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Part 1 Word-spelling

Each item/blank: 1 point(s)

Full score: 10

Directions: Fill each blank with an appropriate and complete word

1.We'll forget this little____ , but never let me catch you lying again!

Correct answer: episode

2.The local farmers' ____markets all our produce better than we do.Correct answer: association

3.Jennifer's heart beat faster but she forced herself to slow the quick, ____ breathing caused by her panic.Correct answer: shallow

4.Her mother and sisters and brothers all embraced her but she showed no ____.Correct answer: emotion

5.An ____ of a year passed before another meeting took place.Correct answer: interval

6.Even if he stood ____ in front of him, he doubted that Stillman would be able to see him.Correct answer: directly

7.I'm afraid this banknote is a fake;it's just a ____ piece of paper.Correct answer: worthless

8.Some of the survivors said that one of the fire exits had been ____.Correct answer: barred

9.Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before ____ the thermometer(体温表).Correct answer: inserting

10.One theory is that the ____ has been present in humans for a very long time.Correct answer: infection

Part 2 Close

Each item/blank: 1 point(s)

Full score: 20

Directions: Decide which of the choices diven below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank.11.My grandfather passed away today.He had a(1)__ massive;__(excessive massive exclusive offensive)heart attack.(2)_ Because ___(Due Because Although Since)of his treatment he was in a lot of pain.You see, the doctors were able to keep his body(3)_ alive;___(alive lively lived live), even though there was little chance of saving him.The(4)__ worst;__(worst last most poor)part of it was that my grandfather, who had always been quite humorous, could(5)_ barely;___(presently barely justly slightly)communicate after that.He just didn't seem to be the(6)_ same ___(distinctive same identical influential)person anymore.My grandfather was a fat man.After the(7)stroke ___(blow infection stroke strike), it took my grandmother, my mother and me to dress

him each morning.After he was dressed, we(8)_ adjusted;___(adjusted inserted decorated secured)his pillow and sat him in his bed.His everyday life was wholly(9)_ comprised ___(consisted comprised included constituted)of watching whatever was on the TV.He couldn't(10)Select ____(too even al so just)change the channel.The doctors had worked hard to(11)Select ____(let have keep want)him alive.However, a few weeks(12)Select ____(late later before afterward)they told us something disappointing.The surgical(13)Select____(structure operation venture adventure)had not been successful.My grandfather's condition had no(14)Select____(clue badge sign signal)of improvement.Next, X-rays showed my grandfather had obtained a lung(15)Select____(reduction affection infection corruption)—a frequent problem with stroke patients.Drugs would make him sick and could not(16)Select ____(ensure endure secure cure)him.That was the time for us to make a(17)Select _ tough ___(regret table violent rough tough)decision.On the one hand, we could not(18)Select ____(tolerate bear endure permit)to see our once vigorous grandfather suffering.He was living the painful, limited life to which the stroke had(19)Select ____(rejected accused condemned damned)him.On the other hand, we hated to be the one to decide to let nature take its course.At last we decided that the right thing to do would be to let him die with(20)Select ____(privilege epaceem brace grace.He died a peaceful death.Correct answer:(1)massive;(2)Because;(3)alive;(4)worst;(5)barely;(6)same;(7)stroke;(8)adjusted;(9)comprised;(10)even;(11)keep;(12)later;(13)operation;(14)sign;(15)infection;(16)cure;(17)tough;(18)bear;(19)condemned;(20)grace;

Part 3 Reading Comprehension

Each item/blank: 2 point(s)

