
时间:2019-05-14 18:05:42下载本文作者:会员上传




——Suet ball I’m reading a book named Suet ball, which was written by Maupassant, one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world.He created hundreds of short stories and six novels during his short lifetime.As we all know, he is famous for his short stories, especially the story Suet ball which won him great reputation around the world.Suet ball was based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia.This novel tells the sad story of a harlot called suet ball.With several noble French on the carriage, she was on the way leaving her city for her at the point of killing a Prussia soldier.Though she was looked down by these people, she was selfless to share her food with them.Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer.The officer didn’t let them go unless suet ball agree to sleep with him for one night.At first, she was determined to refuse his unreasonable request.However, these noble people were so selfish that they instigated her to say yes to him, thoroughly giving up their patriotism.So this kind-hearted girl took their advice, selling her body to get in their freedom in return.To our surprise, when the pitiful girl needed food and drink after the torment, nobody among them gave a hand to her and they even ruthlessly condemned her “shameful” conduct.Suet ball had no choice but to hug herself tightly, sobbing.There is no doubt that these so-called nobles were selfish and greedy, for they only cared about themselves and wealth.When something or somebody is useless, they will abandon them without hesitation, such as suet ball.On the contrast, suet ball, one of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person.She not only gave food to these ugly people but also sell her body for their freedom.The most important thing was that she refused to sleep with the enemy because she regarded it as a betrayal to her motherland.She kept her conscience all the time while others had lost it in cruel wars.She was born in slush but her heart was pure.We can see from the story that everyone is stark-naked in front of wars.Don’t judge one person by his or her appearance or position.Cruel wars will strip all the external stuffs.Those so-called noble people were actually mean.However, suet ball, a harlot, showed her patriotism and remained faithful and unyielding.I think the author wanted to sing the praises of the courage to resist the enemies and the emotion of patriotism through the character-suet ball.And because of his successful describe, suet ball has become an well-known symbol for her faith and patriotism.

第二篇:羊脂球 读后感英文

Suet balls

This week I have read the novel<>,which was written by one of my favorite foreign writer Maupassant.In 1870, when the Franco-Prussian War broke out, the Prussian army took over the city of Rouen and ten people fled in a carriage.The identities of the ten individuals are very special.They are the notorious Mr.Bird and his wife;the big bourgeoisie, the provincial councilor, the provincial;Democrats and a nickname nicknamed “suet balls” The reasons for the departure of the first three couples from Rouen are different, but the plan and purpose are the same—these three couples will not return to Rouen.Among the ten people, the most inactive position is “suet balls”.On the carriage, several women who were identified with the status had a bad attitude towards the fat balls.They whispered that the suet balls was a social shame.The husbands of these wide ladies talked about money, eating and drinking in a tone that looked down on the poor.The carriage bumped the way for most of the day on the road.All cars and soil were hungry.Only the suet balls carried food for three days.Shepherd ball generously invites all people in the car to share her food, and does not care about the disrespect of these rich people before.Soon the food in the basket was split and people were free from the hunger.As a result, people's attitude towards the suet balls changed like a stomach.The previous contempt has become a close friend, and verbal abuse has become a compliment.The carriage continued to travel to the town of Tot, and it was also occupied by the Prussian army.The Prussian officer detained the carriage and proposed to stay with him for the night.The suet balls fell flat against the shameless demands of the invaders, and a fellow car was detained.In addition to the fat balls, the rest of the people were anxious.In order to achieve their own goals and to safeguard their own interests, the nine people tried every means to display their conspiracies and tried to oblige them.In the end, the old nun's “as long as the intention is good, and nothing will anger God” religious teaching has produced quite good results.The fat ball sacrificed itself for the benefit of everyone.The lust of the Prussian officer was satisfied and was released the next day.But instead of not being grateful to the poor girl, we are still avoiding it.The previous praise and intimacy became the original contempt and spurn.This time, everyone prepared their own rich foods.The carriage continued to move forward, and the people in the car took out their food and chewed on it.Only the suet balls shrank in the corner of the car and hungry in the corner of the car.


