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Unit 11 教案

The First Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary restroom, shampoo, stamp(2)Target Language

Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. There’s a bookstore on River Road.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening ability.

(2)Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Helping each other is very important. It is a good quality.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point Target Language

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to train students’ listening ability.

2. How to train students’ communicative competence.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

T: You’re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is.How can you ask where the main office is? S1: Where’s the main office?

T: That’s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. You can say, “Can you tell me where the main office is?” Class repeat. Can you tell me where the main office is?

Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is?

T: That’s correct. Now let’s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. How can you ask?

S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is? T: Good!There’s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? T: That’s right. Very good.

Step Ⅱ 1a

Go through the instructions with the class.

Read the list of things to the class. To review the meaning of each item on the list, invite different students to say each phrase in their own words.

Point to the lettered parts of the picture one by one.

Ask a student: What kind of place is this?

What do they sell there? Do we have one in our community? What is the name of the one in our community?

Point out the sample answer. Say, The letter c is in front of the words buy shampoo because you could buy shampoo in a department store. There may be more than one correct answer for some blanks.

While students are working, move around the room offering help as necessary.

Step Ⅲ 1b

Read the instructions to students. Point out the two conversations that are shown in the picture.

As you listen, fill in the blanks with words you hear in the recording.

Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time.This time ask them to fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅳ 1c

Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the list of things people need and the pictures of the places in activity 1a. Say. Look at activity la. Have a conversation with a partner. Ask your parter politely where you can do these thing and then answer your partner’s questions.

As students work, listen to some pairs in order to check the progress and help with pronunciation as needed.

After students have had a chance to practise several exchanges, ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Review the target language.

The Second Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

escalator, furniture, exchange money, elevator(2)Target Language

Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Sure. There’s a bank on the second

floor. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening ability.

(2)Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Objects

If someone asks you how to get to the place he wants to go to, you should tell him the way correctly.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary exchange money

2. Target Language

Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Sure. There’s a bank on the second floor.

3. Structures

Do you know where I can buy shampoo?

Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Indirect questions.

2. How to improve students’ listening ability.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 2a

Read the instructions and point to the list of directions.

Get students to name the items in the picture such as escalator, elevator, shoe store, and so on.

Play the recording. Students only listen.

Tell them that the picture may help them understand what they are hearing.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to write a number next to four of the directions.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅲ 2b

Point to the picture. Say, now you will hear the recording again. This time show where the boy went as he followed the directions to the drug store. Draw a line on the picture in your book.

Play the recording again and ask students to draw the line on their own. Check the answer with the class.

Step Ⅳ 2c

Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation aloud to the class.

Read the instructions aloud. Say. Make conversations using information about the places in the picture with your partners.

As students work, move around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.

Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Ask the rest of the

class to look at the picture as they listen.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Ask the students to write three sentences with the starters of the structures.

The Third Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

hang out, fresh, advantage, disadvantage, block(2)Target Language

Go out the front door and take a right. Walk about three blocks. Go past the park, and turn left onto Oak Street.

(3)Moral Objects

Anything has both advantages and disadvantages. We should treat everything correctly.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

How to improve students’ integrating skills.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

T: Yesterday we learned the structures.

Do you know where…? Could you tell me how to get to…? Can you please tell me where…? Now who can make sentences by using the structures?

Step Ⅱ 3a

Read the instructions. Point out the blank lines under the words Advantages and Disadvantages below the interview.

You will write your answers in these blanks.

Read the first two sentences at the top of the article.

Explain that the interviewer will talk to several teenagers.

Get students to read the interview on their own quickly.

When they have finished, ask if there are any words or sentences they don’t understand. If there are, explain them.

Ask students to read the interview again and write the advantages and disadvantages. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅲ 3b

Read the instructions. Point out the conversation in the box and invite two students to read it to the class.

Point out the list of advantages and disadvantages in Activity 3a. Say, You can use these items and any other items you can think of as you talk about places you usually hang out.

Ask students to work in groups of four or five. As they work, move around the classroom helping the groups as necessary. Make sure they talk about both advantages and disadvantages.

Ask several groups to act out part of their conversation to the class.

Step Ⅳ 4

Read the instructions to the class. Get students to look back at the picture and activities on the first page of this unit.

Point out the sample language in the box. Invite a student to read it to the class.

Ask students to say the names of some stores and other places in the community and write them on the board. Say,Each group can choose three of these places to write about, or you can choose another place you know of

Write careful directions from the school to each place, but do not say the name of the place. You can use the words this place instead. In order to help students work, draw a simple map showing the school and several nearby streets.

When the groups are ready, they read their directions to the class and the other students guess the name of the place they are talking about.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Ask students to choose two places in the community and write careful directions from the school to each place.

2. Finish off the exercises on pages 46~47 of the workbook.

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

fascinating, convenient, safe, restroom, inexpensive(2)Target Language

Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind of food do you like? 2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ writing and speaking ability.

(2)Train students’ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.

(3)Train students’ ability to use the target language.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary

convenient, safe, restroom inexpensive 2. Target Language

Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind of food do you like? Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to improve students’ writing and speaking ability.

2. How to use the target language.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 1a

Go through the instructions with the class.

Read the words in the box to the class and ask if there are any of these words that students don’t understand. If so, help students to explain the meaning of the word.

Then read the instructions again and point out the sample answer. Get a student to read the sample answer to the class. Point out that students can also write other words after the word clean.

Ask students to write words from the box in the blanks on their own. Help students if needed.

Correct the answers by having students read what qualities he or she listed.

Step Ⅲ 1b

Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the example in the box. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Now work with a partner. Look at the words in the box and use them to talk about places in your own city. As students talk, move around the classroom checking their work. Offer language support as needed.

Invite several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step Ⅳ 2a

Point to the picture and ask students to tell what is happening. If necessary, explain that the scene shows a family on vacation. They are asking the man for information about various things to do in Sunville.

Go through the instructions and point to the chart.

Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.

Play the recording again. Ask students to write the places people ask about.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅴ 2b

Read the instructions and point to the chart.

You will hear the same recording again.

This time listen carefully to the answers the cleck gives. Write the answers in the blanks alone.

Point out the sample answer.

Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in the blanks.

Check the answers.

Step Ⅵ 2c

Point to the sample conversation. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Read the instructions. Role play the conversations you hear on the tape.

Get students to work in pairs. Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.

Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step ⅦHomework

Talk about some places using the words in la, then write down the conversations.

The Fifth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

water slide, clown, dress up, have fun(2)Practise reading an article.

(3)Practise writing something using the target language.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ reading ability.

