
时间:2019-05-14 12:01:04下载本文作者:会员上传


从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。()1.I saw some foreigners__in the reception mom.A.seating


C.to sit

D.seated()2.I was so absent minded that I__the bus at the wrong station.A.get off from

B.get down

C.get down from D.get off()3.You may not go out__your wont is done.A.before



D.as()4.I hope to get my wife__on the next trip to Europe.A.to have come along with me

B.to come along with me C.coming along with me

D.with me to come along()5.In order to keep healthy,I'll do __ the doctor advised.A.as



D.all what()6.The study team worked late into the night,__ an oral report for the project.A.to prepare



D.was preparing()7.It is very kind __ come to see me.A.from you to

B.for you

C.of you to

D.like you()8.He told the manager the fact __ the file had nothing to __ with the case.A.that




()9.More information becomes __ through the use of internet.A.external


C.adequate ,,,,,,,,,,,,D.available()10.Let's make no mistake,was Friday __ you the museum


B.on C.which


it last visited


()11.__ the help of the new couch,I've made great progress in my tennis training.A.Under



.Because()12.This kind of material __ glue.A.is used to producing

B.is used to produce

C.used to produce

D.used to producing()13.What when he came island was surprise.A.brought B.took



Ted_me from the a big

()14.-Alan,you're wanted __ the phone.-Oh,I wonder who_? A.on;he is

B.for;is he

C.on;it is

D.for;it is()15.During his stay here,he did nothing but __ lies.A.tell

B.to tell


D.speak()16.I was wondering if I could ask you to do a small __ for me?=help




D.good()17.He could not say a word when we found him,and we did not know __ there.A.how long time he had been

B.how long had he been

C.how long time had he been

D.how long he had been()18.-I think the blue dress __ her well.-You are right.A.fits

B.is fit

C.is fit for

D.fits for()19.___science is a very good way to raise the educational level of the whole nation.A.General



D.Popular()20.-I've got a slight headache and niy left hand is a little awkward.-How long___you?

A.does it bother

B.was it bothering

C.would it bother

D.has it been bothering()21.He regretted not__to his wife's advice to quit smoke.A.to B.following followed followed


C.to have D.having()22.Never__till tomorrow what may be done today.A.put B.put away

C.put off

D.put up


()23.The harder you practice,A.you'll make great progress

B.the greater progress you'll make C.you'll make greater progress

D.the greater you'll make progress()24.He knows art__better than I do, for he can tell __about artists than I can.A.very;much more

B.far;many more C.quite;rather more

D.much;much more()1.Hardly_out at night.A.does she go B.goes she

C.she goes

D.she had gone()2.Without electricity human life __ quite different today.A.is

B.will be

C.would have been

D.would be()3.This question is __ than the last one.A.more B.more C.very easier()4.__ information brought us!

A.What B.What C.How

easier easy

useful you've

a D.much

easier()5.Your office must have been cleaned yesterday,__ ?

A.wasn't it


C.hasn't it

D.mustn t it

()6.Montreal is larger than __ in Canada.A.any city

B.any cities

C.any other cities D.any other city()7.When he was 40,his doctor

him to eat less meat.A.hopes




()8.We couldn't afford to eat in a restaurant because __ of us had __ money




D.no one...any()9.The young couple were not sure __ the money or to put it in the bank.A.if he spent B.whether to spend C.that he spent

D.what to spend()10.I have full confidence to say that nothing could stop___.A.him come

B.that the came

C.him from coming D.him to come

()11.They sold her a car for$100 000,__ it was worth.A.as m uch as twice B.as much twice as

C.as twice much as D.twice as much as()12.-Why is Mary upset today?

-_her new bicycle.A.As she lost B.Lost


D.Because of losing()13.__ by the jet engine。the plane took off and flew into the sky.A.Pushing


C.Having been pushed

D.Having pushed()14.In my opinion,__ you recommended isn't worth the price at all.A.what



D.as()15.The boy was made __ the car for a week as a punishment.A.to wash



D.to be washing()16.Today's weather isn't as cold as it was yesterday,__ ?


B.is it

C.was it

D.isn't it()17.She hardly thinks that there is any hope for her to win the award。__ ?

A.does she

B.doesn't she

C.is there

D.isn't there()18.We __ all our achievements to the favorite economy situation.A.own



D.appreciate()19.__ I think the dish is a bit small than the one in the menu,isn't it? __.A.So is the fish

B.So the fish is

C.Neither the fish

D.Neither is the fish()20.You'd better knock before you come in next time,__ you?




D.will not()21.What would you __ to eat tonight?




D.hope()22.This course is for students __ native language is not English.A.of whom



D.whose()23.-Whose computer is this?

-It's A.my sister's Ann B.my sister Ann

C.my sister's Ann's D.my sister Ann's()24.Beethoven __ a very poor life,but __ us so many excellent music.A.led...left

B.led...had left

C.leads...has left

D.was leading...had left()25.The new secretary couldn't take shorthand.__ slowed down the work of the office.A.that



D.so()1.-Mary's got divorced again.-What? again? I __ she __ divorced once before.A.don't know;has

B.didn't know;had

C.didn't know;has

D.hadn't know;would

()2.Tom is __ boy that everyone likes him.A.so smart B.such smart C.a so smart

D.a such smart



()3.Alexander Graham Bell invented __ telephone in 1870s.A./



D.one()4.The TV ads warned people __ after drinking.A.never to drive B.to never drive C.never driving D.never chive()5.We got the house __ pink to make it more attractive!


B.be painted

C.to paint


()6.__ your step,certainty you don't want a broken leg.A.See



D.Look at()7.The taxi driver managed to return the wallet to __ lost it.A.the passenger


C.the one that D.whom()8.-It is very cloudy today·

-Yes,I've never seen

before.A.such ugly sky

B.such a ugly sky C.so ugly sky

D.that ugly sky()9.The number of aged people in out city __ very quickly.A.increase

B.is increasing

C.are increasing

D.have increased()10.-Have you finished your model plane?