A really noble person

Maupassant(1850~1893)was one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world.During his brief life, Maupassant created six novels and more than 350 medium forms.His literary achievement relied heavily on his short stories, such as necklace, suet ball, beautiful friend, etc.As one of three “kings of world short story”, Maupassant produced a great effect on the later word literature.Maupassant won world renown for suet ball, which was his maiden work.Suet ball was created based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia.Suet ball, a humble prostitute, was the heroine of the story.In 1870, several French tried to flee from enemy-occupied area by cottage.Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer.The officer didn’t let them leave unless suet ball agreed to sleep with him for a night.Out of her patriotism, suet ball gave him a point-blank refusal.However, in order to leave that area, other French, the so-called nobles, flattered suet ball, prayed her to sleep with that officer.Suet ball was so kind that she made a sacrifice for them.Next morning, when suet ball got into the cottage, the nobles, who still smiled at her yesterday, altered their attitudes to suet ball totally.They stayed away from her, cast contemptuous sights at her, and even disdained talking with her.In their eyes, the nasty prostitute wasn’t useful any

more.Through the sharp comparison between suet ball and the so-called nobles, Maupassant put the evil, shamelessness, greed and hypocrisy of the aristocracy in the spotlight, and paid a tribute to the people of lower class for their goodness and patriotism.The so-called nobles were selfish and greedy;they paid their attention to nothing but wealth.So it was impossible for them to concern about the future of their motherland and national honor.When they can take advantage of you, they flattered you, served you like you were god;when they used up you, they discarded you like rubbish.It was just the evil soul that brought power, wealth and status to the nobles.However, suet ball, the prostitute of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person.She returned good for evil: though the nobles humiliated her, she still shared her food with them.She refused to sleep with that officer, because she thought it was a betrayal of her motherland to sell her body to enemy.At that critical time, suet ball showed her patriotism and national honor.To help her compatriots, she would rather sacrifice herself.Suet ball was humbly born, but her soul was noble.In my opinion, the several nobles were disgusting, humble, no matter how much wealth they had, how powerful they were.Suet ball was noble and gracious, though she was a prostitute.Suet ball

helped me to realize that a man with a noble soul is a real noble person.



Suet ball is a hero to live in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes.Different authors to describe her as a positive character, and with a group of “gentleman” as the person's upper-class bourgeois figures for comparison, which reveals the appearance of pretend, the selfish and hypocritical patriotism even the most basic are certainly No deposit dirty mind.I was particularly impressed that the identity of those with a noble person before and after the interests of the great changes in attitude.When the count of those noble, rich suet ball bosses need help to the detained military officers from Germany, they “amiable.跟她讲calmly reason, touched with the feelings of her, very attentive to compliment her, love her to discuss.praised the sacrifices she will help us all very busy, we would be grateful to her how.”Then, when the ball did not make use of the value of suet, and these people“ as if by prior agreement to swap the other way round, it seems like she did not see.”noble Count roll up his wife, “She might be able to avoid much of the” arrogance of the boss's wife to “stare at her,” “We all are far away from her, and as her skirts like with any infectious diseases.” concise language, a strong contrast to the identity of those with noble benevolence of people pretending to leave, hypocritical affectation and accurate portrait of such a profound manner, the elegance of these people, Yong-rong appearance under cover to expose the ugly face of relentless out so that the reader can not help each of us give a snort of these hypocrites.Maupassant's novel reveals humanity美与丑.When we described that in their世态炎凉, weak social relationships sad at the same time, will naturally think of their own.We are now in the 19th century, social and of course a far cry from the French society, but from those who leave jen Maupassant described the hypocrites who pretend, and that is absolutely merciless, full of bourgeois society hierarchy, made us feeling among people in good faith, how the value of treatment!Full of mutual love and help each other how the social atmosphere of warmth!We are lucky, we do not live in Maupassant described the kind of hierarchy, only the interests of the people are far apart in a sad society.But if we do not know how to treasure them, all to get along with others wearing “masks” of doing things have been wondering whether or not profitable, then surrounded by the Cities around us will also be变淡, in the end we will also live in a cold world.If you planted the seeds of false, it may only be the fruit of薄情寡义.After all, treat people with sincerity is mutual.Will work sincerely to really harvest.I believe in good faith towards each side of the talent will be the happiest, and that you are a small community will be the warmest.Each composed of small community where a large community.Master Maupassant castigate bourgeois hierarchy and cold interpersonal relationships, a correct call on the passion of the society? As long as each of us strive to create a warm small community, it will not even into a bright, beautiful world of passion.Wearing a mask, consisting mainly of a pecuniary interest in interpersonal relationships is suffocating even feel terrible, and we sincerely need to reduce barriers to treatment with the sincerity of friends, such a social environment can people think of warm, like a big family 老人与海英文版读后感

the Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world.Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro.But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens.And now I

remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.My first impression of this story was from screen.It's long long ago, maybe before I can read english books.I don't remember which movie edition I had seen.But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume.I was very favor of a section of music in its balls.It's pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird.Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the he-ro-in-e,though I didn't think she's beautiful.But she's smart.However, I didn't pay much attention to the plot.I thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored.By now, I haven't read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either.I owe it to my prejudice.In fact, I didn't understand the story at that time.I didn't know why it called Pride and Prejudice.Of course someone was pride, but I didn't find where' s the prejudice.I thought it's normal, the way people treated each other in that.I considered prejudice would be very disgusting.But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length.Now, I think I have understood more about it.I'm a prejudiced person so I can't find where's wrong.I merely like to do the things I like.Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.1952年,海明威发表了中篇小说《老人与海》:老渔夫桑地亚哥在海上连续84天没有捕到鱼。起初,有一个叫曼诺林的男孩跟他一道出海,可是过了40天还没有钓到鱼,孩子就被父母安排到另一条船上去了,因为他们认为孩子跟着老头不会交好运。第85天,老头儿一清早就把船划出很远,他出乎意料地钓到了一条比船还大的马林鱼。老头儿和这条鱼周旋了两天,终于叉中了它。但受伤的鱼在海上留下了一道腥踪,引来无数鲨鱼的争抢,老人奋力与鲨鱼搏斗,但回到海港时,马林鱼只剩下一副巨大的骨架,老人也精疲力尽地一头栽倒在陆地上。孩子来看老头儿,他认为桑地亚哥没有被打败。那天下午,桑地亚哥在茅棚中睡着了,梦中他见到了狮子。“一个人并不是生来要被打败的。你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。”这是圣地亚哥的生活信念,也是《老人与海》中作者要表明的思想。通过桑地亚哥的形象,作者热情地赞颂了人类面对艰难困苦时所显示的坚不可摧的精神力量。孩子准备和老人再度出海,他要学会老人的一切“本领”,这象征着人类这种“打不败”的精神将代代相传。





——Suet ball I’m reading a book named Suet ball, which was written by Maupassant, one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world.He created hundreds of short stories and six novels during his short lifetime.As we all know, he is famous for his short stories, especially the story Suet ball which won him great reputation around the world.Suet ball was based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia.This novel tells the sad story of a harlot called suet ball.With several noble French on the carriage, she was on the way leaving her city for her at the point of killing a Prussia soldier.Though she was looked down by these people, she was selfless to share her food with them.Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer.The officer didn’t let them go unless suet ball agree to sleep with him for one night.At first, she was determined to refuse his unreasonable request.However, these noble people were so selfish that they instigated her to say yes to him, thoroughly giving up their patriotism.So this kind-hearted girl took their advice, selling her body to get in their freedom in return.To our surprise, when the pitiful girl needed food and drink after the torment, nobody among them gave a hand to her and they even

ruthlessly condemned her “shameful” conduct.Suet ball had no choice but to hug herself tightly, sobbing.There is no doubt that these so-called nobles were selfish and greedy, for they only cared about themselves and wealth.When something or somebody is useless, they will abandon them without hesitation, such as suet ball.On the contrast, suet ball, one of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person.She not only gave food to these ugly people but also sell her body for their freedom.The most important thing was that she refused to sleep with the enemy because she regarded it as a betrayal to her motherland.She kept her conscience all the time while others had lost it in cruel wars.She was born in slush but her heart was pure.We can see from the story that everyone is stark-naked in front of wars.Don’t judge one person by his or her appearance or position.Cruel wars will strip all the external stuffs.Those so-called noble people were actually mean.However, suet ball, a harlot, showed her patriotism and remained faithful and unyielding.I think the author wanted to sing the praises of the courage to resist the enemies and the emotion of patriotism through the character-suet ball.And because of his successful describe, suet ball has become an well-known symbol for her faith and patriotism.



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