Full score: 20

Directions: In this section there are two passages followed by questions ,each with four suggested answers marked [A],[B],[C],[D].Choose the one that you think is the best answer.You must face the fact that in your inmost heart you hate the thought of moving.It is easiest not to leave the rooms where your children passed through their wonderful childhood and annoying teens to a friendly but slightly distant maturity.Until, suddenly one day, the distance is absolute and they are grown up and gone.Then you find yourself living in too large a house, which consumes in its maintenance too much energy and money.When we found ourselves in this situation a few years ago, we determined to move while we still had the strength and before the emotional ties that the old house had wrapped around us became too powerful to be broken.Move while you can!But be sure you really want to, and do not move too often.It is an exhausting process.Your first task is to find a house that will suit you.It must be smaller, quieter, easier to run, and more conveniently placed for transport.Not so small, though, that it will not have room for your largest pieces of furniture, and located not too far from the neighborhood where so many friendships have been built up.At last we found one: a late Victorian cottage, in a street where the houses, all small, range from late 18th to mid 20th century.It was near enough to where we wanted to live.It had no basement(底下层), which was a great convenience for aging legs;there were only two floors: one for ourselves and one where friends, children, and grandchildren could spread themselves when they came to stay.Each floor had two rooms.There was a kitchen on the ground floor, with the bathroom above it.12.The passage concerns ________.A)buying a house for a newly married couple

B)buying a large house for a growing family

C)buying a better house when people have more money to spend

D)buying a smaller house for older people whose children have left home

13.The passage implies that grown-up children are _______.A)more friendly to their parents when they are grown up

B)distant from their parents

C)friendly but not very close


14.The author decided to move ________.A)when his house gave him too much work and cost too much to run

B)when he grew tired of his house

C)when he suddenly got the strength to do so

D)before the house collapsed

15.The author advises people in his own situation ________.A)to move into a very small house

B)to move somewhere where the largest possible pieces of furniture will fit

C)not to move too far from the main road

D)to choose somewhere not so noisy

16.According to the passage, the new house had _________.A)two floors

B)three floors

C)four floors

D)two bathrooms

A devastating quake ripped through Turkey.American structural engineers say there was something that might have lessened the damage and saved lives.Pictures of the devastation in Turkey show us what engineers already know: a powerful earthquake has an ally in a weak building.Jim Malley of Degenkolb Engineers said, “The most common form of multi-story building in Turkey is a concrete frame.” He says, “These are very heavy buildings and it's not uncommon for them to collapse in earthquakes because of the extra weight.”

Malley says the risk of building collapse increases when the first floor is a shop, because glass windows replace brick walls.“Undoubtedly, there was a glass store front at this level, and that made it much weaker.As a result, we got the collapse of that first story.” Also, Malley says Turkey's concrete frame buildings often lack reinforcing steel.In California, each big quake teaches engineers another way of dealing with the problem.They have learned to use steel frames to reduce the weight of new buildings.Janiele Maffei shows a San Francisco skyscraper under construction.She says, “The building is designed to move and to sway, and the connections to stay together.”

The 1994 Northridge, California quake taught people about the weakness of rigid joints.Engineers found a simple solution.Janiele Maffei demonstrates this in the building under way.“See to the right of the connection, see the structure? See how it looks smaller in some points? That's called a dog bone;you can see how it looks like a dog bone, how it is small in the middle and big on the ends.What that will do is it will take the stresses away from the connection, and concentrate them in that smaller section of the structure.”

17.How can an earthquake be helpful?

A)It can cause buildings that are too old to collapse.B)It can get rid of the buildings that are made of concrete.C)It can teach people how to make safer buildings.D)It can teach people how to be safe in buildings.18.What can make a building heavy, and therefore increase the risk of it collapsing?

A)A shop on the first floor.B)The use of concrete.C)Glass store fronts.D)Brick walls.19.In California, builders have learned to use ________ to reduce risk.A)brick walls

B)glass windows


D)steel frames

20.Because of one Californian earthquake, engineers understand the problem of _________.A)steel frames

B)reinforcing steel

C)shop windows

D)joints that are too firm

21.In the final paragraph, Janiele Maffei is describing ________.A)a new type of skyscraper

B)a new kind of joint

C)a weakness of skyscrapers

D)a bone material used in building

Correct answer: DCABA CBDDB




1._____ her husband is at work and her children are at school, she does the housework.A.When


