long winter.Birds begin to build nests(窝)to
lay their eggs in.In forests and fields, many animals have babies this time of year.Days begin to get longer and the sun gets warmer.People begin to enjoy the outdoors and all the beautiful weather of spring.The most important holiday in spring, especially(尤其)for Christians(基督徒), is Easter.This holiday is not on the same day every year, but it’s always on a Sunday.It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25.Many people celebrate(庆祝)Easter by buying new clothes.Children celebrate by looking for colored eggs.People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies(糕饼)to one another to celebrate the day.But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat.On Easter, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection(复活)from the dead.(总词汇量:183 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
在欧美各国,复活节是仅次于圣诞节的重大节日。按《圣经·马太福音》的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。根据西方教会的传统,在春分节(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月之后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东方教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间。1).lay 产蛋
2).get 在本文中为系动词:变得,get longer 变得更长 3).filled 装满的
4).one another 相互、彼此,指三人以上;each other:相互、彼此,指两人之间 【对照欣赏】
Spring is a time for new life.People begin to enjoy the outdoors and all the beautiful weather of spring.15
But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat.建议熟记以上三句。
第六单元 A篇
In England, people don't usually talk very much.You can get on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window.Often they read.They read books and paper.But they don't talk much.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather.So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”
“But it was a little cold yesterday,” someone may answer.“But it got a little warmer later!” You can say.Talk like this, and the English will think, “How friendly you are!”(总词汇量:101 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).talk about 谈论
Let’s talk about something about computer games.我们来谈论电脑游戏的事吧。2).weather 天气 3).later 后来 【阅读思考】
()1.In ______ people don’t usually talk much.A.English B.England C.America D.Japan()2.When they get on a bus or a train, everyone _____.A.talks with each other B.stands on the bus C.looks out of the window D.all of the above()3.When you meet English people, they often talk one thing, what is it? A.Health B.School C.Children D.Weather()4.When you meet someone in England, you can say _____.A.How old are you? B.What’s your name?
C.Nice weather for the time of year!D.How are you?()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.In England people usually talk much on a bus.B.If you meet someone and you talk about the weather, they will think you are friendly.C.When English people get on a bus, they usually read.16
D.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather.【答案简析】
1.B.由此句确定答案:In England, people don't usually talk very much.2.C.由此句确定答案:You can get on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window.3.D.由此句确定答案:When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather.4.C.由此句确定答案:So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!” 一般年龄、名字是不便于直接问的,这样不礼貌。
5.A.选项A与原文此句有出入:In England, people don't usually talk very much.B篇
In many big cities of foreign countries, you will see street performances(表演)when you walk in the shopping streets or in the markets(市场)on holidays.Some performers(表演者)play the guitars or the drums(鼓), some dance to music, and some ask the spectators(观众)to join(加入)the show.Some performers are standing still in special make-up, but they will act when you give the tip(小费).They all put boxes on the ground and wait for visitors' tips.In this way, they do for their livings, interests or just to practice playing in front of people.(总词汇量:123 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).guitar 吉他
2).show 本文词性为名词:表演 3).make-up 打扮
文中:in special make-up 乔装打扮起来 【对照欣赏】
In this way, they do for their livings, interests or just to practice playing in front of people.其中in this way,以这种方式。practice playing in front of people,练习在众人面前表演,建议熟记此句。
第七单元 A篇
Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers.It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States, England, India and some other countries.In a short time, it becomes widely celebrated.Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May, On that day, many people send gifts(礼物)of love to their mothers.The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia(费城).As a result of her hard work, the celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held(举办)in Philadelphia on May 10,1908.Soon the holiday became popular all over the U.S A, and around the world.In China.people do the same on the day for mothers.In some cities, people sometimes ask a song to be broadcasted(广播)on the radio for his or her mother only.This may cost(花费)a little money, but as it is said.“love is invaluable(无价的).”
(总词汇量:174 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
现代意义上的母亲节起源于美国,由Anna Jarvis(1864-1948)发起,她终身未婚,一直陪伴在她母亲身边,她的母亲于1905年逝世,Anna 悲痛欲绝,两年后(1907年),Anna 和她的朋友开始写信给有影响的部长、商人、议员来寻求支持,以便让母亲节成为一个法定的节日。Anna 认为子女经常忽视了对母亲的感情,她希望母亲节能够让人多想一想母亲为家庭所付出的一切。
1).The idea of a day for mothers was first given by„ 句中was given是被动语态:被给出„„
2).as a result of 作为...的结果; 由于...文中:As a result of her hard work 由于她的努力
3).ask a song to be broadcasted(广播)on the radio 在收音机上点播歌曲 【阅读思考】
()1.Which country is not mentioned(提到)in the passage?
A.China B.Japan C.India D.England()2.Which day is Mother’s Day? A.The second Saturday of May B.The second Sunday of May C.The second Saturday of March D.The second Sunday of March()3.The first American Mother’s Day was held in ______.A.1908 B.1918 C.1809 D.1890()4.Do Chinese people celebrate Mother’s Day? A.Yes, they are.B.Yes, they do.C.No, they aren’t.D.No, they don’t.()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.In China people do the same on Mother’s Day for mothers.B.The first American Mother’s Day was held in Philadelphia.C.The first American Mother’s Day was held on May 10, 1918.D.On that day, many people send gifts(礼物)of love to their mothers.【答案简析】
1.B.由以下信息得知,日本没有在短文中出现:It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States, England, India and some other countries.In China.people do the same on the day for mothers.2.B.有此句确定答案:Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May, 3.A.由此句确定答案:As a result of her hard work, the celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held(举办)in Philadelphia on May 10,1908.4.B.由此句确定答案:In China.people do the same on the day for mothers.5.C.选项C的时间与原文此句中的时间有出入:As a result of her hard work, the celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held(举办)in Philadelphia on May 10,1908.B篇
Would you like to fly in the sky? Do you try to fly like a bird? Do you dream to be like a parachutist(跳伞者)? Do you want to have an experience of flying high? Look!You don't need to join the army(军队).Just come to try the paraglider(滑翔伞).In Thailand, the paraglider is one of the most popular water sports.After you are well-equipped, you will be quickly raised up above the water by a speedboat(高速游艇).In a minute, you 19
will be flying in the high sky.At that time all you can do is just enjoy the feeling of lightness(轻盈).How wonderful it is!(总词汇量:132 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).dream 本文是动词,做梦 2).experience 体验 3).Thailand 泰国 4).well-equipped 做好滑翔前的准备(指坐滑翔伞时为了安全必须做好的一系列准备工作)【对照欣赏】
Do you want to have an experience of flying high? 其中have an experience of,有一次„„的体验。
At that time all you can do is just enjoy the feeling of lightness(轻盈).其中enjoy the feeling of,享受„„的感觉。
第二章 故事 第一单元 A篇
It’s time to go home now.I’m in a bus on a rainy day, and a woman with a dog gets on the bus.It’s a big dog, and its feet are not clean.I don’t want the dog to sit near me.But the woman says to the conductor(乘务员),“Oh, I pay(付钱)for my dog.Can he sit here like the other people?”
The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”(总词汇量:94 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).rainy 下雨的 2).get on 上车 get off 下车
3).pay for 付„„的钱
Let me pay for the apples.让我来付苹果钱吧。【阅读思考】
()1.It’s a _________ day.A.rainy B.fine C.windy D.sunny()2.The dog is _______.A.small B.big C.clean D.fat()3.The story happened(发生)______.A.in the street B.at home C.on the bus D.in the park()4.The woman wants her dog ________.A.to sit on the chair B.to run on the bus C.to sit near the conductor D.to stand on the bus()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.The dog is the woman’s.B.The dog’s feet are dirty(脏的).C.The dog has a seat at last(最后).D.The conductor doesn’t want the dog to have a seat.【答案简析】
1.A.由此句确定答案:I’m in a bus on a rainy day.2.B.由此句确定答案:It’s a big dog.3.C.由这两句断定故事发生在公共汽车上:It’s time to go home now.I’m in a bus on a rainy day.4.A.由此句知道那位妇女的意图:“Oh, I pay(付钱)for my dog.Can he sit here like the other people?”
5.C.由售票员的这句话断定他不愿意让狗坐在座位上:“Yes, but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”
A man is sitting by the road eating a sandwich.A policeman comes to him.The man gets up at once and runs down the road.The policeman runs after him.The man runs very fast and the policeman runs faster.After a few minutes, the policeman catches him.“Why are you running?” says the policeman.“You must be a bad man if you run like that when you see a policeman.” “No, no, ” says the man.“ I’m not a bad man.I’m just too fat, you see.The doctor says I must always run very fast after eating.”
“I see,” says the policeman, “You are running to help get thinner.” Then the fat policeman runs after the man.(总词汇量:120 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).at once 立刻 2).faster 更快
3).after a few minutes 几分钟过后 4).get thinner 变得瘦点 【对照欣赏】
“你为什么跑?”警察问。“如果你一看到警察就那样跑,说明你肯定是个坏人。” “不,不,”这个人说。“我不是坏人,你看,我只是太胖了。医生说我应该在吃完东西后跑一跑。”
1.You must be a bad man„ must be„肯定„ He must be at home now.现在他肯定在家。2.You are running to help get thinner.请熟悉这两句的表达方式。
第二单元 A篇
Dick is seven years old, and his sister is five.One day, their mother takes them to their uncle’s house to play and then she goes to buy something.The children play for an hour, and then at about four in the afternoon, his aunt gives Dick a nice cake and a knife and says to him, “Now here’s a knife, Dick.Cut(切)this cake into two pieces and give one piece to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman(有礼貌的人).”
“Like a gentleman?” Dick asks.“How do gentlemen do it?”
“They always give the bigger(大一些的)piece to others.” His aunt answers.“Oh, I see.” he says.Then he gives the cake to his sister and says to her, “Please cut it into two pieces like a gentleman, Mary.”
(总词汇量:148 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).take„ to „ 带„„去„„
I want to take you to the zoo.我想带你去动物园。2).cut „ into„ 把„„切成„„
Please cut the cake into two halves(半,复数).请把蛋糕从中间切开。
3).remember to do 记着做„„
Remember to close the door when you leave.你离开的时候记着把门关上。【阅读思考】
()1.Who goes to buy something? A.Dick B.Dick’s sister
C.Dick’s mother
D.Dick’s aunt()2.Who gives Dick a nice cake? A.Dick’s mother
B.Dick’s uncle C.Dick’s sister
D.Dick’s aunt()3.Dick’s aunt wants Dick to_______.A.cut the cake into three pieces B.eat the cake C.give the cake to Mary D.give the bigger piece to Mary()4.Does Dick cut the cake himself? A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.His sister D.His aunt()5.Which of the following is right? A.Dick’s sister is seven.B.Dick’s mother gives him a cake.C.Dick wants to eat the bigger piece.D.Dick doesn’t want to eat the cake.【答案简析】 1.C.由此句确定答案:One day, their mother takes them to their uncle’s house to play and then she goes to buy something.2.D.由此句断定答案:his aunt gives Dick a nice cake and a knife 3.D.由Dick和他的aunt以下对话得知答案:
“but remember to do it like a gentleman”(有礼貌的人).” “Like a gentleman?” Dick asks.“How do gentlemen do it?” “They always give the bigger(大一些的)piece to others.4.B.Dick想吃大块的蛋糕,所以他让他的妹妹来切蛋糕。5.C.当他得知绅士都是把大的让给别人,他就让他妹妹切蛋糕 这一举动断定Dick想吃大块的蛋糕。
There are many mice(pl.老鼠,单数为mouse)in a house.The man of the house gets a cat.The cat catches many of the mice.Then the oldest mouse says, “All the mice must come to my hole tonight.Let’s put our heads together and think what we can do about this cat.”
All the mice come.Many mice speak, but no one knows what to do.At last a young mouse stands up and says, “we must put
a bell on the cat.When the cat comes near, we shall then hear the bell and run away.So the cat will not catch any more of us.”