(2)Train students’ writing ability.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

Practise reading and writing using the target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point How to write a guide to a place.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step I Revision

Review the target language presented in this unit. Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 3a

Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.

Ask students to read the article again and complete the chart. Get students to do the work on their own or in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom and offer help as necessary. Check the answers.

Step Ⅲ 3b

Read the instructions to the class. Point to the first two sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.

Look back at Activities 2a and 2b. Use this information to help you complete the guide to Sunville.

Ask the students to complete the brochure on their own. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.

Invite a student to read the completed article to the class.

Step Ⅳ 3c

Read the instructions to the class.

Ask students to say the names of some of the places they might write about. Write a list of these places on the board for students to use as they write their guides.

Ask students to work on their own. Tell them that they can use what they wrote

for activity 3b as a guide. They can write the guide for all tourists, teenagers, families, or people on a budget. As they work, move around the room offering help as needed. Correct the students’ work. Ask some students to read their guides and correct them.

Step Ⅴ Part 4

Go through the instructions with the class.

Get students to look back at the guides they wrote in Activity 3c.

Ask students to work in groups of four or five students. Let different students play the role of the booth worker and the different tourists. Make sure every student has a chance to participate.

Ask one or two groups to say one of their conversations to the class.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Read the article in 3a again.

2. Write a guide to our city.

The Sixth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects

(1)Fill in blanks and make sentences using beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating.

(2)Write some questions using the target language.

2. Ability Objects

Train students’ writing ability.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.

2. Write questions using the target language.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Make sentences using “beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating”.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework. Ask a few students to read the article in 3a.

Then ask a few students to read their guides.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

Look at the words in the box. Ask a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the words. You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/ verb agreement.

Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.

Check the answers.

Step ⅢPart 2

Go through the instructions with the class.

Look at the example with the students.

Ask students what the answer would be.

Ask a student to read the question and answer it.

Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is, please? The bank is across the street from the shopping malt.

Get students to complete the work in pairs.

Check the answers. Ask a few students to read their questions.

Step Ⅳ Just for Fun!

Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask: What is funny about this cartoon? Help students to explain. A Martian is a person from the planet Mars.

There is no such thing as Martian food on Earth, and the clerk looks silly because he is trying to think of where there is a Martian restaurant.

Invite some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework In this class, we’ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please finish the questions in 2 in your exercise books. Then finish the exercises on pages 47~48 of the workbook as well.

The Seventh Period

Ⅰ Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

image, adventure, jealousy, hero, crime, journey, brave, no longer, show interest in, take it easy, become interested in, plain looks(2)Text:

Grown-ups like cartoons, too.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text.

(2)Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.

(3)Learn the words and phrases from the context.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key vocabulary.

2. Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step I Key Vocabulary

Say the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

Read the title Grown-ups like cartoons, too. To the class. Ask, what do you think the article is about? Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.

Ask students to answer the five questions. But don’t look at the reading text.

Instead, they use their background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As students work, walk around, looking at their progress.

When most students finish the task, ask students to answer the questions with a parter.

Elicit answers from the students. Ask if other students have the same or different answers. Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their answers accordingly.

Step Ⅲ Part 2

Read the text quickly, then summarize each paragraph in your own words. As the students are doing this, move around the classroom to make sure they can do the task in English.

Ask five students to report their answers.

Draw students’ attention to the instructions.

Ask students to complete the task individually or in pairs.

As they work, walk around the classroom to make sure students discuss their reasons in English.

Have students report their answers. Encourage students to use complete sentences.

Step Ⅳ Part 3 Point to the story. Look at the words indicated in bold. Ask different students to guess the meaning. Don’t give them the correct answers. Ask students to read the article once. Say, pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other words or sentences, you don’t understand. Read in context, guessing their meanings from the other words around them. Ask students to read the article again for comprehension.

Read the instructions with the students and have them look at the example. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Allow them one or two minutes to do this.

Check the answers:

Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Remind them to look at the article again for extra help.

Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a students to write his/her answers on the blackboard. Help correct any mistakes.

Step Ⅴ Part 4

Read the instructions to the class. Elicit the first answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.

Ask students to do the activity on their own or in pairs. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help students may need.

Check the answers.

Step Ⅵ Part 5

Read the task with the students.

Ask students to do the activity in small groups. Try to put creative and artistic students in each group.

Check the answers and have students show or act out their cartoons for the class.

Optional activity

As an optional in-class or homework activity, remind students to find some cartoons and cut out the speech bubbles.

Students can then write their own English stories in the speech bubbles.

Step Ⅶ Homework

1. Read the story in 2 again for further comprehension.

2. Revise the target language in this unit.

第二篇:九年级英语上册Unit 11英语教案 人教新目标版

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Unit 11 教案

The First Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary restroom, shampoo, stamp(2)Target Language

Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. There’s a bookstore on River Road.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening ability.

(2)Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Helping each other is very important. It is a good quality.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point Target Language

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to train students’ listening ability.

2. How to train students’ communicative competence.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

T: You’re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is.How can you ask where the main office is? S1: Where’s the main office?

T: That’s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. You can say, “Can you tell me where the main office is?” Class repeat. Can you tell me where the main office is?

Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is?

T: That’s correct. Now let’s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. How can you ask?

S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is? T: Good!There’s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? T: That’s right. Very good.

Step Ⅱ 1a

Go through the instructions with the class.

Read the list of things to the class. To review the meaning of each item on the list, invite different students to say each phrase in their own words.

Point to the lettered parts of the picture one by one.

Ask a student: What kind of place is this?

What do they sell there? Do we have one in our community? What is the name of the one in our community?

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com Point out the sample answer. Say, The letter c is in front of the words buy shampoo because you could buy shampoo in a department store. There may be more than one correct answer for some blanks.

While students are working, move around the room offering help as necessary.

Step Ⅲ 1b

Read the instructions to students. Point out the two conversations that are shown in the picture.

As you listen, fill in the blanks with words you hear in the recording.

Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time.This time ask them to fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅳ 1c

Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the list of things people need and the pictures of the places in activity 1a. Say. Look at activity la. Have a conversation with a partner. Ask your parter politely where you can do these thing and then answer your partner’s questions.

As students work, listen to some pairs in order to check the progress and help with pronunciation as needed.

After students have had a chance to practise several exchanges, ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Review the target language.

The Second Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

escalator, furniture, exchange money, elevator(2)Target Language

Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Sure. There’s a bank on the second

floor. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening ability.

(2)Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Objects

If someone asks you how to get to the place he wants to go to, you should tell him the way correctly.