-Not yet.The wings __.A.are being painted B.are painting

C.are painted

D.are being painting()11.These horses need more food.They were __ weight.A.losing



D.being lost()12.It looks __ it's going to rain.A.that


C.as if

D.like that()13.Computer programs can't

active clerks in office.A.instead

B.instead of

C.take the place of D.take place()14.-The light in the office is still on.-Oh,I forgot __.A.turning it off

B.turn it off

C.to turn it off

D.having turned it off()15.He asked __ since he had been chairman for seven years.A.not to have been reelected

B.to not be re-elected

C.not to be re--elected.D.to have not been reelected()16.The box was so heavy that it was impossihle for the woman to __ it by herself.A.lift



D.touch()17.My son is taller than __ in his class.A.any boy

B.other boys

C.all boys

D.any other boy()18.-Do you know the singer quarreled with his girlfriend?

-I don't know.A.nor don't I care

B.nor do I care

C.I don't care neither

D.I don't care also()19.The policeman caught the thief __ the arm.A.by



D.at()20.The picnic __ due to the weather.A.is to put off

B.is going to put off C.is to he put off put off

D.will()6.Thomas Edison,__ the inventor of electricity,was from a poor family.A.known as

B.known by

C.famous for

D.together with()7.The drug has saved millions of lives since it __ in 1941.





()1.A.either B.fail C.decide D.try

()2.A.curtain B.paint C.sail D.straight

()3.A.country B.courage C.pronounce D.double

()4.A.carriage B.idiom C.immediate D.material

()5.A.neither B.thirsty C.through D.thousand



()6.What would you ________ to eat tonight?





()7.I ________ my bicycle on the left side.A.get off from

B.get down

C.get down from

D.get off

()8.Coal ________ electricity very often.A.is used to producing

B.is used to produce

C.used to produce

D.used to producing

()9.Why can‗t you do this small _______ for me? I‘ve helped you often enough in the past.A.work




()10.Never _______ till tomorrow what may be done today.A.put on

B.put away

C.put off

D.put up

()11.Mother kept inviting Mrs.Smith to stay for lunch,and finally she _______.A.gave out

B.gave off

C.gave in

D.gave away

()12.France is ________ only European country I have visited.A.an




()13.The problem of pollution in this city is more serious than ______ in other cities.A.that




()14.Dick found himself walking _______ the direction of the post office.A.to




()15._______ that we were late,we started to run.A.Know

B.To know


D.Being known

()16.This room is _______ any of the others in the building.A.the biggest than

B.big as

C.bigger than

D.the biggest of

()17.Just think Ann got the house _______ all by herself!


B.be painted

C.to paint


()18.The policeman caught the man _________ the arm.A.by




()19.To get an education,_______.A.one must work hard

B.working hard is important

C.to work hard is necessary

D.it is needed to work hard

()20.The old man could not decide ________ the money or to put it in the bank.A.if he spent

B.whether to spend

C.that he spent

D.what to spend

()21.I wish you‗d consider _______ to Miami with us this vacation.A.going

B.that you‗ll go

C.to go

D.to going

()22.I think I‗ll wait until the mail _______.A.should come

B.is coming


D.will come

()23.We found ________.A.the work hard for doing

B.hard to do the work

C.it hard for doing the work

D.the work hard to do

()24.Professor Bixby warned his students ________ late for the examination.A.not be

B.to be not

C.not to be

D.be not

()25.I don‗t know what I‘d have done if I _______ to make that decision.A.would have

B.had had

C.have had

D.did have

()26.I don‗t know how to play bridge and ________.A.my wife doesn‗t neither

B.my wife does either

C.neither does my wife

D.neither my wife does

()27.He asked ________ since he had been chairman for seven years.A.not to have been re-elected

B.to not be re-elected

C.not to be re-elected

D.to have not been re-elected

()28.The guests said that they wouldn‗t mind _______.A.to have a little light music

B.have a little light music

C.having a little light music

D.that they have a little light music

()29.Last night we caught a thief _______ John‗s car.A.when stealing

B.that be stole

C.to steal


()30.Without the invention of writing,a man ________ to remember so many things which he can write down or find in a book.A.is forced

B.will be forced


D.would be forced



The common cold is familiar to everyone.People often catch cold in __31_ winter or spring.They may __32_ catch cold at other times __33_ the year.A person with __34_ bad cold usually buys some __35_ of medicine.Pharmacies have many __36_ for a cold.However,doctors __37_ that these medicines do not __38_ very much.They that __39_ person with a bad cold __40_ stay in bad,keep warm,and drink a lot of water.In 1928 an English doctor was working in his laboratory in London hospital.The doctor‗s name _41_ Alexander Fleming.One day he _42_ a tiny bit of mold(黴)_43_ a dish that he was _44_ in his work.He started _45_ throw the mold away.Then _46_ noticed that it seemed unusual.He _47_ the mold and studied _48_ for a long time.He _49_ that it could kill germs.He _50_ it penicillin.()31.A.a B.the C.some D.none

()32.A.too B.also C.to D.still

()33.A.at B.from C.of D.on

()34.A.some B.a C.one D.the

()35.A.kind B.set C.quantity D.deal

()36.A.medicine B.much C.medicines D.doctors

()37.A.tell B.speak C.talk D.say

()38.A.helps B.help C.helping D.helped

()39.A.many B.some C.a D.one

()40.A.ought B.shall C.to D.should

()41.A.is B.was C.called D.be

()42.A.finding B.founded C.found D.finds

()43.A.in B.among C.above D.into

()44.A.playing B.using C.cooking D.making

()45.A.to B.and C.but D.by

()46.A.she B.Dr C.it D.he

()47.A.kept B.keeps C.keep D.keeping

()48.A.them B.mold C.it D.him

()49.A.knew B.studied C.invented D.discovered

()50.A.calls B.named C.made D.liked




It was January 1848.A man was digging near the small village of San Francisco,California,Suddenly,he saw something shiny—gold.By the next year the California gold rush had begun.Thousands of men came to California.They were called ―forty-miners‖ after the year 1849.The forty-miners came from all around the USA.They even came from other countries,including Mexico,Australia,China,France,and England.They left their families and jobs,and made the difficult trip to California.They all shared a dream.They all wanted to make a fortune in gold.Towns and camps grew quickly wherever gold was found.These towns were rough places.There was almost always a saloon,where the men drank whiskey and gambled at cards.In mining towns,men stole and sometimes killed for gold.Did the miners make their fortune? Some did,especially those who came early were lucky.In 1848,miners usually made about twenty dollars a day.In 1852 miners made about six dollars a day.Many other people came to California to make money from the miners.Prices were very high.A loaf of bread,which cost five cents in New York,cost almost a dollar in San Francisco.In 1848 San Francisco had been a village.Six years later it was a city with a population of 50,000.In 1850 California had enough people to become a state.()51.In 1849 thousands of men came to California because _______.A.they were forty-miners

