
时间:2019-05-14 16:10:57下载本文作者:会员上传


1.why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在四月一日愚人节人们都很累?

答案:Because they have just had a long March因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月(行军)march除了三月以外还有行军的意思。2.what letter is an animal?哪个字母是一个动物? 答案:B(Bee)3.What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea)哪个字母坐落在海边? 答案:C(sea)4.what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 答案:Y(why)5.what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye)6.what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜 答案:P(pea)豌豆

7.what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉)8.what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨子)因为pear和pair(一双)读音相同。9.With which hand do you write? 答案:neither,I use a pen!你用哪只手写字呢? 答案:都不用,我用笔

10.what man cannot live in a house?什么人不能住在房子里? 答案:snowman(雪人)

11.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? 答案:dictionary(字典)

12.What question can you never answer “Yes” to?什么问题你永远也不能回答“是” 答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)13.You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it?What is it?你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 答案:book(书)

14.A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? 答案:a kangaroo(袋鼠)

15.It has a head,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.It has no feet,but can travel.What is it?它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。答案:a car(汽车)

16.What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?什么走路开始用四条腿,后来用两条腿,最后用三条腿? 答案:People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.是人,他们刚生下来的时候用四肢爬行,后来用双腿走路,老年时又不得不依靠拐杖走。

17.What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么?

答案:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟。

18.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?

答案:In the dictionary在字典里。

19.What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解? 答案:They are all dead.他们都死了。what must you do before you return a book to the library?把书还到图书馆之前你必须做什么? 答案:borrow the book from library从图书馆借书


脑筋急转弯题目:毛毛说:10+4=2,老师也说对,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:10点+4点=下午2点】 脑筋急转弯题目:明明是个近视眼,也是个出名的馋小子,在他面前放一堆书,书后放一个苹果,你说他会先看什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:什么也看不见】 脑筋急转弯题目:世界上除了火车啥车最长? 【脑筋急转弯答案:塞车】 脑筋急转弯题目:上海的南京路,来往最多的是什么人? [答案] 【脑筋急转弯答案:中国人】 脑筋急转弯题目:三个金“鑫”,三个水叫“淼”,三个人叫“众”,那么三个鬼应该叫什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:叫“救命”】 脑筋急转弯题目:小红口袋里原有10个铜钱,但它们都掉了,请问小红口袋里还剩下什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:一个洞】 脑筋急转弯题目:猴子每分钟能掰一个玉米,在果园里,一只猴子5分钟能掰几个玉米? 【脑筋急转弯答案:没掰到一个】 脑筋急转弯题目:一溜(提示:注意谐音)三棵树,要拴10匹马,只能拴单不能拴双? 【脑筋急转弯答案:请问怎么拴?】 脑筋急转弯题目:有种动物,大小像只猫,长相又像虎,这是什么动物? 【脑筋急转弯答案:小老虎】

10脑筋急转弯题目:亮亮的生日在三月三十日,请问是哪年的三月三十日? 【脑筋急转弯答案:每年的三月三十日】脑筋急转弯题目:两只狗赛跑,甲狗跑得快,乙狗跑得慢,跑到终点时,哪只狗出汗多? 【脑筋急转弯答案:狗不会出汗】脑筋急转弯题目:为什么一瓶标明剧毒的药对人却无害? 【脑筋急转弯答案:只要你不去喝它】脑筋急转弯题目:亚当和夏娃结婚后最大的遗憾是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:没人来喝喜酒.】脑筋急转弯题目:小明只会花钱,天天花很多钱,可最后却成了百万富翁,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:以前是亿万富翁】脑筋急转弯题目:有两个人决定进行自行车比赛,看谁的自行车跑的快,比赛在一个平坦宽敞的体育场里进行,但当比赛开始时,他们两个却谁也不愿意领先,反而都在慢悠悠的骑,已知他们两人都不会互相谦让,也没有外来因素干扰,总之,一切都很正常,这究竟是为什么呢? 【脑筋急转弯答案:他们交换了自行车】脑筋急转弯题目:什么时候四减三会等于五? 【脑筋急转弯答案:四个角的东西切去一个角.】脑筋急转弯题目:胖姐阿英站上人体秤时,为何指针却只指着5? 【脑筋急转弯答案:指针已经转过一圈了】脑筋急转弯题目:刮风的晚上,停电了,晓晓上床睡觉时忘了吹蜡烛,第二天醒来时,蜡烛居然还有很长一支没有燃完,怎么回事呢? 【脑筋急转弯答案:被风吹熄了】脑筋急转弯题目:胖胖是个颇有名气的跳水运动员,可是有一天,他站在跳台上,却不敢往下跳。这是为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为水池里没有水】

20脑筋急转弯题目:警察面对两名歹徒,但他只剩下一颗子弹,他对歹徒说:谁动就打谁,结果没动的反而挨子弹,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为不动较好打】

脑筋急转弯大全及答案脑筋急转弯题目:什么人是不用电的? 【脑筋急转弯答案:缅甸人。】脑筋急转弯题目:至少要多少时间才能读完清华大学? 【脑筋急转弯答案:几秒。】脑筋急转弯题目:火柴盒内只剩一根火柴棒。A先生想点亮煤油灯,使煤炉起火,并烧热水的话,应该先点何物较佳? 【脑筋急转弯答案:应先点燃火柴棒。若没将火柴棒点燃,其他的部分就不能发挥作用了。】脑筋急转弯题目:一位服装模特儿小姐,即使在平日也穿着未经发表的新款服饰,但她常常看到穿着和她完全相同服饰的人。这是为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为她看到的是映于镜子内的自己。】脑筋急转弯题目:什么时候时钟会响13下? 【脑筋急转弯答案:坏的时候。】脑筋急转弯题目:什么情况一山可容二虎? 【脑筋急转弯答案:一公一母。】

