
时间:2019-05-14 17:01:00下载本文作者:会员上传



 “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”


 “If you live to be a hundred, I would live to be a hundred minus one day so I never live with out you.”


 “But soft!What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.”-Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet ”


 “He is my North ,my south , my east and west ,My working week and my Sunday rest ,My noon ,My midnight, my talk ,my song;I thought that love would last forever :I am wrong.” W.H.Auden


 “You know you are in love when you don‟t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” Dt.Seuss 当你终于因为现实比梦境更美而无法入睡时,你恋爱了。

 “When you fall in love.It is a temporary madness.It erupts like an earthquake and then it subsides.And when it subsides, you have to make a decision.You have to work out whether you roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.”-“Captain Corelli „s Mandolin”


 “Grow old along with me!The best is yet to be.”-Robert Browning 和我一起慢慢变老吧!最好的日子还在后头。

 “For you see, each day I love you more.Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.”-Rosemonde Gerard 你知道吗?我每天都爱你更多。今天爱得比昨天多,明天爱得比今天多。

 “But to see her was to love her , love but her ,and love her forever.”-Robert Burns 谁见她就会爱她,只爱她,而且永远爱她。

 “I hope before long to press you in my arms and shall shower on you a million burning kisses as under the Equator.”-Napoleon Bonaparte‟s 1796 dispatch to wife Josephine.希望不久我将紧紧将你搂在怀中,给你无数个如赤道般的吻。


The key for happiness is not find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到任何一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。



You'll never have to go through anything alone, ever again, because you have me now——你再也不必独自经历风雨,因为,你现在有我了。



I am on my way to future, where you are there.------我要去有你的未来.A smile is the shortest distance between two people.微笑,是两个人之间最短的距离.关于爱情,我想那是一种习惯,习惯了关心一个人和被一个人关心,习惯了两个人在一起,习惯了有人紧紧的抱着你,习惯了有淡淡的亲吻,习惯了有暖暖的笑脸,习惯了有一个人在你心里,习惯了有一个人哄你睡觉,习惯了有一个人叫你宝贝,爱情就是习惯了另一个人的习惯。

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.最幸福的人并不是拥有最好的一切,只不过他们可以把一切都变成最好.If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind, I would say once, because you never really left——如果你问我,你有多少次穿越我的心田,我会说一次,因为你从来没有真正离开。

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without say anything.人类发明了拥抱,让人知道你爱他们,什么都不用说。

First I need your hand ,then forever can begin.我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

Don't promise me forever, just love me day by day.不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。

Here’s my love.Take it.Here’s my heart, don’t break it.Here’s my hand, hold it.And together we will make it forever.这是我的爱,收下吧。这是我的心,别打碎了。这是我的手,握好了。我们将在一起直到永远。There are 4 steps to happiness: 1-you 2-me 3-our hearts 4-together。四步通往幸福:1-你;2-我;3-我们的心;4-在一起。

Love is wanting to look beautiful for him.爱是想为他而美丽。

Love is not about“it's your fault,”but I'm sorry.” Not “where are you,” but“I'm right here.” Not “how could you,” but “I understand.”爱情不是 “都怪你.....”,而是 “对不起”;不是 “ 你在哪儿.....”,而是 “我在这儿”;不是 “你怎么能......”,而是 “我理解”。

Everytime you come to mind, I realize I’m smiling.每次一想到你,我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。

第三篇:标语、标识名句 中英文对照

1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生

2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the new

Be promising and diligent in one’s work革故鼎新奋发图强

3、Time is life 时间就是生命

4、Develop create and improve together with the time 与时俱进 开拓创新


Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.6、知之者不如行之者。To do is better than to say.7、探索、求知、明理。Explore truths , seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.名言、警句