C.As soon as

D.Whether 2.He has too much _____ at the officce.A.to do



D.do 3._____ , what’s your name? A.By the way

B.By a way

C.On the way

D.On your way 4._____ Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall.A.In



D.During 5.He is _____ short _____ tall, but he’s very fat.A.either…or



D.neither…nor 6.My hobby is _____ stamps.A.collect


C.to collect

D.collecting 7.He _____ three days’ sick leave.A.asked

B.asked to

C.asked for

D.asked of 8._____ a book there is often an index.A.In the end

B.In the end of

C.At the end

D.At the end of 9.I don’t like him _____.A.as well



D.yet 10.Let’s go _____.A.somewhere quietly

B.quietly somewhere C.somewhere quiet

D.quiet somewhere Ⅱ.完形填空(10%)

The first thing for sport that man ____ was the ball.In ancient Egypt, as in everywhere else, ____ stones was the ____ that children loved best.But sometimes it could ____ a child.Looking for something ____ dangerous to throw, the Eghptians made ____ were probably the first balls.____, balls were made of grass or leave held together by vines.____ they made balls ____ piece of animal skin sewed together and filled ____ feathers.1.A.invented


C.developed 2.A.throwing


C.passing 3.A.meet


C.game 4.A.hurt


C.touch 5.A.a little


C.few 6.A.that


C.which 7.A.At last

B.At first

C.At beginning 8.A.After

B.Just then

C.Later 9.A.with


C.by 10.A.with




A New England is an area of mountains, valleys, and rivers.It is said that in New England one is always climbing hills.A large part of New England is also made up of farms and farming lands.However, New England is not really a farming area.The farms are so small that they are usually only large enough to support one family.To make matters worse, the soil of New England is not good.This soil has been worked and planted for so many years that it has lost its value.Most New Englanders today work in factories or small businesses.In these factories they make watches and clocks, shoes, clothing, special tools for industry, leather goods, etc.New England workmen are famous for their skill in making many of these things.This skill is often passed down in families from father to son.1.The main feather of New England is that _______.A.it is completely flat B.it has many hills C.it has few rivers 2.The really why New England is not good for farming is that _______.A.the soil has been overworked B.the weather is too dry C.the soil is sandy 3.Most people in New England make a living by ________.A.working on farms B.raising cattle C.working in factories 4.New Englanders learn many of their skills ________.A.from their parents B.at school C.in factories 5.The passage is mainly about ________ in New England.A.the mountains, valleys, and rivers B.factories and businesses C.the land and people

B An old admiral was famous in the navy for his bad temper, so everyone tried hard not to annoy him.One week his ships were going to take part in a big international exercise, so he came on board in the evening, had his dinner and then went to bed.In the morning he had his breakfast early, came up to the bridge and examined the ships in this group carefully.Then he said angrily, “These should be two cruisers in this group, but I only see one.Where’s the other? ” No one dared to answer, and this made the admiral even angrier.His face became redder and redder.“Well?” he shouted.“What are fools hiding from me? Where’s the second cruiser? What’s happened to it? Answer me!”

At last a young sailor found enough courage speak.“ Please, sir, ” he said, “ you’re on it.”

1.No sail in the navy dared to annoy the old admiral because he was _______.A.irritable

B.very famous

C.a high-ranking officer 2.The admiral came on board his ship because _______.A.there would be a sea battle B.there would be an international exercise C.he loved sleeping on board 3.Why did the sailors remain silent when the admiral asked them questions? A.Because the second cruiser had been sunken.B.Because they loved seeing the old admiral lose his temper C.Because no-one dared to point out his stupid mistake.4.What mistake had the admiral made? A.The old admiral was on the second cruiser.B.The old admiral had not examined his ships carefully enough.C.The old admiral had given a wrong order.5.This passage is mainly about ______.A.the British navy B.a bad-tempered navy officer C.a missing cruiser

C Mr.Green did not learn to drive a car until he was almost thirty because he was a very nervous person and always had the convenience of someone else to driver him---first his mother and then his wife.But at last he decided to take driving lessons, and managed to pass his driving test on the second attempt, although he still was not very good at parking.A week later, he drove into town by himself.When he was trying to park between two other cars, he damaged one of them slightly.When he wrote to the insurance company about the accident, they sent him a form to fill in and to describe it, and one of the question on the form was, “How could the driver of the older car have prevent the accident from happening? ”

Mr.Green though for a minute and then wrote, “He could have parked his car on another street.”

