
时间:2019-05-14 14:39:43下载本文作者:会员上传


Good morning/afternoon, dear teachers and professors.I am happy to be here and take this interview.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is Wangyan,26 years old.I come from Jiangsulianyungang.I graduated from Yangzhou University and I began to work in 2012.I had been a teacher for about 3 years.In my spare time, I like singing, dancing and travelling.But now i have no way to travel, Because I'm a pregnant woman,and I have been pregnant for seven months.There are some reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Nanjing University of Science and Technology.The first, I hope to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA.The second ,this University is one of the best domestic university.There are excellent teachers, a strong academic atmosphere, I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.If I get the chance to learn MPA , I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time.I hope I can get your approval.Generally speaking, I am a hard working person.I am always dreaming of entering University and I want to learn something more.Ok, that’s all,thank you for your attention!






Good morning(afternoon), my dear professors.From the bottom of my heart, it’s my honor to be here for this interview.First of all, let me introduce myself.My name is XX, an under-graduate student, whose major is 所学专业.During my over 4 years study in our esteemed university, I have trying hard to build up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities.For example,写学习经历和社会经历 …….I feel so lucky to be a student in学校名称, in which I obtain so much.Here, many respectable teachers have left me deep impressions.They do not only teach me to master the professional knowledge, but to be a valuable person.And I always believe that, the opportunities and challenges come together!And I would like to accept both of them with the faith in my heart.So if I could get the chance to attend 目的单位或申请学校, I will stare no efforts to do the best!

That’s all, thank you for your attention!


Master of Public Administration is a professional post-graduate degree in Public Administration which is the public sector's offering。It reach in publick management and it prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in nongovernmental organization(NGO)and nonprofit sectors.Public service

A public service is a service which is provided by government to people living in the financing provision of services.The term non-governmental organization(NGO)normally refers to organizations that are neither a part of a government nor conventional for-profit businesses.Usually set up by ordinary citizens, may be funded by governments

The Communist Youth League of China,is a youth movement for youth between the ages of fourteen and twenty-eight, run by the Communist Party of China(CPC).The Communist Youth League is responsible for guiding the activities of the younth.mpa英文自我介绍篇2


I was born in Shanghai on Feb.*, 19**.So I am a Shanghainese, but I think I am also a person of Harbin, because I spent four years studying in Harbin, is so-called eastern Moscow.Besides, my wife is a downright Harbin person.In 20**, I was admitted by Harbin *** to pursue a bachelor degree in Thermal Energy.My major is involved in power science and engineering.The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others by working in the student union.I developed several professional interests in electric and machine.The following seven-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my intelligence and diligence.In 2004, I passed the country examination, then joined civil service, which is ***.I do believe that with my solid educational background and broad working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MPA program.MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT:

After graduating from ***, I have been working in Shanghai *** for 7 years.By studying, concluding, practicing, again and again, I have taken charge of the inspection *** mechanical and electronic products alone.Up to now, I have inspected disqualified products about 200 batches so that the environment and people's safety could be protected.Besides, I act as League Branch secretary of my bureau.Although working very busy, I tried my best to assist Party Branch in daily things of younger, and offered enough platforms for young staff to show their talents.Meantime, my organizing abilities and communication skills were developing at a rapid pace by the league’s work.WHY CHOOSE MPA PROGRAM?

After I have worked in government for seven years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in public administration.I have practiced my professional expertise in inspection, demonstrated my organizing abilities and perfected my communication skills.But I have yet to become a manager or a leader in the bureau.I want to be trained more vigorously in public administration.I strongly think my politics career will benefit from a good public administration education in your university.I am sure that, with my intelligence and diligence, I can be a worthy student of yours.Thank you for your attention.mpa英文自我介绍篇3

Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: I am glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is