脑筋急转弯题目:为什么青蛙可以跳得比树高? 【脑筋急转弯答案:树不会跳。】脑筋急转弯题目:在狩猎公园的池子中,鳄鱼正咬住管理员的帽子游走;只见池子外的所有管理员都一起叫骂着。但是,并没有人的帽子不见了!为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:鳄鱼把戴此帽子的管理员吞下去了。】脑筋急转弯题目:纸上写着某一份命令。但是,看懂此文字的人,却绝对不能宣读命令。那么,纸上写的是什么呢? 【脑筋急转弯答案:纸上写着“不要念出此文”。】脑筋急转弯题目:一架空调器从楼掉下来会变成啥器? 【脑筋急转弯答案:凶器。】脑筋急转弯题目:电影院内禁止吸烟,而在剧情达到高潮时,却有一男子开始抽烟,整个银幕笼罩着烟雾。但是,却没有任何一位观众出来抗议,这是为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:这是因为抽烟的男子,是电影中出现的人物】脑筋急转弯题目:马路上发生车祸碰撞事件,当警察立刻赶往时虽然司机全力相助,一人却已死亡。依司机的说法,此人并非死于车祸,而是因肺癌丧命。因同坐车的只有司机和死者二人,根本没有目击者;但是,警察却立刻明白,司机并没有说谎。这是为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为此司机是以灵柩车运送这位死于肺癌的人】脑筋急转弯题目:有个地方发生了火灾,虽然有很多人在救火,但就是没人报火警,奇怪吧? 【脑筋急转弯答案:消防队着火了】脑筋急转弯题目:李主任早上刷牙的时侯一边刷一边大声唱歌,他是怎么做到的? 【脑筋急转弯答案:他刷的是假牙】脑筋急转弯题目:王先生在打太极拳时金鸣独立,站多久看上去都那么轻松,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为他在照片里】脑筋急转弯题目:一天晚上,A君在家读一本有趣的书,他的妻子把电灯关了。尽管屋内漆黑一团,A君仍然手不释卷,读的津津有味。这是什么道理? 【脑筋急转弯答案:A君是盲人,他读的是盲文书】脑筋急转弯题目:一只蚂蚁从几百万米高的山峰落下来会怎么死? 【脑筋急转弯答案:饿死。】脑筋急转弯题目:每个成功男人背后有一个女人,那一个失败的男人背后会有什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:有太多的女人】脑筋急转弯题目:在什么时候更确定自己是中国人? 【脑筋急转弯答案:外语考试的时候】

脑筋急转弯题目:什么人每天靠运气赚钱? 【脑筋急转弯答案:运煤气的工人。】脑筋急转弯题目:一个猎人,一只枪,抢射程100米,有一个狼离猎人200米,猎人和狼都不动,可是猎人却开枪把狼打死了? 【脑筋急转弯答案:枪长一百米。】脑筋急转弯题目:什么东西做的人知道,买的人知道,卖的人知道,用的人却不知道 ? 【脑筋急转弯答案:棺材】脑筋急转弯题目:印度人为什么用手抓饭吃?【脑筋急转弯答案:因为手比脚干净。】脑筋急转弯题目:一只鸡,一只鹅,放冰箱里,鸡冻死了,鹅却活着,为什么?【脑筋急转弯答案:是企鹅。】

6脑筋急转弯题目:为什么流氓坐车不要钱? 【脑筋急转弯答案:囚车。】脑筋急转弯题目:三个人,竖着站成一排。有五个帽子,三个蓝色,两个红色,每人带一个,各自不准看自己的颜色。然后问第一个人带的什么颜色的帽子,他说不知道,然后又问第二个人带的什么颜色的帽子,同样说不知道,又问第三个人带的是什么颜色的帽子,他说我知道。问第三个人带的是什么色帽子?(第一个人站在排的最后,他可以看见前二个人的帽子的颜色)【脑筋急转弯答案:是蓝色。】脑筋急转弯题目:如果诸葛亮活着,世界现在会有什么不同?【脑筋急转弯答案:会多一个人。】脑筋急转弯题目:一本书放在地上什么地方你跨不过去? 【脑筋急转弯答案:放在一墙角里】脑筋急转弯题目:为什么先看见闪电后听到雷声? 【脑筋急转弯答案:眼睛在前,耳朵在后。】脑筋急转弯题目:有一个眼睛瞎了的人,走到山崖边上,突然停住了,然后往回走。【脑筋急转弯答案:单眼瞎。】 脑筋急转弯题目:由于什么原因死亡的人最多?【脑筋急转弯答案:抢救无效。】