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Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary exchange money

2. Target Language

Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Sure. There’s a bank on the second floor.

3. Structures

Do you know where I can buy shampoo?

Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Indirect questions.

2. How to improve students’ listening ability.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 2a

Read the instructions and point to the list of directions.

Get students to name the items in the picture such as escalator, elevator, shoe store, and so on.

Play the recording. Students only listen.

Tell them that the picture may help them understand what they are hearing.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to write a number next to four of the directions.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅲ 2b

Point to the picture. Say, now you will hear the recording again. This time show where the boy went as he followed the directions to the drug store. Draw a line on the picture in your book.

Play the recording again and ask students to draw the line on their own. Check the answer with the class.

Step Ⅳ 2c

Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation aloud to the class.

Read the instructions aloud. Say. Make conversations using information about the places in the picture with your partners.

As students work, move around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.

Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Ask the rest of the 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com class to look at the picture as they listen.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Ask the students to write three sentences with the starters of the structures.

The Third Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

hang out, fresh, advantage, disadvantage, block(2)Target Language

Go out the front door and take a right. Walk about three blocks. Go past the park, and turn left onto Oak Street.

(3)Moral Objects

Anything has both advantages and disadvantages. We should treat everything correctly.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

How to improve students’ integrating skills.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

T: Yesterday we learned the structures.

Do you know where…? Could you tell me how to get to…? Can you please tell me where…? Now who can make sentences by using the structures?

Step Ⅱ 3a

Read the instructions. Point out the blank lines under the words Advantages and Disadvantages below the interview.

You will write your answers in these blanks.

Read the first two sentences at the top of the article.

Explain that the interviewer will talk to several teenagers.

Get students to read the interview on their own quickly.

When they have finished, ask if there are any words or sentences they don’t understand. If there are, explain them.

Ask students to read the interview again and write the advantages and disadvantages. Check the answers with the whole class.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com Step Ⅲ 3b

Read the instructions. Point out the conversation in the box and invite two students to read it to the class.

Point out the list of advantages and disadvantages in Activity 3a. Say, You can use these items and any other items you can think of as you talk about places you usually hang out.

Ask students to work in groups of four or five. As they work, move around the classroom helping the groups as necessary. Make sure they talk about both advantages and disadvantages.

Ask several groups to act out part of their conversation to the class.

Step Ⅳ 4

Read the instructions to the class. Get students to look back at the picture and activities on the first page of this unit.

Point out the sample language in the box. Invite a student to read it to the class.

Ask students to say the names of some stores and other places in the community and write them on the board. Say,Each group can choose three of these places to write about, or you can choose another place you know of

Write careful directions from the school to each place, but do not say the name of the place. You can use the words this place instead. In order to help students work, draw a simple map showing the school and several nearby streets.

When the groups are ready, they read their directions to the class and the other students guess the name of the place they are talking about.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Ask students to choose two places in the community and write careful directions from the school to each place.

2. Finish off the exercises on pages 46~47 of the workbook.

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

fascinating, convenient, safe, restroom, inexpensive(2)Target Language

Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind of food do you like? 2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ writing and speaking ability.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com(2)Train students’ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.

(3)Train students’ ability to use the target language.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary

convenient, safe, restroom inexpensive 2. Target Language

Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind of food do you like? Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to improve students’ writing and speaking ability.

2. How to use the target language.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 1a

Go through the instructions with the class.

Read the words in the box to the class and ask if there are any of these words that students don’t understand. If so, help students to explain the meaning of the word.

Then read the instructions again and point out the sample answer. Get a student to read the sample answer to the class. Point out that students can also write other words after the word clean.

Ask students to write words from the box in the blanks on their own. Help students if needed.

Correct the answers by having students read what qualities he or she listed.

Step Ⅲ 1b

Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the example in the box. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Now work with a partner. Look at the words in the box and use them to talk about places in your own city. As students talk, move around the classroom checking their work. Offer language support as needed.

Invite several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step Ⅳ 2a

Point to the picture and ask students to tell what is happening. If necessary, explain that the scene shows a family on vacation. They are asking the man for information about various things to do in Sunville.

Go through the instructions and point to the chart.

Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.

Play the recording again. Ask students to write the places people ask about.

Check the answers with the whole class.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com Step Ⅴ 2b

Read the instructions and point to the chart.

You will hear the same recording again.

This time listen carefully to the answers the cleck gives. Write the answers in the blanks alone.

Point out the sample answer.

Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in the blanks.

Check the answers.

Step Ⅵ 2c

Point to the sample conversation. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Read the instructions. Role play the conversations you hear on the tape.

Get students to work in pairs. Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.

Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step ⅦHomework

Talk about some places using the words in la, then write down the conversations.

The Fifth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

water slide, clown, dress up, have fun(2)Practise reading an article.

(3)Practise writing something using the target language.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ reading ability.

(2)Train students’ writing ability.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

Practise reading and writing using the target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point How to write a guide to a place.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step I Revision

Review the target language presented in this unit. Check homework.

Step Ⅱ 3a

Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com Ask students to read the article again and complete the chart. Get students to do the work on their own or in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom and offer help as necessary. Check the answers.

Step Ⅲ 3b

Read the instructions to the class. Point to the first two sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.

Look back at Activities 2a and 2b. Use this information to help you complete the guide to Sunville.

Ask the students to complete the brochure on their own. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.

Invite a student to read the completed article to the class.

Step Ⅳ 3c

Read the instructions to the class.

Ask students to say the names of some of the places they might write about. Write a list of these places on the board for students to use as they write their guides.

Ask students to work on their own. Tell them that they can use what they wrote

for activity 3b as a guide. They can write the guide for all tourists, teenagers, families, or people on a budget. As they work, move around the room offering help as needed. Correct the students’ work. Ask some students to read their guides and correct them.

Step Ⅴ Part 4

Go through the instructions with the class.

Get students to look back at the guides they wrote in Activity 3c.

Ask students to work in groups of four or five students. Let different students play the role of the booth worker and the different tourists. Make sure every student has a chance to participate.

Ask one or two groups to say one of their conversations to the class.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Read the article in 3a again.

2. Write a guide to our city.

The Sixth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects

(1)Fill in blanks and make sentences using beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating.

(2)Write some questions using the target language.

2. Ability Objects

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com Train students’ writing ability.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.

2. Write questions using the target language.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Make sentences using “beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating”.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework. Ask a few students to read the article in 3a.

Then ask a few students to read their guides.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

Look at the words in the box. Ask a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the words. You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/ verb agreement.

Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.

Check the answers.

Step ⅢPart 2

Go through the instructions with the class.

Look at the example with the students.

Ask students what the answer would be.

Ask a student to read the question and answer it.

Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is, please? The bank is across the street from the shopping malt.

Get students to complete the work in pairs.

Check the answers. Ask a few students to read their questions.

Step Ⅳ Just for Fun!

Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask: What is funny about this cartoon? Help students to explain. A Martian is a person from the planet Mars.

There is no such thing as Martian food on Earth, and the clerk looks silly because he is trying to think of where there is a Martian restaurant.

Invite some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework In this class, we’ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please finish the questions in 2 in your exercise books. Then finish the exercises on pages 47~48 of the workbook as well.

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The Seventh Period

Ⅰ Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

image, adventure, jealousy, hero, crime, journey, brave, no longer, show interest in, take it easy, become interested in, plain looks(2)Text:

Grown-ups like cartoons, too.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text.

(2)Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.

(3)Learn the words and phrases from the context.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key vocabulary.

2. Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Step I Key Vocabulary

Say the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

Read the title Grown-ups like cartoons, too. To the class. Ask, what do you think the article is about? Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.

Ask students to answer the five questions. But don’t look at the reading text.

Instead, they use their background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As students work, walk around, looking at their progress.

When most students finish the task, ask students to answer the questions with a parter.

Elicit answers from the students. Ask if other students have the same or different answers. Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their answers accordingly.

Step Ⅲ Part 2

Read the text quickly, then summarize each paragraph in your own words. As the students are doing this, move around the classroom to make sure they can do the task in English.

Ask five students to report their answers.

Draw students’ attention to the instructions.

Ask students to complete the task individually or in pairs.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com 亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com As they work, walk around the classroom to make sure students discuss their reasons in English.

Have students report their answers. Encourage students to use complete sentences.

Step Ⅳ Part 3 Point to the story. Look at the words indicated in bold. Ask different students to guess the meaning. Don’t give them the correct answers. Ask students to read the article once. Say, pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other words or sentences, you don’t understand. Read in context, guessing their meanings from the other words around them. Ask students to read the article again for comprehension.

Read the instructions with the students and have them look at the example. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Allow them one or two minutes to do this.

Check the answers:

Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Remind them to look at the article again for extra help.

Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a students to write his/her answers on the blackboard. Help correct any mistakes.

Step Ⅴ Part 4

Read the instructions to the class. Elicit the first answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.

Ask students to do the activity on their own or in pairs. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help students may need.

Check the answers.

Step Ⅵ Part 5

Read the task with the students.

Ask students to do the activity in small groups. Try to put creative and artistic students in each group.

Check the answers and have students show or act out their cartoons for the class.

Optional activity

As an optional in-class or homework activity, remind students to find some cartoons and cut out the speech bubbles.

Students can then write their own English stories in the speech bubbles.

Step Ⅶ Homework

1. Read the story in 2 again for further comprehension.

2. Revise the target language in this unit.

亿库教育网 http://www.xiexiebang.com

第三篇:九年级英语上册 单词教案 人教新目标版


Airplane n.飞机 Coach n.长途公共汽车,客车

Departure n.出发;启程;航班;车次 Lounge n.(机场等的)等候室

departure lounge(机场的)候机厅 transport n.交通方式;交通 set off 动身,出发 Nod v.点头

Tear n.眼泪;泪珠 Towards prep.往;向;朝...的方向 cigarette n.香烟 though conj.虽然;尽管 get off 下车 step n.步;步骤 geography n.地理学 physical a.身体的;体力的 PE n.体育;体育课 really adv.非常;很;实在;确实

neither pron.两者都不 a.(两者)均无的

secondary school 中学 present a.在场的;出席的 absent a.不在的,缺乏的 speech n.演讲;演说 biology n.生物学 lead a...life safety n.安全 过(某种生活)fortunately Disease n.病;疾ad.幸运地 病

drug n.毒品 Dress n.连衣裙 Spanish

Fit v.适合,合身 a.西班牙的;西班Glove n.手套 牙语的 n.西班牙have on 语 穿着;戴着 French

overcoat a.法国的;法语的 n.外套;大衣 n.法语

scarf involve vt.牵涉;n.围巾;头巾 牵连;影响

thick adj.厚的 training n.训练 size n.尺码;号 athletics n.田径shop assistant 运动

n.店员 society n.社会;cool 协会 a.时髦的;酷的 disco

fashionable n.迪斯科舞厅;迪a.流行的;时髦的;斯科舞会


either...or...logo n.标志,商标 要么...要么...;well-known adj.众不是...而是...所周知的;著名的 Debate n.辩论 designer Illness n.病;疾a.由著名设计师病

设计的 n.设计师,prevent


vt.防止;预防 advertising n.广medicine n.医学 告

suppose vt.猜想;dollar n.美元 假设 succeed relaxed

v.成功;做到 a.放松的;松弛的 show off eldest

显示;炫耀 a.年龄最大的 personality married


a.已婚的;结婚的 rule n.规则;规章 fall off suggestion n.建议(从...)跌落

keep to get married 结婚 沿着...走 couple n.夫妻 Rope n.绳子

diet n.日常饮食 Stream n.小河;溪 用心




adj.明白清楚的 starving

adj.非常俄的;饥饿难忍的 lead the way 领路,带路

fall asleep 入睡 valley n.山谷 peaceful


site n.场所 gesture

n.示意动作;手势 stick

n.枝条;枯枝 reach out 伸手去摸 still

a.静止的;不动的 woods n.树林 hillside n.小山坡 sudden adj.突然的 blood n.血

damage n.&vt.损害 cause v.造成;引起 n.原因,起因 effort n.努力 fifth num.第五 order n.顺序;命令 vt.命令 in order to 为了