XXX.XX years old, born in XXX.I graduated from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Univers.Now I entered the shishi communist youth league work, become a public servant.There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Xiamen University.The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA.The second , Nanjing Agricultural University is one of the best domestic university.There are excellent teachers, a strong academic atmosphere, I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.If luckily I get the chance to learn MPA , I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time.I hope I can get your approval.Ok, that is it.Thank you for your time!1plans in the postgraduate stud)If luckily I got the chance to learn environment engineering in Tong ji university, I will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field.First I will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge, constucting a solid base for my future work;second I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmate.And through this, I can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks.I believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true.about hometown

my hometown Quanzhou is the “Maritime Silk Road” point of origin, is a long history city.,located in the southeast of Fujian by the sea.It’s city flower is erythrina(刺桐 花).It is a famous hometown for numerous overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots.And it was the largest port at Yuan Dynasty in Eastern.The people of Quanzhou have various kinds of religious belief.about family

There are four members in my family;my parents, and me.My father and mather are publick servant too.He is busy.So most of the housework is done by my mom.Climbing at weekends is our common interest.The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness.They can strengthen our relation,.*University is the oldest one in the of the most beautiful u of 福建.It develops into aomprehensive university with efforts of generations,especially after the reform and opening up.*********universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability.i learn




Good afternoon!Sir and Madam,Nice to meet you!It is my honor to have this opportunity of being interviewed.My name is ,years old.I come from Kuerle, a city of Xinjiang province.I graduated from Lanzhou BusineUniversity.My major is information management.I have worked for CHINA MACHANRT SECURITITES for 4 years.As a financial consultant of the company, I like my job and I want to a great promotion in my company.This is a reason for me to choose Xiamen university MBA program.In my spare time, I like traveling with my family and my friends.Because there are some chances for me to make new friends in different places.2 years ago, I had a chance to visit Xiamen with my family.It is a very beautiful place and it

attracted me so much.I love it and have a dream to study in Xiamen

University.And I have a happy family;there are 4 members in my family, my mother, my husband, my 2-year-old son and me.I will do my best to make my family happy.Thank you for all your attention.Thank you!


各位考官好,我叫,现年 岁,现在担任;我于年毕

业于 大学专业,毕业后曾在工作年,然后进入 工作,负责 方面工作。


自从走上管理岗位后,我发现企业管理方面的很多问题仅凭技术是解决不了的,迫切需要加强管理知识的系统学习,所以我选择报读MBA。在选择MBA高校时,我认识到 大学管理学院学院拥有一支深谙世界先进管理理念、熟悉中国企业发展经验的优秀师资队伍,我希望能够考上并通过几年的mba 课程学习,提高自己的理论创新和实际管理能力,把自己培养成为具有一定战略眼光、思路宽广、善于经营、具有一定争力的创新型管理人才,为我们公司的发展与壮大做出更大的贡献。




Good afternoon everyone, my name is XXX, I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Beijing.我想从以下几方面介绍我自己:

I'd like to introduce myself through the next points:


About working: There are three main aspects of my daily work:


The first, I teach courses such as basic laws and politics.I can feel the strong

responsibilities on a teacher, because I have to not only teach knowledge well, but also let students know how to be a good person.第二、我负责招生、就业等行政性工作。我院招生专业主要有城市轨道类、汽车维修类、交通运输管理类、物流类等等。

The second, I'm responsible for some administrative work, such as students

recruiting and employment.The main majors in our college are urban metro, car repairing, transportation management, logistics and so on.我认为招生、就业工作是关系到学校,学生及家长的大事,必须有认真的工作态度和良好的服务意识。

I think the students recruiting and employment are very important to our college as well as to students and their parents, the serious working attitude and consciousness are highly required.第三、兼任班主任工作,我一直尊崇一个观点:没有不好的学生,只有不好的老师。如果说家庭是社会的组成部分、那么班集体就是学校的组成部分。