脑筋急转弯题目:什么鸡没有翅膀?【脑筋急转弯答案:田鸡。】 脑筋急转弯题目:什么东西往上升永远掉不下来? 【脑筋急转弯答案:年龄。】 脑筋急转弯题目:什么越洗越脏,不洗有人吃,洗了没人吃? 【脑筋急转弯答案:水】 脑筋急转弯题目:什么东西越热越爱出来?【脑筋急转弯答案:汗。】脑筋急转弯题目:“Kiss”是动词,形容词还是名词? 【脑筋急转弯答案:连词。】 脑筋急转弯题目:换心手术失败,医生问快要断气的病人有什么遗言要交代,你猜他会说什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:其实你不懂我的心】 脑筋急转弯题目:既没有生孩子、养孩子也没有认干娘,还没有认领养子养女就先当上了娘,请问:这是什么人? 【脑筋急转弯答案:新娘】脑筋急转弯题目:每对夫妻在生活中都有一个绝对的共同点,那是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:那就是同年同月同日结婚。】 脑筋急转弯题目:什么时候时钟会响13下? 【脑筋急转弯答案:坏的时候】 脑筋急转弯题目:油漆工的徒弟叫啥? 【脑筋急转弯答案:好色之徒 】 脑筋急转弯题目:家有家规,国有国规,那动物园里有啥规? 【脑筋急转弯答案:乌龟】 脑筋急转弯题目:报纸上登的消息不一定百分之百是真的,但什么消息绝对假不了? 【脑筋急转弯答案:报纸上的年、月、日】 脑筋急转弯题目:黑人和白人生下的婴儿,牙齿是什么颜色?【脑筋急转弯答案:婴儿还没有长齿】 脑筋急转弯题目:为什么女人穿高跟鞋后,就代表她快结婚了? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为穿高跟鞋走得慢,很容易被男人追上】 脑筋急转弯题目:什么样的轮子只转不走? 【脑筋急转弯答案:风车的轮子】 脑筋急转弯题目:在什么时候1+2不等于3? 【脑筋急转弯答案:算错了的时候】 脑筋急转弯题目:一个离过五十次婚的女人,应该怎么形容她?(一个成语)【脑筋急转弯答案:前“公”尽弃】脑筋急转弯题目:一头公牛加一头母牛,猜三个字? 【脑筋急转弯答案:两头牛】脑筋急转弯题目:楚楚的生日在三月三十日,请问是哪年的三月三十日? 【脑筋急转弯答案:每年的三月三十日】 脑筋急转弯题目:为什么警察对闯红灯的汽车司机视而不见?【脑筋急转弯答案:汽车司机在步行。】 脑筋急转弯题目:书店买不到的书是什么书? 【脑筋急转弯答案:秘书】 脑筋急转弯题目:在一次考试中,一对同桌交了一模一样的考卷,但老师认为他们肯定没有做弊,这是为什么?【脑筋急转弯答案:他们都交白卷】 脑筋急转弯题目:人在什么情况下会七窍生烟? 【脑筋急转弯答案:火葬】 脑筋急转弯题目:法国人的笑声跟我们有什么不同? 【脑筋急转弯答案:他们是用法语笑的 】 脑筋急转弯题目:熊为什么冬眠时会睡这么久? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为没有人敢叫它起床】 脑筋急转弯题目:为了怕身材走样,结婚以后坚持不生孩子的美女怎么称呼? 【脑筋急转弯答案:绝代佳人 】 脑筋急转弯题目:小王坐着对小李说:“我坐的这个地方,你永远也不可能坐的到。”你知道小王坐在哪里吗? 【脑筋急转弯答案:小王坐在小李肩上】 脑筋急转弯题目:有两面与你一样高的大镜子平行竖放,如果你脱光了站在中间就会有很多人像排成一列反映出来,那么,将前后左右上下不留一点缝隙的用镜子封成一个立体房间,并且,镜面都朝内,当一个的人进到里面,会看到什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为不留一点缝隙,光线透不进来,所以里面乌七嘛黑什么也看不到】 脑筋急转弯题目:有一个人在大雨倾盆的旷野中奔跑了十分钟,头发和衣服都没有湿,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:那是一个的秃头男人】

脑筋急转弯题目:要想使梦成为现实,我们干的第一件事会是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:醒来】 脑筋急转弯题目:如果地球爆炸,哪两个地方最安全? 【脑筋急转弯答案:天堂、地狱】 脑筋急转弯题目:为什么一只青蛙在水里游不过一只狗? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为比赛中禁止用蛙泳】 脑筋急转弯题目:妇女们在不知不觉中丢失掉的东西是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:美貌】 脑筋急转弯题目:农夫养了10头牛,为什么只有19只角? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为一只是犀牛 】 脑筋急转弯题目:怎样才能用蓝笔写出红字来? 【脑筋急转弯答案:写个“红”字】 脑筋急转弯题目:汽车在右转弯时,哪一条轮胎不转? 【脑筋急转弯答案:备用轮胎】脑筋急转弯题目:狐狸精最擅长迷惑男人,那么什么“精“男女一起迷? 【脑筋急转弯答案:酒精】脑筋急转弯题目:为什么两只老虎打架,非要拼个你死我活绝不罢休? 【脑筋急转弯答案:没有人敢劝架】脑筋急转弯题目:如果有人向你问路,你最怕听到哪一句话? 【脑筋急转弯答案:这里是地球吗? 】脑筋急转弯题目:黑鸡厉害还是白鸡厉害?为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:黑鸡,黑鸡会生白蛋,白鸡不会生黑蛋】脑筋急转弯题目:如果明天就是世界末日,为什么今天就有人想自杀? 【脑筋急转弯答案:去天堂占位子】脑筋急转弯题目:什么时候四减三会等于五? 【脑筋急转弯答案:四个角的东西切去一个角】脑筋急转弯题目:有半瓶酒,瓶口用软木塞塞住,在不敲碎瓶子,不准拔去木塞,不准在塞子上钻孔的情况下,怎样喝到瓶子里的酒?

【脑筋急转弯答案:把塞子推到瓶子里去】脑筋急转弯题目:有两个人,一个面朝南,一个面朝北的站立着,不准回头,不准走动,不准照镜子,问他们能否看到对方的脸? 【脑筋急转弯答案:当然能,他们是面对面站着的】脑筋急转弯题目:你只要叫它的名字就会把它破坏,它是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:沉默】脑筋急转弯题目:什么东西经常会来,但却从没真正来过? 【脑筋急转弯答案:明天】

20脑筋急转弯题目:时钟什么时候不会走? 【脑筋急转弯答案:时钟本来就不会走】 脑筋急转弯题目:两只狗赛跑,甲狗跑得快,乙狗跑得慢,跑到终点时,哪只狗出汗多? 【脑筋急转弯答案:狗不会出汗】脑筋急转弯题目:为什么一瓶标明剧毒的药对人却无害? 【脑筋急转弯答案:只要你不去喝它】脑筋急转弯题目:亚当和夏娃结婚后最大的遗憾是什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:没人来喝喜酒.】脑筋急转弯题目:小明只会花钱,天天花很多钱,可最后却成了百万富翁,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:以前是亿万富翁】脑筋急转弯题目:有两个人决定进行自行车比赛,看谁的自行车跑的快,比赛在一个平坦宽敞的体育场里进行,但当比赛开始时,他们两个却谁也不愿意领先,反而都在慢悠悠的骑,已知他们两人都不会互相谦让,也没有外来因素干扰,总之,一切都很正常,这究竟是为什么呢? 【脑筋急转弯答案:他们交换了自行车】脑筋急转弯题目:什么时候四减三会等于五? 【脑筋急转弯答案:四个角的东西切去一个角.】脑筋急转弯题目:胖姐阿英站上人体秤时,为何指针却只指着5? 【脑筋急转弯答案:指针已经转过一圈了】脑筋急转弯题目:刮风的晚上,停电了,晓晓上床睡觉时忘了吹蜡烛,第二天醒来时,蜡烛居然还有很长一支没有燃完,怎么回事呢? 【脑筋急转弯答案:被风吹熄了】脑筋急转弯题目:胖胖是个颇有名气的跳水运动员,可是有一天,他站在跳台上,却不敢往下跳。这是为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为水池里没有水】