B.they wanted to find gold

C.they had families

D.California was a beautiful place

()52.Towns and camps _________.A.grew quickly

B.grew where there was a saloon

C.grew where there was no gold

D.grew fast wherever there was gold

()53.Some of the miners who were lucky _________.A.made twenty dollars

B.made their fortune

C.made bread

D.became poor

()54.The towns of the old West were rough places ________.A.where people fought a lot

B.where there are mountains

C.where there is no water

D.with irregular land


Baseball is America‗s most popular sport.In a baseball game there are two teams of nine players.Players must hit ball with a bat and then run around four bases.A player who goes around all the bases scores a run for his team.The team that finishes with more runs wins the game.Where did baseball come from? No one knows for sure.Many people believe that the idea came from a game played by children in England.Other people believe that a man named Abner Doubleday invented the game in Cooperstown,New York,in 1839.But the first real rules of baseball were written in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright.Two teams from New York played a game following Cartwright‗s rules.The rules worked well.Soon there were many teams.These early teams were not professional.They played only for fun,not money.But baseball was very popular from the start.Businessmen saw that they could make money with professional baseball teams.The first professional team was started in 1869.This team was the Red Stockings of Cincinati.Within a few years there were professional teams in other cities.In 1876,these teams came together in a league,or group,called the National League.The teams in the National League played one another.In 1901,a new league,called the American League,was formed.To create some excitement,in 1903,the two leagues decided to have their first-place teams play each other.This event was called the World Series.Each year since then the National League winner and the American League winner play in the World Series.And,each year,millions of people look forward to this exciting sports event.()55.A group of people that play together is _________.A.a team

B.a league

C.a game

D.a player

()56.A wooden stick used to hit a ball in baseball is called ________.A.a ball

B.a sport

C.a bat

D.a stick

()57.When a player runs around all four bases he makes ________.A.a four

B.a winner

C.a run

D.a game

()58.When teams play sports for money they are ________.A.businessmen





Legend tells us that the city of Rome was established in 152 BC.It‗s a fact,however,that by 100 AD,Rome was the center of a vast empire.It ranged from Syria in the east to Spain in the west.It stretched from Britain in the north to Africa in the south.All or part of 27 of today‘s countries were included in the Roman Empire.All of their people were ruled by one government,that of Rome.All educated citizens spoke the same language,Latin.And one of the empire‗s many outposts was called Londinium.This unimportant town would later become London,England,and the center of another empire.The Roman Empire collapsed about 1,5000 years ago.Yet in some ways,it is still with us.Take the letters you are reading fox example.English,like many other languages,uses the Roman alphabet while also borrowing many word.The laws of many European countries are based on ancient Roman laws.Roman ruins are scattered throughout Europe,North Africa,and the Middle East.In some places,Roman roads and water courses are still in use.To this day,and European in North Africa is likely to be called ―Roumi‖—Roman.Even modern place names are often inherited from ancient Rome.Both Greece and Germany bear the names given them by the Romans rather than the names that their own people first called them.()59.The most northern part of the Roman Empire was _______.A.Spain




()60.The main idea of paragraph 2 is that Roman culture is ________.A.dead and buried

B.based completely on language

C.still part of the present

D.unimportant to history

()61.In the days of the Empire,the Roman government was probably _______.A.strong




()62.What happened first?

A.Londinium was an outpost

B.The Roman Empire fell apart.C.The city of Rome was founded.D.London became the center of an empire.D

When water is heated until it boils,bubbles of gas appear and rise through the hot liquid.When an electric current passes through water in a process called electrolysis(電解),bubbles of gas appear and rise through the liquid.Superficially(表面地),the two events appear same.If the gas from the boiling water is examined,its properties are found to be the same as those of the water,Thus,if the steam is cooled to room temperature,a liquid is formed which is indistinguishable from the original water.When,however,the gas from the electrolysis equipment is cooled to room temperature,it remains a gas rather than becoming a liquid.Nor will it,at zero degrees centigrade or below,turn to solid,as will the gas from boiling water,These two processes,boiling and electrolysis,have clearly resulted in products with quite different properties.In boiling,the gas does not represent a new substance,but only a different state of the original substance.Electrolysis,on the other hand,has generated a product which is a new substance,or possibly a mixture of new substances.A change in state as represented by going from a liquid to a gas without the production of new substances in called a ―physical change‖。However,when a process takes place that produces new substances,this is called a ―chemical change‖ or a ―chemical reaction‖。In a chemical reaction,the initial substances are replaced by a new set of substances or products.()63.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?


B.Physical and Chemical Changes

C.Different Types of Water

D.Water Temperatures

()64.At a temperature slightly above zero degrees centigrade,which of the following is true of gas produced by electrolysis?

A.It does not become liquid.B.It cannot be distinguished from water.C.It becomes a solid.D.It expands greatly.()65.The passage is developed in the way of ________.A.argumentation



D.listing examples




Mr.Wilson:Hello,this is Alice.Is Dr.Green there?

Dr.Green :Yes,_________66________.Mr.Wilson:Dr.Green,sorry to call you up at this time of the day.But my husband is very sick.I am rather worried._________67_________?