Director n.主任 Smell n.气味

Discuss vt.讨论;谈论

Fever n.发热

Flu n.流行性感冒 Knee n.膝盖

Wound n.伤,伤口 Miss v.不在 Trip v.绊;绊倒 improvement n.改善;改进 oncoming adj.迎面而来的 couch n.长沙发 expert n.专家 require v.需要 fit adj.健康的 amount n.数量 weight n.重量 effect n.影响 cooker n.厨灶 shock n.电击 hit vt.打;击 glad adj.高兴的 breathe v.呼吸 cancer n.癌症 fix vt.修理 finger n.手指 basket n.篮子 bread n.面包 fork n.叉子 knife n.刀

lemonade n.柠檬味汽水;柠檬饮料 pancake n.烙饼薄饼

serve vt.端上;服务;招待

spoon n.勺;匙 hold vt.举办;召开

hot adj.辣的 roll n.小圆面包 Roman n.罗马人 Saying n.格言谚语

Cheers int.干杯 Plate n.盘子 explanation n.解释,说明 cross adj.恼怒的;生气的

generally adv.一法

般地;通常 Level n.水平over adv.结束 Certain blind adj.瞎的 adv.某些;一些 sensen.感觉官能 however taste n.味道


owner n.所有权人;fairly adv.相当地 主人

no matter bee n.蜜蜂 无论… officer n.官员 wherever course n.一道菜 adv.无论在哪里 dialogue n.对话 own v.拥有 line

everyday n.台词,对白;线 adj.每天的,日常nurse 的

n.保姆;护士 essential recite v.背诵 adj.极其重要的 role n.角色 tourism n.旅游业 row n.一排座位 quarter n.四分之servant n.仆人 一

bit n.一部分,一industrial 段


play the role of recent adj.近来的 v.扮演...角色 Arabic n.阿拉伯superb adj.极佳的 语


Typhoon n.台风 adj.印象深刻的 Importance front adj.前面的 n.重要性 nightlife in place of 夜生活 代替


Indian n.印度人 n.音乐剧;音乐电speaker 影

n.说某种语言的in the open air 人;发言者;演讲在露天(或户外)者

Japanese adj.日本period n.阶段;时的日语的;日本人期 的 n.日语;日本人 express Industry n.工业 vt.表示;表达 Trade n.贸易 beat n.强节奏 Achieve v.完成达ceiling n.天花板 到

fetch vt.拿来 Bright adj.聪明的 pardon Handwriting n.书int.请再说一遍



专心 raise v.举起 forgive vt.原谅 treasure vt.珍视;珍爱 stay in touch 保持联系 owe

vt.归因于;归功于 pay back 偿还 kindness n.体贴 patience n.耐心 gift n.恩赐 礼物 fair


model n.模范;典型 role model 楷模;行为榜样 Value

n.价值;行为准则 decision n.决定 graduate n.毕业生 shock v.使震惊 inside adv.在(或向)里面 prep.在(或向)…里 cow n.奶牛;母牛 dentist n.牙医 tooth n.牙齿 robot n.机器人




时间:2008-12-5 15:27:56 来源:宁夏灵武教育信息网



1611 讨论:


Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad




1.学习动词make的用法(make+ 宾语+ 形容词和make+ 宾语+ 动词原形)。


How do you feel about loud music?

Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.Waiting for her made her angry.情感目标:



教学目标: 1.能用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问事物对人的影响,或人对某一事物的看法。



Section A

Step 1 Presentation

Play rock music for the students to listen.T: Do you like this kind of music?

How do you feel about it?

S1: I like it.It makes me comfortable.S2: I don’t like it.It’s noisy.…….Then play a piece of light music again, and ask about the students’ feelings.T: What about this music?

S1: It’s gentle.I like it.S2: It’s too quiet.I don’t like it.…….It’s OK that different students have different answers.But it’s important to guide them to say out “make”.Write the sentences including “make” that they have said on th

e blackboard.Step 2 Discribing pictures

Part 1.Ask the students to describe something about the two pictures.Such as, “These are restaurants.The first girl seems not to stand the music.The second girl seems to be pleased with the restaurant.” And so on.Step 3 Listening and practicing

1b.Listen to the tape.Raise the question “What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants?” Check the answers after listening.Students read the sentences in this part and comprehend them.Then get them to come up with one use of “make”: make sb / sth + adj.According to the listening text, ask the students to make up similar conversations a

bout their own opinions.Step 4 Listening

2a.Before playing the tape, get the students to guess where they are in the pictures.Then listen and number the pictures in the order.Check the answers later on.2b.Listen again.Check the things that Tina and John said.Check the answers late

r.Students read the sentences and say out another use of “make” besides “make sb./ sth.+ adj.”: make sb do sth.Ask some students to make up their own sentences accor

ding to uses of “make”.Step 5 Grammar Focus

Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.Ask some students to translate them into Chinese.Ask one student to repeat the uses of “make”.Step 6 Homework:

a.Master the sentences in 2b.b.Preview the passage in 3a.第二课时




Step 1 Revision

Review the uses of “make” in the last lesson by organizing the competition about

sentence translating.For example,1.她说高亢的音乐让她紧张。





Step 2 Free talk

Ask “Do you like eating in a restaurant?” What kind of restaurant do you like to go?” Get the students to describe the kind of restaurant they like, including the size, the seats, the wall, the atmosphere.Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to look through the passage and find out the main idea of it: Restaurant owners have to know how to make not only food but also money.Tell the students to give examples according to the passage.Then learn it carefully.Make sure students understand every new word and every sentence.Get the students to say out all the sentences in which there if “make” and comprehend them.Finally, answer the questions below the passage and write the answers down.Students read the passage loudly again.Step 4 Discussion

Part 4.First, the students understand the instructions.Then discuss with their partners about the problems in the table.After discussion, share the answers.Step 5 Homework

Write a short composition named “ My Favorite Restaurant.”(Students must use

“make” in their compositions.)





Section B

Step 1 Revision

Ask some students to read their composition “My Favourite Restaurant”.Step 2 Lead in

Remind the students of some great advertisement.Let them say out the slogans of them, like “Anything is possible.Just do it.” And so on.Say, “ Almost every product has its slogan.”

Step 3 Matching and saying

1a.Students look at the pictures and tell what they are.Look at the slogans below the pictures and comprehend them.Then match each slogan with one of the products.Check the answers then.1b.Students make a list of three products they like and three products they don’t like.Get some of them to talk about the products they like or they di

slike and the reasons.Step 4 Listening

Before listening, look through the information in the columns.Comprehend them.Then raise a phrase “ keep out”.Tell them the meaning of this phrase.Play the tape and finish 2a.Play the tape again.While listening, help the students repeat sentences one b

y one.Finish 2b at the same time.Step 5 Exercises


1.His father’s death make him ______________(离开学校).2.The students were made _______________(课前完成练习).3.The awful movie made make me ________________(想要离开).4.Waiting for her ________________(使我生气).5.I like to listen to quite music _________________(在吃饭的时候).第四课时




Step 1 Free talk

Talk about advertisements.T: Do you like ads or hate ads?

Do you believe ads? Why?

