
时间:2019-05-14 17:24:29下载本文作者:会员上传




We went to a summer camp today.The weather was great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great fun singing and dacning there.We enjoyed ourselves.I felt like I was a bird.We had a lot of food dan drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I had two hamburgers and some orange juice.My frends all enjoyed their lunch very much.It was so nice eating in the open air.In the evening ,I was very tired , but felt really happy.我们今天去参加夏令营了,天气晴朗。大山很美。我们在那了唱歌、跳舞,很有意思。我们玩得很高兴。我觉得我就像一只小鸟。我们带来很多饮料和食物。因此,我们吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。我吃了两个汉堡,喝了一些橘子汁。我的朋友们很喜欢他们的午餐。在户外吃饭太好了。在晚上,我很累,但是感到很开心。

2、关于健康(用一般现在时描述)Everyone wants to keep healthy today.But some students in china have trouble keeping fit these days.Some students don’t have enough time to sleep.Some don’t have healthy habits.Lots of them are too busy to play sports.They always have too much homework to do.What should we do to keep in good health ? Firstly ,I think we need at least eight hour’s sleep every day.Sedondly , we should learn to relax through exercise.We can do sports every day ,such as running and playing ball games.Thirdly , we should eat more vegetables ,fruit and less junk food.如今,大家都想保持健康。但是,现在一些中国学生在保持健康方面遇到困难了。一些学生没有足够的时间睡眠。一些没有健康的饮食习惯。他们中有许多人太忙而不去进行体育锻炼。他们总是有太多的家庭作业要做。我们应该怎样保持健康呢?首先,我认为我们每天至少需要休息至少8小时。第二,我们应该学习通过锻炼放松。我们可以每天做锻炼。例如,跑步、玩球类运动等。第三,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品。


Lucy and Lily are twins.In some ways ,they look the same ,but they are different in other ways.Lucy is as tall as Lily ,but she has longer hair than Lily.Lily is more outing than Lucy.They both like sports very much ,but Lily is much more athletic(强壮的)than Lucy than Lucy.They play basketball and volleyball and enjoy watching sports on TV.Both sisters like study ,and get good grades.But Lucy is more serious about her schoolwork ,so her schoolwork is better than Lily’s.露西和莉莉是双胞胎。在一些方面,她们看起来很像。但是,她们在一些方面不同。露西和莉莉一样高。但是她的头发比莉莉长。莉莉比露西更外向。她们俩都喜欢运动,但是莉莉比露西更强壮。她们喜欢打篮球和排球,她们也喜欢在电视上看运动节目。姐妹俩都喜欢学习,并且取得好的成绩。但是露西在学业方面更认真,所以,她的功课比莉莉好。

4、梦想的工作 My drem job

When I grow up , I’m going to be a journalist.Next year I’m going to write articles for magazines and newspaper.I’m gong to a university in Beijing after senior school.Maybe I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money.Then , I’m gong to work for a TV station as a journalist and travel all over the world.我长大以后,我想成为一名新闻记者。明年,我打算给杂志社和报社投稿。高中毕业后,我准备去北京。或许我会找一份兼职的工作,赞一些钱。然后,我去电视台当一名记者,去环球旅行。


There will be more robots in our homes in the future.We will have different shapes of robots.Some will look the same as humans.Some like snakes.After an earthquake ,a snake robot could help look for people under buildings.Robots will be also used in space.Robots will become our friends in 100 years.They will dance and sing.They will talk with us every day if we are free.在将来,我们的家里会有更多的机器人。我们将会拥有不同外形的机器人。一些看起来像人类,一些看起来像蛇。地震之后,蛇形机器人帮助人们寻找废墟下的人。机器人也将会在太空中使用。100年后,机器人将会成为我们的朋友。他们将会跳舞、唱歌。如果我们有空,他们将每天和我们交谈。


How to make apple milk shake ? Do you like drinking apple milk shake ? Do you know how to make ? Now let me tell you something about it.First , peel the apples and cut them up , Next ,put the apples and ice cream into the blender.After that , pour the milk into the blender and mix them up.Then , turn on the blender for about two minutes.Finally , pour the apple milk shake in a glass and drink it.Now you can have a try.如何做苹果奶昔?


7、拒绝邀请的回信(一般将来时)Hi Andy ,Thank you for your invitaion.I’m sorry I can’t visit you next Saturday.I’ll be busy that day.In the morning , I have to do my homework.I have too much homework.In the afternoon , I have soccer training with the school team.In the evening , I am going to the movies with my friends.There is a new movie.I think it’s intering and exciting.I can’t miss it.Can you cmoe to the movies with us next Saturday evening ?