Then the old mouse asks, “Who will put the bell on the cat? ”
No mouse answers.At last the old mouse says, “It is easy to say things, but it is hard to do them.总词汇量:150 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).mice 老鼠(复数)。mouse 老鼠(单数)。2).the oldest mouse 最年长的老鼠 3).at last 最后 4).run away 逃跑
5).It’s + adj(形容词)+ to do 做„„(难、容易„„)It’s hard to do it like that.象那样做很难。
It’s dangerous to cross the street now.现在穿越马路很危险。
老老鼠问:“谁去给猫戴铃铛呢?” 老鼠们都不吭气了。最后,老老鼠说:“说起来容易做起来难呀!” 【妙句点评】
“It is easy to say things,but it is hard to do them.这是我们常说的那句谚语:“说起来容易做起来难!”
第三单元 A篇
Mr.White and Mrs.White quarrel(争吵)with each other at home.So they are angry(生气)with each other.They don't speak to each other at all.One evening, Mr.White is very tired when he comes back from work.So he goes to bed early after supper.But he wants to get up early next morning, he writes some words on a piece of paper, and puts it on the table near his wife's bed.Mrs.White washes the supper things and does some cleaning.She goes to bed very late.Suddenly she finds a piece of paper on the table.It says, “Mother„wake me up at 7: 00 a.m.„Father.”
When Mr.White gets up in the morning, it is very late.He sees another piece of paper on the table.It says, “Father„get up, it is 7:00 a.m.„Mother.”
(总词汇量:148 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).quarrel with sb 与某人争吵 2).be angry with sb 生某人的气 He is angry with me.他在生我的气。3).suddenly 突然
4).wake sb up 把某人叫醒
Please wake me up at 7:30.请在7:30把我叫醒。【阅读思考】
()1.Mr.white and Mrs.White are__________.A.friendly to each other B.wife and husband C.friends D.30 years old()2.Mr.white and Mrs.White __________.A.like to talk with each other B.love each other very much C.are angry with each other D.often have a walk after supper()3.One evening, Mr.White _________.A.is not very tired B.goes to bed very late C.talks a lot with his wife D.writes some words on a piece of paper()4.Mrs.White__________.A.has a walk after supper B.goes to bed very early C.finds a piece of paper on the table D.does the cleaning with her husband()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.Mr.White wants to get up at 7: 00 in the morning.B.Mr.White gets up after 7: 00 in the morning.C.Mrs.White wakes her husband up in the morning.D.Mrs.White finds a piece of paper on the table.【答案简析】
2.C.由文章的前3句来确定答案:Mr.White and Mrs.White quarrel(争吵)with each other at home.So they are angry(生气)with each other.They don't speak to each other at all.3.D.由这2句确定答案:he writes some words on a piece of paper, and puts it on the table near his wife's bed.4.C.由此句确定答案:Suddenly she finds a piece of paper on the table.5.C.从短文最后一段得知,怀特夫人没有按时叫醒她的丈夫,而是只在纸条上写了:„„7点了,该起床了!所以,怀特先生起床时已经早过7点了。
A young man and an old man are walking in the park.The old man is behind the young man.There is a chair in front of the young man.The old man is very glad to see the chair.He isn't very strong.He is going to sit on the chair for a moment.He walks to the chair.He sees the young man walking to it, too.So he begins to run.Now he is in front of the young man.The young man says, “Don’t sit on that chair!” The old man doesn’t listen to him.He is sitting on it happily.The young man comes over to him.He is holding a small board(木板)in his hand.It says, “ Wet Paint.” 总词汇量:127 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).in front of 在„„的前面
There is a car in front of the house.房子前面有辆车。2).be glad to do 很高兴做„„
I’m very glad to have a talk with you.能和你交谈我非常高兴。
3).be going to 准备做„„(表示一般将来时)
We are going to visit the Great Wall.我们准备去参观长城。【对照欣赏】
He sees the young man walking to it, too.此句中的see sb doing 是一个应该熟记的句式。Wet Paint.这个标志牌上的语言也应熟悉。
第四单元 A篇
It is 1985.A little boy is at the beach(海滩)with his parents.He is six years old.The boy is playing near the water.He walks into the water.His parents aren’t watching him.The water is over the boy’s head!A woman sees the boy.The woman’s name is Mrs.King.Mrs.King picks up the boy.She carries him to his parents.“ Thanks!” The boy’s parents say.It’s 1995—ten years later.The boy is at the same beach.He is 16 years old now.He is big and strong.He is a good swimmer.A man is in the water.The man can’t swim.“Help!Help!” the man says.The boy runs into the water.He swims to the man.He pulls the man to the beach.“Thank you!Thank you!” The man says.Who is the man? His name is Mr.King.He is Mrs.King’s husband.(总词汇量:160 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).over, 越过;在......上面;结束。
本文指越过,The water is over the boy’s head!水越过了孩子的头。
2).pick up.拿起,用手拿起、捡起(某物): pick up a book 捡起一本书
本文中:Mrs.King picks up the boy.金夫人用手抓起那个男孩。3).pull 拉
to pull the door open 把门拉开 【阅读思考】
()1.Who takes the boy to the beach? A.His mother B.His father C.His father and mother D.Mrs.King()2.Who saves(救)the boy? A.A man B.A woman C.His mother D.His parents()3.In 1985, _______ A.a man is in the water, and he can’t swim.B.the boy is playing near the water.C.the boy is big and strong.D.the boy swims to Mr.King.()4.In 1995, _______ A.the boy pulls the man to the beach.B.the boy can’t swim.C.Mr.King can swim well.D.Mrs.King picks up the boy.()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.In 1985, the boy can’t swim.B.In 1985, the boy’s parents says“Thanks ”to Mr.King.C.In 1995, Mr.King says“Thanks ”to the boy.D.In 1985, Mrs.King saves the boy, and in 1995, the boy saves Mrs.King’s husband.【答案简析】
1.C.根据文中此句确定答案:A little boy is at the beach with his parents.2.B.根据文中这2句确定答案:Mrs.King picks up the boy.She carries him to his parents.3.B.原文中有此句,请看文章第二段的第一句。A、C、D都是1995年的信息。
4.A.根据文中这几句确定答案:The boy runs into the water.He swims to the man.He pulls the man to the beach.5.B.根据文中这几句确定答案:Mrs.King picks up the boy.She carries him to his parents.“ Thanks!” The boy’s parents say.1985年是Mrs.King救了小男 孩,而在10年后,当年的男孩又碰巧救了Mrs.King 的丈夫。
It’s Autumn.A young man is taking a walk after supper.On his right there is a big river.On his left there is a big forest(森林).Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him in the forest.It’s a tiger!It’s getting ready to jump on him.He’s in danger(危险)now.What can he do? He must jump into the river at once, but in the river there’s a big crocodile(鄂鱼).Its big mouth is open now.The young man closes his eyes.He thinks he is sure to die(死).The tiger jumps over him.The young man opens his eyes.“ Am I dead now? No, I’m not dead.But where’s the tiger?” The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile!(总词汇量:139 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).on one’s right / left 在某人的右边、左边 2).see sb doing 看见某人在做„„
We see the boy crying at the school gate.我们看见那个男孩正在学校门口哭。
3).get ready to do„准备好要做„„
They are getting ready to visit the Great Wall.他们准备好要去参观长城。
4).be in danger 处于危险中
The little girl is in danger.那个小女孩正处于危险中。5).be sure to„一定,必定
Be sure to come at 9:00.请一定在9点钟到。【对照欣赏】
1).On his right there is a big river.On his left there is a big forest.on one’s left / right在某人的左边/ 右边,在描述方位时会经常用到,应熟记。
2).He thinks he is sure to die.这是很好的一个句子结构,be sure to do,在平时的学习中试着运用它吧。
第五单元 A篇
Wang Lin is from Shenyang.Frank is from America.They’re both in No.2 Middle School.Now, they’re in their English teacher Mr.Green’s room.You can find many, many English books on the bookshelf(书架).Wang Lin and Frank want to ask some questions.There are some apples, oranges, a cup of tea and two bottles of orange on the table.After that, Mr.Green gives them something to drink and eat.They like these things, but it’s time to go to the classroom.They must go now, so they put the food and drink on the table again.(总词汇量:100 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)
1).be from 来自于„„ 同意短语:come from She is from London./ She comes from London.她来自伦敦。2).It’s time to do„ 该做„„
It’s time to play football.该去踢足球了。【阅读思考】
()1.Frank is _________.A.English B.American C.Chinese D.Australian()2.Where is Frank now? A.In Shenyang.B.In America.C.In Beijing.D.I don’t know.()3.They go to Mr.Green’s room to _______.A.borrow some books B.have a drink C.eat some apples D.ask some questions()4.Mr.Green ______.A.is an English teacher B.gives them some cakes C.is in the classroom now D.is Frank’s father.()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.Mr.Green teaches in No 2 Middle School.B.Mr.Green gives them something to eat and drink.C.Wang Lin and Frank eat an apple and have a cup of tea each.D.They have no time to eat and drink.【答案简析】
1.B.由此句确定答案:Frank is from America.2.D.由以下两句只知道他们分别来自于沈阳、美国,但是文中没有交待他们现在在哪里。Wang Lin is from Shenyang.Frank is from America.3.D.由此句确定答案;Wang Lin and Frank want to ask some questions.4.A.由此句确定答案:Now, they’re in their English teacher Mr.Green’s room.5.C.选项C与以下信息有出入:They like these things, but it’s time to go to the classroom.They must go now, so they put the food and drink on the table again.B篇
Matt grows the nicest vegetables in the village.He grows fruit trees, too.Things grow in Matt’s garden all the year.He cuts some flowers for his sitting-room table, and of course, he eats some fruit and vegetables too.Then he sells the rest(其余的).He knows a few other gardeners(园丁), but he doesn’t have any close friends.You may ask, “Why? Why doesn’t he have any friends?” This is because people do not understand him, and they do not understand his garden.“Why not?” you will ask.“It’s a very good garden, isn’t it?”
It is a good garden.Matt plants things in spring, summer, autumn and winter.Then he does very little other work.He sits in the garden with his small radio.And everything grows.People ask, “How does Matt grow these wonderful things? He waters the plants sometimes, but he doesn’t do anything else.He just sits under the orange tree with the radio.He listens to music(音乐)nearly all day!” And that is true.People can’t understand it, and so many people don’t like it very much.Matt likes music.But what about the garden? Who does the work? I will tell you the truth(真相)now: THE MUSIC!All plants love music, and Matt knows that.(总词汇量:229 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).nicest nice的最高级,最好的 2).close friends 密友 3).little 少许、几乎没有
原文中:Then he does very little other work.他几乎不再干其它的活。
This is because people do not understand him.Then he does very little other work.I will tell you the truth(真相)now.31
第六单元 A篇
Peter works in a food shop.He helps the shopkeeper to put food on the shelves(架子)everyday.Then people come to the shop and buy the food.There isn’t any flour(面粉)on the shelf today.“Peter,” says the shopkeeper, “Bring some flour to the shelf, p1ease.Hurry up!” Peter runs to get some bags pf flour.They are in a room and they are on the top shelf(顶层).The top shelf is high.He can’t reach(够到)the bags.So he brings two boxes and puts one on top of the other.Then he stands on them.Now he can reach the bags.The shopkeeper is calling, “Peter!Hurry up!What are you doing? Where are the bags of flour?” He comes and opens the door.He can’t see Peter on the boxes, “Don’t open the door!” But it’s too late.So Peter falls down(摔下来)and all the flour is on the shopkeeper’s head.The shopkeeper is angry.(总词汇量:176 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).shelf 架子(复数:shelves)2).shopkeeper 店主 【阅读思考】
()1.Where does Peter work? A.In a shop B.In a school C.On a farm D.In a room()2.People come to the shop to buy_________.A.apples B.bags C.food D.boxes
()3.Peter uses two boxes to___________.A.sell the food B.carry flour C.hold bags D.stand on()4.He can reach the bags with the help of_________.A.people B.the shopkeeper C.a box D.two boxes()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.Peter works in a food shop.B.The shopkeeper asks Peter to bring some rice.C.Peter can’t reach the flour.D.Peter falls down when the shopkeeper opens the door.【答案简析】
1.A.由此句确定答案:Peter works in a food shop.2.C.由此句确定答案:Then people come to the shop and buy the food.3.D.由此句确定答案:So he brings two boxes and puts one on top of the other.Then he stands on them.32
4.D.由以下信息确定答案:So he brings two boxes and puts one on top of the other.Then he stands on them.Now he can reach the bags.5.B.选项B与原文以下信息有出入:“Peter,” says the shopkeeper, “Bring some flour to the shelf, p1ease.Hurry up!”