1.Mr.Green began to learn driving ______.A.before twenty-five

B.at about thirty

C.after thirty 2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Mr.Green did not learn to drive early? A.He was a nervous person.B.There had always been someone else driving him.C.He was a very stupid man.3.Mr.Green’s trouble was that ______.A.his mother and his wife did not let him drive alone B.he could not park his car very well C.he did not have the money to buy a car 4.Mr.Green wrote to the insurance company about the accident because _____.A.he wanted the company to pay for the damage B.he did not want his wife to learn about it C.he wanted to prevent such accidents from happening again 5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.He learned to drive when he was almost thirty.B.He did not pass his driving test for the first time.C.He had a bad accident when he was driving into town.Ⅳ.动词填空(20%) hoped ____(pass)the examination.Has he finished ____(write)the letter? Excuse me for ____(break)in.As soon as the band ____(start)playing, the crowd went silent.It ____(take)us over an hour to go ten miles.Where did you ____(buy)that dress? I was making a cake when the light ____(go)out.He suddenly ____(realize)that he ____(travel)in the wrong direction.As I ____(cross)the road I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily.Ⅴ.翻译(20%)

1.对中餐情有独钟 2.身上没带钱 3.在河边吃午餐 4.在镇上四处转悠 5.来到河的另一边

6.have so much practice at fishing 7.fill the artist with pity 8.stand by the road asking for help 9.pick some peaches from those trees 10.see two cats running out




得分________________ Ⅰ.单选(20%)





5._____ 6._____




10._____ Ⅱ.完形填空(10%)





5._____ 6._____




10._____ Ⅲ.阅读理解(30%)

A: 1.____




5.____ B: 1.____




5.____ C: 1.____




5.____ Ⅳ.动词填空(20%)

1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________ 4._____________________ 5._____________________ 6._____________________ 7._____________________ 8._____________________;____________________ 9._____________________


1.__________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________ 6.__________________________________________________________________ 7.__________________________________________________________________ 8.__________________________________________________________________ 9.__________________________________________________________________ 10.__________________________________________________________________


一 单项选择

1.There ___ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be C.is going to be D.will go to be

2.Charlie ___ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work

3.He ___ very busy this week, he ___ free next week.A.will be;is B.is;is C.will be;will be D.is;will be

4.The train ___ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive C.is going to D.is arriving

5.---___ you ___ free tomorrow?

---No.I ___ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will

C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be

6.---Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?

---___.A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please.D.No, you won’t.7.---Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?

---___.A.No, you won’t.B.No, you aren’t.C.No, please don’t.D.No, please.8.---Where is the morning paper?

---I ___ it for you at once.A.get B.am getting C.to get D.will get

9.It ___ the year of the horse next year.A.is going to be B.is going to C.will be D.will is

10.If they come, we ___ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have

11.He ___ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.A.gives B.gave C.will giving D.is going to giving

12.He ___ to us as soon as he there.A.writes, get B.has written, gets C.will write, gets D.wrote, get

13.He ___ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back D.is going to coming back

14.If it ___ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.A.isn’t rain B.won’t rain C.doesn’t rain D.doesn’t fine

15.It ___ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.spends D.will spend

16.Who ___ we ___ swimming with tomorrow afternoon?

A.will;go B.do;go C.will;going D.shall;go

17.---Let’s go out to play football, shall we?

---OK.I ___.A.will coming B.be going to come C.come D.am coming

18.Tomorrow he ___ a kite in the open air first, and then ___ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes C.is going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go

19.The day after tomorrow they ___ a volleyball match.A.will watching B.watches C.is watching D.is going to watch

20.___ open the window?