Write soon.Vince 你好:安迪。





The winter holiday is coming.We will have lots of time enjoy ourselves.But I think we should plan the time carefully.We had better make a list of all the things we wish to do and try to keep a balance between work and play.In the holiday we can do many activities.For example , we can play with friends.We can do different sports.It is also meaningful for us to work as volunteers.Besides , we can do some reading.It can help us get perpared for the new term.I hope all of us will have a wonderful holidays.寒假就要来临了。我们将会有很多时间来玩。但是我认为我们应该认真计划这个时间。我们最好列一个我们希望做的所以事情的清单。并且尽量保持工作和玩的平衡。在寒假,我们可以做很多活动。例如,我们可以和朋友玩。我们可以做不同的运动。对我们来说,当志愿者也是有意义的。之外,我们可以读读书。那可以帮助我们为新学期做准备。我希望我们所有的人都能过一个精彩的假期。

9、生日聚会(发出邀请,一般将来时)(英文书信)Dear friends ,I would like to invite you to comt to my birthday party.My birthday party will be on next Friday evening.I will invite a lot of friends to take part in the party.There will be many interesting games.I think everyone will have a good time.If you can come to my party , I will be very happy.I look forward to your coming to my party.Yours, He Wei




10、如果以后你有钱,你将干什么(一般将来时)If I’m rich

If I rich , I’ll buy a big house for my family.I hope they can live a hppier and more comfortable life.If I’m rich , I’ll travel all over the world.I will experience many interesting things.If I’m rich , I will help the poor children to go to school and get an education.I’ll be very happy when I see them studying in bright classrooms.如果我富有了,我将会买一个大房子给我的家人。我希望他们有一个更快乐和舒适的生活。如果我富有了,我将环球旅行。我会经历许多有趣的事情。如果我富有了,我将帮助贫穷的孩子去上学,活的教育。当我看到他们在明亮的教室里上课,我会很高兴。



1.作文根据下面内容,以My Vacation to Beijing 为题,写一篇约50词的短文。

Place:Beijing Time: Sunday With whom: my parents Weather: warm sunny Things I do: visit the Palace Museum(故宫),the Great Wall(长城),Tianan’men Square, Beijing Hutong,....Feelings: happy, exciting, tired,....Wednesday, August 20thToday the weather was hot and sunny.I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there.We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square.There were many people there.Then we went to Beijing Hutong.It was beautiful.We took some photos.I liked this place because it was interesting.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy..2.本文为写自己日常生活中的好习惯与坏习惯。

I have lots of good habits.I exercise every day.I always read books.I eat fruit every day.I drink milk twice a week.I never stay up late.But I have some bad habits, too.I always watch TV for two hours a day.I use the Internet twice a week.I hardly ever help with housework.I never go to the dentist.3.你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以“My best friend and I”为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章.Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same.My name is David.My best friend Jeff is quiet different from me.He is shorter and quieter than me.We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins.Jeff works harder and always get good grades.We can talk and share everything.I

think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me.We’ll be good friends forever.4.你叫张鹏,林涛来信向你询问怎样才能学好英语。请根据下面的要点给他回封 信。无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃。每天都花时间学习英语。多记忆单词并且尽量使用它们。尽可能多地阅读英文书报等。听或唱英语歌能使你对英语更感兴趣。

Dear Lin Tao,I am glad to receive your last letter(或hear from you).You want to know how to learn English well.Here is my advice: You mustn’t give up(或drop)whatever you meet any difficulties that you meet.Every day you should spend some time in learning English.Remember as many English words as possible and try your best to use them.Read English books , magazines or newspapers as often as you can.It is useful and important for you to improve your English.I think listening or singing English songs can make you more interested in English learning.Hope you make great progress in your English learning.Yours, ZhangPeng 5.请根据下列表格内容写一篇他们各自的爱好情况字数在60词左右

Today ,I asked my family about movies.Some of their answers are very interesting.Here are their likes and dislikes.My sister likes cartoons very much, but she can’t stand action movies.My mother can’t stand action movies either.She likes comedies.My father dislikes sitcoms ,but he likes action movies.My brother likes action movies ,too.He can’t stand cartoons.6.新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Year’s Resolutions

