The climb 歌词 Miley Cyrus(中英文翻译,已排好版可直接打印)

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第一篇:The climb 歌词 Miley Cyrus(中英文翻译,已排好版可直接打印)

The climb I can almost see it / 眼前依稀浮现

That dream I'm dreaming / 萦绕心头的那个梦境

But There's a voice inside my head saying / 脑海里却响起一个声音 you'll never reach it / 你永远也不会到达彼岸 Every step I'm taking / 我迈出的每一步 Every move I make feels /我做过的每件事 Lost with no direction / 无不使我迷失方向 My faith is shaking / 开始动摇的,是我的信念

But I, I gotta keep trying./ 可我,我还是要继续求索

Gotta keep my head held high / 还是要挺胸抬头、阔步前行 There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开 Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过

Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达峰顶 Ain't about what's waiting on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景

It's the climb / 这就是攀登

The struggles I'm facing / 我面对的每次搏击

The chances I'm taking / 我抓住的每次机遇

Sometimes might knock me down / 有时会令我一败涂地 But no, I'm not breaking / 却决不会磨去我的意志 I may not know it / 或许我不懂其中的意义

But these are the moments that / 但这些时刻却会成为

I'm gonna remember most, yeah / 我一辈子可以珍藏的回忆,啊 Just gotta keep going / 只管继续前进

And I, I got be strong / 我要,我要变得坚强 Just keep pushing on / 只须奋力前行,因为

'Cause There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开 Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过

Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰 Ain't about what's waiting on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景

It's the climb ,yeah!/ 这就是攀登, 啊-There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开

Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Somebody's gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过

Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰 Ain't about what's waiting on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景

It's the climb,yeah!/ 这就是攀登.啊— Keep on moving / 继续前行 Keep climbing / 继续攀登 Keep the faith / 坚守信念 Baby / 宝贝

It's all about / 这一切就是

It's all about the climb / 这一切就是攀登 Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念 Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念 whoa~

第二篇:The Good Life Hannah Montana歌词(已排好版,可直接打印)

The Good Life I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do, What you need to know, What you gotta get to get where you wanna go.Never ever miss a noun, Keep your eye on all displays.When you find your style, Everyday’s a holiday.I’ll show you how to work in, To find the fit that’s perfect.You know that you deserve it.(Whoa, whoa whoa!)

This is the good life, Take a good look have anything you want.This is the good life, Dining with your friends at the fancy restaurant.Living the good life, We have such a good time, I know.Grab a little Gucci bag, And some Prada shoes.Here, take my credit card, They’re all here to wait on you.Jimmy Choo calls out your name, D & G on every wall.When you can’t decide,That’s okay just buy them all.There’s no better feeling.(Oh!)There’s nothing more appealing.(Hey, eh!)The door, front, floor, the ceiling.(Whoa, whoa, whoa!)(Oh!)

This is the good life, Take a good look have anything you want.This is the good life, Dining with your friends at the fancy restaurant.Living the good life, We have such a good time, I know.Can’t be slow, never stop, Fill those bags up to the top.Turn around, try it on, Now off to the hair salon.Joanie says, “I’ll just pay,There’s no need for layaway.”

Slide your plastic, flash your cash.Ring it up, it’s such a blast.(One, two, three, four!)

This is the good life,(Good life!)Take a good look have anything you want.This is the good life,(Good life!)Dining with you friends at the fancy restaurant.(Yeah!)Living the good life, We have such a good time,(The good life!)I know.(Oh, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, the good life.Oh, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, I’m living the good life.Oh, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, the good life.(Good life!)Oh, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, I’m living the good life.Whoa, oh, whoo, the good life, yeah!)