20脑筋急转弯题目:警察面对两名歹徒,但他只剩下一颗子弹,他对歹徒说:谁动就打谁,结果没动的反而挨子弹,为什么? 【脑筋急转弯答案:因为不动较好打】



1、全世界最大的蕃薯长在哪里? 答案: 土里

2、全世界最大的公鸡是从哪里来的? 答案: 蛋里

3、郑成功的母亲可能叫什么? 答案:郑失败(失败是成功之母)

4、生米煮成了熟饭该怎么办? 答案:开饭吧

5、偷什么不犯法? 答案: 偷笑

6、无聊的时候,开车游车河时,叫做什么? 答案: 白花油

7、司机进汽车后第一件事是什么? 答案: 坐下


答案: 先开冰箱

9、每对夫妻都有的共同点是...? 答案: 同年同日結婚

10、什么书买不到? 答案: 遗书

11、右手永远抓不到什么? 答案: 右手

12、「笑」和「哭」有什么相同之处? 答案: 都是10画

13、这个东东,左看像电灯,右看也像电灯,和电灯没什么两样。但它就是不会亮,這是啥东东呢? 答案:坏掉的电灯

14、一头被10公尺绳子栓住的老虎,要如何吃到20公尺外的草? 答案:老虎...不吃草

15、船边挂着软梯,离海面2米,海水每小时上涨半米,几个小时海水能淹没软梯? 答案:水涨船高,所以永远不会淹没软梯。

16、汽车在右转弯时,哪一条轮胎不转? 答案:备用轮胎

17、什么书你不可能在书店里买到? 答案: 秘书

18、一人被老虎穷追不舍,突然前有条大河, 他不会游泳,但他过去了,为什么?

答案: 吓昏过去了

19、模样相同的哥俩同时应征入伍,他们有血缘关系且出生日期及父母的名字完全相同。连长问他俩是不是双胞胎。他们说不是。请问这是为什么? 答案:三胞胎中的两个

20、监狱里关着两名犯人,一天晚上犯人全都逃跑了,可是第二天看守员打开牢门一看,里面还有一个犯人? 答案: 逃跑的犯人名字叫“全都”。

21、用什么可以解开所有的谜? 答案: 答案

22、哪种比赛,赢的得不到奖品,输的却有奖品? 答案: 划拳喝酒

23、有一头头朝北的牛,它向右转原地转三圈,然后向后转原地转三圈,接着再往右转,这时候它尾巴朝哪? 答案:朝下

24、两对父子去买帽子,每人买了一顶,却为什么只买了三顶? 答案:祖孙三代人

25、四个9加起来为什么等于100? 答案:99+9/9 = 100

26、什么时候有人敲门,你绝不会说请进? 答案:上厕所的时候

27、小王在哨所站岗时,明明看到有敌人悄悄向他摸过来,为什么他却睁一只眼闲一只眼? 答案:正在瞄准目标

28、黑鸡厉害还是白鸡厉害?为什么? 答案: 黑鸡厉害,能下白蛋,白鸡下不了黑蛋。

29、一次考试中,一对同桌交了一模一样的考卷,但老师认为他们肯定没有做弊,这是为什么? 答案: 都是白卷

30、制造日期与有效日期是同一天的产品是什么?? 答案: 报纸

31、有一个人,他是你父母生的,但他却不是你的兄弟姐妹,他是谁? 答案: 自己


答案: 这是一对聋哑人

33、金太太一向心直口快,可什么事竟让她突然变得吞吞吐吐了呢? 答案: 金太太在吃甘蔗 的时候吞吞吐吐

34、有人经常从十米高的地方不带任何安全装置跳下,为什么? 答案:高台跳水

35、什么雨可以淋死人? 答案:枪林弹雨

36、请龟兔赛跑,请猪来当裁判,请问龟兔谁会赢? 答案: 不能说!说的人是猪…

37、哪个数字最勤劳?哪个数字最懒? 答案: 一不做 二不休

38、请问世界上最小的岛是什么岛? 答案: 安全岛

39、什么布切不断? 答案:瀑布

40、狼来了(猜水果)? 答案:杨桃(羊逃)

41、蒋公(蒋介石)如果还在世的话世界会怎样? 答案: 多一个人...42、一只蚂蚁居然从四川爬到了东京,可能吗? 答案: 地图上爬

43、一辆客车发生了事故,所有的人都受伤了,为什么小明却没事? 答案: 因为他不 在车上

44、鸡鹅百米赛跑,鸡比鹅跑得快,为什么却后到终点站? 答案: 鸡跑错了方向

45、上课铃声东响了,却没有一个同学在教室里,怎么回事? 答案: 上的是体育课

46、为什么小明能一只手让车子停下来? 答案:车子是出租车

47、什么东西人们在不停地吃它,却永远吃不饱。答案: 空气

48、用什么办法能使眉毛长在眼睛下面? 答案:倒立

49、有人说吃鱼可避免患近视眼,为什么? 答案:你见过猫戴眼睛

50、什么东西能加不能减? 答案:年龄

51、什么东西嘴里没有舌头 答案: 茶壶嘴

52、什么样的官不能发号施令,还得老向别人陪笑? 答案: 新朗官

53、一名警察见了小偷拔腿就跑,为什么? 答案:想快点抓住小偷

54、老王擦桌子,擦了半天,仍觉得脏,为什么? 答案:因为老王的老花镜是脏的55、什么东西人们都不喜欢吃? 答案: 当然是亏了

56、北京王府井步行街上来往最多的是什么人? 答案:行人

57、魚与熊掌要如何才可兼得? 答案: 养只会抓魚的熊

58、什么东西愈洗愈脏? 答案:水

59、为什么有人会跳比巴黎铁塔还要高呢? 答案:因为巴黎铁塔不会跳。

60、校有校规,班有班规,动物园有什么? 答案: 乌龟

61、你爸爸的妈妈的妹妹的女儿的叔叔是你的什么关系? 答案: 亲戚关系 62、为什么胖的人比瘦的人怕热? 答案: 因为被晒的面积比较大...63、身穿着金色衣服的人(猜4字成语)? 答案:一鸣惊人(一名金人)

