
时间:2019-05-14 14:51:14下载本文作者:会员上传


Nanning, the capital of GuangxiProvince, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs.Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.1.青秀山Mount Qingxiu of Nanning 清秀山风景区位于南宁市东南面约五公里,南临邕江,是国家AAAA级旅游区。包括凤凰岭,凤翼岭和青秀山,海拔高度八十二米至一百八十九米。景区内山峦起伏,群峰叠翠,山上绿树成荫,四季常绿,且泉清石奇,被誉为“南宁市的绿肺”。







良凤江国家森林公园Liangfengjiang National Forest Park


介 绍






伊岭岩Yiling Cave


Nanning welcomes visitors from all over the world.Its beautiful subtropical scenery and exotic ethnic minority culture have been attracting millions of tourists for years.Qingxiu mountain in Nanning about five kilometers to the southeast of the Yongjiang river,which is known as “the giant lung of Nanning ”.qingxiu mountain, also called qing mountain.It’s famous for the plants and beautfull scenery, and is a main entertainment place for nanning people.The mountain is not very high but very beautfull, and the water there are very clean and clear.The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene.The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene.Qingxiu mountain scenic area was formed in ming dynasty ,and was badly destroyed in world war 2, after liberation, the government paid a lot attention on rebuilt this scenic area, rebuilt the longxiang pagoda , tianchi and so on , at the same time , built some new scenic spots.青秀山南宁约五公里的邕江的东南部,被称为“南宁”的巨肺。青秀山,也叫清山。对植物和风景靓丽、清爽、自然的发型很有名,是南宁人的主要休闲娱乐场所。山不是很高但很靓丽、清爽、自然的发型,还有很清澈的水。山上的森林非常大,能在阳光下,在那里有一个风,声音颤抖,就像大海的声音,它是一个著名的场景。山上的森林非常大,能在阳光下,在那里有一个风,声音颤抖,就像大海的声音,它是一个著名的场景。青秀山风景区是在明代形成的,并在2次世界大战的严重破坏,解放后,政府高度重视重建这风景区,重建了龙翔宝塔、天池等,同时,建立了一些新的旅游景点。

Nanhu Lake Park is located in the southeast of Nanning City and features aquatic sceneries(水上景观)and subtropical gardening landscapes.It covers an area of 1.3 square kilometers(about 0.5 square miles)and a quarter of the whole park is covered by the lake.Nanhu Lake is an ideal place to entertain yourself.In the park, you can fully appreciate the views of various plants, such as Pinang(槟榔树), Chinese fan palms, and other tropical trees.Nanhu Lake was once a brook connected to a river but during the Tang Dynasty(618-907), a major flood occurred and submerged the surrounding fields and houses, which was how Nanhu Lake was created.In addition, there is a museum set up in 1984 to commemorate two uprisings in history.It was constructed in the Guangxi folk style which is also of tourist value.南湖公园位于东南南宁市和特色水产的风景(水上景观)和亚热带园林景观。它占地1.3平方公里(0.5平方英里),一季度全园覆盖的湖。南湖是娱乐自己的一个理想的地方。在公园里,你可以充分了解各种植物的看法,如槟榔(槟榔树),中国球迷手掌,和其他热带树木。南湖曾经是一条小溪与河流却在唐代(公元618-907年),发生了大洪水,淹没了周围的田地和房屋,这是多么的南湖被创造出来的。另外,有一个博物馆在1984成立,纪念历史上的两起义。它是在广西的民俗风格,也是旅游价值。

Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center, occupying an area of 24,000 square meters(about 28,704 yards), is an outdoor exhibition center that combined with knowledge and entertainment.It features relics, folk buildings, ethnic flavor, and folk customs of four minorities, Zhuang, Dong, Yao, and Miao.Upon entering the central gate, one will see a huge timbal(巨鼓)which is a wonderful achievement of the bronze culture(青铜文化)in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,700 years.There are more than 320 timbals in the centre, among which the Yunleiwen Timbal(云雷纹鼓)is the largest in the world.It weighs around 300 kilograms(about 661 pounds), with a diameter of 165 centimeters(about 65 inches)and stands 67.5 centimeters(about 26.5 inches)in height.Typical buildings of several minorities can be seen here, such as dwelling houses of Zhuang people, bamboo buildings of the Yao‘s(瑶族竹楼), houses constructed on water by the Miao people(苗族吊脚楼)and finally, the drum-towers of Dong people(侗族鼓楼).Their daily utensils and handicrafts are also displayed in each respective model house.Various folk performances will be shown during festivals.This is where one can fully appreciate the enchanting and