第三篇:Taylor Swift Mean 歌词(中文英文翻译,已排好版,可直接打印)

Mean You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me 你用你刀锋般的话语刺的我遍体鳞伤

You, have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like a nothing 你一次次将我打倒,让我感觉自己一无是处

You, with your voice like nails on a chalk board calling me out when I’m wounded 当我受伤时,你用你指甲刮黑板似的声音冲我喊叫 You, picking on the weaker man.你最喜欢欺凌弱小

You can take me down, with just one single blow 在你面前我不堪一击 But you don’t know, what you don’t know 但是你怎么也不会想到

Some day, I’ll be,living in a big ole city 总有一天,我会去一个棒极了的大城市生活 And all you’re,ever gonna be is mean 而你,从头到尾所有的都只不过是刻薄

Some day, I’ll be,big enough so you can’t hit me 有一天我会长大到你再也无法打我

And all you’re,ever gonna be is mean, 而你所剩下的只有刻薄

why you gotta be so mean? 你为何要如此刻薄?

You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation 你摇摆不定、散播流言、对我极尽侮辱之能事 You, have pointed out my flaws again 你一次次的指责我的缺点

as if I don’t already see them 好像我自己从来没看见它们一样 I walk with my head down 我垂头丧气的走出去

tryna block you out, cause I’ll never impress you 尽力避开你 因为我知道我永远也无法让你惊叹 I just wanna feel okay again 我只想找回感觉良好的自己

I bet you got pushed around, 我敢打赌你肯定曾被欺负 somebody made you cold 心才会变的这么冷酷

But the cycle ends right now, 但这个恶性循环会在我这里止步 cause you can’t lead,me down that road 你无法引领我走上你刻薄的道路 And you don’t know, what you don’t know 你从不曾想到过

Some day, I’ll be,living in a big ole city 有一天我会去一座棒极了的大城市生活

And all you’re,ever gonna be is mean 那时你所剩下的只有刻薄

Some day, I’ll be,big enough so you can’t hit me 有一天我会长大到你无法再打我

And all you’re,ever gonna be is mean, 陪伴在你身边的只有刻薄 why you gotta be so mean? 你何必要这么刻薄

And I can see you years from now in a bar talking over a football game 我能想象几年之后你仍旧在酒吧谈论足球

With that same big, loud opinion but nobody’s listening 粗声大气喋喋不休却无人聆听在你的四周

Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things 于是你抹抹脸继续咆哮着你老生常谈的刻薄演说 Drunk and rumbling on about how I can’t sing.醉醺醺的抱怨我是多么不懂得唱歌 but all you are is mean 但是……如今你剩下的只是刻薄 All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life, 你所能做的只是刻薄,说谎。最后变得可悲,孤独…… And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean 和刻薄,刻薄,刻薄……

But some day, I’ll be living in a big ole city And all you’re ever gonna be is mean

Some day, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me And all you’re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean? Some day, I’ll be living in a big ole city And all you’re ever gonna be is mean

Some day, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me

And all you’re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean?

第四篇:We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Taylor Swift 歌词(中文英文翻译,已排好版,可直接打印)

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 美国乡村天后泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)

I remember when we broke up, the first time.我记得我们第一次分手的时候

Seeing this is,and had enough.我说 我受够了这些 结束吧 cause like we hadn’t seen each other in a month.因为那时候我们一个月都没见面了 when you said you needed space„what?

因为你说你需要空间„ 什么?!

Then you come around again and say.然后你又回到我身边 你说

Baby, I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change.宝贝我想你 我发誓我会改 trust me.你相信我

remember how that(than)lasted for a day?


I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you.我说 我讨厌你。我们又分手了 你打电话说 我爱你。

Oh Woo-Oh

We called it off again last night.我们又来了一次这样的戏码

but oh woo-oh, this time I’m telling you,但是 这次我会告诉你 I’m telling you, 我告诉你

We!are never ever ever getting back together.我们再也再也不可能在一起了

We-are never ever ever getting back together.我们 永远永远 都不可能再在一起了

You go talk,to your friends talk,to my friends talk to me.你让你的朋友劝我的朋友来劝我

but we-are never ever ever ever, getting back together.但我们 永远永远 都不可能再在一起了 Like„ever.我是说 永远。

I’m really gonna miss you picking fights.我真的会想念那一场又一场你不停挑起的战争

and me falling for a screaming that I’m right.我曾大声告诉你我并没有做错什么。

and you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that’s much cooler than mine.然后你逃避 你躲在你的那些显然比我好多了的独立音乐里寻找你自己