良好的开端是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.有志者,事竟成。Where there is will, there is a way.不劳则不获。No pains, no gains.做事不可半途而费。Never do things by halves.独木不成林。One tree cannot make a wood.人人为我,我为人人。All for me ,one for all.人应为生而食,不应为食而生。One should eat to live, not live to eat.时间就是生命。Time is life.没有汗水,没有幸福。No sweet without sweat.行动胜于空谈。Deeds,not words.个人力量,微不足道。One man,no man.常用的钥匙不生锈。The used key is always bright.工作时工作, 娱乐是娱乐。Work while you work,play while you play.天生我才必有用。All things in their being are good for something.静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。

Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。

Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。

Never give up easily;dig the tunnel through.只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。

There is no constant success without constant effort.不怕困难,就怕畏难。

Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。

Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。

The process of one’s success is a course of constant perfection.成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。

The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.我们不会被对手打败,只会被自己打败。

We are not defeated by our adversaries, but by ourselves.所谓的成功就是把每一件具体的事都做好。

Success means to do every job well, no matter how small.坦坦荡荡做人,扎扎实实做事。

Be frank and honest with people;be persistent and practical with work.只有你想到,你才能做到。

You can hardly do what you have not even expected.以平常心,做非凡事。

Be common in mind, do uncommon wok.用心做事,方能成就大事。No pains, no gains.态度决定一切。Attitude is a key for everything.成功,我们共同创造!Success , we all create together!

播种生活,收获习惯 播种习惯,收获性格 播种性格,收获命运

Habits are framed in daily life;Personalities are accumulations of one’s habits;

Destiny is partly determined by one’s personality.这个世界惟有两种东西能让我们的心灵感到深深的震憾:一是我们头顶上灿烂的星空,二是我们内心崇高的道德法则。——康德

Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one

is the overhead star—shining sky, the other the noble moral standard in mind.责任高于一切!成就源于付出!

responsibility is absolutely above all.Achievement comes from hard work.如果我所见的比笛卡儿远一点,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上的缘故。

If I have seen farther than Descartes, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更重要。

Raising problems is more important than settling them.1、权然后知轻重,度然后知长短。

Having weighted it we know is importance.Having considered it we know is drawback.2、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。

Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.3、传闻不如亲见,视影不如察形。

Seeing is better than hearing and in vesting is better than seeing.5、一切推理都必须从观察与实验中得来。

All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments.6、耳闻不如目见,目见不如足践。

Seeing is better than listening while practice is the best.7、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行。

One shouldn’t believe everything he close oneself rather than truths from books.8、探索、求知、明理

Explore truths ,seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.9、坐观垂钓者,徒有羡鱼情。

Lookers-one will not experience happiness of observers.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。Many heads are better than one.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。No cross, no crown.事实胜于雄辩。Fact speak louder than words.永不言败。Never say die.不进则退。Not to advance is to go back

世上无难事,只要肯登攀。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.一心不能二用。A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.己所不欲,勿施于人。Do as you would be done by.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。Doing is better than saying.今日事,今日毕。Don`t put off till tomorrow what should be done today

逆水行舟,不进则退。He who does not advance loses ground.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。Keep good men company and you shall be of the num

没有苦就没有乐。No pleasure without pain.先苦后甜。No sweet without sweat.世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets

his mind to it.团结就是力量。Unity is strength.勤工出巧匠。Work makes the workman



Life and grass go along , treasure small grass please


A carpet of green grass , you show mercy to


Your breathing out on protects a general exchange for come to emerald green slice


The green mattress mattress grassplot, shows mercy to, underfooting please


Do not please the spirit breaks flowers and trees up


Do not ask a handle to stretch the flower to smiling at you1、今日的质量、明日的市场,积累点滴,完善、迈向完美的品质。