Dr.Green :Yes,certainly._________68_________? It will help me to decide what to prepare before I come.Mr.Wilson:Well,I can‗t tell exactly,but _________69_________.Dr.Green :All right then.Don‗t worry.Keep him in bed._________70_________.Mr.Wilson:I‗ll do that,Dr.Green.See you soon.Dr.Green :See you.六、书面表达(共30分)






1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A


6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.C 12.C

13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A

20.B 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.C

27.C 28.C 29.D 30.D


31.B 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.D

38.B 39.C 40.D 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.B

45.A 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.D 50.B


51.B 52.D 53.B 54.A 55.A 56.C 57.C

58.C 59.D 60.C 61.A 62.C 63.B 64.A




Dr.Green speaking

this is Dr.Green speaking

67.Could you come to my(/our)home

68.What‗s the matter with him

What‗s wrong with him

69.he has a fever(/temperature)and a terrible(/bad)headache

he‗s running a fever and having a terrible(/bad)headache

70.I‗ll be there(/in your house)in a few minutes(/in a moment/soon/ immediately/ right away)


Our school is large and beautiful.When you enter the school gate,you can see a magnificent building.It‗s our teaching building.We have our classes there.Behind the teaching building there is a small garden with a lot of flowers and a fountain.On the left side of the garden there is an experiment building.We do our physics and chemistry experiments there.On the right side there is another two – storeyed building.You can find several language labs and computer rooms in it.At the back of the schoolyard is our library.It is full of various books and magazines.On the west end is the playground,where we spend most of our time after school.On the east end you can see a few dormitory buildings.They are both for students and teachers.Our dining hall is located among them.



Ⅰ.Phonetics(10 points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A.club B.tomb C.comb D.climb

2.A.food B.cool C.school D.flood

3.A.town B.how C.down D.snow

4.A.each B.peach C.break D.deal

5.A.hear B.fear C.dear D.wear

6.A.receive B.friend C.field D.piece

7.A.question B.notion C.exception D.vocation

8.A.exhaust B.exercise C.exam D.exact

9.A.where B.what C.whose D.white

10.A.switch B.hatch C.character D.match

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11.Today is Jenny’s wedding day.She _______ to Thomas.A.just has got married B.has just married

C.was just married D.has just got married

12.Every officer and every soldier _______ obey the rules.A.had to B.have to C.has to D.must have to

13.Rarely _______ so difficult a problem.A.she could have faced with B.could have she faced with

C.she could have been faced with D.could she have been faced with

14.______ a dog on the road, the car stopped.A.Having seen B.On seeing C.The driver seeing D.Seeing

15.I asked my teacher _______.A.what courses should I take B.should I take what courses

C.I should take what courses D.what courses I should take

16.Comrade Li promised to help us and he said he would come ______.A.right away B.all at once C.all of a sudden D.all right

17.There aren’t many pandas ________ in the world today.A.alive B.living C.lively D.lived

18.Such electron tubes ________ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.A.that we use B.as we use C.as we use them D.that we use them

19.It _______ to me that he was jealous.A.happened B.took C.occurred D.felt

20.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ______ to its burning temperature.A.were heated B.must be heated C.is heated D.be heated

21.Please ______ me at the station on time.A.meeting B.to meet C.meet D.met

22._______ “hello”, he reached out his hand.A.Said B.Saying C.To say D.Say

23.People are more _______ to spend money on goods with an attractive look than those without.A.attracted B.tempted C.persuaded D.tended

24.It was ______ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergeney room with an expression as grave as a judge _______ he realized the seriousness of his wife’s illness.A.not until…that B.after…when C.until…then D.before…that

25.Please telephone me half an hour _______.A.in charge B.in advance C.in time D.in front

26.Both Mary and Ellen, as well as Jan, _______ studying Chinese History.A.are B.is C.are being D.is being

27.I’d like to _______ him to you for the job.He is a very clever and industrious boy.A.refer B.suggest C.recommend D.propose

28.It ______ that 200 people died and over 5,000 lost their shelters after the flood.A.reported B.reports C.has been reported D.has reported

29.He was asked to speak louder ______ all the other students in the classroom could hear him.A.as B.so as to C.so that D.so as

30.His report on the space exploration was really ________.A.exciting B.excited C.excitement D.excitedly

31.Your chair needs _______.A.to repair B.repairing C.to repairing D.being repair

32.I hate to see papers _______ in pencil.A.writing B.to write C.written D.write

33.The job made her dependent _______ her husband.A.on B.from C.of D.to

34.This is the second time she ______ improvement on that equipment.A.had made B.made C.is making D.has made

35.He spoke so quickly that I did not ______ what he said.A.catch B.accept C.take D.listen

36._______determines a good meal varies from country to country.A.What B.That C.It D.Which

37.As the journey was a long one, he took a friend with him for ________.A.pleasure B.entertainment C.company D.defence

38.I suggest _______ for an outgoing this Sunday.A.us going B.we are going C.to go D.our going

39.We’ve ______ sugar.Ask him to lend us some.A.run away with B.run down C.run off D.run out of

40.It was in 1930 _______ he became a university student.A.when B.that C.which D.and

41.I am very _______ to you for your help.A.grateful B.agreeable C.pleased D.thanks

42.You _______ go now.It’s very late.A.had rather B.prefer to C.had better D.would rather

43.If I were you, I would take it easy, _______ is no need to be nervous.A.it B.this C.there D.which

44.Why not _______ me earlier?