Oh woo-oh, You called me up again tonight.今晚你又一次打了我的电话

but oh woo-oh,this time I’m telling you,但这一次我告诉你

I’m telling you,我会告诉你

We!are never ever ever, getting back together.我们永远永远都不会再在一起了

We-are never ever ever, getting back together.我们 再也 再也不会在一起了

You go talk, to your friends talk, to my friends talk to me.你去跟你的朋友谈也好 跟我的朋友谈也好 跟我谈也好

but we-are never ever ever ever, getting back together-.Oh woo-oh Oh woo-oh Oh woo-oh

但我们永远永远 都不会再在一起了

I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever.我曾经以为 我们会地久天长

and I used to say, never say never.我曾经说过 永远不要说分离

(so he calls me and he’s like.所以说 他打电话给我 然后他这样说着 “I still love you.” “我还爱你。”

and I’m just like “this is exhausting„you know...we are never ever getting back together.然后我就说 “我太累了.....你知道的.....我们永远 都不会再在一起了。

Like ever.”

我是说 永远都不会了”

We are never ever ever, getting back together.我们永远永远 都不会再在一起了

We-are never ever ever, getting back together.我们绝对绝对 再也不会在一起了

You go talk, to your friends talk, to my friends talk to me.你去跟你的朋友谈也好 跟我的朋友谈也好 跟我谈也好

but we-are never ever ever ever, getting back together-.但我们永远 永远 都不会再在一起了 Oh Woo-oh oh Oh woo-oh Oh woo-oh You go talk, to your friends talk, to my friends talk to me.你去跟你的朋友谈也好 跟我的朋友谈也好 跟我谈也好

but we-are never ever ever ever, getting back together.但我们永远永远 都绝对绝对 再也不会 在一起了。



(成龙)站起来 我的爱牵着山脉


起点写着我的未来 Hey ya..Hey ya..终点没有成与败

(王力宏)站起来 我的爱拥抱大海


跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀(成龙)多少~~~风雨的等待

穿越心灵 彩虹告诉我的存在(王力宏)生命真实喝彩


希望看见英雄 奇迹般色彩


勇敢和我一起 用心赢回真爱


站起来终点没了 起点也会在(孙燕姿)站起来 我的爱牵着山脉


起点写着我的未来 嘿呀嘿呀 终点没有成与败

(韩&孙)站起来 我的爱拥抱大海

(韩 红)超越不只是现在

跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀嘿呀(韩红 SOLO....)站起来


勇敢和我一起 用心赢回真爱

彼此距离不在 你和我的竞赛

站起来终点没了 起点也会在站起来 我的爱拥抱大海


跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀嘿呀 嘿呀嘿呀

Dance Dance Dance 不用罗嗦 只要演好你的角色

忘掉自我 不要走调


Oh go go 跟我跳三天三夜

够不够 no more no more


夜让你美丽 你让我着迷

跟我跳吧 别让快乐在手中逃脱

夜让你美丽 你让我着迷

跟我一起 不要停下

one~ two~ three~

Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 热烈世界我行我素


怎么快乐 怎么难过


Oh go go 跟我来眼神交汇~

yo 爱我想象

夜让你美丽 你让我着迷

跟我跳吧 别让快乐在手中逃脱

夜让你美丽 你让我着迷

跟我一起 不要停下

one~ two~ three~

Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 你的美让我陶醉

togher togher togher ~

Dance Dance Dance two~ three~

Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 你的美让我陶醉

togher togher togher ~


my queen my queen 爱是一种酒

my queen my queen 无边的温柔

my queen my queen 开启了莎楼

一句魔咒渐渐念以后 又回到三千一百年前 高坐在古老的盛宴 祭师们就要打开祭坛 用胜利的血将神祭奠 祈祷在夜空中弥漫

虔诚的灵魂守候这誓言就在这个时候你出现 命运在这一刻改变 波吕克赛娜

你就是一个美丽神话 穿越了奥里比斯山

用神在艾丽雅平原王冠已摘下无论要多么大代价 只要永远和你在一起不分离 我愿意献出我自己

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