A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you

二 适当型式填空

1.all the best 2.lie in 3.bump into 4.cut out 5.as well as

6.rather than 7.disabled 8.politics 9.handkerchief 10.basement

11.microscope 12.up until13 ask for 14advise ,1.A _____ is a room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground.2.His parents would just like to wish him _____ in his new job.3.The solution _____ social and political reform.4.The mother wiped her son's nose with a _____.5.The thinking man has taken part in city _____ since college.6.Tim was a clumsy boy,always _____ things around him.7.Teachers who work with learning _____ children need to overcome many

difficulties.8.She works hard _____ looking after her ill parents.9.Some perple have the good habit of _____ good articles from newspapers.10.Mary decided to quit _____ accept the rules which she was against.11._____ last year,they had lived a happy life.12.The cells of this special plant can be seen clearly under a _____.13、If you drive too puickly , you are _____ trouble.14、The doctor _____ me against smoking any more.14.I want______(buy)a book.15.Sunday is _______(1)day of a week.16.He'd like _______(go)with tom.17.They all enjoy _______(speak)English.18.This story is as _________(interest)as that one.19.Do you finish ________(read)this story book? 20.He is much __________(athletic).21.This coat is pretty _________(beautiful).22.Thanks for _______(ask)me.23.My father bought ____(I)a new watch.24.Can you help tom? He needs some _____(help).25.Let the cat ______(go)out now.26.We decide _____(go)shopping tomorrow.27.Hi.look!I can _________(fly)the kite now.28.They _____(be)also students five years ago.29.They ___________(exercise)at the moment.30.Sandy is an ______(usual)girl.31.I have to _______(visit)my best friend Lin.tomorrow.32.How ______Tom often _________(get to)there? 33.When spring comes.it gets ________ and _______(long).34.When ______ he ______(have)lunch yesterday?

35.I always like ______(make)_______(friend)with others.36.They are ________(friend)to us.37.The cat has four ______(foot).38.The students enjoy __________(read)English stories.39.thanks for ______(ask)me.40.The baby has two _______(tooth)now.三句型转换 1he always spends fifteen minutes reading English before breakfast(同义句)___ always ___ ___ fifteen minutes ___ ___ English before breakfast.2He felt(tired)after he walked a long way 对划线提问

___ ___ he ___ after he walked a long way?he always spends fifteen minutes reading English before breakfast(同义句)__ _ always ______ fifteen minutes ______ English before breakfast.4He felt(tired)after he walked a long way 对划线提问

______ he ___ after he walked a long way?

5.They were drinking happily.Just at that time, a policeman came in.They were drinking happily______ ______ ______ ______ ______.6.I don't think you have to use them today.I don't think you ______ ______ ______ them today.7.We are tired of his long speech.We ______ ______ ______ ______ his long speech.8.When she was in the park, she could hear the birds.The birds were singingbeautifully.When she was in the park, she could hear ______ ______ ______ ______.9.You may have the traffic accident if you don't drive carefully.Don't drive ______, ______it may _______ the traffic accident.10.Read English as often as possible.Read English as often as ______ ______.10.Mother doesn't let me go out alone at night.Mother ______ me ______ ______ out alone at night.11.Shanghai's temperature will be 2 to 8 and there will be cloud.Shanghai will be ______ and ______ temperature will ______ 2 to 8.Shanghai will ______ a ______ day ______ temperature ______ 2 to 8.12.I'm sorry to trouble you.I'm sorry ______ ______ you.13.The man went playing tennis in the morning and he did it every day.The man went playing tennis in the morning and it ______ every day.14.I woke up very late this morning, so I was late for school.I ______ ______ up ______ ______ ______ get to school on time.15.If you don’t study harder, you won’t catch up with the others.If you don’t study harder, ______ ______ ______ the others.16.Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.Lin Tao runs ______ of the ______ boys.17.He was surprised to find the girl was blind._____ ______ ______, he _____ the girl was blind.18.This kind of medicine is much too expensive for poor people.The poor people ______ ______ ______ ______ this kind of medicine.19.He is sure to be on time.I’m sure ______ ______ ______ on time.20.I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.I ______ 58 yuan ______ this dictionary.21.Mark Twain wrote the book.Mark Twain ______ ______ ______ of the book.22.She isn’t free now.She’s at work.She is ______ ______.23.What’s the matter with him?