The third part of my daily work is to be a head teacher, there is an idea I respect very much: there is no bad students, but only bad teachers.If a family is a component of our society, then the class is a component of the school.一个班的好坏,关键在于班主任有很强的组织管理能力,有好的工作态度及教育方法。班主任是学生成长的引路人,作为一名青年教师,我会努力争做一名优秀的班主任 When we judge a class good or bad, the key ruler is the organization and

management ability of a head teacher, as well as the good working attitude and teaching methods.A head teacher is the pathfinder on the way of students growing, as a young teacher, I'll try my best to be an excellent head teacher.2、生活兴趣方面:我在生活方面爱好广泛,尤其喜欢体育运动和阅读。

About daily life: I have a wide range of hobbies, especially sports and reading.体育运动方面:由于学校的运动设施很完善,我基本上每周二都打羽毛球,每周五都打一场篮球比赛,我认为运动是最好的生活调味剂,可以释放压力舒缓心情。

Sport: We have very good sports facilities in our college, I play badminton every Tuesday, and play basketball every Friday.I think that sports is the best flavor of our life, it can release the pressure and relax our mood.阅读方面:我从小就养成良好的阅读习惯,非常喜欢的中国的四大名著,名人传记,时事新闻评论等等。我认为书籍可以使人变得成长,对我的影响是潜移默化的。




Good morning, I’m glad to have the opportunity to have this interview.My name is @@@ 33years old.I come from @@ city, XXXX Province.I am woking in @@ XXX bureau, in charge with the administration of masports.Maybe teachers are not familiar with this work.Now, I would like to introduce it briefly.Administration of masports is composed ofthree parts: organization of National Fit-keeping Program, building of physical fitnefacilities, administration of maorganizations.development of economy and society, the constant improvement of the level of living, People are becoming more conscious of health and fitness, The streon administration of masports is weighing more and more heavily.自2000年参加工作工作以来,我一直从事行政管理工作;由于在大学里我所学的专业是英语,管理知识接触很少,只能在实践中摸索。这次报考中国XX大学的mba,主要目的是能够通过系统的学习提高自己,同时借助学习的机会,多与老师、同学们交流,对自己10年来的经历做一次总结,为今后的发展确定新的目标和方向。

Since the beginning of my work in 2000,I have always been engaged in administration.My major at university is english, wtihout the systematic learning on management, I can only learn by practice in the past years.The chief purpose of applying for the MBA of china university of XX is to promote myself through systematic management education, I would also like to take this opportunity to communicate with teachers and classmates, which could help to summarizing my experience in the past 10 years and make clear my new goals and directions for the future.如果能有幸能够成为一名XX大mba学员,我将备加珍惜来之不易的学习机会,在学校严格遵守各项校规校纪,按照的导师的要求,按时保质保量完成学习任务,在单位努力做好工作与学习的结合点,把学的知识应用到工作中,力争工作再上新水平。If I could be a member of the MBA program of china university of XXX, I will make the best of the chance of learning in the university, follow the school regulations strictly.I will finish the study in terms of schedule at school , combine the theory I learn with what I have experienced in the administration of masports, and make further progreon my work.


Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers and professors:

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is****** ,*** years old, born in ****province.In 200* I entered *****University as an English mayor.After graduating in 200*, I passed the national civil service examination and became a civil servant of a small town in***.I have worked there almost 4 years, where I am mainly responsible for the Office of Party and Government Affairs.There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in ****University.First I have been deeply impressed by ***,and I believe this beautiful and famous university will provide us with enough chances to get further improvement.Secondly, In my work, I found communication and management is very important and I have some shortcomings in this area.I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision to pursue a Master degree in public administration.Furthermore, Life is short and precious,and chance favors only the prepared mind.It is necessary to seize any chances for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.In a word, if luckily I get the chance to learn MPA in ***,I will spare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill,I hope I can form a systematic view of public administration and make a solid foundation for further career development at graduation.Ok, that is it.Thank you for your attention.