A.to tell B.tell C.telling D.told

45.Joe’s handwriting is ________ Mary’s.A.more better B.as well as C.much better than D.more better than

46.The experiment _______ the discovery of a cure for cancer.A.happened to B.led up C.resulted in D.set up

47.To produce one pound of honey, a colony of bees must fly a distance _______ to twice around the world.A.similar B.equal C.compared D.corresponding

48.I did not mean ____ anything, but those apples looked so good I couldn’t resist ___one.A.to eat…trying B.to eat…to trying C.eating…to try D.eating…to trying

49.I had hardly sat down _______ he stepped in.A.when B.that C.until D.after

50.In his time he enjoyed a reputation _______.A.as great as Mozart, if not greater than B.as great as, if not greater than, Mozart

C.as great, if not greater, as Mozart D.greater, if not as great as Mozart

Ⅲ.Cloze(20 points)


For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blankening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident.He was also a little deaf _51_ old age.Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came.He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning.He was knocked _53_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree.He went into the house and lay down in bed.A short time later, he awoke;his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him.When his wife entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years.Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight

and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that.The only _58_ explanation offered by one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _60_ trauma.51.A.because B.because of C.as D.since

52.A.from B.away C.against D.contrary

53.A.at B.in C.to D.on

54.A.late B.soon C.later D.after

55.A.dying B.dead C.die D.being died

56.A.saw B.watched C.noticed D.examined

57.A.say B.thought over C.made sure D.agreed to

58.A.possibly B.possible C.probably D.mainly

59.A.although B.because of C.even though D.since

60.A.others B.other C.another D.one other

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension(60 points)


There are four reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by five questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One

In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched: food, tools, and precious metals and stones.Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they were pieces of rare metal.Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible forms, reducing it to a series of “bits and bytes”, or units of computerized information, going between machines at the speed of light.Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.61.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.International Banking Policies B.The History of Monetary Exchange

C.The Development of Paper Currencies D.Current Problems in the Economy

62.According to the passage, which of the following was the earliest kind of exchange of wealth?

A.Bartered foods B.Fiat money C.Coin currency D.Intangible forms

63.The author mentions food, tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all ________.A.useful items B.articles of value

C.difficult things to obtain D.material objects

64.According to the passage, coins once had real value as currency because they ______.represented a great improvement over barter

permitted easy transportation of wealth

were made of precious metals

could become collector’s items

65.Which of the following statements about computerized monetary systems is NOT supported by the passage?

They promote international trade.They allow very rapid money transfers.They are still limited to small transactions(交易).They are dependent on good telecommunications systems.Passage Two

At the University of Kansas art museum, scientists tested the effect of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings.For the first group the room was painted white;for the second, dark brown.Movement of each group was followed by an electrical equipment under the carpet.The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one.Dark brown made people more active, but the activity ended sooner.Not only the choice of colors but also the general appearance of a room affects those inside.Another experiment presented people with photographs of faces whose energy was to be commented.Three groups of people were used;each was shown the same photos, but each group was in an ordinary room—a nice office.The third was in a tastefully designed living room with carpeting.Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tend to give higher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did.Other studies that students do better on tests taken in comfortable room than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms.66.Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage?

People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people in ugly rooms

The color and general appearance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior of the people in it

The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of room on people’s behavior

Beautifully furnished, light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly, dark rooms

67.According to the passage, we may conclude that the whiter a room is ________.A.the longer people like to stay in it B.the sooner people in it will leave

C.the more active people in it will become D.the more excited people

68.What is referred to as the “general appearance” in this passage is ________.how many broad windows a room has, through which sunlight might come in

the size of a room

whether there are beautiful walls in a room

what the room looks like

69.This passage provides us with _______.A.a piece of scientific information B.a normal lesson

C.an interesting test D.a piece of news

70.At least how many tests were carried out by the scientists referred to in this passage?

A.Three B.Two C.Only one D.No one knows

Passage Three

The water we drink and use is running short in the world.We all have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water.One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it.Experiments have already been done in this field.Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system.But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory.There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring.But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough.Then we could turn to the oceans.All we’d have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt.This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world.71.The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ________.A.do experiments with water B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again D.make use of seawater

72.The following tells us how to reuse the used water.Which is the right order of the passage?

A.to have the used water filtered B.to put chemicals in it

C.to pipe it to the users D.to pipe the used water to be purified to a factory

73.There wouldn’t be enough water for us if we didn’t _________.A.turn to the oceans for more water B.reuse used water and make use of seawater

C.desalt seawater D.take steps to reuse all water on earth

74.The would “it” in the last sentence refers to _______.A.seawater B.purified water

C.the process of getting rid of the salt in seawater

D.the process of collecting salt from the sea oceans

75.The best title for the passage is “_______”.A.How to Reuse Water

B.Two Solutions to the Problem of Water Shortage

C.Stop Wasting Our Limited Water

D.How to Make Use of Seawater

Passage Four

Some people hate everything that is modern.They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music;they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing;they think that all modern painting is ugly;and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world.Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past.They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new or to express himself or the age in materials original ways.It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures.If the work of art is a painting, the artist’s failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place.This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing.We can’t judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings.Technologically, the modern buildings are

more advanced.The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past.He is too proud to do that.76.Some people hate everything that is modern because _______.A.they are aged B.they find it hard to accept modern things

C.they take their standards of perfection from the Greek

D.they look at things by the standards of the past

77.The writer of the passage thinks that ________.it is true to say artists fail in their work

it is untrue to say artists fail in their work

it is true to say some artists fail in their work

it is true to say only painters fail in their work

78.The writer thinks the failure of a building _______.A.means nothing B.concerns others

C.concerns only the artist D.concerns all the people in the world

79.The writer thinks that _________.we can’t judge buildings by the ancient standards

we can’t judge all the buildings by the ancient standards

we can’t judge all the modern buildings by the ancient standards

we can’t judge modern buildings

80.Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced.The sentence means _____.the ancient architects had no technology

the modern architects use more advanced technology

the modern buildings are advanced because they are completely different from the ancient buildings

the modern buildings are more beautiful

Ⅴ.Writing(20 points)


For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: Where to Live-in the City or in the Country? Base your composition on the outline given below.1.一些人喜欢住在城市,因为城市生活有许多便利。





1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A

8.B 9.C 10.C

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure

11.D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.A

18.B 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.A

25.B 26.A 27.C 28.C 29.C 30.A 31.B

32.C 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.A 37.C 38.D

39.D 40.B 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.C

46.C 47.B 48.A 49.A 50.B


51.B 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.B 56.A 57.C

58.B 59.D 60.C

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension

61.B 62.A 63.D 64.C 65.C 66.B 67.A

68.D 69.A 70.A 71.B 72.A 73.B 74.C

75.B 76.D 77.C 78.B 79.C 80.B


Where to live —in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.