An old man drives his car along the street.The lights are red.So the old man stops his car, He waits for the light to turn green.A police car comes up behind him.It hits his car hard in the back and stops.There are two policemen in the police car.They are very sorry for it.The old man gets off his car and walks up to the policemen.He smiles and says, “ Tell me, young men, how can you stop your car when the lights are red and mine isn’t here?
(总词汇量:96 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).turn green 变绿 2).hit 撞
文中:It hits his car hard.警车重重地撞到了他的车上。【对照欣赏】
一位老人正开车行驶,红灯亮了,于是他把车停下来等绿灯亮。一辆警车从后面上来了,警车重重的撞在老人车的后部并停了下来。车里有两个警察,他们感到非常抱歉。老人下了车走到警察跟前笑着说:“ 年轻人,告诉我,如果我的车不在这里,红灯亮了的时候你怎么让你的车停下来?” 【妙句点评】
The old man gets off his car and walks up to the policemen.句中get off下车,walk up to走上前去,熟悉以上短语。
第七单元 A篇
It is evening, an old cock(公鸡)is sitting in a tall tree.A fox(狐狸)comes to the tree and looks at the cock.“Hello, Mr.Cock.I have some good news for you,” says the fox.“Oh? ” says the cock.“What is it?”
“All the animals are good friends now.Let’s be friends, too.Please come down and play with me.”
“Fine!” says the cock.“ I’m very glad to hear that!” Then he looks up.“ Look!There is something over there.”
“ What are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there.they are coming this way.”
“Animals ? ”
“Yes.Oh, they are dogs.”
“What? Dogs? ” asks the fox.“ Well„well, Good-bye.” “Wait, Mr.Fox,” says the cock.“don’t go.They are only dogs.And dogs are our friends now.”
“Yes.But they don’t know that yet.”
“I see, I see,” says the cock.He smiles(微笑)and goes to sleep.(总词汇量:172 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).Let’s be friends.让我们做朋友吧。2).look up 抬头看 【阅读思考】
()1.When does the story happen? A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C.In the evening D.At night()2.There is ____ in the tree.A.a fox B.a bird C.a cock D.a dog()3.Why does the fox run away at last(最后)? A.Because he is afraid of(害怕)dogs.B.Because the cock asks him to go away.C.Because the fox is hungry.D.Because the fox goes to meet the dogs.()4._______ is very clever.A.The cock B.The fox C.The bird D.The cock and fox()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.There is really(确实)a dog coming to the tree.B.The fox wants to eat the cock.C.The cock is very clever.D.An old cock is sitting in a tall tree.【答案简析】
1.C.由此句确定答案:It is evening, an old cock(公鸡)is sitting in a tall tree.2.C.由此句确定答案:It is evening, an old cock(公鸡)is sitting in a tall tree.3.A.由以下信息确定答案:“Wait, Mr.Fox,” says the cock.“don’t go.They are only dogs.And dogs are our friends now.”
“Yes.But they don’t know that yet.” 4.A.从短文内容得知公鸡很聪明。
Three men come to London for a holiday.They come to a large hotel there, their room is on the fiftieth floor.In the evening the three men go to a cinema and come back very late.“I’m sorry,” says the assistant of the hotel, “Our lifts(电梯)are not working tonight.If you don’t want to walk up to your room.We shall make up a bed for you on the hall(大厅).”
“No, no,” Tom, one of the three men, says, “No, thank you.We do not want to sleep in the hall.We shall walk up to our room.”
Then he turns to his friends and says, “It is not easy to walk up to the fiftieth floor, but I know how to make it easier.On our way to the room.I shall tell you some jokes(笑话), then you, Andy, sing us some songs, then you, Peter, tell us some interesting stories.”
“All right, that’s a good idea.” the friends both agree(同意).They begin to walk up to their room.Tom tells many jokes.Andy sings some songs.When they come to the thirty-eighth floor.They are tired and want to have a rest.“Well,” says Tom.“Now it’s your turn, Peter.Tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending.”
“All right,” says Peter, “I shall tell you a story.It is not long, but it is really sad: We left(落下)the key to our room in the hall.”
(总词汇量:261 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).fiftieth 序数词,第五十
2).on one’s way to „ 在去„„的路上
文中:on our way to the room 在我们回房间的路上 3).the key to our room 我们房间的钥匙 【对照欣赏】
他们开始爬楼了,汤姆讲了很多笑话,安德鲁也唱了几首歌。当他们爬到第38层时感觉有点累了,就想停下来休息。汤姆说:“彼得,现在该你了,你来给我们讲一个很长很有趣而且结局悲惨的故事吧。”“好。”彼得说:“我来给大家讲一个故事,故事不长但是很悲惨。那就是,我把我们房间的钥匙落在大厅里了。” 【妙句点评】
It is not easy to walk up to the fiftieth floor, but I know how to make it easier.句中It is not easy to do„ 做„„不容易,很常用的一个结构,how to make it easier,不定式短语做宾语。
第三章 百科小知识
第一单元 A篇
Sleep is good for us.Sleep can let us have a rest.And it can help us grow(长高).Everybody needs(需要)sleep.People sleep for a long time every night.Sometimes they sleep for a short time in the day.A short sleep is called a nap.Cats take short naps all the time.So a short nap is also called a catnap.Catnaps are good for people, too.If you have time, you’d better have a nap in the day, it will help you work or study better.(总词汇量:97 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).be good for„ 对„„有好处
Running is good for us.跑步对我们有益。2).be called 被叫做„„ 3).all the time 一直
4).had better do„ 最好做„„
You’d better come at 8:00 tomorrow.明天你最好在八点来。【阅读思考】
()1.________ needs sleep.A.He B.She C.They D.Everyone()2.People sleep ______ every night.A.for a long time B.six hours C.seven hours D.eight hours()3.People sleep for a short time ______.A.in the morning B.in the day
C.in the afternoon D.at night()4.Which of the following is wrong? A.Sleep lets us have a rest.B.People don’t need catnaps.C.A nap is a short sleep.D.Sometimes people sleep for a short time in the day.()5.What’s the Chinese for “nap”? A.小睡 B.睡眠 C.休息 D.睡觉 【答案简析】
1.D.由此句确定答案:Everybody needs(需要)sleep.2.A.由此句确定答案:People sleep for a long time every night.3.B.由此句确定答案:Sometimes they sleep for a short time in the day.4.B.人们是需要小睡的,白天的小睡对人们身体有好处。由此句也可断定答案:Catnaps are good for people, too.5.A.短文中有这样一句:A short sleep is called a nap.由此可以推断nap的中文意思。
Do you know that bees can talk with one another? Yes, they can!But they do not talk with words, they dance!First, a bee finds something to eat, it takes the food home.Then the bee does a dance.The dance tells the other bees where the food is.It tells them how far to fly, too.After the dance, the other bees understand where to go, and they can find the food very soon.It’s very interesting, right?(总词汇量:81 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).talk with sb 跟某人交谈
I want to talk with you.我想跟你谈谈。2).one another 相互、彼此 3).how far 多远
How far is your school? 你的学校有多远? 4).understand 明白、理解
Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 5).interesting 有趣的 6).very soon 很快 【对照欣赏】
首先,当一只蜜蜂找到吃的东西时,它会把食物带回家。然后这个蜜蜂就开始跳舞。它的舞蹈告诉其它蜜蜂食物在哪。它告诉他们要飞多远。跳完之后,其它蜜蜂明白了该去哪儿,它们很快就会找到食物。这非常有意思,是吗? 【妙句点评】
The dance tells the other bees where the food is.It tells them how far to fly, too.建议熟悉这两句,其中第二句不定式短语改为宾语从句为: how far they should fly.第二单元 A篇
All living things need air.Living things can’t live without air.We can go without food or water for a few days, but we can not live for more than a few minutes without air.We take in air.When we are working or running, we need more air.When we are asleep, we need less air.We live in air, but we can’t see it.We can only feel it.We can feel(感觉)it when it is moving(移动).Moving air is called wind.How can you make air move? Here is one way, hold an open book in your hands in front of your face.Close it quickly.What can you feel? What you feel is the air.(总词汇量:128 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).living things 生物
2).a few 几个,修饰可数名词 a few books 几本书 a few friends 几个朋友 3).more than 多余 4).less 更少 【阅读思考】
()1._______ need air.A.Things B.Only people C.All the living things D.Some of the living things()2.When we are working or running, we need ______.A.more air B.some air C.no air D.less air()3.When we sleep, we _______.A.don’t need any air B.need less air C.need more air D.need a lot of air()4.Can we see the air? A.No, we aren’t.B.No, we can’t.C.Yes, we are.D.Yes, we can.38
()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.We can’t make air move.B.Moving air is called wind.C.We can’t live without air.D.When we close our book quickly, we can feel the air.【答案简析】 1.C.由基本常识及短文前2句确定答案:All living things need air.Living things can’t live without air.2.A.由此句确定答案:When we are working or running, we need more air.3.B.由此句确定答案:When we are asleep, we need less air.4.B.空气我们看不到,否定回答用can’t。5.A.我们是可以让空气移动的,比如短文最后给的方法。How can you make air move? Here is one way, „.B篇
Rainbows(彩虹)are very beautiful, sometimes we can see rainbows in the sky after the rain.What are rainbows made of? They are made of light.Their light comes from the sun.Most sunlight looks yellow.But other colours are in sunlight, too.To see them you just need drops of rain.When the sunlight hits(遇到)the rain, the other colours show.You can see red, blue, and more,you can see a rainbow.(总词汇量:83 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).light 光
2).sunlight 阳光
3).drops of rain 雨滴 【对照欣赏】
To see them you just need drops of rain.When the sunlight hits(遇到)the rain, the other colours show.以上两句建议熟悉。
第三单元 A篇
Can we live without salt, No, salt is very important to us.We need salt in our food.Animals need it, too.Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea.People dig great pools(池塘)and let in the sea water.When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the ground.The salt is white, clean and beautiful.There are a lot of salt wells(井)in Sichuan.Salt is like water, people bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big pans(锅)over fire(火).In this way they get salt.We can also find salt mines.Some years ago, in Jiangxi they found a big salt mine(矿)and soon opened it.People there need no salt from other places now.In the north of our country, there are many salt lakes.Some of these lakes are very big.The salt in big lakes can even meet the needs of our people for many years.(总词汇量:178 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).dry up 使变干 2).salt wells 盐井
3).some years ago 几年以前
4).in the north of our country 在我国的北方 【阅读思考】
()1.Most of the salt in our country come from______.A.the factory B.the sea C.the lake D.the pools()2.There are a lot of ______ in Sichuan.A.salt wells B.salt lakes C.salt mines D.wells()3.People in Jiangxi don’t need the salt from the other places because______.A.they don't’ need salt in their cooking B.they have no money C.they have salt mines D.the salt from other places is not good()4.There are _____ in the north of our country.A.lakes B.salt lakes C.salt mines D.salt wells()5.Which of the following is right? A.Salt is very important to us.B.We need salt in our food, but animals don’t.C.We found salt lakes in Jiangxi.D.We can only get salt from the sea.【答案简析】
1.B.由此句确定答案:Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea.2.A.由此句确定答案:There are a lot of salt wells(井)in Sichuan.3.C.由这2句确定答案:Some years ago, in Jiangxi they found a big salt mine and soon opened it.People there need no salt from other places now.4.B.由此句确定答案:In the north of our country, there are many salt lakes.5.A.由以下句子确定答案:
We need salt in our food.Animals need it, too.In Jiangxi they found a big salt mine.我们不仅可以从海水里得到盐,而且还可以从salt wells, salt mines, salt lakes中得到盐。