Step 2 A story about ads

Recall a story we have read before: A man saw an advertisement list.On it there is a nice bike.Then he went to the store and decided to buy one.But when the shopkeeper showed him a new bike, he was surprised and asked “ Where are the lights?” The shopkeeper answered, “ If you want lights, you have to pay more.” The man said, “ But the bike on the ad list has.” “ And a girl is on the bike too.Do I also have to se

nd you the girl?”

Ask the students what they think about the story.Step 3 Reading

Students look through the passage and find out the main idea of it: the advantage

and disadvantages of ads.Learn the passage carefully.Raise the key points in it.1.be aimed at 意思是“目的是,旨在,针对”

例:The book is aimed at very young children.aim 意思是“目标,目的”(n.)和“瞄准,对准”(v.)

2.for instance = for example = e.g.(原自拉丁文exempligratia),表示“比如”,常


3.so that引导状语从句,可表目的,也可表结果。

例:They worked hard so that they could finish the work soon.(表目的)

He didn’t plan his time well so that he didn’t finish his work on time.(表结果)

so….that… 引导结果状语从句

例:He is so strong that he can lift the box easily.4.confuse v.意思是“混淆,使困惑” confused adj.意思是“感到困惑” confusing adj.意思是“令人困惑”

例:I feel confused about his words.These two problems are confusing.I can’t work them out.5.lead 意思是“引导” lead sb to do sth “引领某人做某事” lead sb to somewhere “引导某人去某地” lead to “通向,通往”

例:All roads lead to Rome.Read the passage.Ask students to list pros and cons about ads according to the passage.Step 4 Writing

3b.Complete the article using the information about two or more products in 2a a

nd 2b.Then check the answers.Step 5 Homework

Read the passage fluently.第五课时




Step 1 Revision

Review the passage in 3a by asking the students to sum up the advantages and dis

advantages of ads.Step 2 Self check

Part 1.Fill in each blank with the word given.Students do the exercises by themselves first.Then check the answers by asking some students to comprehend the sentence

s.Ask the students themselves to point out the uses of some words and phrases in t

he exercises.Step 3 Reading

The students read the passage and finish the chart below.Raise some words and phrases like “start with, leave sb a note, after all, forget to, bring sth with sb, make sb annoyed with sb, have a wonderful surprise.” Make sure the students understand all of them.Read the passage loudly.Step 4 Exercises

动词填空: 1.________(learn)English well can lead to a good job.2.The food at that restaurant _______(taste)terrible.3.When my mom went out, she _______(leave)me a note.4.Last week, I _______(have)a wonderful party.5.Soft music makes me _______(feel)comfortable.第六课时



Step 1 Free talk

T: What do you usually get for your birthday?

S1: I usually get a gift.T: How do you feel when you get gifts?

S1: I feel happy.S2: I don’t like all of them.Step 2 Reading

Ask a question “What’s the passage about?” before the students read it.(It’s about “receiving”.)Then comprehend the passage paragraphs one by one.Get the students su

m up the main idea of every paragraph.Paragraph 1: Receiving a gift can be difficult.Paragraph 2: A gift, purse.Paragraph 3: A gift, sweater.Paragraph4: Receiving money.Then learn the passage carefully.Key points:

1.buy you a gift= buy a gift for you

buy sb sth= buy sth for sb

2.pretend 意思是“假装”

pretend to do sth /pretend that 从句

例:You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.(Unit 5)

3.would rather 宁愿…..后接do sth, 也可说would rather do sth than do sth

例:I would rather walk to school than take a bus.prefer to……rather than….表示“喜欢…..胜过……”

例:I prefer to walk to school rather than take a bus.prefer doing sth to doing sth 也表示“喜欢…..胜过……”

例:I prefer walking to school to taking a bus.prefer sth= like sth better

例:---Which one do you prefer, oranges or apples?

---I prefer oranges.Students read the passage again.Finish 3a.Step 3 Homework


篇一:人教版新目标九年级英语全册学案及教学设计【经典推荐】 九年级英语学案及教学设计

unit 1 how do you study for a test?


1、语言目标 1)询问别人的学习方法


2、知识目标1)how do you study for a test? i study by ving.2)the way to do sththe way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法

3、能力目标 1)通过讨论找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难 2)学会给出关于学习方法的建议





make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sthend up spoken english practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary liststry one`s best to do sth 基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。

3、重点语法 1)how 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。

三、导学案 section a ● 例析导学

1、they also have fun。fun n.乐趣,玩笑 【拓展】 1)have fun 意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself have a good time例如:you are sure to have fun at the party。

2)have fun doing sth 意为―开开心心做谋事‖

例如: the children are having fun playing this game.类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、„and then end up speaking in chinese.end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以„„结束,以„„而告终 例如: the game ended up with a song.【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。例如:the end of the story

3、„„joining the english club at school was the best way to improve her english.the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: this is the best way to solve the problem.或 this is the best way of solving the problem.2)way 道路 the way to sw eg.on one‘s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: he got lost and couldn‘t find his way home.4、do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1)ever adv.曾经

【拓展】一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。2)practice n。& v.练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth.练习干某事

例如:he practices running every morning.5、i‘ve learned a lot that way.a lot 很多,非常

【拓展】1)在句中做主语例如:a lot has been done about it.2)在句中做宾语 例如: you have done a lot for him.3)在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级

例如: he feels a lot better today.4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

例如:there are lots of differences between them.6、she added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.add v.增加 ,补充说 , 继续说

【拓展】 1)add sth to sth.添加 ,增加

例如: if you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen.2)add up to 总计 例如: these numbers add up to 177.● 专项练习选择填空

1.the boys are going to have fun ____the picture.a.drawb.to drawc drew d drawing 2.i am sorry i took your umbrella _____.a.because mistake b.with mistake c.by mistake d.by mistakes 3.can‘t you see tom and jim _____football? a.playingb.playc.to play d.played 4.my english teacher was very angry ______tom.a.atb.about c.withd.on 5.his mother is strict _____.a.with himb.with he c.in himd.in he 6.when we practice english speaking ,we shouldn‘t end up ____in chinese.a.speak b.speaking c.to speaking d.with speak 7.let‘s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.a.will be b.would be c.is d.is going to be 8.taiwan is ____the est of china and _____the west of fujian province.a.in;tob.to;toc.on;tod.in;to ●句析导学

1.how do you study for a test? i study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。


例如: how do you usually go to school ? i go to school by bus。he makes a living by working on the farm。

