
时间:2019-05-14 16:08:17下载本文作者:会员上传



当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如“My favourite program of all is...”(我最喜欢的电视节目是...)这样的短语表达。“I love watching...” 我喜欢看...“I adore watching...”我喜欢看...“I hate watching...” 我讨厌看...“I can’t bear watching...”我无法忍受看...“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”那个节目让我看得很专心。

“I can’t bear to miss an episode of...” 我不能忍受错过一个片段...“The special effects are...” 特技效果真是...“I missed last night’s episode.Can you tell me what happened?” 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗?


“What did you think about..?”你觉得...怎么样?

“Could you believe what happened last night in..?” 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? “Did you understand the ending of..?”你理解了最后的结局吗? “What was going on in..?”发生什么了?

有很多形容词可以用来描述我们对电视节目的看法 “Scary” 可怕的

“Interesting” 有趣的 “Fascinating” 迷人的 “Great fun”很有趣

“Funny” 滑稽的

“Absorbing”吸引人的“Exciting” 刺激的

“Depressing”令人失望的“Sad” 难过的

“Uplifting”令人激动的“Boring” 无聊的 “Realistic” 真实的

“Amazing” 令人惊讶的 “Unrealistic” 不切实际的 “Soppy” 多愁善感的 “Enthralling”迷人的“Addictive”沉迷的“Stimulating”刺激的

“Thought-provoking”引人深思的想想你看过的那些电视节目。你会使用以下哪种描述呢? “I think soaps are boring.”我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。

“In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。

“Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and snooker.”大多数的体育节目让我觉得很催眠,但是我十分喜欢看网球和斯诺克比赛。

“I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” 我喜欢喜剧 -开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。

“I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.” 我喜欢看很多类型的电影-甚至是催人泪下的电影。

“I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking.”我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。

你看什么类型的电视节目呢?为什么呢?试着把这些很好的形容词在你的回答里表达出来吧。English for Talking about What's on TV When we are talking about TV programs with our friends we can use phrases such as… “My favourite program of all is...” “I love watching...” “I adore watching...” “I hate watching...”

“I can’t bear watching...”

“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat” “I can’t bear to miss an episode of...” “The special effects are...”

“I missed last night’s episode.Can you tell me what happened?”

We can ask our friends’ opinions “What did you think about..?”

“Could you believe what happened last night in..?” “Did you understand the ending of..?” “What was going on in..?”

There are lots of adjectives we can use to describe TV programs and what we think about them “Scary”

“Interesting” “Fascinating” “Great fun” “Funny” “Absorbing” “Exciting” “Depressing” “Sad” “Uplifting” “Boring” “Realistic” “Amazing” “Unrealistic” “Soppy” “Enthralling” “Addictive” “Stimulating”


Think about the TV shows that you’ve seen.Which of the following descriptions would you use? “I think soaps are boring.” “In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.”

“Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and snooker.”

“I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.”

“I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.”

“I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking.“

What type of TV programs do you watch and why? Try to use some good adjectives and descriptions in your answers.



观看电视节目是理解语言是如何运用的好途径。能够描述你看过的内容是锻炼你的英语的极佳方法!当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如“My favourite program of all is...”(我最喜欢的电视节目是...)这样的短语表达。“I love watching...” 我喜欢看...“I adore watching...”我喜欢看...“I hate watching...” 我讨厌看...“I can’t bear watching...”我无法忍受看...“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”那个节目让我看得很专心。

“I can’t bear to miss an episode of...” 我不能忍受错过一个片段...“The special effects are...” 特技效果真是...“I missed last night’s episode.Can you tell me what happened?” 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗?


“What did you think about..?”你觉得...怎么样?

“Could you believe what happened last night in..?” 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? “Did you understand the ending of..?”你理解了最后的结局吗? “What was going on in..?”发生什么了?

有很多形容词可以用来描述我们对电视节目的看法 “Scary” 可怕的 “Interesting” 有趣的 “Fascinating” 迷人的 “Great fun”很有趣

“Funny” 滑稽的 “Absorbing”吸引人的“Exciting” 刺激的 “Depressing”令人失望的“Sad” 难过的 “Uplifting”令人激动的“Boring” 无聊的 “Realistic” 真实的 “Amazing” 令人惊讶的

“Unrealistic” 不切实际的 “Soppy” 多愁善感的 “Enthralling”迷人的“Addictive”沉迷的“Stimulating”刺激的

“Thought-provoking”引人深思的想想你看过的那些电视节目。你会使用以下哪种描述呢? “I think soaps are boring.”我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。

“In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。

“Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and snooker.”大多数的体育节目让我觉得很催眠,但是我十分喜欢看网球和斯诺克比赛。

“I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” 我喜欢喜剧 -开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。

“I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.” 我喜欢看很多类型的电影-甚至是催人泪下的电影。

“I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking.”我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。






What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What's the weather like in winter in beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样? What's it like outside today? 今天外面天气怎么样? How is the weather tomorrow? 明天的天气怎么样? What's the weather going to be tomorrow? 明天天气怎样? What does the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说的? Have you heard the weather forecast? 你听天气预报了吗? What's the weather report for tomorrow? 天气预报明天怎么样? What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气怎么样? Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样的吗? Is it always as hot as this? 天气总是这样热吗?