Ⅰ、Phonetics(10 Points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D、Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation、Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet、1、A、head B、horizon C、honour D、human2、A、city B、bicycle C、face D、climb3、A、think B、these C、breathe D、with4、A、ground B、country C、thousand D、found5、A、pour B、hour C、course D、four6、A、both B、post C、cold D、son7、A、altogether B、talk C、always D、also8、A、suggestion B、nation C、dictation D、satisfaction9、A、started B、closed C、waited D、needed10、A、rare B、fare C、scare D、are

Ⅱ、Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section、For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet、11、_______ idea of _______ sounds much better than Clare’s、A、The, hers B、That, her C、That, hers D、One, her12、China is famous ________ the Great Wall、A、about B、for C、as D、of13、Our school ________ new facilities、A、is equipped with B、equips with C、will be equip with D、has equip with14、I made this myself but it was _______ who taught me、A、he B、him C、himself D、by him15、He had his bicycle _______ yesterday、A、repair B、repairing C、repaired D、be repaired16、It was a ________ room, with beautiful wall paper, waxed floor and nice furniture、A、pleased B、pleasant C、pleasing D、preasant17、He regretted _______the decision too hastily、A、make B、to make C、making D、have maked18、The professor insisted that we _______ our homework before next month、A、handed in B、will hand in C、hand in D、must hand in19、It ______ me of the country which we visited last summer、A、remembers B、recalls C、reminds D、tells20、He _______ smoking at last、A、gave up B、gave out C、gave in D、gave off21、John was _______ he lay down for an hour before dinner、A、so tired as B、so tired that C、too tired that D、too tired so22、Your answer is different ________ the teacher’s、A、to B、at C、from D、with23、It would be _______ a risk to leave the baby alone、A、running B、passing C、carrying D、obeying24、The fact _______ his health is bad is not true、A、which B、that C、as D、what25、These ______ did unusually well in the contest, so the judges didn’t know whom to give prize to、A、woman singers B、women singers C、women singer D、womans singers26、Man must stop _______ the earth’s atmosphere、A、filling B、wasting C、polluting D、blackening27、We can’t _______ another 100 kilometers any more、A、have B、turn C、make D、reach28、Is Mary ______ to join in us?

A、supposed B、exposed C、supported D、indicated29、I want to be told all _______、A、which happen B、which happened

C、that had happened D、that had been happened30、We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, _______ who invented the electric light and many other things、A、man B、a man C、the man D、men31、Don’t tell me such things _______ you are not certain、A、that B、which C、those D、as32、_______ a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes、A、In terms of B、In place of C、By means of D、By far33、Jackson went to work ______ his illness、A、besides B、even though C、in spite of D、although34、Anybody will do, _______ he is responsible for that、A、as far as B、so far as C、as long as D、as soon as35、I suppose they have known about it, _______?

A、am I B、am not I C、have they D、haven’t they36、It ______ him ten years to write that novel、A、took B、spent C、cost D、costed37、The students are looking forward to _______ their holidays in Japan、A、spend B、spending C、for spend D、spent38、They all ______ mentioning that girl、A、avoided B、got away C、ran away D、escaped39、Human beings should find a new _______ of energy、A、orient B、source C、origin D、souse40、The couch is comfortable to _______、A、sit B、be sat C、sitted D、sit on41、So loudly _______ that all the people in the room got a fright、A、he shouted B、shout he C、did he shout D、he did shout42、He is the only one of the sons in the family who ______ received high education、A、are B、is C、have D、has43、We think of Mr、Li ______ our good friend、A、is B、to be C、as D、has been44、The mountain is 1,000 feet _______ the sea level、A、over B、higher C、above D、high45、The road will be blocked if there _______ another snow、A、is B、will be C、to be D、will have46、David like country life and has decided to _______ farming、A、get hold of B、get along with C、go in for D、go thorough47、These children have an advantage _______ those in calculation、A、over B、than C、to D、with48、Shanghai has a larger population than _______ in China、A、any city B、any other cities C、other city D、any other city49、In some countries there are a lot of young people now need _______teeth、A、false B、untrue C、wrong D、erroneous50、This book costs ______ that one、A、twice more B、twice more as C、two times more as D、twice as much as

Ⅲ、Cloze(20 points)


For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D、Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet、Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows、_51_, medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking _52_ the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not、In fact, non-smokers who must involuntarily inhale(吸入)the air _53_ by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers _54_、Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films _55_ in laboratories _56_ there may be a fire hazard(危险)、Elsewhere, it is up to your good _57_、I am _58_ asking you to maintain “No-Smoking” in classrooms and seminar rooms、This will prove that you have the _59_ health in mind, which is very important to a large _60_ of our students、51、A、Still B、Further C、More D、Again52、A、in B、to C、on D、with53、A、polluting B、be polluted C、polluted D、to be polluted54、A、them B、themselves C、their own D、they55、A、and B、but C、as well as D、also56、A、where B、which C、that D、how57、A、feeling B、sense C、realize D、think58、A、so B、next C、therefore D、and59、A、non-smokers B、non-smokers’ C、non-smoker’s D、non-smoker60、A、number B、amount C、many D、much

Ⅳ、Reading Comprehension(60 points)


There are four reading passages in this part、Each passage is followed by five questions、For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D、Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet、Passage One

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping、For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised、It said: “Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods、This May Be Your Lucky Day!”