Today, the quality of the market, accumulation, tomorrow, a bit,perfect and toward a perfect quality.2、加强现场工序管理、培养优质素养、提升品质观念、严谨过程控制

strengthening the field process management, training high quality

quality, improve the quality of the concept, strict process control


artificial this, another first, industry as designed, quality as a

home, withthe long, with the long rong.5、人才是企业的永恒,产量是企业的根本,品质是企业的生命。

talent of the enterprise is eternal, production is root of enterprise;

qualityis life of enterprise.6、产品质量是靠每位操作着做出来的;而不是靠品检检验出来的,只有加强过


product quality is to rely on each operation making;And not on the

product checking out, only to strengthen the inspection process control,attention to detail, to ensure quality.7、人人有改善的能力,事事有改善的余地,人人要有自检,互检的精神才能确


everyone has the ability to improve, everything has room for

improvement, and everyone will have the spirit of inspection, each other

self check to ensure products zero defects.8、细心、精心、用心、品质永保称心。

careful, carefully and attentively, quality keep gratified.9、控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品,用行动保证品质,心态决定成败。

control every procedure, make each product, with the guarantee

quality, psychology decides success or failure.10、不制造不良品、不传递不良品、不接受不良品、上工序不清、下工序不接,每天自我检讨,品质自然更好。

don't make bad product, not relay bad product, do not accept bad

product, process is not clear, not pick up next procedure, self check every

day, the quality of natural better.11、以质量求生存,以质量求发展,向质量要效益,加强质量意识,端正质量


to the quality strives for the survival, to the quality strives for

the development, quality and efficiency, and strengthen the quality

consciousness, correct attitude, quality standard quality, establish

quality ethos.Behavior

附录 标志牌

门卫 Guard车库 Parking食堂 Dining-room

画廊 Gallery宣传栏 Bulletin board办公室 Teachers’ office

健身房 Gymnasium厕所 W.C接待室 Reception Room

实验室 Laboratory资料库 Data Base爱护花草 Care plants.靠右走 Right Side安静 Silence!食堂处 Save food, please.禁止吸烟 No smoking!车棚 Carport储藏室 Store-room

花坛处 Protect flowers.Don’t wake me up.请及时归还 Return in time!不要随地扔东西 Don’t litter the floor!请节约用水 Save water, please!

洗手间:请节约用水Save water, please!

花坛:爱护花草Care plants, please!

请不要践踏草坪Please keep off the grass

楼梯:请靠右走Right Side, please!

转弯处:小心Be careful!

会议室:安静Be quiet!

禁止吸烟No smoking!

不要随地扔东西Don’t litter the floor

总经理室:General Manager Office(总经理室:GM)

开发部Development Dept.财务部Finance Dept.财务部经理Finance Dept.Manager,人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department

人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept.策划部Planning Dept.预算部Budget Dept.市场部Marketing Dept.工程设计部Construction & Design Dept.样品室 Sample Room

会议室Meeting Room

保卫室Safe-Guarder Room/Guard Room

策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department

传达室reception room

食堂工作间 Canteen workshop

值班室Room on-duty

质量安全部 Quality Safety Department

部门经理办公室:Section manager's office

质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department

商务接待室:Business anteroom

会客室——Meeting Room

发行部——Publish Dept.技术部——Technology Dept.行政部——Administration

项目部——Project Dept.设计部——Design Dept.餐厅——Cafeteria

保安室——Guard Room

储藏室——Store Room

技术质量部 Technical quality department,市场运行部market movement department,设计开发部design development department

VIP贵宾室--VIP room

副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager 助理室---the office of the assistant

经理室---the office of the manager

会议室---the conference room

档案室---the file room

签约室一---Reception Room one

签约室二---Reception Room Two

签约室三---Reception Room Three

更衣室---Dressing Room



销售部sales department

培训部training department

采购部purchases department

茶水间tea room

会议室conference rooms

接待区receptions areas


弱电箱weak battery cases

员工区 work areas

综合办公室主任 Director of Administration Office 多功能厅 multi-usage room

国际贸易部 international marketing department 国内销售部 domestic sales department

洽谈室 chatting room

贵宾洽谈室 vip chating room

复印室 Copying Room

机房 Machine Room

信息部 Info.Dept.人事部 HR Dept.财务结算室 Settlement Room

财务单证部 Document Dept.