What’s ______ ______?

24.Everyone is healthy.______ one is ______.25.Maths is more difficult than physics.Physics is ______ difficult than maths.Physics isn’t ______ ______ ______ maths.26.Do you have a favourite band?

______ ______ a band ______ ______ ______ ?

27.His first visit to China was in 2000.He ______ China ______ ______ ______ ______ in 20000.28.I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him with it.______ my brother ______ I ______ ______ my father with the farm work.29.What other things would you like?

______ ______ would you like?

30.We are all before you.You ______ ______ ______ all.四任务型阅读 Every four years,the best players from all over the world get together in one city to __1__the world sports meeting the Olympic Games.People carry the holy flame forom one place to the nest.On August 6th,2008,they carried the holy flame to Beijing.Aii the Chinese people were very happy, excited and proud.In Beijing,we built a new Olympic Village with restaurants for players and stadiums for matches.The motto of the Olympics is “Faster,higher,stronger”.The slogan of the Beijing Olympics is“__2__”.任务一:根据短文,选着正确的答案


A:hostB:take part inC:joinD:take

2:_____is taken from one city to the next when the Olympics begin.A:The best playersB:The holy flameC:The gold medslsD:The motto of Olympics


3:How did Chinese people feel about the 29th Olympics?


4:What did Beijing build to welcome the Olympics?






你的朋友吉姆生病住院了 他情绪不好 你们想方设法帮助他尽快恢复健康。






参考词汇;be nervous about,miss,make...do...,affect,taketurns


I.Translation Section A: Please translate the following words or phrases into English

1、一次能源:Primary energy





6、负荷中心:Load center

7、比能: Specific energy

8、金属氧化物:Metal hydride

9、应急储备 Contingency reserves

10、无功功率:Reactive power


12、电流密度:Current density



15、多相反应:Multiphase reaction

16、生成反应:Formation reaction

17、相对电导率:relative conductivity


19、相图:Phase diagram 20、移动电话:cellular telephone

21、净电荷:net charge

22、外电流:external current

23、晶核材料:Host material

24、盐丘:Salt domes

25、资金成本:Capital cost


27、发电组合:Generation mix


29、能量密度:energy density 30、兆瓦:Megawatt Section B: Please translate the following words or phrases into Chinese

31、Transesterification 酯交换反应

32、Valley filling低谷填充

33、Coulometric titration 库伦滴定法



36、Market penetration市场渗透


38、Interstitial site间隙位置

39、maximum theoretical specific energy最大理论比能量

40、be analogous to类似于……


42、Energy Independence and Security Act能源独立和安全法案

43、Macroscopic scale宏观规模

44、Rotor angle instability工角失稳

45、Ubiquitous 无所不在的,普遍的46、Dynamic load动态负荷


48、ionic current离子电流


50、specific power功率系数

51、Displacement reaction置换反应

52、charge capacity蓄电量

53、Contingency reserves应急储备

54、anodic polarization阳极极化

55、proton exchange membrane质子交换膜

56、the factorial of n N的阶乘

57、the base of natural logarithm自然对数的底

58、atomic orbital原子轨道

59、body-centred cubic体心立方

60、potential difference电位差

II.Sentence Translation

1、They can be used for a very wide range of applications, from assisting the very large-scale electrical grid down to tiny portable devices used for many purposes.他们可以被使用于非常广泛的应用,从协助非常大规模的电网到微型便携设备用于许多目的。

2、When considering the use of electrochemical energy storage systems in various applications, it is important to be aware of the properties that might be relevant, for they are not always the same in every case.当考虑使用电化学储能系统在各种应用程序中,重要的是要注意的属性可能是相关的,因为他们并不总是相同的在每一个案例。