Do you like the weather here? 你喜欢这儿的天气吗?

What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? Which seasins dou you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? What's your favorite season? 你最喜欢哪个季节?


What a nice day!多好的天气呀!

What great weather we're having today!今天天气真好!It's a beautiful/lovely day.今天是个好天气

It's Sunny 是晴天

It's cool/warm/pleasant 天气很凉爽/温暖/舒适

It's very crisp and cool 天气干爽

Today is a sunny day 今天真是阳光灿烂的一天

The sun is shining 阳光明媚

The weather is much better than yesterday 天气比昨天好多了

The air is warm,but there's a nice breeze 空气很热,但是有怡人的微风 It's going to be fine tomorrow 明天将会有好天气

we'll have fine weather for the next few days 以后几天天气晴朗

I hope the weather will stay this way 我希望这种天气持续下去

It's good to see the sun again 真是太好了,太阳又出来了

Lovely weather,isn't it? 天气真好,是吗?

Fine day,isn't it? 今天是个好天气,是吧?


The weather is terrible 天气真糟糕

The weather forecast says it isn't good 天气预报说今天天气不好


What's the temperature? 温度是多少?

It will get warmer as the day goes by 天气会一天天地变暖和

Spring is warm 春天是温暖的It's a warm day 是温暖的天气

It's warmer than yesterday(今天)比昨天暖和

How hot is it outside? 外面有多热?

It's so hot/cold 是如此的热/冷

It's burning hot!燃烧般的热!

It's Africa hot 非洲般的热

It's very sultry 天气非常的闷热

It's extremely hot and muggy 天气非常炎热闷人

It's blazing hot outside 外面很炽热

With all this moisture,it feels very muggy outside 由于湿气很重,外面很闷热 I felt like I was roasting inside house 在屋里我觉得跟火烤一样

This morning is cooler than expected 今天早上比预计的要凉快

It's cools down in the fall 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了

I hope the weather there is cold enough 我希望那儿天气够冷

The temperature has dropped a lot today.今天温度低多了

It's going to get cold fast 天气很快会变冷的It's a little bit chilly out 外面有点寒冷

It's freezing outside 外面很冷

It's twenty degrees Centigrade today 今天是摄氏二十度

The temperature will drop below zero 气温将降到零度以下

It's two below zero.零下二度。

It's seven degrees below zero. 今天是零下七度。(摄氏)

You know global warming may raise the temperature 你知道全球变暖会使气温上


as long as it doesn't rain 只要不下雨就行

It's going to be cloudy tomorrow 明天将是阴天

It looks like rain.看起来要下雨

I guess it's going to tain 我想要下雨了

The paper says it might rain this evening 报纸说今天傍晚可能要下雨

It's wet and cloudy 天气潮湿阴沉

It's rainy and wet 天下雨并且潮湿

Oh,the rain is coming down 呕,雨已经下下来了

It's drizzling/sprinkling outside 外面在下毛毛雨

It's really raining 雨下的可真大

It's raining pretty hard right now 现在雨下得很大

The rain is pouring down 大雨倾盆而下

It's coming down outside 外面在下倾盆大雨

It's raining cats and dogs.天正下瓢泼大雨

It's raining buckets 雨量像水桶倒出来一样

It's thundering and lightening.雷电交加

I hope the rain will stop soon 我希望这场雨会很快停下来

The rain seems to be stopping 雨看来渐渐停了

It'll clear up soon 天很快就会放晴

It seems to be cleaning up.天似乎要转晴

Some of the street are almost flooded with rain 有些街道几乎被雨水淹了 We had a lot of rain this winter though 但是我们今年冬天下了很多雨


I think there will be a strong wind 我想可能要刮大风了

Today's a windy day 今天外面刮大风

It's a windy day 刮风了

It's blowing hard.风刮得很大


It's rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/wet/dry.今天是雨天/阴天/刮风/下雪/潮湿/干燥。I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪 It's starting to snow outside 外面开始下雪了

It's snowing heavily.正在下大雪。

The snow won’t last long.雪不会持续太久。

How much snow do you have in the winter in this area? 你们这个地区冬天下多少雪?