Good morning(afternoon), my dear professors.From the bottom of my heart, it’s my honor to be here for this interview.First of all, let me introduce myself.My name is XX, an under-graduate student, whose major is 所学专业.During my over 4 years study in our esteemed university, I have trying hard to build up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities.For example,写学习经历和社会经历 …….I feel so lucky to be a student in学校名称, in which I obtain so much.Here, many respectable teachers have left me deep impressions.They do not only teach me to master the professional knowledge, but to be a valuable person.And I always believe that, the opportunities and challenges come together!And I would like to accept both of them with the faith in my heart.So if I could get the chance to attend 目的单位或申请学校, I will stare no efforts to do the best!

That’s all, thank you for your attention!


Master of Public Administration is a professional post-graduate degree in Public Administration which is the public sector's offering。It reach in publick management and it prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in nongovernmental organization(NGO)and nonprofit sectors.Public service

A public service is a service which is provided by government to people living in the financing provision of services.The term non-governmental organization(NGO)normally refers to organizations that are neither a part of a government nor conventional for-profit businesses.Usually set up by ordinary citizens, may be funded by governments

The Communist Youth League of China,is a youth movement for youth between the ages of fourteen and twenty-eight, run by the Communist Party of China(CPC).The Communist Youth League is responsible for guiding the activities of the younth.mpa英语自我介绍篇2


I was born in Shanghai on Feb.*, 19**.So I am a Shanghainese, but I think I am also a person of Harbin, because I spent four years studying in Harbin, is so-called eastern Moscow.Besides, my wife is a downright Harbin person.In 20**, I was admitted by Harbin *** to pursue a bachelor degree in Thermal Energy.My major is involved in power science and engineering.The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others by working in the student union.I developed several professional interests in electric and machine.The following seven-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my intelligence and diligence.In 2004, I passed the country examination, then joined civil service, which is ***.I do believe that with my solid educational background and broad working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MPA program.MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT:

After graduating from ***, I have been working in Shanghai *** for 7 years.By studying, concluding, practicing, again and again, I have taken charge of the inspection *** mechanical and electronic products alone.Up to now, I have inspected disqualified products about 200 batches so that the environment and people's safety could be protected.Besides, I act as League Branch secretary of my bureau.Although working very busy, I tried my best to assist Party Branch in daily things of younger, and offered enough platforms for young staff to show their talents.Meantime, my organizing abilities and communication skills were developing at a rapid pace by the league’s work.WHY CHOOSE MPA PROGRAM?

After I have worked in government for seven years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in public administration.I have practiced my professional expertise in inspection, demonstrated my organizing abilities and perfected my communication skills.But I have yet to become a manager or a leader in the bureau.I want to be trained more vigorously in public administration.I strongly think my politics career will benefit from a good public administration education in your university.I am sure that, with my intelligence and diligence, I can be a worthy student of yours.Thank you for your attention.mpa英语自我介绍篇3

Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: I am glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is

XXX.XX years old, born in XXX.I graduated from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Univers.Now I entered the shishi communist youth league work, become a public servant.There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Xiamen University.The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA.The second , Nanjing Agricultural University is one of the best domestic university.There are excellent teachers, a strong academic atmosphere, I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.If luckily I get the chance to learn MPA , I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time.I hope I can get your approval.Ok, that is it.Thank you for your time!1plans in the postgraduate stud)If luckily I got the chance to learn environment engineering in Tong ji university, I will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field.First I will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge, constucting a solid base for my future work;second I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmate.And through this, I can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks.I believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true.about hometown

my hometown Quanzhou is the “Maritime Silk Road” point of origin, is a long history city.,located in the southeast of Fujian by the sea.It’s city flower is erythrina(刺桐 花).It is a famous hometown for numerous overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots.And it was the largest port at Yuan Dynasty in Eastern.The people of Quanzhou have various kinds of religious belief.about family

There are four members in my family;my parents, and me.My father and mather are publick servant too.He is busy.So most of the housework is done by my mom.Climbing at weekends is our common interest.The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness.They can strengthen our relation,.*University is the oldest one in the of the most beautiful u of 福建.It develops into aomprehensive university with efforts of generations,especially after the reform and opening up.*********universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability.i learn



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