64、一条狗过了木桥之后就不叫了(猜4字成语)? 答案: 过目不忘(过木不汪)

65、手机不可以掉到马桶里弄湿(猜4字成语)? 答案: 机不可失(机不可湿)

66、用猪肝和熊胆作成的神奇肥皂(猜4字成语)? 答案: 肝胆相照(肝胆香皂)

67、在路上,它翻了一个跟斗,接着又翻了一次(猜4字成语)? 答案: 三翻两次

68、想在台湾从政,要会国语、台语以及什么语? 答案: 肢体语言

69、灰姑娘的老爸老妈可能是谁? 答案: 白雪公主与包公

70、劳资争议时,雇主应该穿什么?答案: 防弹背心 英文谜语集选.What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space;the beginning of end, and the end of every place? 什么是永恒的开始,是时间的结束,是结局的开始,是每一个地方的结束? key: The letter “e”.字母 e, 看这四个单词的结尾就明白了。2.With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢?

key: neither, I use a pen!都不用,我用笔

3.What man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 谜语答案:snowman(雪人)4.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?

什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? 谜语答案:dictionary(字典)

5.What question can you never answer “Yes” to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答“是”

谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)

Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)6.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?

世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到? 答案:In the dictionary.在字典里。

7.What must you do before you return a book to the library? 把书换到图书馆之前你必须 做什么? key: borrow the book from library.答案:从图书馆借书

8.How many sides does a circle have?


key: Two,the inside and the outside


9.What tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

key: weeping willow 答案:垂柳.谜语解析: weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树

10.When can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用网拿到水呢?

key: when water is turned into ice


11.Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在愚人节人们都很累?

key: Because they have just had a long March.答案:因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月;行军.12.What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?

什么东西是你的但是别人却用的比你多?key: your name 答案:你的名字

13.What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远只升不降

key: your age


14.What will you break once you say it?


key: silence


15.What word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?

哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错? key: wrong

答案:wrong(错)16.What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高?

key: A dog


17.Which can move faster,heat or cold? 冷和热谁跑得快?

key: Heat,because you can catch cold.热跑得快,因为你追得上冷。

cold n.冷;感冒 catch cold追上冷;患感冒

18.What can you catch but cannot throw? 什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉?

key :a cold

答案:感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒为catch a cold 19.What is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?

什么东西在使用它的时候是满的,在他休息的时候是空的 key:a shoe

鞋 20.What has teeth but cannot eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?



21.What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


key: keyhole

答案:锁眼 22.What weather do mice and rats fear?(老鼠害怕什么天气?)

答案:When it's raining cats and dogs.(下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨)23.4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指是什么?

答案:wonderful 谜语解析:弯的four

24.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?假如你把一块石头扔进红海,它会变得怎么样? 答案:Wet.会变湿。





2、语文老师看完一个学生的作文后,对他说:“看着你的作文,怎么老让人打瞌睡呢?” 他眨巴着眼睛说:“那是我一边打着哈欠,一边写的呀!”

3、老师表扬了小强的作文,说这篇作文在体裁方面特别好,要同学们向他学习。明明听了不服气他说:“这有什么了不起,准是他爸爸教他的!” 老师问:“小强的爸爸是干什么的?” 明明大声回答:“裁缝!”



5、父亲叫儿子打酒,儿子问爸爸:“瓶子里不是还有吗?” 爸爸摇摇头说:“太少了。”

几分钟后,儿子提着瓶子回来。爸爸接过酒瓶一看,愣住了,原来酒瓶里装着大半瓶子石子。儿子得意洋洋地说:“爸爸,您喝吧,乌鸦就是这样喝水的。” 爸爸哭笑不得,道:“我儿这学是没白上啊。”



7、上算术课的时候,老师问低能儿阿呆道:“1+1等于多少?” 阿呆想了一想,回道:“老师!我不知道。”


8、英文女教师:“eye,是什么东西?” 学生:“不知道!”




10、老师:“没有牙齿的动物,你们知道吗?” 有一个学生忙问:“人是动物不是?” 老师:“是。”









18、小外甥去喝喜酒,看我一个人在家又不会做饭,他说:“舅,我给你打包带点菜回来吧!” 我感动地说:“不用了,这多难为情!”



1.have/has 的用法

have/has 表拥有,你有我有大家有;两种形式有不同,男他女她动物它,张三李四单个他,has 与之紧相伴;其他形式都跟 have。简单规则记心上,记心上。2.Be 动词的用法



疑问词放句首,what 什么;where 哪里;when 问时间;how 怎样;要问原因为什么,why 放句首就可以;疑问句有点难,勤做笔记多思考,遇问题别着急,先思考来后提问。


I 是我;you 是你;he,she,it 他她它;I 的复数是个 we;you 的复数还是 you;男他女她动物它,张三李四单个他,他们的复数都是 they;简单口诀要牢记,要牢记。


主语在句首,am, is, are跟在后,现在分词跟着走,其他成分不可丢。表示动作正进行,句中now时间定。一般问句,把be提到句前去。否定句式也简单,be后只把not添。


What用途广,要问“什么”它当先。(What’s this?)How开头来“问安”。(How are you?)Who问“谁”。(Who’s that man?)“谁的”Whose来承担。(Whose eraser is this?)询问“某地”用Where。(Where is her cat?)“哪一个”Which句首站。(Which one?)