Pride and prejuice

There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attatchment, that it is not safe.to leave any to itself.We can all begin freely---a slight preference is natural enough;but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without enouragementj.In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better shew more affection than she feels.男女恋爱大多含有感恩图报和爱慕虚荣的成分,因此听其自然是不保险的。开头可能丢很随便——略有点好感本是很自然地事情,但是很少有人能在没有受到对方鼓励的情况下,而敢于倾心相爱。十有八九,女人流露出来的情意,还有比心里感受的多一些。

Happiness un marriage is entirely a matter of chance.If the dispositions od the parities are ever so well known to each other;or ever so similar before hand, it does not advance their felicity in the least.They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation;and it is better to know as little as possible if the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.婚姻幸福完全是个机遇问题。双方的脾气即使彼此非常熟悉,或者非常相似,也不会给双方增添丝毫的幸福。他们的脾气总是越来越不对劲,后来就引起了烦恼。你既然要和一个人过一辈子,最好尽量少了解他的缺点。

The sevice of love

But the best, in my opinion, was the home life in the little flat—the ardent, voluble chats after the day’s study;the cozy dinner and fresh, light breakfasts;the interchange of ambitions—ambitious interwoven each with the other’s or else inconsiderable—the mutual help and inspiration;and—overlook my artlesslnes—stuffed olived and cheese sandwiches at 11 P.M.不过在我看来,最美好的事那小小的公寓里面的家庭生活,在学习了一天之后,那热情洋溢而又缠绵不以的谈话;那惬意的晚餐与新鲜、清淡的早饭;有关报负的交流—他们不光关心本人的,也关心对方的抱负,不然的话那就不足取了----相互的帮助与灵感;以及—原谅我的天真—在夜里十一点钟的时候去吃菜裹肉片与奶酪三明治。

On a spring evening

He would walk with her alone all day in the woods, by the stream, across the dewy field where the grass was studded with wild flowers.And they awaited the wedding day without too much impatience, but wrapped in each other, bathed in an exquisite tenderness, tasting the delightful charm of gentle caresses, of holding hands, of loving glances—such long ones that their souls seemed to mingle—and vaguely disturbed by the still unrealized desire of passionare embraces, feeling somewhat upset by lips that drew them toward each other, which seemed to watch and wait and promise.唯独他和她一起,整天整天地漫步在树立里,倘祥在小河边,或穿越点缀着野花的湿漉漉的草地。他们等待着结婚的那一天,并非急不可耐,不过倒是被对方包裹起来,沐浴在一种细腻的温情里,品尝着的迷人魅力;柔情的抚摩、紧握的手、多情而长久得令两颗心仿佛要合二为一的注视;他们隐隐地受着一种尚不明确的对强烈拥抱的渴望,他们感觉到相互吸引的嘴唇都好像有些不安了,他们似乎在互相注视、互相等待、互相允诺。

A full-grown forest stretched into distance behind the pond, and above the new foliage of the great trees the moon had suddenly appeared.It had risen little across the branches which etched themselves upon its orbit;and climbing the sky, in the midst of the stars which it blotted out, it had begun to pour onto the world that melancholy light of dreams so dear to the sentimental, to poets and lovers.The young couple had watched it at first.Then, filled with the tender sweetness of the night, with the ethereal brightness of the fields and woods, they had gone out and walked slowly on the enormous lawn as far as the glistening pond.一片高高的森林延伸到远处池塘的后面,而在参天大树的新树叶上,月亮一下子露面了。它慢慢地爬上来,越过显现在它那运行轨道上的树枝;登上了天空,置身在被它隐去光芒的繁星之中,开始把那漂浮着凄清的梦幻之光洒向人间,而对多愁善感者、诗人以及情侣们来说,他是那样的珍贵。


It was teatime, just before the lamps were brought in.The villa overlooked the sea;the vanished sun had left the sky rose-tipped in its passing and powdered with golden dust;and the Mediterranean, without ripple or faintest movement, smooth, still gleaming with the light of the dying day, spread out a vast shield of burnised metal.Happiness