New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year.First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on.At the same time, I’m going to eat less junk food.Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.7.以My life in ten years 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流畅。60词左右.In ten years, I think I'll be a reporter.As a reporter, I think I'll meet lots of interesting people.And I will also travel all over the world.I'll live in Beijing because I went to there last year and fell in love with it.And I will keep a pet pig, because I like it very much.I will live in apartment with my parents.This is my life in ten years, I think I will be very happy in the future.8.假如你的好友邀请你去参加生日聚会,但因为你下周的日程已经排满,不能前往。请根据提示给她回信婉言谢绝,并表达你的谢意。

Hi Ann,Thank you for your invition.I am sorry I can't come to your birthday party this week.I am really busy.On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends.On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt.On Wednesday, I have to help my mother.On Thursday, I am going to my sister's birthday party.On Friday, I am going to Ning Bo on vacation with my parents.Please call me after the vacation.Yours , Candy 9.你以后可能会有很多钱,想一想,如果你有了钱,你会用它做什么?以If I have a lot of money为题写一篇60词左右的短文.If we I have a lot of money I'll travel round the world and I'll stay at the best hotels.If I have a lot of money , I will buy a big house with a beautiful garden for my parents , I want them to live a happy life.Also, I will buy a sports car for my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.If I have a lot of money , I will give some money to charities and help the poor students.So they can go to school and get a good education again.I am sure, one day, my dream will come true.

第三篇:八年级英语上册 unit5教案 人教新目标版

Unit 5 Can you come to my party?

Teaching aims: 1.Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.2.Talk about obligations with “have to” 3.Talk about the schedule.Sentence structure 1.Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to.I’d like to.Sorry, I can’t.I have to 2.What’s the day? What day is it today? What’s the date today? Vocabulary can, have to, have a piano lesson, help, invite, another, weekend, too much, join, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, play tennis, on Friday evening, go to the mall, this evening, really, busy, study for the test, whole & all, come over Procedures

Period 1 Step 1 Lead in 1.Can you help me? Hello, everyone!Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend;she invites me to go to her Halloween party.But I have something important to do.I’m studying for a test.I don’t know what to do.What should I say? Can you help me? 2.Repeat the words above in Chinese.Tell them my obligations in Chinese so that the students can use target phrase “have to”.昨天,我收到了一封我用心



同学寄来的邀请函,她请我参加她的万圣节聚会,但是我有些重要事情要做,我不得不为考试学习,我不知道该怎么跟她说?如果你们是我,你们会怎么回答呢? 3.Ask one student to answer my question.“Julia, can you come to my party?” 4.Introduce the topic of this unit.Step 2 1a~1c 1.Tell students to look at the book and find talk about the obligations.(Section A, 1a)Look at the pictures and learn the phrases.have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 lesson与class give sb.a lesson上课,teach sb.a lesson教训 help my parents 与 help sb.with something 2.1b Listen and check the answers.3.Learn some language points while listening on the Saturday afternoon, how about„, next time 4.Groupwork.Divide the students into groups of four and make conversations.Ask one group to act it out.Step3 1.Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b 2.Pairwork.Read the passage and learn the language points too much, this weekend, another time, thank for Step4 grammar(3 minutes)1.Can you„?情态动词can在这里起征求对方意见的作用。2.肯定回答。3.否定回答。

Step5 homework Make some conversations.Period2 Procedures: 2c~3b Step1




Procedures: Step1 1.Read the e-mail message.2.Analyze the e-mail and fill in the blanks thanks→apology→giving reasons→obligations→invitation 3.Language points: Thank you for„(为„„表示感谢)Thank you for helping me.Thank you for your invitation.busy: be busy with sth Kate is busy with her homework.be busy doing sth jack is busy practicing for the school concert.training训练 不可数 go to the movies make a movie the movies=cinema Let’s go to the movies Step 2(3b)1.Review the grammar.Use present progressive to present future.2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks in 3b.3.language point: call sb=call sb up Step 3(3d)1.Read the conversation in the box together.2.Write down everything you have to do next week.(for social practice)Step 4(Self check 1)1.Let the students to fill in the blanks with the words given.2.Learn the language points: on weekdays, Step 7(Self check 2)1.Language points: go to the mall, geography, culture club, whole & all(the whole day, all day), come over, free

take a piano lesson




5-have a math lesson lesson与class一节课我们上午有五节课。


Unit 6 I am more outgoing than my sister说课稿

杨店子镇中 裴晓凤

今天,我所说课的内容是八年级上 Unit 6 I am more outgoing than my sister.下面,我将从六大板块来描述这节课。第一大板块:教材分析