动词三单现在式,一般词尾加-s。s, x, ch, sh在词尾,直接加上-es。词尾若是字母o,加上-es不用愁。“辅音字母+y“来结尾,变y为i是正规。-es后边紧跟随,study→studies看明白。








11、There be句型用法口诀

There be句型有特点,主语放在be后边。主语单数用is,复数主语要用are。变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。变问句也不难,把be提到there前。






以上说的是单数,还有we, you加上they。










I 是主格 me 是宾,请你一定记在心;主格用在动词前,动词介词后用宾。you 是主格,也是宾,; he 是主格 him 是宾,she 是主格 her 是宾,it 是主格,也是宾,we 是主格 us 是宾,you 是主格,也是宾,they 是主格 them 是宾,


Brainteasers stories 1 The Two Presidents The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers.How could this be so?(They were the same man.Grover Cleve-land(1837~1908)格罗弗.克利夫兰 served two terms as president of the United States, but the terms were not consecutive.He was president from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897.)

2.What’s Wrong with the Radio?

A young girl was listening to the radio.Suddenly it went off for a minute and then came back on again.There was nothing wrong with the radio or with the program transmission from the radio station转播台.She did not touch the radio controls按钮.Why did it go off and on?(The girl was listening to the radio in her father’s car.The car drove through a tunnel and reception was temporarily interrupted.)

3.The Man in the Bar A man walked into a bar and asked the barman for a glass of water.They had never met before.The barman pulled a gun from under the counter and pointed it at the man.The man said “Thank you” and walked out.Why should that be so?(The man had hiccups打嗝.The barman recognized this from his speech and drew the gun to give the man a shock.It worked and cured the hiccups, so the man was grateful(and no longer needed the water.)

4.The Last Message 遗言

A man was found shot dead in his study.He was slumped over his desk and a gun was in his hand.There was a cassette recorder on his desk.When the police entered the room and pressed the play button on the tape recorder they heard, “I can’t go on.I have nothing to live for毫无牵挂.”Then there was the sound of a gunshot.How did the detective immediately know that the man had been murdered?(The cassette had started at the beginning of the man’s utterance.Who could have rewound it?)

5.Playing Tennis Two men were playing tennis.They played five sets and each man won three sets.How did they do this?(The two men were partners playing doubles.)

6.Growing Younger

Ben was 20 years old in 1980 but only 15 years old in 1985.How come?(Ben was born in the year 2000B.C.So in 1985 B.C.he was 15 and in 1980B.C.he was 20.7.Fishing Rod James ordered a fishing rod, priced at $3.56.Unfortunately, James is an Eskimo who lives in a very remote part of Greenland and the import rules there forbid any package longer than 4 feet to be imported.The fishing rod was 4 feet and 1 inch, just a little too long, so how can the fishing rod

be mailed to James without breaking the rules? Ideally 完美主义者James would like the fishing rod to arrive in one piece!(Insert the fishing rod into a box which measures 4 feet on all sides, the fishing rod will fit within the diagonal 对角线 of the box with room to spare.)

8.Letter and Square位置

Here is a word, it goes like this.The letter M comes before B.E is before R and after B.U is after N.B is in the No.four square before E.Do you know the word?(Number)

9.Days of the Week Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday or Sunday?(Yesterday, today, tomorrow)

10.Invisible apple There are 20 people in an empty square room.Each person has full sight of the entire room and everyone in it without turning his head or body or moving in any way(other than eyes.)Where can you place an apple so that all but one person can see it?(Place the apple on one person’s head.)

11.Ancient Invention There is an ancient invention still used in many parts of the world today that allows people so see through walls.What is it?(window)

12.Look at the Photo A man remembered the question he once pursued, when he looked at the photo and sighed, “Neither brothers nor sisters I have, but the father of this man was the son of my father.” Who was the person in the photo?(The man on the photo was his son.)

13.How Many People

On the way to the bank, Mr.Green met three of his friends.Each of them had his wife with him and each of the ladies had two babies in her arms… How many people are going to the bank?(Only Mr.Green, the other people may not be going to the bank.)

14.How to New York?

It usually takes a man two days to travel from San Francisco to New York by car.But Mr.Black left San Francisco on Friday and arrives on the same Friday.How could he do it?(He took a plane.)Keep from Drowning

Imagine you’re about to take a bath in a sound proof bathroom.There are no windows.There’s only one door, and it locks automatically from outside when shut.You shut the door, turn on the water in the bathtub.Suddenly you discover something wrong with the faucets.(水龙头)You can’t turn off the water!What to do? If you call for help no one will hear you because of the soundproof walls.You can’t get out because the door is locked from the outside.How can you keep from drowning?(Pull out of the stopper of the drain.拔排水孔的塞子)

16.The Blood on the Roof

Tissue dropped in with his friend, Jack, to find him sleeping on the couch with the TV turned on.He saw fresh blood on the ceiling above his head, and checked with Jack(after waking him)to make sure everything was OK.Everything was, indeed, fine.Why was Jack’s blood on the ceiling, but nowhere else?(Jack had swatted a mosquito that had bitten him while he attempted to get some sleep.)

17.A Doctor and a Bus Driver

A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah.The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week.Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples.Why?(An apple a day keeps the doctor away!)

18.The Dirt in Hole

How much dirt is in a round hole that is 9 feet deep with a diameter of a3 feet?

Hint: You don’t have to do any math to get the answer.Just use your head!(None.You make a hole by digging out the dirt, so the hole is empty.)

19.The Girl in One-way Street A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn’t break the law.How come?(She was walking.)

20.Death in a Field A man is lying dead in a field.Next to him is an unopened package.There is no other creature in the field.How did he die?(The man had jumped from a place, but his parachute had failed to open.It was the unopened package by his side.)

21.The Goal, Carrot and Scarf

Five pieces of coal, a carrot, and a scarf are lying on the lawn.Nobody put them on the lawn, but there is a perfectly logical reason for their being there.What is it?(They were used by children who made a snowman.The snow has now melted.)

22.The Magician and Children

A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water.His record was 6 minutes.A kid that was listening said, “That’s nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!” The magician told the kid if he could do that, he’d give him $10000.The kid did it and won the money.Can you figure out how?(The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.)

23Electric Trains

An electric train is traveling northwest at 95 miles per hour, and the wind is blowing southwest at 95 miles per hour.In which direction does the smoke blow?(There isn’t any smoke.It’s an electric train.)