They were speaking of love, retelling an ancient tale, saying over again things already said many, many times before.The soft melancholy dusk pressed upon their speech,so that a feeling of tenderness welled up in their hearts, and their word “love,” constantly repeated, now in a man’s strong voice, now in the high, clear tones of a woman, seemed to fill littme room, flitting about it like a bird, hovering like a sprit over them.人们在谈论爱情,谈论着这个古老的话题,重复那已经无数次谈到过的话题。黄昏淡淡的愁绪使众人放慢发言的速度,心中的温情油然而生。而“爱情”这个词却不断地被人提起,一会儿出自一个男人的洪亮嗓子,一会儿又从女人那清亮的嗓音溜出来。似乎已塞满了小客厅,就像一只小鸟在客厅里徘徊,又像幽灵在上空游荡。

She had never a thought for anything but him.She had regretted neither jewels nor fine clothes fashion nor comfort of armchairs nor the perfumed warmth of tapestryhung rooms nor softness of down whereon the body sinks to rest.She had never needed anything but him;so only that he was there, she wanted nothing.In the early youth, she had forsaken life and the world and those who had loved and nuetured her.She had come, alone with him, to this wild ravine.And he had been everything to her, all that a woman desires, all that she dreams of, all that she ceaselessly awaits, all for which she never ceases to hope.He had filled her existence with happiness from its beginning to its close.她什么也不想,只想着他,她对什么也不留恋:珠宝、华丽衣料、优雅和舒适的扶手椅,饰有挂毯的房间里的芬芳的温柔,和睡觉时盖在身上的鸭绒背的温存。她从来就只需要他,有了他,她什么都不想了。


Sense and

It was only necessary to mention any favorite amusement to engageher to talk.She could not be silent when such point were introduced, and she had neither shyness nor reserve in theirdiscussion.They speedily discoverrd that their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual, and

that it arose from a general conformity of judgement in all that related to either.Encourged by this to a further examination of his opinions, she proceeded to question him on the subject of books;her favorite authors were brought forward and dwelt upon with so rapturous a delight, that any young man of twenty-and-five must have been insensible indeed, not to become an immediate convert to the excellence of such works, however disregarded before.Their taste was strikingly alike.The same books, the same passages were idolized by each---or, if any difference appeared, any objections arose, it lasted no longer than till the force of her arguments and the brightness of her eyes could be displayed.He acquiesced in all her descisions, caught all her enthusiasm, and long before his visit concluded, they conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.只要提到她的任何爱好都能引她说话。一提到这些话题,她就不可能保持沉默,而且谈论起来她既不害羞,也不欲言而止。他们很快发现跳舞和音乐是他们共同的爱好,而对这两个爱好,他们的观点完全一致。她因此受到鼓舞,想多了解他的看法,于是她继续问他关于书籍方面的问题;她把自己喜欢的作家都说了出来,欣喜若狂地谈论起来。任何一个二十五岁的青年听到这样的谈论还不马上欣赏这些书,那他一定是没什么感觉的人,不管他以前对这些是多么不在意。他们的品味出奇的相似。他们都欣赏同样的书,同样的篇章——就算有不同的看法,也持续不了多长的时间,只要她一争论,眼睛跟着一亮,所有的问题都迎刃而解了。威洛比接受她的一切热情,拜访尚未结束,他们就像老熟人一样热烈地交谈起来了。

Amner and Bruce sat side by side, hands lightly clasped, looking out the glass windows and talking softly.As always his presence gave her a sense of finality, a sureness that was all she wanted from life and that it would last as it was forever.琥珀和布鲁斯并肩坐在车里,轻轻握着对方的手,望着玻璃窗外,轻声交谈着。她每次出现在她的面前时,她都有一种终生已定的感觉,使她深信这就是她想从生活中得到的最终结局,而且,它将永远持续下去。

But the week which she had expected would pass so slowly seemed to pick up speed as it went and the precious minutes and hours rushed along, slipping out of her hands as she tried to catch at them and drag them back.So soon now it would be over—he would be gone—

“oh, why does the time go by so fast, just when you want it to go slow!” she cried.“someday I hope the clock will stand still and never move!”