At night, you can see many stars in the sky.But on a clear day there is only one thing in the sky.It is the sun.The sun is very bright.It gives very strong light.What do you know about the sun? It goes up every morning to begin a new day.It gives different kinds of colours to us when it goes down in the evenings.Sometimes you can see the sun looks like a big ball when you look at it.The sun looks bigger than the other stars because it is the nearest star to us.(总词汇量:102 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).on a clear day 在一个天气晴朗的日子 2).go up 升起 3).go down 落下 4).nearest 最近的 【对照欣赏】
It goes up every morning to begin a new day.to begin a new day 不定式短语做目的状语。
第四单元 A篇
Sharks are the most frightening animals in the sea.Sometimes we can see sharks swimming in the sea around Hong Kong.People put nets around some beaches to protect(保护)swimmers.When there is a shark flag, we must stay on the beach.It will be too late if a shark swims to you in the sea because it swims very fast.There are 350 kinds of sharks and only 25 kinds are dangerous(危险的).The whale shark is very big.The biggest can grow to 18 metres long.But they are not dangerous to people.The great white, blue and tiger sharks are the most dangerous sharks to divers(潜水者)and swimmers.(总词汇量:112 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).frightening 让人惊恐的
2).shark flag 鲨鱼旗(悬挂鲨鱼旗以示有危险)3).whale shark 鲸鲨
4).the great white 大白鲨(也叫食人鲨)【阅读思考】
()1.People put nets around some beaches________.A.to catch the sharks B.to protect the sharks C.to protect the swimmers D.to watch sharks()2.How many kinds of sharks are dangerous? A.350 B.250 C.25 D.All of the sharks()3.The whale shark is______.A.big B.dangerous C.not dangerous D.A and C()4._______ are the most dangerous sharks.A.Blue sharks B.Tiger sharks C.Great white sharks D.All of the above()5.Which is the main idea of the passage? A.Sharks B.Sharks are dangerous C.Whale sharks D.Great white sharks 【答案简析】 1.C.由此句确定答案:People put nets around some beaches to protect(保护)swimmers.42
2.C.由此句确定答案:There are 350 kinds of sharks and only 25 kinds are dangerous.3.D.由这2句确定答案:The whale shark is very big.But they are not dangerous to people.4.D.由此句确定答案:The great white, blue and tiger sharks are the most dangerous sharks to divers and swimmers.5.A.此短文是一篇简短介绍鲨鱼的短文。
You can talk to a friend.You can run and play.You can eat an apple.You can smile and you can also cry.How can you do all these things? You can do them because you have a brain.Your brain is a special(特殊的)part of your body.It’s inside(在„„里面)your head.It has two parts, one is the left brain, and the other is the right brain.Your right brain tries to say the color, but your left brain is good at reading the words.Your brain tells your body what to do and how to do.Your brain remember things, too.What else can your brain do ? Do you know?(总词汇量:124 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).cry 哭
2).brain 大脑
left brain 左脑,right brain 右脑 3).try to do 尝试做„„
Try to answer this question.试着回答这个问题。【对照欣赏】
你的大脑是你身体的一个特殊的部分。它在你的头内。它有两部分,左脑和右脑。你的右脑会识别颜色,你的左脑擅长阅读。你的大脑会告诉你的身体该做什么、怎么做。你的大脑也会记东西,你的大脑还会做些什么呢?你知道吗? 【妙句点评】
It has two parts, one is the left brain, and the other is the right brain.one„the other„(两个人或两样东西)一个„„另一个„„这是一个很重要的句式,建议学会运用它。
第五单元 A篇
Almost everyone in the world uses oil(石油)in some way.Without oil, the world will stop, so men look for it everywhere.Oilmen drill(钻)for oil in deserts(沙漠), in mountains and under the sea.Quite often they find nothing, but the search(寻找)for oil always goes on.Oil is very important because none of our machines can run without it.Big ships carry(运送)oil everywhere.Perhaps the oil in your father's car has come from somewhere far away.Perhaps it has come from Iraq(伊拉克)or Venezuela(委内瑞拉).Cars and buses need oil, but so do many other things.How many things can you name?(总词汇量:136 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).go on 继续
Let’s go on!我们继续!2).none 一个也没有
原文中: Oil is very important because none of our machines can run without it.石油对我们来说非常重要,因为没有它哪个机器也无法运转。
3).so do many other things 很多其它事情也是这样 【阅读思考】
()1.Oilmen drill for oil _______.A.in mountains B.under the sea C.in deserts D.all of the above()2._________ carry oil everywhere.A.big ships B.big buses C.big cars D.big planes()3.Which of the following is not mentioned(提到)in the passage? A.Iraq B.under the sea C.big ships D.London()4.Which of the following is wrong? A.Without oil, the world will stop.B.Every time they will find oil when they drill for oil.C.Our machines can’t run if there is no oil.D.Cars and buses need oil.5.Which of the following is the best title(最好的标题)of the passage? A.Where to find oil B.Oil is important to us C.Cars need oil D.Drilling for oil 【答案简析】
1.D.由此句确定答案:Oilmen drill(钻)for oil in deserts(沙漠), in mountains and under the sea.2.A.由此句确定答案:Big ships carry oil everywhere.3.D.选项A、B、C都在文中出现。
4.B.选项B与此句有出入:Quite often they find nothing, but the search(寻找)for oil always goes on.5.B.短文中心应该是说明石油与我们的生活密不可分。
Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground.You cannot jump any higher because the earth pull you hard.The pull of the earth is called gravity(引力).You can easily find out the pull of the earth.If you weigh(称)yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.Since there is gravity, water runs downhill(往下).When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it turns around.Then, can you get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented(发明).The spaceship will go fast that it can get rid of(除掉)the earth’s gravity and carry you into space.(总词汇量:154 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】 1).even if 即使
2).weigh v.称„„重量
文中:If you weigh(称)yourself, 如果你称一下自己的体重 3).since 本文词意:因为 【对照欣赏】
Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground.You can easily find out the pull of the earth.熟悉以上句子及句中短语。
第六单元 A篇
Now machines are widely used(被使用)all over the world.Why are machines so important and necessary(必要的)for us.Because they can help us to do things better and faster.A washing machine helps us to wash clothes fast.A printing machine(印刷机)helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers, magazines(杂志)and many other things fast.Bikes, cars, trains and planes are all machines.They help us to travel faster.The computer is a wonderful(极好的)machine.It was invented(被发明)not long ago.It not only stores(贮存)information(信息)but also stores numbers millions of times as fast as a scientist(科学家)does.Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country.(总词汇量:158 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).better and faster 又好又快 2).not long ago 不久以前
3).a modern country 一个现代化的国家 【阅读思考】
()1.New machines are widely used ______.A.all over the world B.in China C.in America D.in England()2._____ can help us travel faster.A.Cars B.Planes C.Bikes D.All of the above()3.Which of the following is not mentioned(提到)in the passage? A.computers B.trains C.phones D.washing machines()4.Which of the following is wrong? A.A printing machine(印刷机)helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers, magazines(杂志)and many other things fast.B.The computer was invented(被发明)not long ago.C.Machines are widely used(被使用)all over the world.D.Bikes, cars, trains and planes are not machines.()5.Which is the best title of the passage? A.Washing machines are important to us B.Machines are important to us C.Computers are important to us D.Printing machines are important to us 【答案简析】
1.A.由此句确定答案:Now machines are widely used(被使用)all over the world.46
2.D.由以下信息确定答案:Bikes, cars, trains and planes are all machines.They help us to travel faster.3.C.短文中没有提到电话。4.D.由以下信息确定答案:Bikes, cars, trains and planes are all machines.They help us to travel faster.5.B.短文内容是讲述机器对我们生活的重要性。
Everybody uses A.M.and P.M.to mean before noon and after noon.But do you know what they mean and how they come into being(形成)? We know that the turning(转动)of the earth makes the sun and stars seem(似乎)to move across the sky.Daylight(白天), of course, begins with the sun rising(升起)in the east and end with the sun setting(落下)in the west.The important thing in keeping time is to know the exact(精确的)moment of noon.For each of us, wherever we are, noon is when the sun is directly overhead.Think of an imaginary(想像的)line, a meridian(子午线).When the sun crosses your meridian, it is noon for you.When the sun still lies to the east of your meridian, it is morning.After the sun has crossed this meridian , it is afternoon.The Latin word for “midday(正午)” is meridian, from which comes our word ante(在„„之前)meridian, whose short form is A.M, which means before midday.P.M.is the short form for past meridian, meaning after midday.(总词汇量:211 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).how they come into being 他们是怎样形成的 2).directly overhead 正当头 【对照欣赏】
大家都在使用A.M.和 P.M.来表示早上、下午,但是你知道它们是怎么来的吗?
“midday”在拉丁语中就是meridian,ante meridian就是这样来的,A.M就是它们的缩写,意思就是正午以前。P.M就是past meridian的缩写,意思就是正午以后。【妙句点评】
Daylight(白天), of course, begins with the sun rising(升起)in the east and end with the sun setting(落下)in the west.句中begin with以„„开始,end with以„„结束。
第四章 人物 第一单元 A篇
My name is Tommy.I’m fifteen.My mother’s name is Pat Johnson.She is a teacher.My father is Tom Johnson.He is a policeman.I’m Susie’s brother.Susie is my sister.She is twelve.We’re students in the middle school.I’m in Grade Three.And Susie is in Grade One.We are English.And we live in England.总词汇量:59 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).policeman 警察 2).middle school 中学 3).live in„ 住在„„
Uncle Wang lives in England.王叔叔住在伦敦。【阅读思考】
()1.Pat Johnson is ________.A.Tom’s sister B.Tommy’s teacher C.Tommy’s mother D.Tom’s teacher()2.Who is Tommy? A.Pat Johnson’s son B.A student C.Tom’s son D.All of the above()3.Susie is ________.A.Tommy’s classmate B.fifteen C.in Grade 3 D.Tom’s daughter()4.Tom is _________.A.a teacher B.Tommy’s brother C.English D.a policewoman()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.There are four people in Tommy’s family.B.Tom is Susie’s father.C.Pat is Tom’s wife.D.Tom is fifteen and he is in Grade 3.【答案简析】
1.C.做题之前首先搞清楚短文中人物之间的关系。Pat Johnson和Tom Johnson是夫妇,Tommy是他们的儿子,Susie是他们的女儿,根据这些信息来做判断。2.D.参照第一题提示。3.D.由这些句子帮助判断:Susie is my sister.She is twelve.And Susie is in Grade One 4.C.由Tom和其它人的关系及他的职业来排除A,B,D选项 5.D.Tom是Tommy的爸爸,所以D很明显是错误的信息。
My name is Chen Dong.I’m a Chinese boy, but I am in the USA with my parents now.I’m in a middle school.At school, I have many new friends.They are from different countries(国家).I have breakfast at home.Only an egg, a piece of bread and a cup of milk.I have no time to go home at noon.So I must have lunch at school.The food is good, but I don’t like it.I don’t like the American food.I like supper best(最).Mum can cook Chinese food in the evening.We eat rice, fish, meat and different vegetables.Sometimes we have noodles and dumplings.Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.总词汇量:122 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).have no time to do„ 没有时间做„„
I have no time to watch TV.我没有时间看电视了。2).like„best 最喜欢„„
He likes apples best.他最喜欢苹果。【对照欣赏】
They are from different countries(国家).他们来自于不同的国家。
I have no time to go home at noon.中午我没有时间回家。I like supper best(最).Mum can cook Chinese food in the evening.我最喜欢晚饭,晚上妈妈可以做中国食物。Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.有时我们跟朋友出去吃饭。【妙句点评】
1.I have no time to go home at noon.这是运用率很高的一个句式,应该熟记。2.I like supper best.这是一个陈述句,这种结构的特殊疑问句也应该熟悉: Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?