24.A House in Forest Hiking in the mountains, you walk past a large field and camp a few miles farther on, at a stream.It snows in the night, and the next day you find a cabin in the field with two dead bodies inside.What happened? Variant wording: A cabin, on the side of a mountain, locked from the inside, is opened, and 30 people are found dead inside.They had plenty of food and water.What happened?(It’s the cabin of an airplane that crashed there because of the snowstorm.)小屋就是飞机的机舱。

25.The Ball Flies Back

How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if doesn’t hit anything, there is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it?(Throw the ball straight up in the air.)

26.The Blind Buys Sunglasses

There’s a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush.By imitating the action of brushing one’s teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.Now, if there’s a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?(He opens his mouth and says: “I would like to buy a pair of sunglasses.”)

27.A Coin in Bottle

If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert and a cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle?(Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out.)

28.The Fugitive in Theatre 剧场里的通缉犯

A man was on the run from the police.He was relaxing, watching a play in a crowded theatre.Suddenly he noticed that detectives were closing in on him from all directions and were covering

all exits.But finally, he did manage to escape from it.How did he escape?(The fugitive leapt up and shouted, “Fire, fire.” Pandemonium broke out and the audience all rushed for the exits.He easily escaped in the confusion.)

29.A Dog Was Crossing River

Jake was standing on one side of the river, and his dog Scruffy was standing on the other side.“Come on, Scruffy!Come, boy!” shouted Jake.Scruffy crossed the river, ran to Jake, and got a treat for a good dog.The amazing thing was that Scruffy didn’t even get wet!

How did Scruffy do that?

30.Go To the Movies with Friends

If you go to the movies and you’re paying this, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends to the movies at the same time?(It’s cheaper to take two friends at the same time.In this case, you would only be buying three tickets, whereas if you take the same friend twice you are buying four tickets.)

31.The Height of Tree

A tree doubled in height each year until it reached its maximum height over the course of ten years.How many years did it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?(9 years)

32.Weightlifting Bird举重的鸟

What bird can lift the heaviest weight?(crane)

33.The Longest Word in the English What is the longest word in the English language?(Smiles.There is a mile between the first letter and the last letter.)

34.Name 1.What do you call a fish with no eyes? 2.What do you call a deer with no eyes? 3.What do you call a deer with no eyes or legs?(1.fsh

2.No idea.3.Still no diea.35.What word? There is a common English word that in nine letters long.Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word-----from nine letters right down to single letter.What is the original word and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?(The base word is Startling—starting---staring----string---sting---sing----sin----in---I.36.20 and 22 Why is 2 times 10 the same as 2 times 11?(乘以)(Because 2 times 10 is twenty and 2 times 11 is twenty-two.(twenty, too.)

37.A Word of Three Letters I know a word of three letters, add two and fewer there will be?(fewer)

38.Family Sport Three brothers share a family sport: A non-stop marathon.The oldest one is fat the short;And trudges slowly on;The middle brother’s tall and slim;And keeps a steady pace;The youngest runs just like the wind;Speeding through the race.“He’s young in years, we let him run,” The other brothers say, “Cause though he’s surely number one.He’s second, in a way.” Why?(The hands on a clock hour, minute, and second.)

39.Below the Shining Moon 沐浴在月光之下

Down below the shining moon.Around the trees, a sacred gloom, Running with the midnight sky, Knowing the thing that makes you cry, Night is full with my essence, Eternal light betrays my presence, Soaring through my endless task, Shadows are my faithful mask, Who am I ? 我沐浴在月光之下,一种神圣的阴霾的笼罩着树林,我与午夜的天空赛跑,我知道让你哭喊的事物,黑夜中,我无处不在,而永久的光明忽视了我的存在,我在没有尽头的任务中翱翔,影子是我忠实的面具,你能猜到我是什么吗?(darkness)

40.Never Get Me Back I can run swiftly and silently when you want me to stay still, I can move slowly and cautiously and am yours to fill.You look at me often and yet you always forget me, I am the most feared killer, yet you can’t live without me.Sometimes you have me for all to spare, Yet when you need me, I am not there.You can waste me, or cherish me, you choose the track, But once you’re done you can never get me back.Who am I? 当你想要我停留的时候,我静静地飞快流逝; 如果你想把我填满,我走得又很缓慢二谨慎。你经常看见我,却有总是忘记我。



41.I am Slim and Tall I am slim and tall, Many find me desirable and appealing.很有吸引力

They touch me and I give a false good feeling.虚幻的美妙感觉 Once I shine in splendor,But only once and then no more.For many I am “to die for”.他们会为我献身 What am i?(cigarette)

42.Some Houses There was a green house, Inside the green house there was a white house, Inside the red house there was a red house, Inside the red house there were lots of babies.What am I ?

(A watermelon)



1.What kind of table has no legs ?


2.What has two legs but can’t walk ?

圆规compasses 筷子chopsticks 3.What is the worst weather for cats and mice?

When it's raining cats and dogs 下大雨 4.What star is not seen in the sky? Pop stars/popular stars 当红明星 5.What question can never be answered by “Yes”? Are you asleep? 6.What is taken from you before you get it ?


7.What is the smallest bridge in the world ? The bridge of a nose.鼻梁 8.What is the best and cheapest light ?

Sunlight 日光 9.What has a neck but no throat?

bottle 10.What letter is a question? Letter Y

1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing? 2.what two words have thousands of letters in them? 3.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 4.what kind of dog never bite? 5.where does afternoon always come before morning? 6what is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals? 7.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 【参考答案】 1,8 2,dictionary 3,sixth 4,hotdog 5,nowhere 6,eye 7,6

2.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 4.Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights? 6.What can pierce one's ears without a hole? 7.What's the longest word in the world? 8.Why does time fly? 9.Where can a dog get another tail? 10.what room has no walls, no doors, no windows and no one to live in? 11.Where does afternoon always come before morning? 【参考答案】

2.They don't want to be hot-dog.4、The cold war is over.6、Noice.7.Smiles.Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.8.To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.9.At a retail store.10.A mushroom 11.In a dictionary