“haven’t you learned yet to be careful of what you wish for?”


The dances

Certainly the most violent grief that one can experience is for a mother the loss of a child, and for a son the loss of a mother.It is violent and terrible;it overturns and lacerates, but one is healed of such catastrophes, as of large, bleeding wounds.But certain accidents, certain things hinted at, suspected, certain secrect griefs, certain perfidy, of the sort that stirs up in us a world of grievous thoughts, which opens before us suddenly the mysterious door of moral suffering,complicated, incurable, so much the more profound because seems worthy, so much the more stinging because unseizable, the more tenacious because artificial, these leave upon the soul a train of sadness, a feeling of sorrow, a sensation of disenchantment that we are long in ridding oursevels of.当然人生的最大的痛苦莫过于母亲失去孩子或儿子失去母亲。这是一种既强烈又可怕的痛苦,它让人震惊,使人心碎,但这些大灾难像血腥的大伤口一样都可以愈合。然而,有




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7)I'd like to know what this is all about.我想知道这到底是怎么回事。How about a fish sandwich? 来一块鱼肉三明治怎么样?What about me? 我怎么样?I'm not about to go in that old house.我是不会进那幢旧房子的!Yes I remember that night.What about it? 是的,我记得那个晚上,那又怎样?What's this all about? 这到底是怎么回事?It's about time you showed up!差不多是你该露面的时候了。



2)Above all, I want everything quiet.首要的是:我要一切保持安定。Tom thinks he's above hard work.汤姆认为自己没必要努力工作。







6)Would you please act out what happened? 你能把发生的事演示一下吗?Watch Ricky.He sometimes likes to act up in class.注意里基,他又是喜欢在课堂上捣蛋。That profane comedian needs to clean up his act.那个爱说粗言秽语的喜剧演员应该净化一下自己的言行。We need to get our act together and come to see you.我们需要统一意见后来见你。The newspapers called the earthquake an act of God.报纸上称那次地震为天灾。Masa is a class act.玛莎是位杰出的女性。





4)We're going to bring action against our debtors.我们打算控告我们的债务人。Did you see any action in yesterday's ballgame? 昨晚的棒球比赛中你看到有什么有趣的精彩场面吗?Our community is going to take action against the proposed waste dump.我地区要采取行动反对那项垃圾处理场的提案。Jim wants to go where the action is.吉姆想去有刺激性的地方。



2)Our opponents have a height advantage on us.我们的对手在身高上比我们占有优势。Nobody likes to be taken advantage of.没有人喜欢被捉弄(或:被欺骗、利用)





4)I think that girl is after you.我想那女孩是在追你。It looks like things are gonna work out after all.看起来事情终会解决的。This soft drink has a nasty aftertaste.这软饮料有种让人难受的余味。I see your point, but don't you think it's way after the fact.我明白你的意思,但你不觉



1)I could go to Japan again and again.我可以一而再、再而三地去日本。(注:意指不会感到




2)Would you please act your age!请你做事要有一个与自己年龄相称的样子。This is a “coming of age” movie.这是一部成人影片。










9)I need to go outside and get some air.我需要出去呼吸点新鲜空气。I don't know what's wrong, but can feel it in the air.虽然我不知道到底是出了什么差错,但我能隐隐约约感觉到。Mike was sad when they took his favorite program off the air.当迈克喜欢的节目被取消时,他感到很伤心。The sale of our house is still up in the air.我们的房子出勤率售一事还没有最后定下来。After winning the championship, I felt I could walk on air.获得冠军后,我飘飘欲仙。Your sister is such an airhead.你姐姐真是来个没有头脑的人。Janet Jackson's new song is getting lots of airplay.珍妮〃杰克逊的新歌到处都在不断地播放。That last time I took a plane, I got airsick.上次我乘飞机时晕机了。I hope there's no bad air between us.我希望我们之间的关系不要很别扭。