Which does he like best? 他最喜欢哪一个?
第二单元 A篇
Jean is an English girl.She lives in Nanjing with her parents.She doesn’t know Chinese very well.But she studies very hard.She often speaks Chinese in and after class.Sometimes her classmates don’t understand(明白)her because she can’t speak Chinese well.It’s Saturday morning.Jean wants to buy some flowers, but she doesn’t know the way to the flower shop.She asks a Chinese boy for help.The boy doesn’t understand her, then she takes out a pen and draws a picture of a shop and some flowers.The boy looks at it and then shows her the way.(总词汇量:103 words; 阅读用时:______minutes ______seconds; 读速______wpm)【阅读助理】
1).in and after class 课上课下 2).the way to „ 去„„的路
the way to the supermarket 去超市的路 the way to the hospital 去医院的路 3).show her the way 指给她路 【阅读思考】
()1.Jean is _______ girl.A.an American B.a Chinese C.an English D.a Japanese()2.Jean lives in Nanjing with _______.A.her mother B.her father C.her friends D.her parents()3.Jean wants to buy________.A.some books B.some flowers C.some food D.a pen()4.Who tells Jean the way to the flower shop? A.Her friend B.Her classmate C.A boy D.No one()5.Which of the following is wrong? A.Jean lives in Nanjing now.B.Jean can’t speak Chinese well.C.Jean doesn’t know the way to the flower shop.D.Jean goes to the flower shop with her parents.【答案简析】
1.C.由文章第一句确定答案:Jean is an English girl.50
Listening Test Part(30分)
Written Test Part(70分)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ good好的morning早晨;上午good morning早上好
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ afternoon下午good afternoon下午好goodbye再见what什么
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ your你的,你们的please请sorry对不起的can能,能够
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 还this这,这个teacher老师friend朋友her她的his他的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nice美好的meet遇见,结识time时间go走;去now现在,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bye再见see看见tomorrow明天sit坐down向下地;向下
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sit down坐下open(打)开book书listen听,倾听draw绘画,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ put放;置up向上地 向上hand手stand站立stand up起立
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ telephone电话number号码old…年龄的how old多大,几岁
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ twelve十二eleven十一thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ in English用英语write写blackboard黑板pen笔,钢笔
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ pencil铅笔bird鸟cat猫dog狗flower花help帮助course当然
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ of course是的,当然classroom教室know知道,懂得say说
again再welcome受欢迎的 You're welcome.不用谢,别客气
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ black黑色white白色的blue蓝色的green绿色的yellow黄色
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ red红色brown棕色的orange橘黄色的 柑橘;橙colour颜色
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ today今天Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ birthday生日favourite最喜爱的spring春天summer夏天
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ autumn秋天winter冬天warm暖和的hot热的cool凉快
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ cold冷的weather天气like如同London伦敦basketball篮球
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ football足球swimming游泳table tennis乒乓球sport运动
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ play参加after…后school学校idea想法,主意Chinese中国人
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ from从……来,来自where在哪里,去哪里year年龄;年
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ about关于What about...?……怎么样?Ms女士America美国
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ England英格兰American美国人our我们的grade年级he他
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ China中国everyone大家;每人capital首都;省会but但是
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ very非常big大的city城市small小的first第一first name名字
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ last最后的,最末的 最后,最末last name姓all每个,全体
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ aunt姨母brother兄弟cousin堂兄弟daughter女儿family家
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ father爸爸grandfather(外)祖父grandmother(外)祖母
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ grandparent(外)祖父母mother妈妈parent母亲;父亲
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sister姐;妹son儿子uncle叔叔photo相片photograph照片
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ these这些they它们mum妈妈left左侧的on the left在左
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dad爸爸right在右侧on the right在右侧who谁woman成年女
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ women 妇女next紧挨着next to挨着husband丈夫front前面
in front of在…的前面those那些bus公共汽车station站;车站
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hospital医院hotel宾馆police警察theatre剧院actor男)演员
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ driver驾驶员manager经理nurse护士policeman男警察
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ policemenpl.男警察we我们job工作same相同的doctor医生
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ farm农场worker工人man男人menpl.男人shop商店its它的
picture照片television电视wall墙thirty三十forty四十fifty ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十really真正地
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ many很多how many多少lot许多a lot of许多any任何一个
world世界tree树building建筑物hall大厅dining hall饭厅
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ gate大门library图书馆office办公室playground操场science
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lab实验室laboratory实验室behind在…后面between在…之间
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ middle中央near接近with和;for为了room屋子food食物
drink饮料 喝candy糖果fruit水果meat肉vegetable蔬菜
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ apple苹果bean豆beef牛肉carrot胡萝卜chicken鸡肉
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ chocalate巧克力coffee咖啡cola可乐juice果汁milk牛奶
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ shop逛商店;购物go shopping去买东西,去购物
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ have有;吃;喝get得到have got有;拥有some若干,一些
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ much许多的,大量的too much太多kind种类lots of大量 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ so因此,所以How about...?……好吗? bad坏的;不好的
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ healthy健康的delicious美味的bread面包hamburger汉堡
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ice cream冰激凌noodle面条rice米;米饭sugar糖eat吃
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ child小孩children小孩,儿童be good for对…有帮助的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sweet甜的be bad for对……有害的right正确的egg鸡蛋
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ eye眼睛cheese奶酪tooth牙齿teethpl.牙齿bit一点儿
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a bit稍微;有点儿tired劳累的soup汤important重要的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ remember记住;想起well好地stay保持;停留fat肥胖的
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ get fat发胖or或者breakfast早饭every每个lunch午饭
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ home家dinner晚饭;正餐banana香蕉buy买half一半
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ past晚于,o'clock……点钟to差……art美术;
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ geography地理history历史maths数学lesson课
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ love爱;热爱 喜爱;关爱subject科目because因为
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ interesting有趣的talk谈论,说话begin开始when什么时候,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ go to school上学weekday工作日have breakfast吃早餐
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ house住宅start开始work学习;工作break(课间)休息
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ have lunch吃午餐evening晚上watch观看have dinner吃饭 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ homework家庭作业bed床go to bed上床睡觉sleep睡觉
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ go to sleep开始睡觉buzy忙的wash洗face脸minute分钟
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ grandma祖母grandpa(外)祖父him(宾格)他want想要
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bear熊elephant大象giraffe长颈鹿monkey猴子panda熊猫
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ tiger老虎zebra斑马guide导游animal动物such这样的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ such as比如come来come from来自different不同的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ country国家other其他的dangerous危险的also也;而且
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ look看,瞧look at看tall高的leaf叶子leaves叶
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sure当然bamboo竹子cute可爱的shall……好吗
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ them(宾格)他们,她们,它们which哪一个over 的上方
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ there在那里,往那里over there在那边,在那里funny有趣的
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ little极少量的a little少量only仅仅;只about大约,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ kilo千克kilogram千克people人们all over the world全世界
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African非洲的 非洲人as well as并且,还grass草large巨大的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ usually通常alone独自地strong强壮的;强大的;强烈的
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ catch抓住;接住many kinds of许多种类even甚至
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ keyboard键盘mouse鼠标;老鼠mice鼠标;老鼠screen屏幕
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ connect连接turn转动turn on打开learn学习document文件
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ click点击use使用save保存;储存box框;盒子finally最后
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ company公司;剧团often经常customer顾客Internet因特网
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ check检查;查看train火车travel旅行plan计划;打算
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ticket票music音乐movie电影night夜晚search for搜寻
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ information信息email电子邮件send发送sometimes有时候
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ cinema电影院clothes衣服(总称)visit探望holiday假日
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ card卡片party晚会present礼物would愿意always总是
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ great太好了;巨大的;超乎寻常的cake蛋糕never从不
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ special特别的,特殊的cut切;剪give给,送sing唱歌
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ happy高兴的;幸福的secret秘密concert音乐会magazine杂志
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ scarf围巾silk丝绸dress连衣裙;礼服T-shirtT恤衫choose选择
exercise锻炼;练习wear穿;戴expensive昂贵的shoe鞋,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ spend花(钱);花费money钱,金钱film电影song歌曲
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ match竞赛weekend周末at weekends在周末dear亲爱的
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hear听见hear from收到……的来信afraid担心的;
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm afraid[口]恐怕(用于礼貌地拒绝)can't不能cannot不能
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ postcard明信片call(给……)打电话lie躺;平躺sun太阳
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ line行,排,列take拿,取;花费(时间)take photos拍照
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ wait等待,等候wait for等待,等候walk行走;步行trip旅行
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ few一些;几个;很少(的)a few一些;几个sale卖;出售
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ on sale正在出售enjoy享受……的乐趣;喜爱anyway尽管如此
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ back向后;回到;返回go back回去drive驾驶;驾车
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ off下(飞机公共汽车等)get off下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hot dog热狗leave离开restaurant饭店;餐馆moment时刻,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ place地点thing事情;东西most大部分(的);大多数(的)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ still仍然,依旧star明星;星;星状物run跑,奔跑study学习
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lantern灯笼dragon龙dance舞蹈 跳舞clean打扫 清洁的;
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sweep打扫;清扫floor地板cook烹调;煮;烧meal一餐
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ speak讲话happen发生ready有准备的get ready for为…做准备
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ festival节日quite十分at the moment此刻beautiful漂亮的
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ at work在工作put away收拾好hard努力地join参加;
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hurry赶快;匆忙hurry up赶快Christmas圣诞节February二月
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January一月before在……之前sweep away扫去luck运气
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ table桌子celebrate庆祝traditional传统的dumpling饺子
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ programme(电视)节目sweater毛线衣coat外套mean意思是
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 把下列短语英汉互译
What about sth./ doing sth?___________________________________ first name_________________________________ last name _________________________________ on the left _________________________________ on the right _________________________________ next to_________________________________ in front of _________________________________ how many_________________________________ a lot of= lots of_________________________________ dinning hall_________________________________ go shopping_________________________________ have got_________________________________ too much_________________________________ Howt about sth./ doing sth? _________________________________ ice cream_________________________________ be good for_________________________________ be bad for_________________________________ a bit_________________________________ get fat_________________________________ go to school_________________________________ get up_________________________________ have breakfast_________________________________ have lunch_________________________________ go home_________________________________ have dinner_________________________________ go to bed_________________________________ go to sleep_________________________________ such as_________________________________ come from_________________________________ look at_________________________________ over there_________________________________ a little_________________________________ as well as_________________________________ all over the world_________________________________ be good at _________________________________ many kinds of_________________________________ turn on_________________________________ search for_________________________________ at weekends_________________________________ hear from_________________________________ I’m afraid_________________________________ take photos_________________________________ wait for_________________________________ a few_________________________________ on sale_________________________________ go back_________________________________ get off_________________________________ get ready for_________________________________ at the moment_________________________________ at work_________________________________ put away_________________________________ hurry up_________________________________ sweep away_________________________________、、、怎么样?_________________________________ 名字_________________________________ 姓氏_________________________________ 在左边_________________________________ 在右边_________________________________ 在、、、旁边,紧挨着_________________________________ 在、、、的前面_________________________________ 多少_________________________________ 许许多多的_________________________________ 饭厅,饭堂_________________________________ 去购物_________________________________ 有,拥有(某人有)_________________________________ 太多(接不可数名词)_________________________________、、、好吗?_________________________________ 冰激凌_________________________________ 对、、、有帮助的_________________________________ 对、、、有害的_________________________________ 稍微,有点儿_________________________________ 变胖_________________________________ 上学_________________________________ 起床_________________________________ 吃早餐_________________________________ 吃午餐_________________________________ 回家_________________________________ 吃晚餐_________________________________ 上床睡觉_________________________________ 开始睡觉,入睡_________________________________ 比如,例如_________________________________ 来自_________________________________ 看_________________________________ 在那边,在那里_________________________________ 少量_________________________________ 并且,还_________________________________ 全世界_________________________________ 擅长_________________________________ 许多种类的_________________________________ 打开(电器)_________________________________ 搜寻,查找_________________________________ 在周末_________________________________ 收到、、、的来信_________________________________ 恐怕_________________________________ 拍照_________________________________ 等待,等候_________________________________ 一些,几个(接复数名词)_________________________________ 正在出售_________________________________ 回去_________________________________ 下(车等)_________________________________ 为、、、做好准备_________________________________ 此刻,目前_________________________________ 在工作_________________________________ 收起,收拾好_________________________________ 赶快_________________________________ 扫去_________________________________ 小升初英语阅读理解强化训练题(共20篇)
(一)Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer.In China many young men like playing soccer.It is very popular.But the Chinese don’t call it soccer.We call it football.There are eleven players on a team.And the ball is round.Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands.The other players can’t touch the ball with their hands.In American, soccer is not very popular.They like playing American football.It is very different.The ball is not round.It likes a big egg.There are also eleven players on a team.All the players can touch the ball with feet and hands.()1.How many kinds of football games are there? A.Three B.Two C.Four()2.Do the Chinese like playing soccer? A.Yes, they do.B.No.they don’t.C.Yes, I do.()3.What do the American people like very much? A.playing American football.B.Playing soccer.C.Watching TV.()4.How many players are there on a soccer team? A.Eight.B.twenty-two.C.Eleven()5.Who can touch the ball with his hands in American football? A.Only the goalkeeper B.Some of the players C.All the players()6.What’s the shape of the soccer? A.Round.B.Egg.C.Oval.(二)Last Sunday was a funny day.Liu Tao came to my home in the morning.We studied English together.We read some funny English stories.At about ten o’clock, we went to Chennan Park on foot.And we fished there.It was very interesting.We cooked lunch at about 12 o’clock and it was very nice.Then we cleaned the kitchen.We watched TV after lunch.At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, we played pingpong.()1.Mike watched TV ________________.A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening()2.Mike and Liu Tao went fishing __________.A.at home B.in Chennan Park C.at school()3.They went to the park _____________.A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike()4.This afternoon they also ______________.A.played football.B.played basketball.C.played table tennis.()5.Who cooked lunch? ____________.A.Mike.B.Mike and Liu Tao.C.Mike’s mother.(三)
Mr Black works on a farm.He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows.Every day they work hard from morning to night.One day, Mr Black says to his wife ,“Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday.We can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife is very happy when she hears this, because they always eat a lot, and she doesn’t like cooking three times a day.They go to Portsmouth by train and walk about for an hour(小时).At 12 o’clock, they want to have lunch.In front of one restaurant(饭店), they see a notice.It says, “Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30 1.5 pounds.”