3、A rule of thumb that was used for a number of the conventional aqueous electrolyte battery systems was that a practical cell could only produce about 1/5–1/4 of the maximum theoretical specific energy(MTSE).经验法则是用于许多传统的水电解质电池系统是一个实际的细胞只能产生大约1/5-1/4的最大理论具体能源(MTSE)。

4、Electrochemical energy production is under serious consideration as an alternative energy/power source, as long as this energy consumption is designed to be more sustainable and more environmentally friendly.电化学能源生产正在认真考虑作为替代能源/电源,只要这种能耗设计更可持续、更环保。

5、Batteries are divided into two general classes: primary batteries that are discharged once and discarded;secondary, rechargeable batteries that can be discharged and then restored to their original condition by reversing the current flow through the cell.电池分为两个一般类:一次电池放电一次,丢弃;二次可充电电池,可以放电,然后恢复到原来的状态由逆向电流通过电池。


It will be shown in this text that one can understand the major phenomena and issues in electrochemical systems without considering their truly electrochemical features in detail.7、这些特定的值不应作为决定性的,因为他们依赖于大量的操作因素和不同的设计,不同的制造商。

These particular values should not be taken as definitive, for they depend upon a number of operating factors and vary with the designs of different manufacturers.8、除了他们的能量容量,另一个与电池的实际使用相关的参数是它们能供应的能量的数量。

In addition to their energy capacity, another important parameter relating to the practical use of batteries is the amount of power that they can supply.9、虽然能量储存和转换机制是不同的,但有这三个系统的“电化学相似之处”。

Although the energy storage and conversion mechanisms are different, there are “electrochemical similarities” of these three systems.10、这是一个物质,它的吸收太阳辐射较低,因此,需要一层厚厚的硅高效吸收。

It is a material with relatively low absorption of solar radiation, and, therefore, a thick layer of silicon is required for efficient absorption.III.Reading Comprehension Development of PV world markets in MWpeak(MWpeak is defined as power under

full sun, approximately 1 kW/m2)

There are two major market sectors, grid-connected and so-called standalone systems.The former delivers power directly to the grid.For this purpose the dc current from the solar modules is converted into ac by an inverter.The latter supplies power to decentralized systems and small-scale consumer products.A major market currently being developed is in solar home systems, supplying basic electricity demand of rural population in developing countries.The magnitude of this task can be appreciated if one is aware that about 2 billion persons are without access to electricity today.At present, both markets need subsidies, the grid-connected installations because PV is much more costly than grid electricity, and solar home systems because the potential users lack the investment capital.On the other hand, there is also a significant industrial stand-alone market that today is fully economical.Because of its high potential, the market is hotly contested and new companies are entering constantly.It is significant that several large oil companies have now established firm footholds in photovoltaics.Indeed, a recent study of possible future energy scenarios up to the year 2060 published by the Shell company predicts a multigigawatt energy production by renewable energies, including photovoltaics.On the other hand, the strong competition leads to very low profit margins of most participants of this market.Starting in 2000, the market showed an accelerated growth of more than 30%.There are good chances that this growth will continue for at least some years because some countries have adopted aggressive measures to stimulate the grid-connected market, as mentioned above.In order to meet the growing demand, many PV companies are in the process of setting up substantial new cell and module production capacities.1、What is the solar home systems’ purpose and the magnitude of it? supplying basic electricity demand of rural population in developing countries.The magnitude of this task can be appreciated if one is aware that about 2 billion persons are without access to electricity today.2、What are two major market sector? And introduce them simply.There are two major market sectors, grid-connected and so-called standalone systems.The former delivers power directly to the grid.For this purpose the dc current from the solar modules is converted into ac by an inverter.The latter supplies power to decentralized systems and small-scale consumer products.3、Why we can say the market has good prospects?

Starting in 2000, the market showed an accelerated growth of more than 30% and some countries have adopted aggressive measures to stimulate the grid-connected market, as mentioned above.






















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