For several weeks Mrs、Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer、Unlike her friends, she never gave up hoping、The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which she did not need、Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed、She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say: “Madam, this is Your Lucky Day、Everything in your basket is free、”

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea、She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash-desk、As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her、“Madam,” he said, holding out his hand, “I want to congratulate you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

61、The housewives learnt about the of free goods _______、A、on TV B、from the manager

C、at the supermarket D、from the newspaper62、Mrs、Edwards ________、A、is always very lucky B、had no friends

C、hoped to get free shopping D、gets disappointed easily63、Mrs、Edwards’s husband tried to ________、A、make her unhappy B、cheer her up

C、buy things with her D、stop her buying things64、Mrs、Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had to _______、A、buy another thing B、talk to the manager

C、pay for her shopping D、find her shopping65、Mrs、Edwards must have been ________、A、pleased B、delighted C、proud D、disappointed

Passage Two

Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East、Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea、It is listed by the Guinness Book of Would Records as the world’s largest underground lake、The Lost Sea is part of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns、The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation、The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain、Approximately one mile from the entrance, in a room called “The Council Room,” many Indian artisfacts have been found、Some of the items discovered include pottery, arrowheads, weapons, and jewelry、For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not discovered until 1905、In that year, a thirteen-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening three hundred feet underground、He found himself in a large cave half filled with water、Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass-bottomed boats powered by electric motors、More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far and still no end to the lake has been found、Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea, the full extent of it is still unknown、66、The Lost Sea is unique because it is ________、part of a historical cave system

the biggest underground lake in the world

listed in the Guinness Book of World Records

the largest body of water in Tennessee67、The Craighead Caverns have been known ________、A、through history B、since the time of the Indian nations

C、since 1905 D、since divers explored them68、Who located the Lost Sea in recent times?

A、The Cherokee Indians、B、Tourists、C、Ben Sands、D、Scientists、69、What was found in “The Council Room”?

A、A small natural opening、B、A large cave、C、Another series of rooms、D、Many old Indian objects、70、It can be inferred from the passage that the Craighead Caverns presently serve as ____、A、an underground testing site B、an Indian meeting ground

C、a tourist attraction D、a motor boat race course

Passage Three

Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one life’s essentials、Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip、But for many people the thought of food first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure、So despite all the efforts, they still take no breakfast、Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures are available, the number of people who didn’t have breakfast, increased by 33 percent、For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news、Several studies in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast、“Going without breakfast does not affect performance,” said Arrold E、Bender, former professor of the nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve performance、”

Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not adults, “The literature”, says one researcher, Dr、Erresto at the University of Texas, “is poor”、71、The latest year for which figures could be obtained is _______、A、the year the author wrote the article B、1977

C、any year between 1997 and 1983 D、198372、For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that _______、several studies have been done in the past few years

the omission of breakfast does no harm to one’s health

adults have especially made studies in this field

eating little in the morning is good for health73、“…nor does giving people breakfast improve performance” means ______、anyone without breakfast does improve his performance

not giving people breakfast improve performance

having breakfast does not improve performance, either

people having breakfast do improve their performance74、The word “literature” in the last sentence refers to _______、A、stories, poems, plays, etc、B、written works on a particular subject

C、any printed material D、the modern literature of America75、What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that _______、breakfast does not affect performance

Dr、Erresto is engaged in research work at an institution of higher learning

not eating breakfast might affect the health of children

Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London

Passage Four

About 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning、The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university、These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts(B、A、)or Bachelor Science(B、S、)degree、Some students attend a junior college(providing only a two-year program)for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore(二年级生)or junior(三年级生)、It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one、Most private schools require strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average(GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high school、Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive、Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, by earning scholarships、Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad(graduate)school、Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies、Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs、Some have full-time jobs and go to school part-time、Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money / job demands on their time、While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student’s time, most still enjoy social activities、Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular、However, gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity、76、College education is _______ in America、A、quite common B、very rare

C、something difficult D、almost impossible77、Which of the following is NOT required for entering most private schools、A、entrance examinations B、taking part in many activities

C、GPA D、college prep classes78、How can poor students attend private schools?

A、Only by working at part-time jobs、B、Only by working at full-time jobs、C、Only by earning scholarships、D、All of above、79、The American college students like to _______ most of all、A、discuss problems on philosophy B、play balls

C、earn enough money D、go to the cinemas or theatres80、The best title for this passage is _______、A、Part-time jobs B、American college

C、Popular activity D、A new system

Ⅴ、Writing(20 points)


For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 80 words according to the following topic、金钱是一切吗?(Is Money Everything?)











Ⅱ、Vocabulary and Structure11、C







19、C 20、A








29、C 30、C







38、A39、B 40、D








49、A 50、D








59、B 60、A

Ⅳ、Reading Comprehension61、C 62、C 63、D 64、A 65、D 66、B 67、B68、C 69、D 70、C 71、D 72、B 73、C 74、B75、C 76、A 77、B 78、D 79、A 80、B


In Money Everything?

I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it、Fox example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education、And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life、But we can not live without money、We need it for our daily necessities such as food, clothes and transportation、What’s more, we need it to live a better life、In short, we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages、



1、-_______ is your girl friend like?Five days ________ too long for me to wait.C:is

8、It's ________ that he was wrong.C:clear

9、There ________ a book and some magazines on the desk.A:is

10、He ________ me do the work.B:helps

11、He helped me ______ my homework.A:with

12、At that time, she ______ on a journey with her friend.B:was

13、We should not look down ________ the poor people.A:upon

14、If I don't ________ the phone at home, ring me at work.D:answer

15、This book is nothing ______ do with the author's first novel.D:to

16、The young man was drunk ________ two glasses of wine.B:with

17、I didn't buy the apples;she gave them to me ______ nothing.C:for

18、They sent the letter to me ________ mistake.A:by

19、James Watt ______ the steam engine.B:invented

20、The children _______ play with them.C:want me to

21、How ______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? A:can

22、They all go outing on such a warm spring day ______ Mark.He is busy with his lessons now.D:except

23、As a primary school teacher, one should be ______ with children.This is the first standard for being a good teacher.A:patient

24、Standing under a big tree to _______ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice.This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.A:avoid


25、The teacher's lecture on pronunciation lasted for three hours.Many of us felt very _______ and sleepy.B:bored

26、After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink _______.A:something cold

27、All ______ they have done is good for us all.We should understand them.C:that

28、She has been working hard day and night during these years _______ she could pay for the lost necklace.A:in order that

29、We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact ________ them.D:with 30、The scientists are ____ a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.D:doing