13)It's looks like we won't be going after all.看起来最后我们还是不能去。We've all but finished the project.我们已几乎完成了那个项目。All in all I'd say it's been a very productive day.总的来说,我认为这一天过得很充实。Let's go all-out and win this game!让我们尽全力来打赢这场比赛。We knew it was all over when we saw the building burst.当我们看见那座建筑突然起火时,我们知道一切全完了。We wish you all the best.我们大家祝福你一切如意。If it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon not go.如果这对你都是一回事的话,我就不想去了。They were running from the police like all get-out.他们以极快的速度逃脱警察的追赶。I didn't see them come in at all.我根本高没有发现他们的进来。Let's settle this matter once and for all.让我们来把这个问题一次性地彻底解决掉。Mark is an all-around athlete.马克是一个全能运动员。Did you get to play in the all-star game? 你入选全明星队的比赛了吗?He bloke the all-time record in the 100-meter run at his school.他打破了他所在的学校



1)Working on cars isn't up my alley.修理汽车不是我拿手的活儿。



2)I just wanna be left alone.我只是想一个人呆会儿。Can't you just leave well enough alone? 你不能少管一些闲事吗?



2)You knew all along what was going on.你从一开始就知道所发生的事。Debbie doesn't get along with Steve.戴比和史蒂夫相处得不好。





5)Mr.Pak came here searching for the American dream.帕克先生来到这儿寻求他的“美国梦”。Some foreigners become Americanized while living in the U.S.一些外国人在美国居住时被美国化了。Not having any job freedom would be totally unAmerican.没有选择职业的自由是完全违背美国精神传统的。Bill is an all-American quarterback.比尔是全美(橄榄球)明星赛的四分卫队员。I just can't go on the American way.我无法适应美国方式。



2)Water-skiing really brings out the animal in Tom.滑水运动真正激发出了汤姆的活力与激情。The young actor emits a lot of animal magnetism on the screen.那个年轻演员在荧幕



1)I called Emi but there was no answer.我给埃米打了电话,但是没人接。






5)Have you ever been to the Big Apple? 你去过纽约吗?Do I sense an apple of discord between you two? 你问我有没有感觉出你们两人之间的不和,是吗?Heather is the apple of my eye.希瑟是我的掌上明珠。Rita likes to keep everything in apple-pie order.丽塔喜欢把一切都弄得井井有条。Dennis has always been an apple polisher.丹尼斯一直就是一个马屁精。





4)You don't have to twist my arm to get me to go with you.用不着你强迫我跟你走。My father is a hopeless armchair quarterback.我爸爸是一个没救了的纸上谈兵的人。The suspects are armed and dangerous.嫌疑犯带有武器,十分危险。Every spring the park is filled with lovers walking arm in arm.每到春天公园里到处都是




2)Coach Johnson has been around for 30 years.约翰逊教练已有三十年的经验了。Someone is on duty here around-the-clock.有人在这里昼夜值班。







6)It looks as if someone has already been here.看起来在人来过这里了。As for me, I'm going home.至于我,我准备回家。Marty is acting as if nothing happened.马蒂表现得像什么也没发生过一样。I want this room left as is.我希望这间房子保持原样。The changes will begin taking place as of tomorrow.变动从明天开始实施。Police are baffled as to the whereabouts of the kidnappers.警察局搜寻绑架者的工作受





4)Our gas bill average about $50 a month.我们每个月的煤气费平均50美元。On the average, I'd say we eat chicken once a week.我们平均每周吃一次鸡肉。Kent describes himself as just an average Joe.肯特视自己为一名普通的美国人。On the average day, over 100,000 kids bring guns to school in the U.S.在美国平常日







5)What makes you think you're gonna get away with this? 是什么使你认为你可以免受处罚?I wish they'd do away with these complicated tax forms.我希望他们能费除掉这些复杂的税务表格。We're planning a weekend getaway for our anniversary.我们正在为庆祝我们的纪念日而安排一次周末的外出活动。Tom wants to run away from home.汤姆想从家里出逃。Dave and Kathy are going to steal away on vacation.戴夫和凯茜计划在假期里偷偷跑出




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