“Well, that’s good.” Mrs Black says, “We can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here!This is the place for us.”()1.There are a lot of _____ on their farm.A.plants B.dogs C.cows D.Both A and C()2._____usually does the cooking at home.A.Mr Black B.Mrs Black C.Neither A and B D.Both A and B()3.Mr Black and Mrs Black walk about in Portsmouth for _____.A.two hours B.three hours
C.one hour D.four hours()4.At_____ o’clock, they want to have lunch.A.two B.twelve
C.twenty D.one()5.Portsmouth is the name of a _____.A.place B.dogs
C.man D.restaurant
(四)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T,F来表示.Many Chinese people have a good time during the Chinese New Year.It usually comes in February.Each year gets a name.It may be called the year of the Dog or the year of the Monkey instead of(代替)1970 and 1980.Usually there is dragon(龙)dance in the street.The dragon is a strange(奇怪的)animal about 20 feet(英尺)long.It is made of paper and cloth(布).Men hide(藏)under the dragon, and make a lot of noise by shouting and laughing.There are always a lot of firework(烟火).After the dragon dance, the children sing and dance in the street.()1.The Chinese New Year usually comes in October.()2.The Chinese people may call 2007 the year of the Pig.()3.The dragon was made of paper and cloth.()4.The dragon dance needs a lot of animals.()5.After the dragon dance, the children sing and dance.(五)
阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T,F来表示.One day a crow finds a piece of meat.She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree.She is just going to eat when a fox sees her.He comes under the tree and says,“Hello!How beautiful you look today!”The crow is very glad to hear that.Then the fox speaks again,“I can see your beautiful face, I hear your voice is nice, too.Why don’t you sing a song?”The crow is very happy.She opens her mouth and begins to sing a song.When she opens her mouth, She drops the meat.The fox picks up the meat and goes away with it quickly.()1.The crow puts the meat in the tree.()2.The crow and the fox are friends.()3.The fox thinks the crow is beautiful.()4 The crow wants to sing a song.()5.The fox listens to the crow and takes the meat away.(六)
The students in Grade Six are going to face(面对)the biggest exams(考试).They work very hard.Everyday they do a lot of exercises on Chinese, Maths and English.Also after school, they will do their homework until(直到)very late at night.Li Jun is a student in Class Two.He does very well in most of the subjects;only his Chinese is not so good.His mother asks him to read more Chinese books.So after finishing all his homework, he has to do some reading for an hour.He would like to study at No.1 Middle School.Li Yan is Li Jun’s cousin in Class Three.She likes singing and dancing very much.She took part in many singing and dancing contests and won some awards(奖).She’s going to choose Jinxing Art School.If she passed(通过)the exams, her parents will let her visit London as a present.()1.Li Jun is good at.A.Maths and Chinese B.Maths and English C.Chinese and English()2.Li Jun must read Chinese for an hour everyday, because A.he likes reading books B.he wants to do better in Chinese C.he doesn’t want to do his homework()3.Li Jun is Li Yan’s.A.relative B.sister C.classmate()4.London is a city in.A.the U.S.A.B.the U.K.C.France()5.“The biggest exams” means the exams are.A.very big B.very difficult(难)C.very important(重要)
(七)阅读短文,判断正误,用√和×表示。Sam is my penfriend.There are five people in his family.His father is a PE teacher.His mother is a nurse.He has a sister and a brother.His sister is twenty minutes younger than his brother.They are all middle school students now.They are in the same school.They go to school together every day.They are all good at PE.They are American, but they can speak a little Japanese.They lived in Japan last year.They would like to China next year.I hope they will come soon.()1.Sam is from America.()2.His brother and sister are the same age.()3.His brother and sister are in the different schools.()4.They can’t speak Japanese.()5.They live in China now.(八)阅读短文,判断正误,用√和×表示。
Mr Williams lives in a small town with his wife.From Monday to Friday each week he works in an office in a big town, but he is free on Saturdays and Sundays, and he likes flowers and enjoys working with his hands.A lot of English men work in their garden on Saturdays, and in their holidays, too.()1.Mr Williams lives in a small town with his wife.()2.From Monday to Friday he works in an office in another small town.()3.He likes working in his garden at the weekends.()4.He has to work in the office every day.()5.Many Englishmen enjoys working in their gardens.(九)
Mid-Autumn Festival usually comes in September of October.On that day families get together to celebrate(庆祝)the full moon.They usually sit outside in the open air at the table.On the table there’re moon cakes, fruit, peanuts, water chestnuts(菱角)and so on.Adults tell the young people the story of Chang’e and that of the moon cake.In China there’re three main(主要的)traditional(传统的)festivals.Besides Mid-Autumn Festival, they are Dragon Boat Festival and Spring Festival.On every festival we have a big dinner.From January to December there’s almost(几乎)a festival or holiday in each month.()1.Mid-Autumn Festival is on lunar(阴历)August __________.A1st B.30th C.15th
()2.Families usually get together to celebrate ___________.A.the moon cakes B.the full moon C.Chang’e()3.Which festival is one of the three main festivals? A.Spring Festival.B.The Lantern Festival.C.National Day.()4.Besides moon cakes, people may eat ____________ on that day.A.water chestnut B.meat C.eggs
(十)On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings(长统袜)or under the Christmas trees.On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty.He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocking.“Wow, what a lovely toy dog!I like it very much.” He said happily.Them he ran down to the ground floor to see what’s in the box.He shook(摇)the box and listened.His sister, Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!” Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it.Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.()1.Mike got up at __________.A.twenty to six B.twenty past six C.six()2.The lovely dog was for ___________.A.Nancy B.Nancy’s sister C.Nancy’s brother()3.The pretty dress was for ___________.A.Mike B.Mike’s sister C.Mike’s brother()4.Mike got ___________ presents from his family.A.only one B.two C.three()5.What’s in the box for Mike?
A toy dog.B.A skateboard.C.Sorry, I don’t know.(十一)Last week, there was an Art Festival at Yang Ling’s school.The students drew some pictures.They put the pictures on the wall near the school gate.They made a lot of colourful kites and flew them in the playground.They also sang English songs and did Chinese dance.Yang Ling had a good time.选择正确的选项:
()1.There was __________.A.an Art Festival
B.Sports Day C.a Science Festival()2.They put the pictures on the wall _________.A.in the playground B.near the school gate C.near the lake()3.They sang ________ songs.A.Chinese B.Chinese and English C.English()4.The students were in Yang Ling’s __________.A.home B.school C farm
(十二)Peter is four years old.He is lovely.His father and mother love him very much.His mother often feeds(喂)food to him and carries him in her arms.Peter is too spoiled(宠坏).It is Sunday.His father wants to take him to the park.Little Peter is asking his father to carry him.His father says,“Peter, you have feet.You
can walk yourself(你自己).”
“But mu mum always holds me in her arms,” say Peter unhappily(不高兴).“Why do you have feet?”
“When I am not happy, I kick my mother with them,” says Peter happily.()1.Peter is a ______ child.A.friendly(友好的)B.small
C.lovely D.English()2.Peter’s _____ spoils him very much.A.mother B.father C.parents D.people()3.Peter’s father ______ on this Sunday.A.is teaching him to walk B.is taking him to play C.is taking to him D.is carrying him to the park()4.Peter ________.A.doesn’t have feet B.doesn’t want to walk C.can not walk D.doesn’t want to go()5.Peter kicks his mother when he is ________.A.happy B.walking
C.spoiled D.unhappy
(十三)I have six baskets.Three are big.And three are small.I have some apples and oranges.I put three apples in each(每个)small basket, and I put three oranges in each big basket and one orange in each small basket.The number of the oranges is my age(年龄)。
()1.I have apples.A.three B.six C.nine D.twelve()2.I have oranges.A.three B.six C.nine D.twelve()3.What are those in the small baskets? They’re.A.nine apples
B.nine oranges
C.nine apples and three oranges D.three apples and nine oranges()4.Where are the apples? They’re in the.A.three big baskets B.three small baskets C.a big basket D.a small basket
34()5.Do you know how old I am ? A.one B.six C.eleven D.twelve
Last Saturday morning, Lucy went to a supermarket.She wanted to buy a big cake for her mother’s birthday.There were many people in the supermarket.Suddenly, Lucy saw a beautiful wallet on the floor.‘ Whose wallet is it?’ She asked, but nobody answered.‘ Excuse me, is this wallet yours, sir ’She asked the man in front of her.‘ No, it isn’t.’ The man said, ‘ Perhaps it’s hers.’ He pointed the woman in front of him.‘ Is this wallet yours?’ She asked the woman.‘ Let me have a look.Oh, yes, it is.Thank you very much.’()1.Lucy went to a supermarket last Sunday.()2.There were many people in the supermarket.()3.Lucy saw a beautiful cake on the floor.()4.Lucy asked a man behind her.()5.The wallet is the woman’s.35
(十五)There is a frog(青蛙).He lives in a well(井)and he never(从未)goes out of the well.He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.One day a crow(乌鸦)comes to the well.He sees the frog and say ,“Frog , let’s have a talk.”Then the frog asks,“Where are you from?”“I fly from the sky,”the crow says.The frog feels surprised(惊讶)and says, “The sky is only as bid as the mouth of the well.How do you fly from the sky?”