本节课节选自新目标英语。这是第六单元的第一课时的内容,其中心话题围绕Talk about personal traits and compare people这个题材开展多种教学活动,本节课是本单元的重点。在此之前,七年级英语Unit7曾学过用What does he look like? What is he like? 进行对话对人物的外貌及性格进行问答,并掌握了一定的形容词。而本节课承上启下,通过继续对人物外貌及性格的描述来学习比较等级,加深对比较等级的语法现象的理解和运用,为学习后面 Section B 和Unit12 What’s the best radio station?打下基础。2.教学重难点分析


教学难点为the comparatives with –er/ier and more的结构及读音,能在交际中准确地运用本单元的话题对自己与他人进行描述,作出比较并进行判断。

3.教学目标分析: 知识目标:(1)语言知识:掌握本课时的目标词汇:outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin.目标语言Is that Sam? No, that’s Tom.He has shorter hair than Sam.Is Tom smarter than Tim ? He’s calmer than Sam.(2))语言技能:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较,能在日常生活中恰当理解和运用本单元的话题对自己与他人进行描述,作出比较并进行判断







1、兴趣活动策略:①问题卡片争夺赛 事先准备标有数码的问题卡片,每回答一

This one is nicer than that one.Nancy is heavy.Miss Fat is heavier than Nancy.A basketball is bigger than a soccer ball.Bob is more outgoing than David.这一环节老师的任务就是适时的给与帮助。并且同时板书这些形容词及其比较级。凸显出形容词比较级的变化。孩子们自己说出新句型,然后再进行练习会让他们掌握牢固,进一步激发他们的成就感。Task 2 I can summarize!


Task 3 I can listen!Show a picture to teach new word----twin.练习拼写之后进行课本上1B 的听力练习。Listen and number the pairs of twins [1-3]in the picture 拓展:1B部分对学生的要求相对较低,为了培养更多的优分同学,这里我增加了拔高练习。听对话将句子补充完整。要求学生写下所缺单词。Task 4 I can talk!根据多媒体展示的图片,练习使用比较级进行对话本环节我组织学生以小组对话形式展开。培养学生的合作互动能力。步骤四:巩固练习Step 4 Consolidation 这部分我打破了原始的练习题形式的巩固练习,而是设计了一个小游戏,Who is my friend? 设计思路:


情感渗透:游戏结束时展示句子“A friend in need is a friend in deed”(患难见真情)“A friend is easier lost than found”(朋友易失不易得)。步骤

五、归纳总结 Step 5 Sum up 我把比较级构成浓缩成口诀形式再次呈现重点内容,巧妙地总结本课重点、难点,领着学生以说唱的节奏,进一步巩固,加强对本课内容的理解和运用。步骤六 作业设计 step 6 Homework My Friend And I 设计思路:




[人教版]新目标英语八年级上册知识要点(Unit1~Unit5)Unit 1How often do you exercise?



提问用 How often 引导特殊疑问句

回答用 always, sometimes, twice a day 等频率副词。

例句:A: How often do you watch TV?(你多长时间看一次电视?)

B: I watch TV every day.(我每天都看电视。)

A: What's your favorite program?(你最喜欢的节目是什么?)

B: It's Animal World.(是《动物世界》。)

A: How often do you watch it?(你多长时间看一次这个节目?)


always(总是)> usually(通常)> often(经常)> sometimes(有时)> hardly ever(很少)> never(从不)

隔一段时间做某事数次用 数词 + 时间间隔 的结构构成。如:

once a week 一周一次(“一次”用特殊词 once)

twice a day 一天两次(“两次”用特殊词 twice)

three times a month 一个月三次(三次或三次以上用 基数词 + times 的结构构成)

four times a year 一年四次

重点短语:how often 多久一次

as for 至于;关于

how many 多少(针对可数名词)

how much 多少(针对不可数名词)

of course = sure 当然;确信

look after = take care of = care for 照顾;照看

a lot of = lots of = plenty of 许多;大量

every day 每一天

every night 每晚

hardly ever 几乎不

be good for 对……有益

be good for one's health 有益健康

try to do sth.尝试做某事

get good grades 取得好成绩

help sb.[to] do sth.帮助某人做某事

kind of 有点

want [sb.] to do sth.想要(某人)做某事

keep in good health 保持健康

No two men think alike.人心各异。

Unit 2What's the matter?





例句:A: What's the matter?(怎么了?)

B: I'm not feeling well.(我感觉不舒服。)I have a cold.(我感冒了。)A: When did it start?(什么时候开始的?)