1.What has four eyes but cannot see? 2.What do vampires do at midnight? 4.What can you catch but cannot throw? 5.What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 7.What has a tongue but cannot talk? 10.What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? 11.What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? 13.What can go through water but never get wet? 14.What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn? 15.What kind of house weights least? 16.What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket? 17.Where do ghost like to swim? 18.Why did the ghost go to the astrologer? 19.Was Dracula ever married? 20.Why did the policeman arrest the ghost? 21.Why did the pickle close its eyes? 22.What starts with “e” ends with “e” and contains only one letter 23.If you were pushed down a flight of stairs, what would you fall against? 24.What has eyes but can't see 25.What has fingers but can't type? 26.What has ears but can't hear? 27.What has arms but can't hug? 28.What has a head and a foot but no body? 29.What has a mouth but never smiles? 30.What has a face but no head? 31.What has leaves but isn't a tree? 32.What has eyes but can't see? 33.What has legs but can't walk? 35.Because cigars cannot be entirely smoked, a hobo who collects cigar butts can make a cigar to smoke out of every 5 butts that he finds.Today, he has collected 25 cigar butts.How many cigars will he be able to smoke? 36.If, having only one match, on a freezing winter day, you entered a room that contained a lamp, a kerosene heater, and a wood burning stove, which should you light first? 37.Make a five-letter word from these letters: H, I, J, K, L, M, N AND O

【参考答案】 1.Mississippi 2.Take a coffin break 4.A Cold 5.A mirror 7.A shoe 10.Your name 11.A keyhole 13.Sunlight 14.The leaves of the book 15.The lighthouse 16.Donkeys, monkeys, and turkeys 17.In the death see 18.Because he wants to see his horoscope 19.No, he was a bat-chelor 20.Because the ghost did not have a hunting licence.21.Because it sees the salad dressing.22.An envelope 23.Fall against your will 24.A potato 25.Gloves 26.Corn 27.Chair 28.Bed 29.River 30.Clock 31.Book 32.Potatoes 33.Table 35.6 36.The match of course!37.Water(H2O)

1.Have you heard the saying: what goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down? 2.My thunder comes before my lightning.My lightning comes before my rain.My rain dries up all the land it touches.What am I? 3.You can see it, but you can't touch it.It may disappear, but has never really left you.It grows throughout the day.What is it? 4.What common English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its letters? 5.I have holes on the top and bottom.And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water.I have holes on my left and on my rig.What am I? 6.A word I know, six letters it contains, Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains.What is the word? 7.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? 8.What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in? 9.Light as a feather, there is nothing in it;the strongest man can't hold it for much more than a minute? 10.What two words have the most letters in it? 【参考答案】 1.your age 2.I'm a Volcano(火山)3.shadow 4.Eat or Ate 5.a sponge(海绵)6.dozens 7.a river 8.a keyboard 9.breath 10.post office

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ? 2.Why is the letter E so important? 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves” close to each other? 4.What letter is an animal ? 5.What letter is a question? 6.Why is U the jolliest letter? 7.How do you feel today? 8.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it? 9.Why do people wish for something they haven't got? 10.What can you tell from Peter's record card with extremely poor grades? 11.What does everybody do at the same time? 12.What resembles half a pie? 13.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 14.When do people have two mouth? 15.Why do lions eat raw meat? 16.How many sides does a circle have? 17.What animal can jump as high as a tree? 18.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest? 19.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 20.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 21.If two's company and three's crowd,what's four and five? 22.The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year ,why? 23.The injured dog had some difficulty going home.Every step he took, he slipped back two.However,he still managed to get home.How did he do it?If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 24.What falls often but never gts hurt? 25.How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in his woman's disguise? 26.Which month has 28 days? 27.What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of too? 28.where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from? 29.Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt.why? 30.Why do giraffes have long neck? 31.How can you make 6 out of three 7's? 32.How can you make 6 out of three 5's? 33.how can you make 1000 out of eight 8's? 34.Can you name the captital of every state in the U.S.in ten seconds? 35.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.How could that be? 36.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room? 37.How do you know policemen are strong ? 38.With which hand do you write? 39.What must you do before you return a book to the library?


1.Because it makes fat fact!2.Because it's the begining of everything!3.Because there is love between them!4.It's the letter B!5.It's the letter Y!6.Because it's in the midst of fun!7.With my hands ,of course!8.Take a longer rope and compare with it!9.What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it!10.He didn't cheat!11.Grow old!12.The other half!13.Santa Claus 圣诞老人

14.When there's two of them 有两个人时!15.They don't know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪!16.Two.The inside and the outside!17.All animals,for trees can't jump!18.Sleep at night!19.At the bottom!20.Wet!21.Nine!22.They planted peech trees!23.He walked in the other direction!24.Snowflakes!25.He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window!26.Every month has at least 28 days!27.One's appetite!28.From a hen!29.He fell off the last step!30.Because their heads are far from their bodies!31.easy.7-7/7=6!32.easy.5+5/5=6!33.easy.8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!34.Washinton,D.C.!35.The police officer was a lady!36.Because it can't see both sides at once.37.Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand!38.Neither.I use a pen!39.Borrow the book from library.英语单词变换:

要求去掉括号内单词中的一个字母,使其成为一个新的单词完成句子。1.Let's go to school by_______(busy)2.Where are Tom and Tim_____?(know)3.Thank you______much!(every)4.It's time_______breakfast,children.(four)5.May I have a look at your new_______?(open)6.Miss Wang has a lovely black_____(coat)7.______English teacher is from Canada.(hour)8.---Where's my new kite?---It's_______the wall.(one)Answer:

1.Bus 2.Now 3.Very 4.For 5.Pen 6.Cat 7.Our 8.On

填入一个单词,使整首诗意思完整。____ is greater than God.____ is more evil than the Devil.The poor have ____.The rich need ____.If you eat ____, you will die.Yes, the key is “ nothing”.Nothing is greater than God.Nothing is more evil than the Devil.The poor have nothing.The rich need nothing.If you eat nothing, you will die.(1)联合国的英文缩写:


(1)UN(2)PRC(3)UK(4)U.S.A.说出下列类型的单词,看谁说得多: 1.学习用品: 2.颜色: 3.动物: 4.水果: 5.Body: 6.Fruit: 7.Food:



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