The crow says, “The sky is very big.You always stay in the well, so you don’t know the world is big.”
The frog says,“I don’t believe(相信).”But he crow says,“You can come out and have a look by yourself.”
So the frog comes out from the well.He is very surprised.How big the world is!()1.The frog lives in.A.A garden B.a pond(池塘)C.a well()2.The frog thinks the sky is.A.very big B.very small C.very high
36()3.The crow from a well A.is B.isn’t C.doesn’t
()4.The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because.A.he doesn’t know the world is so big
B.he doesn’t know he can jump high
C.he doesn’t know the sky is blue
()5.The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is A.青蛙和乌鸦B.青蛙看天空C.井底之蛙
(十六)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T,F来表示.A fox was looking for food.He was very hungry.Then he saw a lot of nice grapes at the top of the tree.“ How nice they are!I want to eat them.” The fox jumped and jumped, but the tree was too high.He could not get the grapes.The fox went away and said.“ I don’t like grapes.They ‘re not good to eat.”
()1.The fox was playing near the tree.()2.There were many grapes at the top of the tree.37()3.The fox did not like the grapes.()4.The fox went away because(因为)the grapes were not good to eat.(十七)
Look up into the sky.What can you see? You can see the sun.At night, you can see the moon and many, many stars.The moon is nearer us than the sun.The sun is much farther.The moon looks almost as large as the moon.But the sun is really much larger.The sun is a star.It is a big ball of fire.It sends out light.The moon is a satellite(卫星).It doesn’t send out light.There isn’t any air on the moon.There are no trees, grass or water on the moon.During the day it is very hot, but at night it can be-129℃.()1.The moon is as large as the sun.()2.The sun is a big ball of fire.()3.The moon sends out light.()4.There aren’t any trees on the moon.()5.On the moon, it is very cold all the day.38
(十八)There is a car race(比赛)near our town every year.In 2000, there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there.My friend ad I were there, too.You could see us in the crowd.()We stood on the left.There were twenty cars in the race.They were from different countries.It was very exciting.(兴奋)No.15 car ran faster than other cars.It was first.The winner(胜利者)was Billy.On the way home, my friend said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly!It’s not a car race.”()1.When was the great car race?.A.1998.B.1999 C.2000()2.There were in the race in 2000.A.hundreds of cars B.twenty cars C.five cars()3.Who was the winner?.A.I B.My friend C.Billy()4.Which car was Billy in?.A.No.15 B.No.5 C.No.20()5.My friend and I were the race at that time.A.having B.losing C.watching
(十九)A man was very hungry , and he went to buy cakes at a snack bar.When he ate(吃)a cake, he found(发现)he was still hungry, and so he ate a second one.He felt(感觉)so hungry.After seven cakes , he was not hungry.Suddenly, he had an idea.“Ah, if(如果)I eat the seventh one first, I only need to buy one cake, and I can save six yuan.”()1.The man bought(买)cakes.A.one B.seven C.six
()2.After the man eating five cakes , he was still.A.not hungry B.thirsty C.hungry()3.One cake is yuan.A.six B.seven C.one
()4.Was he full(饱)if he ate only one cake? A.Yes, he was.B.No, he wasn’t.C.Yes, he was right.()5.The title(题目)is “.” A.A man and a snack bar B.One cake and seven cakes C.A foolish(愚蠢的)man
(二十)Of all the teachers, we love our English teacher best.(最)He is a very good teacher and about thirty years old.We all call him Mr Liu.He is not tall but a little fat.In his class, we feel very happy.He always makes his English lessons interesting.Sometimes he let us watch the video.Sometimes he teaches us English songs.He often shows us how to learn English well.He asks us to do more listening, speaking, reading and writing.After class, we often talk with him in English.He is always happy to help us.One day, one of classmates, Li Tong had a bad cold.He took her to see a doctor, and got some medicine for her.When Li Tong stayed at home, Mr Liu went to her home and helped her with her lessons.Several days later(几天后), she went back to school.This is our English teacher.What do you think of him?()1.Mr Liu is.A.short but thin B.short but a little fat C.tall but fat
()2.The students feel very happy in Mr Liu’s class, because(因为).A.English is difficult(困难)
B.Mr Liu’s lessons are always interesting C.he is a serious(认真的)man()3.Who had a bad cold? A.A girl B.A boy C.A teacher
()4.What did Mr Liu do first when Li Tong had a bad cold? A.Took her to see the doctor.B.Took he home.C.called her parents.()5.What did Mr Liu do after Li Tong stayed at home? A.He took some flowers to her.B.He got some medicine for her.C.he helped her with her lesons.42
A 不准停车
B No parking
No smoking No photos
不会 C No food
No music 2.广告英语
1.I'm lovin'it(我就喜欢)——麦当劳 2.Obey your thirst.(服从你的渴望。)——雪碧
3.We lead Others copy.(我们领先,他人仿效。)——理光复印机 4.The taste is great.(味道好极了。)——雀巢咖啡 5.Let's make things better.(让我们做得更好。)——飞利浦电子 6.Good to the last drop.(滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。)——麦斯威尔咖啡
7.Feel the new space.(感受新境界。)——三星电子 8.Just do it.(只管去做。)——耐克运动鞋 9.Focus on life.(瞄准生活。)——奥林巴斯相机 10.We're the dot.in.com.(我们就是网络。)——太阳微系统公司 广告英语的语言特点简单,明了
一般都是几个字 3.动物与英语 pig
dog cat 1.Love me,love my dog..爱屋及乌
2.I wanted mother„s present to be secret,but my sister let the cat out of the bag..给妈妈的礼物我本想保密,但妹妹却露出了马脚
3.He was lake a cat in hot bricks before his driving test.面临驾驶考试,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁
4.The pian is a dead duck :there is no money.计划泡汤了,因为没有钱
5.My new car gose like a bird.It runs fairly well.我的新车行驶自如,它跑得非常好。
6.You can taik till the cows come home;you'll never make me clange my mind.你就算说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意
7.I smelt a rat when he strted being so helpful.他主动帮忙,我怀疑里面另有文章
8.They lead a cat-and-dog life,so they decided to get separated.他们老是吵架,所以决定分开
my pigeon 跟我没关系 4.色彩与英语
a white night 不眠之夜
a white elephant 累赘之物/无用物品 a white crow 罕见的事物 the White House 白宫 a white lie 善意的谎言 white flag 投降 black sheep 败家子 black tea 红茶
black coffee 黑咖啡 black Dog 情绪低落 black gold 石油 green hand新手 green tea绿茶
blue day乏味的一天 blue collar蓝领
blue fear极度的惊恐
I had a white night
(一)1① basketball bookshop housework ②writer helpful ③shop water land name 2.straight tall always market smart have square hair airport meat clean see beef week bear pear shirt sir
zoo cool soap coat tour house cow toy story curly nurse back rock that weather fish fashion dolphin elephant where when cheap beach er:height erther other-mother-another-brother make-lake-take-bake-snake rain-train-drainage duck-luck-lucky-chuck twin-win-sing-winner end-tend-send-spend wet-fet-set-pet-get-let
call-fall-tall-small-hall-ball cold-told-fold-mold-sold eat-meat-seat-east-feast sea-tea-seat-plead-each low-slow-flower-flow cow-how-now-down feet-meet-meeting-street sweep-steep-sleep-weep ill-will-till-hill-still it-hit-sit-pit-git-dither cat-pat-fat-mat-nat-that ate-fate-gate-mate-skate noon-moon-toon-spoon an-man-tan-any-ant-many yet-met-net-let-ret-ket lay-may-lay-hay-say-stay yard-gard-card-art-smart dish-fish-wish-finish top-atop-drop-pop
(二)1.thicker better easisr 2 写出三种用于比较的结构:
(1)原级比较用 as+原级+as.I have read books as many as you.(2)两者比较用:....比较级+than.I have watched more films than you.So my listening is better than yours(3)多者之间的比较常用: 比较级+than+any other+单数名词/the other+复数名词 Mary is more optimistic than any other student in our class.2.不规则形容词和副词的比较级和最高级有
bad(坏的)/ ill(有病的)
older/elder oldest/eldest
4..dearer nearer.better more most.far further.least Xinhua bookstore.because books in Xinhua bookstore are very cheap 5.Now I am on summer vocation ,and l will tell you something about my studies.My
chinese and
was great
.But my english
terrible ,my teacher said
that i was lasy.So i should hard-working 6.Waste not,want not.俭以防匮。
From saving comes having.富有来自节俭。
A penny saved is a penny gained.省一文是一文。
Take care of the pence and the pound will take care of themselves.金钱积少便成多。Frugality is an estate alone.节俭本身就是一宗财产。
(三)1.just like a long lost friend(像分别很久的朋友)2.it made me smile(它使我笑容满面)3.过去时态 4.① , put.cut Hit
read let
beat hurt cost 规律:都是不变化的 都是原型
②kept,slept, swept , ept ep变pt ③taught, caught,rach atch 变aught
④brought, bought, thought, 变 ought ⑤began,drank, rang, sang, swam, sat,i 改变a ⑥lent,sent,spent, built,d 改 t ⑦sold, told,ell 变为old ⑧said, pard,变y为i 加d ⑨met,fed 去掉E ⑩grew, knew,threw flew 变为 ew fly flew;
find found;5.Dear mum: i am having a good time in london.i__got__(get)to the airport at about 12 o'clock last friday.i_ took_(take)a taxi to our language school and then i _went___(go)to my host family.in the afternoon i_did_(do)some shopping in downtown.then i_had_(have)my first dinner at about eight that evening.the food_was_(be)delicious and i liked it.it_was_(be)Saturday yesterday.my teacher_took___(take)us sightseeing in the city.i_saw_(see)the Big ben and the Palace where the queen_lives_(live).I_bought__(buy)some postcards in the shop.they are beautiful and i hope you_will love__(love)them.it _was_(be)late when we_got_(get)back to the host home.i_felt_(feel)tired but excited.i think i_have fallen__(fall)in love with the city.Your love
Daming 四
其中结构是:V+ing 3.working buying visiting 规律:直接加ing taking having driving 规律:去e加ing stopping shopping getting 规律:双写辅音字母,再加ing Lying 规律:变ie为y,再加ing
The boy is not playing basketball 一般疑问句
Is the boy playing basketball? 肯定回答
yes,he is 否定回答
No,he is not 对The boy 提问 Who is playing basketball? 2)She is opening the window
Who is cleaning the window?
She is’t closing the door now
I am doing my homework
They are singsing under the tree now Are the Young Pioneers helping the old woman? is swimming No.5 is having/taking a shower 6.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。
Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.7.got is doing is writing make Is doing is lying Tell take is watching is taking Keep
I have a happy summer vacation.I stay at home and go to the countryside during the summer vacation.At home, I do my homework.I watch TV, too.I love English Today.Because I like English very much.I also like “Tell it like it is”.I watch them everyday.Sometimes I play the computer.I can watch MV and learn English on the computer.I often clean my room.I live in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma.They are both sixty years old.In the countryside, I can do many interesting thing there.I play with dog.The dog is cute.I like fishing with my fiends.I really feel happy living in the countryside.1.①Excuse me.___Where are you from____________?
I'm from London.②Excuse me._____Is there a bank near here___________?
Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.③____Why do you like pandas_______________________?
Because they are cute.④__What do you want to be when you grow up________________________?
I want to be an English teacher.⑤____What are you reading_______________________?
I'm reading an English story books.⑥____How is your friend______________________?
My friend is tall and he has long hair.⑦___What do you think of the TV programs_______________________?