2.what about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

what about „?相当于how about„?后面可跟名词、代词或动词ving形式。常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。相类似句子有why not +v„?let?s +v.shall we +v ? you‘d better +v.what abou /how about going boating with us ? 3.it‘s too hard to understand the voices.语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示‖太„„而不能„„‖,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so„that 和enough„to do sth 改写.例如: it‘s too heavy for me to caryy the box.it isn‘t light enough for me to carry the box.it‘s so heavy that i can‘t carry the box.4、„he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语 find +宾语+形容词 发现„„例如: he finds english interesting.不定式做宾语时,用find it adj.for sb.to do sth he found it difficult to pass the exam.● 专项练习

1.let the students make conversations about their own way of learning english, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it.2.let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a.talk about their ways of learning english.● 教学设计

本节课以英语学习为话题,重点是介绍英语学习的方法,section a 就是紧紧围绕该话题,以听说方式展开学习运用的。教学目标



2、熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。能力目标


2、能运用how和 by来介绍学习方法进行对话练习。教学重难点


2、how对方式方法来提问及by的用法 课型:听说课 教学过程 预习词汇

布置学生预习section a的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。课前朗读 朗读本课的新单词、短语等,先领读后齐读的方式,领读保证了发音的正确性,齐读进一步加强了训练,课前朗读可使学生快速进入学习状态,养成良好的学习习惯。





1)让学生根据section a中的1a第一人称来练习how do you study for a test ? i study by„这个句式,让学生根据自己的实际情况来进行模仿性练习。

2)让学生进一步作对话练习,展开小组合作,并讨论一下,这个学习方法的好处和优点,对how 引起的特殊疑问句,the way和improve等词的用法进行综合操练。

二、听力训练 1.多层听 听(1):通过听力,了解对话中人物不同的学习方法,此项活动可以更好的练习掌握本单元的词汇短语。听(2):通过听力,判断一下所听到的句子是那些。




三、对话处理 1.读前听 听(1):让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习,练习how以引起的特殊疑问句。听(2):听后,选择答案,也就是完成2b。听力结束后,先让学生小组内交流答案,再以小组的形式向其他同学公布答案。然后让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习。

以上对同一听力内容进行了辆次练习,该设计主要是在灵活运用教材的基础上,使篇二:人教版新目标九年级英语最全教案 九年级全一册英语学案及教学设计

unit 1 how do you study for a test?


1、语言目标 1)询问别人的学习方法


2、知识目标1)how do you study for a test? i study by ving.2)the way to do sththe way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法

3、能力目标 1)通过讨论找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难 2)学会给出关于学习方法的建议





make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sthend up spoken english practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary liststry one`s best to do sth 基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。

3、重点语法 1)how 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。

三、导学案 section a ● 例析导学

1、they also have fun。fun n.乐趣,玩笑 【拓展】 1)have fun 意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself have a good time例如:you are sure to have fun at the party。

2)have fun doing sth 意为―开开心心做谋事‖

例如: the children are having fun playing this game.类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、„and then end up speaking in chinese.end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以„„结束,以„„而告终 例如: the game ended up with a song.【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。例如:the end of the story

3、„„joining the english club at school was the best way to improve her english.the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: this is the best way to solve the problem.或 this is the best way of solving the problem.2)way 道路 the way to sw eg.on one‘s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: he got lost and couldn‘t find his way home.4、do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1)ever adv.曾经

【拓展】一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。2)practice n。& v.练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth.练习干某事

例如:he practices running every morning.5、i‘ve learned a lot that way.a lot 很多,非常

【拓展】1)在句中做主语例如:a lot has been done about it.2)在句中做宾语 例如: you have done a lot for him.3)在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级

例如: he feels a lot better today.4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

例如:there are lots of differences between them.6、she added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.add v.增加 ,补充说 , 继续说

【拓展】 1)add sth to sth.添加 ,增加

例如: if you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen.2)add up to 总计 例如: these numbers add up to 177.● 专项练习选择填空

1.the boys are going to have fun ____the picture.a.drawb.to drawc drew d drawing 2.i am sorry i took your umbrella _____.a.because mistake b.with mistake c.by mistake d.by mistakes 3.can‘t you see tom and jim _____football? a.playingb.playc.to play d.played 4.my english teacher was very angry ______tom.a.atb.about c.withd.on 5.his mother is strict _____.a.with himb.with he c.in himd.in he 6.when we practice english speaking ,we shouldn‘t end up ____in chinese.a.speak b.speaking c.to speaking d.with speak 7.let‘s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.a.will be b.would be c.is d.is going to be 8.taiwan is ____the est of china and _____the west of fujian province.a.in;tob.to;toc.on;tod.in;to ●句析导学

1.how do you study for a test? i study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。


例如: how do you usually go to school ? i go to school by bus。he makes a living by working on the farm。

2.what about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

what about „?相当于how about„?后面可跟名词、代词或动词ving形式。常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。相类似句子有why not +v„?let?s +v.shall we +v ? you‘d better +v.what abou /how about going boating with us ? 3.it‘s too hard to understand the voices.语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示‖太„„而不能„„‖,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so„that 和enough„to do sth 改写.例如: it‘s too heavy for me to caryy the box.it isn‘t light enough for me to carry the box.it‘s so heavy that i can‘t carry the box.4、„he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语 find +宾语+形容词 发现„„例如: he finds english interesting.不定式做宾语时,用find it adj.for sb.to do sth he found it difficult to pass the exam.● 专项练习

1.let the students make conversations about their own way of learning english, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it.2.let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a.talk about their ways of learning english.● 教学设计

本节课以英语学习为话题,重点是介绍英语学习的方法,section a 就是紧紧围绕该话题,以听说方式展开学习运用的。教学目标



2、熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。能力目标


2、能运用how和 by来介绍学习方法进行对话练习。教学重难点


2、how对方式方法来提问及by的用法 课型:听说课 教学过程 预习词汇

布置学生预习section a的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。课前朗读






1)让学生根据section a中的1a第一人称来练习how do you study for a test ? i study by„这个句式,让学生根据自己的实际情况来进行模仿性练习。

2)让学生进一步作对话练习,展开小组合作,并讨论一下,这个学习方法的好处和优点,对how 引起的特殊疑问句,the way和improve等词的用法进行综合操练。

二、听力训练 1.多层听 听(1):通过听力,了解对话中人物不同的学习方法,此项活动可以更好的练习掌握本单元的词汇短语。听(2):通过听力,判断一下所听到的句子是那些。




三、对话处理 1.读前听 听(1):让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习,练习how以引起的特殊疑问句。听(2):听后,选择答案,也就是完成2b。听力结束后,先让学生小组内交流答案,再以小组的形式向其他同学公布答案。然后让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习。