B: About two days ago.(大约两天前开始的。)

A: Oh, that's too bad.(哦,这很糟糕。)You should lie down and rest.(你应该躺下休息。)

B: Yes, I think so.(是的,我是这么认为的。)

A: I hope you feel better soon.(祝你早日康复。)

重点短语: have a cold 患感冒

shouldn't = should not

be stressed out 紧张的;有压力的a few 有些;几个(针对可数名词)

a little [bit] 有些;几个(针对不可数名词)

at the moment 此刻;现在What's the matter? = What's wrong? = What's the problem? 怎么了?lie down and rest 躺下休息

see a doctor 看病

hope to do sth.希望做某事

listen to 听

for example 举个例子

be good for 对……有益

it's + adj.+ [for sb.] + to do sth.做某事(对某人来说)……(加形容词)

get tired 感到疲倦

stay healthy 保持健康

give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.把某物给某人

need to do sth.需要做某事

Unit 3What are you doing for vacation?



例句:A: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?(林辉,放假准备干什么呢?)B: I'm going to Tibet for a week.(我要去西藏旅游一周。)

A: That sounds interesting!(这听起来很有趣。)What are you doing there?(你去那里准备干些什么事?)

B: I'm going hiking in the mountains.(我准备上山徒步旅行。)How about you, Tony?(你呢,托尼?)What are you doing for vacation?(你放假准备干些什么呢?)A: I'm visiting my friend in Hong Kong.(我要去拜访我在香港的朋友。)B: Oh yeah?(是吗?)How long are you staying?(你要去多久啊?)

A: Just for four days.(只去四天。)I don't like going away for too long.(我不想远走太长时间。)

B: Well, have a good time!(祝你旅途愉快!)Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!(记得从香港寄一张明信片回来!)

A: Sure.Show me your photos when we get back to school.(当然。当我们再回学校的时候,再看看你的照片。)

重点短语:how long 多久

get back = come back 回来

take a vacation = have a vacation 去度假

a lot = very much 很;非常

be going to do sth.将要去做某事

sound + adj.听起来……(加形容词)

sound like + n.听起来像……(加名词)

have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得愉快

show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.把某物给某人看

want to do sth.= would like to do sth.想要做某事

plan to do sth.计划做某事

spend sometime [in] doing sth.花时间做某事

need to do sth.需要做某事

ask sb.about sth.询问某人某方面的事情

go shopping 去购物

leave for 离开去某地


用 How 引导特殊疑问句

其回答有多种方式,其中一种结构是 by doing sth.或 by sth.的结构。

询问两地的距离用 how far 引导特殊疑问句

回答用 be +(distance)+ [away] + from 的结构。

例句:A: How do you get to school?(你如何去上学?)

B: I take the subway.(我乘地铁去上学。)

A: How far is it from your home to school?(从家到学校多远?)

B: It's three miles.(有三英里远。)

A: How long does it take you to get from home to school?(从家到学校需要花多长时间?)

B: It takes 25 minutes.(要花 25 分钟。)

重点短语:by bus = take the bus 乘公共汽车

how far 多远

depend on 依赖于

by boat = take the boat 乘船

look at 看

by train = take the train 乘火车

by bike = ride one's bike 骑车

by subway =take the subway 乘地铁

by plane = take the plane 乘飞机

on foot 走路

get up 起床

have breakfast 吃早饭

leave for somewhere 离开去某地

take sb.to somewhere 带某人去某地

half an hour = thirty minutes 半小时(三十分钟)

around the world = all over the world 全世界

get to school 到学校

think of 认为

on weekend 在周末


例句:A: Hey, Dave.(你好,戴夫。)Can you go to the movies on Saturday?(周六你能去看电影吗?)

B: I'm sorry, I can't.(对不起,我不能去。)I have too much homework this weekend.(这个周末我有太多作业要做。)

A: That's too bad.(这太糟了。)Maybe another time.(只好等下一次了。)B: Sure, Joe.(当然,乔。)Thanks for asking.(谢谢你的邀请。)

重点短语:the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

come over 来访

study for a test 复习迎考

go to the doctor = see the doctor 看病

have to 不得不;必须(强调客观上)

must 不得不;必须(强调主观上)

help sb.with sth.= help sb.[to] do sth.帮助某人做某事

too much + n.太多(针对不可数名词)

too many + n.太多(针对可数名词)

much too + adj.太……(加形容词)

go to the movies 看电影

practice doing sth.练习做某事

thanks for [doing] sth.为(做)某事而感谢

go to the dentist 看牙医

be going to do sth.将要做某事(该事已计划好)

will do sth.将要做某事(该事尚未计划)

keep quiet 保持安静



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