The TV progams are boring.I don't love them.⑧____How is the weather now________________________? It's raining hard.3.Is it(very)warm today? would you like to go with us? I'd like to
I can't go with you it doesn't matter When All right /I agree(with you)经典欣赏
1、He is sleeping.2、He wants to go to school.3、Because he wants to know whether Nemo is clear in his mind.4、休息 阅读欣赏
1.A Lamb and A Wolf 2.She's very clever.阅读思考
①Who is the story about? a lamb and a wolf ②When does the story take place? the story took place one day ③Where does the story take place? the story took place in the field ④Why does the lamv ask the wolf to ring the bell? the lamb want the ring will call the sheepherder for help.⑤How does the story go? it goes acording to time.⑥What's the result of the story? the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb 社会传真
1.The story is about the airport security which keeps flying safe.2.X-ray machines 3.Knives or scissors 阅读技巧 第一个“it”是plane accidents飞机事故
第二个“it”是airline safety book航空安全手册 2 ①I am not worried about her.我并不担心她 ②Car accidents happens everyday in China中国每天都有车祸发生 ③The police are concerned about the safety警察关心的是安全 ④There are big machines in the factory工厂里有大机器 ⑤Will the plane take off on time? 飞机能准时起飞吗? 新闻快递
1除了使用名词之外, 还偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母较少的词。这些短小易懂、形象生动的措词不仅能增强新闻的简洁性和可读性, 而且还能调解美化版面节约篇幅, 2.Cambodia's Duch is found guilty 轻松写作 A ①They are working hard.He is studying hard.The train arrives late.The plane flies quickly.The boy tried again and again.He tried again and again.②We won the match.She passed the exam.The workers finished the work ahead of time.The students completed the exam ahead of time.I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.She forgot to buy the book last week.He stopped crying suddenly.They stopped fighting suddenly.③My father gave me a new bicycle.My mother bought me a new dress.I'll buy you a car like that.My mother will give me a pen like that.④He is a university student.She is a college student.The light is still on.The shop is still open.The match is exciting.The film is moving.⑤I helped the boy find his mother.He helped me finish the work.They want me to become a teacher.My parents want me to became a doctor.I made it a rule to read English in the morning.I made it a rule to get up early in the morning.B Despite the fact that…;
not only…,By air 做飞机
I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy.My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays.A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport.While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down.Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board.The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane.After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly.Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.C My Last School Trip(1)
*I had a pleasant school trip last weekend.* I had been very excited for this trip.We have been to XXX.There was a play field.I played Merry-go-round, roller coaster and so on.I have eaten XXX.It tasted fabulous.I will remember this memory forever
My Last School Trip(2)
We have been to XXX.I was excited about it and planned a lot.Unfortunatly, there was a typhoon come to XXX, We should stay at the hotel.Watching the boring TV.The planning we had planned, has been canceled.*So we had a terrible school trip.*
My Last School Trip(3)
We have been to XXX.I was so pleased that I can't fall asleep the night before my lasy school trip.However, XXX was rainy.If it keep raining, we must stay at the hotel.But luckily, two hours later, the sun was shining.I could go out to play!
I had a great fun in XXX D Dear Li Hua: You've mentioned that you felt bad about telling lies.That means you understand your parents, it's really a good thing.Sometimes parents just figure that internet game is terrible, they just don't want their child spend all the time for games , not study.I think the most important thing you should do is make your parents know some advantages about internet games,such as it can make you relax after study ,things like that.By the way ,you should also ensure that you can make good use your time.Editor
七年级英语笔记 第一课
1.聪明的smart=can always answer the teacher’s questions 2.高兴地cheerfull=always happy 3.勤勉的Hard-working=study hard 4.耐心的Patient =take time to help others 5.忘记Forget=didn’t remember 6.照顾Take care of =look after 7.保持不变Remain=still be 8.鼓励Encourage=give...a lot of hope 9.放弃Give up =stop trying to do someting 10.看起来像Look alike =look like each other 11.擅长Do well in =be good at 12.也As well=too 13.帮助某人做某事Help sb.do sth.=help sb.With sth.二.第一课重点词组搭配及用法:
1.跟某人谈论某事talk to sb.About sth.2.花费时间做某事take time to do sth.3.照顾Take care of 4.除、、、之外,也As well 5.讲笑话Tell jokes 6.使某人大笑Make sb.Laugh 7.擅长Be good at 8.充满Be full of 9.对某人要求严格Be strict about sth.10.给某人支持Give sb.Support 11.放弃Give up 12.与某人交朋友Make friends with sb 13.成功=be successful
句型:1.What do you think of Alice? 2.What doesdid he she look like? 3.What does did heshe do? 4.Why not plan a special Mother’s Day for her? 句子:5.Listen to a girl talking to her grandma about their relatives.听一位女孩跟她的奶奶谈论她们的亲戚。
6.she takes time to help her child.她花时间帮助她的孩子。
7.My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.我的奶奶是个身材矮小,头发花白的妇女。
8.She died two years ago and I miss her very much.她两年前去世了,我非常想念她。9.She often tells me jokes to make me laugh,but she never makes fun of others.她经常给我讲笑话使我笑,但是她从不取笑别人。10.She is good at Maths.她擅长数学。11.Never give up and you’ll be successful.永不放弃,你就会成功。12.Keep trying to do something.一直努力去做某事。
13.What do you think of Joyce,Alice?爱丽丝,你觉得乔伊思怎样?
14.It was about saving the Earth from aliens.它是关于抵御外星人,拯救地球的。15.The man in the black coat is our English teacher.那个穿黑色外套的男人是我们的英语老师。
16.The factory near my home is very noisy.我家附近的那家工厂噪音很大。
17.Oh dear!I fear I didn’t hear your idea clearly.噢,亲爱的!我担心我没有听清楚你的意见。
18.What does did heshe look like?她、他长什么样子? 19.What doesdid he she do ?她、他是做什么的?
20.Sometimes he has to work all day and all night, but he still finds time to help me with my studies.有时他必须夜以继日地工作,但他仍然抽时间来帮助我学习。
1.冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词两种,本单元重点学习定冠词the的用法。巧学妙记:特指双方熟悉,上文已经提起。世界上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,还有复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用词要牢记。2.复习乐器前有the;球类词没有the: 背:play the guitarthe pianothe violin;play basketballfootballtabe tennisvolleyball.3.With和;具有;带有;用法;背:戴眼镜with glasses:穿黑色外套in the black coat;穿紫色套装in the purple suit;穿黄色短裙in the yellow skirt;穿红色长裙in the red dress;短头发with short hair;黑色短发with short,black hair;黑色长直发with long ,straight hair;在家附近near my home
六、第一课文化知识 1.关于母亲节相关知识:
时间Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May every year.可以做的事情:
2.关于中文名字和英文名字的区别; 例如
1.France法国-French法语 2.作为、、、而出名Be famous as =be known as 3.在岸上on the coast=close to 4.好的,优秀的excellent= very good 5.商店store=shop 6.为什么不why not=why don’t you 7.更喜欢prefer、、、to=like、、、more than others 8.喜欢滑雪enjoy skiing=love playing moving over snow
二、词组 1.环游世界travel around the world 2.西欧Western Europe 3.法国的首都 the capital of France 4.名胜古迹places of interest 5.以、、、而闻名be famous for 6.在海滨on the coast 7.更喜欢prefer to 8.与、、、不同be different from 9.去购物go shopping 10.例如for example 11.在中心in the centre 12.暑假summer holiday 13.在冬天in winter 14.参观巴黎visit Paris 15.在日记里in the diary
1.喜欢数学和英语,但是不喜欢科学。I like Maths and English very much, but I don’t like science.2.我将来想当老师,因此我在学校努力学习。I want to be a teacher in the future,so I’m studying hard at school.四、重点句子
1.我能跳得比埃菲尔铁塔高。I can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower.2.些街道中哪一条是巴黎最著名的街道?Which of these is the most famous street in Paris ? 3.法国以哪种饮料最出名?Which drink is France most famous for ? 4.在这里你会发现许多如埃菲尔铁塔这样的名胜。Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower ? 5.如果你想参观一些商店和百货商店,这就是要去的地方。
This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.6.靠近大海close to the sea 7.它与在欧洲的建筑非常不同。It is very different from the buildings in Europe.8.在法国中部有许多葡萄园,农民们种植葡萄来酿造优良的法国葡萄酒。There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make execellent French wine.9.海边的一个法国小镇是度暑假的完美地方,但是,如果你更喜欢在冬天游览法国,你可以尝试在法属阿尔卑斯山脉滑雪。A France town by the sea is the prefect place for a summer holiday ,but if you prefer to visit France in winter,you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.10.为了到达塔顶,你可以、、、To get to the top of the tower ,you can、、、。
11.我对泰国文化感兴趣,并且我喜欢泰国食物。I’m interested in Thai culture,and I love Thai food.12.我在北京玩得很高兴,并计划在明天春节期间再次游览北京。I had a wonderful time in Beijing and I plan to visit it again during the Spring Festival next year.13.我们养兔子和猫作为宠物。We have cats and rabbits as pets.14.我们昨天乘飞机到达这里。We arrived here yesterday by plane.15.比萨斜塔是意大利最漂亮的钟塔之一。The Tower of Paris is one of the most beautiful bell towers in Italy.16.它不但漂亮,而且奇怪----它向一边倾斜。It is not only beautiful,but also strange---it leans to one side.17.花费了将近200年的时间才完工。It took nearly 200 years to complete.18.建这座塔花费了多少年的时间。How many years did it take to build the tower ? 19.1990年,由于安全原因,它对公众关闭。In 1990,it was closed to the public for safety rasons.五、单元语法 1.连词and butso的用法 2.名词大写情况 六.单元音标 七.单元文化知识
1.背包客Backpacking is a popular style of tralling.2.世界上一些国家的首都和最大的城市。
澳大利亚Australia--Canberra培拉--悉尼sydney 法国France--Paris巴黎--泰国Thailand 英国The UK 美国The US 八.单元作文
明信片A postcard----地址---内容---格式 第三课笔记
1.睡觉fall asleep=go to sleep 2.Not、、、go anywhere=go nowwhere 3.Next to =beside 4.We are both =both of them 5.A rescue story =a story about rescue 6.Have dinner=have supper 7.On the morning of the second day= in the morning on the second day 8.Be blind =can’t see 9.By myself=without other’s help 10.Apologize=say“sorry” 11.Finally=at last 12.Wake up=stopping sleeping
1、到达arrive at
2、独自by oneself
3、带着某人到lead sb.to 4.入睡fall asleep 5.醒来wake up 6.在某人的帮助下with one’s help 7.蹲下get down 8.在、、、旁边next to 9.消防车fire engine 10.向某人道歉apologize 11.照顾look after 12.在、、、的底部at the bottom of 13.导盲犬guide dog 14.与、、、匹配match、、、with 15.在故事里in the story 16.允许某人做某事allow sb.to do 17.一段时间后some time later 18.开始做某事start to do sth.19.进来come in 20.在门下under the door
1.What do you think the word”eyes”means in the story? 2.Then I saw something moving to towards me.3.As soon as I stepped onto the beach ,the dolpin swam away.四、重点句子
1.谈论一种有帮助的动物。Talk about a helpful animal.2.你认为在这个故事中“eyes”这个单词是什么意思? 3.他很快就睡着了。He soon fell asleep.4.约翰不肯抛下自己的“眼睛”离开。John would not go without “eyes”.5.最后,消防员也把查利带出了哪座楼,他们两个都安全了。Finally,the firemen got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe.6.欢迎你入住,可是很抱歉,我们不允许宠物入住。You’re welcome to stay,but I’m sorry that we don’t allow pets here.7.你最好照顾它,否则你将不再被允许进入公园。You’d better look after him or you won’t be allowed in the park again.8.他们应该为他们自己感到骄傲。They should feel proud of themselves.9.我的床在书桌的另一边。My bed is on the other side of the desk.10.我的朋友布莱恩给他的兄弟带来了一副眼镜和一些彩色蜡笔。My friend brought his brother a pair of glasses and some crayons.11.然后我看见什么东西正在向我移动。Then I saw something moving towards me.12.我一踏上海滩,海豚就游走了。As soon as I stepped onto the beach,the dolphin swam away.13.我就会一直记得这个友好的动物是怎样救了我的命的。I will always remember how this friendly animal saved my life.五、单元语法 1.反身代词 2.方位介词