31、A pilot should be responsible ____ the safety of all the passengers on board.C:for

32、She walked slowly away, and he waited until she was out of ____ before going back into the house.B:sight

33、Can you look after my children for a while? I don't want to leave them _______.C:alone

34、We are disappointed to find that the quality of the products here _______ very poor.C:is

35、The movie star didn't show up at the airport, _______ was rather disappointing.B:which

36、Who else, _______ Mary, took part in the English speech contest? A:besides

37、Although we have achieved some success, we should work harder _______ now on.A:from

38、John and Alice got _______ last year in Las Vegas.C:married

39、If you observe more closely, Margaret is _______ of the two girls.A:the taller

40、He ______ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.A:sets aside

41、The museum ______ we visited last Saturday was set up twenty years ago.C:which

42、All the evidence points to the fact ______ he is the murderer.C:that

43、The girl sometimes has difficulty ______ what the teacher says in class.B:understanding

44、This is the ______ photo I have ever taken.C:best

45、The Japanese, ______ average, live much longer than the Europeans.D:on

46、______ she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.D:At first

47、He likes to swim _______.A:and to play football

48、I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary _______.A:anywhere

49、I thought that honesty _______ the best policy.B:is

50、His example _______ that everyone can become a useful person in society so long as he is willing to work hard.W词汇与语法


51、This train is going _______ the tunnel quickly.B:through

52、This is the student _______ I know will pass the TOEFL test.B:whom

53、Singing these songs, I could not help ______ the good old days.C:thinking of

54、It is a teacher's job to make sure that everyone of his students _______ confident in preparing himself for the future.A:feels

55、It is _______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.A:normal

56、That was a difficult question, but Mary still _______ to work it out.D:managed

57、The audience _______ dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans.C:are

58、Some TV programs are interesting but some others are ______ and full of violence.A:frightening

59、Few students failed in the exam at the end of last term, _______? D:did they 60、Tom was watching TV when someone______.C:came 61、Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I can't _______you.A:keep up with 62、I ____________feeling that it was a mistake to let him go.B:can't help 63、How can he be ______________stupid? B:that 64、Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting? No, I'd gladly have paid __________for it.A:twice as much 65、This is ____________film I have ever seen.B:the most wonderful 66、She took a short cut _______________the fields.D:across 67、It's reported that a new hospital _____________here next year.C:will be set up 68、Let's ______friends, shall we? D:be 69、They ______each other for more than twenty years.C:haven't seen 70、Jane likes singing.We often hear her _______after class.A:sing 71、I look forward to _______from you.B:hearing 72、There is _________in today's newspaper.D:something new 73、He couldn't buy the dictionary because he had ________money with him.D:little 74、______is the temperature today? A:What 75、There's ______water in the bottle.Don't throw it away.W词汇与语法

B:a little 76、I took someone else's book ______mistake.D:by 77、The food industry in our country is developing ______.D:rapidly 78、The football game will be played on _____.C:the sixth of June 79、I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.D:two pieces of bread 80、He spoke so quickly that I didn't ______what he said.D:catch 81、A man should not be judged always ______what he says.A:by 82、There are a lot of news ______today's newspaper.A:in 83、Your father likes playing golf, he's really enthusiastic _______it.B:about 84、The number of students of this school ______large.C:isn't 85、The league secretary and monitor ______asked to make a speech at the meeting.B:was 86、Nobody believed him ______what he said.C:no matter 87、I shall be surprised if he does this the same way ______I do.A:as 88、My father is leaving ______Shanghai tomorrow.A:for 89、If it ______tomorrow, we will not go out.A:rains 90、It's _____to interrupt the others while they are talking.B:rude 91、I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything ______?

D:to buy 92、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening.D:was doing 93、There is ______water in the glass, is there? D:little 94、-----Nice to see you.I ______you for a long time.A:haven't seen 95、Who jumps ________in your class? C:farthest 96、What will be the population of our country by the end of __________.C:the twenty-first century 97、He plays bowling much ____________than he did three years ago.D:more wonderfully 98、How many students ________in your class? A:are there 99、_______you work, the more you can harvest.C:The harder 100、There's no food in the fridge.They _______shopping.C:are going


101、I don't like uniforms ______they will look so ugly on us.C:because 102、______delicious these moon cake are!C:How 103、I have _______her, but I have never met her.B:heard of 104、The soup smells ____.Would you like some? A:good 105、They have done ____work these days.A:too much 106、You _____do that, if you don't want to.C:needn't 107、It was well known that Thomas Edison______the electric lamp.A:invented 108、I fell and hurt myself while I ________basketball yesterday.A:was playing 109、I won't be free ________ I finish this work.B:until

110、When I got home, my little brother was ________.C:asleep 111、I'll give you a ring if Mike ________ tomorrow.A:comes 112、________ fine weather it is today!

A:What 113、When the lights turn red, the traffic ________ stop.C:must 114、Why not ________ boating with us in the park?

C:go 115、--Where is Mr.Green?--______the library.A:He's gone to 116、Professor Smith promised to look _______my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the thesis defense.B:over

117、Our house is about a mile away from the railway station and there are not many houses _______.A: in between 118、When Lily came home at 5 p.m.yesterday, her mother _______ dinner in the kitchen.B:was cooking 119、Mike is better than Peter ____ swimming.


120、Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham.But now you missed it.B:would have caught

121、Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat.C:a large amount

122、Neither John ____his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.A:nor

123、Jane's dress is similar in design ___her sister's.C:to

124、It's time we ____ the lecture because everybody has arrived.D:started 125、Therefore, other things ____ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.C:being


126、_________her and then try to copy what she does.D:Watch 127、-It's a good idea.But who's going to_________ the plan?-I think John and Peter will.A:carry out

128、Two days is not enough for him to finish the work.He needs _______ day.D:a third 129、Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!B:mess 130、A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.A:avoid

131、This kind of material expands ____ the temperature increasing.C:with

132、A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him___to the door.C:hurry

133、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.D:clients 134、What is the train ______ to Birmingham? C:fare

135、On ________ side of the street there are some trees.B:either



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