The average snowfall each year is about two feet 每年平均降雪量大约两英尺


It's very foggy.雾很大。

The fog is beginning to lift.正在收雾。


Spring is from March to may 春季是从三月到五月

According to the morning weather forecast 根据早上的天气预报 It's quite different from the weather report.这和天气预报相差很大。It's rather changeable.天气变化无常。



总是勉强在最后一分钟赶到公司?赴约时就算提前打出几小时的富余,最后还是会迟到?有人说这是拖延症的表现,可专家说,这种情况叫chronic lateness(惯常迟到)。

Do any of the following sound familiar? 下面这些描述,你觉得耳熟吗?

** You're always rushing at the last minute, even though you've promised yourself countless times that you wouldn't let this happen again.你总是在最后一分钟时冲向目的地,虽然之前你已经无数次告诉自己不会让这一幕再次发生。

** You've tried setting your watch several minutes ahead, but you're still late.你已经把手表调快了几分钟,可你还是迟到了。

** You may be punctual for work(barely)but you're usually at least 20 minutes late for meetings, appointments, class, church, theater or other non-work situations.可能上班的时候,你勉强能做到准时;但在会议、预约、上课、教堂、剧院及其他非工作场合,你通常都会迟到至少20分钟。

** You make excuses, such as: “There was traffic,” or “Something came up,” or “I was going to call you but I didn't want to be even more late.”


** People become impatient or angry at your tardiness.人们因为你的迟到而不耐烦或者生气。

** You believe that you are more motivated when in a time crunch, or that you move faster under pressure.你认为时间紧张的时候你更有动力,或者压力会让你动作更快。

If you can identify with 2 or more of the above, you have a problem with punctuality, normally known as chronic lateness.Chronic lateness is related to procrastination.Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline.They may also have underlying anxiety about the task they're faced with.如果以上描述中,你有两项以上为肯定回答,那么你在遵守时间方面可能有问题,这种问题就是“惯常迟到(chronic lateness)”。“惯常迟到”跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延症的人不是在应对时间方面有问题,而是不够自律。另外,也有可能是他们对面前的任务有焦虑情绪。

Rosie: Sorry, I overslept.My clock didn't go off this morning.罗茜:对不起,我睡过头了。闹钟早上没响。

Francie: Again?佛朗斯:又没响?

Rosie: That's right, even though I did set the alarm last night.罗茜:是的,我昨晚确实订闹钟了。

Francie: Your clock never works.Perhaps you should buy a new one.佛朗斯:你的闹钟从来没好用过,也许你该买个新的了。

Rosie: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I'll definitely buy a new one.罗茜:如果明天它再坏,我肯定买个新的。

Francie: Maybe by then it'll be too late.佛朗斯:也许那时就太晚了。

Rosie: What do you mean “too late”?罗茜:“太晚”是什么意思?

Francie: By that time you'll be fired.佛朗斯:到那时你就被抄了。


If you have problems with being punctual, especially for things that are a bit threatening, such as doctor's appointments, new social situations, or meeting with people you don't like, then your lateness is anxiety-based.Putting off the inevitable is how your mind tries to cope with anxiety.如果你总是迟到,在诸如医生约见、新的社交场合或者与你不喜欢的人碰面等一些你害怕面对的事情上尤其明显的话,这种迟到多是焦虑引起的。就算不可避免,也要尽量延后,这就是大脑应对焦虑情绪时的做法。

But if you are habitually late for routine business and for events that don't cause you much discomfort, then the problem is mainly with self-discipline and your“inner brat,”the part of you that balks at exerting itself, and at being told what to do.但是,如果你已经习惯在任何常规工作和活动场合迟到,那就是自律问题了,还有你心里那个“顽劣的自己”,那个阻止你努力上进、不让你听从引导的自己。



Sorry.Please forgive my lateness.Please excuse me.I have to run.I'm really / awfully / terribly sorry.I cannot tell you how sorry I am.Please forgive me.I didn't mean that.常用句型:

It was wrong of me.I hope you will excuse me.I apologize for that.I'm really sorry to be late again.


Talking About Activities 谈论活动 181.What are you doing? 你在干什么?182.I'm reading a book.我在看书。183.I'm cooking.我在做饭。184.Are you watching TV now? 你在看电视吗?185.Yes, I'm watching Channel 5.是的,我在看 5 频道。186.No, I'm listening to the radio.没有,我在听收音机。187.Where are you going? 你去哪儿?188.I'm going to work.我去上班。189.Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?190.I'm writing to an old friend.给一个老朋友。191.What will you do this weekend? 这周末你将干什么?192.I'll go to a concert.我要去听音乐会。193.I'll go on an outing with some friends.我与朋友去郊游。194.Do you like traveling? 你喜欢郊游吗? 195.Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much.是的,我很喜欢。



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