of Guangxi.Accommodation is available to visitors in the centre as well.广西文物中心,占地24000平方米(约28704码),是一个以知识和娱乐相结合的户外展览中心。它的特点是文物、民间建筑、民族风味和民俗风情的四个少数民族、壮族、侗族、瑶、苗。在进入中央门,你将看到一个巨大的铜鼓(巨鼓)是青铜文化的好成绩(青铜文化)在古代的中国,有2700多年的历史。有320多个铜鼓的中心,其中云雷纹铜鼓(云雷纹鼓)是世界上最大的。它重约300公斤(约661磅),一个直径165厘米(约65英寸),身高67.5厘米(约26.5英寸)高。各民族典型的建筑随处可见,如壮族民居,瑶族的竹建筑(瑶族竹楼),建造的房子对水的苗族人(苗族吊脚楼)最后,侗族鼓楼(侗族鼓楼)。他们的日常用品和手工艺品也在每个样板房里展出。各种民间表演将在节日期间显示。这是一个可以充分领略广西少数民族风情的迷人风情的地方,也可以在中心的参观者中提供住宿。


Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Province, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs.Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

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Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!


The World Economic Forum(WEF), based in Geneva, is an international non-governmental organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industrial agendas.The forum, initially known as the European Management Forum, was founded in 1971 by Klaus M.Its agenda now includes the most pressing problems facing the world, ranging from political, military and security concerns, to bilateral and regional issues.Since 1979, China has maintained good cooperative relations with the World Economic Forum.China's leaders participated and delivered speeches in the annual meeting on many occasions.They included Premier Li Peng, Vice Premier Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing and Wu Bangguo successively.between 1992 and 2000, and Vice Premier Huang Ju, Zeng Peiyan, State Councilor Hua jianmin and Premier Wen jiabao.China has dispatched delegations to the regional economic summits organized by the World Economic Forum since 1993.Between 1981 and 2006, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with China Enterprise Confederation, convened an “International Senior Management Symposium” in China(renamed the “China Business Summit” in 1996), which was suspended after the “Summer Davos” Forum was held in China in 2007.Usually the World Economic Forum convenes an annual meeting in Davos at the beginning of each year, so it is also called the “Davos Forum”.Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, raised the idea of a “Summer Davos China” in 2005.The Beijing representative office of the World Economic Forum was set up in June, 2006, and was the first representative body established outside Switzerland.The World Economic Forum has convened its Annual Meeting of the New Champions(“Summer Davos” Forum)each year since 2007, aiming to create a platform for “enterprises expanding globally” to discuss and share experiences with well-established enterprises.The first “Summer Davos” Forum was held in Dalian in September, 2007 with the same theme of the 2007 Davos Annual Meeting –“Changing the power equilibrium”.In September, 2008, the second Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin with the theme of the “Next round of growth”.In September, 2009, the third Summer Davos Annual Meeting was held in Dalian with the theme of “Relanching growth”.Premier Wen Jiabao attended the opening ceremony of the three forums and delivered speeches.In addition, the World Economic Forum lays stress on cooperation with Chinese enterprises.By September, 2009, the number of Chinese enterprises becoming members of the World Economic Forum had exceeded 60.The 2012 Summer Davos Forum, referred to as the “Wind vane of the world's economy”, was held in Tianjin from Sept 11 to 13.The number of guests set a new record.The elite and politicians from all over the world ran a brainstorming session with the theme of “molding the economy in the future”.On September 11, 2013, the Seventh Summer Davos Forum was opened in Dalian.Premier Li Keqiang attended the forum and delivered a special address.Edited by Wang Yifei and Brian Anthony Salter The Annual Meeting of the New Champions Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, raised the idea of a “Summer Davos China” in 2005.In September, 2008, the second Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin with the theme of the “Next round of growth”.The 2014 Summer Davos has brought about the concept of “Green Transportation, Green Theme activities, Green Dining, Green Accommodation, and Green Souvenirs”.The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, will be held in Dalian, Liaoning Province, from Wednesday until Friday.This year's event will be on the theme of “Mastering Quality Growth.” About 1,500 participants from 90countries and regions are expected to show up during the three-day forum.




Founded in July,2013,as a subsidiary company to Tian Yi Electric Machinery Corporation,Li Ming Automation Science Co.Ltd is a high-tech enterprise with all vitality , potentialand comprehensive strength.The company is located in the Dong Guan Ao Bo Science &Technology zone ,a unique place with beautiful scenery and gifts of nature.On the basis of technology development , the company has taken in a group of experienced personnels who are talented in senior management ,marketing and skills of producing.In the company ,great attention is paid to basic management ,stable quality ,continuously improving pre-sale services,sale and after-sale services,and enhancing

the market competitiveness of our products.Main products of our company :TECO electric machinery series,KH gear,WEG high-efficiency motor ,etc.Since its foundation ,the company keeps living up to the belief of :”honest selling ,best quality ,people-orientation and benefits to customers.”

We are doing everything to offer our customers with best services and best products.We promise that we’ll be responsible all the way to the end once our services begin.



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