以上对同一听力内容进行了辆次练习,该设计主要是在灵活运用教材的基础上,使篇三:人教版新目标英语 初三 英语教学案例---不妨空手进课堂 背景

《英语课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨砺意志、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。教师应在教学过程中有意识的加以适当的引导,激发学生对于掌握一门外语的迫切需要性,引发他们学习的积极性和主动性,充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用。一堂成功的课,应该让学生自始至终掌握主动权,教师只是充当“组织者” “促进者、”“合作者、”“咨询者、”“参与者、”“引导者、”“顾问”等多种角色,最大限度地给学生提供参与的机会,学生的主体性得到了体现,自然就产生了求知和探究的欲望,也就把学习当作一件乐事。问题的发现与解决


师生问候完毕,学生在静静地等候我的下文,面对三十多双期待的眼睛,我一边暗暗庆幸备课时认真地钻研了教材,心中有一些底,一边脑子急速转动,想着对策。英语新课程标准不是强调要把课堂还给学生吗?我何不“偷”一回“懒”,让学生给我上一堂课。于是,我向学生坦白了我的尴尬处境,并与学生商量:“老师什么也没带,这节课你们来教我吧。”学生一阵惊愕,一片哗然,继而跃跃欲试。一堂师生角色互换、别具一格的英语课拉开了帷幕: teacher(故作疑惑):what we will learn today? the students answered together and loudly,unit1 < my new teachers> part a let’s talk.一学生上黑板写题目,一笔一画,极为认真,颇有老师的架势。teacher:who can help me review the words in part a let’s learn ? 学生们跃跃欲试,脸上抑制不住兴奋,他们也许为能帮助老师而自豪,也许为自己学有用武之地而快乐。我请了一位平时学习成绩中等的同学,只见他迅速地拿着自己的学生卡片来到讲台前,模仿着我平时的样子。先让同学们齐读一遍,然后将卡片的顺序打乱让其他同学猜下一张是什么?台下的同学积极举手,踊跃发言。很多同学还自然而然地将单词和句子结合在一起使用如my chinese teacher is strong and kind.we all like her.师(迫不及待):who’s your english teacher? what’s she like? who can tell me? ss: miss bao is our english teacher.she’s young and tall.she’s funny and kind.(异口同声)teacher: what about your other teachers? talk about your math/science/? teachers with your friends.学生积极讨论,有的准备用对话的形式;有的准备用介绍的形式;有的准备用表演的形式,花样还挺多。接下来的汇报让我一阵阵惊喜,也让我一次次震惊,我发现了许多原本该发现而没有发现的东西?? 他竟然是位朗读高手。开学半个多月,他从未发过言,上课小动作还不断,我曾搞过突然袭击,可他总是一言不发。今天,他破天荒地举了手,我有些狐疑地叫他试试,没想到他不仅讲得正确、流利,而且还不时地模仿老师平时地动作、神态,课堂气氛异常活跃。在激动之余,我不由一阵汗颜。教师不该带着有色眼镜看人,应拥有一双善于发现的眼睛。课堂,应给每位学生施展才能的机会——他们是表演的天才。let’s talk.课文下面准备地几幅图片都非常生动有趣。学生在短短的几分钟内排演成了课本剧,我不得不佩服学生的理解能力和表演天赋,他们把课文中地对话进行了扩展和延伸,将新知和旧知有机地结合在一起,表演得惟妙惟肖,他们不仅依托课本运用了课本中的语言结构,还自然地融入了自己的理解、自己的语言。学生在轻轻松松的表演中,不知不觉就达到了教学目标。反思



参考目录: 1.《英语课程标准》(实验稿)2.《新课程新教材教学案例与评价示例》 unit 7 what does he look like? sectiona(the first period)龙泉外国语实验学校胡玲 课堂实录:

在悠扬的轻音乐中,我开始了上课。这是一堂人物外貌的描述课,所以我用一个游戏“pally says„”game开始引课。

stepi.guidance: play “pally says„”game目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。rulers: if pally says touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm.you should do it.if it doesn’t say that, you can’t do it.if you are wrong, you have to sit down.the person who does it correctly is the winner.after that we begin to study our lesson.t: do you like miss hu? ss: yes.t: why? ss: because you are beautiful.t: thank you.do you like her?(图片展示)ss: yes.t: ok, i know you think she is a beautiful girl, too.and you like any beautiful person.today we learn unit 7 what does he look like?(图片展示同时板书。)step ii.teach the new words and new sentences pattern.the teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern.and then ask the ss to describe the classmates.先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发形,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆,同时加深记忆。在教学的过程中,我要求学生描述教室里听课的老师,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。stepiii.pair work at first the teacher gives the ss an example.then ask ss practice like this.a:what does he look like? b: he has short hair.he is tall.he is medium height.这样完整地描述人的外表是为后面能安排、完成任务做铺垫,同时能检测学生的掌握情况,以便老师随时调控。

stepiv.play a guessing game.at first the teacher gives the ss an example.then ask ss to describe anyone in the classroom.let the others guess.这个游戏的安排目的是让学生通过他人的描述,去发现别人的外部特征。培养学生听、说以及辨别能力,同时可活跃课堂气氛。

stepv.free talk: talk about any person who you like.这是一个任务教学,让学生描述自己的家人、朋友及喜爱的明星,增添他人对自己的了解。学生拿出事先准备好的自己最喜爱的电影、足球明星,在小组里轮流进行描述。然后在组与组之间进行资源共享,让学生在讲台上用投影仪进行展示。(通过这一活动,使学生在掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,能与小组成员合作共同完成学习任务,发展语言的综合运用能力,并创造性地使用英语表达自己的思想)。stepvi.describle and draw ask ss to describle “what do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.设计这个任务目的在于让学生能学有所用,想象设计一下自己20岁风华正茂时的样子,并画出来,让此堂课别开生面,乐趣横生。同时这培养学生的多种能力,让其能动手动口。stepvii.1a—1b 在学生掌握好的前面的知识的基础上再处理学习书上的知识,就化难为简,学生才能得心应手,同时让学生整体回顾本节课的重点内容。stepvii.motto 此格言的安排是为了培养学生尊重他人的品德,不以貌取人。stepix.homework.1.copy the sentences in grammar focus.2.describe your friend,your parent, your teacher or any other person,and then write it down in your exercise book通过以上几步的语言输入练习,让学生在进一步创造性活用所学语言,提高学生的写作能力。


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